UFO SIGHTINGS & MYSTERIOUS CREATURES | The Proof Is Out There *Epic Marathon*

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tonight on the proof is out there do UFOs have a thing for wildfires UFOs enjoy frequenting sites of great Devastation forest fires included how is this statue weeping this seems to be an authentic case of a miraculous sweeping statue and how do you explain this otherworldly image it was just an eerie feeling I had looking at it around the globe are videos what the heck is this photos and sounds that defy explanation is it some kind of unidentified object a plane that was literally Frozen in the air what are they some sort of bizarre mutation extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's an incredible case it's a credible video and pass a verdict on what it is this video was quickly saved the proof Starts Now [Music] hi everybody and welcome to the proof is out there let's solve some Mysteries when local news Shoppers cover a breaking story you never know what's going to happen next and in our first video what the chopper called purely by chance became a story of its own we're gonna come over take a look at that all right this is a rapidly becoming very ugly yeah it is yeah this isn't looking good in the past five years millions of Acres of California have been consumed by wildfires and in 2018 with the massive Woolsey fire menacing Northern Los Angeles County itself local news Choppers took to the air to cover every Smokey second and then that provides a great deal of fuel for these fires but when some viewers saw this footage they forgot all about the flames helicopter captures this massive cloud of smoke billowing up from the forest and then all of a sudden out of the cloud Comes This odd little shape it's narrow almost looks like a flat saucer on its side or a cigar shape journalist MJ banayas covers the Unexplained and he says the cigar-shaped UFO is a classic type right up there with orbs Tic Tacs and triangles cigar shift UFOs have been seen for decades if not centuries and we have lots of recordings of them we have lots of witness testimony of them we have lots of photographs of them so for the UFO Community seeing a cigar-shaped UFO it was pretty compelling the video caught fire online was a UFO somehow drawn to the flames there's a belief that UFOs use clouds as cover and they hide behind them I've heard stories that UFOs can actually shapeshift and look like clouds I've also heard that UFOs enjoy frequenting sites of great Devastation forest fires included here's an interesting fact more than 80 percent of U.S forest fires are started by human activity from cigarettes to arson could it be that UFOs are somehow drawn to these large fires let's break down the video with our experts foreign we know the video is real it was broadcast live by a news chopper as you can see from the Independent motion of the object that it's not just a smudge on the lens so could it have been an object from outer space entering the Earth's atmosphere we asked the video expert Mark d'antonio a trained astronomer sometimes meteors will come in and sometimes they hit the atmosphere at such a low angle that they can't crack and they just go skipping off the Earth and as they do that they start to burn up but the California UFO wasn't burning up and science writer Mick West who's lived through plenty of wildfires says it couldn't be a plane it didn't seem to have any of the features of a plane it had no visible wings and it seemed to be moving either too slow or to be too big to be a plane set on solving this puzzle West starts by determining precisely where the news Chopper was I looked up all the helicopters in the Flight Radar 24 tracking service and try to figure out where they all were at that time then I went into Google Earth and I positioned the camera where these helicopters were at around that time using some satellite images of the fire West is able to line up that image with the Chopper's exact camera angle so I could tell that the Chopper's over here we're looking over here then the Eureka moment you can see here we're looking down so it's all ocean that's right the sky is really the Pacific Ocean and the cigar-shaped UFO what if it was a boat that's actually Out on the Ocean West checks the local shipping lanes and sure enough 15 miles off the coast is the route that all the container Ships Take when they're going north and south off the coast of California so what we were looking at was a container ship the moral of the story check your assumptions that blue sky might turn out to be the blue ocean and our verdict that UFO turned out to be an unidentified floating object a container ship coming up don't believe in miracles we'll wait until you see this weeping statue that makes this even weirder when the proof is out there continues [Music] Christianity is full of miraculous Tales yet the Catholic church has a very rigorous process for determining if something is truly an act of God one case currently under consideration is from the most unassuming of places a small congregation close to the U.S Mexican border Hobbs New Mexico parishioners are attending mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church toward the end of the service people start to notice something strange happening with the Statue of the Virgin Mary the worshipers get out their cell phones and start recording from the video appears the statue is crying actual tears take a closer look at the cheek many of those who see the video believe this is a supernatural event and this is not the first time something like this has happened religious scholar Diana pasolka says this tradition goes back centuries Mary is the mother of God and she's sad and sometimes she cries tears of oil and sometimes she cries Tears of Blood these are relics basically thought to have divine power but how do we know this isn't some hoax meant to deceive the faithful it's time to ask the experts is this proof or not we start with trained engineer and Catholic Miracle researcher Michael O'Neill many people gathered to witness this on three different occasions of this statue of the Virgin Mary weeping real tears first question did someone stage this we looked for internal ductwork has something been installed inside the Statue or outside the statue that would Place tears on the eyes in a mechanical way and that was ruled out we also have to consider somebody sneaking in at off hours and putting droplets in the eyes and then alerting everyone saying see we're looking at a weeping statue but we know that from the reports that people were gathered around the statue and saw the statue begin to weep tears so the tears began to form on their own with witnesses around so O'Neill investigates if perhaps the tears were caused by a leaky pipe there is no leaky pipe either below or above or inside or around the statue it's completely a standalone statue finally could the tears be caused by condensation O'Neill visits The Foundry that made the bronze statue this was the singular case of all the many statues that they had created that exhibited this phenomena and we look at these statues they're made of a bronze alloy and so as such they cannot retain water physicist Dr Hakim olusegi also weighs the condensation Theory what's special about the eyes that make that the location where it occurs and nowhere else on the Statue it wasn't sweating it was crying so what is it about the Statue and the location of the eyes that would make it cry but not do anything else and it's even more strange when you consider what the tears were made of would expect the liquid to be water but the liquid's been tested and it turns out it's not water it's olive oil so that makes this even weirder so if it's not a hoax a leak or condensation then what is it this seems to be an authentic case of a miraculous weeping statue we may not know why it's happening but we know that it is happening the Catholic church is yet to verify this incident as a miracle but so far there's no earthly explanation for the Weeping Mary of New Mexico and that olive oil is what does it for us our verdict and unexplained phenomenon and if you want to call it a miracle you go right ahead coming up a mysterious image captured on a camera in the woods has the experts asking wow is that an alien [Music] our next story takes us to Big Sky country in Western Montana a state with a reputation for unexplained phenomenon and this bizarre image is proof that if you're ever there at night it's best to bring a camera Deer Lodge Montana October 2018. Don Bromley is working a wrench equipped with more than 100 motion control trail cams to spot predators and catch potential trespassers one morning Don checks the cameras and realizes they'd caught a trespasser unlike any heat ever seen it was one of those just an eerie feeling I had looking at it it had the two legs but it didn't look right you can see the head was too big and a little off you know really made you guess and questioned what it was now take a closer look especially that bulbous head does that look human to you Don doubted the camera was miles away from any sort of road or Trail so he went back to conduct a photo experiment I found the exact spot where that being was and where I was by side and I'm glad I did it because that that one really hits at home it really shows what a person should look like and then there's no explanation for the other one so what are we looking at here Bigfoot Montana has a rich history of Cryptids in general Sasquatch is being number one on the list because it is excellent habitat they are there Montana was also a hot spot for UFO activity there's cattle mutilations horse mutilations there's just a lot of activity that is unexplained to this day in fact in 1950 Montana was where it's believed a man named Nick Marianas made UFO history They seized two shiny objects moving through the sky gets the 16 millimeter camera and films this as far as we know this is the first UFO captured on film so the Don's camera captures something equally momentous a Bigfoot an extraterrestrial or something entirely new we sent Don's photo to our experts starting with our trusty forensic image analyst Michael Primo the first question is whether or not Don altered this picture we performed essentially an