Ultimate EDC Tool Kit? Maxpedition SOP

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welcome ladies and gents this is my edc toolkit uh it's not technically an ecd because it's this thing's never gonna fit in your pocket it's actually gonna live in my car um i tend to be the handyman amongst my family so a lot of these examples of things are going to be like grandma's at thanksgiving or brian and sue's and they've not done any diy for years so um we start with the weight of it just over two kilos or four point four pound thirteen this is the maxpedition sop side opening pouch uh i'll start with the big ticket item so we've got the leatherman surge which in the i think this is the large case so it is a bit fiddly to get out um most people know what the surge is just in case you don't know why the surge is the most popular it actually has if we open up here there we go this little guy will take any standard jigsaw bit i do have a little kit at the back so i've added get these out i've got plastic and wood saw i mean that would work with wood as well but it's a bit violent that's what comes with it then we've got a metal saw you get this file with it and this i found is for tiles i don't know how limited long it would take you to cut through a tile with that but uh hopefully i covered all the bases with that so yeah that's the difference with the the surge is the only one that has the jigsaw feature uh then we've got the big extender and the the bit kit i did actually try the uh extra large case and it just it seemed really tight this is the best one i mean there's no there's loads of videos on youtube sharing which one might work and leatherman need to work on that there's not one that works great yet okay uh on the back just a little bit of a paracord that's probably about three meters you can undo these and that slip off let's start this case has actually got a little magnet in here it's quite cool actually let's go with now where to start i've got two meter stanley tape measure i do like stanley stuff so that's pretty good quality that it'll last you here we have usb to the three different uh so that's lightning usbc and whatever the other one is [Music] little crowbar the i think it's it's vaughn on some of them but i think it's five and a half inches uh it's pretty cool a pry bar actually i should say uh so this is someone else's video very handy these are locking forceps and i use them almost straight away since i got them most of this stuff was bought very recently i totally got the edc bug and what else do we got we've got a tiny little try and get a file i still want to use the least out of the ones in my drawer so i just chucked it in and then we have uh something else i've got as well that had already a cold chisel um go for this is something i haven't seen in anybody's kit actually this is quite cool these are called a dumbbell wrench or something dumbbell socket um i've had these since i seem to have loads of them since when i was riding around my push bikes so i think every bike used to come with one but yeah that is really handy and i think a lot of people once they see it or go oh yeah that'd be quite good because that can the socket set can take up such a lot of space there's even ones on the end so let's go four got a torch uh it's actually a laser pen as well the red one that does the laser pen now i've actually put a bit of tape inside of the battery contacts to stop the buttons being pressed as it's in the case because the case is pretty tight and then i've put a bit of red tape on top to remind myself that i've got some tape inside here and i don't just pick it up and go oh the batteries are dead well that was a waste of time so hopefully i'll remember i have got now this came out of a kit that i already had um it is a little bit chunky and it's not actually that user friendly it is a uh how does that work i thought that swiveled yeah it's just a bit bulky i have got a different one on order um if i work out how to do the video i might put it up in that space there um yeah so that'll come off that's my hex bit and then yeah ratchet next we have my scripts mole grips these are pretty dinky i couldn't find a proper brand or anything like irwin or anything like that these are just off ebay they they look like they made a chinese and they all have different stamps on different pretend companies but yeah they're all the same and they're not very much i think they're about four pounds 75 for the pair next we'll go for the canipex as the colonials call it in their videos and they call it nipex um yeah great little tool uh this is the cobra version the 125 centimeters they are pretty dinky so uh watch out for your knuckles uh this doesn't come up very often in people's kits this is meant to be a universal socket the pins are sprung so in theory it should fit over the top of any nut i mean it's you need quite a lot of clearance to get in there but um yeah and it did actually come with i'll find it in a second but it kind of came with a um uh a bit extender it'll go in there and then that will work with my that'll work with that um no idea how long this will last um if it does if it works once and then breaks if as long as it did that job on time i'll be happy um this is not like i'm going to work with this stuff but this is just yeah handyman stuff let's go for right this excuse the terrible art this is a little pump bottle full of wd-40 a bit of tape just to keep the lid on um in the uk we don't seem to be able to get that wd pen um although i did find one on ebay i'll put the picture up there again somebody had the cheek of calling it rare and add it like a collectible so um yeah i've just made this one myself out of a bigger can squirt it in there um love wd okay for permanent marker a lot of people have sharpie pens but um they're really sharpies quite thick so um yeah this one's nice and skinny uh the four-way pen a lot of people have burrows but um not many have chosen the four-way so