The 11 Best Linux Distributions

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the 11 best Linux distributions for power users all right free and open source Software System Linux spawn several distributions well that's under statement of the year there's like a thousand distributions but I love that they put number one Debbie in because honestly Debian you just can't go wrong with Debian 12 it is so good for everybody I will always recommend Debian Debian is the bees knes for distribution so I love Debian 12 point4 uh I love that that was the number one option for it and honestly it's good for every users experienced users new users it's just has a very simple complex thing you know even on New Year I used to recommend Linux Min a whole bunch but honestly Debian these days is pretty good even for a new user uh their their install experience has improved drastically even though I'm kind of cursed oh man number two is gentu wow wow okay we're just jumping right into it okay I think someone at techm might be trolling Noobs but let's see what they're talking about on ginu ginu is a distribution built for professional use and experts who take into consideration what packages they want to work on from the word go okay the categories of developers systems Network administrators as such it's not ideal for beginners in Linux in other news the the sky is blue and water is wet no a beginner should never try ginu ginu is recommended for those that want deeper understanding of the ins and outs of a Linux operating system I mean maybe like the kernel compiling and and where whether it's Portage or emerge I I mean yes I would not recommend anyone daily Drive gentu really yeah gentu is a distribution built for professional insane asylums 100% agree with that Ashlin that is really the the the take here okay that this is Bonkers I would never recommend anybody try gin 2 ginu is fun and and really what I see ginu is let's say you wanted a very minimal boot up and you wanted to strip down kernel gentu would be perfect for like let's say you're setting up a kiosk and you never really are going to be updating that and you want to just throw up like a menu on the screen and you want a very minimal load gintu would be perfect for these oneoff kind of cases but like daily driving ginu you have to be a very special person to do that or you just want to go around telling people you use ginu as a daily driver which again kind of kind of qualifies you as special but it is great for like low resource Ki um and honestly it's known for like chromium Os or Chrome OS and some of the other Linux dros that used it as a base and then modified heavily modified Linux uh so that's that's Gen 2 in a nutshell no you should not if you have to ask what what Linux distribution you want should try jintu should not be on that list all right Ubuntu is number three we all know how much I love ubu um some people like the n aesthetic and honestly I kind of liked Unity back in like Ubuntu 18 days that was a lot of fun I mean uh obviously it's still try to pull it in with this gnome setup it doesn't feel very good the last time I loaded up in a buntu it felt a little sluggish to me and like launching firefo from snap was a bit slow and uh I don't know what else to say about auntu it used to be like Top Dog every Noob should try it but these days I just don't recommend it at all um if you want like an Ubuntu type clone right now popos I think does a better job and it's a fork of auntu and I and it has that same kind of look and feel but the the poos team does a better job than auntu even though it's based on auntu uh with with gnome and everything I like Po 's configuration of gnome I just particularly hate gnome and I don't like auntu as a base anymore mainly because of the snaps and some of the other questionable decisions they made over the years which I made entire videos about so that's all I got to say about Aon 2 again not recommended I wouldn't recommend it to anybody Linux Mint also this is really cool I and I love their their lead devel developer of Linux Mint Clen has always been great he always has so many great ideas he was the first to drop snap he was one of the first ones to come out and say hey no more snap uh and it's just was like this is bad I'm just going to take it off and then we're going to just use it as we always have and mint's always been a great experience so a lot of people end up like even vets end up just going I don't want to mess with it mint has a very stable update cycle very talented devs and a really good community so mint's always a good Contender it is based on auntu but they do have another Fork uh I think it's called lmde Linux Mint Debian Edition and it is also uh starting to get a lot better so you could actually do the Debian uh Linux Mint where it's all based on Debian instead of the buntu one which traditional mint if you're unaware is based on auntu but it's it's a pretty heavily modified auntu these days with Clen at the helm uh five red hat interpre is Linux um you know this is a weird subject I've talked about it in many videos um what do I say about red hat I've never really used re Enterprise uh real at all you know when it comes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux I I've touched it a little bit in business from a server CLI standpoint I don't really recommend it for a desktop and if you kind of want to mess around with it there was cintos I would recommend these days I recommend Rocky Linux I've always liked Rocky and that was made by the guy that originally made Centos there's a lot of drama surrounding red hat and and all red hat based dros I don't recommend at all I don't I don't recommend anybody try these anymore uh if you want to cut your teeth on them you could use like Oracle Alma Rocky and learn about red hat that way through those channels but red hat itself and a lot of its uh distributions I don't recommend anybody learn them anymore and I just say hey uh a lot of people are walking away from them based on past drama uh especially in the it space So I don't I don't like them um and I know red hat does a lot of different projects for the Linux Community uh it's just a personal preference mainly because they kind of burned me a couple times in the it space specifically Centos 8 if you're unfamiliar Red Hat Enterprise Linux supposed to give support for you know 10 years and and Centos at that time or Cent OS had 10-year support in Centos 7 they released Centos 8 in the year later they said ah just kidding we're not doing 10 years we're doing one year and then everyone was scrambling in the business realm that was using Centos to convert so there's a couple it people I know that had uh upwards of you know a thousand different servers that they've migrated to Centos 8 and then they they were forced to to migrate again that's kind of wild it's kind of wild but it was my first drro so it was was centas 6 I believe and it's just kind of sad that they' they've been so hostile to a lot of the open source Community with their recent stuff so again when it comes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Centos stream is this bastardized version of what Centos used to be and it's between Fedora and S uh and red hat so between all the updates that's