x-ray of the image that provides any kind of distinction between something that's been copied and pasted onto a picture but I didn't detect any alerts from my image authentication software to notify me that there were any kind of inconsistencies with the image this is a camera original okay we know it's not a fake photograph so then could it be the famous Bigfoot we take the photo to Anthropologist Kathy strain obviously it's not an animal so this is something that's walking upright it's clearly bipedal it's not on all fours and there's not a whole lot of Cryptids that are bipedal Bigfoot walks on two legs but that may be where the similarities to Bigfoot in wide-shouldered is a bird it doesn't much difference in size than Don himself and so it doesn't make any sense for that to be a Bigfoot so if it's not a Bigfoot could it be something else inhuman your initial thought is wow is that an alien is that what we're looking at but if you look at it more closely you can see that to me anyway that he's wearing a hoodie and that's why his head looks so funny shaped and he's not wearing a backpack but it's clearly a trespasser to me going through the property I use game cameras a lot because we put them out at archaeological sites to catch looters and based on that it has all the elements of just an Overexposed photo and it's a malfunction I think of the camera like this is an Overexposed mountain lion you can tell it's a cat but you're not going to get much else out of that because it's so over flash that you can't get any details in this other photo because it looks like a human I'm going to conclude that it's a human [Music] so we can say that the photo is authentic despite the suspicious blurring around the distorted head see that right there but Kathy's drain's cat picture convinces me for now at least our verdict is blurred human one note though Don says none of his other cameras recorded any trespassers so that bit of the mystery is still lingering coming up she says this popular app connected her thoughts to the material world what will you think the proof is out there continues [Music] could there be a link between our minds and the material world around us can just thinking about something make it come true we found some people who believe that's now possible thanks to an app on your phone it's May 2020 and when Alexa walkovitz learned her mother's dog Lala was lost she and her friend Anna did something you might find hard to believe what well believe it or not it's all about an app called Rando Nautica Alexa and her friend set an intention and thought of her mother's dog the Rando Nautica app which claims to direct people to a real world encounter with those intentions then displayed random GPS coordinates near her home in the Mojave Desert we're walking forward walking forward and Anna turns to me and kind of like says what's that there was a little animal where did you come from and I realized it was a dog take another look out of nowhere this dog appears in the desert now it turned out this dog wasn't her mother's it had escaped from a nearby property and although Alexa never found Lala she is convinced the app Taps into the power of the Mind and was trying to say to you like listen it's okay here I am to comfort you for a moment experiences like Alexa's made Rando Nautica The Craze of 2020. in just three months the ab Drew over 15 million downloads with thousands of posts on social media of people declaring their intentions the intention for my random journey is purple heading to random locations is that a purple house and finding their wishes at least partially fulfilled like thinking of purple and then having the app lead to this backyard blowing my mind right now so does the world of the Mind connect with the physical world can random Nautica really manifest our intentions we asked our friendly physicist to come up with an experiment to test it Dr Hakeem oluchhei and Dr Michio Kaku give us our guidelines in order to test this idea to see if it works we have to do a lot of tests to remove the statistical uncertainties and you have to keep very careful records of when you're right and when you're wrong second when it comes to a goal make it specific and not metaphorical my intention was adventure and and stuff and this is so cool not something that looks pretty wow no cash that to me would be a very convincing experiment so that's just what we did asking our test subject to declare cash as her intention a hundred dollars hundred dollars the app generates random GPS coordinates now let's see where we're going it's part of a hairbrush so far no cash all right my intention one hundred dollars 100 dollars I found a weird Buckle thing our subject keeps repeating the experiment tension 100 then at one location no dollar bills but found some batteries so we didn't find any money at this location but there is a bank really close to here so you never know maybe that's what drew me here like mini Rando Nautica Stories the exact intention didn't manifest but something kind of related so what's happening here Kaku believed the explanation is something called the synchronicity effect a phenomenon where people interpret two coincidental events as intertwined wow synchronicity for example is you're thinking about Joe and Joe calls you on the telephone and you say to yourself aha I knew it I'm psychic it's kind of blowing my mind right now but Kaku explains while everyone remembers the occasional hits most of the time they're misses you forget about them but think of all the times when you thought about Jane and Harry and they didn't call you our verdict most likely coincidence which comes from people making very general wishes like something that will make me happy but there is a lot we still don't know about this universe but that's what we think what do you think please reach out to us with your comments and suggestions I'm Tony Harris and that's our show for tonight thanks for watching and by all means keep those cameras rolling tonight on the proof is out there is this proof that we're living in a simulation the computer's Frozen this is a glitch in The Matrix proof that an ancient civilization once lived on Mars these are all kinds of formations that appears to be a city proof of mutant bats around the globe are videos what the heck is this photos and sounds that defy explanation [Music] is it some kind of unidentified object a plane that was literally Frozen in the air what are they some sort of bizarre mutation extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's incredible case it's a credible video and pass a verdict on what it is this video was clearly faked proof Starts Now [Music] hi everyone welcome to the proof is out there have you ever seen something that your mind rejects says impossible well you may not be seeing things some believe everything around us the sky our homes our friends aren't real and could these videos be the proof November 2015. just a typical day of rush hour traffic in the Chinese city of shingtai then this take a closer look two Vans jump in the air and appear to suddenly defy gravity the van topples over as it hits the ground and nobody knows what happened totally freaky doesn't make any sense but it's not just the laws of gravity that seem to be bending in July 2020 a photo surfaced on the internet that shows the impossible now this one really is weird one of the girls her facial expression in the mirror is different from her actual facial expression something like this can't be real right what is going on here has reality suddenly gone off the rails physicist Dr Michio Kaku explains that some believe it's proof our world is actually an elaborate computer simulation the fundamental premise of the simulation theory is that there's a mysterious super Advanced civilization that runs computer programs to simulate reality itself they can create a world that's totally fake how would an alien civilization be able to generate our reality with such detail maybe we only need to look to our own technological advances in 70s we were playing pong on black and white TV now we have virtual reality if we are capable of this kind of technological advancement then an alien race that's millions of years you know ahead of us could create simulations that we can't even touch yet so when a car mysteriously jumps in mid-air or a mirror shows a wrong reflection simple it's a glitch in the alien's computer code not Matrix now if you believe we're not alone and you believe technology advances exponentially it follows that an alien civilization May well have evolved to the point that they're running lots of big simulations and we're living in one of them but are these images proof or not we first sent the bizarre video of the car to science writer and forensic video analyst Mick West my first thought was perhaps there was some kind of water main break and the water was rushing up underneath this car and pushing it up into the air West Zooms in on the video there's clearly no water seen underneath the cars but he does find a clue in how the van jumps in the air it kind of jerks and then it's suspended the only plausible thing that could hold up something like that is a rope or a cable or a chain okay if we're looking for a cable or chain I don't see anything but West says take a closer look at the right hand side of the screen see that large vehicle between the two cars there's a street sweeper going by kind of about the same time that they get raised up into the air West did some more digging turns out this street sweeper is the key to the mystery what actually happened was there was a cable lying on the street and this cable got tangled up in the street sweeper and it pulled the cars up into the air and because the video is very low quality you can't see this so chalk one up for everyday reality but what about the photo of the girl in the mirror we ask our other forensic video analyst Michael Primo to take a look so I began my investigation by examining what's referred to as the metadata information this particular image I noted several consistencies with what I would expect to see as an original I noticed no inconsistencies in the digital information Primo confirms the file is a camera original but could the face and the reflection have been digitally manipulated