yeah your blue red black green stroker genius i can't remember if i saw that or if i came up with that on my own but yeah that's cool uh these are pencil and this is a uh i think china graph it's like it's basically a big crayon um and then i have wrapped the five colors of six colors sorry of electrical tape that i need so on this side we've got the live neutral and earth for your mains and then this one is yeah negative positive and for dc and then this white actually brilliant for making little labels like little flags on cables and stuff like that so um you can stick that anywhere but yeah that's pretty cool satisfying winding that round those i have a little spirit level uh i had an even smaller one that came out of a tv mounting bracket kit but this one really ticked all the boxes it's got a magnet in the bottom and then it also has the ability to hang it on a piece of string brick layers do that over a long distance it's got a string line but um yeah since it's so small might come in handy the string function but um yeah pretty decent got a bubble in there that's all that matters and next we have now we have a little scraper this blade is upside down but you turn around and it came with a little spring-loaded pack of uh other razor blades now uh i have seen where is it here i have got one of these i mean it's old and rusty and i think i've got a couple of them lying about but i've decided to go for this because you can use it as a scraper as well as cutting just like that one but slightly bigger surface area i would not want to fit somebody's carpet with one of these but um yeah i just decided to go with this over that one i tried really hard not to have anything that's over redundant a lot of people seem to have about six pen knives and uh so space was a real crucial minimum on my bag so that's some of them right there's the bit that goes in the that there you go and it's just hex drive on the end now this thing is a step drill bit and it goes from three mil to 12 mil um in when i use whenever i've used these in power tools you always go too far with it oh damn it gone too far but since i'll be doing this by hand which i don't really want to do but in an emergency um i think you'd be pretty good at getting it to the right level um so yeah three to twelve man and then have now these are the grab it pro that's that number two and number three these are screw extractors so you will use this focus now use this side to actually damage the screw even more to strip the screw head right out and then you turn it over and it's got a guess anti-clockwise thread on it or something basically the wrong way thread so as you're undoing it actually gets tighter so two different sizes of them they should come in handy there's always the trick with that bit of rubber and a screwdriver that's quite good and now i do want to get a proper um lockpick set there's a little folding kit that's pretty good it hasn't i haven't ordered it yet uh this i found in the drawer i made years ago uh i've got a feeling in the uk this might be illegal to carry actually this is called a bump key you'll see all the pins are the same length you can make one with the little triangle file over there um what you do is you jam it in the hole in the keyhole and you rock it back and forth really fast just wiggling it and putting a bit of a twist and eventually sometimes it works really quickly sometimes you'll be there for an hour but um yeah really cool bump case some of the most popular um easy like any locksmith will tell you that so what was the go to right now we have we're getting into the consumables part um do i need to take all this apart move that away yeah i'm gonna have to so this jubilee clip this is the size you need and i don't know what it is about that um it's the one that you have for dishwashers and washing machines so if someone's just had one delivered and they're no good at diy [Music] and then you come to fit the waste pipe and uh oh bollocks they didn't supply a jubilee clip so yeah i think i've had to hunt for i think i've done three of these now so jubilee clip this is a teeny tiny radiator key also sold on someone else's video very handy leading radiators usually messes up the boiler then you have to repressurize that as well but uh yeah we've got a bulldog clip i just found it in a drawer chucked it in might make a good like vise if i'm trying to hold something still we've got connector block some people call chocolate block um suitable for mains 240 volt so that's fine a little bit of tape over maybe i've got some super glue in here and i actually got on here that's actually ptfe tape the stuff that you put around plumbing in the threads to try and get a nicer seal just wound on there teeny tiny syringe don't know if that will come in handy but um yeah two mil was in a drawer grabbed it i have got about half a meter of um red and black cable just in case i need to do a repair job on some little dc appliance i don't know uh it's also in a little metal twist tie i can use that as well got a couple of velcro straps peeing apart great things tying up cables yeah i've got a glue stick i don't know if this can be done with a lighter um i do always carry a lighter with me it's pretty particularly girly one this week um i do need to get one of those jet lighters but they do look very chintzy on amazon i don't know if there's a decent one out there so but um yeah blue stick they've got a little bit of earth sleeving this might not mean anything to the americans but uh yeah this is uh we have to use this on cable all the time mains cable uh and lastly some different sized uh tie let's wraps that over there now i've got duct tape uh they do sell it in this shape like wrap like this i just rolled it myself um so it was easier to do than i thought i thought was going to be all bubbly and rubbish but nope that's uh nice and hard and i saw this in a supermarket like a quid now this is rubber that's very stiff this i would use i can