EPIC RECORDING STUDIO Setup 2021 | Camp Senia (studio tour)

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before we jump into this video head on over to andrewmastersmusic.com and become a member for members only exclusive content of these studio tours every week there's going to be extra segments and bonus content that i can't put on youtube so go to andrewmastersmusic.com become a member it's 60 bucks for an entire year go check it out see you on there [Music] okay so this studio is called camp senior it's a really cool setup the building is behind a house it was a garage that was converted into a recording facility so there's two rooms it's a control room and a live room and there's like an entry hallway sound lock storage space which is really really cool i think the whole thing's roughly 700 square feet and it's really well laid out these guys have totally taken advantage of my friends will and anthony invited me they run the studio they're both session musicians songwriters and producers here in nashville so thank you guys for having me out it was a lot of fun and these guys had so much cool stuff set up in such a fun way there was a lot so again if you want to see some of the extra stuff that's on the membership if not there's a ton of stuff in this video and every week there's more of these videos so make sure you subscribe to the channel hit the like button if you guys like this kind of content and shout out to sweetwater for sponsoring these videos sweetwater is obviously the best place to get your gear the best customer service and they have everything that you could ever need especially if you're watching these videos if you see something you like i put links to everything that i use and all of the little special things that i find in these studios down in the description just to make it a little bit easier they are affiliate links so if you go down you find something you're looking for you click it it'll take you right to sweetwater so that you can get it and that also supports my channel one of the things that i added to my studio this month was the sennheiser e906 microphone which is basically perfect for recording a guitar amp sennheiser obviously one of the leading brands in audio whether it's live music studio music or film and tv production they're in everything as well as studio monitors which is really cool the e906 is the part of the 900 series which is a instrument microphone works amazing for recording guitar amps so sweetwater sent me this mic to check out as a part of guitar month at sweetwater and i used it in my video on this amp which is linked right here but check out how it sounded [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this specific model was really impressive to me i've had the 609 for a long time which is a much more affordable version of this mic but this one was super beefy and it just was really impressive for just using one mic on a guitar amp so very cool so i'll link this mic below obviously any of the links you use for sweetwater are going to help me their affiliate links sweetwater thank you for sponsoring this video you guys are amazing also i wanted to thank you for watching this video if you've seen other videos on the channel and you come back and you watch it thank you seriously thank you you right thank you for doing that it's really really cool for liking and subscribing the videos i get to connect with you guys there's on my website we do zoom calls where you can actually just book a call with me and getting to know you guys and talk about your studio setups and what you're planning on doing it's it's all super duper fun for me so sincerely thank you let's go over to camp zenya and check out the studio all right bye is there name of this place camp senior senior yeah i i sometimes say senia by mistake but it's camp cena this is the most exciting part of the studio this is the front hallway wow uh that we use for very strange storage it's actually where we keep our iso cab it's under that blanket which is from my childhood home and i just wanted to cover it up because it's a randle iso cap that it's not super pretty but it works we have a marimba that we're pretty uh fortunate to have a friend of ours gave it to us to use and uh it's lived in the short life of the studio it's lived in several different spots and that is currently its home is in the front corner uh we have my buddy aaron's ax 60 just sitting there today and then a few of my guitars i play callings guitars i keep a bunch of them around just in case mostly for me to play but in case an artist wants to play them and they're made in austin texas they're they're basically all i play that's a telecaster made by russ paul who's a great local uh session and live player he plays a lot for dan hour back and stuff uh but puts together telly's but uh yeah awesome come on in this is uh this is camp cena this is my buddy will honaker will yeah will and i are buddies and this is this is kind of like our a dream that we've had for i would say not even that long like we we talked with uh last year during the pandemic both of us got like will has has been producing and doing some engineering stuff for years but during the pandemic i got really into it and we already play together in a band and we started producing together and doing stuff remotely while he was home in montana we made a record at our buddy aaron's house and we had this like night one night where we just like sat at i think it was at joyland and we were both like we should have a studio together like it's our dream to have yeah shout out sean brock whatever joyland and we were like we should have a studio together but at the time i was recording in my kitchen and will was back home in montana like very far away with the worst internet i've ever uh yeah and he would it would just take like a week to send stems but we were doing this really great work together and i was all excited about it and i had started to amass all this equipment and again just putting it in a tiny kitchen and i was like man it'd be so great to have a space but as you know like renting studios in nashville yeah weird it's really tough yeah it's tough to find something that works where you have enough room and that where you feel comfortable and it's you know finding something in like a convenient part of town for people and so i was so stoked when i like pretty randomly happened upon this place yeah this is like this has been a dream come true for us and like i said we're still settling into it but like we're very excited about it at one point it was a garage this whole property is owned by a really great engineer in town and he built this out at some point to kind of oh yeah like his home studio he had the control room acoustically designed and he did all this work himself and there's like some fun kind of like quirky things about it like this window uh came from a bank this is straight up a bank window that he bought off of i believe craigslist there yeah it still has the i think the thumbprint like thing to get you get your fingerprint and these hilarious little like fake stones and this thing is so heavy and he actually said there was a matching door that was for sale but the door was like even heavier and ridiculous so he skipped out when we got into this place it had not been used as a studio because he moved into a different house and so we're just renting this space and when we got in here it was being used as a storage unit basically like somebody was storing some stuff at one point it was like a home office yeah it was going to be made into a yoga studio maybe and then my personal favorite was it was a haunted house for a halloween party so when we walked in my buddy when he found it was like man i think this is a studio because there's like there was treatment everywhere all these panels all these brown panels he left behind which is so fortunate and really kind of him and will and i like i texted him really fast i was like dude we gotta we gotta get into this place we gotta check it out and we we got here we flipped and so we basically took all the stuff that i had in my tiny kitchen in madison plus will's uh a lot of his equipment and uh we just threw it in here and it was it was work but we did it really fast we painted in about a day just to have a place where like people's people can fit and like relax and enjoy themselves and make music my favorite was our friend katie came over one day to my last place to record a vocal and she was like oh that's cool so you like record here and you like live somewhere else and this was my kitchen in madison i was like nope my bedroom's right there i leave it down the hall but it still feels like really manageable to us like size wise and it's like it's kind of perfect for us right now so do you guys kind of have an idea on the square