ULTIMATE HOME STUDIO Setup 2021 | Jordan Critz (studio tour)

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[Applause] when i started doing these studio tours it was it was actually a joke i was in a spare bedroom of my apartment on the second floor so it was not a studio it was it was a joke but i thought it would be hilarious to do like this overly produced cinematic b-roll of of my bedroom and then that would be hilarious but it's turned into this really cool journey where i get to go and check out everyone else's home studios who have really demonstrated the creativity that they have with the space that they have which even from the smallest rooms like this which are just one room to the studios like i went to in this video which are incredibly inspiring and super duper fun to go visit and see how everyone does their different setups for their different purposes and i am very very thankful that i get to do it's been really really fun and today's video with jordan kreitz is a perfect demonstration of peak inspiration very few of us probably have a setup like this but this is something that i aspire to like i i go through thinking about what i would want if i could have anything and exactly how i would design that and how it would operate and what i would want to be able to do in there and jordan nailed it his studio is freakishly awesome it is very very close if not exactly how i would want my studio to be if i had a setup like that so jordan is a very very talented dude he is a fantastic engineer he is a music producer a writer and a composer he's uh he's got a youtube channel where he puts up some of the the compositions that he does he's got music on music bed you can find him on all the streaming services but he's just an all-around super talented dude and amazingly inspirational i still reek of inspiration from going to this dude's house it is so so cool so hopefully uh there's something that you can take from his studio like i did i took a lot from it and and it definitely raised my my threshold of what i think is possible to do at home so if there's value in it for you then please smash the like button for the youtube algorithm if you guys didn't know i have a website andrewmastersmusic.com where you can actually go and book a zoom call with me where we can do consultations and literally just talk through humps view stuff gear mixing production whatever whatever it is you can literally book a zoom call and talk to me just like you see me right now you can also book me for mixing and remote drumming and stuff like that there's a donate page if you want to make a financial contribution but the best thing you can do is actually just share this video if you have a friend or somebody that you think would be interested in this kind of thing just share the video with them hit subscribe all of that really helps the channel and i greatly appreciate it so thank you guys for checking this out and let's go check out jordan's home studio all his links are down in the description okay let's go check it out so where did you get the concept for lighting the stairs like this aside from did you like fall down the staircase one day yeah no yeah i actually i had this uh i saw this staircase online that was amazing yeah it looked like this um and i also have it on a relay and so whenever you open the door it goes when it kind of flows down like a wave yeah yeah for me i want to feel like i'm walking into a spaceship yeah well every day um and not make it feel like the house yeah so uh yeah this is unreal look at this kitchen how did this come about like what was the inspiration for doing this at home yeah so we actually um built this house specifically for this space um nice you know having the basement with the 12 foot ceilings and natural light i've always been studi in studios where it's like padded walls and i don't know i always felt like it was hard to find inspiration when you're in like this dark cave yeah and so i was like man i want to build a spot to where you look around and every piece actually inspires you because if you have that and you give inspiring performances it just kind of makes the whole thing better um and that's why you know i've matched visuals and the projections so artists can see like something visually yeah that matches the audio so it kind of just takes you to a place that feels super inspiring yeah and then it makes my job easy as a producer so have you seen what's it sound city yeah it's like the opposite of that place they walk in there they're like why are we here oh my gosh dude that's so funny yeah yeah well you i mean this is by far the nicest home studio i've seen thus far and so you guys designed the house from the ground up construction everything we did yeah we actually found a builder in town we really liked his style and he had actually just started building this house as a spec home oh cool and so and i talked to him he was like hey there's this place it has a basement and i was like i don't want to be in a basement you know because it's normally like seven foot ceilings and he was like just come look at it and so we walked in they had just framed it and i was like oh because i wanted a room i could track like string players in you know do like you know 15 players yeah and um and drums and all that and so yeah this honestly just worked out perfect and we were like okay we're gonna take it and then we were able to change a few things from there so before you were gonna jump into this where were you working out of before um i was renting a place here in this neighborhood in the back of someone else's house like a guest house yeah yeah for work or you guys were it was a studio space okay um there's another producer in town and someone one of my friends bought the house and my friend didn't do music and was like hey there's this like studio space in the back of our house i was like perfect yeah yeah it was a lot smaller it was like 400 square feet wow so yeah this is honestly like i'm so grateful to have this it's like a dream dream scenario are you primarily focused on scoring what is the yeah primary focus of this i mean most of it's film and tv okay so you know 50 of that is scoring but the other 50 is just like working with artists and writing songs you know that are in trailers promos tv shows movies but it all has that kind of like cinematic thing i don't necessarily try to write fulfillment tv but i just yeah i try to write just what i what's flowing like what i feel what i'm inspired by sure and then it just happens to end up in filming tv yeah so i think it has like a super cinematic sound so that's awesome would you mind giving us a walk around and just trying to come on the whole space let's do it all right so you want to start in here yeah okay so this is a