The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Modding Cities Skylines 2 (Steam + Gamepass)

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[Music] recently I've been getting more requests to show you guys how to find and install mods for City skylines 2 and honestly I'm not surprised Paradox mods wasn't available at launch it's not available today and it only might be available at the end of March and it'll be in beta at least until the Finish fall which I'm guessing is quarter three or four of this year and the reason why I'm receiving all of these requests to show you how to use mods is because the modding scene is already alive and well for City skylines 2o and the great news some of your favorite modders are already making mods and it's easy to install and use them in fact I'd argue that the thunderstore mod manager that I'm going to show you today is easier to use than steam in some ways and even helps you organize your mods better and the mods that are available are excellent they can improve your gameplay experience fix bugs or even provide you custom maps that in my opinion are a ton better than the maps that come with City skylines 2 so in this video I'm going to show you how to mod in City skylines 2 using the tools that we have available today I'll show you how to install the Thunder store and show you how it works and this guide will be applicable to both Game Pass and steam users and if by the end of this you realize that modding really isn't your thing I've got you covered there too I'm going to show you how to use the dev mode which is an incredibly powerful tool built into City skylines 2o it allows you to do things such as change the weather change the season plop assets and buildings and even paint resources and adjust surfaces but before we dive in I've got to give you the normal modding and Dev tool Spiel if you're modding or using Dev tools you're accepting a certain amount of risk so autosave is going to be your friend make sure you're backing up your saves manually from time to time but in my experience the mods that I'm going to be showing you today are relatively stable and they're absolutely worth it without any further Ado let's Jump Right In so to begin let's install the thunderstore mod manager now to do this you're going to go to thunderstore doio and this is where I get all of my mods from now this isn't the only place that you can get mods you can also go to GitHub or you can go to Nexus mods both of those are reputable sources but GitHub is really geared at developers and it's not very intuitive or user friendly and in my experience Nexus mods isn't as up todate as the thunderstore now you might be wondering why I'm not mentioning Paradox mods. net what I'm seeing on there is that a lot of mods are re-uploads of mods from the thunderstore and they're not re-uploaded by their original creators so you don't know if the code's been modified and I just recommend staying away from it now I recommend that you install the thunderstore mod manager but you don't have to if you wanted to just download mods and install them manually you could click on this tab right here communities and then go to City skylines 2 and then from within here you could select whatever mod you want to install click on it and then you'll be able to read about the mod and then click on the manual download button and install it yourself but for most people that's not going to be the most convenient or the best way to get mods so that's why I recommend installing the mod manager and to do that you'll see that every single page has this get the thunderstore app Banner at the top click on the get app button and that'll take you to over which is basically a big app repository distribution platform it is safe and is very wellknown as well and then from here you're going to want to click on get app and it'll download the thunderstore mod manager installer proceed through the installation it's pretty simple and then you'll get the thunderstore mod manager I've already got this installed so I'm not going to reinstall it so let's just move into the mod manager and after you open it up for the first time you're going to see this you've got to select a game that you're going to use the mod manager with now an interesting thing about this is I actually already had the thunderstor mod manager installed because I used this for timberborn so I've actually got a couple of years experience with this application and I love it another reason you may have used this is the Dyson Sphere program that is also available in here you can mod it from the Thunder store as well but for this tutorial we're going to be going into City skylines to we will select the game and then you have to select your platform so if you're playing on Steam select that game pass select that and then click select platform now this screen right here is one of the reasons why the thunderstore might be slightly Superior to the Steam Workshop you have the ability to create different modding profiles which can be really helpful if you want different mod packages for different cities that you're building by default you get this default package but let's create a new one modding tutorial and then we'll click on Create and then we can select this profile and it'll look like I've never downloaded a mod before so to get mods you're going to want to click on the get mods button and for every single mod you have to get be in xack this is a dependency so it's something that's required for literally every single mod so we are going to download this but before we do that I highly recommend that you always look at the website so if you click on this it'll take you back to the Thunder website and you can read and learn about what you're about to install and if you're comfortable with what you're about to install you can even click on the install with Mod manager button and it'll automatically download it and then bring it into my mods but let's get a couple more mods and we'll talk about different ways that you can sort through them so by default it'll show you the mods that are the most recent or most recently updated but if you wanted to sort them by alphabetical order you could do that download count and rating