after the photo was taken I look for any kind of inconsistencies and directionality of light any kind of inconsistencies in the actual compression blocks which is a x-ray version of the picture which looks for areas of the image that have been copied over duplicated cloned Etc here's where it gets freaky we would expect to see some sort of pasting of these two faces which I do not detect any evidence of tampering of any kind this is likely what actually was being documented in real life so it turns out those cars and vans can be explained pretty simply our verdict there a tangled cable but the examination of that photo is Rock Solid there was no digital trickery and who knows it could be evidence that this reality is not really real our verdict on the photo unexplained phenomenon coming up are these satellite images proof of Prior Life on Mars if so how did they go extinct there were two explosions on Mars probably with this Colony that was living there when the proof is out there continues [Music] for nearly 50 years NASA has been sending satellites to Mars to photograph the surface of the red planet but what if those photographs found proof of A Lost Civilization there a civilization some believe may have also colonized Earth for decades we've been sending probes to Mars and ever since strange images have been captured on the surface of the red planet could this be a floating spoon or this a statue what about this the face of a god but then in the spring of 2020 things got really strange when an amateur astronomer claimed the cameras on the Mars reconnaissance Orbiter photographed this take a closer look it appears to be a group of buildings and pyramids on Mars one even in the shape of an eagle's head George Haas is the director of the esoteric cydonia Institute he believes this could be evidence of an ancient civilization on Mars the first structure to get my attention is this four-sided pyramid that has a conjoined Mound at the top these are large geoglyphic formations that show intelligent design all kinds of formations that appears to be a city George also believes these Martian pyramids are eerily similar to the ancient Mayan pyramids in Mexico it looks a lot like the Pyramid of the Moon in teoticon you have a four-sided pyramid with this platform or porch That's jutted off the one end of the pyramid and they're almost identical forensic investigator Chase klotzky says there's a case to be made for past life on Mars there is there it easily could have supported civilization so where did the Martians go one popular Theory they were destroyed by nuclear war the possible evidence atmospheric traces of an element called xenon-129 Xeon 129 is a signature of artificial nuclear explosions a one Megaton bomb can completely level a radius of nearly four miles but before we mourn the annihilation of Martian civilization let's determine if there was a civilization at all we took these photos to the best in the field Mars mission planner Jonathan Hill Hill Begins by examining the large Eagle's head structure Could That Be by Design we see Cliff faces along the edge nice gentle slopes that are consistent with ice deposits that we see on similar mesas throughout the planet Hill says those lines indicate a natural formation and geological analysis of the area confirms it so using ground penetrating radar from orbit we can see down into different layers of these mesas to see what they're made out of and the entire Mesa is rock and water ice and So that obviously rules out any artificial metals or other materials but what about the nearby pyramid George Haas claims it's a mirror image of the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico were the two built by the same hands when you look at it the difference between an actual pyramid is that all the angles are perfect they were artificially engineered when you look at a Mesa like this the edges aren't straight they're all curves the top is not centered the geometry is just not there and that evidence of nuclear war on Mars the Xenon 129 Xenon is a naturally occurring gas we find traces of it in our atmosphere here on Earth so it's not surprising that we find it traces of it on Mars after years of studying the red planet and claims of amazing structures there Hill believes there's a psychological explanation for what people think they are seeing on Mars the phenomenon known as peridolia it's basically where the human brain goes a little too far and it implants patterns where patterns don't exist and so I think people have to really prove to themselves that they're not being affected by this known effect so it's simply a trick of the eye and turns out that sometimes we'll see things we want to see and not what's actually there so our verdict paradolia but don't let that stop you from looking up at the stars for that alien life we may still find the proof one day up next I want to locate it to stop it a strange Global hum and an even stranger explanation a breakaway civilization digging under the Earth foreign [Music] ongoing worldwide mystery people and entire communities say they are being tormented by a strange incessant humming sound but is this notorious hum coming from outside the house or inside the head they're hearing it in Rochester New York I want to locate it to stop it they're hearing it in Bristol England [Music] and in Connecticut Steve Cole Hayes is even hearing it in his bedroom it's a groaning sound and it's a lot worse at night it's impossible to live with it listen closely around the world people are reporting a low incessant highly disturbing hum Steve says he's been hearing it since 2009 and as you can see on this website dedicated to hum reports he's one of thousands it's a developing map that people self-populate and it's quite a large community the hum is a worldwide phenomenon of this strange mysterious sound journalist MJ banaya says the mystery is complicated because the hum is not always the same the hum changes it's not one unified sound across the planet or or in different areas that's led to a wide range of theories banayas who specializes in The Unexplained says many involve a vast system of secret tunnels one pretty wild internet conspiracy theory is that there exists a breakaway civilization a group of humans who are much more advanced than we are digging under the Earth so that they can build cities under the Earth surface others believe the US government is building a network of tunnels using shuttered Walmarts as entry points and Supply stations the US government digging underground tunnels would most likely have to do with stockpiling weapons or supplies nuclear bombs here's another weird thing about the hum only certain people hear it we've enhanced the best recording we have so you can hear it come through your screen but we've got questions about it source and its victims we turn for answers about strange sounds to our audio expert Dr Ben goddessman the hum is an amazing Sonic mystery goddessman is interested in a theory proposed by hum sufferer Steve colehaves a mechanical engineer he traces the hum to natural gas pipelines this is a map that I prepared to find a correlation to pipeline location and hum reports and within 95 accuracy this does such a thing but other people in this field will say there have been occurrences far from gas plants so we have got us into a spectrogram of our best hum sound the one out of Rochester to see if he could place it seems like the hum is distinctly different from traffic [Music] you know it's this continuous hum The Continuous nature of the sound also rules out weather events which clearly begin and end as for the tunnel Theory most of these seismic vibrations within the Earth are much lower frequency than what humans can detect if you're digging a tunnel underground I'd be hard-pressed that humans can hear it at all goddessman compares the Rochester hum to several possible matches with no luck until he finds this an air vent compare that to the enhanced hum curious to me that it's really a similar frequency to this ventilation fan that might explain this home but Ben says it doesn't explain all hums or why only some people hear them the answer he says is that some people might have a kind of superhuman hearing that makes the modern world extra noisy hyperacusis is basically an extreme sensitivity to certain frequencies certain noises there could be people within a population that for sounds people could care less about for them it causes extreme annoyance or pain foreign so it seems that the source of the hum can be anything from a gas pipeline to an air vent but what makes it so disturbing to some hum sufferers our verdict that rare condition called hyperacusis a kind of super hearing coming up reports of mutant bats in China and South America it's actually kind of disturbing because it's very frightening is this some lab experiment gone awry heard of Batman but what would it actually look like to cross a human in a bat some people think strange experiments overseas are already creating bizarre hybrids we've never seen before except in our nightmares Buenos Aires Argentina April 2020 local media reports strange sightings of bats that can swim and run on land one provocative online headline reads mysterious humanoid bats reported in Argentina and in China and here is their proof these humanoid-looking bat-like creatures appear to be swimming in a local Lake take a closer look what in the world can they be six thousand miles away another freakish video of more mystery bats this time from China watch as this one flops on the ground making unsettling vocalizations it's flopping around it's screeching it's acting erratically it's actually kind of disturbing so it's fairly obvious why someone would immediately look at this and think this is some kind of really strange weird looking mutant bat ambitious scientists have tried to create custom hybrid species before perhaps most famously the Soviet zoologist Ilya Ivanov tried to cross an ape than a human back in the 1920s without success are these swimming bats the result of some recent genetic project even normal bats have a complex relationship with humans research suggests some viruses like measles and mumps originated in bats but are the animals in these videos really some kind of mutant we turn to our