ULTIMATE Complete Skills Guide Levelling - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pasteurian welcome to that escape from tarkov video in this video i'm covering a complete overview of every single skill and escape from tarkov covering from what they do how they level and if they are required for any task or hideout upgrade i'm going to go into a lot of detail on some but if you want to know a lot more detail i'm going to do a massive shout out right after we get right into it so um without further ado let's crack straight into it so i'm going to give you a very decent overview and you'll be able to learn and know everything about all the tasks in in a general aspect and format however if you want to know a lot of the finer details i really i can't recommend enough going to check it check out dashing dots youtube content i had a big conversation before this video with him to ensure i was right on point with everything he goes to like literally hundreds of hours on each skill to actually figure out the exact data for all of them and how they're level it goes into very detailed video so make sure you go give him a love it'll be right at the very top of my description down below and uh definitely go give him a follow i couldn't have made this video as detailed and correct without the assistance from him so go and do that now so now with that out of the way timeline links down below for specific skills if you're after that now before we go any further i really need to show you some of the other stuff that's going to help you level up your skills faster because it's going to make a big difference in how you level and this is why or one of the major reasons why you should be leveling up your hideout as early as you can because it's going to make a big difference in your ability to level up your skills so starting off the library over here now the hot air management skill boosts the actual perks of the hideout so my practical skill goes 42.9 percent and i'm fairly confident once i have the max party out management skills this will be 45 percent increase to practice practical skills now all skills have a different category the practical skills i'll show you in a minute and the other one is the air filtering unit which my physical skills get a bonus 57.2 percent um which will cap it 60 if i'm not mistaken when i get to max level hideout management now um i'll go to these skills right here and you can see under this bit where the physical skills are as you can see with the 60 bonus i've actually got three of them already maxed or close to six percent bonus and then you've got the practical skills here which also includes the ones down the bottom so that gives you an overview of um the the perks from the hideout and there is misconceptions of how it works it increases the maximum amount of points before the uh complete diminishing return effect so the way skills are leveled as you level them up in a raid um they will lose the speed in which they are leveled and then they'll start getting into a diminishing turn fact return factor and then once it's like in the dimension return factor if you don't level that skill at all for five minutes it then uh resets and it goes back to 100 so initially it starts 129 but it will reset back to 100 but you can level it up so say you were to um let's say run overweight and then you got to the dimension returns point and then you for some reason went underweight you dropped your backpack and you're no longer overweight and then for five minutes you did not go back overweight you didn't throw a grenade or melee anyone um after five minutes once you did go back to being overweight you could uh level your strength at 100 again until it goes back to the diminishing return points that you're at initially so hopefully i'll explain that well enough but that's how that works um and so now we should really get into the skills because uh there's a few to go through and i want to try and give you as much information as quickly as possible so starting off with the endurance skill now um this one is leveled by running or walking under weight and um you you'll get to your diminishing returns very quickly so don't stress too much about getting this one leveled in any specific way just by playing the game normally you'll level this one quite quickly um by leveling up this skill you'll have increased stamina you'll be able to hold your breath longer and uh you'll have less stamina drain by jumping at max level which is level 51 uh which is the max level for any skill uh you'll have 150 increased stamina and also it increases your hand endurance which means you can like 80s longer now next up we have the strength skill now this one is leveled by uh running over weight or walking over weight now overweight is when your weight goes to the yellow in the the weight section of like say you're 47 out of 77 kilograms once you get to that yellow factor that's when you'll be overweight you can level this by deliberately making yourself overweight going into a raid i'm sure there's a lot of guides out there telling you that you should be leveling this as fast as you can as early as you can you want the the secret in leveling this one as fast as possible level your just by playing the game normally until you have max endurance once you have max injuries then decide to put some focus into the strength skill you'll be leveling them up passively just by playing the game normally uh you'll probably get endurance maybe in about 500 raids you'll have max level endurance and then you can start putting a little bit more focus into strength by taking in shotgun shells or sash drives in your container and you'll level up your strength skill that way if you wanted to speed level it however um there's no real like necessity to speed level them at