EPIC HOME STUDIO Setup 2021 | Colt Capperrune (studio tour)

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today i'm gonna go see the original epic  home studio setup that's right the original okay so this is the last studio tour of this  year so if you've enjoyed watching them then   of course smash the like button for the youtube  algorithm and subscribe to if you want to see the   insanity that is to come next month it's gonna be  it's gonna be fun or it's gonna be something okay   so cult capron colt is a musician an engineer  a producer and a guy who also does those things   and makes youtube videos so if you haven't  seen his channel i'll link his channel down in   the description with all of the other links also  shout out to sweetwater for sponsoring this video   if you guys are curious about gear looking for any  of the stuff that you see in either of our rooms   the links to everything that i use is down in the  description also i'm gonna pick a couple of my   favorite pieces of cult studio and link  that down in the description as well thank   you sweetwater we're sponsoring all of these  videos also if you're a member you can go to   andrewmastersmusic.com and check out some of  the behind the scenes after the studio tour of   colt showing me his crazy guitar setup and his  iso cab it's really cool if you're not a member   you can go sign up at andrewmastersmusic.com  and yeah let's go to colts let's go to colts all right so i've been wanting to see this room  i saw your build you did your build video oh yeah   you did your build video uploaded it as i was  building my room ours came out within like weeks   of each other right uh i think so yeah very  jealous because this room is this is epic all   right it is it is an epic studio that was the name  of my studio build video not clickbait thank you   very much so tell me before this space you were  in an apartment i was yeah my last space was in   a 12 foot by 12 foot apartment bedroom yeah and  that was my first space when i first moved to town   and uh that was just all i could afford that  was so i had to move here and get it going i had   huge commercial space in peoria illinois right  where we're both from heard of that yeah and   funny enough and uh yeah then when we came here i  just had to get a small space to get my feet under   me and then just worked my ass off until i could  move out of there up what part of town was that in   bellevue oh nice yeah so we're in bellevue so then  before building this place um i looked at a ton of   commercial spaces i probably looked at 30 rooms  like rooms on music row like all over the place   and it was just so expensive the best room that i  found where i could like push my gear in and make   records it was like 3 600 bucks a month for a room  smaller than this with neighbors with neighbors   yeah yeah and i'm just like that's a two million  dollar house what are we doing here yeah um   and so we decided to build and so so  though did you build the whole house   yeah the whole house was from scratch yeah and  so we chose the layout plan based on like trying   to get a separate entrance yeah that was a big  part of it i needed something that would separate   my life from my work and we could just get  clients to come right in that's such a big deal   your place is like that did that pick this layout  uh made some modifications to the layout and then   structurally it got a little crazy because like  this floor i didn't want to do a floating floor i   don't want to get too crazy technical on this but  floating floors get really really heavy yeah and   you really have to float like concrete in order  for it to make any difference sure so the middle   ground was to layer up the floor and so the floor  is three-quarter inch plywood layer of green glue   layer of 5 8 drywall layer of green glue layer of  three-quarter inch plywood and then hardwood whoa   and then so when i told the builders that's  what i wanted to do they they ran the numbers   and they said that it would be an extra like 6  000 pounds of weight oh yeah so then it got into   the structural side of things so now there's huge  beams and like the floor joists are all doubled   and tripled up and there's videos on of that on  the channel yeah it was the only way on a second   story floor i wanted it to be as dead as it could  possibly be yeah there's so much space here that   20 hertz would just go wild in the floor if  it wasn't happened like that yeah so 24 by 26   yeah whoa 12 foot ceilings and 12 foot  in the center which is uh notably a very   wide center a lot of these bonus rooms cut in  very close to the middle so you lose a lot of that   volume of the room and this is wonderfully wide  how big is that cloud it's it's eight eight by   eleven oh my gosh so it's eight feet eight foot by  eleven foot wide yeah wow and the goal with that   was just to cover all of the flat center with the  cloud so that way there would be no slap and you   know like nothing's ever finished there's going to  be a second cloud here and i kind of got stopped   because there was going to be a booth right there  and the youtube channel started taking off and so   that ended up being where i film a lot of youtube  videos yeah there's so much space in here and so   it's just like i didn't finish the back half  of