My 2021 "Ultimate" Wilderness Bug Out Bag Packing List | Survival Kit #bugoutbag #survivalkit

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hey thanks a lot for stopping in guys my call sign is blitz and today we are kicking off the new year with my number one most favorite video to do of all time and that is my ultimate bug out bag packing list i almost released this last year but then i thought maybe it'd be cool to release this as my first video of 2021. so that's what we're going to do and i figured 2021 probably gonna be worse in 2020 so what better reason do you have to go ahead and build out that bug out bag or modify the gear that you currently have so we're gonna go ahead and get into it guys we're gonna have a look at the pack which my number one pack of all time at least at this point in time is the direct action ghost mark ii we're gonna have a look at that and then we're gonna break down all those gears into particular categories from shelter to fire starting to land navigation and beyond and we're gonna talk real world use because if you are new to my channel i do not sit here in this chair and show you bright shiny gear i get out in the field and use it on a regular basis so we're going to talk real world use we're going to talk about what worked what didn't work what i loved what i didn't love and everything in between because i've literally spent the last year putting together what i consider to be the ultimate bug out bag packing list so let's go ahead and jump into it so what do we got here we have the ghost mark 2 by direct action direct action if that name does not sound familiar to you is a child company their parent company is helicon tex so they are based out of poland and it just so happens i purchased a pack in the polish woodland camouflage so with that being said here guys let's have a look at the bag we're going to start with the outside and we're going to work our way in so the camo pattern you see here is the polish woodland camo pattern i really like it a lot it is kind of subdued so even if i was in a you know an actual urban setting i don't think the bag would like stand out like a sore thumb so with that being said guys let's go ahead and just start at the top first of all quality grab handle material is rolled over here and doubled up very securely stitched on both stress points right here at the top underneath the grab handle is a velcro port for your hydration hose and then moving on kind of here to the front of the pack guys we have a zippered pocket on the top that's nice and soft line material so you know you think it's maybe stuff like sunglasses that's what they always say oh sunglasses should go in here me personally you know i might put camera batteries in here i might put a survival kit in here anything i want quick and easy access to take note of the direct action logo right there i think it looks pretty cool then there's a velcro patch panel with uh my santa claus on it for the holidays and then this is really cool this whole panel right here it they call it a detachable organizer but it completely comes off so if you did not need this you could just take it off and roll with the pack itself and you would save i believe the space on this is about 3.5 liters and the weight is like three or four pounds so you could drop some weight and slim down simply by detaching that so i thought that was a nice little feature built in the pack that i had not seen before the other pack so what else is dimension here well of course with a pack of this quality and price point you're going to have laser cut molly webbing this is just great because it saves on weight and a ton of other benefits from the laser cut molle webbing now here on the side guys there is a pocket that's expandable and it also has a construct a compression strap around it so you know this is going to you know fit maybe a nalogen bottle 32 ounce or a standard us military canteen or for me uh it fit my hard case for my drone and then i also put a poncho in the other pocket so one pocket on each side like you see right here so apart from that yeah compression straps yes i mentioned that there's one on each side and then there's uh well there's a total of two on each side one at the bottom and then one at the top that can come in at an angle and compress the pack like this if you're not carrying this detachable organizer or it clips directly in like that now one feature that i definitely pay attention to when i'm looking for a pack is the hardware so the buckles are top quality they're fast decks buckles and then these zippers as you can imagine rykk but they've taken it another step and they've actually um heat shrinked um rubber around them so and then um capped them off with this pull so these um these aren't going anywhere anytime soon so nice attention to detail there and then also almost forgot to mention here at the top there's a d-ring there's one on this side and one on the other side one thing i want to point out about this removable organizer is that it is just a large zippered pocket and what i've done with this is i've alternated between putting my ring cover in here or part of the smaller tarp that i carry so that being said guys let's go ahead and turn this around and look at what we got on the back now here you're going to see lots of great attention to detail and when we're talking about comfort so first of all with this split panel one on each side you get air flow through here so your back doesn't sweat as much and then of