EPIC HOME STUDIO Setup 2021 | Tyler Bryant (studio tour)

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[Music] [Music] man it feels good to be back in nashville i love this town i'm so lucky it's so freaking cool i have a lot of very very cool and very fun epic home studio tours lined up for this summer i am so thankful to everyone who's doing this and uh for you for watching this and hitting the like button of course but today is especially cool because i get to go and check out the guitarist and lead singer from the band tyler bryant and the shakedown now i've been following him for a bit i think i found him through instagram and his band and some of the stuff that they have done and it's amazing and an exceptionally talented guitar player and just such a nice person if you guys haven't heard of them they have an album out right now called pressure it is freaking rad and they have another album coming out this year so if you guys haven't heard of them go check them out they are so freaking cool links to everything down in the description give tyler a follow follow the band they have not only opened four but gone on tour with jeff beck aerosmith leonard skinner joe bonamassa bb king pat benatar heart smash mouth six ario speedwagon acdc and guns and roses and vince gill so much talent in the band as well as just in the house tyler bryant is also married to rebecca lavelle from larkin poe another fantastic blues man there's so much rad music being made in his studio and at his house it's absolutely ridiculous so thank you tyler for having me and letting me you know geek out with you this video is sponsored by sweetwater though thank you sweetwater for sponsoring this video and i personally am just going there and looking for all the gear that i want it's kind of cooler to go into somebody else's space where they've got a system and they're using all the gear that works for them and their workflow i put links to all the stuff that i use and sometimes i'll find little special things in this unique tour and i'll put links to that down in the description it takes you to sweetwater it supports my channel gets you what you want it's really a perfect marriage so i can't thank them enough for supporting the channel also if you're interested now that i'm back in town you can book zoom consultations on my website andrewmastersmusic.com the mixing and the drumming stuff if it's available you can try and book that it's a little crazy right now but i appreciate every single one of you the consultations is a really fun way for us to connect and geek out and talk about if you have any questions on anything specific you can book a zoom consultation for 15 minutes 30 minutes or up to an hour if you'd like again that's andrewmastersmusic.com you can book it right from there the schedule is tied into my schedule with all that being said thank you tyler for having me thank you guys for liking and subscribing we just hit 50 000 subscribers on the channel i don't know what to say thank you drop a comment if you guys have any questions and let's go check out tyler bryant's home studio so how long have you been here again i've been in this spot for a year and a half two years something like that had you been doing home recording before that yeah yeah i've been doing home recording for a long time i moved to nashville when i was 17 i did a publishing deal and then i realized i was giving all of my money to the people who could record and i was writing a song a day pretty much so i was like spending so much money trying to demo my song so i started buying a mic here and there and it snowballed of course as it does this is the tracking room well i mean it's just it's really a living room with uh with uh you know we're in the basement of of my wife and i's home i think it's set up to be kind of an apartment but uh i'm currently using it as a tracking room this is um i would typically say a man cave but it is a man cave this is where i pretty much hide out i live down here so yeah we do drums here often we do live recordings like we we just made a quite a few new recordings where i mean honestly i'm just sitting right there and we're playing as long as the drummer uh is managing the level so you can get like decent sounding live recordings you can kind of like write rehearse and record yeah what however yeah we don't we don't rehearse here um we rehearse over it at graham the other guitarist in the shakedown that's my band we rehearse at his pad and then we we do a lot of our writing and recording here this is comfortable yeah i'm a little ocd i mean whenever we're working like we made a record down here called pressure during the pandemic and it it wasn't quite so cozy then right before lockdown we went to the store and we stocked the fridge up full of groceries so we were cooking and eating here it wasn't like oh yeah and we were living down here for it took us 20 days to complete that record kind of say that this place is sort of like an alcoholic living in a bar like that's how it feels to me yeah i feel so lucky to to be able to come down here you know every morning when i wake up and just make something that's kind of why i wanted to get this place set up the way that it is is so that if i want to sit on the