the strength over the endurance skill initially just get the endurance skill max trust me it's worth it doing it that way as for the uh strength skill it increases your jump height by 30 at max level you'll carry weight by 30 percent at max level uh melee strike power the movement speed and sprint speed by 30 now this is the most op thing in the game um i'm going to make a video talking about the strength and endurance skill and some of these skills in general at a later date i actually feel like they're a little bit broken at the moment and um i'm going to show you plenty of examples why and yeah i don't want to go into that right now let's just talk about how these level and and and what they do so throw distance on your grenades and the uh less than a drain whilst ads there's there's two other elite perks which is the weight of guns on your back and sling is not counted that is incorrect i'll show you very quickly right now on my actual character i'm at 8.6 kilograms and it has nothing to do with my my gun it's how much you weigh on this side here uh is counter so if i was take off my capper container it's now down to 3.1 you know if i was to delete the backpack it goes down same with this one but anything on the left hand side is uh not counted so i don't know if that's a bug at the moment that is definitely uh how it's working so anything that's on your left hand side of your body so on you're actually equipped not in your backpack he's not counted uh and i think that probably needs to change as well because i can literally take out the entire like there's no restriction of being overweight for me it's impossible for me to get to the complete overweight now that i have max level strength um and also the chance to deal a critical melee damage hit i don't believe i've been able to crit someone yet um i haven't done enough testing with it to be confirmed to confirm it and neither has uh dashing dot um and he said he's tested this quite a bit however i have to wait and see it might be we're just really unlucky but the 0.5 makes me feel like it should be a 50 chance i don't know yet now finally with the strength skill you do need to have it level three for um one of the higher upgrades you shouldn't have any issues getting that sorted um just like the endurance field these ones level up really quickly i've done some testing as well if you were to have max level endurance and then you were overweight with the filter in and you ran a full stamina bar you have about 12 skill points on a full stamina bar and it goes up to a total of about 17 skill points for doing four full sprints um whilst overweight with uh your insurance at max level so it's worth putting that filter in for starters 100 of the time that you're playing and on top of that uh the endurance skill and strength school are leveling really quickly right now so take advantage of it like well can't well you can and it's definitely very strong now moving over to the vitality skill this skill is leveled up by taking damage um and it reduces the uh chance of bleeding and also the chance of dying by losing a limb that doesn't play into account anymore but the chance of bleeding has been reduced or you you have a reduced chance of bleeding and with the taking damage from vitality the the whole thing behind this one is if you are on painkillers your in vitality skill will level up faster because it consumes all the points from the damage however if you're not on painkillers when you take the damage um i'm not sure if it's exactly half but half of the points will be going to the stress resistance skill and then the other half will go vitality so if you were to pre-med all the time your vitality skill will level faster if you don't pre-med then your vitality skill will level with equally with your stress resistance as you take damage in theory so um i'm very briefly touching on the stress resistance skill there but you do need to have level 5 vitality for the quest survivalist path combat medic so um you do need to put pay a little bit of attention in leveling this one up if you don't take a lot of damage if you don't die a lot um you might take a little bit longer to level this one uh and you can leave a bleed on for example and just let it keep kicking over but uh generally that's just taking damage i wouldn't do that personally unless you're really desperate and then obviously there's other methods that you can go to choose your damage taken if you really need to level it next up we have the health skill now this one is very simple to level it is leveled by your endurance strength and vitality skills leveling and um it's just that straight plain and simple that's why mine is max because strength and endurance are already at max level you will decrease the chance of fractures by 60 percent decreases energy consumed and like water consumed by 30 percent and then the max level perk is damage absorption which does absolutely nothing so there's no perk for that but this dehydration uh rate and energy consumption rate i used to also be on the metabolism skill it's not anymore so health skills actually quite good for that and then being able to reduce the chance of getting a fracture is quite nice now with the health skill there are two quests that require you to have level uh four health and level 10 health uh being healthcare privacy part four for level four health and when you get that quest you also get an apple a day keeps the doctor away which will give you two levels in health now that's two complete levels not not 200 skill points so um take into account if you are struggling to get level 10 or the quest athlete wait till you have level 8 uh health skill before you cash in that quest and then you'll jump straight to level 10. however with the increased rate in which you level up endurance