Ultimate EDC Survival Kit - Bugout Channel

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hey everybody welcome to the bug out channel today i'm really excited to show you uh something that i've been working on for about five months and that's my ultimate edc survival kit thanks for watching so what you have in front of you is a kit that i've been working on for about five months now and i've been working on it off and on um but it's been an ongoing process and it's slowly evolved to what it is right now and the basic concept behind this kit uh because there's a lot of kits on on youtube that are edc and wilderness survival and you know lots of lots of uh maxpedition and vanquis pouches that people put together i really haven't i've looked at i've watched pretty much every video and i really haven't been too impressed there's been a couple good ones but i feel like the design of each kid is a little off for what i've been looking for so let me kind of explain the concept behind this kit so to start with the idea behind this kit which is an edc survival kit is a lot of people who travel or don't want to always bring a bug out bag or a go bag or a survival bag with them they're kind of stuck having to put together their own smaller kit or keeping individual items inside of another bag that might have clothes and stuff like that so what this kit is designed to do is it's basically in all encompassing all-purpose edc urban survival wilderness survival common edc items all put together into one and then all you have to do is if you don't want to bring a huge bug-out bag you just toss this bag which is roughly a little bit bigger than my hand you toss it into another bag and you turn any bag into a survival kit which is awesome so with this kit you don't have to always bring your bug out bag with you you toss this in the glove box or you put in another bag and you're good to go so that's basically the concept behind it what i've tried to do is i've put urban edc items in here i've put wilderness edc survival items there are redundancies which i put intentionally in here that i'll talk about here in a second and it's just i really wanted an all-purpose kit that has the major the most important things food water well in order it'd be more like shelter water there is some food there's appropriate tools there's appropriate edc tools you've got cordage you've got containers combustion lots of methods of starting fire there is methods of catching food a couple different types of cutting tools and quarters so let me go ahead and just jump into it real quick so to begin with this is a vanquish vanquest edcm husky which is the largest edc pouch that they make and uh so this pouch is comparable to the maxpedition fatty i believe they call it it's a little bit larger and this was actually the original pouch that i was using for this kit but then i discovered vanquest and although maxpedition is good i'll tell you what the vanquest husky is amazing i'm not going to go too in depth into it i'm going to make it its own review but uh the overall i'm just i'm so impressed so i'm going to go ahead and start with the outside work my way in so i've replaced the zipper pulls with fire cord it's basically just an additional method of starting a fire um but they also serve as the zipper pulls as well um in the front pouch i'm not going to pull it out but i have two maps and i've shrunk them down to uh i don't know about this size so maybe like five to six inches so i can't really i can just generally use them to navigate but it i've got roads on one map and i've got water sources on another map so just two small maps that i put in a plastic bag in here uh next let's go ahead and open it up and start going through the stuff here so i'm not gonna do this any and in any specific order i'm just gonna start pulling stuff out so i guess we'll just start with this so this is the bit kit that goes with my leatherman wave with these tools alone you can do so many different things and as you guys know i absolutely love the leatherman wave so this basically serves as my redundancy for blades and a saw and stuff like that in fact i think this is my primary for the kit this is my primary wood cutting saw and really because it you know with such a small sized kit you can't put too many things into it so you've got to use tools like this that are very small but have lots of uh lots of tools inside of it so anyways leatherman wave the bit kit um and this is kind of part of the urban edc portion of it you want to be able to fix things and here's the extender that goes with the leatherman wave next chapstick so as you guys have probably seen there's a couple videos out there that show chapstick has so many purposes and so many uses and applications um so i always keep a tube in all my kits but this kit has one so i do have two flashlights in the kit and uh the primary flashlight in here this is a thrunite ti this is a little bit more expensive than the ti3 however if you if you're trying to emulate this kit you can go with the ti3 or a phoenix e05 is comparable this and the e05 are absolutely fantastic lights the low mode lasts for a very long time and what i've done is i've got it to where i've got this orange lanyard if i drop it i can always see it and also without opening the pouch i can pull out the flashlight which is very convenient and i do have a backup double a battery now the intended use for this bag is probably i you know i don't even really think i've i've thought about an exact amount of time but you could go for at least 24 hours with this kid and at least use the tools to get yourself going for longer than that it wouldn't be fun but you could some of the stuff in here would help you live longer than that but if you did end up using a second aaa battery that means you've probably been using the kit for quite a long time unless you had the flashlight on high however i do keep a second battery in there just in case and in case i run into another tool or something