The Master Races of the Universe | Three Body Problem Series

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foreign [Music] hi guys it's Quinn here if you enjoy my videos consider hitting the like button it's the only way the YouTube algorithm really notices me between demonetization and just the unstable nature of AD revenue on YouTube and due to constant rule changes and increased censorship YouTube isn't the best place for Content creators if you want to support the channel and make sure we stay afloat consider checking out our patreon we've got all new perks including access to a patreon only channel on Discord Early Access to videos and a once a month hatron only live stream also 10 and up patrons get a copy of the ebook and the audiobook version of my graphic novel tadia we've got other perks like your name appearing in videos and also special roles in the Discord server and more perks to come check it out thanks guys I've been covering the three body problem book series on this channel for quite some time now tencent just released the first four episodes of the television show adaptation want to know what I think I'll be reviewing the show on my new streaming Channel Quinn streams Link in the description this video will contain Major Spoilers for shinlu's remembrance of Earth's past trilogy the cosmos and its inhabitants throughout most of the series remains mysterious but eventually more about the nature of the universe and those who live in it is revealed much of what we learn only adds to the cosmic dread that already permeates much of the series the remembrance of Earth's past Trilogy by shishin Lu paints a picture of cosmic civilization that is dark lonely and terrifying a universe where infant civilizations on young worlds might call out into the darkness seeking reprieve from the seemingly endless Cosmic loneliness only to find that they have revealed themselves to a hunter in the dark whose weapon is now squarely focused upon them this is the reality of life within the Dark Forest but there are some who Master this universe in this video we will discuss the various civilizations and groups known to inhabit shishinlu's universe part one Humanity following the bunker era Shang Xin and AA were the only humans to survive the dimension strike on Earth's solar system after using a spaceship powered by curvature propulsion they made it to one of the planets at Star dx3906 because of the effects of Relativity several centuries had passed from the perspective of Earth while on the world they encounter Guan Yi than who had been one of the inhabitants of the vessel blue space which had fled Humanity's solar system long before the dimension strike occurred from youthan chongxin and AA learn that Humanity did in fact prosper and there were several groups of humans living on several planets throughout the darkness to understand how Humanity accomplished this we have to begin with Tian Ming and his stories which had hidden messages embedded into them about how to survive within the Dark Forest one of the messages involved the creation of a black domain a black domain was essentially a region in space where the speed of light was lowered significantly to an outside Observer the space surrounded by a black domain would appear as an empty region of space now lowering the speed of light through a medium was actually possible but lowering the speed of light through vacuum was something else entirely the speed of light through the vacuum of space was one of the fundamental constants of the universe to alter the speed of light was equivalent to altering the laws of physics which only the most advanced civilizations within the Dark Forest were capable of Research into lowering the speed of light through the vacuum of space begin in the bunker era the black domain was considered as a secondary survival plan for the human race tremendous resources were devoted and even a large-scale space City devoted to the research of the subject was constructed in the Saturn cluster it was named light speed one the creation of the circum solar particle accelerator led to the success of the largest project ever enacted under the black domain project this was the black hole project it was virtually impossible to create a local gravity field in a laboratory setting which is why the circum solar particle accelerator was needed it was capable of creating microscopic black holes the book death's end recounts the life of a man named way he was the head of the black hole project way was a neurodivergent genius who became obsessed with the project dedicating himself to the study of the speed of light due to his neural Divergence he had extreme trouble with communicating with other people because of this he was heavily closed off from the rest of humanity way was tortured because of the way he was he wanted to change himself to love to laugh to join in on the dance of humanity he developed an association between who he was and the speed of light he thought that if he could change light speed then he could change himself but the speed of light through vacuum really was the most stable thing in the cosmos Research into lowering the speed of light resembled torturing light without regard for consequences people tried to do everything with Light Strike It twist it break it dissect it stretch it crush it even destroy it but the result was at most a change in its frequency in vacuum but the speed of light remained unchanged like an unscalable wall all these decades theoreticians and experimenters alike were in despair there was a saying if there really were a