and strength right now this should not be a problem at all now stress resistance i did touch on it before it is leveled by taking damage whilst not on painkillers so if you are trying to get the stress resistant skill leveled for the quest then you do need to make sure you stop pre-meting and that will help speed up the rate in which you get stress resistance leveled um it decreases the chance of getting pain in shock and also the tremor oscillations so which is the um the the red glow around the outside of your screen when you're uh taking a lot of damage for example now with the stress resistance skill you do have to get level six in stress resistance to uh hand in the quest to flint to take this into account when leveling up your stress resistance now for metabolism now this one is leveled up by eating and drinking that will replenish your hydration or energy when in a raid so uh if if you do this outside of rate it won't count if you're doing insider rate it will um and on top of that uh you no longer get reduced like consuming rate of uh hydration and energy whilst leveling this skill instead it enhances the food and drink positive effects and also it reduces the time of all negative effects from other stimulants food and water and that's gonna become very important very shortly with the metabolism skill you do need to get level three metabolism for the nutrition uh hideout upgrade so make sure you do eat and drink any chance you can inside the raid to help get that up passively instead of having to try and speed level it later on when you're trying to upgrade that hideout next up we have the immunity skill down this is actually taken into effect now that contests are into the game and uh it is quite simply leveled up by the end of the negative effects from either a painkiller or food and drink so the easiest way to level this one up is to drink a nrg drink not the red bull one the hot rod but the nrg one uh you consume that energy drink and then after five minutes you will get around about i think it's 1.6 skill points so if you wanted to you could go into a raid pop that straight away five minutes later or it'll be faster by the metabolism skill and the immunity skill but five minutes later at level zero on both of those um you will get 1.6 skill points and if you were to do that for 2 900 raids you would uh have this at max level now what does it actually do it reduces the negative effects of stimulus food and drink it decreases the amount of effect from the poison that the cultists do and it also increases the amount of time that painkillers are active on you as you level it up so it's actually a pretty cool skill to level but the big one about this skill if you were to get it to max level is you have a chance to have immunity to the negative effects of painkillers and uh food and drink so you could pop your painkillers and there'd be no negative effects same with um stims and stuff like that so big uh cool cool little skill there but it will take you quite a while to max level it unless you are you take in an energy drink to every single raid you do so if you do go to the point where you do that that'd be kind of interesting to see and uh yeah now the perception skill this one's very straightforward um the as you level it up you will be able to hear further um so at max level i think it's about 30 to 40 percent and then uh as you uh level it up there's that white dot in the center of screen as you move towards loot on your screen a white dot will appear to say that there's an item there now as you get to max level it doesn't matter where you're looking if you're close to the item a white dot will appear in the middle of the screen that's what the elite bonus perk is perception is leveled quite easily just by looting items so the more you loot the higher this level will go and it you'll be able to hear further and be able to detect loot um so it's a pretty straightforward skill you'll just level this one up passively and it'll get up pretty quick now the intellect skill um i don't believe that's actually doing anything at the moment but it's meant to increase your examination speed so when you press your mouse wheel down on an item and increases the repair quality of uh weapons i don't believe it's doing anything right now um but we'll have to wait and see maybe maybe in the future we'll be able to know more however it is leveled by um using by examining items apparently so um yeah like i said worth waiting to see with that one now the attention skill now this one is all about uh how quickly you can loot items so the higher level attention you have the faster you'll be able to loot stuff where it says increases chance to find a better loot now that is generally speaking it's not right it's the way it works is if you go to a safe for example there's like three stacks of cash and a bitcoin it will show you the bitcoin before the cash that's what it means by the better loot it does it all the loot is determined when you first get into a raid now the way attention is leveled is by searching containers or backpacks that are on the ground now if you're searching riggs backpacks or pockets on a player it will give you a little bit of points but not many if you actually want to level your attention skill faster throw the backpack pack on the ground and then search from there and you'll actually get more points than having it on the player now the charisma skill is actually leveled um by looting of items from either a container or player onto your person uh they can be loose on the ground so you actually need to loot any item onto you and you only get or you get more points for the first item than any subsequential item of the same type so for example if you were load a cash register you'd get the maximum amount of points for the first lot