Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons

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just a general reminder that Linux has gotten really really good in the last two years I play all my games no problem with steam's proton compatibility layer I know Linux isn't for everyone but if you're going far enough to change entire pieces of the windows OS because you don't like it it might be time to give Linux a legitimate try I wish I could you see this this nonsense right here this keeps me awake at night I'm really worried about the future of Windows you know I'd like to switch over to Linux but I can't and that's what I'm going to talk about in this video I'm going to talk about the three biggest reasons why I cannot switch over to Linux because I think a lot of people are in this same boat as me they are stuck with Windows because of a couple different programs and there's really nothing that's exactly the same on Linux so switching over to Linux is going to be a lot of pain and eventually we'll have to come to a point where we're going to have to be like all right is it too much pain to stay on Windows or is it going to be too much pain to make some of the stuff that I need to work on Linux work before you jump in the comments and say there's alternatives to everything let me tell you right now there are not alternatives to everything and I'm going to cover the weird use cases and scenarios that are keeping me on windows so that we can understand why a lot of people who really want to switch over to Linux can't do so but first let's talk about some things that you can use Linux for because I actually do use Linux a lot in my house I have probably have more installations of Linux than I do of Windows if you count all the VMS and everything I have running and this zma board is extremely cool now it comes with Kasa OS pre-installed but that's something that you can use or you can install anything you like and if you're curious about all the different things you could do with that all the different programs you can install you can check out my Z Board review I'll put a link in the description but what makes this special is the fact that it's x86 not Arm based and they call it the world's first single board hackable computer I'm not going to verify that but I know it is a single board hackable computer and it also has PCI Express so it's completely silent it's got PCI Express allowing you to basically expand to anything plug a graphics card into that if you wanted to you could plug a SAS card you want an extra MVM me we'll plug something in right there and you can expand your storage but you also have SATA ports so you can turn this into a file server one of the things I think the zma board is really good for is learning because you can Tinker with this and I think tinkering is a really important thing so a board like this can allow you to like put it on the table try different operating systems try different disos of Linux try different I don't know try painer try Casa OS try whatever try plugging things in try hacking and then if you already have a really nice Home Server but you need a new router well the Zab board is x86 and it's compatible with open sens which is you know basically like a better version of PF sense so you could run like the ultimate router with this tiny single board computer so now that you're curious about the Zab board I've got all the links down in the description if you don't have one yet just head on down there and you can grab one also I made a full-on video on this so I'll put that link in the description if you're curious about C OS and what you can do with that check that out but you'll also get all the other details and specs of the zma board so all that's going to be in the description now let's get back to talking about why I can't use Linux on my main [Music] system all right before I talk about Linux let's talk about Windows for just a minute because I'm I'm stuck on Windows and really the big problem problem with being stuck on Windows is that Windows operates under the model of capitalism it doesn't operate under any sort of open- source you know like software for the people you know all that kind of stuff it's it's not that they have to make a product and they have to sell that product and though you know like the kernel can be updated um they've just updated the entire operating system many times over the years you know we're still using a lot of stuff from before Windows 95 like the GUI it's Windows NT which was around before Windows 95 was around it didn't become a desktop operating system until Windows 2000 but the DNA from that is behind the scenes a lot of the control panels and stuff you'll look at them and be like oh this is the same thing from 2000 XP and it's all there behind the scenes but you know they slap a new code of paint on it update a few things update some stuff in the kernel you know change whatever else just bits and pieces of software and then give you a new version of the operating system if we want a system like Linux you could install your own security patches there could be Community patches and you could still be running Windows 7 or Windows 10 or Windows 8 whatever your favorite Windows variety is Windows XP it's all very similar under the hood you know you can even update the kernel and just keep the top GUI in place and it all should technically work but we can't have that because profit is more important than you know giving you a product that's that's natural and that's what you would normally use profit kind of goes against what's natural for us in many different ways it's not always Innovative well it comes up with innovative ways to steal your data and screw you over now we're at the mess that is Windows 11 which is kind of feeling like the Windows 8 thing all over again except I think it's worse this time and I just made a video about that so check that in the description talking about all the reasons why I think it's worse as much as I scream and as much as I yell and as much as I complain I'm stuck