Ancient Aliens: Supernatural Origins of Electricity (S5, E3) | Full Episode

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NARRATOR: The greatest civilizations of antiquity running on electrical power. JASON MARTELL: Electricity is one of those things that ancient cultures seemed to be harnessing in ways that we still can't wrap our brain around. NARRATOR: Energy generating microwaves, produced at the Great Pyramid of Giza. GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: The question is not if they use power, the question is, where did they get the knowledge with which they created the power? NARRATOR: And a wireless energy grid that crossed the globe. WILLIAM HENRY: It was a transmitter of this cosmic power that fed these celestial beings. NARRATOR: Could our ancient ancestors have mastered the ability to harness and create power? If so, where might this advanced knowledge have come from? DAVID CHILDRESS: This evidence of some nuclear reaction, what we may be seeing is the residue of one of the ancient power plants used by extraterrestrials. NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And what secrets of ancient energy sources may be unlocked at these alien power plants? [music playing] The Western Stone, Jerusalem, Israel, 1.2 million pounds. The Ramesseum Statue, Thebes, Egypt, 2 million pounds. The Trilithon at the temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon, 4.8 million pounds. All over the world, ancient sites reveal engineering feats that mainstream archaeologists believe were achieved with slave labor and simple tools. The reason why I'm convinced that sophisticated technology was implemented in these ancient rocks is because, if we go to a stone quarry today and look at the scope of machinery required to accomplish similar things, well, those machines are huge. They're power machines, powerful tools. And if the mainstream archaeology explanation is given that all of this stuff was accomplished with obsidian or with chicken bones, I'm sorry, it doesn't hold up. ROBERT BAUVAL: There are temples that are built but using blocks that range from 50 to 200 tons. They're just far too big for people who didn't have the wheel, who have the pulley, who didn't have any facilities to move these blocks. So to me, there is a mystery there that needs to be explained, either a technology that we don't understand or, if one wants to go very speculative, an external influence. NARRATOR: Could the strength of men alone have been enough to manage such colossal efforts? Or did these marvels of engineering require something more? Stone Valley Materials Quarry, Riverside, California, February 2012, a massive 680,000 pound granite monolith is prepped to travel over 100 miles to become part of an exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Workers from 100 utility crews, a 1.4 million pound crane, and a 44-axle tractor trailer rig with over 2,400 horsepower are needed to move the rock. STEPHEN VANDER HART: And it's going to require hydraulically jacking the boulder up off the ground, which is incredibly difficult in itself, building steel girders underneath it, placing 208 tires underneath those steel girders, having one power unit pulling it and one pushing it, and still, after all that, only achieving about five miles an hour. NARRATOR: The boulder called Levitated Mass is a gigantic payload by modern construction standards. But it is small when compared to many of the solid blocks moved by ancient builders. STEPHEN VANDER HART: From my perspective, it is almost impossible to take the 340 ton rock and move it without modern day technology. It baffles my mind. I have-- I have no idea. It's crazy to think about. NARRATOR: How did our ancestors move monoliths, some over 5 times the size of Levitated Mass, without the aid of high-powered machines? Researchers believe the ancients not only used power to move solid stone but to cut it as well. And the evidence can be found on a remote cliff face buried in the Andes Mountains. Ollantaytambo, Peru, the walls of this ancient mountain stronghold tell the story of what some experts believe to have been thousands of craftsmen shaping and cutting solid stone with a precision that today could only be matched with high-powered machine tools. BRIEN FOERSTER: We find huge cube-like sections of stone, andesite, which is very hard, have been removed from the mountain with such accuracy that we can't find a scratch in the surface. The corners also are not sharp. They're perfectly rounded. And no one can explain how this could have been achieved. The ability to fit perfectly fitting stones of several tons in weight together, so that a single human hair can't fit in between them, is not a question of sweat or man hours. It's a question of technology. It's really done to perfection and not just perfection with small blocks of stone but with blocks of stone weighing many, many tons. I believe that Ollantaytambo is evidence of really advanced human civilization on Earth that was also worldwde and had power tools. NARRATOR: But if our ancestors really used sophisticated tools that ran on some sort of power, might there have been other applications of this technology beyond moving and cutting stone? BILL BIRNES: All over the world, we have extraordinarily advanced civilizations