couch and play a resonator or if i want to go in there and build a track with programmed instruments or if i want to play drums or have friends over to jam you know like there's a very good possibility that later tonight i might have some friends over and if a jam starts happening things are miked up and then i have a record of it yeah you're just like immortalizing moments you know that's what i'm really into so i just noticed that i'm looking over here at the drums you kind of play everything right i'm a really really terrible drummer i'm a killer editor i learned how to shuffle in texas because i'm obsessed with texas blues i grew up in texas and i really wanted that double clutch shuffle thing but i have great respect for the drums and i love to record drums this kick drum we were just uh recording this artist from dc actually named nate bergman and we were using this i think this is a 24 this is caleb caleb's kit he's the drummer in the shakedown it's a killer sounding kick the toms are part of this 70s ludwig butcher block kit and the snare i think it's a gretch it's a wooden snare i don't know what it is so what kind of track were you doing this particular track was a heavy rock track i believe we did no muffling on the snare i love to mess with like the the fat heads and all the the drum tacos and all that stuff to dead in the drums recently i don't know if you messed with this or not uh roger allen nichols who i think you just did a video with he was telling me that he's been using an sm81 on the snare in conjunction with the 57 and it's amazing that you get so much chest in the snare drum from that yeah i love the overhead yeah i uh got that thrown up there and this is a stagger stereo ribbon these are made here in nashville tennessee i love love love this mic oh that is nice they're killer on guitar amps or killer on rooms like i did a record earlier this year with frankie ballard we would just set that mic like sort of if he was singing here we'd set it seven ten feet back and then just mixing that in subtly it's like all of a sudden the singer isn't right here you have some dimension to what's going on i love that whenever the shakedown we made this record called pressure here my friend roger was engineering it and he came over and i was like man bring bring this pre that you have bring this mic bring this he's like dude we're making a record in your basement and so we did the entire record using only apollo unison pres and it sounds killer i mean since doing that record i've bought a lot of gear yeah because i was so inspired and i i realized like oh the recording is truly a passion for me okay so we got the sm7 i love the stand i know is that a drum stand yeah it's uh a little but the funniest thing is it's kind of wobbly but you can't hear it i think it's got like a little piece of rubber that acts as a shock mount all right so you got a 57 on snare top bottom yeah the sm81 yeah and i mean this changes daily it's it never stays set up for too long the 421s on the toms i love those i mean but the the other thing is like i'm a huge uh chad blake fan and so i love like i love his theory of like oh if you can have a couple of different configurations on the drum kit that sound amazing you can utilize that in the mix with the the r84 kind of in the crotch position it's like that alone could be the entire drum sound or that with the overhead i got this mic it's an electro voice uh i can't remember the exact model number i think they're like 100 bucks or so on reverb to not to show how much of a nerd i am but i got it from this church in grand rapids michigan and it sounds incredible as a junk mic i mean you'd be amazed at how much low end it gets actually but yeah i mean it sounds amazing right now i've got it running through a rat pedal and crushing it with an 1176. so all of these it's like they're not all going at once or if they are then that's that's cool too do you monitor that while you drum yeah i mean i rarely drum i rarely drum like my band mate caleb is is one of the best drummers he comes over and he's a really good drummer i'm a really crappy drummer so but yes i monitor it all in the headphones and then we got down here 52a yeah that's a 52 and then that's the telefunken t47 it's the tube sort of modern 47 clone i suppose and then what is this is this you pull this at a cab yeah to be honest with you uh my friend brennan and i just put that together yesterday i haven't even tried it yet pulled it out of one of my speaker cabs i had just a stack of spare speakers so i was like why don't we we zip tied it to a stand and and then this is the soyuz bomblet these mics are amazing man i've borrowed it from soyuz to check out and uh i wrote the guys and was like you're not you're not getting this one back so i had i had to buy it it sounds incredible it's great on vocals great on guitar amps right now i've got it just sort of as like a front of kit mic i just figured i would try that and then this guy have you tried this one yet i haven't tried it i just picked that up today so the stereo stagger i'm so in love with that mic that i wanted to have a stereo ribbon that i can leave over the drums and then have one that i can use for vocals and guitar cabinets and stuff like that i