the treatment because of that and now i   now that i know that this is gonna be for making  videos that needs to get finished up how much time   did you spend like they the house took what it  took like six months yeah to build the house is   that so they did all the structural stuff and like  that room was like drywalled and framed out but   there was no like wet bar in there and there was  no like acoustic treatment and i built the cloud   um so basically when we got the keys to the house  it was just a finished like livable house there   wasn't like anything done so then i spent okay  three weeks doing all the acoustic treatment   building the cloud electrical you know and then  other stuff on the construction like i wanted to   do everything that couldn't be done later when we  built it so like all the quad boxes or home runs   to the panel so i could do isolating transformers  like all the stuff that would be impossible to do   later i did when they built the house because  that's the hard part about building a place   like this from scratch you have no idea what  the power is going to be like when you're done   it might be dirty nasty power and so then that  way i could have done an isolating transformer   if i needed to um which luckily the power here  is awesome what was like some of the differences   between going from that small room to a room  like this well it was really weird because my   space is uh this is my fourth room and so back in  illinois i had two commercial studios in illinois   yeah the la the last one being like 3 600 square  foot wow so going from 3 600 square foot 12 foot   by 12 foot bedroom when i moved here and then  back finally to a place that feels professional   it's weird because the apartment home studio  thing was like i made the best music in my   career there yeah still the highest charting  song i've ever worked on happened in that room   and so you know i'm really grateful that it  worked but this is so much better yeah this   is so much better yeah so i will commonly have  like a singer over there acoustic guitar player   over here and we can do like demos and work tapes  like that with very little bleed over the rest of   it was i play so much on so many of my productions  it's real common for me to be producing the whole   thing and i'm playing all the instrumentation and  i'm programming like everything besides drums and   so the goal was just how can i do all that in  a way that i never have to leave my seat and   everything is instantly reachable so like the  guitar amps are always hooked up to the iso cab   the iso cab is always wired into the patch bay  which is almost always already hooked up to these   preamps so it's just like oh i'm cutting vocals  oh i need this guitar part flip flip flip flip   grab a guitar and we're going in 10 seconds so i  try to make everything as streamlined as possible   it's one of the things that i talk about a lot  on my channel is how like the level of efficiency   is the way that i've been able to make this  successful yeah is it what you thought it would be   and more or less in here i do literally everything  except cut drums so okay i cut drums somewhere   else i always go to some other studio or have a  session player cut drums and then everything else   happens here i produce a vocalist here whether or  not i'm playing all the instrumentation or someone   else's depending on the group if it's a band or an  artist they all do everything here um and then i   mix here and i master here um as far as the space  this is nothing that i did but the room is like un   unbelievably flat it's like one of  the flattest rooms i've ever been in   and that is just by chance the dimensions  of it just happened to work out that way   um i did fully plan on putting a vocal booth  there um but the room is so flat and so good   sounding i think making it not symmetrical yeah is  that asymmetrical or be symmetrical or symmetrical   yes all of the above yes i think it would screw  the sound of the room up and so between that   corner being used for youtube and the room being  so good um yeah i've decided to leave it there   you got into this as a musician first or artist  first yeah so my first record was 19 years ago   i'm so old i'm so much older than anyone thinks  um yeah so we were just a bunch of broke high   school kids and we didn't have money to go to a  studio shout out eric nelson at eclipse oh nice   oh yeah yeah they're back home yep so we were  gonna go to him but it was like five grand to do   a record and we did not have five grand of course  and so i worked at a music store uh floors music   and oh yeah yeah i worked there for a long time  wow and so they let me put gear it was the best   and the worst thing ever for a young kid yeah they  let me put gear on an account and make payments   and it was a very short amount of time where i  didn't get a paycheck from them yeah my whole 50   hours a week went to them to pay off the gear yeah  and i made money from playing gigs in studio stuff   anyway so i put some studio equipment on a tab and  uh produced our first record myself and it went   really well and like three other bands that year  had me do their records and three or four other   bands the next year and i just it just kept going  and here i am like a whole kid who can drink later   