EDC bag for urban, emergencies and survival (loadout +list)

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hello everybody welcome to my channel and welcome to this video in this video I will show you my Maxpedition EDC bag it is an expedition fatty as you can see it is quite fat but it's still yeah a manageable size to take with you everyday or to put it in your laptop bag or in your messenger bag or in your car whatever way you want to go and the purpose of this video is actually to yeah to give you some idea what I am packing everyday and what I think are necessary items to really use everyday but also items that can be good just to have on you in case yeah anything will happen first of all I'm not a native English speaker as you might already here I hope that's not a problem at all and secondly what I'm going to show you in this video in this pack is a real multi-purpose thing this is not an EDC pack for solely survival it's not an EDC back for solely in urban area but I think it's important to say that I wanted to have we had the best of all things in one bag and yeah make sure that yeah that everything is in here if you already have an EDC back and looking for some inspiration for some additional items I think this is also a good video but of course if you are starting out I will guide you to the whole process and I will tell you everything and explain everything what it is why it's in the back and what I use it for okay first of all as you can see there is a flashlight on the outside of the bag the reason for that is that I use my flashlight a lot and I don't need to open my back when I had to grab it as you can see this is a Phoenix PD 35 its 850 lumen flashlight very powerful you can see you can yeah you can interest in we get blinded if you look into it but it has several power modes on a low power mode it went over it will run over 150 hours on the low power mode it will excuse me on the low power mode it will run of course 150 hours on a high turbo mode only one hour so much but of course that's the setting that I don't use a lot the high power setting is very usable also in a self defense situation and it's also one reason why I always pack this light the fun thing is that the light is so bright if you shine it at night in somebody's eyes you will be blinded for a minute and it gives you plenty of time to run away ok well let's go to the bag then on the outside I have sealed the back with cable clamp which is useful in many purposes as well and then let's open the back and as you can see it is pet ok well there is no real going from the left to the right so there is not a real distinction between several areas but I will just take everything out and explain you where I need it for first of all the easy stuff a permanent marker always handy to use you can write with it anywhere I have put some some bands on it these are elastic so it's always useful to have some bands with you the second thing is that I have here and nice Inca pen which I use for writing anywhere this is like a very small pen but it can also write on the water it can write when it's freezing it always works very handy as well and as you can see here on the chain is a multi-purpose handcuff key it's a double handcuff key never know when it's necessary okay then we're going to the back and there's a little Swiss Army knife you will see later in the video it's not my primary knife in the back but it's very handy for some little things yeah everything is on it the Little Caesar a little knife it's always very useful and next to it there is a military can opener yeah I think it's speaks for itself also we have a lighter pin set and a special tool for ticks you can just put the tool around tick bend it and slide it and it's the easiest way to get the things out of your system okay then I have a little set of lock picks these are the Bogota lock picks as you can see these are lock picks and tension ranges in 1a yeah I rarely use them but when you really need to use them is better to have them all and they weigh almost nothing and the fun thing is that I'm not a pro I can get padlocks open etc but not stores but yeah I had to use it once and yeah it sticks in my pack now also here is strange item but an item I would like to have Oh me it's an elevator or a tram key you can use it on the metro as well and yeah you can open elevator doors or any other doors with it it's a standard size and I work in an office building with elevators so it's always handy to have one which also something that's really necessary to have with you always is a whistle this is a very loud storm with all the 220 decibels and in case you need some signalling it's handy to have with you also more for the outdoors and we have a fire starter view and of course it also has the other the other tool to use and you can use it of course to start a fire finally for the front we have a Stanley and this looks like a pan but it is essentially a screwdriver and it has four different parts there is also one on the inside which you can turn around and on the other side there are also flat screwdrivers Phillips screwdrivers as well so it's really handy okay then we go to the back also very handy to always have with you is a dust mask and I prefer to have a real good disk mass this is premium stuff it's it's not only dust but it can also protect you from some other things and of course it's essential to have one with you especially given these times then I have some ORS and this this is the power of its electrolyte powder and it's used to do if you are hydrated you can you can use of dehydrated you can use is to get hydrated again and I really I really love it this