with urban systems. Things we have today in delivery systems for water, for handling waste, pumps, very sophisticated farming and agricultural techniques that they should not have had given the level of technology they worked with. GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: The only thing that we have left over is the original stone that all these ancient structures were built in. Everything else that was built on top of it that had to do potentially with electrical components, that has disappeared. Because only stone withstands the test of time. NARRATOR: Is it possible that the most dominant civilizations of antiquity were able to achieve such status because of energy driven technologies? And if so, what was the source of that power? Perhaps clues may be found among ancient Mesopotamian artifacts. The National Museum of Iraq, in 1938, the museum director discovers terracotta pots and copper cylinders in the archives that may have been used as galvanic cells. The nearly 2000-year-old devices called Baghdad Batteries are believed to predate the invention of the cell battery by more than 1,000 years. Archaeologists speculate they may have been used to electroplate gold onto silver for decorative jewelry. JASON MARTELL: The Baghdad Battery that we've currently found in Iraq, about a dozen of them, it can generate around 4 volts. Now a current modern day flashlight could be run by a 9-volt battery. So if we think of a Baghdad Battery around this size generating 4 volts, what if we increase the size to around six feet? That might generate 20, 30, 50 volts and have the sufficient power to actually utilize energy in a way that we do today. NARRATOR: Mainstream scientists agree that the Baghdad Battery is evidence ancient man had the means to create power and the understanding of how to apply it. But is there proof of even more complex devices that may have run on electricity? 370 miles south of the Giza Plateau stands the Hathor Temple. Approximately 4,000 years old, the halls of this monument are lined with curious images. But one relief depicts what many ancient astronaut theorists believed to be proof that the ancients used power. They call it the Dendera bulb. Here is a replica of the ball that's shown in the Dendera reliefs in Egypt. What's interesting about this bulb is the fact that, on the wall relief, we see the bulb is actually plugged into what appears to be a power source. DAVID CHILDRESS: The whole idea that the ancient Egyptians had some kind of electrical lighting, and this was something that happened in probably temples around the world, baffles Egyptologists, how people deep underground would be able to paint these ceilings without fires and lights. Their explanation right now is that they used a complex system of mirrors to move light at just a few minutes during the day down deep inside these tombs. But another explanation, of course, would be they actually had electrical lights. NARRATOR: Did our ancestors have an understanding of how to generate power thousands of years before modern man? Or is it possible that they received the knowledge from some otherworldly source, as some ancient astronaut theorists contend? JASON MARTELL: Electricity is one of those things that ancient cultures seem to be harnessing in ways that we still can't wrap our brain around. So it's very possible that when we look at things like electricity, where would they get this information? We have all sorts of stories, mythologies and legends, that could be interpreted as gods who, in reality, were misinterpreted extraterrestrials gifting man with technology in the form of power. For example, when God said, let there be light in the Old Testament, or when Prometheus gave fire to man, the burning bush and the eternal flame at the Temple of Apollo, all of that conceivably could have been technology. The question is not if they use power, the question is, where did they get the knowledge with which they created the power? NARRATOR: Is there really evidence among the ruins of ancient civilizations that man had access to sophisticated technologies that ran on power? If so, where are the mysterious power plants that generated the energy? Perhaps they're still here, hiding in plain sight. The Giza Necropolis, Egypt, 1993, a team of engineers uses a remotely operated camera in an attempt to discover the true function of what is believed to be an air shaft leading from the supposed queen's chamber of the Great Pyramid. First discovered in 1872, archaeologists long considered these narrow tunnels to be ventilation ducts. JASON MARTELL: This robot traveled up this small shaft, which was too small for a human or any type of device to go through. And all of a sudden, it finds a closed door, hinged by two little metal clamps. NARRATOR: According to mainstream archaeologists, the door and metal handles were intentionally built as a symbolic passageway that the queen would travel through to the afterlife. But some researchers have questioned why this passageway would have been designed with a deliberate blockage. And why, on a plateau filled with monumental pyramids believed to serve as royal tombs, is the Great Pyramid the only one with such a door? Egyptologists are very much fond of saying that pyramids are tombs and that they have been robbed