he's still doing this so i think this is way i  mean you have a beautiful i haven't even seen   the house you know like this is just i would live  in here thank you right here thank you uh these   walls is this all 709 or what what's it called  so in here is eight pound mineral wool from owens   corning okay and in my so since i've done a bunch  of rooms before i've experimented with 703 705   echo cell and mineral wool and bang for buck  mineral wool is absolutely where it's at okay um   because it's way cheaper and is basic eight pound  mineral wool is basically a 705 equivalent in   terms of its sonic characteristics and that's on  all these two everything yep ceiling cloud all of   it wow yeah it's very um it's very controlled and  the for the fact that there's no rug right here   yeah it's very well controlled without it being  too dead yeah i love that thank you uh and what   is this material this is um oh what do they call  it it's like a vinyl it's like a mask like a vinyl   no it's uh it's oh it snaps it snaps together oh  cool yeah so it's like a hardwood equivalent but   it's basically bulletproof sure i i'm sure you've  seen it like so many of these studios like you   go in blackbird world-class studio yeah floors  are destroyed yeah yeah and uh yeah so i wanted   something that wouldn't like get destroyed let's  talk about this rig here okay let's let's start   with guitars okay what are some of the things  you'll reach for yeah so why one of the reasons   why we would double track a guitar in a production  is the more different you can make something sound   when you pan it left and right the bigger the  whole thing is so i follow that through everything   so like it's real common especially for the kind  of music i work on it'll be real common to do like   a humbucker guitar like this like this iconic  and then double it with a telecaster guitar or   be real common to do like a les paul thing with  a telecaster and then pan those left and right   and then i follow that through kinda  all the way through the process so i   will very commonly use two different amps  with different pedals through different   mic preamps to try to make it as differently  as i possibly can when i'm when i'm tracking   but outside of that concept it's literally  just what is the sound that i have in my   head and what tools do i need to use to get that  sound out the speaker do you have a particular make of guitar that you really that's so yeah  i'm super super into these iconic guitars um i   work with these guys pretty closely on a bunch of  different stuff and they're just they're just so   so good like they sound so good they play so good  yeah this feels pretty nice where are they based   california that one in particular gets used  more than any other guitar wow it feels great   i played that one at nam and you know how name is  it's so incredibly loud yeah but i picked that up   and the way that it resonated i was like oh this  is special it's heavy yeah that's pretty much   guitar world and then same thing with the pedals  and the amps just all what is the sound in my head   how do i get that sound out of the speaker  and everything gets used all over the place   um i'm a big fan of these lauren audio pedals  up here these these are absolutely awesome   this one is actually a point-to-point  hand-wired 1073 circuit the 1073 circuit   i wish i could pull that off but it's literally  all points point hand wired they made that just   for me and it was really kind of them to do  that wow that's absolutely incredible same   company here they're getting into the 500 series  game that's a point-to-point handwired 500 preamp   that's a prototype and i think they're getting  really close to releasing the production of that   what's the name of the company uh lauren audio  but no they make seriously killer stuff and   i use their stuff on tons of tons of songs  okay and then you have what is this this amp   so this is a third power citizen game csr  unfortunately this particular one is not in   production anymore but i did all the development  on this with them uh i was at the factory the   whole time they were developing this and we were  picking out resistors and transistors and like   so i was heavily involved in the design of this  one citizen gain yeah it rips it's fantastic   um and then this one's a friedman smallbox 50.  this is the wildwood edition so it's got three   channels instead of two channels and uh it rips  as well real like hot rodded plexi jcm800 kind   of thing it's fantastic i actually really uh  romanticized having like a wonderful guitar like   this is really fun as far as like especially when  you're putting together tracks we have all those   beautiful colors totally and uh textures even  with like a handful of acoustics that are yeah   have their own sort of yeah and just little  stuff like this acoustic is is nash tuned so also needs tuned yeah yeah but that's like the  high strings of a 12 string really cool color   to add on stuff all right and then we have the  wonderful beautiful desk here tell me tell me   about this whole setup that you have here you  have the same desk that's true i do have the   same deck this is a danger fox genesis 24u 24  space desk with the sidecar um and i stole this   idea from you i saw your desk and i was like  oh i