lounge area i also designed it because i wanted um i wanted to cultivate community and so you know we had producer nights you know before kevin and all that stuff i've kind of made like a speakeasy area and uh so here's one of the um shelves and uh oh my gosh and here's the other one and so basically you know all of this was just to have guys over and we have like tasty nights wow so sometimes as producers and we'll sit in this room and listen to things we're working on yeah and i just i wanted that feeling of like hey like we're not all on islands because we all feel like we're on islands most of the time because we're working you know in separate areas right so i wanted to get together and be like hey like what was that vocal sound that's so cool or like you know we just basically you know become friends yeah i just want to be friends with yeah people that are in my industry and not feel like this kind of like client yeah or like kind of this weird competition thing so anyway that's this you know make some lattes which is pretty nice who who designed this because just when you like flung those yeah and there was like a beautiful slow close yeah it was amazing yeah every detail of this place is like thought through so one of our best friends april cushman is an interior designer and so she and then my wife uh also did a good amount of interior design wow so them together kind of brainstormed and april did you know most of this and then i am super into that as well yeah and so um yeah even you know the got the wine fridge here and um in the come see this look at this i kind of i really like to organize things um so that is so cool the aesthetic part of it is yeah unreal i mean i mean what is this is it concrete yeah so this is actually a specific blend so concrete can stain really easily yeah and then you have to like yeah seal it it is a nightmare so we found a company in town that basically did this um but they blend a couple different compounds into it so you can really shape it and it's basically already sealed bulletproof for artists yes yeah so we have a double-decker freezer here um this is an ice machine you'll love this yes it's like sonic ice but what's cool is i i had them put in this thing normally ice falls yep uh and it makes a noise so i had them put this little like shoot in to where the ice will just like fall down so you won't hear it which is kind of fun this is all storage stuff we can come over here this is a double decker dishwasher yes um even the projector and and it's a you know media room too like our boys come down here and we play video games and it's like massive it's pretty fun for the control room yeah let's go to the control room i love that these doors what like what what are these doors they're glass and steel and um we had a mate specifically to where they're they're pretty pretty sound yeah um and they are really heavy and they're heavy so heavy as they are wow holy cow i don't know if so we're using we're using labs today i don't know if the mics can pick it up but this room immediately super tight yeah and really well controlled yeah which from the appearance of it i wouldn't think that looking because i see the drywall or whatever but yeah as soon as you walk in it just it's it sucks in and it feels super nice yeah we we specifically designed it um to where i just i didn't want like padding on the walls and so i just specifically made it to where it sounded great yeah but it didn't look like a studio necessarily and the door's open but it doesn't feel like it like it doesn't sound like the doors open right there yeah that's something who did you hire somebody to do the yes yeah yeah so i hired uh my buddy mike mike ferret he does uh it's sporadic music and he's a studio designer in town and uh it's mike sparrow you said ferret there yeah mike third yeah shout out mike yeah totally and so yeah we worked together and um but i mean there were like five different people involved you know you have your the audio people because the whole thing is on a crestron system and so it has um everything is programmed and so you basically have um yeah like all the lights everything and so we had our audio people then we had our builders and then we had mike and then mike and i would talk through all the scenarios of sound and then we would relay that i mean it's like five different people talking to each other and it was which is a lot which is not easy no no it is nice that you can get everyone together okay so do you know the the dimensions of the room um this is huge like it's really long this has got to be 30 yeah it's five feet back and man i don't even remember honestly after we after we designed and finished it i was like okay music mode wow yeah well obviously the construction and design is as high as possible and one thing i'll point out is on the glass doors you have the curtains yeah yeah you can pull through yeah so yeah we can totally close those if you want it you know if i'm composing something and want to you know get it super dark for the screen or if i want to you know not have there there is a little bit of bounce from the glass yeah um and so i can completely you know close it and cool and if i if people are in there i don't want them to see me yeah my whole idea for the studio is that like i have preamps dedicated to the channel so like the piano which i'll show you guys in a little bit that's always mic'd up i basically do the engineering at first and then basically just set it yeah unless i really want to change the tone of it um so this goes into the um tracking room and so and when i have drum set up there the drums are always mic'd up so i buy mics and preamps that basically just stay on the instruments um so yeah then like my whole thing is like when inspiration hits i don't want to like go into engineering mode and be like oh yeah yeah i really just want to be like right when i'm inspired i want to hit record yeah um and so yeah so everything is set up like that wired in um to the patch bay uh and so yeah it's pretty much uh set up like that and when i want you know natural light i move the screen up and use this and then when i want to see pro tools up there i can lower this screen and then pull this down so the the tv monitor moves it does yeah yeah yeah i can show you guys um and then you know obviously this is just apple tv but you know you can just change the settings here for different things if it's inspiring um you know and basically you know lower the screen sometimes i don't like to look at waveforms and so i just lower the screen and so then i can once i know all the edits are there yeah then i pull the mix up on here and then just i can just listen you know um and see see the tracks up there or just you know put something up here that's inspiring it's