at some point in the past. But the fact is that we have found, in the 20th century, a number of pyramids whose central king's chamber, so to speak, is intact. And when they open the sarcophagus, they found that sarcophagus to be empty as well. NARRATOR: If the Great Pyramid was not a tomb, what may have been its true purpose? In May 2011, another team of researchers set out to further explore the blocked air shaft in the queen's chamber. This time, the crew used a robot equipped with a micro-snake camera to slip through a hole and reveal what was beyond the door. When they actually penetrated this small door, they found a hidden room within the pyramid. CHRISTOPHER DUNN: What they found was copper fittings, or the metal fittings. Another feature of the back of these metal fittings was that on one side the loop looked like it was corroded. The camera also looked down and scanned the floor. What we saw was red markings. My interpretation of those were they were electrical symbols. But why were they there? NARRATOR: Could these artifacts be actual evidence that electricity once coursed through the structure? And if so, could the Great Pyramid of Giza have been built to serve as not a royal tomb but a power plant, as some researchers contend? CHRISTOPHER DUNN: If we dismiss the tomb theory and we look at the pyramid itself, we see something that modern engineers can really tune into and understand. What we have is a very, very precise building that has the precision of a fraction of an inch is something that is very noteworthy and not indicative of a simple agrarian culture. So what we have is something that is almost like a machine. NARRATOR: If the Great Pyramid was a sophisticated machine potentially capable of creating energy, how could it have worked? Some researchers believe clues can be found by exploring underneath the structure. In 2000, maritime engineer John Cadman proposed a theory that the Egyptians pumped water from the nearby Nile River into a small chamber underneath the Great Pyramid. The pump could then create intense hydraulic pressure that would cause the entire pyramid to vibrate. JOHN CADMAN: In the subterranean chamber, there is some evidence that shows that there had been water present in it and that there's water erosion on the floor and then up in the fin area. And then also, because it was a hydraulic pulse generator, so they have a rarefaction wave. It's a extremely low pressure wave which would have struck the ceiling. And the ceiling is actually chipped. And that would have been from the actual compression waves hitting the ceiling. That's very evident. NARRATOR: If Cadman's theory proves true, what would have been the purpose of the hydraulic pulse? Engineer Chris Dunn believes the answer can be found by further examination of the shafts in what some call the queen's chamber where traces of zinc and hydrochloric acid have been discovered. CHRISTOPHER DUNN: I believe the chemical coming in through the northern shaft was hydrated zinc. And the other chemical coming through the southern shaft and into the chamber was dilute hydrochloric acid. These are actually seen on the chamber walls. NARRATOR: Dunn suggests that the two chemicals were poured down through the shafts and then mixed together inside the queen's chamber, triggering combustion. CHRISTOPHER DUNN: Well, this vessel represents the queen's chamber. Into the tubes, we're going to pour hydrated zinc and then hydrochloric acid. When you bring these two liquids together, then a chemical reaction occurs. And a product of that chemical reaction is hydrogen. And you can see the vapor, the hydrogen, escaping through the chimney. And there you have the reaction. NARRATOR: Dunn speculates that the hydrogen gas traveled from the queen's chamber into the king's chamber. Then the vibrations from the subterranean pool energized the hydrogen atoms into a microwave energy beam. The evidence that indicates the use of hydrogen can be found in the king's chamber. There is a shaft in the king's train, has dimensions of 8.4 by 4.8, which would be suitable for a waveguide for a mesa or a microwave amplification through stimulated emission radiation. And from there, we can actually propose many different ideas of what they did with it. NARRATOR: Might the Great Pyramid of Giza actually have created power in the remote past? And is it possible that energy ran the advanced tools of early builders and devices like the Dendera bulb? CHRISTOPHER DUNN: We can use our imaginations and come up with all kinds of devices to power with that kind of energy. From simple domestic appliances to highly advanced spacecraft, I mean, both things are possible. The ancient Egyptians demonstrated an exceptional level of skill in everything that they created during the old kingdom. But the question remains, did they do it on their own? Or did they have some access to information or technology that was not of this Earth? NARRATOR: If Giza was, in fact, a power plant, could the energy have been used for some otherworldly purpose, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? And if the power coming from Giza was that strong, could it have traveled beyond Egypt? Answers may be found in a material that connects Giza to a special kind of monolith, one that exists on continents all over the