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from and speak of the sun I'll guide you be careful and voiced me out a world who will lead into Paradise she as Emperor Dr kinds I can make a paradise miraculous with a wave of my hand hey guys what's happening niet here with film Comics explained as requested today we'll be exploring the god Emperor featured in Frank Herbert's expansive Dune Universe later trades II also known as the Tyrant great godur worm God old worm and Prophet was the first and only to hold the title of God Emperor older than Noah and more Godlike than his father Paul nuadeep no other figures had a bigger impact on the history of humanity in Dune he was born the Second Son of Emperor polar trades and his friend and concubine channy kinds just after his twin sister ganymore trades after the death of his aunt the Regent Alia trades later II proclaimed himself emperor ruling for 358 standard years he would guide Humanity with his Iron Fist towards survival he was essentially named after the Duke later trades the first whose paternal grandfather and later trades II the Elder his older brother who was murdered in infancy by the hakonans through the evolution of lato's body and pouts both prescient and access to possibly every dead ancestor in history he was rendered infertile and slowly evolved into a sandworm with a human face in return his life span speed and reflexes were significantly increased in this video we're going to explore his Origins rise into power and the way that lato successfully guided Humanity through a period of vulnerability and danger during a reign of some 3500 years you know what the great houses fear most Dr kinds exactly what has happened to us here later II and his twin sister ganima were born on the planetarakis during the reign of Emperor Paula trades their mother Cheney died shortly after giving birth to the two children side note many actually believed this was due in part two complications arising from medication given to her by Paul's wife princess urilan Carino Poland anticipated the birth of a daughter ganima due to his prescient Visions however later's arrival came as a surprise to the emperor in Children of Dune we learned that because of the melange ingested by their mother causing unusual effects for the israeli's bloodline the Twins were pre-born this meant that his fetuses they'd been awakened to Consciousness and to their genetic memories they were basically born as fully mature human beings in the bodies of infants at the start of the novel later was not prescient to the degree that his father Paul had been but he senses the test his father had faced he realized that to embrace a precedent vision of the universe is to set the Universe on that path a terrible responsibility that came with terrible power blinded by the blast of a nuclear weapon called a stone burner Paul was put in a seemingly unwinnable situation sent by the Benny talax a face dancer named Sitel essentially a shapeshifter attacked him and his family holding a knife over the newborns he threatened to kill them if Paul did not surrender his Empire to the Benny talax but Paul suddenly found that he was able to see through the eyes of the infant later allowing him to aim and throw a chrisknife that killed Sitel following the apparent death of their father in the desert of arrakis later when his sister became the legal responsibility of Paul's younger sister the region Talia though they were granted a fine upbringing little attention was bestowed upon them by their aunt Alia became possessed by Abomination a term most commonly used by the Benny Jesuit to describe individuals who could not control the ego memories that had surfaced within them Alia was a fetus when a mother the lady Jessica converted the Water of Life and became a reverend mother when Benny Jesuit awakened to their other memories in the right of the spice Agony they are adults with fully formed personalities and can withstand the inner assault of their forebears but the pre-born have no such defense it should also be noted that as a result of the Benny Jesuit breeding program Jessica was actually the illegitimate daughter of Baron Vladimir harkinen and Canadian neris and so being too young and weak to control the plethora of dynamic personalities that invaded her body via genetic memory Alia was never able to adjust to a situation as a result she'd eventually succumb to the personality of Vladimir harkinen and sought the destruction of House of Trades all sister Alia matured at a frightening rate her small body harbored tremendous Powers oh Emperor I'm afraid my brother won't be very buried with you her mother lady Jessica would say the habits of generations had imprinted the fate of abomination upon her Alia had known no hope of course she'd succumb her fate made the accomplishment of lato and ganima even more difficult to face not one way out of the Trap but two ganimous victory over the inner lives in our insistence that Alia deserved only pity where the bitterest things of all hypnotic suppression under stress linked to the wooing of a benign ancestor and save ganama they might have saved Alia but without hope nothing had been attempted until it was too late Alia's water had been poured upon the sand possessed by Vladimir harkinen Alia unconsciously turned against the Israelis Empire plotting to kill lato and ganima and tear down the Imperium in a bloody Civil War independently lato and ganima both saw the problem of the pre-born unlike their aunt lato and garima were able to control these memories and avoid the Abomination exhibited by Alia using disparate methods ganima through the use of self-hypnosis and later through a complex Council which we'll get into shortly ganimous Escape of abomination appears to have been successful however at the end of Children of Dune later hints that an ancient personality named Harum shared power over his actions stating you see ganymore escaped this but I did not I was forced to balance the inner lives under the pressure of excessive melange I had to seek the act of cooperation of those aroused lives within me doing this I avoided the most malignant and chose a dominant helper thrust upon me by the inner awareness which was my father I am not in truth my father or this