interesting how like if you think about the frequencies in sound how like you know higher up they turn into light and color yeah and so it's like when you look at a painting and it evokes an emotion i mean that's like what we're doing we're painting with frequencies on a lower level so right here i just basically turn this on and i sit here and i have this pad right here so when i'm ready to record piano i basically walk over here arm the tracks and hit record dude i've never seen a silver magic keyboard with black keys beautiful that is super fly so that one actually came with my new mac pro oh um and that keyboard came with my old guy bro so nice wow what what mics are these this is the amethyst amethyst oh jay-z jay-z audio oh really yeah yeah so i'm i'm trying them out they're really cool they're kind of uh kind of like a u67 oh cool nice and uh so yeah i'll switch these mics all the time sometimes i'll use coles 40 38s and um kind of just whatever but these are some of my favorite mics ever these are dpa 4011s yeah and they're just amazing on acoustics uh strings um piano so i have these close mics to where i can get this felt sound i can get kind of that like knocking it's my favorite and then i blend that with these and then i'll have a ribbon mic i'll bring over here overhead so it kind of just gets encompasses like if you're standing here what the piano would sound like these these grips are unbelievable i've used the triad orbat orbit before but it was more like just a regular stand yeah i think it had a couple different things but i've never seen this is i've never seen anything like this for audio that's amazing yeah they're amazing honestly they have smaller clips and then you know this is a triad orbit stand for the screen and so you can what's cool is you can move this like you can undo this and basically like just full range of motion however you want this is a steinway boston and uh beautiful yeah i i love this piano it's a up132 and um yeah some of my favorites and i love how it has the the pedal for the felt so you can kind of get that that vibe when you want it and right now all the mics for the piano are going through these undertone audios i love their their preamps and so you can do a lot with them you know engaging the transformers and um yeah there's a lot you can do and sometimes i'll run through the knees undertone that's eric valentine's yeah yeah i've been doing a lot of scoring lately and so i've been using the piano a lot so i i'm basically you know it's nice that it's not here yeah that you can come over here and you're just at the piano totally you can still see this for sure and it's cool because when i do drums i'll have the drum set set up in there and mic'd and when i do those i use the avid control thing on my ipad and i just walk in there and hit record which is cool um all right and so it's all it's all pretty set up to be pretty streamlined i like to work fast and i like to make decisions quickly and not overthink things i think in a way like right when you get your head into thinking about music there is an aspect of that but i think right when you get your head into it the art can sometimes start to die yeah oh yeah you know because you're overthinking it and so my thing is like right when i get inspired i want to be able to go record because usually like the first instincts are always the best for me and so i just want to i want to make decisions and as producers and engineers we can literally there's hundreds of variables and tracks you can do on a song and so figuring out like what's right and i think that's what separates producers is being like okay this is it this is done yeah let's talk about this desk yes this is the danger fox right yep danger fox yeah 24u and uh is this the black stain it is man it's i love this desk and and i like it because it's very like it's it feels like more of a mastering desk to me um and i used to have my screen up on it but now you know i've got this little like i got on amazon but it's the you know screen lift so it basically goes up like that and um i love this desk and instead of putting gear all here i decided to you know do these um avid artist mixes so i can get my hands on faders yeah but you still have this here so you can it's like that's what because i have the same desk and i'm like yeah i would love to put like some maybe some theaters here but like i know board yeah i wanted to be able to put a keyboard here um but i actually just really enjoy the space of this and then being able to reach for faders if you want them artist mix how long have you been using this for a long time and and with the this is the new update of pro tools yeah everything still drives it still works yeah the newest one i just downloaded so i haven't even tried it but yeah it's it's been great honestly um i've gotten cutting them repaired like once um i know there's like the s3 and s6 and all that but they're they're kind of bulky and yeah i wanted something like really streamlined like into the desk this is beautiful absolutely beautiful and i love the one thing i really like about this desk is how low profile it is it's not like a big thing i know i know yeah i don't like big desks and like huge boards and since i use a lot of tube analog gear anyway i didn't need i didn't feel the need for a console but but usually it's just so massive and i just i want things really sleek and streamlined yep um and i wanted to be able to look over it as well you know to the piano or that screen i i love um dangerfox and aaron does such a such a great job with z's so you're doing uh you're running mac new mac pro yeah that thing's phenomenal right it's awesome unbelievable uh pro tools and then you've got the artist mix at the desk yeah i noticed you got a sweet petal yeah we'll talk about in one second yeah tell me about these speakers yeah so the atc 100s uh they're awesome it's interesting because when i first got them they have such detail especially like in the upper mid-range i mean i heard things that i was not ever used to hearing yeah um and it kind of like messed me up for a while so i was like oh my god like i never heard that clarity um but actually love them now it's one of those things where they're so true and so revealing that when you get your mix right it's like beautiful but then when you pull up old mixes and you hear what you didn't hear you're like oh man um but i love them and then i've got you know matching subs down there michael brower actually told me about these he has three of them with his atc's and wow they're i think they're called pro studio studio pro subs and the atc subs are cool but they're like eight grand a piece and so um these are great for a speaker yeah i know these are way cheaper and man i've loved the atcs especially