world. The Sun Temple at Abu Gorab, Memphis, Egypt. In 1898, an excavation team with the Berlin Museum discovered the base of a massive obelisk, estimated to have once stood at over 160 feet tall. According to the ancient Egyptian building texts from Edfu, Abu Gorab was known as the place of the gods. Egyptologists know it as a place where the ancients connected with divine energies. It is said that this is the very place where pharaohs and priests experienced heightened awareness through the use of vibrations transmitted through the obelisk. JASON MARTELL: This ancient obelisk was used as a geodesic marker, pinpointing the source of some type of ancient energy, maybe not spiritual energy but actual physical energy that they were able to harness. NARRATOR: While scholars believe Abu Gorab was home to one of the largest obelisks ever constructed, similar shaped monoliths have been found in hundreds of variations all over the world. Unsuitable for shelter, storage, or a higher vantage point, could obelisks have served another more powerful purpose? DAVID CHILDRESS: There's evidence that obelisks are tapping in to this natural energy that's part of the Earth. The whole concept is to take these natural energies of the Earth and manipulate them. It's a subtle energy. But for those who have the device and technology to see and measure this energy, it's something that can be used. I believe obelisks are kind of like acupuncture needles for the Earth, focusing and possibly healing Earth energy meridians that are not balanced and that the ancient cultures knew how to do that. NARRATOR: A vast number of obelisks are constructed from granite, a stone containing high concentrations of energy responsive quartz crystal. Because of its crystalline structure, quartz has the ability to convert the Earth's natural electrical vibrations into usable energy by a property known as piezo electricity. The piezo is for the vibrating or oscillating. And the electric is for electric. What this means is that you can use electricity to make them vibrate mechanically. And when they vibrate mechanically, they can generate electricity. DOC BARHAM: Crystals have been used throughout all of history for various inventions, various technologies, and for getting things done. Your watch that you wear on your wrist could be a technology that uses crystals. Crystals are literally a tool and a technology that's essentially for transducing energy. And that is taking energy in one state and essentially converting it to another state. NARRATOR: Is it possible the ancient cultures that erected obelisks had some understanding of the high tech properties of quartz? And if so, could they have used obelisks to transmit energy over vast distances? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer is yes and that evidence can be found by studying the work of Nikola Tesla. In July 1899, the famed scientist claimed to have invented a way to transmit electricity through the air wirelessly all over the world. By harnessing the Earth's natural conductivity, or what Tesla called standing waves, giant transmitters could send and receive limitless amounts of electricity flowing like invisible water. And one of the key components in his system was quartz crystal. MICHAEL DENNIN: Typically when we deal with the energy of electromagnetic waves, it's in what we call a propagating form. It's like the flashlight. You turn it on. And it moves. It propagates through space and goes from one place to another. A standing wave is kind of a different phenomena. Because the wave just oscillates in one place up and down. And the energy goes in between two different regions, back and forth. DAVID CHILDRESS: Tesla was proposing and tried to build this system of wireless power. He built the Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island in New York. Tesla was going to then hook this tower up to a power plant. And he was going to broadcast electricity. According to him, anti-gravity airships would draw power from these towers. Ships, cars, and other power plants could also draw from this broadcast power. NARRATOR: Was Tesla's technological breakthrough a modern scientific innovation? Or could it have been a rediscovery of a lost alien technology? Some researchers believe that, like Tesla, ancient builders discovered the ability to harness and broadcast Earth's power. And the ancient equivalent to Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower may have been the Great Pyramid. The walls of this massive monument contain a high concentration of quartz crystal. And some believe the Great Pyramid, in conjunction with the obelisks, made up what may have been a global wireless energy network. CHRISTOPHER DUNN: The pyramids were actually geomechanical devices. In other words, they were attached to the Earth. They were tuned to vibrate with the frequencies of the Earth. And they converted the energies of the Earth into to electromagnetic energy. DAVID CHILDRESS: Obelisks themselves, particularly the ones we find in Egypt, are, in fact, giant crystal antennas. And they can broadcast power in the way that Nikola Tesla, the great American inventor, wanted to broadcast power. NARRATOR: Could obelisks have been constructed as ancient energy conductors? And was this expertise really the product of