need that in my life dude i stole it from   cody at gray box oh well there you go yeah they're  just aaron's super cool and i love the desk and   i've been wanting to move to a mastering  style desk for a really long time anyway   getting it down just the fact that i can  every other setup i've ever had i had to do   this to turn a knob on a piece of hardware yeah  and like taking yourself out of the sweet spot   yeah or i should say being able to stay in the  sweet spot for everything is is awesome and i   should have moved to a mastering style desk a long  time ago so so with this setup that you have is   the day-to-day use you're tracking externally  and then like a hybrid for mixing yeah yeah so in   when i'm mixing uh basically this is my  master bust chain and i do top-down mixing so   so these are a pair of happy hiders um they uh  live on my mix bus is at their mic pre's and so   the mix bus will hit those first what and yeah  mixed through a pair that's the nashville secret   all the big dudes not that i'm a big dude i'm  not a big dude that's no high i mean that but   all the big dudes in nashville are  mixing through a pair of cappy preamps   um and then it goes into a serpent sb 4001 which  is a like ssl style bus compressor and then we've   got a kick chain cappy lc40 eq with a cappy fc526  compressor snare chain which is a different eq   from cappy and a cappy compressor um bass guitar  chain which is another cappy eq and another cappy   compressor and then the vocal eq which is a cappy  bt50 i really like cappy stuff they're not paying   me but i really like them and so vocal changed  the cappy bt50 into the universal audio 1176   wow and then tubetech lca2b i track vocals  through this and i also this lives on my   parallel drum buss when i'm mixing so this is  stereo compressor stereo compressor oh that is   awesome uh it's it's unbelievable funny story so i  actually got this from frank philippetti um sorry uh i didn't know it was his when i bought it  i found out after i purchased it and um he's a   really really multi-grammy-winning producer so i  sent him a message on facebook after i got it i'm   like he's never gonna reply to me i'm a nobody  and he replied instantly and i found out that   with this compressor he did elton john and barbra  streisand and james taylor and like the laundry   list of grammy winning records went through this  compressor ah great not that it's gonna help me   but it like it's cool that there's some mojo in it  yes that is so cool so hybrid mixing lots and lots   of plugins in addition to the hardware but i've  chosen the hardware to do like all the heaviest   lifting when i'm mixing so you use pro tools i  use pro tools uh this is the newest version i   just updated so okay so 20 21.6 whatever whatever  the latest one is so you just went to big sur   yes and this is the newest version no  uh yes so that's an intel trashcan mac   pro okay um and so this is the latest version  of big sur not what's the newest modern array   yeah exactly so there's the latest version of  big sur with the newest version of pro tools   and i'm it's really stable right now so i'm likely  going to stay here for a very very long time   until i put a whole new rig together  so i only can justify updating so often   yeah because you run into glitchy stuff otherwise  when you're mixing in the box like what are your   go-to's for like a uh parametric key i'm sorry  graphic eq so for a graphic eq i am using uh that   filter fab filter yeah almost exclusively i use  fabfilter a ton and then i use um uad pull text   and then i will use the plug-in  alliance ssl channels oh cool and then   um for eqs that's pretty much it i use this  uad chandler curvebender on the mixbus on   almost everything dude that thing is so good  i use uh black box from plug-in alliance   all the time and then just all the rest of the  fab filter stuff the multi-band the compressor   true iron this is on every single mix now you  probably already went over this but what are   these things okay so those are a pair of coil  audio uh mic pres they're super colorful tube   mic priests and they're just absolutely awesome  on like acoustic on guitars um they're really   huge sounding and this they look so old-school i'm  going to turn it you're going to blow anything oh   that feels so good so that's a literal low  eq okay and this is a negative feedback loop   so it's using the transformer to get darker and  brighter basically so if you have something like   an acoustic that's real bright and harsh you  start leaning into it this way and it just   thickens and darkens everything up but it's not an  eq it's literally using the transformer to do that   wow yeah they're incredible coil audi coil audio  sweet they're a bunch of great dudes too and then   you got the stereo radio uh so that is yeah so if  someone sends me di guitars to reamp i just come   right out of that through the amps back in and  are you coming back into these uh sometimes so   i use these to track base you know the di's are  great or keys um i you track most of my vocals   through this preamp that's a cappy vp28 platinum  all right um yeah they're incredible and then   centerpiece the apollo uad apollo 16 mark two  yep i'm not baller enough to have the mark iii   yeah but you have uh the 1176 and then the 1170  