Cities Skylines 2 & the BIG Mistakes You Must Avoid! Kettlebridge #4

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hello everybody and welcome back to kettlebridge with me biffer and we did a lot of expanding in the last episode and we finished off by talking about the amount of traffic that we're now getting we're not dropping below any sort of figures that make me worried what is that red car doing in the middle of the roundabout are they just totally lost do you know where you're going you've like stopped right in the middle now you're going to cut a bus up I think they just got lost that was a little bit weird or maybe stoed the car but yeah we're not sort of hitting any Target of traffic that would make me get worried but definitely we're now seeing more cars particularly on our main roads going through uh eventually I'd like to see this sort of Main Road upgraded to have the the um shared density whatever it's called with the people living upstairs and the shops downstairs but at the moment this is all looking rather swish we've got a lot of traffic lights maybe we can remove some of those and all the crossings we added in but things are going okay and we're making money some times and other times we're not making money so you know that's the way it goes uh let's jump out of that view there we are getting a few problems with high rent um which we need to deal with and I think I might have slightly over zoned cuz we're getting some abandoned uh things popping up as well but what I would like to do first of all is have a look at our education um because that is a real interesting funnel that we need to keep moving through our city and making sure that everybody has access to where they need to get to for the education so over here we have our elementary school which isn't full up yet and we can upgrade it with some of these and I'm thinking we're going to do that um if we just check out Health do we get any sort of information with regards to so plenty of clinics crematoriums available so I don't think health is a problem at the moment so I don't think we're going to worry too much about that uh where's the other school gone Elementary School clicking on the wrong building so I'm thinking maybe space for more pupils and we already have a playground that can be added onto the side but I'm not sure whether that is going to give me the area of effect that I want over here so what is going to be the difference in price so adding this is 10,000 a month that extension wing on the elementary score whereas if we go into here and have a look at an elementary score that is 25,000 a month which will give us another 1,000 capacity this will give us another 500 capacity so double that that's 20,000 pay a little bit more and you get a whole another one and then that will also give you the air effect that you can see is missing in this neck of the woods down here but actually is that a bad thing I would say no because that keeps the land value a little bit lower down here which means we've got more affordable housing so taking all of that into consideration which is something we do need to do quite often now so I'm going to add a wing on there there we go I'm pretty sure that doesn't affect the area of effect that looks pretty much the same as before that's fine so our College uh that's the high school that is the college again we I mean it says here we've got 463 out of a th000 but if we go into this menu it says we've got eligible 2,126 and of course we've got this one over here as well ah okay what's that one doing I mean this one over here just seems a complete waste of time for the amount of people that we've got here do you know what I'm going to do at the minute it's 150,000 a month I'm going to turn that one off so it's only 15,000 a month and those 12 people are now going to use all the buses and come over to here and I think what we can sort of work out from this is we've got the space wow capacity a th000 we've got the space but they're just not traveling over here cuz only 461 are here so what I actually acally did off camera was added on uh this little addition here we've got a college library so the other college cost us 150,000 uh well this now cost us 200,000 so 150,000 off this cost us 50,000 so we're making well we're not spending 100,000 there which is good um and that will also increase the chance of what did it say on here increase the chance of graduating so that's really going to help so I'm going to pop that in see how it goes and hope people are going to use our buses more to travel around and come to this college but of course now we need to open up the next leg of the pipeline which is the University and there's not many people that want to go there and we haven't actually unlocked that yet so let's just have a look at that one there there we go very good opens up lots of other options and benefits for those as well when we get there but University I mean it's got a student capacity of 2,000 we've got 476 and they could be spread like pretty much anywhere I mean is there a way of telling who's where I mean we've got the color of the buildings if we have a look at this here I mean if we look at any pink ones which is hard to tell cuz we've got like office things around I mean to be honest it's a bit hard to tell what's going on here I was hoping we could sort of work out where the people were that would be next going into universities but we really can't so what I'm think is utilizing this big space that we've got in the middle here and again I would like to try and line up our University to one of these roads that comes through here we might lose that's annoying that I've put those Big Blocks there could we do it any other way I mean we could just plunk it any direction we like but I just think that's going to be a bit nicer let's just see how big that building is it is a pretty large building and I think we could set that right back over here so maybe let's draw some roads in let's just see how it goes we turn this one off here and