Ultimate Settings Guide - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pestilion welcome to the escape from tarkov video in this video i'm covering all my settings shortcuts uh and some little like tips and tricks i guess for keyboards and that that might be able to be a little bit more helpful for you um and yeah i get this question a lot about all my whole all my uh my graphic settings and and sensitivities and all that stuff so um hopefully by the end of this video you'll understand why i have them set to certain ways and um yeah how to have the most god-tier settings in all escape from target for all those meta builds out there so guys without further ado let's crack straight into it [Music] so first up i want to cover hardware now i'm going to tell my current computer and what i used to use when i first started playing this game with tarkov and the differences in between so um my current computer is an i9 9900k i have 64 gig of ram a 2080 ti and i use an m2 drive now when i first started playing escape from tarkov i used a i7 7700 i had 16 gig of ram i used a 1070 and i had an m2 drive so the differences between both of them honestly wasn't much um i upgraded from a a 1070 to a 1080 ti and then to a 2080 ti and notice that nearly zero difference in uh the graphics performance it was like probably a little bit of a step up maybe like 10 percent gone from the 1070 to the 1080 ti and nearly no difference between the 28 s180 ti and the 1080 ti so if you've got say a 1070 you're probably pretty sweet or something that works around the same performance and graphics cards are getting a lot cheaper particularly on the higher end so if you can get your hands on or is it like a 30 70 or something or even just like a 26 year 2060 would run this game perfectly fine uh and i know there's a lot around that bracket of uh graphics cards you do have an older gen 1070 was about where i started with escaping targets and it worked perfectly fine same with the 7700 scraping tackle is very cpu and ram heavy so if you can get a 7700 something in the i7 category or better um that will probably be the biggest improvement in your fps and experience but the biggest one i want to point out is the m2 drive loading in an escaping target can be quite brutal if you don't have this game on an m2 drive i'd highly recommend if you can get yourself an ssd or an m2 drive and get away from the starter and this is with every game um and including windows i would have it on a as a solid state drive or an m2 uh it just has the biggest in my opinion the biggest improvement in uh gaming experience because you don't want to sit on loading screens it's frustrating and it's time it's your time your time as for um my keyboard i use the corsair k95 keyboard and i use a logitech g903 mouse's masses micey's uh all personal preference uh it looks like this one for me but uh if i was gonna switch to anything i'd probably switch the logitech g pro wireless or something they all use the same sensors they all use the same lasers and stuff like that so there's not really a big difference besides weight and and feel and what kind of grip you have in that so not really you can do it much anymore but the best thing i did was i went to a convention i think it was pax australia and then i went and went into all the booths and figure out which mouse or top of my house that worked the best with my hand um obviously in the current state of the world it's not as easy but um try and look at the videos out there which mouse works best for you overall though these are my hardware hardware um most of the upgrades i had was both mostly around trying to have the best streaming experience and the stream quality and but really 16 giga ram you're gonna be pretty sweet anything under 16 giga ram it's gonna get pretty rough for it for your experience on tarkov and a i7 processor would prove ideal um i don't know the amd equivalents but um something around the i7 will be pretty sweet for escaping target so from there let's get across to the settings all right so starting with the game settings um this is all pretty much default for me uh there's a couple of small changes i've had the quick slots and all this stuff i leave it all pretty much default it's a really a personal preference but i'll quickly cover what they'll do so main background menu you can have it the factory or the woods it means it's the green background or the grayish background for the quick slots that's the bar down the bottom where you have your uh your number keys to to be able to use your health meds and stuff the autohide what autohide means is when you use it you know it'll pop up and then it'll fade away again if you have it always showing you can have it always up and not so some people might want to leave this one always hidden if they're doing like cinematic filming and they want to make it look like really you know cinematic and immersive and some people might want to have it all the way up all the time if you really want to play meta play styles i'd probably have them always on so then that way you can actually see exactly what's going on all the time you might see me scrolling my mouse from time to time and down the bottom side over there um like it'll just see where i'm at with like stamina and stuff like that so that's probably the easiest way if you want to avoid having the the need to do that and then you could leave that on always shine but personally i don't have them on i just live it on auto the healthy color scheme that shows the exact same health in the health screen as it does at the top uh top left-hand side of your screen when you get shot at or you're