course these are super deep and cushioned so there's lots of support here and then it's going to be the same thing with the straps because with straps you all there's two things you want to consider you don't want narrow straps with a lot of padding that kind of was weird and i've seen that before you want straps that are really good width with a um with a good amount of padding so wide straps lots of padding that's what that's what you want to look for and then something else too here you know you got um you got a little bit of webbing right here and you see what i've done is i've weaved my hydration hose through there and then there's also a d-ring below that i got my paste beads there and then another thing to point out so most packs have sternum straps this one has sternum straps but you can actually move the sternum straps in um i mean like a large range of distance so i thought that was pretty cool and then one thing else to mention is the shoulder straps are quick detach which i like that feature as well and then to just point out on the back here we have a zippered compartment that opens up and you just have a whole bunch of space in here i usually put my tarp in here a couple trash bags and other shelter-related items but having that panel in there and that space to work with is really nice and now guys look at this one of the biggest selling points at least for me with this pack was the waist belt and you say okay great there's a waist belt on it i would expect to see that yes indeed but the waist belt is removable so that is a whole different ballgame guys it's secured here in the middle with velcro and once i get to my shelter site and maybe i need to go out exploring i need to find some water or whatever i can just slide this belt right out i go ahead and put it on and i'm good to go so we're going to talk about that a little bit later obviously this is my own equipment this is an sds molle tool 2 canteen pouch and then on this side it's kind of like an all general purpose pouch with light sticks in there map compass and fire stars and things of that nature so that's it removable molle waistball thought that was really cool it also does come with suspenders i didn't carry carry much weight in the actual belt when i was using it so i left the suspenders at home oh one thing before i forget guys there are also cons compression straps on the bottom so i could do something if let's say i needed more space maybe i needed to get more cold weather gear in there i could take the waste pack from my bug out bag in 2019 and just attach that to the bottom like i did previously and then just just like that i have a whole bunch of more space to work with so that's another option that i like with the compression straps and the attachment points here i can really have a lot of room a lot of flexibility to add on where i might need to with this pack so now let's go ahead and have a look inside of that organizer and the first thing we're going to see here shockingly enough is an org panel so there's a large deep pocket right here at the top that goes behind that there are key hangers right there for the keys there's about one two three four little pin pockets right there then we got a zippered mesh pocket and maybe this is overkill but they have this heat shrink wrap too that's fine um in this pocket you see here guys goes pretty deep down there to the bottom then you know in front of that you got more space and then you have two pockets up here i was keeping a survival kit and um and the one with the flap and with the open one i had my radio in here or wasn't my scope oh yeah it was my scope so i had that in there and then on the inside of the organizer you see that there is a large deep zippered mesh pocket where you can put other stuff that you might want to pack on a three-day adventure all right and now let's have a look at the inside here and basically you know it's nothing complex on the inside it's pretty basic in this main compartment you have a large kind of open elastic pocket right there that's where my hydration bladder goes it has a hanger for the hydration bladder which i think is pretty nice and then the rest of the space is just you know it's just wide open space with the exception of yet another zippered mesh pocket here at the top okay guys so you've seen the pack that is the direct action ghost mark ii and now we're gonna go ahead and put this off to the side and have a look at that gear basically just break out all the gear into relevant categories and i'm going to talk a little bit about my experiences with those items what actually broke in one instance what i liked what i didn't like and we'll have a look at some of the items that i eliminated along the way so that first and most essential layer of gear has got to be the everyday carry so my everyday carry kind of started out with just the watch and a knife and a lighter and it's evolved a little bit over time based on my experiences so we'll go let's see left to right right to left whatever i don't think it matters right so go ahead and get started with what is underneath this which is a multi-cam face wrap by condor this is an excellent asset to have of course first of all you can cover up your face and camouflage yourself thereby concealing yourself better in a wilderness environment but beyond that you can use this as a way to filter particles and rubbish out of water that you need to purify and drink you can also use this as a face wrap and basic whole head wrap at night so the