analysts I can see how this would look particularly mysterious marine biologist Dr Shea Conger says the theories about these creatures run the gamut there's some conjecture online that this animal might be the mix between a bat and he doesn't believe that kind of cross breeding is possible to so if this is not a mutant what is it wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley first focuses on the video out of China I don't think that this kalugos are a type of gliding mammal that is sometimes also called gliding lemurs they can reach up to 200 feet using this amazing area that's called the potagium that fold of skin that reaches from their full limbs down to their hind limbs that might explain the Chinese video but what about these strange things in the water in Buenos Aires I don't think that these are kalugos I think what we're actually seeing is [Music] sea hair that we can see around the world and can grow up to 15 inches long both of these animals I understand why people might think that these are mutant varieties of bats living underwater or looking like the strange animal screeching on the ground but what I can tell by looking at their Anatomy that what we have is a kalugo and sea has again it's important to know that many species can share common characteristics and affinities but people frogs and bats have different DNA and can't be cross-bred at least not yet our verdict kalu goes and sea hairs and that's our show for tonight we appreciate you letting us into your homes and we want to know what's going on with you please connect with us and tell us what you think I'm Tony Harris reminding you to keep those cameras rolling tonight on the proof is out there a glowing orb splits in the sky two things are dropping down holy crap disturbing creatures swim the sea these aren't natural animals but rather the product of some sort of bizarre mutation and our California wildfires caused by laser weapons the US government was using energy weapons to purposefully start these forest fires around the globe are videos what the heck is this photos and sounds that defy explanation is it some kind of unidentified object a plane that was literally Frozen in the air what are they some sort of bizarre mutation extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's incredible case it's a credible video and pass the verdict on what it is this video was quickly safe the proof Starts Now [Music] hi everybody and welcome to the proof is out there let me start by asking you to imagine muretta family gathering celebrating the 4th of July when an unexpected guest shows up and it's not your crazy uncle it's something up in the sky it's Independence Day in Alamance North Carolina and a local man is enjoying a barbecue with his family fireworks are going off intermittently so he's been looking at the sky all evening suddenly sees something even more spectacular it's moving it's moving slow it's a classic orb-shaped UFO the kind we've seen in several videos some real some fake and what makes this footage extra special is that it goes on for more than eight minutes God I wish I had some binoculars now look at what happens here at the six and a half minute Mark oh wow something's coming off of it two things are coming off of it one went up and one's coming down holy crap look at this the orb seems to bifurcate and seconds later it splits again oh now something's coming out of the other one holy third one's coming out there's three different oh my God that's crazy like other orbs seen around the world this one had no wings or obvious means of propulsion it's hard to judge at speed but others have been clogged by commercial pilots at over 500 miles per hour and it's pulsating too man that is nuts journalist Alexis Brooks who writes and speaks about UFOs says the duration of this sighting is important some individuals that have long contact encounters that is exceeding five minutes or more may actually be having a literal contact encounter without them being consciously aware of it could it be that non-human intelligence or the occupants of The Craft were actually making contact with the witness and vice versa here we got some action going on here boys the witness said he later tried to find some Earthly explanation for the incident even checking with a nearby military base but to this day he says he's got no answers our experts may be able to change that our video analyst Mark d'antonio Begins by looking at the surrounding factors involved in this event I stepped through it frame by frame to try to isolate the components and equate them with something that we might already know it's actually pretty high altitude for starters dantonio's positive it couldn't be a bird birds don't have that kind of reflectivity to them even geese at high altitude you can still detect that they're Birds he's just as sure it's not a plane or a drone planes and drones they have to follow Federal Aviation Administration rules for lighting and this object had none of that nor could it be a natural phenomenon like a meteor it just hangs in the sky too long meteors are momentary objects they go through the sky and then they're gone so what was it the secret could be in that strange splitting here you can see in this image you can see how it's a teardrop shape and these objects are falling away and the object that's way up there has changed brightness tremendously now my thinking takes me down the path of weather balloon it certainly wouldn't be the first time a weather balloon was mistaken for a UFO in fact the government initially claimed it was a weather balloon that caused the Roswell incident but that still doesn't explain how this thing could split apart and move off in different directions guess that this is a weather balloon where and when something like this happens the resistance of the air will tend to streamline it and make it more into a teardrop shave and that shape is what I think we're seeing here that theory sounds plausible but then to our surprise atmospheric scientist Deanna hence shoots it out of the sky so I do think it's really unlikely that this is any kind of and they wouldn't emit light this brightly like this but it doesn't seem to be meteorologically related you see it Dean you see UFO so America is it proof or not it doesn't appear to be a bird or a plane could it be a weather balloon maybe but a local weather service later told the witness there were none in the area until we get more solid information we're going to call this a genuine UFO coming up is this what happens when you dump tons of nuclear waste into the sea so when DNA is subject to radiation you could end up with anything virtually when the proof is out there continues [Music] there are an estimated three and a half trillion fish in our oceans which leaves us with a lot of unknowns about what Ashley lives down there and we've discovered photographs of some of the most disturbing sea creatures ever caught on camera the question where they spawned by an even more disturbing man-made disaster this is the baron Sea located between Russia and the North Pole it's one of the most remote and unexplored places on Earth and one deep sea fisherman there has brought creatures to the surface that are so bizarre his Instagram account has made headlines fish with bulging lips what looks like human dentures and fluorescent red colored eyes creatures with heads shaped like aliens the images are so bizarre and there are so many of them journalist MJ banayas who covers the Unexplained says it's made people wonder if there's something unnatural going on below these creatures look so bizarre that people naturally question something's wrong one theory is that these aren't natural animals but rather the product of some sort of bizarre mutation look again for yourself mutation seems like a reasonable explanation for this and it turns out the idea of mutated Russian fish may not be far-fetched as our military expert Tim McMillan explains any government that has any kind of nuclear proliferation program has always had this problem of how do you get rid of your waste and for a number of years the Soviet Union's answer was dumping it into the bear and Seed seventeen thousand nuclear containers multiple different nuclear powered ships were sunk and an entire nuclear submarine from a period of about the 1950s until the collapse of the Soviet Union whoa so the Soviets used the barren sea as a nuclear toilet bowl for decades and as our physicist Dr Hakeem oluchheim explains radiation and DNA don't mix radiation is really tiny subatomic particles that are flying along and when they encounter a DNA molecule they can strike it and break it and change it so when DNA is subject to radiation then what happens is the instructions for riding a new animal are changed so you could end up with anything virtually a recent scientific study found that a Soviet nuclear submarine at the bottom of the barren sea was nearly a million times more radioactive than previously estimated so are these freaky fish the result of all that dumping our marine biologist Dr Shea Conger looks for answers first at the fish's shape and scales if these fish were impacted by radiation we would expect to but I don't see any signs of radiation sickness or poisoning throughout this animal it's epidermal tissue actually seems to be pretty intact okay so Congress says these fish aren't the victims of a nuclear waste dump but then what else could explain some of these bizarre features Conger has a theory they undergo a process of what we call barometric trauma it turns out that some of these fish have the bends when human divers come up too quickly from the deep the change in pressure causes the gases in their body to expand well same for fish often these fish will come to the surface with their stomach sticking out of their mouth because of the extreme pressure of having the gases within their body tissues expand at such a quick rate but there's got to be more to this fish story right Congress says the real story was millions of years in the making a very pre-animals aren't alien they're just adapted to an extremely different environment than we're used to [Music] jury is still out about the long-term effects this contamination will have on marine species Dr Conger cautions that the impact could