of cash and then everything else stuff that would have a massive diminishing return so say there's three of the exact same ak you're only going to really get a lot of points off the first ak now uh with the charisma skill it is required for a quest and you'll need to do a fair bit of looting to get it to the level uh required which is level 10 and that's for charisma brings success you don't need to level this one up for the capper container though so just it'll happen over time the benefits here where it's saying decreases merchants cash prices and stuff that doesn't count it doesn't do anything just ignore it and uh leave it at that now the memory skill this one's really straightforward so uh the memory skill is leveled by any of the mental category skills so any other perception attention intellect and charisma will level up your memory skill and so this one will just happen over time now there is no um rate in which you forget items that's been removed from the game completely but don't even worry about the actual perks that the memory still gives you but you do need to level up the memory skill for a higher upgrade being the library level eight it's also required for signal part four but by that stage you should really have memory uh already leveled up to level four now the next group of skills i'm gonna talk about are all linked together so it's the assault rifles the pistols the dmrs the shotguns the submachine guns the sniper rifles and the melee skill are all leveled by either hitting targets like hitting the actual uh scavs or pmcs or also reloading which obviously you can't reload your melee weapon now each of these give you an increased reload speed and increased weapon switching speed and reduces the recoil um so these are actually quite powerful particularly say when you get a say assault rifles to max level with the recoil control skill stacked up you end up shooting like a laser beam with some of the guns um they have nerfed this quite considerably on the previous wipe so um it's not gonna have as big an effect as it used to but it's still something that's gonna level passively as you use it so shooting enemies so when you take a shot at them you hit them that levels up the skill notable one is the sniper skill which mine's at level 10 currently and um that is leveled up obviously by hitting targets if you really want to level up your sniper skill faster aim for the legs and just shoot the same scale like four or five times in the legs and you'll have pretty much the diminishing returns from that right there now the one i need to actually point out again over this one as well is the uh throwable skill this one is not linked to all the melee and underbarrel grenade or all these other ones up here the throwable skill is literally leveled by throwing grenades and it increases the throw strength which is how far you can throw stuff and also reduces the amount of energy required by throwing a grenade or four throwing grenades now if you were to get um throwables to max level which i think one wipe i got uh it's about 27 or 30 and i threw a lot of grenades um if you were to get to max level it would have no energy cost to be able to throw it and if you were fatigued so out of stamina when you went to throw a grenade there would no be no like fatigue penalty to the grenade throw which way you do like this half-assed throw it just lays in front of you all right so moving on to the recoil control skill now as you level this one up it reduces the amount of recoil you have and it's leveled up very simply by shooting boards the more bullets you shoot the faster this will level up if you're shooting full auto primarily you'll level this one up a lot faster um and there is one other caveat to it particular guns have better rates in which they level this now i know the video is quite old but um i did a video a long time ago and i think i was using an ak i think deadly slob did one as well he's using like an aks74u and depends on which gun you use is uh how many points you get per bullet um and i remember seeing a video at some point this is a long time ago and someone worked out that if you would go into a raid and just shoot off a makarov and just drop the mag and the macro of and just do that every raid um you could like cap this out really quickly but trust me you just want to play the game normally and this one will level up over time if you shoot a lot you'll have less recoil um don't try and do all the cheese methods it's not really worth it but if you really want to um feel free just thought it'll let you know that now there is no specific elite perk for the recall control skill um at least i don't believe so in the last white but it used to be 30 i actually believe it's probably gonna be like 25 percent now or maybe less um so i don't think i'll get back a little recall control this what but it's it's one of those skills that you just got to level up over time anyway next up we have aim drills and this skill is leveled up by shooting someone after your ads within i think it's two seconds it's somewhere between one and two seconds so you uh aim down your start you shoot and you hit the target you do have to hit the target um and this will level up your aim drills and as you level it up it'll just reduce the amount of noise it takes to ads and also the increase the speed in which you ads so it's one of those skills you can't really choose or do anything like that but you will level up over time now i'd be very surprised if someone does get this to max level but it's meant to have like effects on how quickly but how much reduced uh tremors and movements you have once adf wants adsing um so we'll have to wait and see but i don't think anyone's really gonna max this one out anytime soon unless we have a really long wipe next up surgery