when i'm working on acoustic music and kind of that folky vibe you can really hear all the nuances of the instruments um which i love so and that's it just the atc's yeah you're just dialed in you don't need anything else yeah i i um i have these speakers i can switch to if i want to hear and then sometimes i have a boom box and yep man honestly though for me i just if i know these speakers so well right i actually don't want to keep switching because then i like start to be like second guess yeah second guess and i just i don't want anything to make me second guess right you know yeah i'm the same way yeah and are the are these because this is not you're not going to find something like this you're not going to find any of those guitar center but are these stands the sound anchors they are yeah sound anchors yeah wow and they're specific they they fit the the 100s and up and so um they're they're awesome i could put these in my crawl space to hold my house up they're so intense yeah like each one of these speakers weighs like 130 pounds and so literally i had to get like three guys over here to like you know hold the anchors and you get them right and then you set them on i mean it's like a it's an ordeal like you basically want to set it and never touch it again yeah sort of the stuff you fiddle with is in front of you and then the stuff that you kind of set and forget mm-hmm oh yeah right sure and i mean i i have some things that i set and forget but you know when i'm dialing into vocal or you know i have a lot of different options that i'll all really dial in you know depending on the sound so what are your meat and potato pres that are like go-to's yeah i mean it just depends i love channel strips um this tree audio um they you know they were inward connections and uh and the roots it's called the branch too um they make the roots console as well and i love this thing it's so beautiful and it's clean and it has vibe and mojo so i use that a lot on vocals a pretty wide eq you know kind of like pull tech ish and so yeah i love that thing the retro channel strip i love to just pull up and use on acoustics or um and vocals too you can really make that gnarly and then i love the undertones i mean man it really just depends and obviously the knees are like you know it's the 1073. i mean it really just depends on the song and but i i basically use you know one of those yeah and then and then if i mix sometimes i'll you know sum through the shadow hills and then i'll run through a myriad of different things like i love the 2a3 and the silver bullets cool and you know sometimes if it's i tend to use the fairchild more like for acoustic type stuff like run like drum bust through it or pianos and um yeah so now is this a who makes this fair child well this fairchild um part of it was original and then i got gregory at drip to do some of the extra boards in there and then i had sauter who made the original transformers i had souter build new transformers for it so it's all new old stock so it's like the exact wiring of the old one um but dude it's it's pretty intense i love that you have a glass here yeah totally yeah i don't want my kids to reach in there and get electrocuted you know that that kind of voltage you don't want to mess with um but it's really fun i mean it's it's basically you know everything's detented um and so yeah you have to basically let it warm up for 30 minutes um yeah so it took uh four years to finish and uh about eight thousand dollars in parts oh my god so it was pretty intense um yes it was really fun um so i guess it's kind of like a rebuilt original okay um yeah that's amazing yeah you said this is tree audio yeah tree audio the branch too is just wonderful and this is burl yeah yeah so that i do all my um ada conversion through the borough oh okay so this is just the converter yeah that's just the so i have the dac and the adc okay for the in and out and then you know if i'm doing drums or strings or bigger sessions obviously i just use the avid i o the hdio once you're in that that point of conversion like that level it's like i think people split hairs all the time about converters or like oh this sounds better i mean my thing is like dude does this is the song good yeah how's the instrumentation how's the vocalist yeah it's kind of funny like some people on like gear slots or whatever will be like this is a 40 000 chain but yet the song isn't there the vocal and i'm like guys like let's start you know so yeah that converter is great um and the burl is cool because you can you know really dial in the transformers and push them harder wow um if you're doing some especially if i'm doing some kind of like alternative or rock and it it definitely adds a mojo so wow yeah that's even even that is like beyond me like i have i'm like a a dork you know but there's like a line yeah like i kind of don't care like at a certain they started talking about tube names oh my gosh dude i know right and honestly yeah i mean if that stuff lights you up then do it but yeah it's great for me i mean what matters for me is you know the song and the performance and it's almost like you can't screw that up and i think if you get too in your head about like oh you know like what tube is that in the gear and then you're like okay that's fine but no one's gonna hear that yeah you know so if you're doing it for yourself that's great but i kind of ride that line because i do love engineering yeah and mixing i do get technical but i'm also the way this is all set up i'm trying to bypass my technical mind so i can just stay in the creative mind um i feel like that honestly and i can even talk about some of these guitars but every guitar is tuned differently wow and so for a specific purpose obviously yeah and also for me it just it allows i'm always trying to hack my brain you know because as humans we always want to go back to the same things we're doing and so i'm always like how do i so if i go pick up a guitar i'll typically just go to the normal thing but if it's tuned in an alternate tuning it'll spark some inspiration and one of them's high strong you know and so you play the normal chords but it just it'll like spark something yeah and a whole song can come from that and so i feel like i'm always trying to just do things to hack my brain and get it out of the same you know the same mode now do you sing i do yeah so is this because i'm imagining how i would use this yeah and like if i had a mic right here and i was like working through something this this would be the perfect spot for this is that what you do vocals through this yeah yeah sometimes and um and then sometimes it's just black and it sits there because it looks cool yeah that's right it just yeah fits perfect dude i'm like super weird about