hurt you can have it either monochrome which means it's just like a grayish color and it goes to black otherwise you have it colored and it shows you like it's on the hell screen highlight available operations that's when you like got a bit of ammunition and you try to drag it somewhere it'll say if there's room in an ammo box or in your rig to be able to put it in i like that i think it's a really good quality life think um so i leave that one on and set to everything now as for auto ram cleaner i uh personally i leave this off i haven't really seen any use of it being on i don't know if anyone else has had any advantages or had it work for them um but if you are running on a low lower tier pc say you've got eight gig of ram instead of say 16 or 32 try using it see if it does help but in the past like from the testing that we did when this first came out it did absolutely nothing now for use of only the physical cause button um the rule of thumb that we've had for this one is if you're using an intel uh cpu you have this on and you're using an amd cpu you have it off now i haven't done testing on that in a long time uh but some the general knowledge of everything i've heard from people this is the way to have it set now for fov you are going to hear so many different stories of how what fogs you should have it on people being like oh if you have it on the lowest you know you're more accurate with your your crosshair you have it in the middle um that's the best balance overall and if you have it up the top at max bob then uh you're going to miss all your shots believe what you want i've had it on max bob since i started playing tarkov and i seem to be able to hit my shots pretty accurately from time to time so uh personal preference go in there switch between low medium and high i'll have like imagery in the background right now showing you what the difference is and how much extra view you actually have it's like i said personal preference i always have one on 75 head bobbing have this all the way down for some reason games like to have it on every time you run around with the head bobbing it's just frustrating it makes people nausea and um yeah not not good at all so uh head-bowing have that off it just it's just better overall now for the graphic settings so for me i have my resolution on 1440 um it's going to come down to how you have your computer but personally this is the way i do it and i stream and i like to old tab a lot so i actually have it in borderless you can go full screen if you want to maximize your fps and um that's my personal preference there obviously aspect ratio is based off your monitor now the v-sync debate this comes down to how you want to play if you want to have the uncapped fps you want to have v-sync on in the game and then you want to disable it in the nvidia control panel you want to disable it over there that will make it so you uncap your fps and you'll have unlimited fps in escape from tarkov it won't be capped at 120. this comes down to personal preference i don't think if you if you can get over 120 on a map you're doing well uh scavenger's not the most optimized game so if i get 120 i'm happy there any anyway and obviously you need to have a a monitor that can handle um more than 60 hertz mine goes to 165 hertz so you know i could benefit from doing it that way but personally i just leave it on um just v-sync off in-game and i don't worry about doing it i might try and test it out in the future but personally i don't feel free to do it if you want to play meta gaming style and have it the most incredible you know highest fps you can possibly do uh feel free to do that maybe one day if i do buy a 3080 or a 30 90 and i want to go down that path um and haven't tried to have the max fps that i might do that now for textuality as i'm about to go through all the next settings um i want to do a massive shout out to veritas so veritas has a video that goes into real depth on all these settings what the differences are explaining how they all work and how much like fps drop you're going to have i'm going to give you the the i guess the cheat sheet and and just the bare bones of what they do and what my settings are and why and you'll hopefully understand what the best way to do it is for your metagaming style or if you want to just have the most cinematic look of escape from tarkov now texture quality there isn't a major difference in fps if you want to have this on low or high but it does make the game look a lot better so it comes out of personal preference if you want the game to look really schmick and it does make it look quite a decent amount better um you'll be seeing the images in the background now of the actual game uh it does it is worth putting this one on high quality um personally i've left it medium for a long time i'm now bumping that up to high quality but if you do want to just get that extra fps or two put it down to low quality and uh your game will look a little bit more trash but lack of better words but hype uh but it will give you that slightly better bump in fps now shadows there's two ways you want to play this so for shadows you need to look at three things shadow quality shadow visibility and then grass shadows now i play on the metagaming style for shadows and it really comes down to how you want to do it but there is a big difference from having these on the max so these are off completely so when you have shadow quality down on low shadow visibility down to 40. now we believe this is based off meters i've had multiple people say that if you have it set to 100 meters you see shadows out to 100 meters and therefore you know that