stuff is also great for hangovers so throw some ORS throw some ORS bags into your pack and if you have a late night always grab one of these with some water and you'll be fine the next morning then it already fell out but this is a as you can see a guitar string and now you say well why do I use a guitar string it well it's a high quality and a wire stainless steel wire but you can also use it if you get lost I like to walk in the woods and also go out outside during my holidays the pekus with me in case I get lost it's also a very good snare trap because it already has a very little hole at the end and I attach some swivels which I can mount to the snare as well okay spork a compass I really like this compass because the small bit encompasses I think they are not accurate I once bought five and they all pointed to the wrong well or to another direction now I have a really good compass it has a ruler and also a magnifying glass in order that in order if I need to read something or look for a splinter or make a fire of course then we have two large tie-wraps and that is it for this part okay then we go to the middle where I have some 550 paracord this is around three meters so yeah it's around twelve feet ten to twelve feet and the fun thing is I wrote in a way I saw the video on YouTube I will post a link on the right video it's an easy deployment you just pull this course and everything unravels and you have a large piece of rope it's a 500 pound paracord safety orange as well so good so you can see it at any time also I have a light stick the high quality stuff and it works like a charm it's always good for signaling or at night if you need light and you don't have a light at all then some personal hygiene a nice toothbrush with toothpaste I just got this from a hotel and it's always in my pack then because I am a little bit blind and I have some contact lenses in here let me see if I can get them out yes these are two pairs of contact lenses so I can always see once my glasses fail or if I have to stay somewhere and I forgot my glasses or whatever great to have it or you also a nice pack of AAA batteries Duracell snice high-performance AAA batteries always good to have with you I use a lot of equipment with my computer or when I'm recording stuff and AAA batteries are always good to hear then some duct tape and this looks like a little bit but it's essentially it's it's around six foot of duct tape high-quality durable duct tape and always handy to have you can yeah you can do anything with it then we have a little sueing kit handy for when you lose a button or you need to sue anything very quickly I put in some extra safety some bobby pins and yeah it's also handy to have in a survival situation then attached here is a very small 16 gigabyte USB stick it's formatted to go into every computer so if you have a line X or Windows or Mac it will fit everything and it has some really short programs open source programs on it like a Bitcoin wallet generator on which of that I will tell more but I'm also planning on making a little operating system on it so it can access computers everywhere in the world next we get a little wire saw always handy and the SE survival card in case I get lost or something happens this is a very quick reference card and it has some signaling on its own short-term survival tips really helpful and like I just said a little hard copy Bitcoin wallet this is something I don't think that a lot of you have in your back but it's I think it's essential to have one bitcoins you can spend them anywhere you can load bitcoins on this card this is essentially an offline bank account you can send the bitcoins to this address it let the cart represents this address and if you square the surface yeah your private key gets there and you can scan your private key and spent all the money that is on this so to say prepaid card and although I don't use these cards more than once it is possible to use these cards more than once but please don't show your private key to anyone because otherwise yeah everyone can use your Bitcoin account and that is of course not what you want I load it around I think $25 on it so I can just give the card to someone for example in a taxi ride or I can spend things with it or I can just load and unload and pay with my telephone but the fun thing about this Bitcoin card is that you don't need a working telephone to receive money and to send money if the other person has a telephone so really handy and really small it does not take up any space and this is a nice credit card like wallet but you can just print out any kind of wallets there's a Bitcoin generator online and you can just print your own bank account your own Bitcoin address and use it highly recommended then I have a very small flashlight and this is in UV flashlights it's very useful too for example if you have any leakages or these kind of things or just need a very small low light light this light is very helpful I also use DNA spray for my more valuable items and I can check the DNA pray if these are my items with this little little handy thing I put some extra key chains on it for later convenience then more personal care a good moisturizing lip balm this is for men it doesn't shine and I love the Kiehl's products it's really nice then of course when you like to go outside there is the anti inspect spray which has 40% of DEET so it works very good against a lot of insects then my little back with a lot of pills in it as you can see and I will just show you what I like to bring along with me pills against motion sickness these are antihistamine acum pills so when you have hay fever or logic reactions