no seems don't eat you to death and just a ton of other uses for a proper face wrap so i strongly recommend if you if you were going to carry anything go ahead and ditch the bandana and probably carry something like this this is definitely my favorite so beyond that uh what do we got here so we have a sun two wrist compass now why would i have something like this well based on my experience of losing my compass in the swamp and thereby losing my way and you know basically having to trudge on my hands and knees for miles and miles to make it out of the swamp i figured it would be a good idea to have a compass that literally sits on my wrist and it's always available at all times so this wrist compass is pretty cool because what it is it's not just your traditional compass right you know here's here's here's magnetic north right there that's the black arrow and then the red arrow and basically what you do in order to go north is you keep that you know you follow the direction and you keep these lined up on top of each other but what this provides is the ability to sight towards your object and you know let's say that you see a landmark in the distance and you want to travel to that so you go ahead and point this at the landmark or whatever you want to cite on you record and you observe what degree mark you're actually sitting on and then you go ahead and turn this dial to turn the red to match up with the black and as long as you keep the red in the shed you'll be good to go so i got that compass on one wrist guys and then i have my go-to budget watch this is the timex expedition and i think it retails 40 45 bucks it's just a basic watch when you press it it does glow in the dark the background does glow in the dark aside from that just a basic watch and that's really all i need when i'm out in the field don't need anything fancy and definitely nothing like a smart watch the next guys you gotta have a good pocket knife and this has been my go-to blade as you can see for many many years i think i've had this going on i had this back when i was in tennessee man i think this goes back five years something like that but this is a really solid knife it has a very very strong liner lock right there and this had been my go-to blade for wilderness everyday carry for since basically forever i've tried other knives but i really like this one i've actually even split wood with it so really solid blade this is the ontario or ontario yeah ontario rat 1 folder now sometimes i'll carry multi-tools sometimes i won't this time around i was and this is the leatherman the skeletool which is hands down my favorite multi-tool some multi-tools are too big and bulky this does not have that problem because you can see how it's all drilled out here to save on space but it definitely does not have any impact on the performance or um well i mean just the overall design of it is great it has that awesome like look and aesthetic and yeah just an overall great tool to have i you know you can use the pliers to pick up hot things off the fire um there's a bit driver right here that comes in real handy and uh you know i mean basically what else uh what else could you want oh yeah also um easy way to cut fishing line up close and personal and yeah there's another there's another bit right there too so yeah overall great multi-tool lightweight and it has a pocket clip right there well guys it sounds like the black helicopters are coming for me yet again so um you might not see me for a while and now the most important part of the everyday carry of course is the blade guys this is so fresh and so new i may actually be the only person in the united states who actually has their hands on this blade but i'm telling you guys i've been looking for a long time for a blade of this size and this balance because i've learned you know i've been down here in florida i guess going on three years now and i really learned the environment pretty well and those smaller more blades just don't cut it but then again i don't want to be dragging around a larger blade like a parang or a machete i needed something kind of in between and that's what i get from this blade and overall guys aside from the awesome aesthetic on this blade first of all i mean that's just obvious this is just an amazing feel in the hands the grip and the texturing on these g10 scales is outstanding and during my first use i was really going to town with it and it just felt good it felt natural in my hand and really balanced and really easy to control from lots of experience and hard lessons guys i've learned that i want my blade to be rugged and reliable and really require zero to any maintenance at all so that's why i have to have a stainless steel blade this is cryogenic stainless steel and then this finish this black powder coating is basically indestructible and it stands up to wear and tear very well so that's what i want out of a blade i don't want to have to haul you know little things of oil around i don't want to you know worry about corrosion or rust or having to maintain it i really want it to be strong enough to basically maintain itself so another thing that i want to point out here guys is looking there close you see that the blade looks a little bit different so there's that part right there but then there's this part right here so what i'm talking about is dual grind zones here's your hollow grind and here's your taper grind so depending on what task is at hand you're going to use a different section of the blade so