on Windows and there's a few key reasons I ledge of aliance of to the flag of the United States of America the last few years Linux has come farther than I think it has in the last decade and a lot of that's thanks to valve because of their you know their Pro compatibility layer their special version of wine that just grabs what you need if you haven't used it yet if you haven't used Ste OS you don't know how any of this works you know several years ago steam tried to push for this whole Steam OS operating system with Linux and everything and they wanted to get the developers involved and they're like hey support Linux all you got to do is just you know make your games make sure that they work with Vulcan or open G or whatever make sure they support Linux but the developers are just like no we're just going to sport windows that was especially true with like a lot of the AAA developers and the developers who make games that are like competitive online because they have the anti-che and that's almost always just a Windows application that runs to make sure you're not cheating so valve saw that nobody seem to care about supporting you know Linux and what they did was take a look at everything and said you know what let's take all the API calls that are coming to Windows and we'll translate them over into stuff that Linux can use so that's where they created the proton compatibility layer and whenever you're installing a game that's a Windows game and you're trying to install it on Steam OS or Linux or whatever you steam on Linux whatever they they just use their compatibility layer to grab and install whatever prerequisites that they need for that specific game and it just kind of works and this works really well a lot of times but it doesn't cover everything so gaming is one big area for me and like I said they've done a lot but there's one key thing that keeps me on Windows and that is modding I mod a lot of the games that I play a lot of the games nowadays work with mods but not all the mods like for instance marrow wind you can probably a lot of the texture mods and whatnot to to run maybe 80% of the mods will run but the 20% of the mods that don't run a lot of times that's going to be like the scripting mods the dlls and stuff stuff that adds really cool functionality to the game and that's stuff that I don't want to live without yeah I'm still going to need Windows when it comes to modding certain games and other games are just difficult to mod regardless the other thing is a lot of the fixes for like widescreen patches for older games um stuff that makes older games have modern uis a lot of that is developed specifically for Windows you can get some of this stuff work but the problem with it is it requires an enormous amount of fussing whereas on Windows it requires a minimal amount of fussing I don't like to just mess around with my OS I like to play the game when it really comes down to it I'm going to be pragmatic and continue to use an operating system that I don't love anymore I'm going to continue to use Windows I don't care as much about the operating system as I do about the applications I have installed and I want to get to those applications as quickly as possible and I can only do that in Windows because a lot of the stuff is just not made for Linux gaming is a big deal to me and it's not quite there on Linux and I think a lot of it works actually better on Linux I like the alt tabbing works better on you know a lot of different copies Linux depending on what you're running but yeah the next thing I want to talk about is creativity now I think that the Nerds the programmers the people who run servers and everything they're already taken care of on Linux for the most part but the creative audience is not taken care of to an extent yes there's a lot of really good open source stuff out there so if you want to do video Ting you're taken care of if you want to do Music Creation you're somewhat taken care of and I said somewhat because I create music and I can't do it fully on Linux if you do photography you're kind of and if you use industry standard stuff like the Adobe suite all that non since if you do that for work and they require you to use the Adobe suite well you're out of luck now Adobe will they are they going to support Linux who knows maybe they'll release some flat packs or something I don't know the number one reason is a piece of software called FL Studio and that's what I use to make all the music now this music stuff is something I've considered you know quitting the channel to go full-time on that and that's because it's done well enough that I could probably live a meager life in a country that's not America and live off of the music and live an actually pretty decent life if I was somewhere like Thailand but I'd rather be in Japan or Taiwan which is a little more expensive but it's suits my flavor suits my taste a little better and I think I could live just off the music and that's like not working on games or anything like that that's just making albums so I take take it very seriously I consider myself to be a professional in that regard at this point um and a lot of that has to do with just you know how well the albums have done and thank you so much for listening to the albums it's like kind of shocking that despite um not releasing an album in a while every month they still get a lot of sales and I don't know who's talking about it cuz I don't talk about it that much a link in the description for people who haven't heard my music but FL Studio will work in wine it it does work but the problem is is that I have lots of Premium plugins so let's take a look at some of that kind of stuff so like this this is a super audio card I love this it's freaking awesome and this just allows you this is a bunch of samples that allows you to create all kinds of different music from all kinds of different systems we're talking like everything from the Master System to the Game Boy to Doss midi adlib and Super Nintendo regular Nintendo it lets you do all kinds of stuff