skill this one's pretty straight forward you use a cms or one of the surgical kits to heal a blacked out limb and it will level up your surgical skill if you have a fracture and use the schedule kit for doing the uh heel or the fracture you won't get any points for that and ultimately from dashing dot pretty much he says you want to do eight surgeries per raid will give you the ultimate like points per raid if you want to level this as quickly as possible but that's up to you if you want to do that um but personally one of the ones you're just going to level up over time and the perks are the speed in which you uh you do the surgery and also it reduces the amount of like reduced health that it gives you from uh from the surgery itself so the penalty from actually conducting the surgery so that gets reduced next up we have covert movement and now for this skill it is leveled up by um being all sneaky freaky like so there's down the bottom left-hand corner of your screen when you're moving it's like a little speaker and it has like little sound waves coming out of it if there's no sound waves at all covert movement is leveled up now this is the easiest way to figure out if someone is a chad or a rat so go to your uh overall screen right now go to your skills go down to covert movement find out what level you are in covert movement and then post that down in the comments all right i can guarantee you there's gonna be someone out there who's got like level 30 or 40 covert movement right now all right that is a rat all right and then the chad is someone who has like high level endurance and and uh and uh strength for sprinting around so much all over weight so um that's pretty much how it's leveled so if you want to level this one up faster just at some point in the raid just reduce your your movements people are scrolling down your mouse wheel or crouching and uh pressing caps lock and then creeping around and that creeping around levels up your covert movement skill now what does curve movement skill do it actually makes you quieter as you move around on each tops of the surfaces and also increases the speed in which you can be moving at a quiet rate so it's one of those skills that it actually is really strong it's just it's really annoying to level unless you want to play that slow cheeky breaky uh playstore say like someone like clean um you know he's probably got a really high comfort movement level doesn't mean he's a rat it just means he plays a lot more slower than methodical it's perfectly fine and it's actually um it's a really good skill to level so take it for what it is next up we have this search skill now you do need to get this to level nine for a quest called scavenger um and it's very straightforward how this one levels so as you search a uh body or a container you level up the search skill on the completion of the search so um yeah like i said when the like the searching wheel spins and they you finally finish searching everything you level up the search skill the more containers you search uh to completion the faster that you'll level this one up so um it's one of the ones that's going to happen passively as you play the game but just take into account that you probably want to try and level uh search as many things as you can when you get the opportunity buying cabinets backpacks bodies everything and it will uh really help out in the speed in which you level up the skill at max level you can search two things at once you got your body you can search their backpack and their rig at the same time or their rig and their pockets or their pockets in their backpack um up to you so you can actually search two things at once really cool skill to have at max level now we've got mag drills um for this skill i did a little test the other day i unloaded and loaded a 50 round mag at the start of a raid and i did that over a couple of arrays to see how much my major is leveled up and it worked out to be 0.1 of a skill point per raid and so if you do the math it's about 46 000 rates to max this skill out um so at the moment it's absolutely trash don't even try and level it just let it happen over time at the speed as you level this one up over time uh you will be able to unload and load mags faster and eventually you'll get to the point where you can actually see how many rounds are in a mag by doing the check mag um but at the moment it's not really going to uh the level up very quickly you can also level this skill up by checking the chamber if you the round inside the chamber is unknown and also checking a mag if the uh status of the mag is unknown like how full the mag is but you can level this up in multiple ways but it goes super slow i'm hoping in the future they'll speed this up there was a patch and it did say that was there with the magdrels reversing in at skill points at the end of rage raid or something so maybe they've made some fixes to it but right now this one levels extremely slow now for the last two skills being the crafting skills so the crafting skill has been bugged for quite a little while now but hopefully it has been fixed i'm at level 40 i'm trying to push it all the way up to uh level 51 and i'll explain why so the crafting skill is currently uh leveled by crafting a unique item so if you say craft an air filter this time and next time you do a scout junk box it'll give you 2.5 skill points per craft on the completion of the craft as well as whilst it's crafting every hour you'll get one skillboarding crafting um so you know a 19 hour craft gives you 19 skill points and so what you should do is when you go to bed you want to do long crafts and when you're awake and you can switch it up all the time uh do all the shorter ones as long as you can be there if you've got like a work from home job have it up on your