footage right 700 ish that's a good it's a great amount of space i mean 700 doesn't sound like a giant number but to have that haul to a couple entrances this this is a great size tracking room especially how you guys have it laid out uh the concrete floors yes staying concrete floors is huge yes we were stoked on those when we came in here and everybody we talked to about this space one of the first things they said was a concrete floor is like you know we have a couple rugs down or whatever and our buddy who found the place for us like you might want to have to like put a bunch of rugs down but some of it just leaving it open has been it's been really nice yeah and you guys are stoked on the sound of both rooms yeah i mean the cool thing about the control room is it was acoustically designed so he had and it already had like all these face traps and the soffits and everything already put in so the control room like we i've been planning on having the room tuned like with the speakers and we haven't actually done it yet and we're really happy with how playback sounds and so and then in here you know again luckily there was already a lot of treatment in here and we've especially over the last several weeks been focusing a lot on drum sounds like what this room actually sounds like and we're like pretty stoked on the results really happy with the results and and finally getting to the point we're like getting like multiple people playing in here at the same time and you know which again i could never do in my kitchen so it's like it's it's been really cool and it does sound it does sound really good you know we're not having to doctor too much which is great great so yeah great layout too i mean having being able to see line of sight i see you have the p16s yes so communication between the room see and hear each other and yeah like you said i mean the way it's laid out you can obviously have a handful of people out here at the same time totally there yes yeah we've talked already about like having you know if we had to have a songwriter in here you know and just have every or bass player or whatever and just be able to see everybody we dreamed about when we first got in here we dreamed about turning the that into a booth that front hallway it's a little trickier it's a little less isolated from the outside in there but um we are considering building kind of like a weird little um like almost like an extended iso cab or like a little amp room in that corner and it does i mean it does sound good and there was already treatment up there so i know there was at least some intention i think there might even be a pass-through that like goes through the ceiling to that spot but for now we're like let's focus on these two rooms and like getting them to feel good and it's pretty much there right now for us is there is that a closet that is a closet yeah so that's right now when i first like when we walked in here my dream was to turn this into an amp closet but it's really i can open if you want it's just right now it's just being i shoved a bunch of my guitars in there it's just being used for pure storage right now and it's also where our pass-through is at the base of it it's truly it's it's a little too embedded in this room and not ultra sealed to the point where we were going to do an actual amp room so right now we keep a couple extra panels in here guitars percussion box you know random extra extra toms you know like whatever we need and then we mainly just use the back hallway for storage right now what kind of stuff are you guys doing in here so like part of why we wanted to do this was to be able to to me it's like we're not trying to do like a commercial space obviously we're in the back of a house in a lovely little neighborhood and and we are first and foremost like musicians and producers we're not trying to become you know and and so we want this to be a hub for our musical projects like all the stuff that we're doing so far it's become kind of like an extension of just our individual and collective like musical worlds like projects i started in the kitchen are being like finished in here now we've done a couple full band sessions in here we've done a lot of like songwriter sessions a lot of drum over dubs our drummer ross um who's kind of in on this studio with us now he's uh been doing some drum over dubs in here kind of a little bit of everything right now like the dawes song a little bit of everything i still kind of carry the spirit of what i was doing in the kitchen which sure really was just like for a while just an artist sending me a guitar and a vocal or something and then me building a world around them around their song so i've been having artists come in here and just you know lay down a vocal and a guitar and then we just like get to work and i want to maintain that kind of like frenetic energy that i had in that spot you know even though to me this feels like so compared to what i had like so pro and exciting and big even though it's like a tiny quaint little place i like the fact that we're still just like all right get the tape delay going and we're still getting like really excited about just making sounds and this place having its own identity like will was saying to me the other day like i sent him a rough of something we i did with an artist in here and he was like man it's like starting to have a sound you know collectively not even just like drums in a room or whatever but yeah so a lot of different stuff but so far a lot of songwriter projects and our own stuff what's the story of the piano the piano is you picked a very i mean it's a loaded question it's a baldwin it's a baldwin beautiful it's a baldwin it's a 19 it's a probably mid 60s baldwin acrosonic i was recording i don't know if i've mentioned my kitchen yet but i was i was recording in my kitchen and using all like you know soft synths and pianos on you know on the computer and i really wanted to have a real piano in my space but i was so limited by space then and i had just heard from a couple buddies in town that uh baldwin acrosonics for like old spinet pianos they track really well and it would be smaller and shorter and fit into space but i found one that i was gonna buy it was probably an 80s one and i went to go check it out i went to a storage unit and the instant that i got there and i played it it sounded beautiful actually but i forgot to measure my doorway and so i had to ask this i was like hey if you need me to send you deposit i will i just i have to go home and measure the doorway and in the interim between uh leaving and and and uh and getting to my house we stopped for like a sandwich my friend philippe texted me and was like hey man look this person's giving away a baldwin acrosonic isn't that the kind of piano you wanted so that one i was gonna pay for not much but this one was free and i was like free piano and i was with a friend of mine who's like nuts like me within an hour we were picking this thing up when i got there it was a little out of tune mostly in tune with itself sounded good and i was like it's free whatever and we're here and we have the dollies and we loaded the thing up and we took it up the hill up to my place and what i learned is that there's no such thing as a free piano and i should have known that and i had kind of forgotten because i'd never owned a piano as an adult but this piano has been a bit of a journey i've treated it like i'm almost like a weird old like uh catalog guitar that you buy and then spend hundreds of dollars to fix up like i have replaced i had my friend john lloyd replace the base dampers it was flat so we had to kind of like give it a couple different tunings but it's like really like our piano now is how i feel about it like it's it's tracks really well i don't remember i think you just put up put shop quality everybody's into the felt piano thing yeah but that sounds beautiful and we had no idea it was going to fit so perfectly under this weird bank shelf we track it all the time like almost every day and it's again kind of part of our sound now yamaha someday but i'm pretty we're pretty into the baldwin it sounds really really cool i can imagine putting mics right up on it yes that just sounds beautiful so this is kind of we have a couple different keys areas this is sort of what we're vaguely calling like vintage keys area it's got sort of just like a couple of the classics this is will's wurlitzer which is like how many of these red ones were ever made uh they were only made from i think 68 to 72 and that's a real like two it's not a 200 a it's a 200. wow this is just a rhodes mark one uh the stage 73 but i got this from my friend in arkansas he bought four of these three three uh stages and then one uh suitcase and he kept the suitcase for himself and then another stage kind of her parts