helper then again I am not the second lato I'm a community dominated by one who was ancient and surpassingly Powerful he fathered a dynasty which endured for three thousand of our years his name was Harum and until his line trailed out in the congenital weakness and superstitions of a descendant his subjects lived in a rhythmic Sublimity they moved unconsciously with the changes of the seasons they bred individuals who tended to be short-lived superstitious and easily led by God King taken as a whole there were a powerful people their survivalist species became habit [Music] when they were nine years old their maternal grandmother the lady Jessica returned to arrakis from planet kalidan to inspect them as part of her obligations to the Benny Jesuit while visiting Jessica sends the latent power present in the twins realizing that they could be a threat to the psychologically unstable Alia Jessica pressured her fremin allies to protect them at the same time loto's prescient Powers began to emerge through visions and intuition he discovered the golden path that his father had early uncovered and began to follow however unlike Paul later developed a greater understanding of the implications he sensed not only its dangers but also the painful steps that had to be taken to prevent it from unraveling at the end of doing Messiah Paul has forsaken that responsibility by walking into a desert his time as the fremin Messiah had shown him that he was not strong enough to be a messiah Tyrant to the universe later II believed that he must face the same test and so after lato and ganymore escaped the failed assassination attempt by housecarina the two split up as part of lato's plan ganima hypnotizes herself to believe that later had been killed later then slipped into almost total anonymity using the time and relative seclusion to build a foundation of power and knowledge he believed that through this the full impact of the golden path could be realized he also thought that to enact such steps required a strong almost brutal grip on Power and a longevity that would override the short-sightedness and impatience of man thus after spending time amongst a variety of Fringe fremin elements including the preacher later accepted sand trout upon his body and began the conversion into a human sandworm hybrid this transformation which at the beginning was essentially a form of exoskeleton boosted lato's strength reflexes speed immensely and he was able to move across large distances on foot at the same time the intense mental discipline of ganima builds a safe haven within her mind for her own personality to safely develop with the spirit of chani acting as a guardian finding jacaruto a siege that had been forbidden to anyone by fremin law lato faces to test his father had refused to take and embrace his presence its Visions its attendant power and the terrible price it would extract to follow its Vision later would become a symbiote with the sand worm setting the Universe on the golden path a future in which Humanity's survival is assured and so after consuming massive amounts of spice he allows many sand trout to cover his body with the concentration of spice in his blood fooling the creatures the sand trout squirmed on his hand elongating stretching becoming thin covering more and more of his hand no sand trout had ever before encountered a hand such as this one every cell super saturated with spice delicately later adjusted his enzyme balance the knowledge from those uncounted lifetimes which Blended themselves within him provided the certainty through which he chose the precise adjustments staving off death from an overdose which will engulf him if he relaxes watchfulness for only a heartbeat and at the same time he Blended himself with a sand trout feeding on it feeding it learning it he located another placed it over the first one vasilia locked and they became a single membrane which enclosed him to the Elbow this was no longer sand trout it was tougher stronger and it would grow stronger and stronger with a terrible singleness of concentration he achieved the union of his new skin with his body preventing rejection they were all over his body now he could feel the pulse of his blood against the living membrane my skin is not my own this layer gave leito a tremendous strength in speed acting as a living powered exoskeleton and also protected him from mature sandworms who would mistake a sand trout covered body for a lethal mass of water he called it a living self-repairing still suit of a sand trout membrane and soon noted that he is no longer human after his transformation had progressed to a sufficient stage later emerged from the desert and returned to the city of arikin to confront the possessed Dahlia and claim the Throne of the empire here Alia managed to briefly overcome her possession and ended up taking her own life later then claimed the title of Patricia God Emperor and promptly married his sister to consolidate his power the marriage was purely legal though and ganimer actually accepted Faraday and Carina had been taught the Benny Jesuit Ways by Lady Jessica as her exclusive concubine their descendants would also be known exclusively as a trades the same year later began writing his Diaries which would later be known as The Stolen journals shortly after his ascendancy Leto ordered a new golar swordmaster Duncan Idaho from the bennettsley likes to serve him as commander of the royal guard for some context a Gola was an artificially created human who was replicated from a dead individual during the earliest years of his Reign Leto use the existing fremin forces as well as faradan's sardica troops to enforce his rule his armies of fremin and sadika were commanded by a series of Idaho goals and over centuries later's Empire became multi-galactic very early on in this expansion later suppressed the Ancient Order of mentats banning their training because they formed a nucleus of independent thought in opposition while he lived on for Millennia being but Immortal human woman his sister and wife ganima died in the first use of lato's rule although the fremin and sardica Legion served later with loyalty he ultimately decided they were unsuitable to his needs later believed that male-dominated military forces