aesthetics like this piece right here i changed these knobs because i didn't like the other knobs so i was like i need to change the knobs um but no i do love the 1176. um and who makes this this is not this is not ua right okay so this is this actually this is your last name yeah so i actually built um a lot of my gear like back when i didn't like i couldn't afford like a a nice mic i learned to read schematics what and i would build basically like you know u47s and 49 c12s um and i would build up from the exact schematics you know with like new old stock tubes because i knew that sound i'd worked in nice studios yeah i wanted that sound but i was like also don't have like you know 10 g's to spin on a mic so you know a few years ago i built um like i built this thing um i rebuilt this gates um built that um built some mics that you'll see in the other room um sweet so yeah yeah so i and then it didn't have a logo so my friends over at wunderaudio who were in austin i called them and i was like hey what did you guys do for your logo they're like oh yeah call this company so yeah i made i made the kreitz logo that is sweet it looks good yeah it just looks cooler um than having nothing on there um so it's pretty fun you're rocking through the kemper uh yeah i've got the kemper and then i have a bad cat in there and i use a match list sometimes as well and um and so yeah honestly it's really just whatever whatever sounds good does this have like a split to go into the live room um yeah you can go through the bag cabinets sitting here yes yeah so the bad cat's always mic'd up the b3 in there is always mic'd up and uh so yeah what's cool about this board is that every so obviously a lot of the pedals are stereo and i do a lot of like kind of ambient soundscapes and so i have a lot of reverbs and delays but in here you can go guitar in and then you can go keys left and right in and it has the keys left and right out and so you basically can run the keys through so i have all of my synths wired through here and then i can use it through here so i can do guitar or um keyboards what is that little box the the is the xts is that what's doing the splits yes yeah that's it um and this this company um exact tone exactly um they're in nashville and they literally i just told them what pedals i wanted because i knew how long this could take and so they literally put it all together wired it all for me and they're amazing yeah they're awesome and then you've got so you've got another midi this is probably for quicker yeah yeah sketching yeah yeah so i'll i'll do you know piano and you know samples and all that stuff through that and this is complete control okay with native and are are you using yes you if you're composing i'm sure you have a litany of different yeah um libraries that you like to use what are some of your favorites i mean it all depends like i love the native instrument stuff um for samples i mean any anything from like creating ambiances with like spitfire they're really good with that um cinna samples um some 8do stuff uh heaviosity i mean gosh there's so many i i like i would literally have to pull up my drive and be like oh yeah i use this and i wish there was one sample library that was perfect for them all but there's really not right you kind of have to just grab from quite a few different ones um um have you have you tried the output stuff oh yeah i love that they've got like crazy substance and whatever rev is awesome i use it a lot substance is awesome um analog strings is great yeah yeah cool god they're horns they're woodwinds yeah dude that one's crazy they have some sounds in there because i was like i do i don't want any more like woodwinds yeah the brass and woodwork but it's like but dude yeah like some of the sounds in there are so inspiring yeah because you can really morph it and screw it up and make it like something really cool and i i always start every song with some some kind of sound or some kind of like i'll put a bunch of pads together and something that like makes the hairs on my arms stand up yes and that's what i follow like right when i feel that i'm like okay let's go and a lot of times even with strings you know i'll sketch it out and then i'll have live players come in which was always like one of my dreams to be able to have a room to do that and then sometimes i'll layer the samples and sometimes i won't this is also i'm a huge fan of being comfortable yes me too and since my room is smaller now it requires massive creativity and a lot of drum stools um but these chairs did you get these from any particular store here or yeah so it's all restoration hardware oh nice yeah and i i specifically uh picked these out these were actually custom i'm yeah it's really important to me like you know obviously just the comfortability and how they sit in the room and we tried a lot of different ones um and i just went there i was like man i'm just gonna do it and uh you know sometimes i'll have them forever so i love that you can kind of have people if you're like interacting like a little more directly yeah than the guys or whoever doesn't care can sit in there yeah totally yeah yeah or they can go sit in the steam room or like you know or like they can go for a drink and just go do whatever so um which is really fun yeah a lot of the chairs that i use for string players in there i'll bring them in here when i have events so we can like we can fit 15 people in here and we can fit we've had 50 people in that room oh my god which has been pretty pretty pretty fun what is this thing okay i've seen instagram yeah so this is really cool this it's basically like modular and it's magnetic you know and so it's just a midi controller you know so you can have faders you can press this and it's super rad um i can't remember palette it's called palette yeah it's usb and so you can just hot swap things um so like when i'm when i'm programming any strings or horns or or synths like anything like i use these for expression i think that's really like how you can get the feeling in those and so yeah i really like those and it's just another controller when i'm like making beats or some hits if i want to drum with my fingers you know yeah man and then you got a couple synths over here yeah amazing ones yeah oh man yeah i love these yeah the cork prologue is is awesome i i love running through pedals too this nice guy is insane um to run synths through and now i've got the mini log xd and then the normal mini log that's not in here right now and i just love those and sometimes i'll i'll switch it and put a profit in here or i mean it just it kind of all depends but i've i really love these right now great custom yes panels yes it's all custom yeah and so it runs in like i've eq system which that's awesome