take decades to be fully felt for us Natural Evolution and the bends explain these weird looking fish so our verdict this is a non-nuclear phenomenon up next California wildfires are destroying homes but why are the trees left standing the U.S government was using energy weapons to purposefully start these forest fires when the proof is out there returns [Music] in the wake of the recent California wildfires a strange and Sinister Theory emerged From the Ashes the video you're about to see had some folks asking if the terrifying natural destruction we observed was in fact unnatural pretty much total structured I I've seen every house destroyed on this road California wildfires have become a perennial disaster in the aftermath aerial footage shows wrenching images of Destruction here we see the devastating after effects of what these wildfires are leaving in their wake but look closely at this shot does something seem off to you one of the things that we're seeing that is absolutely crazy our entire houses incinerate and burn to the ground while trees surrounding them are completely left intact untouched the question is what is causing these wildfires let's zoom in on that does seem odd that the trees are standing while the houses are reduced to Ash journalist MJ banaya says images like these have prompted some wild explanations that are getting attention online according to internet conspiracy theories there's a secret government program known as agenda 21. the purpose of which is to force people to relocate into major cities and then as the conspiracy theory goes the government can then exercise more control over the population and how is this allegedly being accomplished forest fires and laser guns the theory is that the US government was using direct energy weapons to purposefully start these forest fires to clear out towns or for some other nefarious reason laser weapons are much more than Staples of Science Fiction during the Cold War the U.S and USSR poured resources into orbital space weapons even deploying some the so-called Star Wars missile defense system was the most famous but perhaps the most intriguing was the Air Force's yl1 which featured a laser system mounted in a turret on a plane's nose and that's just the technology we know about as you know the U.S military did just launch space force but could the government really be using secret energy weapons to start fires and control Society we turn to our military expert Tim McMillan for an explanation the idea of directed energy weapons it's very exciting I mean we've heard about that since Star Trek Tim says it's true that the major space powers are all developing energy weapons to take out each other's satellites but striking the Earth's surface that is something that's very difficult to achieve and not technically that we know of achievable whenever the laser is being projected down it's got to travel through the atmosphere clouds any one of these factors are going to cause what's called atmospheric blooming and by the time it reaches Earth it's not going to have the amount of energy to start a fire and burn something so if a laser weapon is not possible then what can account for the strange aftermath footage science writer Mick West who lives in Wildfire country says it simple houses burn much easier than trees it's actually quite hard to burn green wood to demonstrate West decides to do his own test I went into my attic and I got a piece of scrap wood then I went out into the field behind my house and I cut down a branch of a tree and then I took both of these pieces of wood and I put them in my fire and I built identical piles of kindling under each one and then I let them both at the same time the Wood from my attic caught fire and burned part way through the wood that I just cut from a tree just got a bit black on the outside just got a bit even though they had the exact same small fires underneath which shows that green wood doesn't burn but the wood in your house does look in fact the average live tree is about 50 Water by weight and while theories about directed energy weapons aren't going to go away anytime soon that fact leads us to our unequivocal verdict these fires are natural phenomenon coming up famous reincarnations did Anne Frank come back as this other young writer that's kind of incredible when the proof is out there returns [Music] you ever get that feeling that you've been here before and I'm not talking about deja vu I'm talking about reincarnation Millions believe in it as a matter of faith but could there be photographic proof it's real on the Silver Screen Actor Alec Baldwin has played dozens of characters but some people think his greatest role wasn't an acting job but instead as the 13th president of the United States Millard Fillmore look closely those eyes the nose the mouth and there's more the internet has been buzzing with photos of celebrities and their uncanny counterparts not only Alec Baldwin actors like Matthew McConaughey as this 1800s doctor Orlando Bloom is a 19th Century composer and Johnny Depp as this early 20th century choir director what if these aren't merely striking resemblances but actual evidence of past lives for Barbara Carlin the idea of reincarnation isn't a theory born in 1954 Barbara was a young writer like Anne Frank and published her first book of poetry at age 12. and barbro insists she has Vivid memories of her past life as the famed Dutch diarist I woke up almost every night screaming and crying and reliving what happened to me in my past life it's like two worlds I live in Two Worlds at the same time to her family that seemed implausible until they visited Anne Frank's home in Amsterdam [Music] Barbara told a tour guide there were pictures missing from the walls as you said Barbara you are absolutely right they have taken down those pictures to put them in frames but they were there and Anna Frank did put up those pictures how could you know this Barbara was just one of many researchers at the University of Virginia corroborated 1500 cases of past life memories could Baldwin Depp and McConaughey be other such cases now the celebrity look-alikes are certainly striking but are they really images of the same person let's put these photos to the test wonton Tad is the co-founder and CEO of Clearview AI a widely used facial recognition technology well technology has really caught up and so with the Clearview AI algorithm if you've lost some weight and your face is thinner if you grow out a long beard you can still recognize you we gave Juan the photo of Alec Baldwin to see if it's a match with Millard Fillmore in our first test anything below a 0.8 on the scale is a match incredibly the first test for Alec Baldwin came back just within range for the match category a 0.78 could it be possible not only are their faces similar but Alec Baldwin's passion for politics is well known it was once even rumored that he wanted to run for Senate Clearview repeated the test this time using 1.0 as the threshold and once again the results were astonishing business score is 1.04 barely above the threshold for a match so a very very close to the line there and that's kind of incredible the number was so shocking that a professional facial examiner was brought in to compare the photos Juan explains that analysis when you look here the first one is a lower lobe exterior shapes are quite different and the other inconsistency was between the lips and you can see that the photo a has a rounded upper lip and photo B which is Alec Baldwin has a thinner upper lip so the photos are close but not a perfect match neither was McConaughey and we're still waiting to hear about bloom in depth but the question remains is reincarnation real Barbara Carlin's answer is yes a hopeful yes I have had these memories and I have gone have gone tell that there is always goodness and light at the end of the tunnel [Music] so is there true to any of this well I can't say but there is definitely something very compelling about Barbara Carlin's story but when it comes to Alec Baldwin and Millard Fillmore our verdict not a match and that's our show for tonight if you have any comments or suggestions please reach out to us I'm Tony Harris reminding you to keep those cameras rolling thank you tonight on the proof is out there a Bigfoot sighting with Footprints out of North Carolina I think they're beautiful evidence that what he experienced that day was real a woman escapes from a submerged car without opening any windows or door at this point I'm still mystified by the whole thing and a man Dodges rush hour traffic with superhuman reflexes my mouth was like hanging open what is this guy doing around the globe are videos what the heck is this photos and sounds that defy explanation is it some kind of unidentified object plane that was literally Frozen in the air what are they some sort of bizarre mutation extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's incredible case it's a credible video and pass a verdict on what it is this video is clearly faked the proof Starts Now [Music] hi everyone welcome to the proof is out there each year there are hundreds of Bigfoot sightings across the country some people devote their lives through the pursuit of the creature well there's no conclusive proof Bigfoot exists when some new evidence pops up you can bet we're gonna check it out Hickory North Carolina August 2019. Doug Teague is walking his dog crazy daisy in the woods near his home when he has an encounter worth recording it's moving is moving is moving Daisy come here Daisy come here very black with a pretty silver sheen to it Doug a Bigfoot Enthusiast says the creature resembled an eight-foot gorilla good question the video is inconclusive let's get a closer look it's not easy to see but we can trace the outline of something sitting there through the trees but Doug said the creature was doing much more before he started recording I heard a couple knocks just put it off as a woodpecker didn't think much about it and then a rock was through that rolled down the hill on to the right there was loud grunts numerous loud grunts Tales of large ape-like creatures lurking in the forest of Western North Carolina are as common as the Region's yellow poplars citing reports there go back into the nb4 in 1979 a