got a couple of the telefunken tf11s that i was using and those are great and i tried some other mics and then i tried that and and in this room that the ribbon it just works great what's this guy called this is a resonator right yeah so that is actually a 1934 oh my god national duolian it's a brass body you can tell whoever owned it had the frets numbered and they're actually numbered one off like so if it says 10 that's actually 11. it's an amazing sounding resonator like check this [Music] it's just like this really like warm bluesy sound this one here on the wall is a tricone resonator so it's got three cones in it it's made in saginaw michigan by a company called mule it's unbelievable do you have to tune it in like a strange way you can tune just like a standard standard tuning or like that one i think is an open d i have some that are tuned to open d some that are tuned to e some that are g some of them i'll just tune all the strings unison and then it sounds like a sitar i will say that every guitar that's in here gets used i love that one in the middle yeah so that's sort of my main guitar that i use with the shakedown it's been all over the world with me and the the cool story about this guitar it's called pinky two because pinky one which i'll show you in a second pinky one was stolen from me in spokane washington and missing for five and a half years and then it turned up in the back of a car this guy came into a used car dealership in spokane sold it to the owner of the car dealership as a thousand dollars off on a down payment on a used car and so then the owner of the car dealership sent it a picture of it to this river city guitars in spokane washington they were familiar with me in the shakedown and said that's tyler brian's guitar and they bought it and mailed it back to me but meanwhile this guitar like my mom and dad like took out a loan to get me that guitar when my guitar got stolen whenever we did the acdc tours the guns and roses tours like that's the guitar like it's just been it's been all around the world and destroyed and how are those tours does that just you blow your mind so lucky to have been there you know that is like so crazy because i just like jamming with my friends you know i just i really love to just play music every day and for so many years we've just toured in vans and played clubs to no one and then you know i i have this this theory that i hope is true but i think that like if you stay at the table long enough you get fed we're very fortunate to get to tour with a lot of our heroes you know the first like stadium-sized show we did was in lisbon portugal and it was raining and they opened doors at three o'clock so we're like pushing our amps on this is also like our first like real european show we're pushing our amps on in the rain to people who are like chanting for us to start by the time we go on they're mad like they and we were just like what did we get ourselves into best show we ever had and then the next time we're playing a club for 200 300 people i just love to play man and it's it was it was like a learning experience getting to watch angus or slash or the folks that we've been able to watch and just you just try to be a sponge and soak it all in back to the mics uh what was this one called over here again this is an aea ku5a and it's sort of their take on the rca bk5 i believe it's a super cardioid ribbon so it's it's only picking up from the front normally i like to mic the resonators like around the 12th fret with this mic you can mic it right on the cone and it's not too harsh it's not getting that like annoying brittle pick thing and then i just have an sm 81 thrown here in case i want to put down an idea or are you grabbing these is it like often or is this uh yeah yeah i mean i just kind of needed a place for him my old man made this and i kind of wanted to put it in the in the living room upstairs and my wife was like we don't need your guitar pedals in the in the living room of the house but my guitar tech logan who's been with the shakedown for a long time he found these pedals out of germany they're made by a company called rodenberg i worked with him on designing this like double overdrive pedal so you can have one like semi-clean channel and then one with like there's an extra gain boost so there's three different gain stages and it turned into like a signature model pedal i just got that time machine pre-amplifier pedal let me see this is made by a guy named reeve carney in new york city handmade unbelievable pedal it's a pre-amplifier so it's just it's like a light gain with a high pass but yeah i'm a i'm a fuzz nut there's tons of pedals in the other room and i had this is my childhood big muff and steve lucather from toto put this name tag on there that says mr penis the funniest part is he was wearing it on his shirt when i met him and then he took it off and put it on that big mouth okay so we got the kitchen here which is a huge huge perk i mean it worked out great when we were doing the quarantine record because we we literally went to the store once we stocked up the fridge making sandwiches i'm so lucky to have this you know as has the spot that i'm working out of right now what's the story with this guitar this