else that uses a battery then at least i have this if that battery is dead the second flashlight in the kit is a petzl it's like a little mini headlamp i actually don't know the name of it exactly but uh here's what it is it's just a little tiny uh headlamp it's got this cord that's just goes into it and it comes off moves around pretty cool it's a little expensive but the only reason i actually have this is because i got it on sale i don't remember where so anyways it's the second form of light and also i wanted a headlamp so there you go very small moving along for cutting tools now i had a little bit of debate because i wanted a fixed blade knife but the problem is with such a small pouch the the fixed blade knife you're going to get stuck with is going to be tiny um i was looking at the essie canduro and that was just it's just too small you can't really do a lot with it so you know knowing cold steel they've got the triad locks which basically turn them into close to a fixed blade not quite but close and it's one of the strongest locks that you can get for a folding knife so i went with the fin wolf which i have a video on if you want to check it out it's the the previous video i made to this one but anyways it's a really amazing knife i feel like it's it's good you can do a lot with it you can baton with it it's got a scandi grind i'm not going to go too in-depth on it check out that video i made but very good knife and of course cordage i think this is about 25 to 30 meters i didn't actually measure it i just i made it large enough to where it fit in here this is a brand called tough grid paracord so it's not 550 cord it's actually 750 pound test paracord um and if you haven't checked these guys out you absolutely should tough grid paragord this is the only stuff i use now so check them out they're on amazon like i said before i originally started with a maxpedition i think it's called the fatty or fat boy uh but part of the selling point for the husky was that not only does it offer a lot more flexibility and real estate for storing stuff but it's also larger and it allowed me to fit in a sawyer mini water filter which is tiny as it is but the sawyer mini as you guys know it's like my go-to water filter although i do have water purification tablets in here this makes things just so much better uh you can filter water right on the spot i've got a little button compass i need a better compass unfortunately this stuff's expensive all the stuff's expensive so you know as i am able to all upgrade to a i know sudo makes a very flat compass that i could easily slide into here um so that is the plan but for now i've got a button compass got it for a dollar it's better than nothing and i do have magnets in here as well so i could make another compass if i needed to uh but i'm not doing any extreme land now this is a mini survival kit so better nothing and writing utensils i actually have three writing utensils in this bag this is a tiny zebra it's a zebra writing pen but it's very very small so i thought it was perfect for the kit um and that'll go on the right in the rain notebook which i'll show you here in a second and last thing in here uh this is important i feel like and this kind of goes into what a lot of people's normal edc a lot of people's normal edc has this but it's just a little mini flash storage drive 16 gigabytes anything important that you have digitally goes on this and you can encrypt this and password protect this and so if you have to use the bag at least you still have your most important stuff with you so oh and by the way these are incredibly affordable inexpensive i believe this is 5.99 on amazon and you get a uh eight gig gig for even less than that so this is a hundred dollars in cash and i've got it in tens and a couple twenties so i listened to you guys on my previous video talking about cash went with smaller bills you know it helps me if i have to use it for different things but yeah 100 in cash next i've got a tube of super glue which i'm not going to take out of the gorilla tape which would take a second anyways but what i've learned from because you guys know i've made a couple of these mini survival kits now is you can't just put a tube of super glue into something because they tend to explode especially under pressure and heat because i do keep these in the car sometimes so what you do is you take a tube of super glue and you wrap it in gorilla tape which gorilla tape by the way is just absolutely fantastic and so now it's if it does decide to explode it's going to explode inside of this super glue is great for and i know a lot of a lot of people say not to but if you did get a cut which i have had to cut before that i've used super glue you can seal the cut with it at least for a temporary solution so you can get to a medical facility so next what i've got here is a emergency poncho which i'm kind of opening off to the side i should probably keep it in front of the camera but what i've done is the emergency poncho you know basically it's going to keep you dry but i also use it as a method of storing other items so we talked about containers and containers are important without a container you have no way to carry water so what i've got here is two water bags i bought an amazon basically i it's six dollars for three of them so it's a two dollar bag and it carries a significant amount of water and to be honest i don't know the exact amount i'd say about two liters it's a guess and i've got a ziploc bag to keep things dry and there's a ton of uses for these two and if i had to i could put water in here but food stuff like that you keep it here keep it clean and there's another water bag in here as well i'm not gonna open that one up so next i've got uh coffee filters you can use them to pre-filter water so you don't put dirty dirty water into your sawyer so it lasts a longer a lot longer and there's a ton of uses for these two a fresnel lens basically this is my tertiary method of starting a fire my right in