UCI DH World Championship 2021 -- Men's Catergory

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[Applause] well at night it's been heavy rain but luckily in the day the racing has avoided it really yeah 259 fidel goes by so loses exactly a second between splits three and four takes that inside line there gets set up for this and i believe there's another inside line there that we may see in action later on which when i walked it was pretty terrifying to look at i i didn't even realize that it was a line i was walking with finn and uh i was like where's this inside line he was like oh it's over there that pointed it pointed over into the woods well yeah it's a big like you know you have to really take a wide turn get into it but then it is dead straight down beautiful from breeding over the finish line it goes fear 3.3 back having fun with it 25 to go here in vandersole and it's dean lucas the best dressed man in mountain biking next on track i i love he he met an aboriginal aboriginal artist and he painted this amazing piece for dean uh put it on his kit put it on his bike it's uh really cool to see some cultures [Music] [Applause] [Music] number one dean lucas 5.4 back now though different line there straighter on the inside a little bit yeah that that section there's no good line that you really have to pick a point to turn off of these riders are going to be picking points that are maybe six inches um and saying this is where i want to put all of my weight into this is where i'm going to make my turn and the rest of it i need to be upright i need to be kind of maybe off the brakes a little bit that way i can get as much traction as possible this man's still riding with a short that's a sore shoulder excuse me from a crash in marble perhaps tara as he goes down i definitely want your upper body to be 100 fitter i would say yeah and it i think a lot of people think that fitness is just about the end of the track but the more fit you are you can do things um that you can't do otherwise you can and get more speed the amount of pump that you get you know your upper body position so it really goes through the whole track rather than just the end i think in this era if you're kind of uh yeah if you if you're tired if you're resting you are losing time these days yeah yeah you know riders will attack every single centimeter of this course here this afternoon gregor williams said now and ride him with a bad angle actually he had a massive crash on the last turn here in practice yeah i mean he had a before that he had a concussion so he's been riding really good but just the injuries meant that he hasn't been as consistent as he has wanted to you know you kind of see him drifting a little bit wide there i know he wants to put in a good showing here just because like he has his feet and he knows national pride at stake as well when you get a spot on your national team you do want to deliver a run yeah you can see him kind of sitting down there just a little bit so i'm sure that that ankle is just even with the adrenaline just like killing 5.2 back at split three yeah just trying to take the weight off it yeah inside the top 15 here in the past williamson multi uk national champion that's no easy feat whoa look at the riders trying to spread it between the rock and the poster there is that section is like a huge s turn like you see a line that's straight and uh again i was like walking with loic and it's like where'd he go and he was like ah i turned here and i turned back and then i turned back and i was like no way you wouldn't think that such a s turn would be the fastest line but it's really about getting traction um and being consistent as well i mean you know [Music] there are a lot of risky lines on this track if you want them but you know there's just a lot of risk riding down this track faster anyway i mean how much do you how much risk can you take is it going to take that to win today i don't know yeah and i mean as a rider too there's kind of these levels of speed when you first first get into practice you're kind of figuring it out and then you kind of unlock all of these gaps and jumps and next thing you know you're just rolling down the hill at some amazing speed and uh that's what it takes to win the world championship okay well dean lucas is down the bottom we just saw him come down he's going to give us a little update on the weather dean the rain's really coming down it started just before your run how's it impacting the track uh it's pretty slippy on the roots but actually the top corners are pretty good and even the bottom here but everywhere where there's roots it's just like ice now so it's just hard to push that edge because you can lose the front of the rear like kind of out of the blue so it's gonna be tricky i think like you can see rain coming in but if it clears i think it'll dry quick but if it stays around it's gonna be hard to beat that time [Applause] well you heard it from the horse's mouth there that's one videl might be in with some luck this afternoon you don't know still a long way to go here it does look to be brightening up outside now the umbrellas look to be going down a little bit so apologies for the picture breakup it's an italian production this weekend not red bull tv as usual and this is from slovenia the tall rider i mean i kind of think of what is the advantage of being tall small you know big small the trade-off to me is really that you can use your legs to absorb absorb things but the other thing is the taller you are the heavier you are and you're going to fall into more holes so i think it kind of evens out there yeah it swings in roundabouts blankets up you may have seen him on track as well he's a little bit off the pace a minute actually back at split number two for [Applause] blankie what's the rain doesn't play a part in this afternoon's final looks okay now out there actually again just a little shower it's going to take more than that elliot pretty dry up there in the trees yeah yeah most perfect conditions today yeah yeah like you were saying you know if just a little bit of moisture gets on those roots good um up there so we're actually going to see as we move forward we're going to see some riders jump through that section we just saw which is just terrifying to say the least look at these big holes there you're trying to break on him zapier doing well a very fast rider on his day injuries though a lot of no it goes down hard wow wow that's how quickly it goes wrong about the site just lost the front there didn't they yeah yeah you never know like how bad it's gonna be we could have seen him you know tomahawk out of there but kind of got away with it yeah it looked like it looks to be okay and now the sun's out everyone i'm gonna say the threat of rain is gone for now thank goodness with this phone look at that [Applause] we do not want ryan here this afternoon we want a fair world championship these riders have waited a year for this and it's not fair if the rain plays its part right yeah it's okay if it rains but just not in the middle right right or no absolutely 17 back then for zebiak after a nasty looking fall where he crashed actually when you walk the track it's hard to believe it's just a minefield of rock i can't even see a good line no there is no like you you look and most world cup tracks you know they're really really really difficult to ride but there is a smooth line yeah you can usually pick something together you're going to feel comfortable with or whatever yeah not so much here no no not at all like again like you know talking to luke i was like yeah where do you go and he was like oh just there i was like no that's a rock and it's [Applause] he'll be in action next week in lenza hider at the next world cup race charlie hatton then for continental atherton now yeah i feel like he's really found his um his team here along with uh oh cool but he's just so consistent and strong like that is an example of what strength means you know why do riders go to the gym because you have those moments all the way down the hill it's like doing a push-up with you know 150 pounds on your back but yeah such a professional rider but i into the red for him some injuries for him this year actually and a big one at red bull hardline a big crash as well before that uh where he was airlifted off the mountain yeah it's good to see that good to see him riding and riding well [Applause] that section's so much faster than it's ever been in the past yeah it really opened it up this year and i think that there's even though it doesn't look like it there's a rhythm to this track and you see charlie just getting hung up