thing looks crazy that's a duesenberg it's an amazing sounding guitar i kind of just i became friends with guys over at duesenberg and it's like alligator looking leather not to be like super douchey but i did just get a leather jacket that will match it a person that started out as a fan and kind of became a friend of the shakedown made me this wall hanger so this is roosevelt twitty who was my mentor growing up he's like a what a texas blues legend in my opinion and he's the first person that ever he like asked me in a music store one day if i liked the blues and i was like i don't know what that is and he's like well i'll show you and he started playing like a jimmy reed shuffle from that moment on my life was changed dude like i got his name right here because it's like just him sharing the gift of music with me changed my entire life yeah so whenever we're like getting to walk on stage at madison square garden i'm going man i met a dude in a music store who was just really kind and was like hey listen you ever heard of lightning hopkins and it's like it set me on this journey like all this like gear is really cool but then you think about like what's the point of it yeah it's to share music so that we can all be excited about something and i like to have it there and remember him so check this guitar this is um this is a gold top flying v actually and i actually took a we were out on tour with the stone temple pilots and rival sons right before uh it was like our one of our last tours that we did and i took a spill we had just switched to in-ears and i've been used to uh or no we were using wedges and i've been used to using in-ears and i tripped over one of the wedges because my hair was too long the headstock didn't break it took it got a pretty gnarly little thing but kill or sounding flying v these are made in georgia it's this guy named matt hughes he made he made that pink one over there too but just amazing instruments man where can you get something like that i don't know you need to check his instagram yes like it's banger guitars cause i think whenever he started the company he was actually a banker he made this shell pink flying v with the pearl headstock undulation you got the orange 80 200 okay so that's a yeah that's a base just a base head i've got a base cabinet in the other basement if we want to actually mic a cabinet i rarely do to be honest with you so you're running the heads into like a oxbox or something no i mean like if i rarely mic a base cabinet this orange cabinet is um it's got a speaker cable running to the other room and i have a lot of heads in there that i can kind of control from that area i've got a speaker cable into this one which this is a actually an open back orange cabinet which is cool and i've got a closed a closed back in there as well as some 412s with different speakers and then i've got this marshall cab miced up ran as well there's a speaker cable running to it this is my wife's princeton actually i have one that i that i really prefer to use but it's it's at our band rehearsal spot right now the old 59 basement tried and true sounds amazing these are from a company called trufy joe from hailstorm turned me onto this this is an insane overdrive pedal overdrive slash fuzz and also it's purple sparkle like with this one he just did like a crazy swirl it's a rat pedal so i kind of have a like a little vocal setup out here next to the famous restroom oh yeah so i've just got the ipad set up to where i can control pro tools is this an ipad mini yeah whoa and that works with the pro tools yeah yeah with the uh avid yukon or whatever it is and then this is like an old mic tech mic that shannon rhodes modified this is a mic that was gifted to me by roger allen nichols on that pressure record i did the last recording we did was this song called uh like the old me and that was the mic from you know that i sang and played into and he gifted it to me after that process yeah this is like we're home recording right now okay so we're we're in a basement there's a refrigerator right here if i want to get a room sound i put the fridge on a remote so see there's a light now the food is is rotting it's making noise so we're gonna have to sacrifice some for some food and ice cubes here's the can and there's a ribbon mic in the shower actually because we are doing home recording so this is great this is a stagger mic it's made here in nashville so whenever we're tracking drums i just leave this door open i mean it's like it's a cool little room sound hey and also i'd like to point out this uh dude is that diplo it's diplo to be honest with you i don't know why that's there that's so but it really does like it it gets a laugh out of people all right so control room yes this is the control room area before you're in here this is a bedroom i would assume that it would be a bedroom because there's closets i think this was sort of designed to be just an apartment for someone so this would be the bedroom they've got a kitchen and a bathroom it does sound really good it sounded good before i i put any treatment up you know there's a guitar boat with lots of padding and uneven surfaces you know there's like this dip even the wall kind of having this lip on it it's oh there's