The Greatest Mysteries In The Dune Series

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[Music] thank you [Music] hi guys it's Quinn here if you enjoy my videos consider hitting the like button it's the only way the YouTube algorithm really notices me if you'd like to do more to keep this channel afloat consider donating through the PayPal Link in the description or checking out our patreon thanks guys so much in this video we're going to be exploring some of the greatest Mysteries of the Dune Universe these are questions that either don't have exact answers or the answers are vague enough that sound degree of speculation is required to fill in the blank now if you're familiar at all with Dune then you know that it is one of the most dense science fiction series out there and can be challenging to read let alone comprehend for a lot of people Frank Herbert is also pretty subtle with how he unveils certain details so lots of things are easily missed now essentially all the Mysteries that I'll be going over in this video I've already covered before in more detail in dedicated videos you can find those videos Linked In the description the first question is where do the worms come from now this is a multi-part question one what is the life cycle of the worms two how did the worms get on a rakis the answer to that first part of the question is relatively well established if you read the original six Frank Herbert books there are tiny organisms in the sand known as sand trout these organisms collect and insist water they burrow themselves deep beneath the ground they link themselves together and a chemical reaction eventually occurs this chemical reaction results in an explosion on the surface known as a spice blow this spice blow produces the substance known as spice melange the surviving sand trout then burrowed deep into the sand linking together once again these linked together sand trout will eventually become full-fledged sand worms and Rise yet again this process takes years now the second question in my opinion is a lot more interesting and we kind of learned the answer to this in the third book in the series Children of Dune the sand worms are not originally from arrakis they did not evolve there and they are the reason in fact that the planet itself is a desert before the presence of the sand worms arrakis had been a wet world in the book Children of Dune the son of Paul the trades late to the second comes to the realization that the sand worms had been brought to Iraqis from some distant World likely by humans he comes to this realization through use of his genetic memory the most interesting part about this fact is its implication if the worms were brought to Iraqis from some other world where is that world because it is likely that it is another source of the spice melange so the next biggest mystery that we have is what happened to the planet Earth yes Earth is mentioned in the Dune series it's mostly referred to as old Earth an interesting thing that Frank Herbert does in the dunes series which I've seen done in several different science fiction series since is set his universe so far into the future that humans have kind of forgotten about Earth and in fact most people if they even know of Earth aren't even sure if it's a myth or not groups like The Benny Jesuit remember old Earth but it's implied to be pretty obscure to average people it's also implied in the book God emperor of June that Earth no longer exists it could be because it was destroyed through war or through other means one of the themes of the dunes Saga as a whole is nothing is permanent and everything changes death is something that eventually comes for everyone and everything even worlds the next question who destroyed the honored matre Civilization now if you aren't familiar with the entire Dune Saga I'll just explain that at a certain point many many many people left the old Imperium some of those people came back 1500 years later the most powerful of those groups were the honored matres the honored mantras were descended from remnants of the bini Jesuit of lato II the god Emperor's fish speaker Army and of the sleigh laksu Axolotl tanks the honored matre had many of the bitty Jesuit Powers but they had lost several of them as well for instance they did not have the internal control that the Benny Jesuit had they could not manipulate their internal body chemistry strange thing about this mystery is that the Dune Cannon somewhat contradicts itself on this and this is due to the fact that the first six Dune books were written by Frank Herbert and the last two were written much later by his son and Kevin J Anderson in the original books the honored matreys mentioned a mysterious group known as the ones of many faces this group supposedly laid waste to their empire forcing them to flee back into the old Empire seeking Benin Jesuit techniques the ones of many faces are implied pretty heavily to be the remnants of tleaksu face dancers who had freed themselves from their masters and evolved into a highly Advanced race of their own the Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson books changed this but they do however leave in one element that I think would have been present in the final Frank Herbert book should he have had the chance to write it so in the Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson books as we have talked about on this channel before the beings that we thought were face dancers turn out to actually be robotic intelligences hell-bent on the destruction of mankind within the scattering they released the scourge upon the honored matres The Scourge was a biological weapon because they honored matres lack the mini Jesuit ability of internal chemistry control they couldn't fight this off the concept of AI Intelligence hell-bent on the destruction of humankind doesn't necessarily strike me as something that Frank Herbert would have written but the idea of the scourge does and it fully explains why the honored matrees would have come back into the old Empire seeking those bini Jesuit techniques so depending on which Canon you buy into the honored Matrix either faced off against the ones of many faces who appear to be face dancers or they faced off against machine intelligence left over from the butlerian Jihad you decide what you want to believe okay and the final question who was leito's great enemy now the original six Frank Herbert books don't actually mention the term great enemy that's a term that's found later in Brian Herbert's books but they do mention that there is a great destructive force headed for Humanity leito is there to delay the coming of this Force until humanity is prepared to survive it it's also mentioned in God emperor of Doom that if lato II hadn't done what he did becoming the worm God Emperor then humankind would have already been destroyed by the time that book takes place So based on the text lato's great into me was a kind of Hunter Seeker device like the device we see in the first dune book only much more advanced so advanced in fact that it replicates itself and has a form of prescience this Hunter Seeker device would hunt down and kill every human being in the universe this is a device that would have been of ixian design so at the core of this is commentary on the exponential progression of technology and how that sometimes gets out of hand in the Brian Herbert books the great enemy again refers to AI intelligence left over from the butler in Jihad so this is very different from what Frank Herbert had in mind which was a not sentient but powerful man-made machine that wasn't operating based off of a grudge some kind of hatred of humanity which seems more like a human emotion than something that a powerful AI intelligence would have but instead was simply operating based off of the ultimate extrapolation of commands that it was given but again like with the question of who destroyed the honored Matra civilization the answer to this question shifts on which Canon you take the most seriously alright guys that's it for this one I hope you guys enjoyed make sure you like the video and subscribe for more Quinn's ideas also consider donating to keep this channel afloat by clicking the PayPal dot me link or checking us out on patreon thanks guys thank you [Music]
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 225,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sci Fi, Science Fiction, Books, Lore, Explained, Dune, Frank Herbert, Villeneuve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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