Bigfoot type creature known as knobby was reported multiple times only 40 miles away from this particular location and Doug says he has something else video and casts of footprints he made at the time of the encounter casts are kind of my thing so I was excited to get in deep with this Cliff barrickman who runs the North American Bigfoot Center Compares Doug's print casts with another he considers credible look at this cast look at this cast we have the toes across the front what looks like an InStep or an arch and then uh one two three four five you have a Divergent little toe right here which I really like that comes down I would I think it's safe to say that's a very strong resemblance between the two so Doug's video is kind of vague but the footprints look like powerful evidence right well not so fast there's a storied history of hoaxers who've made Bigfoot prints just a toy with the Believers so let's take the video to our experts starting with Anthropologist Kathy strain so this is one of the casts that he has and it is extremely believable the toes are all fairly even at the top strain says Doug's cast fit the profile of a giant hominid that might live in the woods those are clearly Footprints they clearly look to be 15 or so inches long I can see the toes clearly I can see the heel clearly I think they're beautiful evidence that what he experienced that day was real but when we take the prince to wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley she's less interested in their size than the distance between them they're actually up to six feet apart and when you think about that in comparison to the size of the animal that creates them the animal would have to be around 15 foot tall to have a gate that long Eckersley says you can't tell the size of the creature in the video so maybe it is that day but pointed out something curious listen there's something we're not hearing this was a big fault I would actually expect the dog who is with Doug to be really really anxious dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell so if this was something brand new maybe something like a Sasquatch that had a totally different smell to human the dog was probably not be keeping quiet so if it's not a Bigfoot what is it could it be a bear maybe but remember Doug said it through rocks Bears don't do that they can grasp them between their paws but they can't necessarily throw them Eckersley proposes another theory from what from what the animal is 100 hunch that sits in that posture but hold up gorillas are not known to hang out in North Carolina which raises another possibility it could be a human who is wearing some kind of suit to make it appear like they are covered in fur All Things Considered I really don't know what this animal is I agree the footprints and casts are fascinating but not conclusive and the video is a bit of a wash we just can't see the figure clearly enough our best guess man in a suit but we can't completely say it's not the Bigfoot Doug said it was he's convinced flash floods can happen within minutes they lead to about 100 deaths in the U.S each year and anyone who gets caught in one should only hope that the situation resolves itself as miraculously as what you're about to see Pueblo Colorado physician Dr Rocky coleslaw and his family are on their way to dinner when they hit a bad rainstorm as they seek shelter they notice another car is being submerged by the water rapidly Rising on a low-lying road Watch What Happens Next and I look this car took off and started floating away way way faster than I expected by chance a news crew is passing by they roll cameras Dr coleslaw and others jump into action and try to free 35 year old Charlene Herrera from the 10-foot deep turret I just saw a piece of wood floating and so I grabbed it and I just started swimming out the car is nearly submerged the situation looks hopeless and I was really hammering away with this piece of wood and making absolutely no progress then it happens watch another rescuer reaches into the water and somehow he's able to grab Charlene's arm next thing I know this person is popping out of there like a champagne Corp Charlene is pulled to safety it's a feel-good rescue story but here's the amazing thing when the car is later recovered all of the doors and windows are closed and intact at this point I'm still mystified by the whole thing she'd obviously been through a near-death experience but she was alive you know it was just incredible we tried to contact the woman in the car but we were never able to reach her so much remains unanswered how were the rescuers able to get a hold of her how did she escape with the windows and the doors were shut could this be a case of divine intervention or something else let's check in with our experts we always ask is the video real Alexis Brooks a former local TV reporter says the footage aired on local news and has never been questioned the crew that filmed this is a professional film crew they're in the business of news not fantasy so next question could a window have been rolled down then rolled back up physicist Dr Hakeem olusegi says it's unlikely most cars today the windows aren't manual they're powered windows and we know that water and electricity don't mix it's gonna short out the electrical system eventually so a person doesn't have very much time to lower those windows before it's impossible to lower them something else to consider could a door have been opened then later shut Dr olashei concludes that would have required a huge feat of strength physics works against allowing them to Escape the Car builds a force pushing in on it on all sides so a person inside the car when they try to open that door they're working against that incredible force and there is no person strong enough to open such a car door only she says if you wait for the pressure to equalize the car will be so full of water that there's no air left to breathe so we have to consider was this a miracle we asked Michael O'Neal a trained engineer who researches claims of miracles in the Catholic church all we know is there is not a clear explanation Naturally Speaking of how that person was safe from the vehicle was one of The Rescuers an angel or some other divine presence that opened that door and got the person out in an inexplicable way so you look at all of the elements that are in play the camera crew stopping just in time to capture that footage as well as a physician being on site you have to ask yourself is there something else at work here it was meant it seems for other people to witness that Miracles occur and maybe happen every day thank you there's a gap of time between the driver being rescued and the car being pulled out so there's a small chance an open window or door could have closed somehow during that time but I'm going with our physicist that's highly unlikely because of the water pressure so until we get more info our verdict is possible miracle the video you're about to see might look like a monster movie but we're going to tell you up front here this is no visual effect it's very real very gross and very hard to identify yeah it's May 2017 in Indonesia's umaluku Province locals are heading out to work when they make a gigantic gruesome Discovery floating in the water cell phone video shows them examining the rotting corpse of a 50-foot dead sea creature that is somehow washed ashore here's a look from another angle The formless Blob is not only immense it looks like it's coated in some sort of white shaggy hair what kind of animal has hair like that it seems like it's something that shouldn't exist and in fact if this animal were terrestrial it wouldn't be able to exist because of its sheer body mass folklore is chock full of legendary sea creatures as big as this carcass the ancient Hebrew Leviathan The yerman Gander of Norse mythology and the Kraken a kind of giant octopus so big it was described as a floating island in Viking eyewitness accounts oh man I bet that stinks there but field researcher Cliff barrickman says these carcasses have their own name globsters globsters are cool in every way is part blob as part glob is part Lobster I mean how awesome is that globsters have been turning up on shores around the globe for years this one known as the cherberg carcass was discovered in France in 1934. but what to make of this one globsters have also washed up on beaches in Florida New Zealand Bermuda Canada and South Africa but they've never been spotted in the water alive so what exactly are we looking at here let's turn to our analysts wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley first focuses on that amorphous mass of tissue I think these could be mistaken for lots of different sea animals and because they look kind of squishy you might think that they look like a giant octopus or a giant squid a giant squid but look we can see some exposed bone this video clearly shows this creature has a spine so it can't be an invertebrate next question what to make of that hair what looks like hair across this creature is actually fibers of collagen marine biologist Dr Shea Conger says that collagen A protein that provides structure to skin bones and tendons is the biggest clue when components of the body begin to break down the collagen begins to emerge and because collagen doesn't break down as quickly as other tissues these glopsters can start to take on a hairy appearance that you wouldn't expect or be able to explain if you weren't familiar so what was this before the sea decomposed it into a globster this is actually pretty typical of what I would expect to see in regards to the carcass of a large whale you can see some striations on the bottom of this object and that is what we would expect to see in the mouth cavity of a large whale such as a blue whale Congress should know as you can see she's been up close and personal with globsters herself to witness firsthand one of the animals at close distance to the human mind is almost unsurmountable you're looking at the scale of an animal that's bigger than anything that's ever lived on the planet and so two unpracticed eyes they seem absolutely impossible [Music] ultimately this story is about the power of the sea in this case its power to transform the bodies of dead animals into