those are possible as well I'm going to caution you on using rating because one thing you'll notice is I have not logged into anything to download the thunderstorm mod manager and that also means that I can't rate anything so most of the mods don't have very high ratings including line tool light by algeron which has over 100,000 downloads and only 38 thumbs up so looking at the download count might honestly be your best option for sorting mods but ultimately this is a weak point of the thunderstore in my opinion but I do appreciate that you don't have to sign into anything now I already have a level of comfort with a number of these mods so I'm just going to download some of them so we'll get line tool light and when you click on the download link it allows you to select the version of the mod that you want to download another thing that is outstanding about the thunder store you can roll back mods if you have a conflict or if you notice that there's a bug in a mod and then you click download down with dependencies so I've gone ahead and installed 26 mods and there are some interesting things that you can do from the my mods menu so first of all you can disable a mod if you click on this button right here it will disable the mod from your session you can reorder your mods so if you hold this you can drag things and do a different order and then you can uninstall mods by expanding this right here and you can click uninstall you can enable it and you can also see aociated and this is something that I really love because some of these mods are dependencies so for instance unified icon Library by alron is a dependency of a number of mods and if you click on Associated you can see that tree controller and Anarchy both by yangyang require this mod so you might cause problems with those mods the other thing that you'll notice on this screen is that there is this little heart right here these aren't my favorite mods it's actually mods where you can donate to the author so I would highly recommend considering to donate to some of the mod creators that really make the game fun for you and then the final thing that you can do through the mod manager is actually up update your mods so at the top here you can see that we have one Mod update available we could click update all and it would update every single mod that has an update and if you want to do it yourself you just go down you find the mod that has this little Cloud right here that says an update is available you can click on that it'll tell you the mods that are associated with this particular mod that you're going to be updating when you click done it'll allow you to download this with its dependencies so I'll do that and the mod is up to date so the reason that I can tell that is it's no longer up here here it is now in my downloads we are good to go and now that we've got all of our mods downloaded and updated we're ready to begin a modded game and to do that we're just going to click on this modded button right here and it will take a couple of seconds to launch the Paradox launcher be patient it does say that it could take a while it's due to steam starting and the Paradox launcher starting so nothing to be alarmed about here and after waiting about 20 seconds here is the launcher and we'll just click play and you'll know that it's working because it'll pop up this little command prompt looking window that is beon EX pack whatever it's called don't worry about it don't close it just ignore it it'll be running in the background you don't need to do anything with it but seeing that screen means that modding is working but to double check I know that a number of the mods that I've added have added settings to options so I'll just click on this and look at that we've got Anarchy 529 tiles and tree controller right in here so let's switch gears and talk about my top 10 favorite mods the very first mod I want to show you is my absolute favorite Legacy flavor it's so important that I can't play the game without it at this point and one of the main reasons is this normally when you go to Zone you end up with this white menu that really flashes at you and it's really difficult to see what's going on and then you have to click I to be able to see the normal zoning grid and it's really difficult to see things because of the opacity level and Legacy flavor allows you to change all of this so to access it you just go up to this little backpack up here and click on Legacy flavor and you've got a number of options in here that are going to be help helpful the first and foremost is the ability to get rid of that whiteness toggle so we can enable that along with use sticky whiteness which is basically just going to override the game's white info mode switch so it's really helpful you can also enable units so if you haven't loved using meters or yards you can reenable units like we had back in City skylines 1 the next thing that you can do is disable the day night visuals and you can also change the time of day so if if you want to have the golden hour which is kind of that time right before Sunset you can do that if you want it to be permanently day you can do that as well and then the big thing especially for FPS is you can change the weather so if you want a rainy day you can do that if you want a sunny day because you want to preserve your FPS you can do that as well so this is outstanding but you can go even further than that you can adjust your zoning settings and this is where the mod gets really powerful in my opinion now we're probably going to see a bug one of the things that I've seen repeatedly in here is if we want to see this we're going to have to click on zones and there we go we've got our whiteness view sometimes Legacy flavor doesn't preserve the settings that you might expect it to for instance back here I have whiteness toggle selected and it's still showing me this whiteness view I'm going to hit shift W and that will get rid of it and that should have it fixed from here on out I'm not sure why that happens but it is a thing it's a very early mod and there will be a couple of issues here and there that said it should be enabled now so we'll go back into zoning settings and I want to enable custom zoning