just slightly uh on a lot of these roots and rocks and things like that so it's almost like a rhythm section down this track even though the rhythms are jagged rocks but you have to have the right amount of speed to make it smooth so i was actually talking to troy and about his suspension troy brazen and he said that he's gone softer over the weekend well that's interesting because i spoke to minar actually the other evening after qualifying and he said i said amazing qualifier not really he said he told me that he'd gone so hard on the suspension because the bike was starting to feel sloppy as he was going harder but he said to him hard wasn't the way forward he was going back to a soft setting i mean yeah the bike's got to work down here i suppose you need the grip right yeah i mean like the faster you go the less holes you hit which means the softer you can run your suspension it's a it's kind of a counter-intuitive thing here so there's your results so far antoine vidal leading at the moment that a young frenchman with a great run actually a three a 34 to tohuto penn in second place the rider from new zealand another emerging talents while they're in third and those times have stood the weather hasn't done anything yet they've just ridden well but uh things might be about to change when we go in to the top 20 next yeah look at them they're getting comfortable don't get too comfortable i would say so here is vidal's run the man leading at the moment [Music] and i think these french riders just the culture there is is precision and uh you see vidal just like perfect body position as he's coming down riding the very top of that berm again not trying to avoid the holes because that's where the grip is and he could actually ride the under 21 category i believe it is at the enduro world series races look at that light yeah never seen that look at that founded really soft landing smooth line there but he actually rides in the elites and still manages to get inside the top 10. this is a fully committed run perfect around that long left-hand turn that's caused so many problems in the past so there's your leading run at the moment not hard to see why 3 34 the time to beat here in vow to solo italy world championship downhill for the men you're watching it live on red bull tv with myself rob warner and elliot jackson and we're about to head into the top 20 and the next man i don't think they're going to be sitting there that comfortably it's laurie greenland who could win today oh my goodness i i love seeing the progression of lori you know we talked about in the pre-show where he started off as this amazing junior um goes into elite and kind of gets known as the rider who will lay it out there when you watch that silver medal run that he had it as an elite rider in 2016. i mean it was it was it's one of the most bonkers things you'll ever watch right it's like it's sped up there's so much going on yeah it reminds it reminds me of like those old even like the sam hill run and there's your start list for the remaining 20 riders yeah it was like the sam hill run oh man but you know he's he's developed past that he's developed i don't know what they're doing there but but it's working yeah but i love seeing the uh the union team santa cruz union team up there with ali and tohono you know kind of think of it as a as a band of privateers you have steel city media supporting them and um i think it goes to show that it's not all about you know who has the biggest truck it's not all about you know who has the trickiest thing or the most support and things like that like i always say that if you want to go and race a world cup just pick one that you think you can do well at you know they're based out of more zine um they're not traveling around a whole lot uh it reminds me kind of the old fans acts yeah yeah yeah the european version totally totally so yeah it's great to see as it is the sun on that crowd there there's flopay the man who actually took the bronze medal here in 2016 not riding we'll just say that he had a very nasty injury this year but he may be recovered from but may never recover from psychologically right yeah that's the uh a mental block if i've understood yeah i agree with you so here's laurie so here is lori greenland second in qualifying what can he do today then silver here in 2016 at danny hart and again watch how he works the bike and he just seems to float and he's fully on the pace at the top hanging it out there then he goes he looks like he's got a little dirt on his knee ah you're right well spotted so greenland has been down without a doubt lori greenland has been down the split will tell us and now you can see how difficult this light won't help these riders now it's so hard to see in there now with the sunlight piercing through oh that's going to be disappointing he looks at you can see his riding styles change now ah sitting down greenland will not be taking home the gold medal this afternoon and he was one of the big contenders definitely one of the big favorites today yeah i mean you you're just riding down the track and you don't really know what to do like you want to go fast you don't want to give up but you know there's no way you're going to be world championship and for lori that's what he came here for no overall point no point really pushing on now it's done with this man's caliber the medals are the only things of interest today and how harsh is it one run one run today yeah you up and split number one yeah as well so you know by a second and a half a huge margin yeah and i think it's just like he was he was actually in his qualifier he was only 15 so i think he probably had made up some time there and was just looking for i don't know i i think he was just going all out yeah well he would have been i mean that's what it's going to take today in there to get that to get that gold medal you're going to have to absolutely go at this this afternoon these riders know that as well it is a roll of the dice isn't it especially on a track like this where it's so steep that even the smallest mistakes will snowball great whip to finish then for algae but not the bad assault he was looking for [Applause] coming in on real form as well second at red bull hardline third in maribor at the last world cup the pace was there [Applause] good shape so 19 riders left to go here in valencia italy one of the big favorites laurie gray lynnette lilly hitting the deck during that run somewhere and it's antoine vidal leading for france and he's been sat there a while now so bernard looks to be over the hand injury that he took in maribor a few weeks ago bernard yep and uh yeah coming off that red bull hardline win absolutely it's the king of hardline that is and don't we know it and he's he's really really good at this track he's had some of his best results kind of really catapulted his uh his form to another level back in the day certainly it's so technical bernard loves it when it gets as difficult as this i know his strength isn't all the way there yet but making that trip we haven't really seen anyone do that yet and of course had a fifth year at those world championships back in 2016. sends it across there nicer landing on the side 1.8 back though from vidal and this bottom of the track is always where he's been the strongest some in practice just doing these lines that so good able to hold tight there tighter than anyone else tapping post as he comes down loves swinging off the back yeah he certainly does look at that just slithering through there what a start he just stands on that bike leans back like you say beautiful to watch so 259 fidel in the next flip 1.8 it was and now 1.5 so pull it back around 1.25 yeah as a rider you get to hear and you're like i've had a good run i just got to turn it up even more well that's right the temptation also could be to just get on the brakes a little bit but not today not at this race [Applause] goes third 1.7 off but now's time he's looking better and better yeah he'll be he'll be happy with that time uh made up a lot of time on his qualifier like i said you know his uh his hand isn't quite there but no i didn't on this track totally i think he almost took off nine seconds from his qualifier so yeah he's gonna be good happy with that [Music] beautiful shot there of the uh custom painting bike one of the best things about the world championships actually these one-off paint jobs these frames get yeah he has the uh the ferrari edition yeah i love it lucky it didn't break down halfway down well there's a man getting more nervous by the minute as we go to the top for max hartenstein now a junior bronze medal for this man for