Mario Party, but you win by losing

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mario party is a simple game where you collect stars ruin friendships and watch as the stocks rise but what if we did things a little differently what if we turn the game on its head and see how the game changes when the loser wins so i collected all three of my friends to see who can win at losing baby the name of the game we are all trying to lose if you walk past the star and you have the coins you gotta get it let's do it baby one okay three pretty good no luigi i'll take the two let's go starting off strong also izzy are you muted i am muted i'm talk i was literally i stand by it donkey kong high is still the best sticker in the game it's up there what do you think of yoshi what uh yoshi wants pretty great yoshi want is scarring to me oh custom dice is huge though custom optimal that's oh actually that's really cool i am so lucky at being unlucky i'm so scared of rolling high can we all gentlemen's not farm this loop right here yeah oh actually this is pretty bad because it opens the start up next turn whoever wins this mini game is in big trouble good job donkey kong i knew you were a loser wait so i won't farm it but can i go up here is that is that acceptable i think we should ban that path all right that's fine this is what we should do for crossroads you should have to follow the path that is randomly decided for you this one's going to be interesting no matching no matching allowed you allowed let's go oh god oh no i caught them oh no dude i am doing really well right now look at what's happening to my screen i'm popping off right now no i matched i bashed it oh man wait please i just want to die i just wanted no no no no no no no no no don't give me the swamp no i cannot believe i won that mini game while trying to lose but it's gonna be really bad they're putting it all right there for you i get coins i'm so scared i'm so scared [Music] oh my god it's perfect it's actually pretty good oh my god there we go here we go i like it here so what do we do about this one wait what is this one um oh we'll see [Music] huge loss huge loss oh can't you stop oh wait what is happening do i keep going i think you should finish the race you can keep going do we really not time out that's what i'm watching i mean here's the thing we're going to find out aren't we i say we try i'm going to try and push don't this is my strategy uh something tells me this game doesn't time out i don't know i feel like two minutes it has to timeout right [Music] five minutes maybe five minutes might be the next one well jacob look he's trying to get away he's trying to get away oh no let's go katie's he do not hit me is he do not hit me do not hit me we are actually gonna touch no no oh oh no what no okay so okay thank god oh he saw everybody okay so uh yeah that one and if you think that's bad just think about how it would feel to not be subscribed to the channel huh i mean you could do it right now you could huh uh yeah i'm just getting the hell out of dodge here i wish i could roll an 11 would have loved to land on bowser it's taking me this way so that's what we're saying agreeing like fork in the road you just go whatever it decides for you yeah yeah oh is that a red space island izzy is losing so well thank you i move two spaces and i'm in first place what is this [Music] oh here we go [Music] wait maybe it's not interesting at all we just actually i think we just put the controller down okay i'm gonna [Applause] we won wait no we lost yeah i'm just saying if you partner up with me you can always lose that's exactly what i want to hear down typing okay i can't get the star realistically i can't which is a hit oh i'm in trouble i think you just got to go all out you know what here's the plan this is not for me oh somebody else and i hit the red space nice nice nice i won the first mini game which was bad and then hayden then we tied and then kade and braden won i think izzy is the only person who's lost every single mini game yep let's see how long alright guys we know who we have to target we have to force izzy to win the next mini game wait how are you gonna even izzy you won us all a mini game you can win that's massive for me we didn't even make you win a game you just lost you lost at losing i mean if he if cade warps with me i'm just chomp calling it oh no oh oh my god oh my god it's just coins right oh oh and only six hidden blocks are terrifying now what is a lucky space oh man lucky spaces are terrifying there's no way i roll a one there's no way okay goodbye all right let's see how this changes the dynamics get out of there toadette oh oh this is perfect yes i'm so far away wait where am i the closest one to this you are right next clue no no no no item bag yes hey i'll take that oh you really don't know oh no i am going to lose my mind i i don't like this one stop it live oh god oh my god you get so many coins from this this might be yay so many 20 seconds left to gather more coins awesome the funny thing is that this mini game is double coins that is a lot of money and um uh speaking of money um today's video is sponsored by this name right here you're making way through a game of mario party and you just don't have the energy to continue on do you quit no simply reach out for insert name here and feel ready to take on mini game after minigame you can get it by can tub box or even in form of energy crystals in a wide range of flavors they also have g fuel apparel and gear like the shaker cups that come in their limited edition spiderman collectors box featuring the