Creator the only thing he welded shut in all creation was the speed of light the circum solar particle accelerator as I mentioned earlier could produce microscopic black holes but these evaporated quickly in order to produce a stable one a microscopic black hole had to be injected into Jupiter's smallest Moon letter letter had an approximate radius of 8 kilometers they were able to lower the Moon from its high orbit and change its orbit so that instead it became a body orbiting the Sun parallel to Jupiter at the time this was the most massive body humans had ever moved through space the microscopic black hole once it was injected into letter began to rapidly absorb lettuce mass and grow the intense radiation generated by material falling into the black hole melted the surrounding Rock soon the eight kilometer radius letter melted entirely and The potato-shaped Rock turned into a red glowing ball of lava the lava ball shrank slowly but glowed brighter and brighter until it finally disappeared with a blinding flash observation showed that other than a small amount of material ejected by the radiation most of the mass of leader had been absorbed by the black hole the black hole was stable and its Event Horizon had grown to 21 nanometers eventually another space city was constructed around the black hole this was deemed light speed too the black hole itself was suspended in the middle of light speed too equipment and Personnel could be brought into Lightspeed 2 in order to study the black hole this being the first time human beings could study a black hole in a laboratory setting led to many discoveries which helped in the development of fundamental cosmology and theoretical physics way became infatuated with the black hole he would often hang against the protective net surrounding the black hole staring into it from five kilometers away as time went on however he became frustrated with the lack of progress he came to despise the laws of nature as well as fear them he watched its luminescence like we're doing now and sometimes claim that the black hole was talking to him that he could decipher the message of its flickering light eventually way was sucked into the black hole he being one of the principal physicist of the black hole project had the password to the protective net in order to get a closer look at the object of his infatuation he lowered it he then drifted Beyond The Event Horizon no one knows whether or not this was an accident black holes even outside of Science Fiction are the strangest objects in the universe beyond the Event Horizon all knowledge fails us nothing can escape even light this means that from the perspective of those outside the Event Horizon an object or person would never actually enter the black hole in death's end it is not clear what happened to way from his perspective under general relativity a distant Observer would see a clock near the Event Horizon slow down and the process of way Falling Towards The Event Horizon would also slow down and stretch into Infinity but within Way's own frame of reference he had already passed through the Event Horizon even more oddly the figure's proportions were normal perhaps it was because the black hole was so small but tidal forces did not seem to be at work he had been compressed into the nanometer range but space there was also extremely curved more than one physicist believed that the body's structure of whey wasn't harmed at the Event Horizon in other words he's probably still alive at this moment the truth about whether or not we actually survived was never revealed in the series though way would never learn how to reduce the speed of light the data gathered from the research of the black hole would be instrumental in the future development of curvature propulsion curvature propulsion would allow vessels to travel at light speed but as a side effect they would also produce reduced speed black holes black domains by the time shungzine and AA escape the destruction of Earth's solar system and traveled to Planet blue in their own curvature propulsion ship they find that the descendants of blue space and gravity who make up nearly all of humanity have now expanded greatly independently developing curvature propulsion and black domains because Galaxy humans unlike solar system humans did not have the stories of Tian mean to help they achieved these Feats about 200 years later than solar system humans Humanity in this era the Galaxy era inhabited four separate worlds it is mentioned that Two Worlds were currently being opened up for settlement by this point in time humanity had reached a crucial point in their development as a cosmic Society they were aware of the Dark Forest state of the universe they had created curvature propulsion drives and they had the ability to hide within a black domain in case of exposure to the greater universe this was actually the fate of one of the human worlds something had occurred on world 3 which caused them to believe that their world's coordinates had been exposed their only choice was to turn their world into a black domain after they covered themselves in their shroud which they called a light curtain it was impossible to send messages back and forth from that world to others and no one on the inside could leave the inhabitants of World 3 said it was a happy Paradise though I don't know if they still think that way after the light tomb was completed it was impossible for any messages from that world to reach the outside but I think people there are pretty happy for some people safety is the cine quanon for happiness it