there's some natural diffusion happening yeah a nice cloud did you make these well my friend brendan and i did it together he did more than i did the 703 4x4 yeah yeah it really did do quite a bit of good i the cloud in this dude that that will change that'll be a game changer yeah and i and i've got the corner piece you don't really notice it because it blends in with the curtains but did you buy those the corner ones the thing that i didn't realize about the treatment is how much i was getting reflection-wise when i first put them in i was i was like man my speakers are not it doesn't sound as loud as it did and i was realizing oh it's just as loud i'm just actually hearing what's going on the back ones really helped a lot with the low end what computer are you using i'm using it's a macbook pro oh nice tucked away okay so that that lives in here then yeah it lives well i take it on the road with me too okay it's just a souped-up macbook pro like when i go on the road i just take an apollo and is that why you take the twin right there mm-hmm yeah i have another one in a road case that i take with me and then i've got one of these that i that i take and an sm7 in it and a set of headphones and it goes into every dressing room in every hotel room all right and then it looks like you got some more over here okay so you got the x8p the 16 and the 8p 16 preamps between the two does this have that has eight as well okay so eight eight pres and the twin is two right yep so really pretty much only using this one for just more dsp right now because i rarely do i need more than like even if we're tracking live rarely do i need more than 18. the these these also sometimes go out of the la-4 i got that from vance powell it's an interesting compressor it sounds cool on some things and awful on some things i like it on room mics i like it on uh it's cool on guitars background vocal so it's stereo if you have another one you can make it stereo you can connect him got it yeah vance was like out of all the la-4s i know they sometimes get a bad rap he's like this is the one so this is the 6-10 mm-hmm 76 yeah it's the it's not the 76 it's the 2610. oh the two-sided yeah so there's no compression on this one two channels of it so right now i've got the uh stereo overhead going through that and i will say no cloud lifter on that and it's totally fine i mean obviously it's recording a loud source but i like that the way they start to distort as well you know like if you if you crank the gain up just a classic 1176. this one's really special because sometimes the needle will get stuck and you just gotta give it give it one of those yeah so i got to do a record for my wife's band um larkin poe they made a covers record called kindred spirits and she asked me if i would engineer it and i said yes i'm so excited so i went and bought this and this for that record i didn't realize it was like me at the top of a hill and i started sliding down what do you think of this audio escape i love it i love it it's that's their they call it the opto it's a killer la2a sounding thing you know and i can't say enough good things about them as a company as well they're really stand-up folks and i snagged this di from them as well i think that's what i have the voc like the vocal chain that's patched in right now is like you know the bae the 1073 which those are those sound great it's going to the 1176 and then to this does this bae have like a big power supply uh right here you see what i can i can add another one yeah i have i have the power for another one so right now i've got the r84 crotch mic on the drums okay so overheads on the 610s already four yeah i mean that's just how it is now but like it could be different what is this mic that's a one of the telefunken tf-11s yeah it's a fat uh large diaphragm condenser it sounds amazing i got a stereo set of them they sound great on the like on piano as overheads they're great on acoustics i love the model again tf 11 ef 11 okay what's this this looks just like a 47 as well vance powell turned me onto these mics he has two of them i think there are a total of four or five of these mics at sputnik which is fantas studio and and he's one of my favorite engineers i have so much respect for him and everything he does so told me he's like dude you got to get one of these paluso 2247 les shot it out with my friend's original he has a killer original u-47 and this is like right it was right there all right so you got kind of two vocal mics always ready to go in here and then everything you could dream of for guitar i think right now i have the overheads going through the distressors those are cool i mean they're patched in and i can you know you can always just bypass them if you need but 7 10 right 7 10 it's a killer preamp man actually the way that it crunches up too if you drive the the input it's got compression on it as well yeah it's like a slow and a fast setting so it's an 1176 style and then you get the tridents are these pre these are pretties or two right yeah i got those from vance as well right now the rack and floor toms are going through them and then these retros are yeah well so this is wild this is like i love i love this that's just fun i bought the audioscape they call