kind of what you get I don't recommend any rail so we're just going to move on from that and Fedor is right after it Fedor is more bleeding edge cintos is below that and then reals uh all the way at the bottom for for update packages but I'm not going to recommend any of those it makes sense why they're recommended though yeah the debacle honestly I was still I'm still mad more about the Centos 8 debacle than I am about them close sourcing or locking some of the source code behind like some weird uh developer license so that's where I'm kind of like on red hat it's not a bad Dro from a technical standpoint and honestly always liked it from a technical standpoint it's just the politics behind Red Hat is the big catching point that I'm like so that's why I'm like ah moving on let's let's just not talk about any of that I'm it's been it's such a you know beat that horse to death kind of thing so uh CI Linux uh CI Linux I said was kind of worthless on a past you know tier list Kelly Lynx is kind of known as uh I call it like a script kitty drro it's great if you're starting to get in the like the security realm C Linux is usually what people install first when they're learning because they don't even know what these tools are they don't even use like aircrack multigo metas sploit all these other ones and it has all those just kind of like right there in the applications menu so if you're just getting in the security realm it's kind of nice how all these are just on there by default and it's a good learning experience but while I say it's for script kitties and noobs is because most security Engineers or people in that professionals working in the field they're never going to have this loaded unless they're really lazy most of them are just going to be running regular Debian and then they're going to install what they need they're just going to install like the metas sploit or you know whatever they need uh for for what they're doing a lot of them aren't going to be using Cali and if for the ones that are kind of lazy but know what they're doing honestly they're probably going to use parrot Linux instead of CI Linux CI Linux is a little too bloated and there's too much going on with it like they have like a Windows you know mode that makes Linux look like Windows and some other like you know cliche type crap that no one really uses and it's just it's an interesting Dro for noobs but you're going to try it but no you're going to move on [Laughter] it's just going to be a it's going to be a brief pit stop it's not a bad drro for what it is but just know it's good for cutting your teeth learning about the tools and then just kind of going out and doing your own thing when you learn more about Linux and you know what you're doing but uh as far as a drro eh that's kind of where it's at Arch Linux man Arch Linux is like my number two I always love it uh right behind debban Arch is so bleeding edge that you just get a little bit of everything and I love the freedom and and the The Cutting Edge that you get with Arch Linux so when anytime there's something new coming out like let's say I wanted that 6.6.6 kernel that got released this week I would be installing vanilla Arch and just going at it so awesome and uh you know that's that's kind of where I'm at with Arch I use it a lot in just building up stuff real quick it's a very fast install uh but obviously it can be tricky for those that never installed it before it's just very lightweight and I love it like you can install arch with 100 packages and have like a c you know I think the last Arch install I did using my Arch Titus script took I clocked it about 2 minutes on bare metal actually it was under 2 minutes so I did it in less than 120 seconds and uh had a fullblown server sitting there at my CLI with Arch installed on a brand new system so I love Arch and I think that's not going to go anywhere open souo this was an interesting one and you know he used to just kind of dismiss it but actually we we were on open Souza for like 30 days or something and it was I think Ashlin and chat and some other people that mentioned it and I was like hey yeah I think uh Harry Harry uh also mentioned it and it was it was not bad I I liked it the I think it was the OPI open package installer or whatever it was uh was great it was like the a from Arch and it worked well I was able to get all my packages didn't really have any problems the rollbacks were pretty good you had Yas which was like a control center that most Linux installs don't have I mean I don't know how useful Yas was but then again a lot of them just kind of I like I prefer the I anyways but for someone just learning Linux I I think that would be good uh so I don't really have anything bad to say about Souza it it was okay you know I I don't know if I put it in my top five but it would definitely be in my top 10 so it's it's an interesting one and it I I don't have anything bad to say about my time and I was on tumble weed there's leap which is a stable release and tumble weed and we tried tumble weed and it was pretty bleeding edge but it also is very stable for all the crap that I do and I I'm usually pretty good about breaking dros i' never broke it so how's that going for it MX Linux uh is this the final one that's the final one uh MX Linux I used to recommend quite a bit because Debian used to be so unfriendly and MX Linux always had a better installer and they had kind of a a better setup out of the box with a lot of tools these days I think you know hey uh Debian does Ju just as good as a job if if not better because this is just a fork of Deion and well it was really good and it it I think MX Linux also had a better driers ship than standard stock Debian because there was you didn't have to search for like non-free firmwares and stuff like that Debian ships with all that stuff now so a bit redundant these days where you know Debbie and Arch kind of cover everything uh I would have loved to see like Nix OS that would probably be in my top five for sure so for me it's like Debian Arch Nix OS and uh what other drro Pro probably throw in some more unique dros I don't know if Arctic would make it on there for me being uh the open RC but I know for sure the top three for me that I was like hey they're so different but so good is is those you know Debian Arch and nicks OS I think everyone should try those three they're just so good and I love them to death uh the rest of these on this list eh I think I gave a good breakdown it's not a bad list honestly when it comes to Linux distribution lists I've seen worse it's just mostly these lists they just kind of Google it and just toss it up there so for me my list would be here's the three Linux dros you need to try and it'll be Debian Arch and NX OS and maybe open soua if you want a fourth one I'd probably toss it in there it's different enough uh so I like that one and uh the other ones have their time in place but typically those would be just pit stops on your Linux Journey so that's my thoughts on the 11 best Linux dros
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 157,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ygraCMK-QAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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