How to Make Millions First Day of Wipe - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pastel and welcome to another escape from tarkov video in this video i'm covering how to get stupid rich immediately after a wipe however you can use these principles throughout the entirety of a wife cycle to increase the amount of money you make so i'll be covering a fair bit of things what you should do initially after the wipe um how to get as rich as possible immediately after the wipe and then how to maintain that money so you only keep growing it over the period of a patch cycle so guys without further ado let's crack straight into it so first up i'll cover what exactly happens with a wipe though i'll have a separate video going out very soon before after this one uh explaining what happens with the wipe and all the little things that you should take note of and what you can do and all that kind of stuff but um initially just to cover the basics is when a wipe happens you get sent back all the way back to day one week one of a of of a play through so you'll be at level one as well as everyone else and you'll all be fighting over the same stuff all your hideout will be reset everything will be reset and you've got to play the whole game again the cool thing about this is everyone's still um back to that starting point there's a lot of high demand items early on as people progress through the play through and you're going to use this to your advantage and i'm going to teach you that in this guide the first up the very first thing you need to focus on doing is getting to level 10 so you have access to the flea market the first thing you should do after you load into the game if you've had the game since at least christmas go into the website claim your christmas bonus it'll be a heap of extra ammo some containers and money and or just like extra items and that's just going to help you progress um once you've got that claimed you need to level up to level 10. now level 10 at the moment is at 57 124 xp however uh this could change with with the patch uh sometimes they wriggle it up and down so just go off we'll go off 57 000. now there's two major ways to leveling up uh early on and you can either do tasks and then progress through the task path through or you can go and try and kill stuff now i'm gonna leave this up to you but i'll give you these tips if you're gonna go for the quest path um do night time customs to get the first ones done get your kills done and then try and get away from customers if you can go do the jager task where you've got to pick up the item and hand it in and unlock jaeger so it's the mechanic task for introduction to unlock jager i get that task done do the tasks outside of customs initially and then go back to customs at night time to get the task done that way if you want to go down the killing path there's two options if you're decent at pvp or if you're decent at pve if you're decent at pvp this is what i suggest get in the factory everyone's going to be going in there to check out the expansion and they'll want to like kill each other in there there'll be plenty of opportunity to kill stuff as well as the scav boss now if you can kill this gap boss which we don't know how hard it's going to be he'll give a lot of xp usually between 2 and 4 000 xp um so there's really good xp there if you want to go for another option then this would be my recommendation you go into reserve you go straight down into the bunker and then you flip the switch for d2 you kill any of the raiders down in d2 and then you loot everything you can and get out that's it uh if you kill those say two to four raiders underneath bunker and you uh get out of that raid you're probably gonna get between five and ten thousand xp a run so um if there's no raiders down there you can pop your head up elsewhere or just turn it into a loot run get some gear get out start looting some task items anyway and some bar to trade items and keys from from the following cabinets and get out just do that over and over again and to be honest i might even go down this path i'm not really sure yet i kind of like the idea of just chucking myself in the factory taking a little bit of a different approach to the wipe those are the two options you either do your quest which i highly suggest doing night time or you go uh day time and or doesn't really matter each time but you get into pvp or pve mode and try and get your xp that way now one thing that i should note here is survival is really important so if you're in a raid and you can go for one more kill or get out get out so if you've already got a couple of kills under your belt and you may be a little bit hurt maybe got a little bit of loot surviving the raid will give you a heap of extra xp 1.5 times to be exact and also you uh won't waste as much time chucking your loadout on and changing loadouts and all that kind of stuff so you survive the raid reset go again even though there's that loading time um it will really add up so an extra few survivals early makes the biggest difference now that you're at level 10 or you're well and truly on your way to getting level 10 which really shouldn't take you that long if you use the right principles i've just explained here this is when you're going to start making money now early on in a while there's different reasons or different things that sell for a lot of money and you need to keep up to date with what sells for a lot there are some websites and tools out there that manage monitor the markets and and i don't know how quickly they update but you should be able to get a good idea very quickly by just watching the flea market for how much stuff is selling for now the objective or ideal objective is to get to level 13 to unlock therapists level 2 and you can get yourself a scav junk box as you start getting money or making money you should be buying scav junk boxes is and this is if you want to make it like if you want to make 100 million rules in the first say two to four days this is how you do it so you go get therapists unlocked to level two and then you're gonna uh you're going to want to buy scavenger boxes now the way you buy these scav junk boxes is this there are three ways of looting to make money so the first one is your barter items now if you go into a raid like interchange and you literally just run the back of goshen ollie and idea and you pick up every single bada item no matter what it is you pick it up and then you either use the no backpack extract or the car extracted the power station or emecom whichever one it is the raid shouldn't take any more than seven minutes and you get out you literally get out make sure they're still found in raid and all the items you loot you put into your stash now if they are items that are selling immediately for a large amount of money so these ones are your bolts screws uh nails all these kind of items on the first day will already sell for a lot because you need them for the hideout including um like spark plugs there's a whole list you'll