coloring because that's going to allow us to do that look at that we've already disabled some of that arbitrary coloring that I find to be so distracting and we can refine things to our exact liking so for me for instance I like to change the cell opacity and make it really low so that I can see what's underneath it and then I can change the Border opacity and bump that up so I'm using the borders basically to tell me what my zoning is you can do the exact same thing to your empty cells so you can bump that up or turn it way way down for the Border opacity but the mod is helpful in even more ways let's say you need a color blind mode something that wasn't available in City skylines too you have the ability to change that as well now this is just outstanding the the ability to do this should really have been baked into the game but I'm glad the modding Community has come to our rescue here and provided this option the other thing that you can do is customize your zoning colors Al together so if you want to customize them because you think that residential should really be red that is your option you can do whatever you'd like to do and then you can even reset it so that everything goes back to normal and then finally you can adjust the UI themes I'm going to be completely honest and say that I haven't really used this all that much uh for me the other two options are much more valuable but this is something that the mod unlocks as well so for me this is the absolute most valuable mod it allows you to change the way the game looks in some really positive ways and I'd highly recommend this one and then one final thing to know about this mod it does require the hook UI dependency which basically allows mod authors to create their own user interface within City skylines too so you're going to need that one as well my second favorite mod won't come as a surprise to most of you it's line tool light by alron now if you've ever used the line tool in City skylines 1 this operates in much the same way and to activate it you just simply go into your landscape menu select a tree and then go with either straight line simple curve or Circle so this works just like the road tools you're able to pop on in here and then you can just Place trees in a line you can adjust these in a number of ways you can make the spacing much much much tighter if you'd like it to be you can also have this fixed length which can be really helpful if you want to fill in a specific Gap and make sure that you have trees on both sides of that Gap you can also adjust the rotation so that the trees are random rly rotating as you place them and then if you want to have a fence mode you can do that as well this can be really helpful if you want to plant bushes in a row for instance so that's where I generally use this and then if you want you can increase the random spacing of the vegetation and the offset as well now for me this is absolutely a necessity when I'm decorating things like parks and it makes things like these trees in a circle completely possible but one thing that's also useful about this mod is if you want to have just one one large tree whatever it plants is an adult so you can go through select it drag it over and just get one fully grown adult tree this is an absolutely excellent mod and another one that I would rush to get right away this probably should have been incorporated into the base game number three is tree controller and this is a mod that really does a little bit of it all the first thing it allows you to do is change the age of landscaping secondly it allows you to disable the tree growth mechanic third it gives you a forestry brush which is outstanding with a couple of custom brushes built right in and number four it allows you to change the way that trees look in the fall and the winter so it does a lot and it's outstanding so to access this tool you go into your Landscaping menu and when you go under vegetation you'll now see that we have this new age category Now by default all ages are available and if you move around with any tree selected you'll see that the age is changing randomly which is pretty cool now if you want to plant a specific age of tree you can do that disable them all and then select the age of the tree or the ages of the tree that you want to plant now one of my favorite things about this tool is that it is integrated with the line tool so if you want to have a specific age of trees that you're planting in in a line you can do that now as well so we can even vary these so we'll have these three different size trees and now there we go three different size trees but where this really gets special is in the place multiple tab so if you go into here you can see that we now have these sets options so we can go into the the first set which is deciduous and if we plant this we get all the deciduous trees with the exception of apple and popler trees and you can see we can paint a very nice Forest really really quickly we can even adjust the age of the trees though I have all the ages selected right now so it looks like a more natural Forest option two is for an evergreen forest so this is Pines and spruces and look at that a very dense evergreen forest looks outstanding and option three is for bushes the exact same thing as the other ones but this time around it's bushes and then the third option is where things get really interesting so this allows you to adjust the age of trees now we can do this at an individual level and let's say we want this adult tree right here to be a baby tree I'll deselect all the ages select baby tree select the tree and now it's a baby so I can go around and do this individually if I want I can also adjust the age of trees on roads so that's this second selection right here let's say I only want adult trees on this road I can now select this road segment and there it is adult trees on the road it's really really cool the third option is the Miracle Grow wand so let's say I want all of the trees in a specific area to change ages I can go in here I have this wand selection it's now a 30m wand and only adult trees and I can just go along here and look at that all the trees are becoming adult trees now let's say I want a variety of Ages I