the shooter born in heaven you can headshot anyone that's past the shadows um and then grass shadows gives that like nice crisp texture of shadows on the uh on all the grass or on a map like woods or shoreline you'll notice that a lot more in all seriousness having this down on low will give you a massive advantage because when people hide in shadows they'll actually stand out when these are down on low but when they're all on high and ultra it actually makes them stay in in the darkness in the shadows so it comes down to the personal preference i put this down low because this game is very brutal and if you want to just try and win as many fights as you can and have the best advantage you can put this down to low but if you want to put it up on high and have the game look really cinematic and beautiful go for it but it's at your own risk object lod so this one is about um how far in the distance stuff renders in now um i don't really think it's not really cheating but sometimes you'll get yourself in a position on a map where you'll be able to see fire into the distance and buildings and trees or something aren't rendering their distance and sometimes you'll be able to see people as well so if you want to play like for the best advantage put your object lod quality down to two um if you put up to the highest the stuff will render in uh at further distances but the problem with that is you'll probably miss out the opportunity being able to see someone so um i won't say it's cheating it's just that there's sometimes there's flaws in the led of the game where you can actually see people where you shouldn't be able to and that's because the led quality uh slider is set to low um so if you are wanting to play to the highest advantage put this down to two um but obviously if you want to have everything in the distance looking like it's there um put up the four overall visibility now this is the um how the far ground or the background looks uh in in in quality so you'll be on some maps say wood shoreline and there's a lot of details in the far ground so this is like not really the stuff that actually is going to have any effect on you in the game and anyone that's going to be running around but more like say you know the background footage of the appear being in there and all that so this one i actually have this one set to uh 2 000 because i kind of feel like that's a good medium setting for it um it's just so when you're playing the game it's not like just a gray background a lot of the time if you put this all the way down the bottom that's what will happen if you put all the way at the top you might be able to see mountains in the distance and stuff like that it doesn't really have much impact on performance so i just leave it somewhere in the middle anything so the easiest way i can explain this this is the smoothness around the sides of objects particularly when they're moving um there are the fx ai setting and the tia and then the taa high um from veritas's testing he didn't really notice much difference between taa high and taa but um for x fx ai and taa taa looks a lot better and it doesn't seem to have any negative performance compared to fxaa so just go taa for this one take my word for it or watch veritas's video you should all be watching this video anyway it's really that good i'll make sure there's a link in the description for it but um ti this is a setting i've had on since it was first added to the game about 18 months ago nikita told me to test it out and i just haven't changed it and it seems to make the guns look really smooth as they're moving and just anything moving in the distance now resampling this one it's it's if you put it down to 0.5 it will actually increase your performance quite considerably but it make the game look trash now if you're running on a really low end pc um feel free to put this down to 0.5 uh down sampling or 0.75 down sampling but i don't really suggest doing it unless you're desperate for fps everything above one is going to tank your fps i've tried to put this on mac settings and play around with this one and it just it might look make the game look a little bit better but overall it's just not worth it uh and it'll just make just take your fps so not worth doing it all leave it on 1x which is off and that's going to be the best for you there hbao the easiest way i can explain this is it tries to make the information of the image from distances look uh smoother and nicer from from from the distance however um it can make some parts of the map or what you're looking at slightly darker um and so the best way to just having this one is set to off unless you're doing like cinematic filming and um then you'll be able to just have it as a clear picture that you want it to be and will not run the risk of losing any fps from it as well so leave that one set to off ssr now this works off reflection so uh this is based on say you're looking at water there'll be reflections of um you know the sun reflecting off the water and all that it does look really cool once again if you're doing cinematics cinematic stuff turn it on um but it will take your fps quite a considerable amount to make sure that's off if you're playing for the i want to win every fight game style and it's tropic filtering for now just leave that off it doesn't really do anything from the testing that veritas has done and what i've seen as well um so don't even bother turning that one on at all sharpness now i've had this 1.7 for the longest time um veritas recommends between 1.0 and three i've moved this up to 1.0 just to see if it makes much of a difference to me at all but it's it's