this part right here obviously is going to be great if you're splitting wood or batoning this is going to be much more functional this part is going to be more functional for other tasks so having those those two grind zones in there i thought that was pretty cool and i don't believe i personally have ever seen that in a knife so overall my first impressions with this blade are just absolutely amazing i'm in love for lack of a better term it is this is probably one of the nicest knives if not the nicest blade i've ever owned and probably the best one in terms of um real world real excuse me real world the use in the field so there you have it guys that is my every day carry for the wilderness let's go ahead and move on to the next gear category up next guys we're looking at signal and comms and i got the good old trusty battle thing radio here with an upgraded antenna and i've found through lots of testing that i can only get about a quarter mile out of this in either a forest environment or an urban environment and that is that goes for this antenna the uh the version that is twice as long as as this one and then the tactical folding antenna i can't get anything more than a quarter mile anything out of that is not clear reception at all so i'm a little disappointed in that and maybe you guys can provide some input maybe some feedback on what your experiences have to have been with the balfang but whatever the case is this is what i'm working with right now and then uh what else you got here are yes of course my favorite headlamp of all time the tac tikka and it has four different lighting modes first you get the white light then you get the red light then you get the green light then you get the blue light so with that you got lots of different lighting modes the green one i use that at night that helps preserve my night vision the best and also makes anything i'm reading looking really good so tactical headlamp it is a little pricey i think it comes in like 40 dollars but basically indestructible powered by a couple of aaa batteries that last well basically forever i don't i don't think i think i replaced these six months ago and then keeping on the topic of lighting guys i do have an actual traditional flashlight this is the streamlight pro tack and this is one of my favorite little flashlights it's uh you know got a pretty decent beam on it and i have to follow the survival rule of one as none and two as one so i gotta have a backup to the primary headlamp i also like adding chem sticks to my gear and why because you know they can be used for different purposes so based on the color let's say i have a green one and that's going to be good to crack open for reading at night preserving my night vision but also concealing my position instead of blasting out some sort of you know 300 lumen white hot light then i got this red one here now maybe i crack this and i hang this above my shelter at night so i can kind of have a little ambient light and i don't have to grab you know maybe like my headlamp or my flashlight just to look around and once again give away my my position possibly so the red one might be good for that and then of course this one right here you know think about setting up your perimeter security and using these as kind of um a tripwire alarm so this gets cracked when some when something or someone breaches your perimeter and what do you do well if you basically fire anywhere you see the glowing right so you're firing right at that target that you've already marked with the chem stick so lots of different uses for these and yeah i just like to throw a couple in there never a bad idea now keeping and keeping in contact lighting and illumination check this out this is really cool little item i picked up from socoa survival and all you do is fold this over rub it just like the instructions and you get a projected green light coming out it's really cool and you can kind of shine and direct the light and obviously it enables you to be able to read at night and it preserves that night vision and your position blah blah blah so that's cool and then finally i have a signal mirror moving on to the navigation module and this is something i also like to keep pretty simple and straightforward i have my trusty right in the rain notepad and my zebra pin my right in the rain pin is actually like a wall i haven't been able to find it so the zebra is my backup i do also have a pencil right there as well so putting that off to the side here is my primary compass this is the um this is a complement to the wrist compass that i showed you guys also sun too it's my favorite brand of compass and this is just your basic base plate compass you put your bearing on there you get the red in the shed and you set out and you do your thing right the dial is also illuminated glow in the dark which is pretty nice and there's also a magnifier there and then rulers and everything else you need to be able to properly inspect the map and draw your route figure out your distance and all those kinds of important things that you need to be able to do when you're navigating with a map and a compass i also like to implement pace beads ranger beads whatever you want to call them these are super handy for keeping track of the distance that you're traveling it's not the most accurate way to record distance my smart watch would be the most accurate but that runs out of battery and pretty much worthless so these are a great way to go and basically how they work it's super simple