can have that as well I can take the things back in time I can make some trees baby trees if I want I can do whatever I want and then for this fourth option be very careful this option allows you to change the age of all of the vegetation on your map so let's say you want adult trees everywhere you can do that select this option right click on your map and now all of the trees on the map are adult trees so this is super powerful be really careful and then the final option here is the replace tool so now we have the replace tool but for landscaping and let's say you wanted to change all the Landscaping here to be something else I could go into the wand and just go over the top of this and now all of the trees are changing to the Pine Tree now I probably want to get rid of the dead trees but I can go through and you can see it's changing it based on the age I've selected and the tree that I've selected so this is a really powerful powerful powerful tool be careful with this one if you go into this tool right here you can actually change all of the trees on your map to be the same tree and this is a mistake that I just made so look at this magic all pine trees everywhere so you're going to want to be super careful with this mod specifically this portion of the mod and then the other half of this mod is actually within the options menu so to access this we'll go into the options menu and now we have a tree controller Tab and here's some really powerful stuff too so you can have deciduous trees use the dead tree model during the winter so that deciduous trees won't have leaves you can also disable tree growth so if you don't like tree growth generally you can get rid of it except for within the forestry industry so those will still function the way that they should you can change the way that aging happens on trees if you don't like the way it is vanilla and you can also change color variations for trees and wild bushes so there's the vanilla way of doing it yangyang has their own and if you really want to dive into the mod you can actually customize this by loading up some variables into a CSV file we're not going into that level of detail the one thing I do want to make you aware of with this mod is if you try to remove it during the late fall or winter you can have problems with your Sav game so make sure that if you plan on doing that and you're in the very end of fall or Autumn or you're in the winter season you select safely remove mod before you remove it and before we move on I enabled the deciduous trees had the dead model in the winter and this is what it ends up looking like it looks a ton better in my opinion it's not perfect for instance if you zoom out you still get lots of green because of the pine trees but the deciduous trees look a ton better in my opinion so once again if you don't like the tree growth mechanic this is the mod for you number four is extended Road upgrades and this is an absolutely outstanding mod it allows you to use the replace tool to choose whether a road is ground level a bridge a keyw wall a tunnel or has a retaining wall it is outstanding it would have made episode 12 of Magnolia County an absolute Breeze because they could have drawn all the roads out and upgraded them to key walls so let me show you how it works basically you go into your roads menu you can draw a regular ground level Road and then select the replace tool and when you go into a road Services you now have a couple of new options you have key retaining wall elevated and tunnel and you can use the replace tool to just upgrade this road to any of those types so right along here I can drag it along and there we go we've got a key wall right here all we've got to do is dig it out and just like that something that took us 10 minutes in a vanilla game took us 10 seconds with this mod the other thing that you're able to do with this that's really exceptional this is kind of a a hack is you can change your zoning so let's say you've got zoning along Fourth Street and you don't want it you can use this tool to upgrade this road temporarily to be a key wall and now I can change the zoning here get the buildings to grow where I want them to grow and then I can use the replace tool to right Mouse click this key away and my zoning has been controlled so this mod is an absolute game Cher for zoning too the other place that it can be useful is if you want to create some bridges that look a little bit more natural right here I don't love the way that this is turned out let me add some nodes to either end of this and now I can replace these nodes with keys and then just dig this out a little bit and I end up with a bridge that looks a ton more natural in my opinion so this is a very powerful mod it can be really powerful for tunnels too I know that those can be a real challenge so I'd highly recommend that you check this mod out next we have extended tool tip and this is a really simple mod that is incredibly helpful it allows you to hover over most things in the game and get some information about it without clicking on the item itself so for instance I can hover over a house and see that it is a level five building with three residents that it's wealthy and I can see their bank balance something I wouldn't otherwise be able to see I could also troubleshoot some of these problems that we have with high rent right here for instance the reason why they're doing so poorly is they are poor and they have a negative balance in their bank account and if I click on this building now I can see that the reason they have a negative balance it's a senior living with a teenager so nobody is working in this building which is why they are struggling beyond that though I can get additional information about the length of streets I can see how much upkeep is on a specific segment the roadway condition basically any bit of information that you could want to know you could hover over and get at a glance you can even modify this if you go down to this little icon right here and click on it you can decide what kind of information is important for you so all in all this is a really helpful mod that provides a lot of information at your fingertips and I'd highly recommend you check this one out and