the german yeah and and max is uh even though he had that even though he had that great result uh with some rain it still gives you a ton of confidence well that's right yeah that's second place in the shade for him on the move at the top there it is oh jumping out of there that shark fin there's another gap right there that i think we'll see a little bit later but oh i'm sending it over these are absolutely blind over the top of these different line there yeah going low it's much smoother but you come into that turn really tight and now here's this awful exit to this section you can see them just like start around and it you're not really going to look smoother you can look fast but i don't know if you can look smooth no that's right really no nice way through it the first german opponent man to get on a 3.6 back to get on a world cup podium actually when it when he got second in the game a few weeks ago since marcus clausman in the mid 90s it's hard to believe that actually knowing how much the germans love their mountain biking fast down here nearly 50 kilometers an hour through the speed trap yeah and this this remax i think is it's going to be a really good run he's going to be pleased he got some good time up top really riding strong yeah he hasn't done a lot well hasn't he but he is off the pace by 5.222 now the last split [Applause] you know the track gets steeper and steeper and you'll kind of see some riders who like the tractor you have to gain speed and then other riders you know like bernard he gets really strong at the bottom where you're really trying to control your speed so this track has a bit of both yeah yeah very good point [Laughter] so vidal's time sails by that at 334 hardstone goes into 15th [Applause] 17th riders left to go here [Applause] remember the most wins here that section is just a smorgasbord of stuff and let's be honest there's enough it's not like there's a fair bit of tech on this track oh man on that new cube bike as well same team as danny hart it must be working well we saw danny hart flying in practice he's upcoming of course yeah i mean last man to win the world championship here daddy hart 2016. i think all of the teams do so much work on their bikes nowadays yeah continental atherton rider then and andreas cowell you know he was 18th in qualifying and it it seems like he's really found a home on atherton bikes is kind of the first big team he's been on he's been around for a bit but it really kind of shows what a good environment can do for you ever since that results at uh crane works europe it's just been on fire exactly you can forget that's a huge moment this man added in the shade just sideways for about [Laughter] yeah that outside line really allows you to carry some speed he looks strong yeah he looks good very smooth riding from cold then from sladming in austria this man getting that triple you can kind of see who's you see that some of the riders just bikes going wild um and you know andreas here he's hopping over a lot of the holes less than a second off uh vidal as well so smooth riding so far but it's working for this man then for this austrian yeah he's working the bike a lot really avoiding all a lot of these roots which is allowing him to carry way more speed than normal good place into there as well faster than our left hand of this awkward right hand and no problem looking really really good does look good next split will tell us how good he's been 259.7 he's up oh the first man to go green in a long time then so this is incredible from address cole doing it right here in valdosta it's just strong just so strong i think he's making the track look smooth compared to all the other riders so composed a strong front end for andreas cole foot out on this turn trying to stay away from the top there's some big holes up there now just going to sprint to the line is it going to be enough to see it and go faster then here comes andreas kell he's getting close he goes faster a second 3 34 now to be [Applause] [Music] he knows that he knows it that's one of the best feelings ever great to see didn't he put one together there interesting you know he just was on top of it right yeah like i said there's a certain amount of speed that you have to carry here to make the track smooth um like look at the section where he's almost riding it as a whoop section just putting his tires perfectly on the tips of those rocks we saw a lot of people falling down into the middle of those and and that what that's what makes it rough but i mean you have to go fast enough to make that happen terrifying deep off that big fly off as well well this man from the usa valley then dakota norton 14th in qualifying i'm going to say this is a man who can he's been riding well in practice early at this fella yeah and he uh he missed the last race in maribor i know he wants to show everyone what he can do on this track because he hasn't had a whole lot of luck here in the past no no he's not you know you say he's been actually awake look at him come over the top of there straight line through the middle of that rock section as well then for dakota north this is fast definitely one of those those riders that makes the track look easy comes from a motocross background man he was committed there but he should be strong enough for this and still looks ultra quick me on a microspike these days yeah yeah a lot of riders taking taking their time this split's gonna be good is it gonna be great yes it is two and a half seconds well he's on the move here today and at one point it was almost four seconds up you know it's it's incredible that we're seeing these riders it looks easier and easier almost [Applause] for the yt mob this man into this tricky section taking that outside here gets set up so we can go high very good speed around there just you see him just let off the brakes right before the apex cold was super fast down here though this is a really really really good bottom oh 1.9 still then for the cara noah and saudi america goes down well as we said no room for on this track the steepness will take you if you get offline thankfully he's okay you're you're almost [Music] you're almost not even thinking there i mean i wonder maybe you just lost a little bit of concentration [Music] [Applause] a little bit just a bit maybe offline yeah and punished hard and that route might have been in practice you know it might have been dry and um you know it's rain so a lot of that stuff that you were able to go over and just kind of catch you out well thankfully dakota norton gets up from that what he has shown us though is that the times will come down here this afternoon no question big cheer for that man big crash but he's okay and actually missing that last race in marvel with a positive covet test he said he's still actually not fully recovered from it yeah man i've talked to a couple of people who just say it's just the the fitness just your lungs you know he said it's like breathing in with a tennis ball in his chest yeah and he's double vaccinated yeah yeah yeah get your vaccinations people won his time 15 to go here in valdez italy then downhill men's world championship live on red bull tv the coach see him in action as well next week that's worlds though he was on a great run that's the disappointing part yeah another year before you get another shot at the medal but again you'd rather have that than go too slow yeah absolutely i agree there's nothing worse than coming across the line 15 seconds back and there it is we see him just and i mean a weaker rider would have his hand would have blown off the bars there he knows it he knows it was good some love from fellow american charlie harrison yeah good to see you back as well well from american to a canadian mark wallace then at that fifth in leget 26 in qualifying because i would save this track with supermark yeah for sure i mean he's had three top tens here sixth in 2018 and he is just so good at this technical ride he said he moved his bars up this is a track that really hasn't lifted the height of them a little bit yeah it's about really getting the body position rather than the suspension on the track like this small things actually make huge differences on it culp with that 259 we know it's beatable though definitely one of the most fit riders you'll ever see oh and he's well half a second back then for mark wallace yeah known as spartan because he trained so hard this man [Applause] fourth at last year's world champs in leo kang so narrowly missing out on a medal there what's he done here today as he pulled back that half a second between that last flip and the finish line it's definitely possible you