guys for every 100 meters you travel you pull down one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine beads and once you hit that tenth bead you have traveled 1000 meters and then you reset all the beads and you start over again from scratch so i hang this from the shoulder webbing on my pack and i always have this handy so this is a great little asset lightweight easy to use easy to understand and then the primary part of the navigation module is actually the map so i've gone through a lot of different map cases i wanted to be very lightweight and simple so this is a magpul daca bag they're kind of like they're all around utility bag this one has this nice big clear window on the front so i can see my map i also have this little ruler and a protractor thingamajigger here i have a pencil a couple other sheets of right in the rain paper my map and then this magpul case is basically waterproof it's not 100 waterproof but you can see the storm ceiling on the seam and it is very tightly sealed so that pretty much covers me on the navigation side let's go ahead and move on to the next category what could it be moving on the tools once again very simple very straightforward i have four items here two of which you've seen already the leatherman skeletool and then also my favorite primary blade but they are included here because they are tools and they belong in this category so that being said where i looked at those items put those off to the side my primary point of um concern or interest here is these cutting tools so typically you're going to have a folding saw and those are great but they are bigger they do take up a fair amount of space so why not go with literally a chainsaw i have used this chainsaw for years now i think i've had this for about three years i got this right when i moved to florida and when i built out my wilderness everyday carry smock i included this as one of my options for cutting it is super effective the only problem with this chainsaw is the fact that once you get through that that piece of wood let's say you chop down a tree or whatever actually processing that wood into smaller pieces is indeed more difficult and that's where it would be nice to have a folding saw like the good old bako laplander i do also have the silky pocket boy but i found the blades on the bacco laplander to be a little more durable and less flimsy and less prone to breakage so i'm kind of torn between these two i like this because it's smaller i like this because it processes wood better after the initial takedown of a tree so i don't know if i had to really make a decision on this i would probably just go with this guy right here and call it a day [Music] next up we're looking at shelter and there's a lot going on here because there's a lot of pieces and parts to my shelter set up and there's a little more to it due to the fact that it is winter here in north florida and when i say winter in north florida i mean maybe the temps drop down to 30s at night maybe 20s on maybe you know two or three nights out of the entire year but typically the average night time temperatures are ranging between 30 to 40 degrees so i like to stay warm out there to some extent so no matter whether i am going to be on the ground or whether i'm going to be hanging the hammock i'm always going to have a sleeping pad with me this is a sleeping pad i bought two three years ago i don't know all my gear is well used guys i've had this stuff for years and i swear by i've never had any damage or leaks or tears to the sleeping pad it's super comfortable and as you can see it's nice and compact because sometimes i might get out there and i don't have an option for hanging my hammock or what have you so i will literally just throw this on the ground throw up my tarp and be good to go and then if i am hanging the hammock i can actually slide this in where the um where the whole the good old hammock quilt would go and that gives me a little bit of insulation from the cold if i'm on the ground i've tried this down this is this is kind of like a diy sleeping bag that works here in north florida i got the sol escape bivysack and i combine that with my woobie and i basically stuff the woobie inside of here and i can get down to about 40 degrees and still be quite comfortable which is pretty decent like that this is my sleeping bag so i'm pretty happy with that setup that's working out pretty well for me and either way whether i'm doing the hammock or not i'm definitely going to have that will be with me and then just in context of shelter or general self-protection or whatever i have a schmog sometimes i have to cut a piece off this to use it for something and uh over while you know after a while i have to replace the shmog but there's just a multi-purpose item guys for everything from straining debris from water to a sling to wrapping around your head to um just basically everything a towel to dry off with after you take a bath in the local creek yeah chamog definitely a must-have and then moving on to the tarp we got a ground sheet here this is pretty robust i usually will put down trash bags on the ground underneath my shelter but it's kind of crappy and they they slide all over the place so with this you can pin it out on each side and have a nice ground sheet or drop cloth underneath your shelter lots of space for all your gear and then finally the star of the show if you guys have been here on the channel for a while you've seen me go through multiple evolutions of my tarps and