really how crisp the image will look from from distances and stuff like that um i generally haven't really had much success in in having this up any higher than 0.7 but i'm going to mix it up a little bit and move it up to 1.0 but uh yeah it really comes down to how you want your image looking and how crisp you want to look lobby fps and game fps now this doesn't really make any difference if you've got the vsync on in game and off in the nvidia control panel but uh i just leave this at max there's no reason why you shouldn't have this at max now high quality color has been added to the game more recently um it was meant to make the game look new look better but i actually haven't turned it on at all i feel like any of these buttons down the bottom are only going to tank your fps and um in in games that are like somewhat competitive or high risk um you want to make sure you have much fps as possible so i've got it off i haven't done any testing with it but i will be doing testing in the future so um for now leave it off and just go with that z blur the easiest way of explaining this it's it's to give that feeling that you have the gun nice and close and it's in your field of view so that the butt of the gun will be nice and close to you and therefore be blurry and then it's just like a cool effect if you want to having that cool effect feel free to leave that on but i'll just leave it off uh it's my preference chrome aberrations i would just leave this off doesn't really have any effect on the game at all noise this one is like a cinematic grain effect to the actual footage if you're filming some sort of cinematic stuff it might be cool to put on but for any other reason you'd leave it off personally if i was gonna be filming cinematic stuff and i wanted to have that film grain effect i would do it in the post um it's always nice to do stuff in the uh while you're filming in the action but um when you're doing this stuff in the post that you have a lot more control over it whereas in target you want it to just be the highest fps possible clean as possible and then you can make those effects later on and lastly i've already touched on grass shadows i would leave that off personally but it's up to you now moving over to post fx these are the post effects settings that i've had for the entire time um it's pretty much for me this is what works nicely this is the one thing that you need to go into a game and test it out yourself so when you're actually into a game you can go to visualize as a button down the bottom left here and you can actually play around with all these sliders and set them to whatever you want and um you actually see in the real time what that image would look like now if you play on a map like labs and factory solely and you don't play on any other map at all you would want to have a lot of these up higher and you can actually make it so the map looked really really clear um but if you take it onto an open map like woods or customs you're going to run into like these bright lights everywhere and it looks absolutely trash so it comes down to how you want to play it i play on every single map so these are the settings i use but i really don't like having these up too much um it might look like they're up a lot but they're actually not they're the main three that really make the biggest effect uh personal preference um and see how you go with that uh and yeah sound settings overall volume i have 100 uh interface volume i have on 30. i actually have my windows volume on max but i also use a mixer i've got the go xlr at the moment switching over to a new one soon and i can control my actual game volume from there so you want the game as loud as you can possibly stand it without damaging your hearing every single little noise that you think you hear that is probably an enemy so you need to be like really aware of every single noise that you hear around you interface volume is all that sound that you have when you're searching and all that other stuff you want it loud enough you can actually like hear the actual the actions happening you don't want it to be like so deafening that you can't hear people creeping up on you and that so i have interface volume down on 30 uh and the rest of them just off i don't have any music volume hideout and all that stuff final binaural audio it is better to have it on veritas also did a video on on the whole sound side of things um at the moment it's not actually working so when it does come back into the game um you should be using it but at the moment it's actually been disabled because there's been a lot of issues with that so it's a codec that's been ran by uh battlestar games have installed it it's based off the um the steam audio codec and they're eventually moving into the having that steam audio incorporated into tarkov but the problem is that it's really cpu intensive um so they have made out to incorporate it completely and that was the first stage of all the codecs they're adding now controls um i'll start off with the easy stuff so mouse sensitivity and uh for aiming and not aiming i've got a 0.38 and i run at 800 dpi this is a personal preference thing guys go play games like your main games if you play counter strike a lot or call of duty or whatever in the past and try and figure out what how sensitive you had the guns there and then try and mimic it across to attack off so then your muscle memory won't be as as uh as bad but the problem is that every time you put on a different armor or you know different sites and stuff the sensitivity changes so you i find that it's easy to have this slightly lower than what you would