and then i bought two of these from him and uh one of them lives in my buddy dan's studio now and uh this one's here i i never knew i was so into the roads i sort of convinced myself i like the roads better than the whirly purely because i could afford this at the time and i couldn't afford one of these that's the great thing about partnering with your buddy and this is you combine forces so now we have both this is sort of a rotating you know weirdo old keyboard right now it's this weird suzuki console piano which like nobody would have ever heard of this because why but it's got this really special feature if you hit it it just sounds like a cheesy old casio or suzuki but it's got this weird [Music] yeah sustain feature there you go it just like will go on for a while and when you play all these big cluster chords very very dynamic darko exactly yeah it's it's it's a little ridiculous but we we like it there and uh yeah quirky for sure and then this one is actually kind of one of my more like favorite uh purchases of this whole time wow if you have like under like the arturia soft synth pack you'll you'll see the selena strings yeah that's how i found out about string synthesizers or just from this plugin and i always kind of wanted one but those are pretty crazy uh and i found this on a facebook marketplace listing this is a honer uh string box it's called it is just a honor string synthesizer probably made in italy uh which is where they made the elko one the alkyl rhapsody and i had sort of heard it compared to an elka it was a lot cheaper than any of those kind of more well-known ones and i drove and picked it up from this guy and it's got these really cool like you know cello and violin kind of sounds and it has built-in chorus and uh you have sustain which kind of also sounds like a bit of a reverb you could split the keys and get this like funny like bass like doing the solo gig in the 60s whatever but i took it to my tech jeremy clark who lives here in town and he said man hold on to this thing because i've owned those synths i've had an elka i've seen and this one is all a transistor base there's like not a single chip in it wow so that he was like that's pretty unique it's built really well um hold on to it so yeah we've got it just like hardwired to a di on the board and it's often oddly the perfect thing even though it's so strange sounding but has this really intense again on like clustery stuff has this really intense chorusing that's really cool what's this ampeg app amp in the back that is a gemini 2 uh probably a late 60s amp gemini 2. so it's a 30 watt combo with a 15 in it whoa i had a bit of a you know you have these like fake quotas in your mind where like i can't only have two guitar amps i had this weird moment where i only had two guitar amps and that was weird for me so i went out and i found this and i'd always wanted one um i played a gemini one i think the difference being that the two has the 15 if i'm not mistaken it's really good for um keys so it's kind of like in that world it's so amazing for baritone electric um it's like my favorite amp for baritone guitar and the reverb and tremolo on it are dope it's got like a really good spring reverb it's got four inputs the tremolo is this kind of cool softer 60s trim but if you turn the knob all the way up it does this weird like pingy mode that like is labeled with like a star or like a little weird like star drawing that's like just it just gets into this weird like space mode i often find it more interesting and fun to play than like a fender tremolo and reverb even though those are great but it's just fun to have so you guys run like the whirly through it and the roads through it yeah yeah yeah it's fun and we've also we've run all sorts of things we probably shouldn't do it vocals and you know but it's it's it's really nice i i kind of like it living here because it's just awkward enough to carry into a gig so uh it's nice we have a few different amps here we've got this um other little amp again we've had to be a little creative with our space but i'm a kind of a new player of benson amplifiers he's out of portland uh oregon and he's we kind of became friends during the pandemic i don't know what like a face time version of like a pen like he's like my face time pen pal we would just like facetime and talk and he's a really sweet dude don't tell him i said and uh i think it was just like a long con because he got me to order a bunch of his amps yeah so this is his vince uh nathan jr sorry that's the fence this is the nathan jr there's a five watt combo i had him put a 12 in it these usually come with a 10. yeah he says it doesn't sound much different i love it with a 12. and it's got his really great spring reverb in it and then this is brand new to me this is his 30 watt uh vincent which is uh basically the clean channel is his if anybody knows benson amps it's his chimera amp but the one watt distortion circuit that he has over here which is from his vinnie amp is incredible and you can kind of blend the two and it's got an effects loop in it and it's got a 212 cab so i'm this i just played live for the first time and we just recorded it for the first time and it's my new favorite amp i always wanted to have a pre-cbs deluxe reverb i found this luckily through a friend in canada a couple years ago and says a 64. what's pre-cbs pre-cbs refers to the era offender but before they were bought by cbs in like it's usually 65 and before there was there maybe was like a time in 66 or it's transitional and some of the parts from the year before were used after but you know i i had a silver face i had an early 70s one a while back and it was great but i just recently had this thing like brought back to original spec by my friend elod shapiro in town who's a great amp technician and dale we love dale and uh that amp is so like i kind of feel like between those four amps yeah i don't need to i'm done some studios have like a hundred amps and that's cool i feel good about our general spread here yeah especially for the size yeah so we mic them or we occasionally run iso cab and then i've got the whole aux deal too which we'll find in there and then over here what's this box i am really bad as some people are i'm sure about impulse buys on uh instagram and that thing now usually you think that it's like you know some like pair of like flowy pants or something but that was from a shop i believe called the for the love of fuzz in uh near somewhere near ithaca i believe i follow him on instagram and he posted it one day that thing is essentially like a weird old piece of broadcast equipment that somebody converted into it's basically the world's biggest fuzz pedal it's an all tube it has a fan built into it you run it in front of your amp i actually find i love it the most with keys that's kind of why it's over in the keys world but yeah it's it's weird it's the biggest pedal i own basically it's not an amp it actually like doesn't even have a ton of output that's kind of why it's really nice for keyboards okay so it says marty electronics yeah marty we love marty i literally i don't know much about it has a craziest power socket on it it when you turn it on it does have a fan that blows i just thought it was fun and it was cheaper than like most guitar pedals so thanks to uh for the love of fuzz for for uh hooking that up i guess you should talk to will about drums [Laughter] the house kit that we have is like a i want to say it's like a late 50s uh wfl and that's kind of like general house kit we have i also have like a like late 60s or maybe early 70s uh ludwig standard kit um our drummer ross also has a plethora of kits kids we've kind of like interchanging toms you know kicks we also have this hilarious huge kick drum oh yeah it's like an old calf scan yeah old i think it's like a lady perhaps it sounds kind of different day to day but it's always always records always great really well oh there's there's boo oh hi boo hi boo that's a studio dog yeah it's great to have a studio dog that you're not actually responsible for oh yeah i mean when he's in here we are very responsible for him he does not like drums and he said when we talked about him he came over to say stop yeah okay so this is an old wfl kit that's amazing yeah i just got a new wfl i saw that video the wfl3 so oh yeah it looks incredible kidwig's grandson he's making drums again having this space has really i now have more a little more knowledge and a lot more patience for drum talk because i know there's a big drum big drum pod this this youtube channel and i oh yeah yeah and i and i appreciate that and i watch the videos even that are more drum centric yeah because i think i i should say i'm a fan of your videos i can say that yeah i've seen those i watch them every week they're great even the drum ones i