Ultimate Caravan Guide 1.7.1 | How to Set Up Your Caravan in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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do you want to learn how to set up a caravan to start making some passive income in mountain blade 2 bannerlord well you're going to be happy to hear you're in the right place in this quick video i'm going to show you guys the requirements of setting up a caravan and how you guys can set one up for yourself to start earning that sweet passive income in a nutshell a caravan is a party that is formed with the express purpose to trade goods for a profit you'll see them going all around calradia they travel all around the world trading from city to city in order to make the most money possible by setting up a caravan you're able to dip your toes into the trade market and earn lots of money without having to do a single thing this can help offset party wages and other expenses as you play through your game but chances are you probably already know what a caravan is so i'm gonna go through with you guys now exactly what you need to get one up and running for yourself so first and foremost what you guys are going to need is a companion you need a companion to be able to run a caravan for you so i'm going to quickly show you now exactly how to get a companion and how to find them on the map so easiest way to do it is you click n on your keyboard and this will bring up the encyclopedia here easy as you just go to heroes here you go to a live obviously because you want them to be alive and then you just go wanderer this will bring up all the different wanderers around the map so what you're looking for first and foremost despite popular belief trade skill is not the most important thing tactics and scouting either or are the most important thing that way they're not going to get killed as easy on the map so what you're going to want to do is find one with tactics and scouting but if you can find one with the trade skill as well that'll do just as well but i always try and find ones that do have a higher level or at least some skill in tactics or scouting so typically if you're looking for a trade character you're going to be looking for someone with the last name spice vendor and as you can see here you've got solatha the spice fender here the names will change throughout your campaign but spice vendor will always be the typical part there as you can see here she's got 102 skill in trade so she won't actually be a bad person to have she'll make you more profit but she'll be less likely to be able to defend herself in battle but she would still be an excellent excellent companion to have but if you want the best chance to survive what you're going to want to do is find someone with a high scouting skill so usually someone with a thief is their last name like cow thief here horse thief here if you click on them most of the time they're going to have a decent skill in scouting derma horse thief here he'd be a really good candidate to be able to hire for your caravan because he has a hundred skill in scouting which is absolutely outstanding but he's also got 132 skill in writing so he will be very fast on the map and it'll be very good to be able to see enemies and be able to escape before all of your profits get taken so once you've found your companion that you want to hire to be able to run your caravan you're going to look up here in the top right corner here you'll see here he was last seen in my zia one day ago now usually they're gonna take off and run around pretty quickly so the easiest way to keep this screen up here is you want to click n again and then you want to find mazia and the easiest way then he's just up here so he should still be there you want to run up there and every now and then just click and again check and see if this has been updated if it has go to the town that it's been at and if not then keep heading to that location and you'll see your companion i'll meet you there so once you're at the town that the companion should be located you want to click on the town and then you want to head to the tavern district here and as you can see here he's still here dermot horse the easiest thing to do click straight on him hit talk he'll come up here you'll go through all this dialogue here he'll tell you all about himself and you probably don't care so you just go there and then you click i can use someone like you in my company click there you pay the amount perfect you join your party excellent so now what else do you need to start your own caravan as you'll see shortly the amount of money you need to set up your own caravan is fifteen thousand dollars for a regular caravan or twenty two and a half thousand dollars to have an elite caravan which will contain elite troops so it'll be much more likely to defend itself i'll talk about that a little bit more later but i will always go with the elite caravan just because survivability is the hardest part about running a caravan so all you want to do to be able to set one up for yourself is find a merchant in any city in the game so what you want to do is you hover over this guy here you can see he's a merchant there click on him there go to talk he'll be like la you'll do this introduction thing again and then all you want to do there is go down to this option here i wish to form a caravan in this town you click on that one there he'll tell you all about this you need to pay at least fifteen thousand dollars to hire 29 caravan guards to form a caravan and you need one companion to lead the caravan guards we've already hired our companion we've got our money so that's all we need there if you're happy with that and just standard troops all you need to do is click i accept these conditions and i'm ready to pay 15 000 dinars to create a caravan but if you want to do what i suggest and go and get elite troops i would click this option in the middle here is there a way to form a caravan that includes better troops you click on this one here you'll say i can increase the quality of your troops but the cost will proportionally increase as well so then you'll go okay then let's go with better troops i'm ready to pay twenty two and a half thousand and ask to create a caravan you click that one there and then he'll ask you who do you want to leave the caravan we just picked up our guy there so we'll go there dermot horse thief that's who we got there click on him and it's done you've paid 22 and a half thousand dollars he'll call his men to form a caravan you hope it brings a good profit then you'll leave the town there and you'll see him come out very very shortly there he is there it'll be highlighted in green to show it's an allied party and you'll get a big old thing all around the map can't see it right now it'll be similar to one of these guys here and it'll just show you and he'll just walk around the map as you can see he has got plenty of units he's got 30 people with him and he's all set to go so he'll just all you do now you don't need to do a single thing he'll go around the map all by himself and earn you some passive income now the amount that you're going to earn will fluctuate every single day but as you can see here on the first day he hasn't actually done anything yet the caravan there term horse thief 361 that'll fluctuate between zero and up to six seven eight hundred denas usually will be around that three to four hundred mark which is nice and easy to be able to make some sweet money on the side really help you even things out across your party but it will fluctuate from day to day so don't expect it to be the same thing each day but the good thing is you'll never lose any money so all the while that caravan is going the very least it'll do is go to zero it won't ever cost you any more money because you've already paid the amount that you need to run that caravan so that caravan will just keep running and running and running until it's taken down and it'll keep earning money over and over and over again so guys that's going to wrap up my ultimate caravan guide if you do find it helpful please do consider hitting the like button and subscribing to the channel i'm going to be posting more and more guides along with play throughs as we go along and grow this channel so i really do appreciate you watching if you've got any questions leave them down for me in the comments below but for now check out this video here youtube seems to think you're gonna like it so you might as well trust them cheers guys
Channel: Sabertooth Gaming
Views: 58,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord 2, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord mods, bannerlord 1.7.2, bannerlord update, bannerlord news, bannerlord playthrough, bannerlord lore, bannerlord factions, bannerlord tips, bannerlord trade, mount and blade warband, mount and blade bannerlord 2, bannerlord caravan guide, bannerlord caravan results, bannerlord caravan, bannerlord caravan profit, bannerlord guide, bannerlord caravan settings, bannerlord battle
Id: jIiVnUEKcX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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