know we've seen uh some lead changes in this last sector in the past yeah you can do you can pull back time anywhere here you can't that's the beauty of this track wall is third 1.5 back for that man [Applause] is the defending world champion and here's wallace getting up high there and then hopping over you see just finding these rhythms a lot of people just letting their bike go over that but it's going to slow you down every time you hit a route so mark trying to jump through things rather than yeah there's not much of this track where you can relax no we can't be absolutely precise and if you are relaxing the next rider is going to use that and make up time so here he is then rhys wilson the flying scotsman from the scottish borders the defending world champion after he put down an amazing run in liargang last year in the wet what can he do here today in the drive said he's going to be all out one year ago really showing what this this rider can do a fourth in league at the start of the year and maribor though did say different line there did say that he doesn't favor these loose dry conditions fast over the top of there as well bang on line yeah he looks really good looks strong see him kind of just letting the bike work carrying so much pace down here and pulling out there with good speed crucial to exit that section well yeah he he does he looks really good and i know he's kind of gradually got his speed up so what's wilson done then is it going to be red or green it's green by nearly half a second then for the defending world champion here i know colb had a really good bottom though so yes you can see cole was on the money in this bottom section that is for sure [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] it's a flat tire rear tire for him oh what a shame but he's not going to be far off even with that oh reese wilson not how he weighed his world championships to go is it a front flight excuse me it's a front flat tire no wonder the front was pushing that long left hand yeah yeah he did well to ride that i thought it was a rear because of the speed he was going down i can't be afraid there's no way wow [Music] plenty of drama here this afternoon but look at this look at that on the brakes as he comes over there like dancing around [Music] it just launches off this thing i wonder if that's where the where it happened yeah maybe angel suarez then for spain now from vigo in spain this man definitely a man who has the pace to do well today really back on form this year and last year he is and he had a you know relatively average qualifier so i'm looking for him to uh definitely make up some time on that inside the top ten in maribor but the world woke up there this year this section is so rough we can't even really see how many rocks there are once you go down into that goalie well carrying good speed out of there that little double looks like he's hitting a little bit maybe just a little bit off of his rhythm look like he hit a couple of things then that might have slowed him [Applause] speed it wasn't that he was offline he's just going so fast unbelievable and he looks so smooth but he almost looked casual yeah right right what a shape oh always takes people out sometimes when they least expect it and that's i mean you know i mentioned he was you know back in the 30s 40s in qualifying and i think here he just wanted to put down that world champs grace when he's only two seconds back still so just an incredible run for the big off and you mentioned he's just on form here um you know he had that second place in um it rained and qualifying yeah that's right we showed the proof proved his speed didn't it different line there as well on the grass coming in definitely well suarez will be upset with that like so many other riders today of course 2.9 with a big crash into the red what a shame for the spanish rider [Applause] 12 riders now left at the top just 12 to go here at the world championships and the winner surely is going to come from one of those 12. well like you said we know that it's possible to go faster the biggest names in the sport really still at the top a lot of them anyway some have been down there's a right before he crashes a rock it's right in the middle and there's the run on the outside is being pushed and pushed and pushed so finn isles from canada now the 2016 junior world champion 10th in qualification ryden with a hand injury i believe from maribor yeah he uh took the week off went to red bull tried to get it fixed up as much as he could but i mean it's definitely he said it's definitely painful here will it affect him on one run doesn't i like it on these first few turns anyway jumping down there [Music] and that gets serious into the rough stuff for finn isles then it's that jump in gapping into that turn it's the next gap as well straight over the top they're just touching that front wheel on that rock completely blind as they come over there though i mean like you can see how low their suspension is and just the strength that you have to have in your legs and your arms to be able to hold that oh a nicely nice gap in the middle of there as he came out so this is looking really good for finale so far 227 he's going to be close he's going to be i'm going to say he's going to be great 1.38 so finish with the advantage now and man [Applause] right on the edge there he's he's loving this bottom section that middle section from corp was was really incredible yeah a lot of riders going down in these lower steeps miles though pushing on looking good getting up high there he's gonna try to get up and then go low loses about point four but still in the green then for fiddles here and so you mentioned this inside here finn's [Applause] i don't know i mean it's such an inside line it's a gnarly line honestly when you walk it you can't believe anyone's gonna ride it there's a big tree room they have to get inside there yeah you have to be so precise and the do it at speed is quite incredible and you come into that next section with just incredible peace here comes spin oh he does go faster so counter [Applause] italy 3 33 now the time to be well amazing run from him a three a thirty two point four still the fastest time on this track this weekend laura spurgeot in that timed run has the track degenerated since then is it slower since then you know it's one of those things where it's hard to say maybe there's more traction but again the holes have just there's hundreds of riders that have come down so watch how low the suspension is here and that's okay right you have to just say well i'm willing to i'm willing to just you know own up to it really just grip my teeth and deal with the roughness because i need traction in other places so yeah you've got to let it bomb out in a few places from the usa what lucas this man do this afternoon you know luca he's got his dad and his brother here and he has been feeling really really really good all weekend he really excels on these tracks that are physical because he just has so much flow like he makes it look easy he reminds me so much of watching yeah you know teammates but they do they don't look like they're actually going very fast no no i came up with the top of them jumping down that second one as well totally i mean compared to finn where we saw so much um bucking and stuff like that i mean finn had a really good run though he did this man's a second in to the red lives leads with that 3 33.3 at the moment it just looks like just a graceful antelope just cruising down here hopping over stuff and he brings it back then so pulls back a huge amount of time just 0.28 into the red down for sure it's that turn hard there as well still working hard looks like he's got plenty left in the tank gets a little there i know he said that he was trying to make up some extra time at this bottom so this is the section he's going to be concentrating on both the ninth of the world championships here back in 2016 had a fourth on this track at the world cup in 80. so he knows he can go well here point three now well that's not impossible tagged his front actually on the same route that took dakota norton down i wonder if finn's line here is gonna make the difference that's right the highlight he's set up for didn't he [Applause] we're about to find out if it works or not i would say [Applause] sure it's just so smooth it's actually hard to tell how fast he is going trust me it's quick so 333. finn isles and lucas shaw goes second just half a second back wow looks like it does work yeah i mean it's just incredible to think that there's thousands of decisions that you make and then you're half a second back at the end