number six we have City Monitor and this is the final of our vanilla is mods and this is one that should be really familiar to you if you've ever used City vitals watch this basically allows you to monitor key City information at the click of a button so go up to the backpack up here click on City Monitor and this should look really familiar to you this is exactly what city vitals watch would show you and it's exactly what you'd also find if you were to click on each of these menus within the info views you can modify this hitting the settings and turning off things you might not care about let's say you don't care about stemer availability or fire hazard because you're me you can disable those make this smaller and then have this sitting at the side of your screen at all times so this is a very valuable mod it's very simple but it's one that I'd recommend that almost everyone picks up number seven is 529 tiles this is a mod that allows you to unlock the entire map in a city skylines 2 game by default you're only able to unlock 441 tiles and then you're not able to do anything with the other 88 tiles so this mod fixes that and gives you flexibility so by default you unlock all the tiles so when you begin a new game you'd be able to build wherever you want but if you didn't like that and you wanted to be able to still play Within the progression mechanic you have three different options there as well you can get the extra 88 Tiles at the start you get the extra 88 Tiles at the end or you can even allocate the extra 88 tiles throughout all the Milestones but here's the really special part if you select one of these you can select your starting tile so that means that you could begin your map wherever you see fit and let me show you where this could be helpful so let's say you decided to build a new city on the Magnolia county map you can tell right now there is no starting tile and I have nine tiles available to me if I click on this I can decide which nine tiles I want to purchase so let's say I wanted to start the city right here I can select these they don't cost me any money I purchased them and now I can begin my city right here so this can be an absolute GameChanger if you've seen a map that you really love but you don't love the starting tile even if you don't care about unlocking all of them this for me makes this a mod that you got to pick up and the best part about this mod is that if you use it to unlock all the tiles it will not corrupt your save if you remove the mod and it will remain unlocked so this is an excellent mod I'd highly recommend that you check it out number eight is historical start now one of my big complaints about City skylines 1 and City skylines 2 is that you're forced to build a city with certain things locked away behind progression Milestones so in City skylines 2 it's things like Farms trains and ships that are locked behind progression milestones and that never really made sense to me because these are things you might expect to see before a city is founded maybe it's the reason why a city is is founded this mod changes all of that so if we take a look here we go down to zoning we can see that specialized industry is unlocked so you could build a city around one of these specialized Industries farming or mining whatever you want additionally if you go underneath Transportation you can see that trains and water transportation are unlocked and one of the really cool things about this is it allows you to place your train station before your Rail Yard which I think makes a ton more sense because you'd probably have that first and figure out where your Rail Yard goes afterwards the train station is going to be a prominent feature of your community after all and then it also unlocks your city economy day one so that you can take a look at your budget and see your production so you can manage that right away now if you're playing through the progression Milestones you might worry that placing a train station would unlock your next Milestone really quickly you don't have to worry about that with this mod because the XP gained by placing those assets is decreased by 90% so it offsets that a bit and in my opinion this is a completely reasonable trade-off and I absolutely love this mod I'd highly recommend you pick it up particularly if you want to start a city that was developed before automobiles number nine is extra landscaping tools and this is an absolutely outstanding mod that I think most of you are going to want so if you want to activate this you go into your Landscaping menu and you have a few new options the first thing it allows you to do is paint resources so if you want to paint ore or oil or fertile ground this mod gives you the option to do so it also gives you the option to adjust your brushes so let's say you want to make a mountain now you can go down to one of the mountain brushes and use the shift terrain tool and you could start to build a mountain and it can look a lot more natural you can also rotate the brush around and do a number of things like this to help create a more natural landscape beyond that though the thing that I think I like the most is the ability to modify and paint surfaces so if you go into the surface tool you can see that there are a number of surfaces available to you and let's say you wanted to fill in this key wall right here I could take the pavement surface and then draw a surface just like I would anything else within the area tool so I just go through and do this and then find the end and it's a little bit small so it's a little tough complete the area and look at that I filled it in so this isn't all that you can do one of my favorite things to do is go over to parks and you see how the park has this grassy texture I can now go through as long as I have this enabled and modify it just like any other surface and now I can fill this entire Park area up and just look at how much better that looks so this is all that your disposal any surfaces you have the ability to modify whether it's on a home a business a park you can change them all and then you can also add your own so let's say you want to make a beach click on the sand surface come over to the edge here and let's draw a beach and