something unrecognizable and once that hair was explained to us it became clear our verdict the globster is not the Kraken or a sea monster it's a dead whale imagine you had the ability to bend and twist your body with almost inhuman Speed and Agility well our next video shows a man who has some folks speculating we may have found some kind of superhero it's March 2016 and the streets of Bogota Colombia are swarming with traffic so it's no surprise that a group of bystanders on a bridge started screaming when they saw this [Music] journalist Chrissy Elliott had the same reaction eat them and then he just prances off look again the Daredevil pedestrian seems to possess cat-like reflexes might there be a strain of superhumans with this kind of quickness it takes about a quarter of a second for human reflex to react 250 milliseconds but there are people whose reaction time is even faster than that people like speed shooter Bob Munden who holds 18 World Records he's been clocked hitting a Target and replacing the gun in his holster within 175 milliseconds and this guy if this is real his reaction time must be on the next level perhaps something else is going on here dodging traffic doesn't just take skill it takes will there are about 400 known cases of something called urbok Wyeth disease and what it does is it Withers away at your amygdala which is the part of your brain that is responsible for fear so could this guy who's cartwheeling through traffic have this disease [Music] so we have two things to explain here the traffic Dodgers lightning quick reflexes and his foolhardy fearlessness our investigation begins not with the person but with the footage itself as we return to forensic video analyst Mick West strange to me was not simply how daring this was but the fact that all the cars ignored him they weren't actually slowing down or trying to stop or avoid him West's first impression tells him this traffic Dodger may not be what he seems but what Clues are in the video which I often look at in analyzing videos is the lighting and the Shadows we can see the whole setup there's this hole here and then there's this power pole and this is what's casting the shadows in the road so we know that that's an actual Shadow and that's the shadow of the power pole so that should be obscured by the cars when they go by by the buses but watch closely as the bus approaches two Shadows appear to exist in the same place now Shadows don't add together like that if something is a shadow and then something else Shadows it it eliminates the first Shadow because light doesn't go through things twice which means that this isn't a real Shadow this is something that's been added it's going to be overlaid on top that's not all West fines take a look as this guy lays down in the street this car really doesn't look like it's big enough to go over him and I actually looked at the model of the car it's a Renault twingo small car and the ground clearance is just under seven inches so it's about that much which is impossible for someone to fit the head in something that's 150 millimeters so it turns out seeing isn't believing well then how'd he do it West says the camera was locked down at one position on the bridge there'd be no traffic so he would just wait until there was a gap in the traffic he would run out do his stuff and then get to the other side then by combining the solo acrobatics with another shot of oncoming traffic and some staged screaming you have one seemingly incredible superhuman all these add up to it being a uh it's poetry we contacted the creator of this video and he told us there's no problem with his brain's amygdala he fears danger just like the rest of us but he did confirm one thing this video is two different versions combined with digital effects and an extraordinary imagination looks like we haven't found a superhuman just yet shout out to us and let us let us roll it [Music] tonight on the proof is out there was this claw print made by this creature I swear to God what force caused this blue flash an error and Hinds face fabric and who made these tracks on the lunar surface has got to be some intelligent species that created it around the globe are videos what the heck is this photos and sounds that defy explanation object a plane that was literally Frozen in the air what are they some sort of bizarre mutation extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's incredible case it's a credible video and pass a verdict on what it is this video is clearly faked the proof Starts Now [Music] we begin with a Bigfoot with bad Bo that's how the legendary Florida creature known as the skunk ape has been described people say it lurks in the Sunshine State even leaving Prince does it add up to proof or is it a bit too perfect Panama City Beach in Florida's Panhandle is a popular vacation spot with a lively nightlife but in July 2020 Chloe Brennan and her boyfriend found something that might made them never leave the house again Chloe's with me I swear to God I'm not with you that is what coming up right there let's push in on that it's a claw or paw print left on the rear windshield of Chloe's car you can see the markings of those long claws and detailed creases in the skin weirder still Chloe says it smelled it was just like stinky greasy and it looked like a monkey hand on social media friends wonder whether it could be evidence of a legendary creature called the skunk ape field researcher Ken Gerhart has investigated dozens of sightings there seem to be more accounts of it chasing people terrorizing people describe the face as being somewhere between a human and an ape very broad shoulders no neck very long arms and it might be more than a legend the skunk ape has allegedly been captured on video almost 600 miles south in the Florida Everglades this famous footage emerged in 2000. it appears to show the southern Bigfoot ambling through a swamp watch as it suddenly breaks into a long limbed run almost aware that it's being watched finally escaping into a Grove of palm trees one big difference between the skunk ape and Bigfoot the skunk ape is said to stink of rotten eggs and moldy socks but we want to know do these videos pass the smell test for answers we turn to wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley when I first saw this I had have to say I wasn't sure what it was could it be a neighborhood dog or cat this is a pretty large print from a pretty large animal and it's going up a windshield that's pretty unusual behavior from what I can see here this is an animal that has both digits and a flat area of its foot the same way that we have many animals like dogs and cats are digitigrade so that means they're walking just on the tips of their digits that eliminates those domestic animals since this print has longer flatter finger marks so could it be from a human-like creature with sharp claws I can see a few clear digits and then some folds of skin in the center the claws were actually a big part for me when you look at them they are printed the entire length of the claw but claws actually curve like this so if it was a real animal you would expect to only see the tip of the core a little far away from the end of the digit I think that this is somebody's back of their hand and then they've drawn on or included in some way the claws Anthropologist Kathy strain also examines the print I did not find a single animal that would match that print we've had a lot of people come and say that they've been they think this is a prank that we have done it is not something that we have done as for that incredible skunk ape video extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof strained has a gait analysis comparing how this creature runs compared to a known ape it's up until the time the animal starts to run it was potentially believable but once it runs it just falls apart note the fluid balanced strides of this chimp compared to the clumsy awkward motion of the alleged skunk ape that's how I run really Slappy not very good at it and I would think an animal that is natural to the environment would be able to run fast and easy and elegant and just perfect and that's not at all what you see here so what's the verdict the lack of a separated claw means the paw print is probably the back of a human hand as far as the video the creatures gauge strongly suggests it's a person in a suit we're calling both a hoax that doesn't mean the skunk ape isn't real indigenous tribes have Legends dating back hundreds of years coming up is there a curse on the tombs of the Pharaohs and did these treasure Hunters record it when the proof is out there continues it's been almost 100 years since King Tut's tomb was discovered and ever since archaeologists and treasure Hunters have been digging in the Egyptian desert but as you'll see in this next video one group found more than they were bargaining for a group of treasure Hunters is battling heavy winds in the Egyptian desert in Search of Lost pyramids it's May 2013 and the team is working with amateur satellite archaeologist Angela Mickel who's directed them to these coordinates it was a very large triangular Mound and I was like wait a minute this could be undiscovered suddenly the wind picks up the team is stopped at its tracks by the sound of a whisper in the air foreign take another listen when I heard that voice the hair on the back of my neck stood up it sounded like some kind of an incantation [Applause] did someone on Angela's team say it they're like oh no and I'm like what could it possibly be could it be maybe an ancient Egyptian dialect could The Whisper be an ancient curse journalist MJ banaya says that theory leads back to Howard Carter the man who discovered King Tut's tomb in 1922 locals warned Carter that he probably shouldn't be messing around in the Tomb of a dead pharaoh and sure enough after Carter made his discovery strange things started to happen members of Carter's team began to drop like flies [Music] the tale goes that six people including Carter's secretary and financial benefactor died in the following years because of the pharaoh's curse is that curse with Angela's team recorded our analysis starts with audio expert Ben goddessman first question is this really a voice or just win so here's wind right which you can