hop enough in there he's gonna take this inside line here [Music] everyone's kind of going up so they can get set up for this next right-hand turn it's so rough in there where we can't see it and here you're just trying to let off the brakes yeah how much guts do you have that is really it how fast do you want to go into that long left hander at the end [Applause] so there's the results at the moment as we head now in to the top ten finales leads by over half a second from lucas shaw first four riders on the same second a little bit of a gap back then to mark wallace from the uk finds himself in 12 4.2 back alex marin from spain 4.6 jacob dixon 17 for that man at the moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just ahead of youngster from new zealand sam gale erlangstone the poorest man in the competition actually the amount of money he's had to give greg minnar after after that man charlie harrison good run from him coming back from a broken arm sustained in leo gang earlier this year so 10 to go things are really going to hot up here now it's cold this is problematic third place at the moment [Music] i think it's important to kind of look at where the riders focus they pick a point and then their eyes go up and so now luca is looking to this next section he's gonna look at this jump here and then now he'll raise his eyes up and as soon as he goes around there you kind of want to always look at where you're going finn will spot a spot a point then get his eyes up you don't want to look right in front of your front wheel because by the time he gets there you can't really do anything about it slightly different line there as well yeah on the inside yeah you kind of like you see the riders like everyone picks a point well we just saw finn there and he is now with lauren sorry finn what a run are you feeling a bit nervous right now definitely i feel like when i get down here i'm a lot more nervous than when i'm up there there's just like so many fast guys coming down now so we'll see if that time holds but i think uh there's going to be some people playing down to special runs later today do you think it will hold i would say no it was a good run but it wasn't like that spectacular sort of world champs run that we're used to seeing every year so i think that somebody in the last 10 is going to come down and do something special yeah you never know never know yeah fingers crossed yeah so final safety down he leads at the moment as we do head into the top 10 weather looks okay for the next 45 minutes or so forgot about it so you just said something about it this man then the last man who win a world championship on this track the two-time world champion a man who understands the magnitude of a race run like this daddy harp from red car in the north of the uk in england you know he we used to think of him as just this wild rider but i want everyone to watch like how precise he is like and deliberate you know tucking there inside there you know maybe in the past we would have seen a tire fly over the top of the berm but but now it just seems like he's fast over the top of there fifth in qualifying and split one before actually a puncture took him out with two point three so this is the magic of daddy heart we're talking about goes to the outside there on some big hits down there slowing down though he knows how to ride this track [Applause] the man who won the world championship in champhory by an unbelievable 12 seconds and finals time looks to be in big trouble here two and a half seconds up now then so it's hard with momentum down this track today and he should like this bottom section as it gets steep jumping into there commitment is incredible from these riders today yeah just carrying so much speed into all the sections looks like he's pushing his breaking points a little bit later than most of the other riders new team for danny hart this year he would love a big result taking an eighth place up 2.6 so extended by another tent so he should go fastest now elliott just so active on the bike like getting up higher than all the rest of the riders really just popping putting it putting it like so precise like i was saying it doesn't look like a you know quote unquote typical danny heart is so smooth 29 years old this man perfectly around that long long left-hander so danny hart's going to lift the bar here in valencia here he comes the red car rocket goes fastest by a massive two and a half seconds three thirty point eight now the time to be there nine riders left is that a winning run danny only came you see his wife wife there and his child and yeah and you know he only came here to win that chat he did he did he is not interested in any other color medal or result and it's been a good run the first man to go underneath the fastest time of the week so far which was loris vergier with that 332 in his time drum he's destroyed that yeah it's a good run again i think with danny kind of looking at the body position straightens his legs out there when he lands here he's gonna hop get a little backside on a roof just deliberately moving the bike out squeezing it out [Music] the wi-fi would enjoy that look at that it's such a team effort you know they they travel around in their camper yeah keep it keep it real i love seeing it it's so good isn't it to see it the whole family there okay from front end remy tyrion took the bronze medal in leo gang last year under very different uh conditions than this and did actually have a massive crash in that qualifier which is why you see him down in 84th continuing put that behind him for one world championship run yeah i mean this run kind of reminds me of a andorra style run he's definitely on a new team this year with a giant bike and and kind of he's he's proving that it works which is amazing and uh just a beast on these steep tracks overall in last year's world cup then very tyrion this new section stirring things up here one of the most creative riders this man different line over the top gives him a straighter line through well over the base of that pole should be okay it's just a it's just a wild ride look at it inside there we haven't really seen no interesting to see that but he does this is a man that never takes the standard line no no we always see something impressive here and it and it all it because it takes one person to find the line and it takes another person to make that line fast that's right nearly six seconds into the red though for remy tyrion so he won't be winning today [Applause] as well this man all the way back in 2008 31 years old now yeah he's he's been around for a long time um and just kind of came into his own you know it's been a little while now but as soon as he found his speed it feels like he was able to hold it even through injuries that's right and he has had some big knocks along the way this man yeah i remember that leo [Applause] yeah that was a frightening crash wasn't it it was a broken back for remy he's put it behind him though seven and a half seconds back though that gives you some idea of just how fast danny hart was going because tyrion's not slow is he [Applause] 330.8 now the time to beat danny hart leads from finals lucas shaw's third at the moment three seconds back daddy hart two and a half seconds up it's a big run from daly hall yeah his work here today is done will it be enough elliot yeah i think he he made up most of his time from split one to two in that second sector and that's um that sector is really kind of the meat of the top of the track it's it's a lot of little berms and hops you're really trying to carry a lot of speed up there see remy here on this steep stuff really knows how to move to the bike you see everyone kind of taking that similar line outside there dive into that hole no smooth way down this one that's for sure who the 2021 downhill champion of the world will be manu gruber the french coach who has nurtured so many gold medals for that nation and now it's david truma for austria the last year's silver medalist there in leo gang at that world championship 18 qualifying for this man yeah he um he had an amazing second split so i'm maybe looking for him to be similar to danny there i think that that section is one of those ones where if you get it right kind of unlock the code to it then uh there's there's a ton of time there there's probably good time to be made almost everywhere everywhere on there yeah right i mean it's true and it's so gnarly but if you do get it right yeah you can pull time oh beautiful into there then truma two seconds back though let's split number two gonna take something special to pull that sword of time back that is so committed