were predatory and would turn against the civilian population in the absence of an external enemy he also needed a reliable religious organization to enforce what was coming to be known as lato's peace ensuring the unfolding of the golden path because of this he founded a new all-female Army to serve him commanded by the continuing series of Duncan Idaho's later named the Army the fish speakers because the first priestessers spoke to fish in their dreams although the fish speakers were all female males were still employed as house cuts and their Commander Idaho was of course a man in terms of world's Rule and historical longevity the fish speakers would end up becoming the most effective military force ever known in his 2116 years the gold Emperor the famed nine historians came to Leto's attention the historians angered him for they had lightened their works and he thought that they deserved to be punished on his orders they were rendered unconscious then burned on Pierce of their own published works when NATO was petitioned by other historians seeking where to their fellows he said they were destroyed because they lied pretentiously have no fear that my wrath will be upon you because of your innocent mistakes I am not overly fond of creating Martyrs Martyrs tend to set traumatic events to Drifting human Affairs drama is one of the targets of my predation tremble only if you build false accounts and stand pridefully upon them go now and do not speak of this rumors of this spread across the empire in the years that followed in fact the accounts were later judged by the Benny Jesuit to have originated from later himself through his major Domo an eight named iconica in order for peace to be Everlasting he knew Humanity ultimately had to hate him and the notion of anyone else ruling over them and the 3431st year of lato's Reign he learned through prescience of a secret mental school that Benny Jesuit hid on wallic nine he sent Duncan Idaho to extinguish the school but some of the mentat sisters escaped hiding their identities and continuing work for The Sisterhood [Music] and a 357th year of lato's Reign the many Jesuit sisters continuous Violet chenua and tasuako came to Iraqis to confirm the long-suspected execution of the nine historians the sister Violet was invited to follow the fish speakers in an Entourage which accompanied one of lato's infrequent trips at one point she was invited to trot behind the Royal cart and Converse with the god Emperor himself he told Violet to tell The Sisterhood that he would restore the outward View and that the Benny Jesuit of all people should know the dangers of breeding for a particular characteristic of seeking a defined genetic goal later also told her many things that she didn't include in her report to The Sisterhood from thoughts on how he'd be remembered to the statement that he would never see her again because she would not live to become a reverend mother his predictions came true as Violet died in the spice Agony due to melange incompatibility a year after her death the latest dunk in Idaho goler attempted to kill him with a lays gun after tracing the weapon back to the ixian Ambassador Aya kobat later ordered kobat to leave Iraqis deciding not to kill him because he was too unimportant instead he told him to carry a message to X that the god Emperor knew about the agreement between IX and the spacing Guild later also gave kobat a private message for his Masters that he wanted an extension for his cut and that they were to send him a large supply of redulian Crystal paper soon after Leto sensed the need for the next step on the golden path and knew that his rule must end for further progress to occur [Music] during this period the Benny clay lights attempted to kill later during his progression in the Royal cart across the Idaho river face dancers essentially a race of shapeshifters bred by its lilacs approached the group disguises Foreman transforming into a copy of Duncan their hope is to confuse the fish speakers into not knowing which Master to obey enabling them to kill the god emperor in the confusion this failed however when Duncan took off his uniform and ordered the fish speakers to fight the imposters after this incident later had the tleelax Ambassador publicly flogged and expelled in the months leading up to the god Emperor's death two Reverend mothers and Truth saves Tetris Eileen Antioch one of the mentals trained on wallet nine and Marcus Claire luiso came to Iraqis despite another attempt on his life using spy assassins by the sisters the power granted an audience with lato there he agreed to continue the spice Lop Into The Sisterhood for the next decade later would fall in love with the new Xeon Ambassador Hui Nori Hui was a direct female clone of lato's former friend advisor malki created by the talax in an ixian no chamber since Nori was conceived and raised outside of his prescient abilities later was unaware of her until she was presented to him as an ambassador he was instantly submitted with nari and within a few months proposed marriage setting the date of their betrothal by the time of the god emperor of Dune later was almost fully transformed into a sand worm making him nearly invulnerable to physical damage however his single greatest weakness and intense vulnerability to water shared with the sand worms remained a secret lato's peace has kept the universe quiet and cohesive for Millennia and except for later the sand worms were extinct and all that was left of the ocean without water Marbella was a desert preserve set aside for later desolate Dune was now essentially gone and arrakis was now a verdant planet with a Great River named after Duncan Idaho the old institutions like the Benny Jesuit the Benny talax the spacing Guild the houses major and minor the lands Rod the technocratsovics and column had all faded from power in the face of lato's dictatorship since he had absolute control of the spice he was able to ruthlessly enforce his order keeping the universe in the palm of his hand by this time later had taken over the Benny jesuit's breathing program the same one that produced his father the quasat's hadarak you were told of our only daughters but you and your pride thought you could produce the quizzes was I wrong