if we can make this work if we can have the the pipeline available to us to get everybody through and educated there we go then we can sort of adjust the cost of things as we go along so I want this to line up oh is that not going to fit in is that like not even snapping on the right Road come on game now please I didn't put this too far wait let's try that again okay it fits in now so if we get that path there oh it's hard to see lined up yeah it's not going to let us do it I'm going to turn off my snapping and we're going to manually line up those two fences either side of that road like so that is a rather spiffy looking building isn't it it is pretty large these I think we're going to relocate them and I'm not sure the people that are in there are going to be very happy about that would you shouldn't laugh I don't think I would either so I'm going to continue this road and just sort of connect that into there and then this road here we'll just connect straight into the side so they've got all the access they need uh they've got all the parking they need out the back so maybe we'll just get some roads coming around the back as well for that oh what are the upgrades let's have a quick look so we've got the library which is going to be an add-on building we've got the extension Wing which actually goes on the building oh this is nice University Park plus 20 outdoor recreation o if I pop that there would that fit in here oh no that's going to go here yeah that's going to go there like that sort of in the middle and accessible by everybody and then we're going to pop some other roads in let's just have a look at this nice little Park here very good I'm liking that very nice very nice so that's going to give us some bonuses around the place as well and then what I'm thinking of doing is sort of fudging the uh the tax rat a little bit so we've got plenty oh now there's 500 that want to go but if we drop down a the education that's going to do everything isn't it we drop it down to like 90 yeah I don't think that's going to help I mean what is probably going to happen then Services education is it's going to drop down the area of effect as well let's drop it down to 80 and see how that goes we can sort of keep an eye on it so suddenly the college oh yeah we know about the college one don't we people aren't going anyway let's see how that goes and whether that has an adverse effect on everything else I'm hoping it won't but we'll have to sort of see I feel like we need to add the wings onto here so we've definitely got enough space for everybody that wants to come um we've got all path connection so people can walk from over here if they wish what's our public transport looking like yeah we're not really oh yeah we've got the buses here eventually we're going to have another bus that runs through here but we haven't got this all connected yet so let's go with what we've got and we'll take it as it comes let we go thank thank you very much and yeah hopefully that will be helpful so one thing we haven't done yet which I think is a bit of a necessity is some internet coverage now this is only 5,000 a month which is not too bad and I think if we can try and get some decent internet in this area over here cuz we're going to expand a bit alongside the highway I think that's really going to encourage people to move in so let us let's unlock some squares first of all I I'm going to take uh this one and this one thank you kindly and then I think if we sort of expand this road along here I'm going to hook it into that I'm trying to sort of get as much area of effect as possible that's going to come to there and that's going to go right up against the end so let's just see the coverage that has got some nice coverage very good very good but then we want to try and get a similar sort of amount of coverage down here and I think we're going to struggle I'm going to pop this one in here because there's no office in there trying to get this out of the way so does an effect okay that is not too shabby that is not too shabby and then if we can get one in sort of this area here as well I'm going to pop it there behind the whatever this is the police station cuz I don't think that's a bad idea it's not in the way let's have a look that is not bad coverage the reason I'm doing this is one of the things they've been complaining about is unreliable internet so yeah and then if we can get one sort of here covering most of the rest of this island I think that'll be good I tell you what we're going to do we're going to rent a bit of land off the university to pop that there and I think in fact if we go to this menu here it'll be easy won't it that is pretty darn good coverage they are not complaining anymore about that which is great so let's continue with a bit expansion here the other side of the river and see what we can [Music] do okay so I mean I'm sort of going for grids but we're sort of also going for um bendy roads for the Bendy people just to make things a little bit more interesting if we look at this from above I think we've done a pretty good job of working with the terrain and making our roads look interesting as well we've got some extra connections going through uh over the top of the highway and then actually if you want to get to that Highway you've got to then come all the way through through there and all the way around so I'm actually now thinking that we might just make this little bit here a little bit something extra what I'm going to do is purchase that one there to give us some space and we're then going to use the highway roads that was the right one and take the three lane and just maybe upgrade a little bit here so you can sort of Wiggle this and see where you want the road coming on and going off so I want that coming down and going into there I want that one going up and out um that one is going to be going up and out and that one is going to be coming down and in excellent that's good and then what we can do is take our tools grab it onto that little lane