never find a spreader so for poly filler or even you could use that corner to run sealant and someone's bought the ceiling for their bathroom it hasn't it's been sat there for months oh don't worry i'll just do that i'll scrape it off with this and then i'll just spread with this so yeah nice and dinky i have got tweezers came out the wife's paint booth she said she had loads of them so i grabbed one um now this is an invaluable tool this is actually a dart you know the game darts with the bullseye and treble 20. uh i've unscrewed the end this i use for years all the time whenever you need a really hard pokey especially like reset buttons or anything this tip is rock hard and yeah it's absolutely brilliant i nearly forgot to put it in my kit uh i've got just a bit of rubber on him because it's quite sharp okay i found some of these so they're getting logged in don't take up any space and yeah some little wipes they're probably i don't know how old they are they're probably driers and nuts but yeah we'll see when it comes to it right so that's everything that was inside there's the case now i just got the front pocket start with this i've got a little baggie of sandpaper and i thought there's something else no so yeah just sandpaper i don't know what great it is it's not a pretty course for like 80 or something uh in here i have i'm not gonna open this one up there's uh two pairs of such gloves or just um what they're called latex something like that got some earplugs and then the boo-boo kit the uh couple of blasters i've tried very hard not to turn this into a survival kit there's no fire starters or compass or a silver blanket or anything like that but i did think some of these tools are so diddy and so sharp that boo-boos are gonna happen so clusters in there then i've got a couple of hair ties also from the wife thank you she does know so i'm not in the um this has all kinds of stuff in it these are teeny tiny little solder shrink wraps they're really cool so the blue bits are actually glue like hot glue where was it there uh then you've got solder in the middle and then the outer sheath actually shrinks so it should make it watertight uh now in theory you can do this with the lighter uh heat gun it's best for i've got heat gun in this kit so but yeah that might save me so two different sizes there i have got a single screw that's actually a corkscrew for me that is screw it in and pull it out with pliers uh yes you could put it into a wall if you wanted to got a ring that was attached to the tape measure i didn't need it attached to that but i thought i love it anyway uh i am well i'm not i am just shy of six foot like a gnat dick under six foot and people always say like oh he just fixed my curtains for me they're hanging down and invariably one always bloody breaks so that was in my drawer i've chucked it in i have got a cut love safety pins and we've got a couple of 13 amp fuses in the uk they go inside all our plugs and our appliances um there's two other i need a the three amp and the five amp as well these are 13 amps um but yeah very handy and we've got a couple of hair grips now what hand grips are they are evidence that girl's been to your house they'll be left around like breadcrumbs and paper clip yeah another pokey tool really yeah this is just a little chunk of that rubber um i seem to have loads of it in a drawer it's i used it once to pack something out it's quite good it's versatile these are teeny tiny little rubber glued stoppers that uh you put on uh cupboard doors and drawers to stop them banging they come in a lot of ikea stuff um so if i ever fit something and then oh it bangs the drawer back so that oh thanks i'm in there you go um in this i'll show you this first that was a sharpening stone oh it came free with my leatherman and it's quite small i wasn't going to add it in because that counts kind of counts as survival stuff but um yeah it fits in the box so that's fine and run that space and uh hopefully i'll just show you here so this now i'm gonna have to open it up there's different screws in here so we've got they are your socket facing screws and i have these again an ikea type thing these are your handles go on cupboards and drawers the screws you see when they're they're meant to be cut in different but uh yeah i don't know what size thread that is but they seem pretty common so if anyone says oh just because there's always broken drawer handles in people's houses that don't do diy so yeah that's for them and lastly yeah this could stay in the back uh just two small screws and two raw plugs and that is it for everything i've got in the kit at the moment a couple of things i start try linking again now up in that corner um i would like to get a six mil hex bit drill so that i can fit this this is not for masonry but um someone's got a smoke alarm that's been sat on the side forever and you don't want to leave before you you know you can fit it properly in a plastic wool ceiling so um yeah two of them and that the extra i'm gonna get i am actually waiting for three things just to complete this kit in my mind they are car fuses standard and mini blade types they will fit in the consumables part hopefully that'd be very handy uh a sewing kit on those tiny little wrapped around a piece of cardboard things you get in a hotel that's on its way and lastly i've ordered some tiny wire brushes and i'm going to chop the heads off and hopefully they will fit and yeah that's my kit i've completely obsessed over this for the last couple of weeks let me know in the comments if there's anything you think i missed anything i can add just as long as it's not survival this isn't a survival kit um yeah don't bother subscribing i don't make videos and thanks have a good day
Channel: Brogz007
Views: 24,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Tool Kit, Travel, DIY
Id: IuKoHBQyask
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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