like somehow am captivated enough to watch them i've never recorded drums except when i was a teenager and literally recording like an entire kit with a 58 or something sounded so good yeah it sounded sounded awful it sounded awful but getting kind of more into it these guys luckily like will and ross are both like really passionate about recording drums um that's awesome so it's if that's helpful for me i can focus on and then and then what's the the drummer's name ross mcreynolds ross mcreynolds okay so he's got all the snares and the symbols he's gonna definitely have something what does he usually park in here with this kit it has a snare it changes it changes every time i i want to say you know there's the usual suspects like your acrolytes and super phonics and i want to say that he also has a sugar snare drum that's nice yeah his mane thing you know super versatile he's very much an artist of the drums like it's so it's always different i never you know always gonna be something different like i never want to tell him what to bring because it'll sure yeah you know something listen to the song yeah yeah who's gonna who's better at talking about the mics it's set up here i i'm good talking about most of i don't even know what a couple of those are i i know i know that that one dynamic he's got what's funny is i know what all these mics are but yeah so what i want to ask about here because these are um very familiar microphones probably most people watching these the videos know them we got the kohl's or those 414s those are 414cs yeah 421 d6 57 classic man classic drum and you got a mystery mic on the back there what's in the back it's a bm4 yeah that's something an olufsen yeah an old bang and all of a sudden sometimes they were under the name fen tone that mic um was recommended to me by a buddy nick bearden and uh he's got several of them he loves them as a mono overhead um and so we got one last year i like hounded this ebay listing and managed to snag it and i kind of assume that's what we would use it for but will put it in that kind of like strange back of the drummer on the floor position and we kind of use it as a trash mic and it sounds pretty incredible and then at that position it doubles uh as a guitar amp mic i've recorded guitar amps in that corner before yeah and it's also like one of the best guitar amp sounds we've gotten but yeah and then you know like you said like pretty pretty standard fare the coals have been a really nice like game changer those ross brought those in and i actually haven't tried them yet on acoustic guitar or piano which i know we've been meaning to i'm personally like i like i'm kind of set and forget it so with with with some of the mics like we we swap them around for certain things but we we love how they sound in that spot so much that we haven't moved them yet yeah the cools in the in like the typical overhead fashion is really nice yeah it's nice having the 4 14s in the glen johns yeah we that we've been experimenting with that and it's it's been a really lovely sound so that's what i was going to point out is you have sort of the space pair and then you have the glen johns both ready to go yeah yeah placed totally it's nice that you have the stands oh yeah yeah and we've got more on the way if you're looking for a stand that's really solid but you don't want to spend like money on like an atlas or something the ms-205 thomas stands are really solid is that these yes that one and some of our short ones they're basically made from drum hardware um and they're really like they're you know they run like between 65 and like 80 bucks each or something yeah we we've got a bunch of them and we have a bunch more on the way because they're they're great for kick in we usually use we we have this re20 it's an old one which is funny i just like we had a drum session it was like the first drum session we were doing and we realized we didn't have a kick in mic like between the two of us or an ideal one so we just like grabbed that off this dude on craigslist i think yeah and it's an old one it sounds really good and then for kick out i feel like we usually use this mic we pair these with drums and also kind of swap them around for vocals these are like a couple of my babies these are like what i use the most so for like will's been using this mic here is like a knee mic kind of situation yeah at the shell of the you know pointed at the shell of the of the kick oh yeah yeah also getting the bottom snare yep and that's a that's just a that's a paluso 2247. uh u-47 uh type deal uh with changed capsule my buddy who owned it before me uh dan he had a i think he had an m7 capsule put in it but it sounds really good i use it all like all last year my records i made at home it was like all my vocals and and then that mic uh next to it is my new absolute favorite and uh my friend preston white made that microphone he makes mics under the amp name and he's a very small but like mighty operation like he's i met him because he used to be the um like lead tech at um southern ground the studio in nashville but he's like a scientist like he's like worked in labs before and it has some i don't want to get this wrong he has like some sort of engineering degree and he is currently getting to the point in his small shop here in town where he can make he's going to like be making his own capsules and and he's made all sorts of cool stuff and for a long time i have wanted one of his m49s that's basically his take on an m49 yeah our buddy peter has an original m49 that always sounds incredible i've heard about them i'm new to like caring so much about all these different mics and what i've heard about m49s is that they all they do all kind of vary a bit sure but that one to have that mic which i always envisioned is like vocals and acoustic but like it has such great utility purposes like you use it all the time as a kick out as a room mic as a percussion mic uh just any quick overdubs it's so great and preston makes really good stuff again he's like a one-person operation right now and it's called amp amp i believe it stands for american microphone product he just oh cool yeah which i was like yeah man yeah how did you come up with that but yeah he pressed into sweetheart and i like i that's that's the newest mic in our collection and i'm so excited about it um it's really nice to have just like a couple solid tube mics those are aea n22s so those i had heard were like gonna be my new favorite acoustic guitar mics and it's true i do throw at least one if not two up on a lot of my acoustic tracks but we also found like when will came back to town and we started doing piano recordings they are the mics we use on piano uh stereo piano sometimes even just mono yeah they pair really well chris benson i didn't know when i got him and here that he uses them on like all his guitar demos and he records tabs with them so we've recorded cabs acoustics and the piano mostly but you've also used them for some drum stuff like room like different room applications yeah yeah they're great dude ribbons on ribbons man and it's they're active so it's nice to not have to work like they need phantoms yeah kind of i i went through a very short phase where i in my home studio where i i called myself the phantom menace i uh i definitely accidentally was like patching with phantom and not knowing what i was doing and be careful even with these one tip even for an active ribbon mic always i i'm telling i'm reminding myself always make sure it's off before you patch or because i even though they're active you're like oh they need phantom power i blew the chips in both of these from from patching with phantom on and these are again these and these are really wonderful microphones yeah but that that happens um they have the same chip as the cloud lifter too and that can be a thing so just a fun tip if i had to like grab i don't i don't like using the like if your building was on fire and you had to grab one thing but like these are like my favorite in a way these are like my favorite mics that i have in here because they are so useful on so many things rca oh yeah 74b oh look at that yeah if you want to uh cool pics yeah if you want to be in pain regularly follow uh culpix vintage on instagram our friend cole who's he's a really great guitar player and songwriter he um sells and rehabs vintage mics mostly ribbons but also like cool funky condensers yeah we like we found that on his uh site he also turned me onto the rca vera acoustic which we have so we have a couple vintage rca mics in here that again are just useful on a lot of stuff yeah i don't know what we used that on it's like actually kind of a cool acoustic mic really yeah and i'd love to try it on we haven't tried it on your guitar oh yeah that's true let's try it on electric guitars yeah yeah