there and we can just sort of bring that out like that excellent and then we can do the same on here there we go get them all facing the way they need to go that one needs to go down that way did I not connect that one up properly okay we'll just do that one as well there we go excellent and what I love about this now is we've automatically got all the lines that we need we've automatically got this little extra Lane here it comes in it automatically adjusts all the road markings and that sort of thing this actually needs to be maneuvered over a little bit well we know how to do that don't we I've placed that in the wrong place so we're going to upgrade and we're going to just shift that over like so it should have been this one there we go excellent so that lines up nicely let me check at the other end yep I didn't do this quite right either so we're going to can I not move that over I turn off my snapping I can there we go and this one's fine brilliant and then when it comes up and over at the end I'm going to see if I can just add a couple of little roundabouts on it oh darn it darn you game I can do that end this a at this end not so much let me see if we can fix that there we go excellent so that works nicely so some sort of little teeny tiny Junction that I'm sure has got a name that you all know what it is and I don't I'm going to put that as going in this direction if it lets me oh it won't let me because I've added that other Road in maybe I just need to draw this one in then I get just the right spot it will work it will I know it will yay there we go excellent I'm just wondering whether we can upgrade some of these end pieces as well let's just put that on I just be honest I don't think it's going to be that busy I'm just going to leave it like that and I think we'll just we'll just go with the flow so what we are going to do over here is we are going to extend here we go our district because at the minute it's just taken in a small area you know what I'm going to do just to give us more space over here we're going to take all four of those because I'm pretty sure there is some more natural resources around there we are making money oh get in that's what I've been waiting for uh production yeah we're going to need some more of the old grain Farms so we'll work that in up there but yeah I'd like to expand um our district to take in all of this area and right click remove that one there we go tand down has expanded and then over here I think we are going to add in we want to really encourage people to move over here we're going to try and give them some of their own services so they're not having to travel all the way back down there there again so I think if we just pop in here maybe utilize some of this space we're going to go here so that's going to give us our own little Medical Clinic which I think is good fire we don't really have any fires so I'm just really not going to worry about that at all police coverage that is something they will complain about so high taxes high water fees high crime is only minus one so we really don't need to bother but then an elementary school we we did have the college over here I think we're just going to skip that for now and just go straight for an elementary school we're going to pop that up here because I want some more space around there and then we can just start filling in uh with some of our needs that we've got so let's just do that there we go so we'll let that fill in and we'll come back to that oh we seem to have a fire oh my goodness me we have a big fire yikes and I think that was an autosave so let's just keep on the fire and have a quick sipper te as well that is not looking good but there is a fire engine on the scene sending over that sort of Wi-Fi water that can solve things hopefully he's not leaving huh seems like he's gone next door fantastic obviously the Wi-Fi water doesn't reach too far but once this one is out I'm assuming he's going to just sort of back up down the road and go and solve that one ah there we go so so while you've gone round the block um it's spread so now we've got this one here if you just sort reverse up and come around this way you'll be able to put that fire out as well now you're making all the buses turn around oh he's going to yes there we go got the big brains he's reversed himself around this is like getting a bit out of hand i'm slightly worried that they can't just be a little bit quicker in putting these fires out so if we just like reversed instead of having to do all of that faffing around okay he's there he's fine he's got it just block the road ah there we go better angle for the Wi-Fi water I think we're going to be okay that was sorted right okay so what I was going to say as we're heading over to this island as we do have our medium density residential demand I'm going to continue working my way along the front here although these peeps over here are complaining about High rent uh I'm going to just bypass them entirely and actually have I gone all the way along I've almost gone all the way along I have look oh I like these ones here they're very good they're very good oh maybe then we need to put in uh something else that can sort of help us out we've got the mixed house in and I think we can give ourselves a nice little area for that which I was going to start working down here so if we just replace some of these just in this little section and by time that they all disappear and regrow again hopefully we have some shops uh need as well some commercial need as well wow I feel like we have got a huge demand for residential how's this looking over here oh it's not looking too bad people moving in which is what we want off the highway okay well let's just uh continue with our housing estate up here let's see if we can just fill this thing in so this is turning into quite the little community over here isn't it lots of houses going up I'm sort of viewing this as one of those housing Estates that sort of Springs up out of nowhere and just puts in Reams and