just like that we have a Sandy Beach not the greatest Beach I could probably do better with a bit more time but it's something that you wouldn't otherwise have the ability to do so this mod is an absolute game changer for detailing so I'd highly recommend you check it out and then number 10 we have Anarchy and just like Anarchy and City skylines 1 Anarchy and City skylines 2 basically lets you do whatever you want in the game so let's say you want to overlap buildings you can do that so let's grab this firehouse and place it right on top of another building normally you get this red icon and it won't let you do anything CR a or the Anarchy button and now I can place this right on top of here maybe even share a parking lot that could be something that we could do now but beyond things like this that are kind of silly there are some really valuable use cases for this so let's say you go into the roads menu and you want to build a key wall but it's giving you some trouble so you come over here and it says in water if I contr a this I can now click it and and it will show up right there Anarchy also modifies your bulldozer so if you go in here you can now manipulate the game so let's say I want to get rid of this garbage truck I've selected game manipulation and I can delete the garbage truck which is a really cool feature one of my favorite features is the ability to Target surfaces so let's go back to that Park we looked at earlier and let's say that rather than taking the manicured grass and spreading it out to all the corners we just want to get rid of it now with this option selected we can delete all of these grassy surfaces even the tile surface in the middle whatever we want to do but beyond just this if we go into our options menu we can do some really special things so we can allow ourselves to place multiple unique buildings so this can be really helpful if you want to place two City Halls for instance but just keep in mind that the benefits of these buildings will stack so you can end up really screwing up your land values so save before you do anything in this mod and then one of the things that I think is probably most valuable is this mod gives you the ability to build outside side of tiles that you've purchased so a scenario where you might want to do this let's say you plan on purchasing these tiles right here and you realize you don't have utilities out here and you don't want to start a new grid you could extend utilities out here as long as you have Anarchy on so now I can build this combined water sewer pipe all the way out there no complaints because we got Tripper right here flaming Tripper looking good as ever so the reason why this is number 10 on the list is there is a large margin for error so just like in City sky Lin one if you use this mod save often especially before you make big changes and don't be surprised if something goes wrong down the line it's Anarchy after all now one final thing if you have developer mode enabled you can really make this mod super powerful so by hitting the home button with Dev mode enabled you're able to bring up this menu right here where you can add any object in the game and place it down now this can be really helpful because you can look for things like benches and place a garden bench wherever you want so for detailing this is outstanding and with Anarchy on you can place it on the sidewalk no problem in the road wherever you want so it gives you a lot of flexibility it also gives you the ability to place trees wherever you want so let's say you wanted to place an oak tree in the middle of a park normally you wouldn't be able to do this but with this mod boom oak tree right there there are also some props that you don't normally have access to such as rocks you can now Place those wherever you want you can do a ton of stuff all that said there is a lot to this mod and a lot of power behind it and I think that Sully did a better job of explaining this than I ever could so I'm going to leave a link to Sully's video and if you want to get really well acquainted with this mod check out their video and I'm going to be completely honest it was really hard to stop at 10 so I'm going to give a couple of honorable mentions mods that are worth checking out if you are into modding for City skylines 2o the first one is map installer and this is exactly what it says it helps you install maps now I'm pointing this one out because it is really difficult to install maps or at least that used to be before this one the reason this one didn't make the cut is because not all maps in the thunderstore are set up to take advantage of the map installer including Magnolia County I working on it I am working on it now on the not maps you might have noticed that none of those made the list and that's because there are so many great Maps out there and I haven't gone through most of them now someone who has gone through many of them is Kodiak the Kodiak so I'm going to leave a link to their video above and in the video description check it out if you want to know their top 10 maps for City skylines 2o I also want to shout out info Loom this is a mod that gives you a ton of information that you wouldn't otherwise be able to see about City skylines too so you get a whole demographic pyrit if you want to see it you also have the ability to see your workplace distribution a whole bunch of information that can be really helpful when troubleshooting your city that you wouldn't otherwise have access to that said it's a little bit headyy and a lot in- depth and many people are probably going to say see this and go it's way over my head I don't want to see it and then there are two valuable traffic management mods that I want to point out as well speed limit and traffic lights enhancement Alpha now the reason I didn't add these to the list is because they are still Alpha you can tell some things don't work 100% of the time and they can be a little bit tricky to work with so speed limit does exactly what it says you can adjust the speed limits but it can have problems if you place a building on a road it can adjust the speeds back to what they used to be and then we have the traffic lights enhancement Alpha that allows you to have time traffic