if you uh want to live on the the dangerous side put it close to the kick drum ooh yeah sure if you want to be scared yeah but also like oh amazed i'm trying to remember i uh john mcbride will put an original 44 oh my god one inch damage the ribbon that's the air yeah below the ribbon i mean yeah i mean we've had a couple i mean i guess because we have that where we have the bm4 that couldn't happen because it's not getting the air but like right on the kick yeah well it's like the air coming out of there yeah i don't know i mean you don't put it in front of the hole you put it in front of the head yeah but when you have a drawer of 44s yeah it's fine and uh yeah tech on salary well i don't want to advocate for this but like that one thing that i was told about these with is especially with guitar amps because guitar amps you have to be careful with that too sometimes but these can be these are i know these to be very um resilient like you can put them almost like inside account and they sound great so but yeah we have we should we should i mean that one's yours so we could blow that one up i don't care we'll skill it i was saying earlier when engineers do techniques and you're like i don't know about that and then you hear and you're like what the hell that was amazing that that was the one for me that i was like why would you do that because he would use um like the beta 91 pzm mic or whatever inside which sounds almost terrible it's so clicky and just whatever but then you put the 44 on the outside it's like the earth when you hit that kick drum oh yeah with the the beta 91 is just like whoa yeah yeah that was cool i i don't have 44 though so i'm not gonna do i have a 40 i have a kind of 44 clone hold on i can get it i don't oh so you have like a drawer we've got a whole other situation back here yeah yeah again like i before this past year i owned one microphone and it was a rode nt2a and it was fine but the pandemic kind of just got me into trying different stuff and one of the other people i kind of became actual pen pals with was steven sank who is known as he he um designed the cloud lifter and he also is like who people send their 44s to you know often to re-ribbon and kind of um overhaul and i went to blackbird uh because a friend of mine was at the academy there and he was um he was like i got some free you know i've i can give you a couple free hours there if it's part of my schooling and i was like sure and when i showed up he had a 44 b on my voice and i was like well great like this like i like this now and that's terrible no i'm screwed but i wrote sank and he said if you want the 44 sound as modified by me because his father john sank worked at rca i believe in the 50s and designed a bunch of stuff and so he said buy one of my cloud microphones so cloud besides making the cloud lifter they make mics just a couple different ones that he designed steven yeah and so this is his jrs 34 and so it's named after his father john r sank and this mic it doesn't you know it's a little smaller and not as you know it doesn't look like the old one yeah yeah but this mic sounds great another active ribbon so you don't have to worry about the phantom they make another one that actually has the 44 name in it but this mic i got this from like a saxophone player on reverb and he was like i hardly used it it had like you know i sent it to stephen he went through it for me this mic again is just like a much more affordable substitute i got new i think this particular model the active version might be around 600 bucks but this but this i got this for like 800 bucks or something i lucked out so again like i don't have a 44 but i feel good about having that vibe heck yeah man i throw that on kick drum exactly yeah who cares it's new we have a couple more condensers like this mic my again my buddy nick had always said to me that he loved his blue kiwi which people know these it's like their flagship um fat condenser mic large diaphragm blah blah this one nick it's nick with his he had said i love mine i use it all the time i use it over my 87 but his had been modified and i had no idea what he was done to his so i was like well i could buy one but you know you should only buy a mic and keep it if you like the sound whatever i got this i liked it i got it such a great deal i lucked out i bought it from a guy who works at a church a few hours away i took it to my friend preston who made that amp mic the m49 oh cool and he re-diaphrammed it oh which is not you know doing that is not a cheap thing but because i'd gotten it so cheap i was like i'm gonna try this and all that i wanted from this mic was to just take a little bit of the harsh top end off yeah and it smoothed it out in this lovely way this is like my go-to for a poppier vocal oh sweet it's also really good on acoustic and it's really good it's just kind of like what we use the m49 it's like a general utility yeah it's just a round um so i love this mic again like really solid one of the best vocals we've done in here so far was with this thing we have a lot of just like funky and also very straightforward dynamic mics you have to have one of these now to be anybody we're a big believer in these the 635as the electro voice yeah uh one of these is will's it's he's got the older one uh with the script logo nice i got this one off with the goodwill website these are omnidirectional uh dynamic mics and they're really great we've used them on snare uh we love them on um guitar amps we do vocals on them all the time lo-fi acoustic lo-fi acoustic um it's they're so useful and you could i don't know you could still find them i got mine for 90 bucks i don't i think that's like you could still kind of find them that way yeah between the three of us we just we've collected all sorts of like funky old like this is an old sure i don't know unisphere i don't know whatever this thing is i love that yeah this is the unidyne b this is this you or ross i don't know akg 190. we've used this on stuff i got this from cole because i got so sick of not being able to afford his fancy mics but he put this in one of his stories this thing is great for like lo-fi trash vocals it's just an old telefunken uh dynamic mic my friend dan hipped me to these we've only just started using it but the cortado it's like a really cool contact microphone oh cool i was sold on it not only because i could put it on my nylon string guitar it doesn't have a pickup but um these are the microphones they use uh under the courts at the nba so like people's the sneakers and also like major league baseball uses these on the bases and stuff which is enough for me yeah the aforementioned rca very acoustic really lovely on acoustic guitar and guitar cabinets and room mic this one's the low impedance model at the late 40s i believe and was another just like ebay score they are not cheap typically i mean they're a lot cheaper than a 44 but they're not super easy to get cheap but that one we lucked out um you were talking earlier about the bayer uh dynamic m160 oh yeah yeah this is the first mic i bought last year this is a 260 and i had steven sank uh re-ribbon this uh so he it's got the dx mod he calls it uh he puts an old i don't know what kind of ribbon he puts in i think it's probably an rca style ribbon my friend dan nobler told me like for electric guitar cabinets i've also used it as as a kind of darker acoustic mic we have a few other random things around here but this is one of my favorite mics this is another coal picks vintage uh purchase and this thing is a sony i forget if it's the ecm 22 i'm gonna get it wrong but it's an electric um condenser microphone it takes either phantom power or a battery you can like unscrew this and it has like a spot for a battery now these are not all created equal a lot of them uh you know they can vary but cole urged me and told me that this was probably the best sounding one he's ever had if you look at old like videos of like folk artists from the 70s or like john lennon recording at the hit factory in the 70s this was like a big time acoustic guitar mic and this thing it's got such a sweet clarity to it um such a small diaphragm condenser and i use it like all the time basically on acoustic guitar i don't think i've ever used it on anything else and then somewhere in here i have one of those uh km 184s this is a little old another electr condenser for um what are we doing this for oh yeah this is the stuff inside an acoustic guitar i was told if you use one of these inside an acoustic guitar you know it's really boomy so you have to cut out a lot of the low end but you won't have bleed between the vocal and the acoustic yeah neumann km184 will has an audio technica mic that's like kind of a cool sleeper yeah it's like they're cheap it's called a 4047 it's just like a cheap condenser but man it for a