Reams and reams of housing uh for everybody I would like to pop some parks and things in here we haven't really done many of those recently and we could unlock o some of the larger Parks yes let's grab Park maintenance then what do we go for I think we go for larger Parks this time we keep our other points that we've got Park maintenance we're going to pop around somewhere but what have we got here so we've got large playground which to me seems quite small a large Plaza yes and the large city park so I'm thinking of just sort of utilizing this spot here to turn that into a bit of a Park area and and then also popping in one of these little playgrounds uh we're going to do it off to the side there so then we've got some space later on if you want to come back and add in the children's clinic and then we can sort of keep all of this space for um do you know what I want to do in here how big is the Children's Clinic let's just take another look at that so we could go there and then add some parking in here which is good and we know what we do with the old parking don't we oh yes we make the money so so we're going to pop that up that'll be good so that means we could still fit that in here no problem could I get that road to go past no so we'll leave that like it is let's do a little bit of zoning wow this demand is almost insatiable isn't it whatever I'm doing I'm not quite getting it all am I but we'll see we'll see and then I've left some little gaps through here as well so we can add if I'm very careful turn off my snapping we can just add some paths coming through here as well just to give people access that is a rather large block but I think we'll leave it as it [Music] is wow this demand for residential is just like constantly through the roof isn't it it's nuts oh what's going on over here oh is that our first traffic jam oh my goodness me we have lots of traffic so let's just keep an eye on this little Junction for the moment I think it's mainly people trying to come down here are causing the traffic there's just a lot of people and I think to be honest in this situation an easy fix is going to be just upgrading this to an asymmetrical Road like so so if we speed the up we've now got extra options for people to go whichever direction they wish to go let's just keep that running and also we've added a lot of traffic lights in in various places so oh look at that bus there H I think maybe I need to reload my textures one second there we go that's much better something that we just need to do on the patch that we're on at the moment is every now again and this is probably fixed by the time you have downloaded and use the game but we just need to set our uh textures to low and then back to high again once in the Blue Moon just to like reload things but there we go I think that has solved that traffic problem we don't have any others we are losing a few of these large buildings and it's always hard to tell once they're gone when we can look at the unhappy and small homes poor education so it's almost like we just don't need those sort of buildings in here at the moment so I'm going to remove those and we're just going to Zone these in as standard I can get all of that there we go uh I think that's a shop there just as some standard size housing and we'll go with that instead and they're gone I think that'll be okay right back over here we still have absolutely tons of demand I'm going to just try and keep going as much as I can but I want to make sure that I keep an eye on my production and my demand so we still want a load of Wheat and some forestry as well which I'm not going to worry about just yet and I want to make sure that we're not sort of messing up this piece of lands here so let's pop down some little roads and we can build off of these with our wheat [Music] Farms there we go another couple of wheat farms and something just occurred to me I do believe that in the winter um you actually produce uh less from your Farms which you know would totally make sense um but unless I'm missing something and and there's no way of actually telling other than looking into here and seeing this overall figure there's no way of telling what in each individual Wheat Farm will produce which is a little bit annoying but not huge amount we can do about that at the moment right we're going to continue up here and I think for this little section because we've got such a high demand and I never use this tool we're can to use the grid tool now this might work or it might not because oh swinging around swinging around these aren't Square roads I've deliberately made them sort of Bendy to keep away from that sort of overall way of doing grids so if I go like that yeah you can see it sort of overlaps and it doesn't like it if I go like this and go that way it doesn't like it either okay that's fine well we're going to solve it by doing this so this is definitely now giving me the Vibes of an area outside of town uh let's just put a little bit of commercial right in the center there that is just putting down those cookie cutter houses that all look exactly the same uh over in this area oh you know what I'm thinking of doing oh I meant to do this and I completely forgot let's get rid of all of that and all of this and even though this is a European theme I wanted to see what the North American theme looked like so I'm going to grab that we're going to do um a little bit of commercial in there like we said and then we're going to do the rest of this as the North American themed low density residential housing just to give us a bit of a rough idea here of what it's going to look like there we go and we're definitely going to have to try and take care of some education and travel needs and things like that see a lot of these places down here oh rock musician Mansion we've got a couple of those buildings actually we'll look at those lot of these places down here saying not enough customers when to be honest we've got so many people over here but I think that's mainly down to