my shelter now the latest has been the dd hammock plus the dd tarp now when you're running any sort of hammock you need to have a large tarp in order to to span that entire distance and usually that's a 9x8 or a 10 by foot a 10 by 10 foot tarp problem with that is is if you're carrying a tarp that means you're going to have to also carry some sort of rain gear and that in that in my case is just a poncho so i'm out there toting around the poncho and the tarp and all this other kind of crap but what i really wanted to do is use a military issue poncho which doubles as a shelter the only problem is the u.s versions are not nearly big enough to serve as a tarp over a hammock but that whole thing changed when i found literally the biggest military issue poncho i have ever seen in my life this is the m90 swedish camo pattern this was obtained from tack up gear which is located in sweden and this is swedish military issue poncho slash tarp it is if i recall correctly 10 feet by 10 feet it is massive it's all secured with zippers here and then there's also this nice big hood at the top so i think this is going to be the best shelter setup for me and hopefully by the time you see this video i'll have a chance to get this down the field because i literally just got it two days ago so just like my water purification options i like to keep the fire starting very simple and straightforward i got the light by fire fire steel right here i've had this for three years four years i don't know a long time and it is a quality fire steel the best on the market and top quality feral rod other feral rods will get dented and pitted after just a little bit of use but this ferro rod as you see is nice and slick and smooth and the striker just travels along it no problem and you're always going to get a proper spark so got that right there and then the exo-tac match case good old cot balls with vaseline i don't do anything else for artificial tender sources and then i took an extra step of wrapping this in glow-in-the-dark tape so it's easy to locate at night up next guys we got to have a look at medical once again i like to keep this nice and simple i have my base med kit from live the creed this has everything i need to handle all the basic stuff that i might run into in the forest environment in terms of injuries you know there's burn cream in here uh band-aids surgical gloves you name it all the listed stuff right there and then i've also added some athlete's foot cream and some pads in order to keep to keep care of my feet take good care of my feet because those are basically my wheels my feet are out of commission and they're all nasty and just you know having some issues then i'm kind of out of commission so being able to take care of your feet in the forest environment is also really important especially if you consider how wet your feet typically get so we got that for all the basic medical and then for anything that bleeds a lot i have my trauma ifak from blue fork gear and that just pulls out of that handy dandy sleeve unfolds and just like that you have access to all the trauma life-saving equipment that you might need including the bandage the tourniquet the gloves and some other fun little things that are buried underneath here what is this ah adhesive strip medical tape and uh yeah just the basics for trauma stopping that bleeding until you can get to proper medical care up next guys is water purification and here i just like to keep it simple stupid simple i got my potable aqua i got the chlorofloc which takes care of one liter of water in about 10 minutes and these are just backups to the primary however which is the scenac bag with the sawyer squeeze i've had a swear mini tried out the sawyer squeeze it is a bit smaller and lighter so i like it and i get about the same flow rate that i do with the sawyer mini so you know just basic stuff here guys i also throw in the straw that goes with the sawyer squeeze in case i need to break out the canteen and canteen cup fill this up with crappy water and then drink directly from that so i got multiple options to purify water that is very important and then the next way to purify water finally is with the canteen stainless steel world war ii issue canteen and you just put this by the fire and it'll boil water right so how easy is that guys so we got the canteen cup the canteen they do not fit they don't nest in there but i like to take this little space right here and stuff a rag down here kind of like a camp rag to keep my utensils and my cooking stuff clean so we got the stainless steel canteen canteen cup this is from a british pattern 58 set and then the rest of the items for water purification now on to the topic of food because you've got to eat while you're out there in the forest environment i like to focus on lots of good quality carbs with some protein and fat mixed in there i got these sports energy bars these are super handy they're usually used by endurance athletes good to go we got lots of fat and lots of good quality carbs in these nuts and dried fruits i also have one of my favorite protein oatmeals this thing comes in at nearly 250 calories with a bunch of carbs almost 50 grams of carbs i also for a meal i like to keep this simple hey maybe i'm throwing a newark strip on the grill or maybe i'm just eating this but either way i have some options there and then in terms of cooking i used to carry my um propane backpacker stove right here this is the um this is the optimus terra great little stove don't