just have to keep an eye on the flea market the idea is go look at your own hideout and then keep an eye a track of what ones are actually needed early on or you can use uh eft wiki to figure out which ones are needed early on and those items will sell for a lot now if you've got say something like corrugated hoses on day one they won't even sell on the flea market on day one you might you might be able to sell one every now and then and they'll want to won't even sell for a lot of money they'll sell for like 20 or 30 000 rubles however on day two three four and five they will sell between 100 and 200 000 rules so on the day one if you go to put something up for sale and it doesn't sell for much then just put it in your scav junk box uh or just waiting in your hideout until you have the money for those scave junk boxes then when you see that giant spike in value then you start putting those barter trade items up for sale and you just keep doing this run over and over again i'm not even exaggerating it if you do it right the bigger the backpack you can have you should be able to make on average one to two million a run and so you can do the math 50 of these runs at about five to ten minutes to run you're you're making yourself you know a lot of money potentially 50 to 100 million rubles so you'll just be banking in the the cash right here now obviously the back of interchange is a very uh highly contested spot when people are going to be farming this so there's another option you have as well and that is keys now you have two different choices on how you want to tackle keys a lot of people like the shoreline path because the whole village has uh well shoreline has 32k or 32 jackets in total and the way to get keys is three jackets jackets and following cabinets but jackets are better now with jackets spawning every key in the game on shoreline there's about 25 to 30 just in the village area alone my issue with uh shoreline however is the fact that to get from the village area to the extract if you spawn on that site you've got to cross the entire map and if you didn't spawn on that side you have to run across the entire map to get there so personally i don't like the jackets on shoreline so what i suggest is the jackets on customs now a lot of people will be like okay so i have to go to dorms one of the most highly contested areas in customs to get jackets well actually the dorms only has i think 27 jackets but there's 52 in total so there's 25 other jackets on customs away from the dorms if you do these runs at night time just purely farming the jackets and i would also get the hidden snatches at the same time so you can actually um you literally loot every single key because a simple key like 303 or 203 or 110 114 these will sell for a lot of money early on you find a customs key customs office key that's two to three hundred thousand rubles right there now you put these in your container and uh if you get yourself a marked key you might even be able to get a docs case early on if you go to the market room yourself and i think if the get the you get the christmas bonus you start with a docs case so um that's a big advantage for farming keys early on but you literally loot every single key you find in the jacket at the same time getting those bar to trade items and hidden stashes will make you money now if you hate customs and you're it's too crazy in there i'll give you one third and final option and that's hidden stashes right caches cases whatever you want to call them now there's probably three maps that i would focus on for farming hidden uh hidden stashes with customs being the fourth that you can loot but you need to uh supplement it with going for keys and barter trade items as well but just because of the the amount of traffic flow you kind of just want to go the ones that you know are safe to get to so the three maps you focus on is shoreline there are 40 on shoreline uh and i've got guides to all these if you want to um have more information you can check them out now go into an offline raid and find them all yourself so you know where you're going but there's 40 on shoreline there's 30 on woods and there's 18 on interchange now the reason why interchange is in this list is because all 18 of the hidden stashes are on the outside of the mall so therefore you can avoid all the conflict that's inside and just go around the edges loot the hidden stashes and get out and then you don't have to worry about you know running into players as much and the most amount of people you're going to run to is other people doing hidden stashes you know you can find out that pretty easily because you'll see him up ahead if you see it it says close instead of uh just being a normal open it means someone's already looted that hidden stash in front of you and you can start sprinting ahead to try and shoot them in the back as they're running up to the next one so keep an eye out for that so like i said as you get all these items together you want to put them in your stash you look for the ones that in a hot property at that point in time and you sell them immediately if if the default cell values say the therapist is say 30k but they're selling on the flea market for anything over say 2x sell them even 1.5x so a 30k item sell for 45 sell it anything at that point definitely sell it but if they're selling it like very similar to the actual value of the item just put them in a hidden uh sorry in a scav junk box for now and then you'll be able to sell it for a lot more later on now one final thing um i would highly recommend doing as well is when you go into a raid put your meds inside your container and then as you uh find items of value put them into your container you need to start figuring out the value of items per square a painkiller might be a four thousand rupees value but you find an actual cpu then you can actually sell that cpu for about ten thousand rubles to um to the traders as just a cost price then you're actually making two and a half worth of a painkiller by taking that painkiller out and putting it into your container the other thing to think of is try keeping track in your mind what items you still need for the hot out to upgrade so then when you die you actually don't need it to be found and ready to sell it you can use it instead for your own hideout for example bolts and screws are really good to put into your container early because you need a lot of them to get your hideout upgrades now really it's a symbol of rinse and repeat you're going to do these methods whatever you find works the best for you uh to make it as much money as possible now a trick right here that i'll teach you is another way to at least get a little bit less uh issues with uh running into too many people uh is you can go to the launch and actually play around with with which service you select because then that way you can uh potentially get a quieter server but early on in the wipe they're generally very busy but it's still worth putting multiple servers down in the launcher then