is mentioned in death's end that there are some humans in the cosmos that take a rather interesting approach to life in the universe by constantly approaching the speed of light in vessels called ultimate spaceships they head for the heat death of the universe has anyone in the new world thought of going to the end of the universe of course five ultimate spaceships have already been launched ultimate spaceships some call them doomsday ships ultimate spaceships or Doomsday ships have no particular destination by their calculations 50 billion years from our frame of reference would be just 10 years in theirs this means it would be possible to reach the end of the universe within a human lifetime Humanity made a place for itself in the dark Forest which is more than countless others could say but the future of humanity and the future of the universe itself remains uncertain throughout death's end and throughout the spin-off novel Redemption of time this is because there were powerful forces throughout the cosmos armed with the power to rip apart space-time tearing the fabric of reality itself one of such groups was the zero homers part two the zero homers in the book descend while on planet blue with Shang Zane in a a guanyu fan detects the presence of another vessel on the other world in the system Planet Gray when Xiang Xin and Juan yifan flew up to investigate they found that it had been the mysterious zero homers who were known by the physics-breaking death lines that their ships left in their wake the ship approached the coordinates provided by the monitoring satellite where five unidentified spacecraft had landed and then taken off an had planned to land the shuttle there and investigate the traces left by the spacecraft but he and shungxin had not anticipated that the mysterious visitors would leave behind such large signs that they were visible from space what is that Zhang Xing cried out death lines youthan recognized them right away don't get too close he said to the AI he was referring to the five black lines one end of each line was connected to the surface of the planet and the other end extended into space like five black hairs growing out of Planet gray each line stretched higher than Hunter's orbit what are they Trails left by curvature propulsion those lines are the result of extreme curvature manipulation the speed of light within the trails is zero death lines were the blackest things in the universe they present no details other than exceptional Darkness they seem to possess no real surface but somehow they showed clearly against even the Blackness of space the book also describes death lines as the deadest things in the universe since the light speed within a deathline was zero every fundamental particle inside of a deathline was still there were no vibrations inside deadlines no movement and nothing could Escape once it wandered into one a death line though it did not have a source of gravity was essentially a black hole zero gravity black hole anything that falls in cannot re-emerge ifan picked up a rock and tossed it towards one of the deadlines The Rock disappeared inside the absolute Darkness at this point in human history Humanity's curvature propulsion drives could never come close to producing the type of curvature propulsion that would lead to the partition of deathlines this was the work of an extremely Advanced group Galactic humans had come across these lines before but they were rare for now but considering the near Eternal nature of the universe Chang wonders how long before these permanent death lines littered the sky Zing gazed up at the giant black columns reaching into space they lifted up the domed sky and seemed to turn the universe into a palace of death is this the ultimate end for everything the group that left these death lines were known by two names to Galactic humans the zero homers and the resetters both names referred to the ultimate mission of this group the zero homers hope to reduce the universe to zero Dimensions they believe that this would trigger the reset of the cosmos sending the universe back to the original state of ten Dimensions which had been degraded over time by the warring life of the cosmos Humanity did not know exactly who the zero homers were it was also not clear whether they were a group of individuals of immense intelligence a civilization or a group of civilizations but their existence was confirmed the zero homers want to reset the universe and return it to the Garden of Eden how by moving the hour hand of the clock past 12. take spatial Dimensions as an example it's practically impossible to drag a universe in lower Dimensions back into higher dimensions so maybe it's better to work forward in the other direction if the universe can be lowered into zero dimensions and then beyond the clock might be reset and everything returned to the beginning the universe might possess 10 macroscopic Dimensions again Humanity actually did not know whether or not the zero Homer's plan was even possible humans had witnessed the two-dimensionalization of three-dimensional space but they had yet to see one dimensionalization let alone zero-dimensionalization we've never seen one-dimensionalization but somewhere some zero homers must be trying no one knows if they've ever succeeded Humanity had however found evidence that some group likely the zero homers had been also attempting to lower the speed of light past zero since lowering light speed compared to attempting to lower Universal Dimensions was theoretically easier reducing the speed of light past zero would theoretically