the fact that our buses do not cover this area and that was one thing we were going to change here wasn't it so let me just have a look at that while we're thinking about it let's pop in some new stops so we're going to pop a stop in down here and we're then going to do this sort of every other few blocks and then we're going to bring it up this way through this adjoining road so if we go like this and then that's going to come through here and I think we're just going to end up with a couple of stops down the end there and try and loop that around and then what I'm going to do if we just pause everything is this is going to be a little bit awkward if I bring that down to there and I bring that stop down to here yes so that's completely removed that out of the picture which is fine so we're going to get rid of those you can't complain there's other stops it and then hopefully we can then drag this through I want to add it onto the other side of the road no which way am I bringing that down yeah and then this is going to be a bit awkward isn't it I'm going have to keep dragging these let me just uh do this off camera we can see what it looks like actually it's not too difficult all you do when you're dragging it is just make sure the road's not crossing over at any point and you know you've got it on the wrong on the right side of the road which is good and then we'll just do this one down here I don't think that's crossing over anywhere no that's going to go into there and then we want to get where does this actually go to this one's become rather large oh so this one comes from all the way down here I think oh boy yes this is the one that turns around down here it then comes up it now goes all the way around here okay I think if I put that there will'll go around that way I think that's going to be okay then it's going to go back around the other direction we'll leave it like that for now and see how that goes but hopefully that will start taking some of these houses here past all of this over here if they need to and start dealing with this not enough customers thing that's popping up absolutely everywhere which do you know what I'm thinking all the way down here do we actually need all of these shops I mean if they're complaining that much we could just switch these out like this and just not have so many shops down there and see how that goes and then maybe that will perhap help if there's not so many shops it will stop other people getting that problem popping up as well maybe let's just take out this little square here and we want some houses in there yeah well let's take a look at some of these North American houses as they've been called and you definitely can see a difference in these which is nice almost sort of like a static caravan type thing we do get those in this country this sort of thing here we've got whole Estates filled with those sometimes um got nice little outside detail here I think these are going to look really nice in the summer as well without all the snow over the top of them yeah a lot of these little Caravan things everywhere but we're going to go with it I think that's fine let's have a look buses are running around I'm just checking for any sort of traffic coming in I think we're okay at the moment what's this little symbol over here there it is oh dear what's that something's collapsed that was just a shop and I can't rebuild it so we'll just get rid of that so what I would like to do next after I've just popped a few little roads in here if the game lets me let's turn off all of our snapping and we're just going to go in there excellent that's good is I'd like to make sure that we try and cover all of the complaints that we've got from our residents um and see how much of a difference that makes I'm also we're going to add in a little Junction over here as well so people can get into work that way yeah there we go excellent oh liking the way things are looking this little spot here just imagine once we start spreading out over here and I do sort of in I mean initially I oh I've hit some sort of Target initially I envisioned this to be the high density area but we'll have to sort of see how it goes oh new signature building we've got a few of those haven't we let's just maybe pop some of those down and that might make people cheer up a bit we've got the rock musician mansion that rings a bell isn't this the rock oh this is the pop ah pop musician Mansion as opposed to the rock musician Mansion um probably looks a little bit different um let us find a nice little spot for this that's also going to benefit all of the people I mean we could just give him this little corner over here I don't see why not right by this sko let's just plop that there and what does that give what benefit have we got there plus two wellbe within 500 M so that's going to improve the well-being of these lovely folk um and then apparently we've got a mixed residential one that's unlocked but it isn't showing oh is that because of oh there we go look oh was this one of I not noticed that you can switch between these two and it doesn't show them all no way so this one here is North American low density how it I had no idea how have I not noticed I thought they were all shown in there cuz I was thinking we've got the rock one where's the pop one and the pop one is over here nice okay well epicurian Garden plus one attractiveness Citywide plus four well-being this again looks like it's really going to suit this side of the water no offense um but I think it does actually do you know what that is a that is a nice looking building isn't it just wondering whether yeah if we could pop that sort of in here somewhere where it's going to look particularly nice I want to turn off my snapping and try and get that in the middle right so is that near enough it is I mean that's okay it's got these big blocks of flats over here which people aren't really enjoying at all and we were going to start removing these weren't we so let me just dezone these we'll leave these ones