to ensure the humanity survived he spent Millennia enforcing common Humanity in this piece people rarely traveled fought in wars or did anything but live and worship the god emperor of course this repression created inhumanity a deep and urgent need to rebel and explode upon the universe scattering itself beyond the reach of any single tyrant Leto sought a solution that would enable him to die without destroying his people and fell upon Revolution and so he planned for the birth of the person who would overthrow him siona or trades the daughter of his aide monio and a distant descendant of ganymer and faradin siona was a second ever human to carry a gene that made her invisible to prescience and thus uncontainable by it the first of course being cat fenring whereas fenering was a genetic eunuch however siona could pass his Gene onto her descendants Asiana could not be seen in a vision she could not be controlled by them nor would her Descendants the tyranny of presence would end with siona and Humanity would never again be bound by a powerful prescient like the muadi or the god Emperor himself Sienna ultimately used her power of a nailer later's Chief fishbeaker to set his demise in motion and so Nayla would open fire in the bridge with a Lay's gun destroying it as lato and Nori were crossing dropping them into the Idaho river the water destroyed lato's sanran body decomposing it into sand trout that would lock up the water in their bodies this recreated the conditions for the Sam lims to reappear each with a pearl of lato's Consciousness and adaptability inside of them the theory was supported 1500 years later when an arrow king girl named Sheena a direct descendant of siona and the youngest ever Reverend mother of the Benny Jesuit displayed the power to control the worms and although he died after reigning for 358 years his last vision of the golden path ended up shining brightly in Humanity's future his death reverse are terraforming on arrakis and the planet began to revert into a desert World instead of the realized fremin dream of a lush Paradise I will die four deaths the death of the flesh the death of the soul the death of the myth and the death of reason and all of these deaths contain the seeds of Resurrection during and after his Reign later the second was viewed as an extremely controversial figure following his death a chain of dramatic events took place over the next 1500 years since peoples of the Imperium had come to rely on lato's Empire for everything it fell into famine the famine times were characterized by cannibalism of machinery and the desperate plundering of Natural Resources the desperation stagnation and isolation eventually led to the explosion of humanity in waves of migration Across the Universe called the scattering of course this is all part of the golden path that would save Humanity from stagnation and annihilation many of the established power Brokers were either destroyed or significantly weakened due to his Draconian tactics and a monopoly on the spiceman large to his admirers later was known as the god Emperor but to his enemies including the Benny Jesuit he was labeled the Tyrant of the universe the religion of the god Emperor also continued on Dune which became known as rakis there he was worshiped by the priests of the new church of the divided God which became the dominant force on rackets this worship continued until the attack of the honored Martyrs and those returned to the old Imperium from the scattering who called later the second door or galdor later's golden path gave Humanity both immunity to Domination by pressing rulers via siona's genetic trait and Immunity to Domination by any single ruler or Disaster by spreading them far into unknown reaches of the universe 1500 years after the death of the god Emperor aboard the no ship the Ithaca Duncan Idaho and China would create a Gola with recovered cells of later II due to not being raised with his twin sister ganima his goal was a quiet mysterious child as later aged he was explicably drawn to the hold of the ship where a mile of sand held the last remaining sand worms from Dune when he reached the age of maturity he was almost assassinated by enhanced face dancers a week later the Ithaca was captured by the enemy revealed to be reborn leaders of the new thinking machine Empire the Shipton select passengers were then brought to synchrony capital of the machine Empire most of the passengers were led by machines to the cathedral in the heart of synchrony but Sheena and later were left behind staying on the Ithaca with ideas of Their Own communicating with the sand worms in the ship's halt he told Sheena that they desired to be released onto the semi-arid world and so lato and Sheena release the sand worms into the machine capital burrowing deep into the planet's crust the worms destroyed much of the city and many of the flow metal buildings with lato's Guidance the worms coursing through the city disabled the robotic machines ultimately a man slash machine super Bean would be created to lead the Imperium and a future of peace and prosperity no longer needing to guide the Sam worms on a course of Destruction Leto realized that he was happiest as one of the giant creatures and so placing his genetic material inside the ring casings of a worm lato merged with it this time he transformed into an unconscious human sandworm genetic entity while the universe prospered in relative peace with that said that's all for today folks a huge thanks to everyone that requested we explore the god Emperor don't forget to hit like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and if there's anything else you'd like for me to cover please don't hesitate to ask as always it's been a pleasure niet here with film and Comics explained thanks for stopping by the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience a process that cannot be understood by stopping it you have much to learn and I will show you the ways of the desert come with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 2,392,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nALzGQormlw
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Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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