hopefully you'll get an opportunity to get a quieter server in that rotation as you're trying to do these loot runs now after say the first few weeks of a wipe and a lot of these methods are starting to dry up a little bit um you'll still work out which ones work for you but you should already have a crap load of money by this stage generally if you haven't got a hundred million rubles uh after the first week of a wipe and you were focusing on making money and you probably put say let's go with 20 hours into it you're probably doing something wrong and it's it's either you need to mix up your your pathing or your your method or just maybe over committing to the raid too much don't mind like if you're getting shot at just run you don't have to take on every fight you can even avoid vice if you hear shots at power station you're running at the back of uh interchange and you're heading towards power station like all right there's shots back there let's go back to the no backpack extract and just take the most highest value items that i've got right here you don't need to worry about always going for the um for the the full and max backpack max everything all right so try and mix up your play styles to figure out which one works the best in making money but what i want to touch on here is how do you stay rich for the entirety of the what initially uh as you do this stuff and you've got a heap of money it's a lot easier to make money when you have money in tarkov a perfect example is using the hideout to craft items to sell early on if you've got a lot of your quest done and you've got your hideout upgrade and you've got a lot of money behind you you can upgrade your hideout and unlock some of the workshop barter trades and you can use those crafts to sell on the flea market corrugated hose on the lavatory generally sell for a lot of money like in the cost to to make ratio and even stuff like mag cases and that can sell for a lot too junk boxes will sell for a lot on the flea market and the cool thing about putting all this value through the flea market is it increases your market trader rating and you'll be able to put more stuff up for sale so big ticket items like um scav junk boxes even if you're only making say a hundred thousand rubles on a craft that's worth say i don't know maybe 1.7 million that putting that such a large volume of money through the flea market will boost your rating quite quickly um just a basis on how the trader rating works on the flea market it's based off how much money you put through the flea market not by how many sales you put through the flea market so take that into account the more money you put through the flea market the higher trader rating you get and the more trades you can put up for sale so taking into account all these things that i've taught you through this the main things i want to really want you to take away from it is um understand the value of an item per square so if you know a specific item makes sells for like say 30 000 rubles per square instead of the four thousand rubles item you had even though it might be prettier and look cooler or whatever you could just throw it and then take the higher value item per square it's a really good mindset to get into stop looking at it as a complete item so for example late wipe a lion might be only worth 90 000 rubles takes up six squares but you'll have like i don't know three items in total worth 150 000 so it's worth chucking the line for those three items that are worth more in total uh it's just a little thing you need to get into your mind and then also um using your secure container to just uh constantly make sure your highest value items post uh death are in that container to uh assist in you uh holding on to that money that you've already made um the last thing i'll say is i like to supplement my pvp raids with every now and then i'll do a cheeky just loot run just mix it up oh you know what i'll take a little basic loadout maybe an mdr uh big backpack rig i'll just do a back of interchange run you know i'll do it like every five or ten raids i honestly think this wipe um i actually want to take a bit of a different approach instead of speed leveling i got five cappers last one um instead of just speed leveling to getting to the end of it as quickly as possible i might mix it up i might start with a bit of factory do a heap of uh pvp and that gets a level 10 and then after that i might just do five or ten hours of just looting the back of interchange and make myself a heap of money get ahead of my quest items get ahead of my uh bar to trade items and then i'll uh for the hideout upgrades and then from there i'll be able to steamroll through all those levels super fast because i'll have all those items ready to go so maybe i'll mix it up this one i'm not really sure but um hopefully you guys have learned something something from this there'll be plenty of links in the description below to our other guides and some maps and stuff map genie dot io is a really amazing tool if you want to like know more information about each map of where stuff's located but i also do put out a lot of guides and you're going to see a lot of guides for this white uh i've got three editors just raring to go so hopefully you guys are excited for that anyway i'll finish this one up here guys hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you did please um take the time to like and write a comment down below uh really does help out with the discoverability and share with your friends that are struggling with tarkov might need some extra tips or tricks uh another thing is if you're into long format videos uh i started my pastory tv channel right now the duo series with red ops is going through that's a complete playthrough of escape from tarkov if you're cooking dinner you want something on the background you might want to chuck that up learn how i level up nice and quick and then also i'll be doing my rage season four up on that pistol tv channel if you haven't checked out season three one two or three it's a full play through from start to finish explaining everything i do i stream i film it completely off stream uh and it's me just talking to you guys on youtube explaining my whole thought process with my editors putting all the information extra information up on top just for you guys so go down to the pastel tv channel chuck a sub over there and then wait out for uh the next raid season that comes out over there but the duo series is a really great tool as well because you'll see how quickly we can level working together as a team to make uh to get as much items looted as possible anyway enough uh chin wagon from me i'll be live on twitch when this is going live i'm sure of it so uh go down link below give me five over there and lastly guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 258,872
Rating: 4.9358153 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: t1g5GaW0WzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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