brand new flavor radioactive lemonade so click the link in my bio or go to this link on screen to get 30 off your order today think about it you can buy so many items now though yeah i just want to buy more items personally that is true that's a congrats from me thank you thank you that's me i'm lucky me i don't like how birdo pushed the chomp call in her little hole oh no oh okay dude okay oh this sucks no matter how you slice it what are you gonna do here okay i don't want to be here oh my god no way no way that's a nice looking bonus star right there kade oh no well this screws me okay brayden hear me out do you chomp call it so you don't get it or do you leave it there so birdo or donkey kong get it right uh oh oh wait uh oh wait if we if we fall off do they win uh nice i mean we can honestly we're just gonna sit here and do nothing so i say let's just run off the edge just to like speed up the process a little bit yeah just kind of look at where they are on the mini-map and that's what we're aiming for what if you guys get like a pixel in front of us or a pixel behind oh they're going so slow oh my god oh yeah go left hard left hard wait oh my god what if what if it's okay okay okay i was worried i was buried of course dude i'm five spaces away from the star and i hit these every time so like yeah you gotta do it i got a job oh is that [Music] oh that's perfect yeah that's perfect uh do i want doubled custom dye or do i want wart block i feel like wart block can save you in the instances when it was like cade i like warp blocks hear me out essentially a chop call and also i move first so i would even say my wart block has the most mileage oh okay well it's only one item yeah only one item but this can be crazy oh yeah yeah that's what i was gonna say oh that's awesome nice oh that's good that's good take my money please okay take my money but then i landed on a lucky space oh look at you go up there yes no sorry braden this is my path this is my domain you can't leave me back here like this is that the lucky or the koopa oh no that's nice that's really bad who has like the most coins oh take a guess bye bye a little bit [Music] wait wait wait oh wait did she uh oh what what does that mean do it finish me oh oh oh you want you want me to hit you so bad you want it yeah you want it oh yeah oh oh i want it i want it bad yeah this is what you want oh yeah [Music] uh uh-huh uh-huh come on man i can't believe this i don't think it's gonna function out of my misery oh here we go round two baby it's okay you can go fast if you want to no uh oh oh he's he's going for the buzzer beater oh you got five seconds jacob that's all i need i'm scared i have an interesting plan here i got a i got big plans coming up let's redistribute a little bit of that wealth bowser come on please don't communism i love the capitalist society we're the poor struggle please you know you can't go wrong and we're losing three more coins huge turn yep slowly making a dent and i got him right back this game is not easy to lose open a path open a path so that way if in case it comes to us huge yes what they go in we might first oh yeah right i think yeah oh oh no yes yes yes come on oh what am i doing oh yeah absolutely sorry oh well no okay kate used to just warp block so it's nice her hole is just so gaping yeah jacob it's not a fan that's perfect that's what i needed oh that's huge all right all right come on show me here luigi no nice oh my god good alley-oop kade all right come on baby you're gonna tell me about this the classic captain kids right here one one one the first star on the board well we're doing pretty good guys if i just say so myself oh oh no swim towards the side all right let's get out of here yeah he faces a certain way so we can know where to avoid it over here okay careful careful careful don't grab that point oh yeah turn that way turn that way oh do not throw a bag at this point oh my gosh oh my god that was so close all right we won that we won that yeah i'll i'll just from this point let's go i don't think that's going to impact the minigame star at all oh that's real bad i mean i'm warp blocking out of here don't worry oh happening oh my god if i move oh i'm just going to sit still i think you can right yeah [Music] wait wait i'm just going to sit here what is this oh yeah ggs oh you can roll 20 oh it doesn't matter no no no no hit the 30 coin bonus okay i think having a warp block has become essential it's better than chop call man and the chomp call dang that's good i actually i think this forest shop slaps because you can dump all your coins in a plunder chest before uh going to the start i can't even buy it i'm the one i am not gaming having money kind of cringe oh god not again oh uh wait no this is gonna be a thai one how about how about a gentleman we all pick one okay okay i'll go right here haha berto let's do a let's do a point system everyone pick another one never let me down this one oh are we all wrong well do you want to do oh yeah nothing on this one i'll do double or nothing on this one we can do all or nothing door that you've taken oh my god [Music] made it as fair as possible you gotta lose more that was a double coin you gave too like where who's coming with no no no no no no if no one messes with me here i'm gonna this is fine no it's not that's a happening spot ah that's not fine nice i think you're in the lead for happening right now i need to lose coins up fast uh [Music] i choose neither thank you i am rushing to the shop right now oh wait here we go hey there you go oh okay i'm going to fall out on this mat oh there we go