utility mic it sounds great is it a black large diaphragm container it's not like silver oh whoa yeah it's the tonight show mike oh is that right oh yeah oh great that's like basically most of the mics i think i mean again like always random little dynamics and yeah the usual suspects 57s and one of those transformerless 67 57 yeah yeah that's all that on the snare it's fine it sounds good yeah it works i don't know if i noticed like i have one of each i bought it from some guy on reverb anyway okay so tell me about this console this desk when did you get it what is it this is another kind of crazy situation kind of as fortuitous as this space was when i told i have a friend named sean sullivan who's an excellent engineer who i also just became friends with over the last year he was the head engineer at a place called the butcher shop which is like a big time bluegrass studio in nashville is unfortunately no longer he's currently on the road with georgia simpson but he's engineered tons of great records by sturgill and john hyatt and jerry douglas and he's kind of like the go-to bluegrass engineer in town as far as i know and he's also really just funny sweet dude but don't tell him i said that when i told him about the space he was like hey so how long do you think you're gonna be in there and i said i hope a while like i hope at least a year or two because we just moved everything in or we were going to move everything in and he said do you want a console so this is actually a currently a long-term loan from him it's an old trident series 70. i was told it's 80. it's a 28 channel board it was sitting i don't think he'd be mad at me saying it was sitting in his laundry room and he was about ready for it to get out of there for a while so we moved it here we took about four or five of us luckily it was unloaded at the time so uh the channels were all modular we're using it not for all tracking that's what i've learned about consoles every time i saw a console in a studio i assumed you use it to track everything we use it for drums we use it for some keys we use it for um electric guitar loss we're also using using it for all of our monitoring headphones and for our playback yep and the goal is to also do some mixing with it but it's we're still kind of still new to us i mean sure what an opportunity to like well trident is a pretty unique oh yeah sound yes and what everyone told me about these because i've seen they i know you know there's a lot of different ones they made and some more affordable ones the more expensive ones this one what everyone i mentioned this model to said is the eqs on this and that's the thing that i was most excited about besides having a console which is a great romantic thing that a lot of us think about the eqs on this board are really fantastic and to have so many of the same eq yeah is like a dream for me so we've been tracking with it a lot and it's just so nice to have things like set up and to have extra you know like we have a lot of extra channels and it sounds good yeah thanks to sean for that 28 channels too that's yeah that's a nice and round number yes yeah it's really nice and like almost all of them work like when we plugged it in nothing set on fire it was great um so yeah we've been having a lot of fun it's got its own built-in patch bay which yeah it's pretty fun the spaced out yeah tt yeah it's crazy labels look at those colors matching colors there's the label for this your cd here oh yeah um you want to listen back to your cd kids these were actual things that you could touch and hold we used to put them in these uh machines that would spin them around and that's how you could hear it i did a record with weezer and we did live the whole thing vocals in the room with drums and in the room with the 4x12 224 track studer and i had it all prepped before this guy jake who was producing it showed up and i usually bring like a couple cds to just have for like to listen to the room before we start session and i take something like hey i forgot a reference cd i was like if you have any cds you want to bring in please do and he texted me and he goes what's a cd yeah and i was like yeah it's been really nice plus it ties the room together you know and again like it's such a sweet thing to be able to learn aboard and and figure out if we like it as part of our workflow yeah and and yeah and again like even just if even if we were just using it for drums and headphones it seemed would seem overkill but it's lovely and it's really good on drums but i've been enjoying like we've been in introducing other things like electric guitars and some mixing stuff and effect sends okay so you guys have this console the interface is this symphony from apogee which is what 32. that one is actually currently it's a 16. so we're 16 and 16 now because right so that's that's the one thing about this being a little bit extra right now we decide you know i'm coming from my like you know will was making all his stuff on an apollo twin you know which and it all sounded really good at home i went from having a focusrite little two-channel thing to like i went up to an ensemble from apogee which is eight by eight i had a lot that for me at home that was a ton but i wanted the outs for different effects and stuff so 16 again already a big upgrade for us we're planning on expanding it to 32 yeah or at least 24. probably in the next six months well because with these you can add in you can expand it with the same unit right it's modular yeah they've got cards that's a 16 by 16 card we could add either another eight by eight or another 16 yeah 16. so we will eventually but again like this 16 is kind of really perfect for us right now so when you're tracking and you have your multi-tracking you have drums and a couple other things you can use the inputs on the board and then you also have other inputs over here yes so right now the way that it's currently set up so this board has i believe it's 24 mic preamps okay of the 28 channels and so those 24 uh mic preamps we've got a snake out there that's hardwired to those preamps oh cool so we can go straight into the board that way and then use the line outputs of the board which are on that patch bay and then we also have another snake out there that is wired to our outboard preamps okay so yep because these are these are the preamps that i was using in the kitchen last year and they it's just nice to be able to bypass the board and use other stuff like if we're using the board for drums but i really like using um you know some of that stuff for vocals and synths and other things and we've run elements of the drums like will will stack the pre from the board through another preamp there to get a little bit of tube color or neve style color or what just to be able to mix and match and go back and forth has been really nice what are these i can't tell you what those are i've thought long and hard about this if you look at them i in the in the video you you can go sleuth i will say i know that's super annoying but i've already told too many people about them they are the best value preamp that i found people are going to hate me so much that i'm not saying what they are but i'm so bad at keeping secrets i tell everyone everything so i'm like but they they're two preamps made in the uk the only thing i had to do to modify them was put old dutch 12ax7s in them and they sound incredible i have one more unit at home their name is an acronym and uh that's that's all is that really annoying art no but that some people use that stuff i don't know that but yeah so we have those mystery preamps that nobody knows what they are and then um these have become especially in this room a big favorite those are made by aurora they're the gtq 2 mark 3s you know obviously 1073 style i think they themselves even say like they wanted to kind of like make them even more applicable for like more modern music too so they don't have the full 1073 eq the bass and treble are fixed and then you've got three points on the mids but we use them for cents we use them for a lot of acoustic stuff piano we kind of run everything through them i wish we had like a few more of them because they're so great below those this is kind of like a a point of contention in the forum world these are sort of like the hipster neve um pm 1000 channels so if you ever heard of yamaha pm1000 boards they were live boards from the 70s that's what they were they were like run-of-the-mill live boards and if you read like what like more old-timers will say online about them is like that's all they were that's all they'll ever be but some people started to feel as though they had they had or could have a more naive style quality to them especially if you mod the eq points and we have six channels of it here will has friends who have like who have the board