other monitor and keep switching the crafts over the day you'll level this up in no time as you level it up you'll be able to uh craft stuff faster and at max level you can do two crafts at the same time on the same like station inside the hideout which is a big blast you can actually make some serious cash in the hideout and i'm gonna explain that in another video if i haven't already made that video last but not least we have the hideout management skill now the hideout management skill increases the uh effects of stuff within the hideout so i've got 43 bonus that max level will be 51 i think it's stopped at 50 um but the skill gets 51 uh and so stuff like your air filter and your library is going to help level your skills faster by having this at max level but the massive thing you should be trying to get early because those two things will make all these other skills level up faster so why wouldn't you want that done now coming down here it also reduces the rate in which the fuel air and water filters are consumed that's the bonus in itself means your air filters are going to last longer your fuel is going to last longer which means you don't have to buy as many of them make more money whilst in the hotel now i've been told that you do get one skill point in hideout management for every craft that you complete but i've done some testing and i can't seem to get that to replicate but like i said these there are a few bugs with the crafting skill um and maybe that's pushing over to the hideout skill or hideout management skill at the same time um but it's there if uh if it does go back into effect then that will be there and on top of that every single upgrade you do in the hideout will give you 20 skill points in hot out management so if you get a brand new hideout you have unlimited money and you've got max level and you can do everything straight away you would get 820 skill points in the hideout for upgrading the entire hideout which should be equal to about level 12 and a half so um it's already a massive boost in just doing the hideout right there and if i haven't convinced you by now to level up the hideout and get all this stuff going then i don't know there's probably nothing that's going to be able to do that to you so just take that into account um how the hideout management skill works now at max level hideout management you also have the elite perk which gives you the ability to add two more fuel containers you'll have two more slots for water filters two more for air filters and then also um you'll be able to store five bitcoins instead of three bitcoins in the bitcoin pump so it means you can go longer without claiming your bitcoins you can have fuel in there longer air filters in there more which will last longer and it just works better in all ways so this is another reason why i'm maxing this out because i actually want to make further videos on um particular elite skills and why they're so good or why they're so op um it's one of the future videos i'm going to be working on so if you are enjoyed this video stay tuned for that one because i'm definitely going to be butchering some of these skills and showing them how broken you can actually make some of this stuff and i'm not doing trying to do it in a malicious way i just want to make it a lot like people are aware of how broken some of these skills can be uh and that's the video i'm going to be working on probably in a week or two time all right guys so i have been talking for quite a while here there's a lot of information to talk about a lot of things to cover and hopefully you guys have learned something from this um there is a lot of skills in the game and they are really cool how it works to escape from tarkov and hopefully you guys have actually learned something that's going to be beneficial to your playstyle and make you uh enjoy the game somewhat more another big shout out to dashing dot go down right now please go give him a follow over on his uh on his youtube channel also have a link down there to his twitch channel which he doesn't show him as much anymore but he definitely does put out youtube content and these videos take him hundreds of hours to make sometimes uh because of all the research that goes into him and so i thought it wouldn't it wouldn't be uh right to not at least talk to him about these skills before i make this video because i wanted to give you the most up-to-date correct information in trying to help you guys enjoy this game and uh have the knowledge that is giving you the power to be successful and escape from tarkov so a lot of time and effort has gone into this video so please do like and comment for the youtube algorithm share it with your friends if they're new to taco and they're trying to learn more about the skills and they want to know more about sk from tarkov once again please go down below give dashing dot a sub on his youtube channel um sub and notification bell if you're interested for my twitch chat from my youtube channel i will try and push up to that half a million mark and then we're gonna be pushing for the for the stars and the moon uh getting to the million and uh yeah but besides that um i do stream on twitch every day of the week as this video goes out i'm actually going on a very small vacation with my wife um because we want to take some time to see some family and uh yeah but i'll be back very short soon so if you haven't give me a follow my you on my twitch channel please consider giving me a photo over there uh and we can talk about this when i get back um but besides that guys lastly i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 418,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: BEafr3-buVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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