perfect anyone with the chomp call can we just chop this star because this one is too easy to avoid this is kind of like squid game if you think about it i didn't think about it but when you said that it made total sense wait what am i supposed to do give me first happy first okay that was fun it's a tie wow how crazy you wouldn't dare it's a hit for me that is yeah that yeah that's huge uh okay it's taking me up here um another item weird i mean i i believe you that they just brought you up there but that's like weird guys you want to you want to kill each other so birdo wins no yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good idea that's so that's a nice looking dog right there we gotta do this carefully oh okay hold up wait i'm gonna hide find this pipe oh no and now we're waiting well now brayden you have a choice here you can take out your frustration or share the gold i'm sharing it i have too much money as is i'm glad that we have come together and decided that sharing is the best option i think sharing is caring jacob what do you think don't care i think i have a plan flip this just to burn coins and now let's see what i can buy golden pipe golden pipe dude takes you to the star takes you directly to the star oh i don't want to use that one that's like a last ditch effort to dump 25. oh there it is actually it yeah you know you not want to use it yeah if you have a right no money well you can join someone's work wouldn't you wouldn't no brainerd oh i can't even when i'm trying to lose it somehow makes me win if i hit this loop it's probably gonna take me back down again which means i get to waste another 40 coins yeah probably he's pretty cool that enough uh okay oh that was honestly pretty good that's good you know what i got something for you kade i got something for you what do you got there it is whoa there it is i got something for you too oh i'm gonna find that i'm gonna find that one oh okay i should have revealed my strat i shouldn't have revealed it hold down hold down one i would like to roll past the star perfect please don't give me money what 20 coins baby coins oh come on is that your second kade that is my third happening you know i actually do want the movement you might get pulled it's so hard man oh god excuse me to go oh that's a red space very nice you're finally oh wait i got to a shop i'm so proud yeah no i think you're making the right play here yeah what if i what if i get another plunder chest and you wouldn't oh we can push him oh no oh i almost had oh my god wait press it again yeah no no no that's very now kate has secured his mini game star oh man that was uh that was my fault um dropped my controller my little brother was playing sorry jacob's luck and mario party is without a doubt the most confusing i just have to do this we're good come on 20 coins maybe 20 coins i just got rid oh [Music] oh oh and then the you just get rid of the and then i just yeah you just bought yeah wow i'm so good at this you wouldn't you wouldn't so let's do that just like what that's like the funniest sticker have you seen yoshi what you're not allowed to look that up you're not allowed to wake that all right you're on the path to the star big man that's not bad okay i'm playing with that i'm fine with that the 1v3 i don't want a quicksand cash parasol plummet that'd be interesting okay gentlemen shake we all know how this one ends yeah yeah i wanted to jump so badly but after the reversal bomb oh wait last five turns we got luigi in last place awesome donkey kong in third peach in second and frodo and first actually this is such a rich get richer now because whoever's doing the best gets another item oh what does burton give you 20 coins could just be cool huge huge i'm back in business oh what a lineup right there what a look if i was playing this game legitimately my item loadout is it terrifying not be in third point 20 20 20 points massive huge even come on come on oh come on that is probably the most powerful loadout you could have okay he's buying a plunger kate is stacking it up yeah flutter chest i gotta do it no i would add nine more coins but oh well okay no now you can take another warp block and if you steal from braden it guarantees a warp block as much as i want to steal from izzy it i just think it'd be beneficial to steal from braden think about it i'm i'm out of the game right now i don't know how i'm getting ready i mean that's true though are you playing for first or you're playing for second i won't want to play for first this time aka last aka first okay that sucks that's good that's good [Music] this one is gonna be interesting oh it doesn't get we all we all chose top huh i'm going bottom i'm i'm alternating i think that was a mistake i think top was the way to go i don't think what if i drew a smiley face thank you for uh doing a smiley face oh i think top is the path i don't think i got a single um i don't think i think you can do top or bottom i just didn't realize i didn't go that far up or down yeah i i didn't either so i think i might have won that is that oh what are you doing oh my god i tried it [Music] going by the shop again oh that's bowser that's perfect oh it is uh what if she what if bowser takes all my coins uh we all lose ten coins all right well we all lose oh donkey i choose he doesn't realize that he's at him look at him he's being very helpful to all of us right now yeah yes that's what i needed okay cool i actually kind of didn't want that go get that shop again that kid is farming is that your first happening though i had no idea you could react to these i feel so foolish oh