comes over on the rider's left flick back across to the right a lot of different lines down there earlier yeah and i think it's it's again one of those ones where you're kind of like it doesn't seem like it get the triple that's big as well when you walk it and you can get off like one of the reasons why it's hard to get that is because you have this huge drop before it your suspension's kind of off you land on a bunch of roots before it's not like it's just a little smooth um kind of landing up into there put it back point seven of a second then truma letting it go now this is fast down there another one of those riders like like luca that just makes it look smooth makes it look easy today there is just no time to get into your race run is there any i mean it's attack attack attack right from the very gate yeah and i think it takes a lot of mental strength because you you're not going to have a swing sorry well i mean he's pulling back time this is impressive yeah and that shows us that danny hart's time probably can be beaten pulling back time all the way from split two down david truma so a good run from him he will be on his way to second place if he keeps on this place then because it's a huge gap from danny hart to finals in silver at the moment so truman on the back will then it's a good run it won't threaten the time of daddy hard but it is enough to see him in the silver medal position 1.3 back in the end [Applause] he can be happy with that just crazy to see like where ryder's streets lie you know you had danny really putting in a ton of time in sector two you know david down in you know sector three and four um so there's different this track is not the same it looks rough but it's each sector kind of has a characteristic david going a little bit wider over that rock than some of the other riders i think one of the things you kind of pay attention to is do riders get stuck um when they go down these steep sections or like into holes and if they get stuck that means they were just dragging the brake a tiny bit if you can let off the brake right before you get to the apex of the turn your suspensions your suspension's good it's not gonna stand you up it's going to kind of threw you over the virus no that's a big thing in it most of these bikes under braking handled differently to when you're off the brakes perhaps the high pivot bike's changing that a little bit but it's a valid fact you've got to carry speed through these turns yeah i mean i don't want to be breaking hard in those breaking you know into those holes in them totally totally it kind of reminds me of like road racing where on a motorcross bike it's totally different driving into the turns here it's it's all about average speed that's right exactly benoit collar is there now next on track french national champion this man again this year and cool lunch like i can confidently say like he's one of the top top boys now yeah like he is in that group of people that you're like oh yeah like you can probably podium oh yeah he's he's always always always there seventh in qualifying and he's super yep wouldn't be at all surprised to see this man get a medal today so point four back and split number two he's on pace for that at the moment fast through there look at that using those long legs to his advantage he's got some long legs and this is kind of what you see him he's able to hop over rocks like that normally we see people you know getting the getting the triple he's one of those riders that uses that to his advantage at his first podium this year at world cups with that fifth place in elia gang so what's he gonna do up against danny hart he's at 1.39 so he's 4.7 back between split two and three it's incredible for collageness oh one of the danger men today i love seeing this guy ride look at him go i mean he's going so fast because of the strength of the french riders no that's ridiculous look how fast he's going now can he keep it going to the bottom and collage this is a man embracing the one run world championships format over a second of the green then ah it's his pace it's his place look how quick it is [Applause] so fast out here in benoit [Applause] goes from red to green halfway down keeps his feet up around that last turn and danny hart's time looking like it's in real danger here then so for france hit caps benoit [Applause] man it feels good to have a run like that at world champs like put it all out there i think he's kind of known as you see his team cami boulage yannick common saw max common saw just amazing they supported him for uh for so long what a run what a world championships this one is hot up six riders half a dozen riders now left to go here and the time just keeps tumbling down impressive from collage look out look at the on the edge of the tires there yeah absolutely unbelievable people roost that turn but man look how long his legs are he is all over that bite like a rash isn't he like a spider on the bike [Music] so smooth though he's just so precise he kind of has a a combination of that smooth french style with with a little bit of extra flair yeah that's right and that i'm going to say that's probably the most aggressive i've ever seen him ride yeah yeah that's what you do at worlds well watch out for this man then from australia troy brosnan quickest actually at split number one in that qualifier before he had some bike issues still came down in sixth yeah but if he does what he did in leer gang this year then the speed he can be unbeatable this man he actually got a podium here when he was a junior uh back when elite juniors were together and like you said first at the first split get that hop there he said he just started doing that right right in practice so he's on pace with coolage look at that 600 stuff there's nothing in it for this man four times on the podium here twice a junior world champion so we almost see the totally opposite collage with a super long leg troy much shorter and he's gonna be trying to hop and uh and pump through there doubled out of that uh gully they didn't triple but look at the clock and it's gonna be red but it's less than half a second then for brosnan oh can he pull that back from here on [Applause] he wants to get a world championship so bad deserves one right he's been riding so well fast through there second in points in the world cup at the moment 0.16 back and split number four then so the time is coming today he's coming down for troy brosnan he looks smooth he looks fast down here oh my goodness is he about to make it green then as he crosses the line oh my god the backhand's stepping out these riders are throwing everything at it it reminds me of the old sam hill countrymen yeah that's right the australians have got a thing with our last turn come on seven of three 29. goes second point to outside it the smallest of virgins brosnan goes into the silver medal position and i mean you can tell he he saw it as he was coming through you can see the riders can see the times um when they're crossing the finish line on the other side of that board and uh you know launch with the with the 29 three seconds faster than loris his time from qualifying danny 1.6 back but troy just i know he wanted that that top time and um it's going to be disappointing yeah another man really only here for gold yeah i love how he just hops into that a lot of riders letting the front wheel drop you can keep your wheels level when you're hopping into those turns it it really allows you know both wheels to take the impact rather than um pushing you over the front allows you to get on the brakes a little bit sooner rather than um not being able to get on that front brake because your back was still in the air it was a good run from rosalind good enough to see him go second point two one only off that man there benoit collage [Applause] but his collages from brosnan from danny hart that's your gold silver and bronze at the moment bronze at the moment excuse me france australia great britain and another british rider about to make his bid for gold today then the 2020 overall world cup winner matt walker and matt actually had a hand in designing and preparing this bike he's been flying under the radar i feel like a little bit this year and i think that's okay with him he would he would rather it be like that just kind of likes to do his work see him going way up high there in the holes those those breaking bumps are like a foot deep it's crazy well good at these top turns attacking hard yeah not quite the pace sir he had last year yet 1.299 back so he's definitely in touch [Applause] definitely a strong strong rider another smooth rider as well picking his way