this the v comp and it's it's the same thing i bought this and then this popped up on craigslist and so i bought it as well and i thought i'll just shoot them out and get rid of which one i don't like as much and they're both still almost inaudible the retro has a little bit of a higher noise floor which i don't know if that's if i need to go have it biased or or what but i think right now it's patched into the avalon uh and i'm using it on base but the thing i like about the audioscape is it actually has a bypass so you can just you can just run through the tubes and the transformers and not compress if you want to down here my friend brendan built these this is sort of like a manly pre representing baja burrito here in nashville and then uh this is just like a api 412. and he he made both of those yeah he made both of those and what's this guy is this like oh yeah that's uh just a tube tape echo we were using those like whenever we first started recording with vance pal he he always had two of them that he would run stuff through and if you don't use the echo you can get a cool like saturation on the drums or i gotta be honest i don't use it that much anymore just because like the ua plugs are so great so yeah and then tons of tons of guitar stuff so speaking of universal audio i keep a table kind of set up here to throw pedals up so this is the starlight echo station this is the golden reverberator so i don't know if you've ever had that moment of like using a ua plug where you're like i wish that they made petals of this yeah so i could do it live and they came out with them and they're awesome now with those pedals can you go in stereo do you need two pedals yeah and this is the modulation so you can it's coarse flanger and trim and there's endless options like you can get super nerdy with these i'm just gonna give a shout out then to universal audio whoever's watching this if you haven't checked them out check them out they have been a huge help for me and my channel as well as sweetwater so as far as guitar pedals go like this this board changes all the time so this is like a vibe yeah a univibe this is a like a dunlop mxr thing and this is the billy gibbons octave fuzz the tb drive this one's really cool it's dr frankenstein's dwarf it's just a gnarly fuzz with this eq so you can really thin it out or or make it fat somebody set these up for you yeah xts exact tone solutions here in nashville they built this amazing box for me which works great when i'm playing live because i can go out to two amps if i'm using a wireless system and the wireless frequency goes out or something the guitar tech can just plug straight in there and it bypasses this this is a the pinky version of the tb drive this was like a limited edition that we did killer trim low the shaky trim no affiliation with shakedown no and you know what the funny the funniest part is is my wife's her last name is level and so it's the shaky trim and i'm not gonna lie i i got this pedal just because of that and it just happens to be like the coolest tremolo the xevex johnny octave i got this the lead singer blackstone chair gave me that and it is an amazing octave pedal the jextil is dizzy tone i had this one rehoused because it comes in this ridiculous housing so xts rehoused it in this more manageable box the boss switcher is just kind of controlling everything so i can have multiple pedals on at once like say i can switch from like the drive and the verb to a fuzz and an octave and i'm you know not having to really and the delay is is midi so i can have multiple settings and tempos and stuff and i'm normally running two amps or i'll do say like a head through the aux box run out to a cab and mic up the cab as well right now what i have going is i have this orange custom shop 50 going straight into the aux box and i'm using the oxbox as a cabinet simulator yeah and so i have six presets that i've designed and saved in the aux box what is this guy i believe it's a 20 watt silver jubilee like right now i have this amp running to a cabinet out there so i'll i'll go out of the pedal board into the orange into the aux box into the marshall microphone in front of it room mics what's this little guy over here the solo dallas shaffer replica i learned about this from angus young so basically when they were doing back in black the guitar tone wasn't quite right they figured out that his wireless system was giving a certain gain compression limiting thing and so they basically just recreated that in this piece of gear i take this on the road with me it's hard to describe it but once you hear your amp with it you don't want to hear it without it this pedal is made by the same company the solo dallas i think it's called the storm it does a similar thing this amp is incredible as well this is made by a company called square amps and it's an old radio that is like a i think it's a four watt champ style ant and then i've got the brown the amps going through the brown box so i'm just regulating the voltage like what they're what they're actually getting and this is like a 100 watt high watt made by a company called three monkeys it's nuts it's it's offensive let's talk about some guitars yeah so this is a mellow dwind made by builder out of