wait oh shoot now it's taking me up so i can't i can't go to the shop well maybe i have something to do with just the way the signs are flipped oh can i go you guys show you a funny glitch in this game watch a follow through if you just put your light on me okay yeah it's really awesome don't press alt f4 it's not a g code we could make like a cool logo or something yeah let's all try and overlap see what logos we can make okay this is way more intense than i thought it would be i like this style a lot it really just flips mario party on its head i do think that there's probably better mini game packs for this though i i agree with that also on on this path izzy even if it takes you up we're just gonna go forward on it yeah i know okay what the hell that yeah that's what i meant and disqualified yeah disqualified no oh that's not bad bad not bad that's not bad illegal we will all judge you if you use it okay [Music] i'm okay with that skeleton key give us a chance time i don't even know what happened you know what you have to do chance time you gotta give us a shot oh kate are you gonna do it i mean how could i say no the opportunity is right for this chance time you go right left [Laughter] hey we win yeah we win unless birdo goes crazy do not squish a little little guy it will not squish the little man don't don't do it don't do it well yeah now i lose it's so tempting is not fast enough he is not quick enough don't don't don't i'm so scared he terror he will never be careful i am so terrified of him whoa i almost went up i almost went i'm putting the controller luigi doesn't deserve this but i think we all agree that izzy looks very comfortable i mean i think she's disqualified because she didn't go up true i didn't beat you the game took me up we shook we gentlemen on it i literally said easy we're going to go straight and you said yep got it i'll make it up to you yeah oh oh no no no not like this this is fine what's the victory what why do i keep getting hit all right two two or seven two or seven baby no oh please oh okay i have to i have to i just gotta get only two coins my guy i'm not looking for a deal oh my god i don't i don't know what to do oh my god oh hey jacob where are you oh i'm going wait what are you supposed to not do you gotta post it the person that gets the most goombas loses so you wanna you wanna paint as many goombas as you can no no don't listen to them should i put my controller down paint look how sound they are okay okay guys it's really fun it's it's a racing mini game it looks really nice i'm just saying i could i could lick it press the a button once just to see what happens you gotta you've never played this hair be outward you're right how about we all have to press a one time okay one second wait one second one second [Music] wait i did press a but i don't think i oh my god i cannot win the next mini game if i win the next mini game oh yeah wait no i should have won that yeah oh my god i'm just now realizing this i didn't want to say anything doesn't do anything um is that is that cooper bank he oh my god oh my god wait it's lucky spot then it's only coins it's only coins yeah oh it's oh my gosh this could determine the game 20 20 20 20. guys guys i uh hit the one and three hit the a button hit [Music] still you know it's not over yet uh there's more red spaces from other positions so i will swap that's what you want to do wait oh yeah jacob's way down there yeah i'm right one space behind so close you know what there's a chance that's a hit for me screw it i'm just gonna natty roll it surely i won't get a 10. anticlimactic is that wait what is coin starting now 92 oh my god it all comes down to this wait nobody press anything just don't touch any buttons just hand who do you want to sabotage here me or birdo you know what i don't know if we win this right now luigi will get more coins than me and that's supposed to think about that i'll i'm gonna press i'm just gonna go in the house you know that's what i'm gonna do to the bush to you i'm going to the bush wait what do you say i didn't press anything then you're doing great all right guys i think i'm going to the bush i'm in my little house and kade might be behind the rock i think what what do you mean jacob do you trust me yeah you're yes that's why i'm selecting the rock do you trust me jake of course okay okay i'm gonna select the house wait wait i'm in that he's tricking me what if what if he jacob picked the house yes thank you wait i won i forgot i got in my own head i had three seconds left oh no that's no oh dude i i just i forgot oh no i managed to avoid it i by the skin of my teeth for god if it was my 20 coins i sabotaged myself so hard event bonus who's this trickery i'm scared back to me oh i'm last i can't believe fernando won donkey kong that's a victory apple right there ah izzy how does it feel to be the worst at all games dang what a game is he congratulations congratulations you're the best loser thank you i knew that one day me being bad at games would would win me something look i know what you're thinking it's so embarrassing how did alpharat lose mario party well trust me uh it doesn't feel great over here either but it makes sense if you sit and think about it because in reality i've never really been good at losing mario party and that my friends is how i plan on protecting my fragile little ego
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 3,613,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario party
Id: Aslx5Xf2FmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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