man alone, or might it have been the result of an other worldly intelligence as ancient astronaut theorists contend? PHILIP COPPENS: We do know that obelisks symbolize this power of the gods. The top of the obelisk is a small pyramid. It is a Benben stone. And it is the Benben stone which is said to have been a communication device with the deities. ERICH VON DANIKEN: It's possible that inside of some pyramids there might be some sort of energy, let's say, some sort of equipment which creates waves. So I could imagine that some of the real gods, the extraterrestrials, some thousands of years ago, they left some little technology inside the pyramid. And this technology was very super modern and powerful. NARRATOR: Could the numerous obelisks found at various sites all around the world actually be remnants of a power system far more sophisticated than anything available today? And is it possible our ancestors may have pioneered other types of power plants thousands of years ago, which would be considered cutting edge by 21st century standards? Some believe the answer can be found in the remote mountains of the Himalayas. The Indus Valley, Pakistan, 1922. The Indian Archaeological Survey discovers the remnants of what is the largest ancient city of the Indus Valley civilizations, Mohenjo-daro. The artifacts and architecture cataloged at the site indicate a metropolis prospered here nearly 4,600 years ago. But the skeletal remains found among the ruins tell a puzzling story. I understand that they found a lot of radioactive ash there. And they found radioactive people there. And so the assumption is that there must have been some radiation event. And so it is possible that there was some kind of nuclear explosion there a long time ago. The problem is that in order to do that, in order for that to be the case, you would have to have some very advanced technology. DAVID CHILDRESS: These people are just lying dead in the street. There's radioactive skeletons. There are ceramics that have been melted. It's as if some kind of atomic, nuclear detonation went off in this area, totally destroying these cities and killing everyone. What we may be seeing is the residue of one of the ancient power plants used by extraterrestrials. NARRATOR: But if, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, Mohenjo-daro was wiped out in a nuclear meltdown, where is the power plant that might have caused such mass devastation? Mount Kailash, Western Tibet, at an elevation of nearly 22,000 feet, this mountain is one of the most distinctive peaks in the world. PHILIP COPPENS: This is a very interesting shape for a mountain. It is cone-shaped from one side and pyramid-shaped from another. And this is precisely the shape we see elsewhere in ancient Sumeria, ancient Egypt, various other ancient civilizations whereby this pyramid-shaped object really is said to have some form of power, some kind of connection with the deity. NARRATOR: In the Eastern world, Mount Kailash is regarded as the spiritual center of the universe and the birthplace of four of the world's religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Daoism. For thousands of years, religious pilgrims have trekked here to perform the holy ritual of walking a 32 mile circular path carved along the mountain's base. PHILIP COPPENS: Everybody at one point in their lifetime had to go to this place to connect with the gods. And this is really the interesting aspect. Because what is it about this mountain which sets it apart from other mountains? There are several possibilities. One of them is that the gods really took residence here. NARRATOR: Is it possible, as some ancient astronaut theorists speculate, that Mount Kailash was once inhabited or perhaps operated by the gods? They say the true significance of this mountain can be found detailed in an ancient Chinese drawing. The Magao Caves, Western China, between 500 BC and 1,500 AD, Buddhist monks stored thousands of scrolls and manuscripts inside a series of painted temples and shrines dug into a hillside approximately 600 miles north of Mount Kailash. Here, in 1907, Hungarian born British Explorer, Aurel Stein, discovered a sealed off room containing nearly 50,000 manuscripts in various languages. WILLIAM HENRY: Aurel Stein finds this incredible place called the Cave of the Thousand Buddhas, which is sort of like a Buddhist hall of records. It's a cache of thousands upon thousands of ancient Buddhist text. Included within this is the Diamond Sutra, which is the oldest printed manuscript known to human history. NARRATOR: The collection of ancient texts and relics also included a second century AD Buddhist diagram of a cosmic mountain called Mount Meru, a sacred site believed to be a stairway connecting heaven and Earth. For nearly 100 years, the ancient illustration drew little notice. But recently the diagram caught the attention of a scientist from Northrop Grumman who specializes in the development of advanced weapons for the military. WILLIAM HENRY: He said, I design particle beam weapons for a living, for the government. Do you realize that that's a blueprint for a particle accelerator? I went and compared the diagram of Mount Meru with an illustration of what's called a cyclotron, an atom smasher which was used in the development of the