lights and set up signal phases and things like that but it's not 100% ready for prime time which is why not recommending it to everybody but in both cases if you are patient and you want to be able to really micromanage your traffic definitely check them out and then last but certainly not least extended radio this is an absolutely awesome mod that allows you to add radio stations to City skylines too including some of my favorites all the master plan music radio stations so a huge shout out to City rat for adding those into the game and a huge shout out to everyone who's been working on this collaborative project it is really neat to be able to have the radio working better and to be able to add your own radio St with music that may be a little bit more appropriate to your Styles now I know after watching this some of you might not be comfortable with modding or might prefer a vanilla game and that's completely fine but I would encourage you to enable Dev mode because it'll allow you to change the weather at a bare minimum so to do that on Steam here's what you'll do pop into your library right Mouse click City skylines and go to properties within this menu underneath your launch options you'll type in dash developer mode with a capital m and no spaces and now once you load into your city you'll know that it's enabled when you hit the tab button because if this menu pops up you are in developer mode so there's a couple of things that you can do from here that are really helpful you can adjust the time of year so let's say you want it to be the middle of the Year click override climate time and switch it to right about here and now it will permanently be in the summertime if you want to have a permanent Clear Day click on override cloudiness if you want to make sure that precipitation is always off which you might want to do to improve your FPS click on this option and now you will have a permanently sunny day which can be really really helpful there's a couple of other interesting things you can do as well if you go into simulation you can click on bypass validation results this is basically Anarchy mode but in vanilla so right now I could build that road in the water and it will let me get away with it just make sure that you disable this afterwards you can leave it on and cause lots and lots of Mayhem and you're also able to increase your simulation speed further than you're normally able to let's say you want to simulate to 8 times speed to watch your trees grow quickly this is a way that you could do it and again underneath simulation another fun thing that you can do is go into start event and you can trigger things like tornadoes or flooding whatever you want to do I did this actually for some of the cinematics and I was able to trigger a whole bunch of forest fires which can be a lot of fun if you just want to see how your fire response handles it now let's switch over to the Game Pass version and I'll show you how you can enable it if that's the version that you have now to enable able Dev mode on Game Pass it works a little bit differently you're going to want to go into your C drive or wherever you have your Xbox game stored and by default it should be within the root directory so you click on Xbox games then City skylines to PC then content then launcher then bin and you will see Paradox launcher within here you're going to want to take this right Mouse click and send this to the desktop and once you have that you'll get this really ugly icon right Mouse click on this go to properties and then underneath Target location you're going to want to add space- developer mode with a capital m one word just like we did in Steam now I did see on Reddit that some people needed to have two dashes to get this to work but in my case one dash seemed to work just fine so let's go into the Paradox launcher and make sure that everything's working so we'll play City skyline 2 and this is a different computer so if you're wondering if there's any conflict it is not a conflict at all this is my streaming machine and now just just to make sure that everything is working I hit the tab button and there we go we've got the developer menu it works the same in Game Pass as it does on the steam version of the game and then just one warning about this if you launch the game using the normal City skylines icon that you normally get with Game Pass you will not have access to developer mode so if you plan on enabling developer mode you must use that new Paradox launcher shortcut that you created and that'll be the way that you get the city skylines from there on out now reasonably with developer mode I'm only scratching the surface so if you want to learn more Teddy Radco put out a great video a while back where he went through and experimented a bit in Dev mode so I'll leave a link to that in the video description below and with that you should have a solid foundation for modding and City skylines too and I encourage you to check it out it's a ton of fun and if you want to know more about modding or ask me specific questions I stream every Thursday so be sure to jump in and ask me some questions at cityplanner plays I want to thank you so much for your time today it's an absolute privilege to be able to bring these videos to you I know that this one is very different than any other video I had on the channel so I hope that you've enjoyed it if you did please hit the like button if you're not subscribed to the Channel please consider doing so and I can't wait to see you in the next one thank you so much take care [Music] bye-bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 114,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities skylines 2, cities skylines mods, cities skylines mods tutorial, cities skylines mods for beginners, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines 2 mods, cities skylines 2 beginners guide, cities skylines 2 mod tutorial, cities skylines 2 mods thunderstore, cities skylines 2 mod support, cities skylines 2 mod download, cities skylines 2 mod update, cities skylines 2 mods game pass, cities skylines 2 mods install
Id: 1vG5-D_G6Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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