reset and turn it to its original speed of infinity or near Infinity Humanity was not privy to the theories that would suggest that this would be possible guanyifan in fact believes that it simply was not possible that zero light speed was an impassable wall zero light speed is absolute death for all existence the cessation of all motion under such conditions the subjective cannot influence the objective in any way so how can the hour hand be shifted past it I think the zero homers are practicing a kind of religion a kind of performance art we don't know exactly what knowledge the zero homers possess we don't know how long they have been active it could be possible that their mission has been going on since before the universe was three-dimensional it is possible that their calculations are correct that the Universe can be reset but it is also possible that guanyifan is correct that the zero homers don't have an actual Theory which suggests that what they are attempting to do is possible the idea that a highly Advanced group of beings have succumbed to a kind of religious thinking that will only work to destroy the universe quicker than it would be otherwise is pretty terrifying but somehow it seems realistic to me it is also possible that the zero homers are simply wrong in their theories either way their actions will only serve to speed up the process of the universe's destruction part three the race of singer once Humanity's location had been broadcast throughout the Dark Forest it was only a matter of time before someone recognized the signs of intelligent life and acted offensively this was of course due to the Hostile nature of cosmic Society I explained this concept in my video what makes the forest dark essentially all life that reveals itself on a cosmic scale is eventually wiped out by a higher race of beings in the case of humanity our Solar System's destructors came in the form of singer's race singer was an insignificant member of a distant alien world they were immensely powerful singer's job was to analyze data his particular job was seen as trivial and Easy by the other members of his seed it is mentioned that because of this members of his seed thought of him contemptuously singer understood that what he did was not important it just filled in the pieces but it had to be done and the task was enjoyable it mentions in the chapter where singer is introduced that ten thousand grains of time have passed since his particular seed left its Homeworld this is equivalent to eighty thousand years it is not clear exactly what is meant by a seed but it seems to refer to singer's particular group perhaps genetically familial it is also mentioned that singer has accumulated the experience of ten thousand time grains which implies that he has been alive as long as his seed has or at least has a way of inheriting the experience of his ancestors singer describes his Homeworld as once being a place of great joy but now it was joyless and so was his seed it is mentioned that the happiness of his racist past was recorded in songs he was called singer because as he went about his assigned job he enjoyed singing his racist classical songs as it was one of the few forms of Joy left to his people it is not exactly clear however what singing actually means in the context of singer's race Throughout the chapter singer refers to humans and life forms like us as low entropy beings compared to singer's race we are unstructured random beings up until the point in which singer's race shows up in the series we have only encountered the might of the trisolarians whom pale in comparison to the might of sinker's race there was of course the unnamed race of beings who destroyed the trisolaran Homeworld but their method for the destruction of trisolaris firing a photo aid from a ship indicated that they were also at a lower level of advancement than singers race this chapter also introduced the idea that a hiding Gene and a cleansing Gene exist among the life forms of the universe this seems to refer to the inclinations of certain civilizations to hide themselves from the greater universe and the inclination to offensively destroy threatening civilizations singer's race seems to be extraordinarily ancient singer Muse is that in the distant age lower entropy clusters like Earth's solar system were rare and far apart singers race had the capability to identify signals sent out by intelligent civilizations and Destroy them with ease the main core allowed them to do this the main core's job was to pick up the coordinates and it remembers all the positions of the Stars by matching the received data against various map projections and the position schema it could pick out the coordinates of the messages origin it was said that the main core could match the position of schema from 500 million time grains ago to singers World below entropy civilization like the human race who did not possess the hiding Gene was dangerous this is because without the hiding gene they would not be afraid of exposing their own presence and would expand an attack without fear singer's ultimate Choice was to unleash a dual Vector foil to flatten the Earth's solar system into two Dimensions he did this while singing there's a lot of mysteries surrounding singer's race more details about them are presented in the spin-off novel Redemption of time but I want to keep this video in the main series we will cover the events of redemption of time in another video part 4. the higher dimensional microcosmos the book The three-body problem introduces a rather mind-boggling concept the