the my tech system okay it's the headphone system that have amp amplifiers yeah everything because i like every time i'm on something that runs over cat6 i feel like this bottlenecking yeah it's just sucks so i've got the my tech um here that feeds into there and then all of them you know feeds all the headphones in there and then i've got the instruments um you know for the amp cables um yeah so it's 32 channels that go into there and then are these the m50s uh yes they are a couple of m50s they're great sweet headphone racks yeah they're awesome dude the headphone racks are awesome and this one down here holds my headphones um and these are autism um and they're the lcd-x and these things sound unbelievable like they they sound like my atc's so are these the over the ear where your entire ear goes inside the muff or is it pressing on the ear no i mean it basically goes inside you know yeah um and they're they're so awesome and so i've got these little headphone you know things right here that i've got oh and down here which is cool if i'm doing acoustic guitar i've got this triad orbit stand and i'll put like the you know dpa right now i've got the um the what is this one the jay-z microphone vintage 67. um yeah so that's cool and you can like literally move this anywhere and so i'll just like grab my instrument and just play i love that fun and this is the little it's called the ioc this is the smaller clamp yep from triad so that's always sitting there so i don't have to like go find a mic and set it up and absolutely have you been collecting these forever um yeah yeah i actually had these two built for me and um just with certain specs strats that like yeah they're like custom shop fenders yeah here's strat and telly and uh i just had specific things i wanted um guitar and piano are my main instruments and so i uh i uh really enjoy you know playing most of those with the songs um i love this one the country gentleman is that a gretch i'm gonna is it a 335 is that what this it's kind of like it's kind of like the gibson 335 yeah but it's yeah just the big big hollow body yeah and then you know obviously these guitars are all tuned differently so this one right now is an open c this is high strung this is standard um you know these are baritones i use these a lot and then i do lap steel a good bit you know working on a lot of kind of like ambient folk kind of music this is the duesenberg one you know it has the benders which is cool so you can really kind of simulate more like a pedal steel yeah um yeah what are amazing it's i mean it's yeah dan electro gretch gibson martin defender telly finished strat gresh and then what was the dues yeah duesenberg this is called the firefly and it's like uh it's their black steel with the yeah with the finger benders on it and so you can kind of get that like pedal steel effect uh which is really cool and then um and then over here it's just ukulele there's another lap steel like an old one an old national from the 40s uh here's a classical guitar then two banjos um one is a standard banjo one is a ganjo which is like you know yeah and then the bass guitar a gandra i've heard it called a banjo-tart banjatar yeah basically yeah so you know but i sometimes the real banjo like with that high string the top like you can you can't get that sound with the banjo tar right but then it's nice sometimes for banjatar to be like i want to play a g chord and make it sound like um so and then obviously again silly stuff what kind of stand is this i love that this is not a normal bow yes okay so this one um that's a great question i don't i found these on amazon but yeah these are really cool they're uh like five stand each i i don't know i i'll have to post a link about it i will i will go down the amazon wormhole and find links for all these specials it is a wormhole and it's never ending and it's i'm very thankful for it all your money yeah yeah you've got your playbacks here on the jbl yeah yeah i used to use these i really liked them um but yeah they're just the the 6000 series um they're older but i really i really like them they they have so much bass in them yeah like you you feel like you have a massive sub and there's a wireless system that um that i basically use to to cue these to route them yeah so i don't have to have you know cables going back so you said that screen goes up can i see what that oh yeah absolutely it looks like cause yeah get a little daylight yeah so if i wanna get out this is called composer mode okay i want to get out of composer mode basically do that and then um this will move up and then i have daylight outside which is wonderful god it's built into the soffits yeah that is so awesome so is there insulin is like this uh whatever you would call this thing around the room at the top here is this is there insulation and stuff there's five layers these are all this this whole room this entire studio is built inside of a room ah so it's floating and then we um yeah it's five layers of insulation everywhere wow um yeah that explains why it sounds so it really helps when you have when you have kids yeah in the house and then you guys have like wood back here yeah this is so subtle i don't even use it i just i loved that pattern and my friend april was like this would be awesome and uh yeah so we just basically told the builders the specific pattern to do and yeah i love little little touches like that yeah let's go check out the library okay let's do the other rooms let's do it riley good luck editing all this wow drink it in so you got the massive couch here yep which is yeah so i would use the most in the studio so it's all in sections i got the couch specifically like that so when string players come in here i just you know literally like move these sections yeah back there oh cool and so i can circle them in and it's cool because if you see these two soyuz bomblet microphones up here yeah so i basically have these always wired in um as room mic so if we just want to come in here and do gang vocals or claps or like anything yeah um i have two preamps that's always wired to so i can just hit record i can project on this entire wall and so um actually that sony projector yeah yeah it's the same projector and they're completely matched up so there's the bad cat and the b3 i've got a chopped to b3 um and then you know dulcimer just a few different things i'll use on scores the drum set is back there it's not going right now those are chairs for the the string players um dw yeah yeah and sparkle yeah and here's everything in here is triad orbit stance and this is awesome this is another stand to where you know you hook on two mics and you know i'll just lean it up here and then you can pull that out and then like yeah like that or have like two mics so and