over here but then we've always got like a little Corridor down here which can be Parklands we've had a nice little Park oh we're making of the money again we're making of the money large Plaza no large city no no let's maybe go for we haven't used the campfire site yet have we the small Plaza always seems to be the one that I like but it's too big in this case so maybe a small park there like so and then we're going to just add a load of trees all the way down here um so if we just go with chestnuts we're going to pop that on we're going to make this a little bit smaller but pop that right up to 100% And just sort of paint in down here as many as we can like that and then we'll pop some small little bushes in which are easily going to fit in between green which is good and that will sort of become a very nice little road leading up to there we can do a little bit of decorating behind there as well any others that we haven't used so we've got all of those we do Villa City an old style soda bar with large rooftop Terrace so plus well-being minus One Import cost oh that'll be good plus one attractiv well the higher our attractiveness goes up the more we're going to be having tourists and things coming in this is a nice looking Rooftop Bar where can we add that again I feel like this is the sort of place where we want it this is sort of almost our downtown Town Center sort of area maybe we'll just make a little area for it here there we go let's have a look at that that is and someone's moved in have they no advertised here not quite moved in yet that is looking nice I like that I feel like if people are going to come all the way here they need a little bit of parking so we're going to pop a small car part there Zink that up and then we're going to pop in a dog park dog park oh don't fit it will fit if I go the other way around if I go behind it it'll fit we'll go with that and that'll give a nice little bonus there we've got the muscle C garage no way minus One Import Cost Plus One attractiveness what does this look like oh wow that is big that is big do we want that here behind the schools and things like that no we don't we maybe want that I'm thinking this side by oh by the bus station this could be good right we are going to pop that up against the main road there and we're going to just take a look at this oh look at the details probably easy to see when there's no snow oh man if we can get all of these props in game oh I tell you what man this thing is just going to explode by the way U I'm recording this on the Monday they've just announced um preload so anybody that's ordered the game you can preload the game I mean you're watching this now and the game's out so me telling you that it's completely useless information we've got all of those those and all of those we've done all the ones that we can and money is going up oh this is fantastic this is fantastic so now what we're going to do is we're going to try and just sort out some of these needs high crime feels like one that we can now sort okay this is what we're going to do we're going to place a little police station up here we've got a lot of people up in this area I want this somewhere where it's going to affect everybody yeah we're going to pop that in here there and then what we're going to do is we're going to make this one only for teal and downs and then we're going to make this one over here only for biffing Springs there we go we got to make sure everybody is in one of these zones they are otherwise we'll have problem so hopefully that will take care of that over time now one thing we can't do which is a bit of a bummer is we can't then take away our expansions that we've got here which is something I wish you could do but actually that's sort of a bit realistic I mean you can delete the whole building but I don't want to do that so our 12 cars are going to be really covering this area well and then we have a minus two unreliable Health Care coverage and again I think we're going to do a little Pokey with that so we've got one over here we're going to take that one and say this area only so you're going to cover that and then the one that we've got over here is sort of in the middle but it's not stretching either way so what I'm thinking of doing is popping one over this side maybe just going to take out some of those shops as you've been having trouble with shops and then I'm thinking of moving this one over here and that will free up a little bit of space and we'll still get all all the coverage that we need so we'll just turn that off so I can see maybe this little corner here we're going to have a lot of houses here and I think between them I can put that on it's more or less covered that's good and then we're going to do this one here select operating District biffing toon Springs and this one here select operating District Buffington Springs you don't need to click the name you can click anywhere in there so that should help with that still got the high crime but we'll we'll wait with that high water fees unreliable Health Care has gone down good man we are so close to hitting our next Target I feel like a little park or two we' got to be careful haven't we we don't want to make things too expensive how about is there anywhere we can add in a little roundabout to really help people come in and go in over here I bet there will be if I look hard enough there we go how far away are we oh man we're so close we are so close and we've hit the next Milestone hooray it didn't pop up on the screen you'll have to use your imagination but we now get high density housing we get oil drilling loans we've never used loans who needs to loans where we're going we don't need loans that's what we say uh what else could we perhaps unlock around here and we do need to add in I'm going to go oh actually look before I do before I just dive in and grab something I would like to get the subway but I feel like we got to get the tram first so let's get that and then that which is nice then we've got five left