trisolarins when attempting to unfold a subatomic particle into two Dimensions encountered intelligent life within the particle when viewed from the vantage point of higher dimensions a subatomic particle could be exponentially vast the princess was one of the few who kept calm he asked the science Council how complicated can the internal structure of a subatomic particle be it depends on the number of dimensions of your observation perspective from a one-dimensional perspective it's only a point that is how ordinary people think of the particles from a two or three-dimensional perspective the particle begins to show internal structure from a four-dimensional perspective a fundamental particle is an immense world the princess said to use a word like immense to describe a subatomic particle such as a proton seems incredible to me the science Council ignored the princess and continued as we move to higher Dimensions the complexity and number of structures within a particle increased dramatically the comparisons I'm about to make will not be precise but should give you an idea of the scale a particle seen from a seven-dimensional perspective has a complexity comparable to our trisolarin Stellar system in three dimensions from an eight-dimensional perspective a particle is a vast presence like the Milky Way when the perspective has been raised to nine dimensions a fundamental particle's internal structure and complexity are equal to the whole universe as for even higher Dimensions our physicists haven't been able to explore them so we cannot yet imagine the degree of complexity considering the complexity of the internal structure of the proton within higher Dimensions intelligent life within one was not only possible but likely and what the trisolarians encountered after attempting this first was undoubtedly intelligent life it initially manifested in a form that most intelligent life would recognize eyes many eyes hovering in the sky above trisolaris the princess pointed to the Giant Eyes in space do these show that the microcosmos contained within the unfolded proton Harbors intelligent life our definition of life is probably not appropriate for the high dimensional microcosmos more accurately we can say that Universe contains intelligence or wisdom at first the trisolarin snake that perhaps the eyes simply wished to demonstrate their presence these beings while normally confined to the microcosmos of the proton within higher dimensional space were now manifesting in three dimensions but the trisolarins were wrong initially this wasn't to demonstrate their existence this was to mount an attack on trisolaris who they obviously rightfully viewed as a threat to their own microcosmos the eyes floating above trisolaris merged into one giant eye and then transform into a parabolic mirror used to Scorch the surface of trisolaris the parabolic Mira focused the sun's beams onto the surface of trisolaris initially the spot of light was very large and the Heat at the focal point wasn't yet lethal this spot moved across the ground searching for its Target the mirror discovered the capital the largest city of trisolaris and the light spot began to move toward it soon the beam was over the city those standing under the pendulum Monument only saw a great brightness in space it overwhelmed everything else accompanied by a wave of extreme heat then the light spot over the capital shrink as the parabolic mirror began to focus the light more tightly the brightness from space grew stronger until no one could lift up his head and those standing within the spot felt the temperatures rise rapidly just as the heat became unbearable the edge of the light spot swept past the pendulum monument and everything dimmed it took a while before the crowd's sight readjusted to normal light when they looked up the first sight that greeted them was a pillar of Light Between the sky and Earth shaped like an inverted cone the mirror in space formed the base of the cone and the tip stabbed the heart of the capital turning everything there incandescent at once waves of smoke begin to rise tornadoes caused by the uneven heat of the light cone formed on several pillars made of dust that connected the sky twisting and dancing around the light cone the trisolarins respond in kind attacking the eye with nuclear warheads the resulting Devastation leads to the annihilation of the entire microcosmos one of near infinite microcosmoses throughout the Universe it was at least an intelligent body also princeps we destroyed the entire microcosmos that miniature universe is immense in higher dimensions and probably contain more than one intelligence or civilization that never had a chance to express themselves in macro space of course in higher dimensional space at such a micro scale the forms that intelligence or civilization may take is beyond our imagination there's something else entirely and such Destruction has probably occurred many times before oh in the long history of scientific progress how many protons have been smashed apart in accelerators by physicist how many neutrons and electrons probably no fewer than 100 million every Collision was probably the end of the civilizations and intelligences in a microcosmos in fact even in nature the destruction of universes must be happening at every second for example through the decay of neutrons also a high energy cosmic ray entering the atmosphere May destroy thousands of such miniature universes as I said it is clear that the life formed within the protons microcosmos viewed the trisolarins as a threat it is not clear whether