but this is a premium thing you know I paid 140 bucks for it I think I got it on sale I usually wait till Black Black Friday because these things are like 50% off so I think I got it on sale but it doesn't really work in Linux because it works in Native Instruments native instruments does not work in Linux so that's a huge huge amount of stuff and there's no native support for this you might be able to get it hacked and working under wine or something but then I also use a lot of these sounds see this yes I buy these things this is my job it's like people are like well you pay all this money there's plenty of free vsts yeah that that's great there's that's like there's plenty of free tools for you to build a house too but I'm sure that um maybe it'll be a cool house maybe it'll be like nice little Hobby House house little treeh house or something but the paid tools probably going to be sometimes better not not always better depending on what you're doing cuz I do use a lot of free stuff whenever I'm making a lot of the chip tunes and the Nintendo style stuff I do use a lot of free plugins and especially for the latest stuff that has like the Dos flavor the Dos midi flavor a lot of that stuff is free but I can I don't want to have to have a few things that I use in Linux but then I can't use the majority of the stuff I purchased I got the harpsicord and the Tao drums from here and fluffy AI and this also again is Native Instruments this is the big one Vienna symphonic Library I have a lot of these libraries and they are not cheap for instance you just want like some violins or whatever well let's take a look and see how expensive just a violin is these packages you want the full Library 740 I always get them on Black Friday there you go list price for the full library of all these strings I get them on Black Friday cuz they're like half price or 30 40% off but still I have a lot of these packages thousands of dollars worth and here's a little sample to let you hear what they sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] like I put some of the stuff on the albums but I wanted to use it for like game development or whatever when we were working on the RPG I got some of those to try to start making making some some music um and I figure if I was to do this full-time go and meet people shake hands at different conventions uh it would be nice to have that in case they wanted fully symphonic stuff and I do understand scoring and all that so that's something that I would have to uh give up if I moved over to Linux because this requires some terrible DRM it's awful I mean it's it's really really bad I it would make anybody cringe including I'm I'm sure all the L people are cringing when they heard the phrase DRM and I I don't like it either but here's the deal my creativity is more important than my righteousness and if my righteousness is getting in the way and blocking me from being creative I'm going to be pragmatic and say like I can stop being so damn righteous because this is the best thing I want to use the best thing because it will allow me to be creative and once I've got my full-on interface open and all that stuff I'm no longer in the operating system in my opinion I'm in the the dah I'm in I'm I'm making my music but soon as I close it I'm back in the operating system and I've got DRM going in the background but while I'm being creative I don't care about what's going on in the background I'm making [Music] music now when it comes to other creative software well there's D venci resolve if you're someone who likes Premiere you can totally get by with dvinci resolve I would argue that it's even better I am not very good at it I'm kind of slow because I'm so used to Premier it would be a pretty big learning curve but that's something I'm willing to actually do I'm willing to do go through the learning curve because I I think D Vinci resolve will probably end up being a better deal uh the videos might be a little bit rough at first but also you know if I if I have my my will and all this I'll move away from videos soon and start just doing music and games that's my goal you know if you're someone who's just getting started I'm I'm jealous because you can just start off and learn to VCI resolve and not have to rely on aobb Premiere but there's also Kaden live you know if you want to check that out but I think this is probably the more professional uh piece of software and if you're someone who just needs something to draw I think K is great you know it's very similar to photoshop it's pretty good and you can draw these so many what's up with these chibs and then when it comes to game engines well gdau works just fine Unity works fine a lot of the game engines work fine in Linux and there's you know you got support for Unreal Engine 5 so you can get a lot of these things working there may be some stuff you got to do if you want to mess around with direct deck or whatever um I haven't tried building packages in Linux or whatever but you know I have messed around with gdau got some stuff going on there it works it works all right this is the other software that I use all the time and this one well you got you got to build it if you want to use it in Linux this is what I use to create all my pixel art and let's just put it this way uh support with Wayland is kind of spotty this is something that just works much better in Windows like and Mac OS here's some stuff I've been messing around with uh this is also got animations and everything in gendo there we go little click adventure I'm working on it's all secret right now but you can see the the computer repair store here just taking anybody back anybody feeling anything while they're looking at this can you name all the boxes over here this took a while I did a lot of these like this one I I tried to like do digital scans of the boxes and then eventually just realized I'm going to have to go in here and do this pixel by pixel so I literally this one took forever cuz it's pixel by pixel a lot of people look at pixel art and they're like