through there look at that so neat and tidy is he going fast enough though and i love seeing how the top riders are carrying so much we saw a lot of people pedaling in that little quote-unquote rest section flat section but these top these top boys are just um pumping through there it shows how much they're off the bricks [Music] between splits two and three still in touch [Applause] still around the pace of the bronze medal at the moment went out that's on a rock so you kind of have to be ready for it because you're not going to get really good traction there glasses time goes by finds himself 2.2 into the red now then for matt walker what's the pressure like elliot for those riders left at the top now five of them up there just five you know what i mean probably the winner will come from one of those five i would think yeah no guarantee it's one of those ones where you it's all kind of stuff because they've been there before all of these people know what it's like to start off in the in the top five and it's really about who who can use it to their advantage right who can not try to put that pressure out of their mind but lean into it and say yeah this is world champs i want to win it give me the pressure give me give me everything that is world championship and i'm gonna rise to the occasion yeah if you consumed at all but you won't win today the mental game a huge part of this [Applause] so matt walker goes in a fourth 2.9 back for him a good run he'll be happy with that gonna be well inside the top 10 at the end of the day today see matt is hopping over that hole right there back wheel goes out he's ready for it putting his tires just right where they need to be you're never going to go through that section before the foot he did that double that's been the line in years past and you saw how precise he actually put his tires there there's sarah there is greg yeah santa cruz cinder cup are getting ready then because the next man at the top will be the greatest world cup racer there's ever been three times a world champion this man his first world championship nearly 20 years ago 03 in lugano switzerland 2012 he took another golden league and then following up in his hometown of peter martinsburg in 2013. greg menard knows he can win this today yeah and that's dangerous yeah everyone i've talked to everyone i've seen just was raving about how fast greg was going on track made a ton of a ton of changes to the bike well he does doesn't he it's incredible beautiful rangy style just floats into that turn oh back and split number two though for me now he's strong though he's so strong using every inch of the track talk about a rider who knows what the pressure feels like yeah and keeps coming back for more manuals through there never one here invalid solid has been second a couple of times though [Applause] but carrying good pace you can see it and back now within half a second then of course so strong this man mentally that you [Applause] [Applause] how quick he's been and if he needs to make up time he might well do it the next split's gonna tell us point four to five between splits three and four is bernard gonna be red he's gonna be green is back by point three seven then so put in some more time back he is quicker from split two down [Applause] this is where it all comes out there's plenty of space to make up point three he's so strong in the pedals he could make that up just on that last turn alone [Applause] but now he's going to get on the gas here as he comes down to the line is it going to be enough for menard to take the lead here can see the red [Applause] how is he still doing this how on earth did he do that he pulled time back all the way down from split seminar and now south africa and the goats are in the gold medal position what a race we're seeing oh man my heart is beating oh my goodness the winner here this afternoon will be a south african or it will be a frenchman because there is three of them now left at the top of this mountain that was unbelievable does not disappoint does he good lord i just i swear he you know he talked about going to a shorter stem because he wanted to get his body positioned back because this track is so steep that's what he was telling me actually with a he said when he changed the suspension he then needed to change the cockpit i mean he's into every single facet of bike yeah and what amazes me is the fact that he actually uh he just absolutely loves it still so long setting bikes oh my goodness okay strap in a three time four time excuse me world champion about to leave the star heart now lewis bruni then on track and a man who can on the big day that is for sure [Music] man we saw we saw that crash in the pre-show massive you know i said like how do you do that and then go win a split after that so i think loic more than anyone else knows how to mentally conquer this race well he's got to be the mentally the strongest doesn't he four world championships in the last six years but he's back by half a second at split two very doable for lewis bruni though to pull that back and just so smooth on the bike absolutely so much power there but so much finesse to go with it he just looks like a rock on the top of it like just letting it work and you know he rides a much smaller bike than a lot of the riders do does he carry good pace out there this split is gonna tell us is he gonna be further back yes i think he is 1.9 nearly two seconds back then didn't look to carry quite as much speed out of that gully as some of the other riders yeah i mean it seems like there is a bit of like you have to i don't even know like i don't know how the riders are are finding more time right like you you're pushing up at the top and then it seems like you know lodge he's getting a little wild there he uh i don't know how greg and kulanj just pulled back so much time at the bottom bonkers well bronies outside the time of minar two and a half seconds now as you were talking then i made the realization that greg menard might be about to be a four-time world champion and my head just fell into my hands i just can't believe it he's 40 years old in november this is unbelievable it's not going to be blue at booney's day is it it won't be bruno's day today he'll be lucky to get into the medals with that actually as well all tight at the top now so bruni springs for the line and he crosses it in fifth place 2.9 back then for luke bruni oh man who has risen for the big day on so many to come they hate getting beat by each other but they they love each other but it's so much respect between them [Applause] well if you just joined us there's only two riders left at the top but it is greg minar that leads here in valdosta and i mean so look at loic through this section compared to a lot of other riders his head right it just stays in one spot it's so strong so strong body is it's ridiculous he got a little wild though because he actually went around the stump compared to the other riders you were going over so he was able to carry more speed but then right after that you have a much bigger hit on those [Music] rocks oh two to go both french both incredibly fast can they take down that three twenty eight of craig what a world championships this has been what a world and this is the man hotly tipped to take the gold home today he has to start really is the favorite i think the fastest qualifier is this loris vergier's time the only split he didn't win was the first one it feels like he's just on another level i mean this track we've kind of seen people getting wild but i i i feel like he is just going to be so smooth the winner of the last world cup in marvel bad luck before that actually but so precise one point seven up at split two are you kidding me that's ridiculous absolutely ludicrous then perversier in the form of his life i i don't know how he does it like i don't even know what to tell you about this run but it's just fast look at it so committed i think such a delicate touch though almost right you'll see him get these landings and he i feel like he just knows kind of what is going to make up time and what is not he just doesn't get on the brakes where it matters he held it tight in there but he's now the red can you believe it oh more drama here about decided how much more i've got left in me so mine are still needed it's a race eighteen thousands between them and split number three around the rock there oh but fast was quick through there i would say 255 for menara the last flip i know craig heated up here i think he might be back he's got back by 0.29 now oh my goodness so conversion five three tenths between there and the bomb it's gonna take something