City Hall that really helps with a lot of stuff and we can really start planning out our Central areas with that we don't need any of those we don't need any of that don't need any of this at the moment we're still bringing in in power from the outside but we're making money so I'm thinking the city hall is just going to give us a fantastic bonus at when we're able to place that down not quite sure where that's going to go but we will check and oh o are we getting a bit of traffic no we're getting another traffic accident watch out for the cars oh the police cars are here already excellent what is February so soon the Winter's going to be ending so we're not going to have to worry too much about that what's going on over here you're saying no Road access before we've even been built and again and again so I'm thinking something's not quite right there so we're going to just remove you and zoink you don't need to worry about it anymore there we go oh these are some of the houses with the shops underneath that we were doing down this main road which I really like the way that these look got some more still building in fantastic looking building bit dark on one one side of the street so we'll look at this side but I'm really enjoying those very nice very nice oh look at that just taking a quick look at our budget and we are no longer relying on government subsidies we have finally become solvent we're making money and we're doing okay and we're doing it by not trading any electricity or any of those sort of things which you can do but we don't really need to because we are doing fantastic we're going to have to start beefing up some of our production at some point we've got a real deficit of petrochemicals which means we need oil I don't know where the oil is um let us have a look now that we have so coal needs to go we're going to have to go well out the city for some of that because we've sort of covered this area and I don't want it in there uh or mining um or or what kind of is or going to be are we sort of getting this mixed up is this oil or or or exceed city limits no that's fine oh map legend I scroll down there we go so we're looking for this sort of color oh I think this is or oh all of this is all do we not have any oil on this map no way oh it's cuz I not clicked that button I'm a complete Muppet we'll get there in the end you know it's like I haven't played this game for many years oh we've got some right over here that is just absolutely perfect which one way is the wind direction going over here oh that is even more perfect and then if we buy this square and this square that would just be the most perfect ever because we've got oil right underneath here and we've got access to the train station right next to it as well which is just fan dabby dozy I'm just sort of looking at the road layout and thinking we might just bring a little Road off of here I mean we don't need to go sort of Whole Hog and go nuts on this sort of thing but if we can sort of get a couple of oil things in here you just keep that on for me that would be great I'm going to go for the bigger Road and I'm going to just sort of do something like that and then we got to see about getting up and over the railway haven't we so maybe with this one let's see what we can do there we go that will do and then yeah we could sort of just bring that into here couldn't we that'll be okay so is that down to ground level yes it is there we go and then we just sort of swing that round to there do my best not to make every single Road straight which we're doing fine good and then we can just have here we go we can have a couple of oil fields on here again not too sure whether it's better to have one small one or 37 big ones or you know how that's going to work but we'll run that alongside there I mean at some point someone's going to do all the science and tell us so we'll just sort of wait until that happens there we go fantastic we'll get a couple of little oil Diggy things popping up in a moment let me just tidy up this field yeah there we go we'll see how that goes I am going to just pop a few little industry buildings around here because sometimes it can sort of spawn in some storage and things like that so let's just get a big one here or some industries that actually you know match with what you're trying to do yeah there we go we'll just pop another one at the end there why not there we go so that might sort of give us a little bit of a bonus which can happen if you get you know similar Industries next to each other you do get a bonus so you're working with wood and Timber grain and beverages Rock and concrete Rock and concrete con and steel Rock and concrete grain and beverages metal or metal Metals nothing food oh food vehicles you're storing vehicles and food okay absolutely nothing to do with oil well that's fine if you don't want to do that do not worry I don't mind we're back to the government subsidies darn it I thought we were doing okay oil now we have a nice little bonus uh the petrol chemical what I'd like to do with this one is I'm going to drop the tax rate on the petrochemicals and really try and get them to move in so we're going to go like that and then I'm just going to delete all of these and just let them grow in one more time and just see whether we get anything that comes in that sort of helps us out I don't oh pet chemicals we did that's good this one stor in it which is good bumber fuel beverages that's okay crude oil we have we have got oh oh oh electrochemicals for textiles okay yep there we go so we are getting some little bits of benefit there and anything else we add in might actually help as well so I think we're just going to do a little bit around the place and see what we get I'm going to keep this area over here low density zoning the North American Vibe for all of it as much as possible um including this over here just to give it that little sense of being somewhere slightly different I don't see why not and I'll tell you what I'm so looking forward to