then that over there is another one of those um and these are the ones you built yeah i was just like oh yeah m149 yeah m49 c12 and 247's yeah um no and then yeah here's like you know the coals and fire dynamics yeah 60s yeah and then the asanovic stereo ribbon and then i've got um another soyuz here the 017 which is a great mic okay okay so you got all right you got the coals what are these ones called i've seen those are aston's astons that's right yeah i was a part of their like group that that tested them out so they sent me all of them and i really love them i mean they're cool it's like a very inexpensive mic yeah but i love how the windscreen's built into it and so um yeah i love those sm7b yeah is it copper tone is that one yeah and i've just got random mics laying around i didn't really set them all out um wow but yeah these are mostly the ones that that i use and this is a thick carpet holy cow you stepped up like an inch and a half it's thick yeah yeah that's nice dude and that's one of those yeah dude the love sack is legit yeah so that one's huge so i throw my boys on it you know um and then we also put it right here if we want to do like full screen games um wow like mario kart stuff we all sit on that and have movie nights which is really fun um okay so this is where you're talking about yeah the private queue systems yeah we used to have these they literally sound unbelievable we used to have these at east west but they had the old dl connectors totally which is why they stopped using them totally this looks way better yeah did they just pop in yeah they popped in it's so easy and man those things sound unbelievable good and another thing like i i could have done yeah like i could have done the cat 6 but it's it's the whole idea for the studios like if i want to have people come in here and an artist be inspired or if i'm playing like i want it to sound good you know and look good so i think it's always worth um the extra money to just do it right and that has like a there's like a brain in the other room for the for the for the yeah yeah that's what i was showing behind in my rack yeah and there i have it all behind the rack so you didn't see it but yeah it's the distro system that goes to the pad yeah you just plug them right in there and then um and then you go so wow so when you and did you say there's a bed in here oh yeah let me show you yeah so a lot of our friends or artists or whoever um can just stay down here dude this is so huge this is like a play my wife is like you should get this out of here um yeah so i actually haven't put all the handles on here yet but yeah this comes out oh and it's a full-on queen-sized murphy bed which is awesome um yeah that'll be in the intro on the burn yeah i was gonna do it electric um to where you could press a button but i thought about my kids and their fingers oh yeah yeah and i was like i'm just gonna do that and then all this is just storage um and then in here there's a trap door that you can go behind and walk behind all of these walls there's a like a three and a half foot area to where you can do it for storage or get behind the walls and that's even in there as well and the boys like to play hide and seek in there which is kind of fun wow um yeah so you could just i mean this is really just an anything it is yeah it is that sounds good if you want i can show you the projector in here yeah and how that works absolutely i'm geeking out on your your symbols i just oh yeah dude those are my favorites my buddy is with dream he's always talking about oh yeah totally but that is steamboat yeah dude yeah these are my favorite yeah yeah they're amazing that little drum set sounds incredible and i got it from my son but it's on amazon for 97 yep and i've actually used it on tracks it's incredible we we have a similar thing for our three-year-old yeah it's a i think it's a little bit bigger but i you know sometimes when he plays it in the living room he's hitting that kick drum and i'm on the other side of the room i'm like dude i know i probably use that yes completely it sounds kind of like crazy so legit and this is what you were talking about yeah that stand yeah it's like a c-stand for anything i guess i mean you can because you can grip on so i've got this clip right here and i've got the kick drum on it you know so i run every um xlr to here you know has the kick drum um and then i'll have another i've got it put up right now but another clip and it goes to the snare to the clips that go to the toms these you know can extend quite a bit and you know they i usually put the coals on there and they'll be the overheads and they can hold the coals yeah yeah no i'll put a bag put a sandbag on this um if it's like this yeah just to for extra safety oh my gosh and this goes really high up too you know i use it for strings too if i'm doing like a deca tree yep um which i'll usually put right over there this is the o2 like this sort of part yeah yeah and obviously like you can you know take this off and i mean everything is modular um you know replace these um which is awesome and then i'll i'll shoot another thing out here and put a room mic on it a lot of times and it's just complete it's like a complete setup for drums um which i really love that it's just that whole other thing of like hey i'm hearing something yeah let's just go hit record instead of being like hey let's set it up for an hour you know in my small little space that was acoustically made for mixing yeah but i'm a drummer and i like to be able to just oh yeah be like okay let's put drums on this and just literally sit down and go i know that's the dream so i've it's always mic done yep yeah ready yeah with the the apollo console you can like get your levels and just open it's incredible amazing so i definitely understand that but it would be nice yeah obviously having bigger space what is this instrument oh it's a hammer dulcimer ah yeah so it's a it's really hard to tune but once it's in tune it's amazing um i just saw somebody a friend of mine i think i'm not even gonna pretend to know like what culture or whatever yeah but that like they use this yeah very eastern yeah yeah persian santa is another one um coldplay kind of brought it back with that song that opened one of their records like that one um they used one and but yeah i've played it for a long time and uh my old piano teacher taught dulcimer and so it's really great for films yeah film scores because you can just kind of add it in and it yeah no samples like sound like the real thing so i i'm really a fan of just like playing the real instrument and oh yeah kind of getting that inconsistency i mean as much as i love there's amazing libraries yeah other instruments but like you put a 47 on a cello and you're like it's just