the rain notebook i took about 10 pages out of it i think so i don't have an entire notebook i wanted to keep it as small as possible but i do have a method of writing and it's stage dry i've got a bunch of aluminum foil which is great for cooking all kinds of stuff i mean you can use this for so many things so in it super super thin it weighs almost nothing so why not put it in the kit talked about the emergency poncho you can get these for cheap on amazon as well or your local walmart on the other side here what i've got is it's just a little ziplock bag that i've kind of got mixed matched stuff in here kind of medical related i guess and a few other things so first things first discovered this about a month ago it's kind of like electrolyte rehydration salt type stuff a lot of people drink this when they're gonna have a hangover but i did test it kind of in that application and it did work basically it's just a way to help you retain water next i've got a little boo-boo kit so you know just band-aids some small gauzes some wipes some burn gel i think it just came out of a cent uh medical kit but you know for a dollar it's not bad it's just little boo-boos nothing significant tape you know um this is i don't know the amount maybe 10 15 yards of just normal duct tape i'd prefer gorilla tape but gorilla tape's thicker so it's kind of a sacrifice on size um so i just went with normal duct tape just to get a little bit more and duct tape has a million purposes this is a chloride tail head i've got a couple methods of cleaning these are caffeine pills the way i'm thinking is if i'm stuck using this bag i'm going to kind of be on the go and gosh if i'm tired i'm not going to be very effective so just in case i have to get from point a to point b quickly and i need a little bit of help caffeine pills inside of here's where i've got my uh these are actually msr water purification tablets and i've got some extra pills now i do keep this is my uh my pill in here an n95 uh mask basically an n95 mask is the gold standard for uh you know face masks so if there's anything in the air this is gonna at least assist in keeping it away from you um so anyways on to the pill tin what i've got in here is antidiarrheal allergy and there's another one too primarily that's it though it's anti-diarrheal and allergy i felt like and there's a couple caffeine pills in here i feel like that was kind of the two most important ones and help help me out too if you have a suggestion on what else i could put in here over the counter i'd be happy to hear it but yeah those are the two primary things and there's room in here i could take a few out i think i have about six of each and i've got a couple different um types of allergy as well but allergy is important because if gosh if you are on the go and you accidentally eat something that you're allergic to or get exposed to something that you're allergic tell you to you're basically done without the allergy pills so anyways moving on next is a spork this is just the cheap one but i figured if i did find more food than what i already have how am i gonna eat it it's light it's fairly small so why not next a big one earplugs it's always good to have just in case if you're any kind of loud noise it doesn't have to be guns they're light they're small they're in the kit next this is a pocket wrench and you can find these on amazon but basically it's you know you can use bits you can use it as a flathead and it's really it works really well it's a quick way to loosen and tighten bolts next this is just a folding razor blade and there's a lot of applications for this as well what i've got here is two things that i've just kind of put together myself so one is a heavy duty sewing kit which is this one i've got needles in this one and thread right here it's not it's not a ton but it's enough to fix my clothes if my clothes rip and i'm sure there's other things that you could do with it as well and then i've got myself a little fishing kit so just enough uh fishing line and some hooks and some weights you know so just uh just a little tiny fishing kit it's not the best but hey it's a fishing kit so this is a little mini stanley pry bar and gosh the there's so many uses that so many things you could use this for it's just a great all-around tool to have so i figured with how many uses it does have you might as well put it in the kit especially since it fits in this husky that was the other selling point is in the fat boy from expedition like i said it's a good pouch but this didn't fit which was a shame so that's why one of the reasons i switched over just a little bit of fat wood for fire starting and i do have easily accessible this is my uh little tinder kit um just you know it's a small uh kit just to start a fire so steel wool dryer lint and jute twine three great ways to start a fire this one you can use nine volt the other ones catches park real easy and for that you guys all know fatwood really catches the spark easy so uh just you know i'm not starting any huge fires but i could start a little fire now this is something um i can't believe i didn't think about this before now the idea actually came to me on my own but i'm fairly certain that there's no way i'm the first person to consider this but uh this is dental floss which i'm dropping now you know like i said before where is it i've got my tough grid 750 cord and this has seven strands in it i believe so you know 25 yards times eight that's how much quarters you have here and this is strong but this is 300 i believe this is like two 250 yards of dental floss so you could use this for other purposes than cleaning your teeth you could use this to tie stuff together so i said hey well i mean for the size it's not the strongest in the world but hey you know it's a synthetic string you could use it to build stuff with so hey they're on the bag at the very least you can use it to clean your teeth next i have a whistle this is you seems a ton but a whistle is great for emergency