get me wrong but the only problem with it is it's pretty pretty damn big and it's also leaking crap everywhere but whatever anyways i wanted to have something a little bit smaller and i ran into this little folding stove setup which is basically which is basically like your regular s bit pocket stove but much smaller and much more compact and it only uses one of these and i found that only one of these is enough to get me some water boiling and then of course i also have a lid for my canteen cup so when i look at food that's kind of how i structure things and if i do have an opportunity to bring some fresh food out there in the field you're damn right i'm doing that every bug out bag any bag to be honest with you that is designed for survival without resupply must have a hygiene kit gotta stay clean out there guys and a lot of people i just don't see them packing this but toothbrush toothpaste obvious um also got what else we on here got some camp soap these little sheets are really great you just add a little bit of water and they soap up real nice and then i got a whole bunch of compressed towels there and also yeah look at that down to my last wet wipe got to refill these ones from survivor are really good they're super big and they last so you only need like three or four of them and you're pretty much good to go for the duration of a three-day adventure in the forest so staying clean and uh not smelling like a wild animal never a bad thing so that's how i'm handling my three-day survival kit for 2021 but it's not done guys i'm going down a new direction where i'm keeping the foundational gear but i want to be able to easily add on equipment based on the mission so let's say there's a situation where we're talking real like a grab your bag grab your gun and run in the woods because people are chasing you and want to kill you or something like that think escape an invasion so with this bag i have all the fundamentals for survival i've got the five seas covered hell and probably the 10 seeds are covered in this bag but i need gear that's that's particular for escaping evasion so i'm building out that module and we're talking you know a faraday bag for the cell phone we're talking some booties that i'm making to go over my boots to conceal my tracks some other stuff like that some handcuffed keys some shims uh you know the stuff of that nature that will enable you to escape and invade an enemy you know escape thermal detection all that kind of good stuff so i'm thinking in that mindset for 2021 having that basic bag scaled out and ready to go and then depending on the mission i can grab whatever i need let's just say i'm going out in the woods to hang out and do bushcraft for a few days i'm gonna grab that add-on maybe it's escaping invasion i literally have to run the woods to save my life i'm gonna grab the e and e add-on you guys get the general idea so with that being said something very important that i need to tell you please look at that subscribe button make sure you're still subscribed to the channel and make sure you hit that bell notification because i'm constantly shadow banned nobody gets the notifications from my content and i have that same experience with a lot of my favorite channels that i follow in the political realm the subversive political realm and just also in the context of self-reliance i just don't get these notifications youtube is deleting channels they're they're scrubbing users they just um they're just doing whatever the hell they want so i figured it would be a good idea just to remind you hit that subscribe button and tap that bell notification and then even beyond that guys i have links to the other platforms where i replicate my content because i preach a survival rule of one is zero and two is actually one and i'm living it because i'm replicating that content over on gab over on rumble and also over on bit shoot so make sure you look at those links go subscribe to the survival outpost on those other channels so you will stay informed and up to speed with the content that i put out and another bonus i'm not getting censored over there so i can actually put out some some unique content that um would totally just get literally deleted and probably get me kicked off of youtube so go check out those other channels go make sure you're subscribed on those platforms and i will see you in the comments thanks for the support guys hey you still there cool then don't forget to check out our website located on the interwebs at the survival outpost dot com we are designed and optimized for hard use for the self-reliant who talk less and hustle more thanks to our international connections you get first access to unique and innovative products from around the world this is a gear that will give you that edge you need in a survival situation or if you're just trying to keep the lights on when the power goes out any content mentioned in this video is linked up down there in the pin post and be sure to watch the suggested videos for more real world survival training and knowledge [Music]
Channel: The Survival Outpost
Views: 81,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival kit, survival kit review, emergency survival kit, survival, wilderness bug out bag, wilderness bug out bag packing list, bug out bag packing list, ultimate bug out bag, ultimate bug out bag packing list, survival kit packing list
Id: 5QW8hkmge-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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