don't you just press like generate uh no no you don't you do not just press generate working on some animations for a little gdau game with the gun yeah that's that's what you want to see right want to see the gun shot where is it and you know what I'm going to give you the special and see if anybody knows what this is in homage 2 you ready what is this an omage 2 let me know in the comments anyway so yeah I use this program quite a lot but it just does not work very well in Linux one of the things I don't think you got covered in Linux is Lightroom you don't have a really nice photography suite for organizing um and editing your your photos there yeah there is some stuff fire room is far better than the other stuff when it comes to creativity you kind of still have to stay on Mac or Windows and that's really sad and a lot of that is the fault of the developers again um people are always like oh the developers are waiting for more people to go over to Linux and a lot of people are just suffering being like please we can't go over to Linux until you make your stuff available so I don't think people understand I don't think developers understand how much of a demand there is for certain things even some of the premium paid software would do just fine on Linux because some people if they need it you know like I bought FL Studio I bought the plugins I would move over and install them all on Linux in a heartbeat if they worked yall do not understand how important this piece of software is this is always open on my computer there's nothing that comes close on Linux I've tried all of the music programs all of them and unfortunately this one is not open source this is Fubar 2000 if you're just looking at the screen being like what in the hell is that and why is it so much better well it's got so many different things that it can do for instance we got our file operations here if I want to just come over and move these things I can do a move to and I've got all these these things I have set up to to move it all or I could just put contrl M right there and then I can move all my stuff if I want to convert things from one thing to another I can convert them to all these things I've got Opus and Flack and whatever AAC just all these different things that I've set up for conversion um and then it doesn't mess with my music folders I do all that myself um I I it allows me to organize things to a ridiculous degree and you know there we go yes this beautiful music right here and you set up your your stuff on your there's nothing better this is it this is the music program I set up this theme myself if you're curious about how I did this you can look in the the description I'll put up a link that says hey here's all my Fubar videos because I've made videos on how I set all this stuff up now what are the things that have come the closest on Linux back in the day dead beef was pretty close so it was Clementine but close but no cigarettes but they they were pretty close um they could all dead beef could almost scratch that itch if it wasn't so damn ugly I guess I could try a few things strawberry just I tried this recently it's okay you know if you're not as demanding as me this will be fine for you and a lot of people are like not as personic and not as Landing they'll be fine this didn't didn't do it either it's getting getting there but you know and then you can come over here if you're looking for flat packs and just see what else there is but yeah I've tried like 20 different things I wasted a lot of time there's Clementine I just mentioned but yeah there's nothing there nothing it's it's not the same it would be a sacrifice and the point of moving over there is to make my life better not to sacrifice things so I don't know what I'm going to do um other than try to just run that in wine now you can run that in wine there's versions of wine that work okay with it the problem I have with that is even after getting it installed a lot of these things are using um JavaScript and that's just broken it doesn't work very well even if you get it working with the flat pack it's a flat pack that installs everything in wine so you can get Fubar working but it'll only work with like a basic installation of Fubar so my version of Fubar here is not going to work like nope not happening the other thing about this is that uh getting it set up with network storage I've got all my music on the nas that was not fun I gave up after a while you know trying to get all that to work in wine if I if I could just get a native version um food bar Creator I think your name is Peter please could you could you do us all a favor and either I you know make it open source I know you don't want to some people could maybe get it on Linux or get it on Linux I know Linux is not your flavor of programming I'm looking on the Forum but um there is an Android version so I don't know but yeah Linux version would be amazing the reason that it's not open source from what I've gathered by looking was that looks like the developer of Fubar kind of said I don't think anybody else is as smart as me when it comes to working on this piece of software so I don't trust them to be able to do a good job so I'm just going to do it myself so yeah I mean you could make it open source and then see what happens if someone Forks it and makes a garbage version then I don't see how that would really harm the the main version would it I don't know a lot of Open Source projects out there have a lot of forks that just are there but no one pays attention to because they don't work very well or they don't get maintained or they're really far Downstream but whatever and the last thing I always use multiple monitors on my computers and with the latest uh versions of Linux maybe it's gotten a little bit better but the last time I tried I had a lot of trouble especially with whand like trying to get multiple different monitors different screens of different resolutions to work so I kind of just left that alone I mean works sometimes but sometimes I would just turn it on and like