not balling enough for the mark iii but the 1176   just chilling right in the middle i don't know why  it took me so long to get one like i've worked on   so many of them and all the revisions  and the plug-ins are on every mix and   finally it was time to get one yeah that is  i would use that that and to me i'm a big uh   i don't have any but the la that 1073 pre-amp  even the clones one of those puppies with   with that i'm pretty confident like let's  just run anything anything and it's gonna   be fine yep oh it's gonna be great it's gonna be  great absolutely this is a cool piece right here   so a lot of people tout the cl-1b as the  best tube tech yeah this is blasphemous   and i am fully aware of how blasphemous this  is this is better wow it's absolutely twitter   well not just because it's two but the c01b is  a little grabby yeah i can slam a vote and i do   when i'm tracking so i'll track vocals through  the vp-28 platinum through one of the channels   of the tubetech and i'll crush a vocal with 20  db of gain reduction while tracking that's why   you can't hear it you literally can't hear it it's  it's kind of one of the secrets to my productions   honestly okay and then how are you using oh wait  this is a monitor controller that's just a monitor   controller yep oh wow i've never seen that before  output of the apollo into the input input one yeah   um and then the focal trio 11 bes are on a and  then the auratones are on b and then c actually   goes to my recorder for when i'm doing screen  capture videos when i'm doing like mixed tutorials   so i literally just turn on output c and then  that runs to that so that way it's completely   i don't have to have any buses in pro tools for  my tutorial stuff it's just right out the monitor   that's nice it's just a tascam what model is  this it's a four channel just hard disk recorder   my matching cables and all see how pro i am  yeah i've got some of these these are the   that's a real flex right there yep so then i will  screen capture just using quicktime audio goes to   that then i'll set my actual camera up and then  just stack them all three on top of each other   that's nice that's awesome uh and then patch base  um nothing super special couple samson patch bays   these labels are actually from trace audio they're  dry erase uh dry erase labels for patch base this   set of auraton 5cs focal clear mg pro headphones  focal 11 trio 11be monitors i haven't heard   anything in this room yet i want to because after  i saw your video i jumped on the bandwagon and   they didn't have the sixes which were going to be  better for my room so they brought these over yep   and these were too big for my room my i have my  room is like the size of like the this part of the   deck it's so small but it looked hilarious having  them in there but i want to hear it because this   is like the proper size room for these speakers  so and on top of it being the proper size room   there's there's definitely some synergy here  like those are the perfect speakers for this room   yeah dude on top of them just being unbelievably  incredible these things are fantastic three-way   speakers uh and these are ten inch cones right  those are ten inches yep yep and and then you   have inch and this is a two-way speaker separate  from this one literally two cabs so they've got   this focus mode so you take this foot switch  down here and you just kick the foot switch   and it turns off the woofer and recalibrates the  tweeter and the mid-range driver to be full range   and that was the craziest thing i we had this  conversation earlier i fully expected this to   be a gimmick i did not expect this to be awesome  and it was so awesome that after mixing on ns10s   for a decade i took them down and put them away  which is crazy that's a crazy thing for me to do   yeah so between the two modes on the focals  and the auratone 5cs that's got me covered and   then i use the the focal these are so ridiculous  have you heard these before no i haven't they're   unbelievable unbelievable for checking low  end and phase coherence and like they're just   they're crazy crazy good why did you go with the  cinderblock stands so the stands that i had which   you can see in the in my focal video they're just  way way too tall for these that's right so i hit   up i'm gonna leave the name out of it i hit up a  very very prominent speaker stand maker yeah yeah   and their lead time was like four months and i'm  like i can't wait four months for this um and so   i just went and spent 20 bucks on cinder blocks  and to get them at the right height for the time   being and then the speakers were coupling super  hard with the room so then i got some industrial   like from lowe's like soft rubber floor mat cut  it up and then iso acoustics sent me these pucks   they are unreal so it went from like see concrete  blocks on their own not very usable yeah concrete   blocks with a couple layers of isolation so you  put the rubber underneath the cinder blocks and   on top and pucks on pucks nice and so  there's zero like they're floating yeah   they're floating that's cool yep that is such  a great height too yeah i just tried my best   to get them like the perfect height this  feels so nice like the the combination of obviously the size of the space i mean it's  the whole