and like love them and what people will do is they'll modify them to have like because they're they're not balanced so you'd have to like give them balanced and direct outs and stuff yeah those are there's a guy in upstate new york who boxes them up gruning audio works and then the bottom rack those four channels came so our friend brandon who owns eastside music supply and has a great studio that you toured that came from his pm 1000 board those are four channels so those have all been and jeremy clark did that work and those have all been like you know line level modded and added phantom power and stuff and we use those again all the time especially on drums and also for effects on the way back in so yes 16 channels of outboard pres plus some cappies up here i have a couple of cappy vp28s and then there's a pair of the bt50 eqs and then to the right of those that's to have the api kind of thing and to write of those that's the old akai m8 or roberts uh 7700 or whatever they call it the tube tape machines that people mod to be preamps so yeah i guess we technically have about 20 channels of outboard pres which is overkill but we love it and then another 24 in the board a bunch of toys up up top here yeah this is a slightly rotating cast of stuff that we like will and i both like to just throw things at stuff and and have fun like i'm obsessed with delay and last year we were lucky enough to purchase our dream tape delays so that's an ep 3 that we bought off a guy who bought it brand new i believe in the early 70s and then it lived in his attic for about 30 40 years whatever that's an re 301 i always wanted the korra seco specifically i had a chance to buy one in austin years ago and i thought it was too it was like seven 800 bucks and it had just been serviced with tape and i thought it was too much and now these have gone up like crazy i found this one in ohio and drove to ohio for it whoa the guy who sold it to me um i think he does some work for like the eagles like he's like a road tech for them but we use that on especially the sound on sound mode which the 201 doesn't have we use that on everything it's like our it's kind of our favorite so a couple tape delays and then i'm also obsessed with early digital delay oh yeah so this is this has been my dream purchase for a while that everybody knows the primal tap plug-in i wanted the real thing and again i just like lucked out when you are obsessed with this stuff as a lot of you probably know it's weird and sad but it's also when you find the best deals and so i bought this off of a nice guy in town recently and it's just as if i use it as a sampler a lot and then i'll use it as a it's just a mono delay but i'll like record one time on one side and another you know which is really cool to do yeah do that with ep 3 a lot too um this was the first piece of outboard these two actually that i've ever bought and it was way before the studio it's a korg sdd 3000 that's known as like the daniel lanois and the edge delay the preamps in these are incredible and kind of what set them apart from the earlier models and a lot of digital delay it's just a really amazing preamp to drive your aunt lanois runs like line level into his amp with these lexicon pcm80 i mean the converters and all the old lexicon stuff oh yeah they're so great and that one again i lucked out bought it years ago from this woman online the display is starting to go bad and that's like it'll fade in and out a little bit that bottom line and they're really hard to replace now we use it all the time and then this was a total youtube find this uh that guy heinbach that synth uh he's like a german synth youtuber experimental musician he made a whole video about these elise's quadriverbs he was like i was looking for a very specific thing for synth that i couldn't find with any plug-in or any pedal i mean the algorithms are whatever they're like early 90s digital reverbs and modulations and delays but they have these preamps they're meant for guitar and what you do like as you can see i pretty much have them slammed all the time and and they just have this really beautiful strange drive to the reverbs that and i just i usually just keep it on the taj mahal setting and then there's another one in there called homes plate but just like stock whatever they're they used to be cheap people are driving up the price on them now and then this is a spring reverb from tapco the 4400 tapco made a bunch of like funny mixers and stuff in the 70s and 80s i believe i just found it nobody even told me about it but somebody was selling it on facebook and it's cool it's got it's a real spring in there it's stereo line level and it's got the four band eq on each channel and it affects the whole signal our last spring reverb is in this this is my friend dan nobler bought some of these and sold me one this is a fisher space expander it's a mono rca you know hi-fi reverb that people would put in their cars and they're tube powered which is really weird they were i believe they were for car stereos people used to add reaper it's like this old pioneer or series but it's tube so that sounds really good you could pair it with whatever tank you want that's like our kind of like most of our effects that we mess with we have some pedals we like to throw in we have a whole there's like a reamping situation here so i can oh yeah i can run any right now we've got the tape delays in there but we can easily swap that out for any pedal the hologram microcosm has been seeing a lot of time in here is this an audioscape down bottom yes yeah so that was another man i love it i really like audioscape i've not gotten to mess with too much of their stuff but that uh i had you know again like all this stuff is so new to me but the pull tech thing was like everyone talked about it and i found this in town a kid who had just moved here but didn't need it i track almost all vocals through it vocals and bass is really nice oh yeah so it you know it would be great to have that's another thing it'd be great to have like a pair of them yeah this is trouble we're starting gears you can't get one yeah we're starting you know i feel like we're a great like we're obviously like we keep saying like we're not a big commercial studio but for like a project studio dude it's cute we feel good about where we're at it's hard like every other day i'm like we need to get another 1176 yeah you know yeah we kind of have like just enough flavors of analog compression over here um we have a couple of these just old dbx 166's yeah that are you know solid and have like a really funny gate i bought this for my friend sean that's how we became friends this is like i think the jet album that everyone likes heavily featured these it's a stereo optical compressor made in the uk uh joe meek he like maybe killed somebody or something like there's like on his wikipedia page it like literally says he mur he was like a popular producer in england in the 60s but he like killed his landlord or landlady or something we don't have to put that in the video but it's like no no let's let's put it up it's weird he like killed he was a murder and then i unfortunately i believe also it's all terrible he committed suicide i believe i don't want to spread misinformation but i'm like 99 sure that's his story but he made all these popular that's what we do he made all these popular records and then his name was used for all this gear it's like kind of interesting but i do love that compressor so it's really strange this is like my favorite purchase of late i made the huge mistake of borrowing an old original rev f 1176 for my friend peter for a while and i got like addicted to it i finally understood the 1176 thing i had the warm audio one for a while and that thing was great and my friend chris was like dude get the warm audio one like it sounds great it does the thing but i had that rev-f when i specifically liked the character of the preamp yeah so peter finally was asking for it back and i knew i wasn't going to be able to not have one so i have a friend named brent bishop who's making stuff under the name bishop audio okay he's the lead tech at woodland studios which is gillian welch and dave rawlings is like private studio but he also like in his spare time whenever he could find it he fixes and modifies and builds gear mostly preamps and he built that i said i want a rev-f 1176 and he built that for me with vintage input and output transformers wow and he put a high-pass filter on it which is super cool cool so again i can't wait to like order like at least one more from him but you know for now it's been it's been great to have that one and then that's like the weirdest thing we have yeah what is it ny2a as far as i know yeah it's it's an la2a as far as i know it's the only piece of outboard gear electro harmonix ever