Ubuntu's Decline

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ubuntu this is an absolutely amazing desktop environment one that led the charge the ease and use and friendliness of linux there's so many great things that it's done since its inception in 2004 that we need to talk a why it declined why people stopped using it because it's kind of kind of crazy to think that one time 10 years ago pretty much everyone used ubuntu so this is a pretty easy answer to get to and let's just jump right in and launch and maybe you can just see exactly what i'm talking about we're launching firefox i clicked on it it takes three to four seconds to launch and this is a pretty beefy computer so a 5600x uh you know over 10 gigs of ram allocated to this right now it should just be instant like when i'm on my regular desktop and i flip over to here and let's say i want to pull up firefox on it uh let's just pull it up it's pretty instantaneous so what's going on there why is this spooling happening is it a problem with the core of ubuntu or what and the answer is very simple this firefox which it should not take this long let's relaunch maybe it was just something to start up no still still taking a couple seconds to launch why is it doing that and it's because it's a snap it's a snap pack it's an all inclusive universal package this is a horrible experience this is worse than windows it's worse than mac it's it's worse than any linux distribution when i made the thumbnail i said slow and pointless when it comes to describing ubuntu it's because everything has been put into a snap you go to launch thunderbird there you go a couple seconds on thunderbird i mean there's very little things that they're not packaging into this horrible package manager let's just face it this is the death of ubuntu snaps unless they just completely reverse course and rip out snaps and completely abandon it i see zero point of having an ubuntu desktop but uh let's go a little bit further is this the worst thing ubuntu has ever done to their desktop and the answer is surprisingly no it isn't back in i think it was ubuntu 14 they were basically reporting back all your search results to either sell his advertisements or just house in in there for telemetry there was a lot of uh big hubbub in the linux community at the time about linux ubuntu linux doing this it was it was horrible and then for several iterations we had like an amazon store here which i think amazon paid them money to be included on the desktop of ubuntu linux so they're trying to obviously monetize somewhat and i think snaps kind of falls right into that wheel house you know i don't think it's spyware by any course of you know the imagination but the snap store is a closed source store meaning nobody else can open up a snap store anywhere else no competing distribution much like you would with apple's app store or microsoft's microsoft store you know those are closed source stores that are tightly controlled and that is snaps in linux in general so when someone says i don't have a problem with snaps i'm like yeah okay well you probably don't have a problem with the app store or the microsoft store and that's fine but at least the app store and microsoft store the apps actually have about native performance where snaps just do not they're just bad so what else has happened in ubuntu like when we pull up stuff in here i still like the interface i love this unity-esque experience even though this is just gnome and some of these packages are a little bit wonky compared to a regular distribution but overall it's aesthetically pleasing and i i always enjoyed this setup and i felt like their strengths have always been ease of use it's just like they'd stopped caring about the user experience and that just kind of drove me crazy because this should be the king of all desktops but it's not when i just mentioned unity and how this looks that was a great invention of uh canonical and implemented in ubuntu it was a desktop environment but they pretty much killed it off they killed off ubuntu one uh they that was like a cloud services endeavor they did they've had mir which was a competing display manager because a lot of display managers on linux are a little bit wonky when it comes to like xorg or wayland well they had mirror and i thought that was kind of interesting but that also got killed off ubuntu touch they're kind of mobile endeavors uh when they were doing that but again that is killed off as well so it feels like canonical is a company without a purpose of having a linux desktop anymore and that's why it's declining because when i look at this desktop environment while it's clean it's functional it could be so much better and it's just not you're better off with any other distribution as your desktop and it's not to say i would never use ubuntu i'm just i would never use ubuntu desktop like ubuntu server when you load it up for the first time and you come into here usually the first thing i do is just go into snap d and rip it out i would just do purge and then i would do is just like snap d and then kill it and then i just remove all of snaps from the system and then i'd do an apt hold of snap d and then continue on building my system on an ubuntu server base where it doesn't have all this slow downs all this garbage doesn't install firefox through a snap package or any of that you just you don't run into it i just wanted to install the stock ubuntu experience and just say canonical is fine but you got to realize this is totally a server business based company now they don't care about their desktop and it shows it's slow it's pointless and that's really why i made this video we just kind of say like this can they turn it around what's the future like like it's probably the last thing i want to leave you with and if they continue down this path forcing snaps on their users well linux users have options they have tons of options more options than they know what to deal with and ubuntu just will not be one of those options they will just simply install another distro and that'll be fine but they could also reverse course like i said the foundation the base i see that this could be a really really good operating system and it could be a fantastic linux distribution like it once was but they actually need to start listening to somebody they actually need to start using their desktop environment because i think they're all programmers on like windows and mac machines up in canonical and i don't think they actually use it because if you start using this it's not a good experience it's slow it feels bad it's pointless so that's where i'm gonna leave this one kind of a short video but i thought compelled to do an article and a little youtube video follow up on this one because it's been a while since i bashed old ubuntu and i think it was a well overdue i hope they pull out of this i know a lot of people you know think i think it's the devil so to speak but i really do hope that canonical finds its ways and restores ubuntu to its maybe somewhat of a former of its uh uh former former glory but time will tell and with that let me know your thoughts of old ubuntu down in the comments section i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 288,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: pMfqCzbSmQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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