normally have in other games or at least similar uh because then when you put on a heavy armor it's not going to take it too much but then sometimes when you put on a random sight and it's super high sensitivity you're not zooming around like 360. so it takes a little bit of practice to get used to the target sensitivity side of things that's where i sit uh and that's where i'm gonna leave it as it comes for key bindings now the only key binding that i've actually changed myself is my discard key is the uk and the compass i have changed to the one next to the uk being the i key the reason why the discard key is the uk is so i can delete stuff in this dash really quick so i press u then why i can instantly delete stuff in the stash and then when i'm looting stuff and i want to just brace up on the ground real quick i press the uk don't have to move my hand all the way across to the other side of the keyboard onto the delete key a lot of people have this bound to on their mouse so they can just drop stuff really quickly using their mouse it's up to you how you want to do that one and then finally the only other thing i have so considered changing i just haven't got around to doing it is the reload now the reason why you want to change the reload key from instead of being r where is it down here somewhere so there is the reload and there's quick reload where you double click r now if you press r it has a 0.5 second delay on reloading because it's waiting for you to do the double click reload so what you can do to change that and i think it was slush puppy that discovered this or someone who old slash about it was you actually make it the quick reload just being the single click and then if you want to do an a normal reload you have like control r and the reason behind that is in in the moment of panic and when you're actually in a fight you just want to press r and quickly throw the mag reload as fast as possible without that 0.5 second delay the quick reload drops the mag on the ground so it's actually a faster reload in the first place and you save 0.5 of a second um because you don't have to the game doesn't have to wait for you to see if you're going to do the double click so then you doing that can actually speed up all your reloads from that point onwards whenever you're in combat and you can always go back and pick up the mags later on after the fight's over or you might get them back from insurance if you end up dying because the mags have been dropped all over the place then if you actually have time to just do a normal reload you do control r or whatever combination you want to do and then you just do a normal reload and you've got the actual timing it doesn't even have the delay waiting to see if you're going to do the double click for example so that is up to you if you want to take uh take that path i'm so ingrained in my my controls now that i feel like it would take me quite a bit of time to get used to doing that but i believe it would be the better play style to do it but that's a personal preference um i'd love to hear your feedback if you actually do prefer to go that method or if you're already using that method um because i think there's situations where you're like shooting at someone you finished the mag they finished the mag and then you're both reloading at the same time and if you just done the quick reload instantly just like you should be uh in that situation um you would have had the advantage of being able to get that mag out and in nice and quick and win that fight because you're actually a little bit faster so guys that is it for my entire settings the reason why i have them all little shortcuts and and tips and tricks for the controls and not keys and all that um hopefully you guys learned something out of it there is a video made by veritas that i i can't uh suggest it any more highly uh there'll be a definitely a link down below for it i learned a lot from watching that video and it influenced a lot of my uh changes in my settings a long time ago when i first watched it i think it was about four months ago when i first watched that video and then i also um i rewatched it before making this video just to like get my notes in my head uh back together so i could actually give you the most up-to-date information and uh and go from there if you did like this video make sure you do like and comment for the youtube algorithm it does go a really long way in uh helping the discoverability of these videos i try and update my videos every white or or thereabouts every second one depending on how much has changed uh to give you guys the most up-to-date information and this is a question i get all the time during my live stream so um i thought maybe i'll just make a video to give it like more in-depth reasoning why um so then that people can have the information there if they want it so um yeah if you if you like the video like comment subscribe and notification bell to keep up to date with the latest information and youtube videos uh and also um if you want to hit me up on my live stream any comments any questions you want to uh have i do stream on twitch every day of the week so go down link below give me a four over there getting talk questions that's the place to do it um i try my best to answer the comments but sometimes these videos get a lot of comments and it's hard to keep up to date with all of them so um lastly guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 301,096
Rating: 4.9571605 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: CnEnLdhU6Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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