this was a single civilization within the microcosmos or a collection of them working together in defense of their own universe what is clear is that in the process of attempting to unfold a proton the trisolaran sacrificed potentially trillions of lives I find this concept very intriguing whenever it pops up within science fiction the idea that our universe is filled with countless smaller universes within it makes the universe feel even more vast and infinite than it already does it also makes us wonder what if our own Universe was simply a microcosmos within another grander Universe our entire Cosmos could potentially be destroyed at the whim of a greater civilization within a higher realm of existence part five the trisolaran destructors during the war with Humanity the trisolaran sent two separate fleets towards the Earth's solar system the initial slower trisolaran fleet was lost forever to human history the second trisolaran Fleet however has a fate that is known to all those who notice the Interstellar dust cloud that was the result of their destruction the second trisolarin Fleet which contained the most powerful and fastest ships ever built by the trisolarins before the destruction of their Homeworld encountered something immensely powerful and immensely destructive presumably while in search of a new Homeworld somewhere in the galaxy we don't know much the first and second trisolarian fleets never joined together more than 60 years ago there was a large-scale space battle near Taurus it was brutal and the resulting wreckage formed a new Interstellar dust cloud we know that one of the sides in the battle was the second trisolarin Fleet but we don't know who they were fighting against we also don't know how the battle ended my guess is that the second trisolaran fleet was annihilated the trisolarians were powerful but probably not powerful enough to contend with whatever they faced out there up until this point in the series we have seen multiple examples of trisolarean technology and weaponry none of which seemed powerful enough to create an Interstellar dust cloud as the result of its destructive capability it could potentially have been technology that they developed later on but I think this is unlikely the trisolerance at this point seemed to have not found a suitable home world technological development for them aboard a space Fleet would have been limited compared to if they had a Homeworld full of resources so I think it stands to reason that if they didn't have such powerful technology before they turned away from Earth's solar system then they wouldn't have had it by the time they encountered whatever destroyed them though I believe the second trisolaran fleet was annihilated by a more powerful alien group I do not think this was the end of the trisolaran race though Humanity never learns what became of the First trisolarian Fleet it is implied that they went on to perhaps inhabit new worlds and in the end left their Mark upon the cosmos at the end of death's end the trisolarins like humanity and many others are called together to restore the stolen pieces of the universe and save the cosmos from Ultimate Destruction this of course indicates that the First trisolarin Fleet like the humans of blue space and gravity bred civilizations that survived long term in the cosmos conclusion one thing that all those who Master the cosmos seem to share is their ability and willingness to stay well hidden the first step in long-term survival in the cosmos is to hide from all potential threats meaning all outside civilizations it seems that those who Master the universe are also distinguished in two types Those Who hide and cleanse and those who simply hide Those Who hide and cleanse not only shielded themselves well from Outsiders but took the initiative to eliminate potential threats before they became a problem because the so-called cleansing Gene exists in so many civilizations Cosmic Society is naturally hostile to all those who make themselves known this seems to be a dark truth of the universe throughout most of the series that is until the very end of death's end the ending of death's end seems to suggest that cooperation between worlds will be the only way to save the universe from collapse and bring about the adenic age once again it is not clear exactly who called this Gathering or how they gathered the names of so many civilizations in a universe where hiding was a method for survival the ending of death's end is shockingly optimistic suggesting that even with the harsh reality of cosmic life the ultimate solution could be the joining together of different civilizations we will cover these events and the events leading up to them in death's end in a future video okay so now it's time to answer patreon questions no not again what are you talking about organism 9186 this is the first time we've done this and we're going to be doing it a lot more now that my patreon has all new perks okay so first question is the 10 cent series only focused on the first book as far as I can tell it definitely is I'm on episode 9 now and they're really taking their time they've even added scenes and expanded minor characters and added whole new characters there's 30 episodes total so they're really not gonna have to drop any details from that first book and I think that's a good thing ultimately next question greetings for context I've only just started reading the first novel of the three body problem series and watch the tints and adaptation through episode 4. do you have any thoughts as to why so many scientists responded to the