thing but the the big giant window   natural light you know taking up a lot of  that that it's got to just make the work day   so much easier oh my god when you're in a dark  cut off yep small thing and you're doing it   versus you feel like you're not detached from  reality too much and i was really worried about   what that would mean but we're at the end  of a cul-de-sac there's like zero traffic   yeah i don't really have any noise issues with the  window and again back to the construction that was   one of the things obviously those windows were  included with the studio or with the house build   right and i just knew that if they weren't  gonna work after i got in here we'd just do   a soundproof window afterwards and we never  needed to so these brick things with the rock   did you add that like over drywall yep so  this was just drywall and a normal window   yeah so the whole room was just drywall uh it  was just painted like a finish just a normal   room was it so live before bro okay not trying  to get you all to go watch my channel but go   look at my studio build video and look at some  of the comments people were it was so reverb   people were accusing me of putting reverb on my  voice to make it seem worse than no it was like   yeah it was crazy it was unreal so much so that  we got the keys and i came in here and i strummed   a few chords on the acoustic and i'm like i've  made an enormous mistake and this is not gonna   work yeah and it worked out awesome so okay well  that's that's great okay so i just spilled uh an   eight by eleven cloud yeah and then mineral floor  to ceiling just 100 treatment almost all the way   around the room damn that's cool so did you build  these the frames for the panels yourself it's just   a track that gets stapled on the wall and it  comes in like four foot sections it's from the   track was from fab fabricwall.com i think and  so you literally just do the layout and you use   like an air stapler and staple it on really and  then you just put the treatment in there like   especially on the flat walls there's not even  anything in there you just push it in there   and then you just stretch the fabric out and it  comes with this little pizza roller looking thing and stretch the fabric in if you're going to do  a big chunk of footage like if you're going to   do a lot of coverage it's cheaper it's easier it's  better than buying a bunch of overpriced wood yup   yes yeah it's absolutely the way to go oh dude  i'm so excited now that's what all the my goal   with this room was it had to look as good as  any other studio so yeah go in like blackbird   or somewhere i wanted that same thing and this  is what they all use so and the weirdest thing   about the fabric wall acoustic treatment is  it's so hard to find anything out about it   you can't figure out where to buy it you can't  figure out how to install it so i did my best   to like document all that so that way there was  some resources out there cool so and what kind   of fabric did you go with did you go full gilt  floor in maine guildford of maine is it worth it   i don't know it's the only time i've ever done  it i think you should absolutely if you're going   to do fabric wall you should absolutely do fabric  that's meant for a fabric wall because there is a   certain amount of stretch to it yeah um but the  fabric is really high quality for sure that's   nice it also is not cheap yeah the fabric was the  most expensive 18 a yard i believe 19 or 20. yeah   it was a chunk um but i did it all myself and  so you know it's not nearly as much as you would   think it would be and so there's nothing on the  ceiling that's still drywall up above the cloud   above the cloud is just drywall yeah yeah and uh  so built the cloud myself the the cloud was made   out of wood um like one buys and uh put all the  wiring in it and it's all eight pound mineral   wool as well this thing this thing come back  around here you gotta check this out so that   custom made i made that myself so when i moved  here to nashville right before i moved i knew   that i was gonna end up in an apartment and i  knew that i couldn't stop playing guitar and   i knew that i didn't keep in mind this was like  2014. okay so like direct and amp simulators was   not where they are now yeah and so my thought was  i have to build an iso cab that fits through the   door of a bedroom apartment that is the quietest  thing anyone's ever heard inside this is it's   a two-cabinet design and basically it is by  an enormous percentage the quietest iso cab   you can't buy one any quieter that's for  sure so it's it's over 65 db deadening and so make sure i don't knock those over  whoa okay so it's suspended yeah so this is   completely suspended on rubber straps john is  loving this and then and then inside of that   oh yeah so basically what i did is i was like how  big of a cabinet can i make yeah while suspending   it while still fitting the outside through a  door so this is 12 ply birch tons of treatment   buyer dynamic m201 and aurora r121 whole rack  of weber speakers and then it's suspended   on rubber straps with a bunch of insulation  in here and then the cabinet itself is made   out of three quarter inch plywood green glue 5  8 drywall green glue three quarter inch plywood   and then fender style tolex over the