not the same yeah i always say like there's nothing that can emulate frequencies and harmonics hitting a microphone yeah and i mean samples do that obviously because they record it like that but what's different is every time you hit an a with samples it's that one snapshot right you know and so you don't get all the other nuances of like you know making the other strings vibrate and i mean that's where it's so hard um and that's one i just love and it takes less time for me to play the real thing yeah than to actually try to sample it especially with strings like if it's a if it's a line like a lead line yeah i would so much rather hire someone to come in and play it than to you know try to spend like hours to try to make it sound right you know on midi so you also got curtains going around the whole room yeah okay so these are special acoustic curtains i also you can barely even they're so subtle like i've never really even noticed yeah so i didn't want panels and so yeah you can literally close all of the curtains on all the walls except for that one and it completely deadens it in here wow um especially when you're doing drums it helps but i open it up for for strings and you have panels on the top so it was the same crew who yep the whole thing yeah wow what's the floor it's prefab hardwood oh okay nice it looks amazing thanks man yeah i love i love this color and it feels good even just to walk yeah i know it's awesome yeah and the boys can spill stuff and this is the bathroom yeah come here here's what's really fun about this is they lined up the shiplap yeah uh not easy to do no inserts but yeah here's the bathroom wow look at that holy cow and in here we have a steam room and uh so you don't mind oh no that's fine use it but what's cool is that oh yeah go for it and we've got we've got uh speakers up there so you can bluetooth in like music or podcasts wow and that that light simulates daylight yep um and so it's cool because you can just use the steam or you can control all the shower heads and the temperature and flow with that it's going to be such a trip having a screen in the city yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty fun oh wow yeah you throw some mics in here if you want to get weird yeah yeah you totally can but you got a few different lights settings options in here this is yeah like you do max vibe yeah i would say so yeah i mean you know sometimes i'll turn this off and just have this yeah and then obviously here's your um [Music] these right here and then the flight soda you can really get it right in here beautiful um yeah that's awesome good job thank you man we what an inspiration we spent so much time on every little detail um and yeah i can show you this so we can go into this this it's not in the mode to shoot across the whole wall right now um but you can go here and say like we're gonna watch some apple tv it'll drop the screen and it'll drop those as well so it's all automated oh yeah hopefully i didn't hit the record button do i i i said hopefully i didn't hit the record button to my ass oh no you're good i mean i can i can keep some lights on if you want um yeah so this is the setting right now just for apple tv um if you want to use the actual screen yeah um it's kind of fun to play video games on here too absolutely um but what's cool is you can actually zoom in or zoom out from the projector pull this up and then it makes the entire it projects on the entire wall wow and so when string players are in here a lot of times i'll have them watch what they're playing to yeah and so it just adds this extra emotional element or you know if a vocalist is in here i'll like if they're singing a song about like war or a relationship like something i'll find some film that loops that that kind of like inspires that and fits with what they're singing to so you know you're standing here and you know the whole wall is um projected and so you just kind of are immersed in it honestly which is really really fun and i do a lot of um like shooting for media in here i'll bring my i'll roll my piano in here uh get a couple string players and and then you can change the wall however so it kind of looks like you're in a different area yeah different space and so that's really fun to kind of mess with that is this wall it's concrete it's it's all solid concrete it's a quarter inch uh concrete it's kind of like plaster yeah um but yeah but it's a quarter inch that he he basically puts on the whole wall wow that's really fun um it's amazing you can you know just go back to daytime mode just want to live here yeah you can definitely live down here a few of my friends have have asked to just be bumps in the basement wow which is totally fine dude it's so cool um well dude thank you so much for having us out thanks for coming do you have like a website are you is there anything you want to plug or like do you have something coming out or anything like that i mean yeah my website's just jordan kreitz.com okay and i mean i'm always either you know writing with artists and producing i have several projects out there um the music that's under my name on apple and spotify is more of the cinematic like scoring stuff i've done cool um so i'm always putting out like instrumental records and eps and songs um with that just to kind of listen to that's all like telling stories through frequencies like instrumental watchers yeah i saw the the link from your instagram oh yeah beautiful oh thanks man yeah so and then i mean i'm always posting about different things i'm working on and so cool i guess you know people can just keep in touch i don't i don't engage that much with social media yeah i basically just always hear like working and don't have a lot of time with it but sure you know if you follow like i can if you follow me you'll at least see some things i'm doing well i'll put i'll put your website in the description and i'll do your instagram awesome if people want to follow you let's go check it out yes that i mean all that stuff is super interesting to me i i basically only use social media for that purpose of like following inspiring sure yeah like that i love that um cool is there any other things that before we uh check out it here hmm my gosh i missed are there any other things cool well uh thank you for having us out and i'll put all the links if you guys want to follow jordan down in the description and uh we'll get out of here yeah sounds good man dude thank you so much thank you yeah you too [Applause] [Music] in your um [Music]
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 471,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear, jordan critz, riley mau
Id: KI60tg7ndsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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