A-bomb for the Manhattan Project. They're a perfect match for one another. DAVID CHILDRESS: Aural Stein's diagram of Mount Meru that he found seemed to show Mount Meru as some kind of particle beam accelerator or some device that was stacked up, had different lenses. It would have made it into some device that focused energy. The kind of energy needed would have required some tremendous power plant, something putting out enormous amounts of energy. NARRATOR: Might the nearly 2000-year-old Buddhist diagram of Mount Meru actually depict a device that today would run on nuclear power? Mongolian myth says that the celestial beings dwelled around Meru because of the energy that was emitted from it. It was a transmitter of this cosmic power that fed these celestial beings or kept them alive. Whatever the purpose of this device was, it would have required some extremely powerful energy source, some type of nuclear power. And I think that power might have come from Mount Kailash. This wasn't a place that actually put out spiritual energy. But what we're talking about is a place that produced raw energy, technological energy potentially. We're talking about a power plant. NARRATOR: Could the ruins at Mohenjo-daro really be evidence that a nuclear power plant existed in the Himalayas thousands of years ago? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and speculate that remnants of a worldwide power grid may be found among the sacred ruins of ancient civilizations all over the world. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi, these sites are now gestures of what were once thriving power plants of the 20th century. JASON MARTELL: Nuclear power is widely used in today's infrastructure. And it serves a very high need. But we also know that nuclear power can possibly become unstable and cause a meltdown. GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: Just like the power plants we've seen melting down in modern times, the ancients saw their own power plants fail. And did that, in turn, cause some of the greatest civilizations to fall? If we assume that all of these power plants were somehow connected and one power plant went offline, is it possible that, as a result, the other power plants went offline as well? NARRATOR: Some researchers believe just as modern engineers employ strategic placement of power plants today, so did the ancients, and that some sacred sites were not revered for spiritual or ritualistic reasons, as mainstream scholars believe, but actually valued for their capacity to produce energy. Certain monuments are placed in certain locations. And we might think this is haphazard. But we're slowly beginning to realize that it is not the case. And the reason why is because, whether it's the Great Pyramid, whether it's Stonehenge, whether it's Teotihuacan, whether it is another important power site of our ancestors, we're beginning to realize that those sites have an energy which we don't register at first. There's definitely some knowledge by ancient man of this world grid and these energetic points. And they are marked by these monuments. There's a lot of evidence that the ancients were far more connected to this higher energy source than we are today. NARRATOR: But if ancient engineers pulled energy from a power grid, as some researchers believe, why after thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, did the power stop flowing? CHRISTOPHER DUNN: The ancient Egyptians had developed their knowledge over many years. And they must have had tools and technology that do not exist in the archaeological record anymore. So something happened to this ancient culture that caused the power plants to shut down and probably wiped out a large portion of the civilization. They possessed incredible technology, which means that they were far older than we think they are. And then something happened to them, whether they fought, blew themselves up, or some Earth-wide calamity came and wiped them out. NARRATOR: But where would agrarian cultures, some that didn't have the wheel or work animals, acquire the skills necessary to build a worldwide energy grid and the power plants to run it? According to the ancient astronaut theory, extraterrestrials have always been motivated by the idea of advancing human civilization. They've given us so many gifts of knowledge that power is pretty much a no-brainer. The thing all these ancient cultures had in common is that they included stories and artifacts that are meant to honor those who gave them this knowledge, the gods. And the gods were extraterrestrials. NARRATOR: Is it possible that alien beings helped ancient man create a global network of sophisticated power plants in the remote past, one that may have powered the devices used to create civilization's greatest archaeological mysteries? Are modern scientists just now rediscovering energy technology mastered by the ancients? And if so, could what remains of these long forgotten power sources reveal a celestial connection, one that led to the advancement of the human race in the distant past and that perhaps may one day return to help us in the future.
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Id: 4NyzEfDw3mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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