france all handmade i bought this for my wife but she's out of town so i have it in my studio right now this is a mule mavis look how thin that is baritone telecaster [Music] we uh have a song called loaded dyson buried money and this is the guitar for that song this is a d'angelico 335 1956 uh 125. i think i was 13 when i bought this guitar i like mowed yards for so long 50s national resophonic it's like a student model resonator yeah i like to tune this one too like a lot of unison strings [Music] oh yeah but then when you have a slide or something i broke a string on this one yesterday this is called the judge and i got this while i was serving on jury duty and i got this little seal from the fifth circuit court judge joe p binkley an eddie van halen humbucker and then a telecaster pickup in like a 59 tele situation my wife got me this guitar i love it and then we've got a shell pink gretch duo jet back there there's way more guitars but i swear i swear i do use them all like it's they don't just sit here there's more in the closet and more in that closet i got this one carter vintage recently it's just a parts telecaster that sounds absolutely incredible well so this one like you saw the uh the sign for the guitar shop in paris texas cnc guitars i used to work there when i was a kid and i would work there on weekends and tune guitars and if someone would come in and they couldn't play they would be like yo tyler play this guitar and show them how it sounds but this bass came from there and this one was saved from a fire it's obviously been on fire i think it's a 67 mustang this was the the pink strat i was telling you about that was stolen and missing this guitar actually like steven tyler had written on the back pink it's like red but not quite they sanded that off we got to induct steve cropper into the songwriting hall of fame and you can see like a couple of little pin marks where i'd written the lyrics of midnight hour on there because i didn't want to mess it up singing it in front of and they sanded that off but they never changed the serial number plate wait so the people who stole it sanded it off yeah and i had my favorite guitarist this guy alan haynes out of texas sign up here and there's like two little sharpie marks yeah i love this guitar it was modeled after one of my favorite favorite guitars so check this out we got a couple of colons in here this is actually um mr twitty's guitar he left me this guitar when he passed so that's a 50s melody maker unbelievable right 1960 fender strat i got all the original stuff there but i got this guitar when i was a kid and it was a gift to me and that's not lost on me how bizarre that is and yeah how lucky i am to still to still be holding on to it but um i used to play in this in this blues band and we got offered a gig to open up for dwight yoakam at gillies and so it was like it made no sense we were playing slow blues after slow blues and people wanted to line dance and two-step and there was a guy there named don nelson and he was the coach of the dallas mavericks basketball team and like i'm from a very like humble like working class family both my parents have worked two jobs since i can remember and he asked me what my dream guitar was and as like a tiny kid i told him a 1960 fender strat and this showed up it was in perfect condition when i got it like you can see there's like a little ring here where someone put a beer on it one night when we were playing at this little club that was connected to a denny's real quick let's talk about uh speakers i realized we overlooked okay so these are the uh hs yeah seven no these are the hs8s i've had them for 12 years i believe yeah and then these are the genelec 8050bs i love these monitors i think they sound amazing and then i've got the little the avantones for the end of day i had to put in the db meter to try and watch my ears well dude thank you for doing this seriously my pleasure yeah man i've loved watching your channel through uh last year and checking out everybody's studios and gear and stuff where can people follow you in the band and what do you guys have coming out and stuff yeah people can check us out at tylerbrightonshakedown.com i'm the tyler brian on instagram got a youtube channel i also i try to make a track a day but i post a handful you know a month on my patreon page it's patreon.com the tyler bryant so i make these instrumental jam tracks for musicians to jam with they can download the track and and they and then so people will download them and then send me what they were hearing or yeah so that's kind of a fun way to connect with other sickos like me yeah so the shakedown just finished a new record that will be out this year and we'll be on we'll be hitting the road at the end of june we'll get you tickets heading up to pennsylvania in new york and then more shows are being announced daily thanks for coming by man yeah dude thank you for having me everybody i'll put all the tyler's links banned everything down in the description give them a follow check them out and see you guys next video [Music] uh
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 114,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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