see is this extremely intense low frequency chunk now here's the whisper next goddessman compares the sound of the whisper to a human voice here's a human s sound yeah now listen to The Whisper she's looking at the spectrogram the hissiness of the S's matched what we humans produce okay the whisper sounds human but did it happen in the Egyptian desert or was it added later we turn to forensic analyst Michael Primo I noted no instances of fading a difference in background noises anything that would be suspicious of that recording just kind of pasted into that section through the spectrogram analysis so there is no direct evidence to support that this was layered into the recording or added after the fact so it looks like we have a real voice saying something but what next we send the audio to our egyptologist Nick Brown [Music] could we have proof of an ancient curse so the tricky thing with ancient Egyptian is it's a language that's died out so modern Scholars don't know actually how to speak it but according to Brown based on hieroglyphics we do know that sounds such as jaw sin and Ka were part of the language as he listens Brown doesn't hear enough to think this is ancient Egyptian or a closely related language I have to say that I can't explain what the noise is still he can't rule out its authenticity I think there is some possibility that in the future we might be able to tell as some Scholars are trying to study and crack the code you know of ancient Egyptian and the language and how it was spoken so we've determined that this whisper is definitely some sort of human-made sound and it wasn't faked but whether or not it's an ancient curse is yet to be determined so our verdict The Whisper is an unexplained phenomenon as for the team they've continued to search society and have found evidence of limestone and pottery shards could it be pyramids we'll let you know if they find anything coming up mankind has been to the moon but are these photos proof that someone else has too that is not a natural structure some intelligent species created it NASA recently announced a major Discovery they found water on the sunlit side of the moon but some people believe they made other major discoveries there decades ago discoveries they chose to keep secret take a look from 1969 to 1972 NASA's six Apollo moon landings defined a golden age in space exploration the awesome imagery of those missions made history but some people believe that this image reveals a secret history in my opinion that is not a natural structure has got to be some intelligent species that created it in the 1960s Ken Johnston was a NASA test pilot but later as director of the data and photo control department at the Johnson space flight center he says on one of the Moon missions the astronauts came back with intriguing photographs I was in kind of shock and some of the craters would actually show domes and actual bases bases on the moon Ken's talking about these rounded dome-shaped objects in the middle of one of the craters but what's even more shocking Ken says when he asked his boss about the photos he was told to stop asking and we argued a little bit he finally said I don't care what you two just get rid of those pictures that were taken is it a cover-up one thing is certain Ken's not the only person to believe there's been alien activity on the moon take a look at these photos some believe this looks like vehicle tracks how did these things get there journalist Alexis Brooks says some believe they could be the work of an ancient Interstellar civilization called the Anunnaki their technology is said to be an integral and the structures that we're familiar with today like the pyramids so the question becomes did this ancient race lay footing if you will on the moon the Anunnaki first appeared in the ancient traditions of the Sumerians and the Babylonians over 3000 years ago do these images suggest they or another civilization landed on the moon we asked astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy to check it out party starts by examining the photo of the alleged basis really does look like something artificial at first glance McCarthy focuses not only on the structure but on the crater around it when an impact happens ejecta has flown everywhere some of it is flung straight up and comes straight back down and it creates these irregular piles in the middle of the crater that you see here frankly if it wasn't there that would be weird next Mars mission planner Jonathan Hill takes a look at those strange tracks Hill points out that Boulders often leave similar tracks when they roll across the surface but these tracks are perfectly parallel my first thought was the lunar Rovers driven by the Apollo Astronauts Hill checks images from Apollo Landing sites and comes up empty the United States was not the only country that sent wheeled vehicles to the Moon in fact in 1970 the Soviet lunocod 1 was the first remote controlled Rover to land on an extraterrestrial body and the width of its known tracks seemed to match the mystery photo they look very very similar to those two parallel line tracks we saw before but we still can't quite prove definitively that that's what caused these particular set of double tracks well we don't have proof that the Anunnaki ever made it to the Moon but we do know those moon bases aren't Alien made while the mysterious tracks look like human handiwork so our verdict the bases are natural formations and the tracks likely from a lunar rover and here's Hopi we get back to the Moon soon to make some more coming up a Suburban housewife is startled by an unexplained blue flash what caused it and what did it do to her when the proof is out there continues [Music] we now head to the great state of Texas for the story of an unexplained phenomenon which occurred and of all places a Suburban kitchen March 2017 Erica Garner is home alone in her house just outside Houston her husband is left for a business trip I was outside I was playing with my two dogs and noticed something very strange on my rooftop there was black birds going in a circle I had never seen that before this feels like some sort of omen as Erica goes back inside she's giving water to her dogs when suddenly freeze on that because if you blink you'll miss it strange blue light streaking through the room leaving Erica stunned and momentarily at a loss for words like plasma have turned completely White it's like in my eyes started burning even stranger The Flash only lasts a second though Erica says it felt much longer almost like it was a train coming across the room slowly coming in for a stop and this happened for all about seven seconds and that night things get downright funky I'd had trouble sleeping I was having some strange dreams and it definitely impacted me Erica's dreams of pink and purple galaxies make her feel like she's been transported through time and she wonders if the blue flash could have been an extraterrestrial Force into my research trying to figure out what possibly a blue beam of light could come from people people have said they've experienced alien abductions and they might see a blue beam of light one similar case happened in 1975 an Arizona logger named Travis Walton disappeared after walking toward an unidentified beam of Light in the Forest he recalled being transported to a strange Place surrounded by alien beings and when he made it home he was shocked to learn he'd been gone for five days there are definitely things in this world that we do not understand so what is Erica's blue flash well we know it's not her security camera malfunctioning because we can hear her reacting in real time first thing we did was a proper analysis of the footage photography expert Andrew McCarthy starts by examining the footage frame by frame so right after this the camera lost several frames you see a distinct jump her hair moves the dogs move it's just a significant jump she said it was seven seconds I'm not sure if it was seven seconds but it was a long time long enough that they significantly shifted positions but McCarthy says there's something else that's even stranger what didn't make sense to me is nothing here is casting a shadow it seems like the light's supposed to be coming behind the camera to cause this but it would see some kind of Shadow Castle legs of these chairs you know on the dogs you don't see any of that it's just bright and it's uniformly bright forensic investigator Chase klotzky is curious if the flash could be something as simple as a burnt out light bulb so she asks the Garners to run a test Erica and her husband put this light bulb in and they tapped it and if you tap it long enough it burned out once you compare when the light bulb blows out and that reaction and you put it next to the blue flash they're not even close okay so if it wasn't a blown bulb was it possibly a strike of lightning from outside atmospheric scientist Deanna hence reviews the local weather radar from that day what you're seeing but it was about uh one o'clock in the morning whereas this video was taken um at 11 30 in the morning that really leaves me to think that lightning is not responsible for that flash some experts believe wormholes in the universe create paths to move backwards in time and through parallel universes perhaps the blue flash was one such path I stand more on the side of this being a Time glitch it's an error in our time space fabric so what is it the strange jump in the footage does point to some kind of time glitch but whether it's caused by an alien force a wormhole or something else is unclear so for now I'm prepared to call this a genuine unexplained phenomenon drop us a line and let us know thanks for watching everyone I'm Tony Harris reminding you to keep those cameras rolling foreign [Music]
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, the proof is out there, history the proof is out there, the proof is out there show, the proof is out there full episodes, the proof is out there clips, watch the proof is out there, unexplained, strange, creepy, eerie, mysterious, the proof is out there marathon
Id: cG5z86BZ3Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 14sec (6314 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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