made uh they made it in the early 2000s and it was really expensive i want to say at the time it was like 30 like somewhere around three grand which is a lot closer to an la2a yeah and it's a stereo one which is really cool yeah like with a lot of this stuff i'm so new to it i don't know if it sounds exactly like an old lady sure my bed is not but it's got like eight tubes in it it's got three modes and it sounds great like we use it on everything and again i love my buddy dan nobler who's like my main guru with this stuff uh he has a studio called goose head palace here in town he already had a couple like you know teletronics well he had an original one he had a reissue one he's like i don't need it because if you want one and so he sold that to me and i'm so grateful because it's it's probably also the hottest piece of gear literally that i have in here it's like gets super hot yeah but uh there's a he had a new fan installed in it so we're good so the speakers here in the middle are um focal alpha 65. something you used to use i yes i know that from watching your thing your videos will actually has a pair of these and have you've been using them for like a long time and during the pandemic i started with a pair of yamaha hs5s and then you know i just decided i needed to get slightly bigger ones and people recommended these to me they sound really good i don't think they're too hyped but they definitely have like they they have a brighter thing to them and they definitely sweeten the low end and i mean you know like they're they're really nice to listen to i made a ton of music on them but they they feel really nice to listen to which can be really satisfying mm-hmm but weirdly i've gotten so into these these are now we basically work almost exclusively on them right now i'm sure that'll change the h er these are all the apps and actually it was a combo of a few different friends of mine but also one of your videos you i don't remember the guy's name but you did a tour of a guy's garage studio where he only had a pair of these yes and he had the best review that i've seen which was uh he said they sound like music to me that's what he said you know they sound like they just sound like music that's what i feel with these if anything they have this slightly just gray yeah they don't flatter you at all i you know some people say like a powered ns10 kind of vibe they're just which i don't i can't confirm or deny that but they're so they're really like they're not fatiguing to me and they're really nice to listen to and hear like we just listen to music on them so yeah i don't know someday maybe we'll have like an insane pair of like fifty thousand dollar speakers but probably not like i really just so i'll often like i think we both will like work on this and then go over the focals just to like reference or change it up or give our ears a break or something so that's the main speakers we use and then we have just an old you know like a krk the ten yeah you know the one just sold mine yeah oh you did i did you go with it actually i think you messaged me i probably did because i thought i was going to want to keep one at home and then keep on here but now my my home studio is like it's all here it's now all here you know what's funny is this is the same i had the 65. yeah okay that's awesome question about the bones of this place you got a mini split in here and then another mini split in there are those two separate systems yeah do you guys pay the utility bill on that um yes we do how is it it's been fine it's reasonable yeah it's been totally reasonable because it feels great yeah in both rooms and it's nice to be able to control two separate situations it's really nice and what's cool about it is especially like during this the hottest parts of the summer like if you leave these running for a while and then like we would like turn them off come in the next day and it's still pretty nice in here it's really well yeah yeah so yeah we don't leave them on all the time and sometimes it'll actually get a little chilly in here they've been really awesome and again that's just like our our landlord's foresight all this design in here was and the build was him um will brought in that diffuser you know and we brought in little bits of treatment and stuff ourselves now this was all luckily somebody also thought of all this for us that's great keys over here because this looks like a very fun and crucial part of this setup i mean will is like actually a studied keys player don't tell anyone you know i remember we were making a record just for the pandemic and will just brought his juno to the session he has a juno 60. and i used to think junos were like hipster bs and everybody just wants to sound like twin peaks and whatever but he was playing it on my songs and i just like i flipped out i've never been a big synth person all all this is so new to me like will was a big inspiration for me into like getting into those sounds we've got some stuff in here that i just feel like we have all the staples that we need and then like some extra fun stuff so this is my juno six i found this on facebook in st louis i've driven far and wide for things my friend jeremy will say this is the best juno because it's the most analog has no digital memory this is my first real like synth purchase this is a deepmind 12. i mean you could find a used one for like 450 to 600 bucks and it's the best synth for that price by far it's a 12 voice analog synth with built-in digital effects that sound good for the most part this is an old dx7 i found this at this woman's like weird thrift store in a church a couple hours from here it was thirty dollars i did not think you could still buy a dx7 for that cheap she said books she even said i saw on the internet like i could have charged more but it seems it seems like it needs work because she was super reasonable yeah so i had uh jeremy fix it up and it just has the stock sounds in there now it had um it had somebody's presets that were okay mo grandmother uh my friend kai welch heavily recommended i try one of these i said i wanted so fun i haven't touched any of the modular stuff yet but just as like a base synth yeah and also for leads and weird textures and then having the built-in spring reverb is awesome so that's all been really good and then over here this is will's melotron one of the newer you know 1000d there you go yeah and that's like a huge part of will's sound he's like a master with that thing and it's like always a really nice touch that's really well takes will takes things that everybody likes like the juno or the meletron and still somehow makes it like unique yeah and like really crucial to a song as opposed to like oh of course they threw a melotron on this and then i have a couple funny rack synths down there this is my favorite the roland jv it's hard to see but roland jv 1080 this is like early 90s like all like movie soundtracks came out of one of those yeah it's got all these uh expansion cards in it uh world the world music card and then this is an old kurzweil module that has actually some really beautiful almost like melotron style stuff like coral voices and strings and so yeah and they're all running just through a mackie line mix for people watching where can they follow you guys you're willie daniels willie daniels w-l-l-y dot daniels like underscore daniel underscore sorry is that instagram instagram instagram yeah and i'm at de decostaband on instagram dacosta d-a d-a-c-o-s-t-a it's of the coast in portuguese okay that helps which might not and uh we are going to have a website and stuff soon uh but for now if you you know if you want to reach out to us we're both reachable via dm on instagram or my website is anthonydecosta.com okay yeah adacostamusic gmail just like hit me up yeah and you guys also as players whatever to collaborate and that's the music yeah i mean we like we want this place like i said to be like a hub but the cool thing about it to me is like we could catch a whole record here we could do overdubs we could do we do i've been doing a lot of co-writing sessions in here and then making demos like it's kind of multi-purpose as we all have to be now all right uh so yeah i'll put the links to everything down in the description and uh thank you guys for having me thank you super fun geek out session super geeky everybody go give them a follow like the video subscribe and if you want to see some additional content from this video that didn't make it to the youtube video you can jump over to the membership become a member all right thank you guys see you later [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 38,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Id: kTkfP8Sa7rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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