signaling so if you want to be found or if you want somebody to come to you this is the way to go it doesn't have to be this one i just picked this one because it's nice and thin i prefer a titanium whistle but like i said those are expensive so next just a lighter a bit lighter this one's actually running out i've had it for about two years now um i don't use it that often so this is a friendly swede fire starter it's got magnesium here and a fair uh fire steel here and with the scraper got jute twine so a little extra tender next i've got a mini tool kit so this is like if you have to take apart your computer or take apart something that uses very very small you know screws and stuff like that that's what this is for next this is the only food i have in the bag millennium energy bar and i like these just really because they last a long time i have tried them they taste okay part of thing that is appealing to me is it's high carbs and hyper high protein high sugar which really means high energy now this is going to be kind of a short burst of energy a few hours but it's sealed in mylar last five years fairly inexpensive so it packs easy and it's a little bit thinner than other things so this is what i went with i'm open suggestions so if you guys know anything better for food inside of this little kit but hey it's for the size you can't beat it so next so i do have ways to build shelter however this you know pre-packaged this little shelter it's a uh sol survival blanket it fits two people it's better for one person so um but i could use this to build a little lean to or just wrap it around myself if i had to yeah but it's it's shelter um so next this is military trip snare wire spool but it's maybe 20 feet you could use it for snares or if you needed to wrap stuff um you know this this thin wire really does have a ton of applications so all i did was just wrap it around the survival blanket and it makes for good storage and i've got it if i need it and i really really hope i would never have to use this though because if i'm living off of this tiny little kit for more than a day i'm probably having a pretty bad day anyways moving on what i've got here is i took a metal hanger and i just cut it and folded it into a square so i'd fit in here but really this idea i i was just thinking man i need something that's malleable but strong i can cook meat over a fire with it you know i could build stands and stuff with it so i i said hey i've got a bunch of hangers in the closet why not use them so that's what this is for it's really to cook over the fire and whatnot so just something to consider i don't know seemed i was pretty happy with myself for having thought of it i'm sure like once again i'm sure i'm not the first person to think about this stuff but it's very thin it takes up almost no space next just four zip ties kind of generic but these do come in handy i've got my sharpie it's permanent you can write on all kinds of stuff just a little pencil pencils are handy as well i've got a ruler basically uh i you know i just i was sitting at home and thinking about tools and i felt like tools is some of the one of the things that i really have a lack of in a lot of my kits that's kind of part of the reason i added the bits and the leatherman in here obviously it's a great tool anyways for edc but a ruler is actually very important other than a piece of string this is a good straight ruler and i thought there's a bunch of uses for it so hey why not just toss it in there i do have just a little paper clip there's a ton of uses for paper clips as well and i've got a little metal saw saw blade excuse me that i've just cut in half if i need to saw through metal or anything like that and last but not least is a little light load towel you know good for pre-filtering water you can use it to clean yourself you can use it as a bandana and it comes very small until you stick in water and then expands kind of like the kids sponges and stuff like that so just uh you know you get these for a dollar on amazon oh last things last last thing last thing's last what am i talking about last thing so i've got a just a diamond coated knife sharpener and this is i picked this one because it's flat but also it's really easy to sharpen with the scandi grind on the cold steel knife there you go ladies and gentlemen that's the kit i've been working on this for a very very long time about five months now um i'm constantly changing it so what you saw today might not be what you would see in a month from now um it's literally like at least once a week i open this thing up and i say what am i doing wrong what am i doing right um and that's where you guys really can help too not only do i hope to kind of give you good ideas for your kids but i'd really love to hear what you guys think about this if i'm off the mark or on the mark with certain things or if you have suggestions just let me know below so hopefully you have them i'd love to hear from you next subscribing so first of all thank you guys thank thanks to everybody who does subscribe to my channel i really appreciate it but hey if you're new if this is the first video or second video you've seen please be sure to hit that subscribe button below um it helps me out and it also helps you out because it lets you know when i have new videos and hopefully you enjoy these videos and you get something out of it so other than that i'm just looking forward to hear from you if you like this video be sure to hit the thumbs up button it really helps me out and helps the video get more views thanks a lot for watching and i'll catch you next time bye you
Channel: Bugout Channel
Views: 70,078
Rating: 4.7936726 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate, edc, survival, kit, bugout, channel, survival kit, checklist, everyday carry, budget, bugout bag, edc pouch, vanquest, husky, urban, urban survival kit
Id: KoYLEh4b0Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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