top of it  and it's like i'll turn those amps all the way up   and you can barely hear it it's crazy yeah the  suspended air floating thing that is amazing and   so then when we moved here i don't need it anymore  necessarily now that i'm in this studio yeah   but the best sounding guitars i've ever done  in my whole career have come out of this box   so i'm like i'm just going to keep using it  that's so awesome how do you plug into it   there's like there's cables right down on that  side there's a couple xlrs and a speaker cable   yeah jacks that are all epoxied in so that way  the least amount of sound escapes is possible   you showed me the mics for the guitars what are  some of the other mics you're using either for   acoustic or for vocals yeah so i got a pair of  neumann km184s that are in the box that i use for   pretty much all acoustic stuff any acoustic  instruments those are awesome uh for vocal mics   uh mainly referenced cardioid uh is become like  it's it's i've only used definitely had it a few   weeks and it has been the go-to on every single  person so far it's it's unreal i did not expect   it to be that good so the shock mount only mounts  directly in the back so the mainly comes with this   swivel so that way the microphone isn't like this  or you don't have to have a crazy strand and then   i use the bronzer the broner panthera for a bunch  of stuff the dave perlman tm47 and i trust the   old sm-7b um and those are pretty much the go-to's  they all kind of stay out and live on the stands   so that way i can swap between them if i need  to real quick nice but yeah that that's pretty   much the jam and then shelf there with the power  supplies um separate phantom power supply for uh   the neumann's that's made by coil audio  same company that makes the preamps   um i don't know that phantom power has a sound  to it but it's a great great box power supply on   a shelf that also holds the cases for the mics  that's a and the thing and all the mic cables   stay hung up there oh that's great try to keep  stuff as streamlined same the shelf on the other   side has all the speakers for the iso cabinet  on it and then the other shelf back there has   the hard drives and the computers and all the  network stuff on it so i try to keep everything   nice and tidy and then you do your youtube stuff  over here yeah colt has an amazing youtube channel   where he actually gives useful advice on music  production if you guys want to check that out i   will link it down below useful uh and so you have  a much better uh system than i have at my house   you got a one a separate space for making videos  i know probably i don't know who cares about the   making videos inside of it but for nerds like me  you and you this is awesome yes a separate space   with top top-down shot an aperture 120d  in the camera i mean the stands yeah yes   it definitely makes it easier a couple of foam  core boards for product stuff if i need to do   actual product shots yeah you're good with the  photography thanks my product stuff i love that   thank you so this is like the main space but you  have another space and that you just finished is   that i just finished it yeah no one's even seen it  yet i've not even posted it on instagram yet all   right let's go check it out so this is a little  lounge area got a little wet bar coffee whiskey   yes some refreshments oh nice beer and  energy drinks and water and whatnot yes   um yeah dude this is everything all right so we  got the k-cups got the k-cups i'm too snobby for   that let me go on record real quick yeah yeah  but the keurig thing is not my jam but a lot of   people they don't care yeah they just need some go  juice yeah yeah yeah i'm not that person so for me   it's espresso machine you know pour  over chemex it's so nice to have this   and you don't have to go in the kitchen like  into the house the goal is with this space was   to keep everything completely separate so that  way no everyone could do everything up here and   it was completely comfortable bathroom back there  bathroom back there little lounge area a little   couch and tv area and then bathroom there and  then here is a little workbench with my charging   wall for all the like all the camera batteries and  the microphones and the gimbal and the lights and   everything gets charged here and change guitar  strings here and does that fold down yeah it   sure does what's what's in there the attic that's  the attic yep oh that's so nice as a doorway   yep that's awesome dude good useful space i tried  to maximize the amount of space in here thank you   for having me over it's so cool to finally finally  finally get together and steal more of your ideas   and implement them in my place and this room  is really amazing i'll put all of colt's stuff   down in the description if you're not subscribed  go subscribe to his channel check out all of his   work he does he has a very cool instagram as well  in the meantime i want to hear this these speakers   and um the guitar stuff absolutely so we're going  to do that goodbye everyone like and subscribe
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 42,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Id: ld8-cV1Rl4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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