incredibly special to do that i would say oh so fergie on track unable to match oh my goodness he came out there fast the junior world champion back in 2014 no elite medals yet for loris versier will it be different today is it going to be red or is it going to be greedy ghosts in the fourth place 1.1 back and with only one brighter left at the top greg here oh my goodness [Applause] i'm speechless which is not good in this job well okay so greg is guaranteed to second place collage guaranteed a silver medal [Music] we've seen it this year but it's going to take something perfect this afternoon now it is it is i mean i think the bottom of this track really is not only a strength but i think mental fortitude there is a mental fatigue on a track like this because there's just so much to it right there is it's not just like you're riding down the track so at the bottom you're thinking okay i'm tired my legs are tired but the difference between you know greg's run and dinos run is that they got to that bottom bit and just opened it up yeah greg loving it loving it loving it how could he not be yeah his dad jeffrey will be watching i hope he's enjoying it as much okay let's go last man then tebow de prella fifth in qualifying the man leading this is world cup overall oh slips the pedal right at the gate is that gonna mess with his head he's gonna have to put that behind him quick the 2019 junior world champion this man so i'm sit down there just clear his head get back into it carried speed right around the top of that second turn he said he was going to open it up here didn't jump in there what's the clock going to tell us for tebow de prella and he's back by over a second i don't believe what i'm seeing here this afternoon i can barely watch i mean it still could he could still do it right we'd oh he goes down and it's great but now it's gonna be world championships [Applause] [Music] your world champion no disrespect to timothy who's still coming down but what have we seen here this afternoon what an amazing you have he goes down again and thankfully straight up to his feet that's good [Applause] the emotion running through these riders here this afternoon sibo timo's happy he's he told he he told us that he was gonna put it all out there he did greg the goat how are you doing this how are you doing this lecca signing the bike oh no he's writing he's writing that he got another one oh my yes yes yes greg bernard four times world downhill champion he is a machine he is there's not words to describe that man look at him he's such an i mean anonymity saw nino scherter win yesterday his first world championship in the xco was in 2009. this man's first world championship was in 2003 nearly very nearly 20 years ago that doesn't even make sense in this sport it does it doesn't no like because on this track as well it's not we're gonna have to sing the song you know ready wait what is that [Applause] [Applause] let's hope it stops soon gregory's your world champion here in valdosta this is steve pete in the background 2009 world champs steve p i mean good to see everyone come down relatively safe yeah yeah yeah good and i would say surprising actually here on this track on this day so tebow de prella he's got a few more world championships ahead of him and i think greg menard has too hasn't he oh my goodness the south african has done it again take a bowser you are spectacular i mean we talked about it right he had a he had a big smile on his face the whole week he was just seemed like he was feeling it yeah that's right yeah and when he does feel it he's so dangerous yeah you know you can always tell yeah from his from his just how he is when he's gonna win it's true well i mean we we had that run oh my look at it look at the speed oh my god look at that i mean you can see the pace of it right it's not hard to see why you took the goal today i mean the commitment that you have to have all of those rock sections are totally blind yeah that's right how does he do it elliot how does he keep coming back like this i mean i know he doesn't like us talking about his age but you know at 39 years old is this right i mean rossie can't even do it with my own gp and that's smooth you know what i'm saying ah like i i just think it's so incredible the amount of precision but then also commitment right like to go over those rises to get to the bottom of the track and pump it up to that next level oh man yeah his first world cup win 2001 world cup riding on 2021 more history for greg minar the greatest just keeps getting better and better [Laughter] that's an understatement i think so my goodness [Applause] oh wow what a world championship earlier what a spectacle it lived up to everything we thought it might huh i think the more that i do this the more that i'm kind of on the other side of the more you're aging yeah the more it's quite stressful i i mean there's just no way to predict the right there's no that's right well you know you can narrow it down at what half a dozen riders there's probably only that really that are actually capable of riding at that pace and actually crossing the finish line at the bottom yeah super happy for collage happy for troy to get a message oh my goodness i've forgotten the excitement i've forgotten about all the other medalists of course yeah you're right yeah it's it's like i said for coulange i'm i'm just really stoked and i hope that uh that people kind of see that he is one of the top boys now yeah well it's only because he's french right i mean there's so many other french people that dominate the headlines de prella vergier bruni of course but yeah he's an incredible rider yeah he's a slow burner he's taking his time he's getting there he's avoiding injury yeah and the doorbell team right like to have cool lunch like um kemi balance mangaka harassnick yeah um just they uh they know how to perform common soul up there troy frost then just uh well let's go down to craig excuse me here's the world new world champion four-time world champion sum up the emotion man i just started crying on that on that uh hot seat it was it was incredible you know i was having a look we got these beautiful bikes made by santa cruz and they had these amazing graphics with all my results and world champs but you know i hadn't got a medal in a couple of years and uh there's a lot of pressure on myself to get one here and i felt like everything was going well but to put it together in that run was super hard we saw a lot of crashes and everybody so i'm pretty stoked to have got another medal regardless of the color and then to win yeah when you crossed the line and went fastest there was no reaction you just hung your head down what were you thinking well you know i hate to win a race on someone else's misfortune and i i i don't like to celebrate a win until the guy's down to the finish line and depret had a crash and he had some kind of mechanical and i you know i just dropped my head i was crying i i couldn't hold back it was i just you know although i i knew i could win and i felt like i could um when you managed to put together a run and you know it was pretty rough run and you made a lot of mistakes and you're sitting there thinking is it enough and suddenly you realize it was enough and you've just won a race it's a incredible feeling your first win was back in 2003. how do you keep doing this sorry how do you keep doing this i love it i love racing i think it's uh it's in my blood to be competitive and um i don't know i enjoy it i do enjoy it i love racing and and so yeah it is hard every year but it's just the sports i really love it's hard to master i don't feel i've ever got on top of it i feel like there's always something to change or someone new to try and beat and uh this week was the same challenges you know trying to get the bike to do things that um were kind of contradictory and sitting up a bike but i think my mechanical hats off to him jordy from fox had an incredible job me ticking all those boxes and we managed to pull it off you really did it was unbelievable to watch congratulations thank you so much thank you well there he is then a very special sports person not just in mountain biking in any sport to keep you know it's going to be some post show up completely speechless i can't believe it and of course a massive congratulations to benoit collage taking the silver just point two but two back in the end a massive ride for that frenchman brosnan there with the bro
Channel: #50CC
Views: 110,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tO3yPkfOnnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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