when all the workshop the new Paradox mods Workshop opens up oh I'm sure we're just going to have so much fun and interesting stuff that we're going to be able to play with I just cannot wait and also while I think of it over here we're still trying to fill in this little estate aren't we of these medium density houses film act to Mansion excellent we'll look at that in a minute so every time I get some medium density let's pop it into this one I need to fill this in let's go like that yeah n1's done n1's done excellent that will just sort of finish off this little spot here which I really really like very good very good let's have a look at that new little thing that we unlocked which is probably under here it is for these like so we've had pop musician theater actor I get what you're doing now lock musician and film actor Plus for well-being well I tell you what as the that is the North American one we need to find a little spot over here where this can go that sort of fits in and I'm thinking it was doing an auto save there that's why it got all a bit hky jerky what about this little country road with all the fields at the back and I think JW and the summer this is just going to look this is just going to look lovely that's what what I think well that is not what I wanted to do there we go and when we do a live stream next we can do a little bit detailing around there but that is oh that is a spiffing looking house great views over the fields at the back it's got its own basketball court and all the cranes in the front well when he bought this place he had no idea that this all have been marked down for housing should have checked but Plus for well-being within a kilometer people still complaining public because of the high taxes I'm wondering whether government subsidies are gone again could we like drop this all down one and see whether that makes a big difference suddenly government subsidies high taxes are now minus two and high crime is minus two so we're juggling we're juggling crime in this area is okay lots of places getting looked into but like yeah you see this area here so we need to take this one here select operating district add it to Frosty forestry and we need to really carefully check whether our Zone over here takes in all of these our district which it does a bit hard to see oh it doesn't take in this does it let's just pop in another little District over here there we go and then I'm pretty sure we're only going to need sort like the police coverage to be over there so if we do that one select district there we go Palmer Springs and that should be okay for everybody for what they need so we're going to sort of leave it like that a look at these little oh shame we can't Zone on the end but that's okay I'm liking the look of these and then at the back here I just wanted to fill this with trees so yes you've got the fields I always think trees are under the one that's actually got the flipping Tree on it uh Hickory we're going to go for um yeah we've got the f Fields but I think we're going to have some trees here block the sound it is sort of a working area working farms and we just sort of differentiate these as being there we go maybe a little bit more up Market slightly got the views nice place to live yeah you get the idea and then I'm just going to add in here a little path so if anybody wants to walk around here okay if I do it straight might be a to let me do it uh no that didn't hook up did it will it hook up if I go like this no that's weird I thought that had let people still walk around it yeah I'm not entirely sure we're going to come out the side here instead oh man this this I tell you what we're going to do is we're going to remove this one we're just going to join those two up like so there we go just so people can get through and walk around that way I think that'll be a good idea oh dear we've had a jack knife Lori which is now blocking up the highway for some reason this motorbike does not want to go through and I'm wondering whether the police car is going to turn up because look it is all blocked all the way down here Yik so if I click on this a police car has been dispatched where are you coming from oh here he comes he's nearly there oh he's fixing it from the other he's shouting across sort yourself out mate and there we go all the traffic's going to be going all my life that is a lot of traffic all of that traffic caused by that jack knife Lorry and people are trying to sort of I like the look of this you know cars are trying to get out but they can't other people are in the way people are beeping their horns and saying no you don't cut me up can't park there mate and all that sort of stuff but overall things are moving nicely wow we've absolutely unlocked a ton of stuff in this episode we have grown so much in our little city of Bridge things are expanding nicely we're almost off of the government we're off we're off the government subsidies that is it I'm drawing the line under government subsidies for good oh and we've got so many more things to be able to dive into next time so be sure to subscribe I will hopefully be able to see your votes for whether we keep or get rid of this bridge uh before the next episode so look out for that and uh yeah subscribe like the video check out the next video on the screen have a great day take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 358,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, lets play cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 performance, cities skylines 2 Biffa, cities skylines 2 traffic, how to start your first city, how to make money, how to fix traffic, how to make a quay wall, biffa plays, cities skylines 2 gameplay footage, cities skylines 2 gameplay biffa, cities skylines 2 release date, cities skylines 2 making money, cities skylines 2 mass transit, cities skylines 2 education, cities skylines 2 no demand
Id: EpGB2ip7EbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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