one of my monitors wouldn't come on or it would like change which one one was the main it was it's wasn't very good so I think Wayland's still Half Baked it's been half baked for 15 years like what the hell go back to xorg I don't know but I installed debban 12 and that came with Wayland and it works kind of OBS uh well I guess I haven't tried it in a month but OBS didn't work very well that's the last thing is I would rather spend most of my time doing creative things or playing games and I feel like an operating system should not get in my way you know Linux you spend a lot of time tinkering and a lot of time configuring your operating system I spend a lot of time thinkering configuring Windows as well but after I gets to a point I leave it alone and then I just do my stuff and it's there in the background it just facilitates what I'm doing with my computer and that's what I would want to do with Linux as well but I end up spending way too much time fussing and tinkering so for instance I've got debn 12 right now installed on the laptop and it's I installed it because it's stable and that's what I want I want something that's stable that you know I don't care about the newest packages that much there are a few things that I care about when it comes to the newest packages so I run Dro box for Firefox and I also installed OBS I was using arch for that but it didn't work very well so maybe I need to try opusa or Fedora or something I don't know but Dr Drill box allows you to install other versions of Linux inside whatever version of Linux you have installed so that you can install packages for that version of Linux and just have them almost like natively open up open up and it's like you'll never even notice that it's using dependencies from a different dist drro and you need some hard drive space for this but I like it better than running a flat pack or running an you know an app image or whatever I like Dro box a lot even though it requires a little more hard drive space but I think that could be an awesome solution once it becomes a little more mature and you know a lot of it's still done in the command line and it won't be too much fussing I don't think in the next year or two but I think Linux is it's not the desktop operating system of the Next Generation yet I think it's ready for most people creatives and people who have like some special use cases like I do are still Hostage to Windows why yeah my options right now are to stay on Windows um and just hope that some packages come out to hack all the nonsense that's going to be thrown at us when it comes to the latest build of windows 24 uh H2 that's a mess watch my last video on that it's a mess and I'm not happy about it and that's one of the reasons why I've been like really stressed thinking like you know I really want to move over to Linux but I can't I I know what's going to happen I'm going to sit here one day and like be like I'm going to do it and format everything and just spend a gazillion hours trying to make things work and fussing and being like you know it's not going to work you know right now the VMS are really powerful so I could run a VM inside Linux with windows with all the stuff I want installed that's an option doing you know straight up pass through Hardware pass through with a lot of things you can do that doesn't sound like a fun option or I rather just have everything work in one operating system my last option is to run Linux on one machine and then have a totally separate physical machine that maybe I don't even connect to the internet I install Windows 10 on install all my audio programs and install some games on that's another option but I don't have a lot of room for that and I'm not sure if I want to having a Windows rig that I like turn around it's got my keyboard my piano keyboard that I not my spider nest keyboard This is spider nest keyboard This is piano keyboard just in case you're wondering you know that would be another option that I could turn around and like use that so that's where I am and now you understand why me and people like me cannot jump over to Linux there are still some things that are keeping us hostage on other operating systems even though a lot of us would prefer to be on Linux I much prefer the interface and a lot of the functionality even though I'm not sure if I like mounts better than just having the hard drives and partitions and all that I kind of like that from the way my brain works mount's definitely better for servers and everything though but that's another talk for another day let me know what you think of this I'm still going to use Linux for all my servers and laptop and I I know whatever else little mini PCS that I use for watching videos and such but for my daily driver primary desktop can't do it all right you watch to the end so let's tell you what the deals are half price on the keyboard right there it is and this is a very silent membrane keyboard but it's nice and Poppy I went over to Asia and traveled around and these I um these are from Korea almost said Hong Kong these are from Korea and uh I don't use any software on any of this stuff you just hold down the the function button and press tab to change the colors uh of the lights on there and then also we have this on sale for half price this doesn't go on sale for half price that all that often got a few boxes these left $20 is a steal for a Flawless gaming sensor and again no software needed if you want to change the colors well first you can change the DPI by pressing this button and then you can change the colors by holding down this button and this button for 3 seconds all that's outlined right here in the video so yep half price on these head over to Epic an.com and grab them and I'll see you in the comments
Channel: Tek Syndicate
Views: 88,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek Syndicate, hardware, technology, science, games, gaming, culture, tech, computers, retro
Id: c6YDQobJbLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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