physics not being real with committing suicide well first off I think you should finish reading the book because there are certain Revelations that make things make a lot more sense and I actually think it's a little bit more clear in the tense and adaptation with the added scenes now you're probably not going to be able to hear the answer to your own question if you don't want to be spoiled but for everybody else that's listening I'll go ahead the trisolarins are essentially already on Earth or at least they're super computers aka the sofons these super computers are what is making physics not work properly and these supercomputers are the way in which trisolaris communicate with ETO the Earth trisolaris organization which has essentially infiltrated the frontiers of science or maybe the frontiers of science is simply a front for ETO it's a little bit vague in the book essentially the frontiers of science locates important scientists around the world who are doing important work it quote unquote recruits them and then begins to psychologically manipulate them we see this happening with Wang in the book and in the show and the show also gives us examples of it happening to other people directly with the use of the so funds ETO can project images right onto the eyeballs of their victims essentially ETO is driving them to Suicide well that's pretty dark yeah organism I mean shishinlu is not playing around it's pretty dreary alright moving on to our next patreon question which is kind of related g'day Quinn I'll make an assumption here that you're referring to the first novel for your questions and not the series remembrance of first pass as a whole I would like to know your views on ETO Earth trisolaris organization and what it is in some detail in particular are they a fifth column supporting The Invasion are they a cult are they just capitalists looking to exploit the situation are they all of the above and more well Donovan this is a great great question I probably should do an entire video on ETO so ETO as you mentioned stands for Earth trisolaris organization it was founded by ya wenji who was the person who initially alerted the trisolarians of Earth's location in space essentially ETO supports the trisolarin invasion but there are also different factions within ETL it's been around for several decades by the start of the book and things have changed since its initial conception so there are three main factions within ETO you've got the survivors they hope that by selling out the rest of humanity that they and their children their offspring will be granted special privileges and spared from the worst of what the rest of humanity will get and then there are the Adventists they are the closest to what ETO originally stood for and they just straight up hate the human race they want to see it destroyed and then finally the most interesting group The redemptionist they have formed a kind of religion based on the trisolarians they see them as a superior species the redemptionist main thing is trying to solve the three-body problem itself trying to figure out a way to predict the movement of the three sons of trisolaris optimally they hope that by doing so trisoleras can just stay in their own system and not come to Earth and then later in the books we've of course got the wall breakers but we will get into that in the future I would definitely make a dedicated video on ETO later on well I should start the Earth troll Leon organization you know I'd love to see you try at organism9186 everyone should seek out their own dreams anyway next question I'm curious about your thoughts on the VR scenes as well as the glimpse of the trisolarin world I assume you're talking about the tencent TV show I really enjoyed the episode that showed the game for the first time it was neat to see that sequence realized that's such an awesome trippy part in the book and I think the tencent show holds up pretty well even though it's a little bit different as far as the glimpses of Tri Solaris that we've gotten so far throughout the show we haven't seen very much but everything's been pretty cool looking if you want more details about what I think about the tencent show I'm going to be streaming all about it as the show continues to air on my new streaming Channel Queen streams you can subscribe to that channel if you want to catch all of those live streams alright looks like that's the last of our questions let's go get some ice cream organism yay I love ice cream so we've got some great news guys Quinn's ideas officially has a Discord now my goal is to make this Discord a great place for all science fiction fans to come and talk about science fiction share their favorite books share their love of science fiction stories and Concepts while having a lot of fun I'm really excited about this new way to engage with my community and to create more connectivity between my viewers I hope you will join us over on Discord thank you so much just a heads up for those of you that may be interested my next graphic novel the LIE behind the star is launching February 2023 you can sign up now to get on the email mailing list to get notified as soon as it launches more information on my website link in the description thank you guys so much [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 1,890,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Three Body, Science Fiction, Lore, Three Body Problem, Cixin Liu, Explained, Death's End, Dark Forest
Id: BhpKGh4GV6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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