always handy to use there's some extra there are some north which you can use in case of diarrhea but it's also really good to use for the first stage water purification all that more because we also have water purification pills but I will show them later mmm here is another antihistamine again these are pills if you have stomach aches and burns in your stomach and let me just see these are just yeah painkillers I have various painkillers these are painkillers with codeine very strong but I also have regular painkillers with me in case yeah people are not yeah did they cannot handle the codeine these are for sore throat and let me just see what I have here more painkillers toothpicks and finally and I wanted to show you this these are either sad pills and these pills are used in case of radioactive emergency I got this from eBay from a very nice feller in Israel so far away but yeah they are very good and hopefully I don't have to use a metal but yeah it's handy to have them always with you in case something happens and yeah a lot of stuff is happening nowadays so good way of reaching okay then we go to the last main compartment yeah here I have some medical stuff but also as you can see two tampons and why you use tampons as a guy well if you are at a restaurant with a friend and she needs to have ownership you got something you always have something which you put also they make really good tinder for fire and they are also really good for clothing large wounds then a little knife it's the SE I Zula and yeah it was the largest fixed blade that I could fit into this bag and it's razor sharp it's durable it's unbreakable practically and there's a lot of uses this is the Isola one as you can see it's a little bit small but I think that too is was a little bit too large to fit into this bag so eventually I used this one a very nice handsome knife then yeah medical stuff as you can see packed watertight I have some earplugs different ones ones for sleeping and once for loudness little zip ties some burn gel in case you have burns and here we have some things like facial moisturizer but as you can see it is in SPF 30 so it also helps you against sunburns they don't need to apply it on your face you can apply it everywhere you want of course and these are cleaners for glasses but can also be used to clean a lot of other things yeah these peak for itself as do these band-aids band-aids band-aids here I have some alcohol preps always handy to have an anti blister pills or anti blister bandages in case you have blisters and aqua cloth for bigger ones then I have here some water purification pills always handy to have which you in case you get lost and you want to add some water you can use them with these pills and with the noir it's the combination works fine and it's really good to have on you for any survival situation and also of course a condom and this condom yeah can of course be used for the purpose where it's intended for but it's also really good to have as a water back and this is a strong one so it can handle quite some water and you can use it with the water purification bills then of course as I live in Europe I have some money this is around 100 euros $120 and well it's always good to have cash money all the way with you and it's also very handy combination with the Bitcoin cards with a bank account for virtual currencies and you have money in your pocket then finally in the medi-pack almost finally I have two or three settles of C logs and C locks it already says it clothes blood fast and this this is a powder which you can apply to big wounds and it really helps this stuff can save your life I highly recommend choosing this one okay then finally you see another yeah those are our painkillers you never know why you need them this are packed latex gloves always handy to have with you in case of of wounds etc hygienic reasons a larger wound compress a mirror unbreakable and you can use it as a signaling mirror as well and we are coming to the end this is a three liter zipper and yeah well you can essentially use it for everything you can even pack your whole back into this little zipper and yeah it's of course to waterproof things to carry things around it's always and the good let's take it back with you well then we are approaching the final item of the bag and that is some cotton pads and things to clean out more stuff in your body okay well and that was my video I really hope you liked it and I hope that you have some yeah you've gone on some inspiring and maybe there are some things that weren't in your bag anymore or some things that you really would like to have in your back yeah well I hope to have given you some inspiration here and in case I missed anything I would really yeah like of course for you to put it in the comments and um yeah help me improve my back as well as this is of course my first back and my first video okay thank you bye bye
Channel: Urban Outdoors
Views: 333,124
Rating: 4.7950883 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, survival, urban, maxpedition, fatty, esee, izula, kit, rural, loadout, every day carry, hiking, safety, paracord, bitcoin, camping, knive, tools, first aid, fenix, pd35, celox, water, fixed, blade, 550, folding knive, lock pick, bogota, sharpie, can opener, ORS, everyday, every day, first aid kit, organizer, survival checklist, tactical, gear, tactical bag, preparedness, SHTF, bug out bag, GHB, Get home bag, prepper, checklist, survival skills, wilderness, urban prepper, Emergency, BOB, pocket dump, dump
Id: mNIBw9jAj_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 21 2015
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