Realms of Chaos of the Four Dark Gods - Tzeentch - Nurgle - Slaanesh - Khorne -Total War:Warhammer 3

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almighty sigma savior of the empire give me strength for though i dedicated my life to eradicating it it fades it grows in the furthest north way further from the borders of kislev past a rugged troll country and no man's land beyond the boundaries of sanity and the laws of nature stands the record gateway of the old ones oozing with darkness and spewing forth mutating energy the raw stuff of chaos it is a bleeding wound a tear in the fabric of reality a gateway to another dimension the shattered gate appears as a great ring circled by stone machineries dwarfing the mountains around it it is covered in ruins of unimaginable potency that glow in the darkness their dancing shapes altering reality from the dark reaches of the gateway pours out the winds of magic and mutated clouds of warp stone dust the realm of chaos is a home to many terrible entities of cosmic power it is a hellish realm where demons roam servants of entropy and the long night these creatures consist of thought alone and these thoughts are truly terrible only fools claim to understand chaos for by definition chaos is inhuman and incomprehensible mortal sages and mystics who dare ponder the nature of chaos are driven mad or else succeed only in attracting the attentions of the fell creatures of chaos many wise men have been carried alive and screaming to the charnel houses of the realm of chaos there to write an eternal debate with the demons of torment of those who do not heed the warnings some have claimed that at chaos in its eternal diversity have spawned an infinite number of gods each the collective mirror of one of the many survivalist emotions projected by intelligent beings in the mortal plane others say that all the apparent different gods are no more than aspects of one supreme being the great unnameable one the abomination the eternal destroyer the unspeakable beast the chaos undivided however the true nature of chaos is beyond any comprehension no mortal man can hope to understand these matters and the wise do not puzzle too deeply into the nature of the chaos gods or try to fathom their eternal wars epic rivalries and ever-shifting bickering the days of the final war against the primal enemy are here the end is coming and the shadow cast by the growing power of the north comes to us we can only hope for our survival sigma preserve us and deliver us as we go into the realm of chaos and explore the first of the four chaos gods that reign in the eternal darkness the changer of ways the great deceiver he who controls the fate of the universe the lord of change zinge these names represent a being of pure entropy he is the sorcerer of chaos and his circle of influence is change the mutable time stream and fate itself his many followers infiltrate the human societies forever plotting abiding their time waiting for the moment to rise up against law order or any stabilized rule even though no two depictions of zinc are identical the chaos god of change has been described as a giant whose pocket face is conjoined with his torso his skin writhes with leering abhorrent faces in a state of constant change above his eyes are two spiraled horns each a light with arcane fire zinc rejoices in using his guile and cunning to manipulate his enemies and supplicants to influence the future and their fates although siege resides within the realm of chaos his attention is focused predominantly on the mortal world the contradictions hypocrisy and deceit scarring the souls of mortals act as a lure to the changer of ways in some cases he uses his mortal pawns in the great game against the other ruinous powers however he is mostly interested in satisfying his primal desire to control and twist the fates of every being as they become embroiled in his incomprehensible and infinite schemes sinch is the changer of ways he is the supreme master of magic and subtlety centre's plots are infinitely complex and interwoven and he is the principal architect of the secret alliances and wars between his brother gods of chaos and the simpler and mortal men alike siege is the chaos god that reigned supreme over the other ruinous powers during the first incursion of the mortal realm the first great incursion of chaos occurred after the polar gates created by the old ones to separate the old world from the realm of chaos failed unleashing a great calamity on the world that was known as the great catastrophe the sweeping black winds heavy with magic twisted everything it touched corrupting nature itself and transforming what was into new and tainted stuff it was in this time of mutation and change that saints wielded powers greater than the other gods of chaos the imbalance of power led corn nergel and slaness to plot against the lord of chains which culminated in saints being thrown from his perch within the endless mountains the resulting impact shattered his body scattering his life essence into ten thousand magical incantations which still surge through the world upon the winds of magic each time their incantation is spoken even with cinches power being scattered he still remains as one of the most prevalent chaos gods in terms of worship as it is through him that mutation transformation blessings ascension and death are wrought two creatures have been given the task of collecting the scattered incantations of centuries form the blue scribes potarix and zeratum the completion of their task would bring about the reunification of zinch's sundered power and his form these brothers were granted more intelligence and self-awareness than typically bestowed upon the deceivers abominations making saint fear the possibility of betrayal as a safeguard sinch made the pair diametrically opposed to their charge paterax can transcribe the incantation of any spell using a pin feather from a lord of change yet he has been denied the ability to read zaratep can read the scrawlings of his brother but cannot understand their meaning so they exist unleashing the devastation of their spell upon whichever realm is unfortunate enough to harbor their existence sadly or unfortunately their mission can never be completed after the mortals meddling with magic multiply the existing incantations to an insurmountable degree so their mission keeps extending forever the source of all magic is the bright realm whose heirs form the substance of chains and which is known to the wise by the name of chaos all life lies balanced between the order of timeless idealized forms and the chaos of endless change order and chaos in equal measure and strength few understand this for most men are flawed by ambition desire and their vanity so that their souls are blind to what is purest and noble so it is that many are drawn to the vice of wizardry these fools scoff at danger mistaking the wisdom of the aged for fear the wise prudence for the cowards terror as the dread rune of chaos has eight arrows so eight winds of magic flow from chaos into the lands of time and hence through the minds of men upon each wind demons ride into the world their whispering is the noise of the wind and their laughter rattles at our doors from the eight winds of magic the sorcerers of the mortal realms distill their spells calling upon the aid of demons and their minions as they travel upon the winds of magic thus in centuries past grew the great traditions of sorcery which are still practiced to this day for good or ill in the realm of chaos time has no meaning and the events of the past the present and the future all melt into one chaotic existence some debate that this is not one dimension but many an infinite number of alternative worlds where everything is possible and every variation of human history is played out as decreed in the beginning of time deep inside the realm of chaos a place that is already incomprehensible by nature lies the crystal labyrinth of the lord of change impossible paths snake throughout the entirety of the realm of chaos the maze is fluid ever-changing alongside the plans of its creator subjecting any who would find themselves unfortunate enough to traverse it with madness terror and sickening hope different passages and rooms obey different physical laws and what is true in one place can be the opposite right around the corner at every step the air is thick with broken dreams and everywhere the light sparkles with fragments of shattered personality put simply to enter the crystal labyrinth is to lose oneself as not even demons are able to traverse the labyrinth safely without getting lost to an eternity inside the maze it is said that at the heart of the crystal labyrinth lies the impossible fortress its structure constantly shifting sprouting and absorbing writhing spires in a malformed display as the pink horrors that populated halls sculpt its existence in the image of their masters plots and as such it is of an ever-changing nature where are mortal to find himself in the impossible fortress he would not live long before being driven completely mad by visions of the future past and present impossible and agonizing sounds leering voices and unreality warped in a million forms can drive even the most mentally strong being in a state of complete despair and hopelessness the other chaos gods in their never-ending war and desire to attack siege have lost too many minions just trying to get beyond the first perplexing room and any invaders must negotiate a hundred or more of such chambers just to come before the hidden library and zincz himself those who succumb to the warping nature of cinch's palace collapse utterly in an implosion of consciousness and form those who are cursed to succumb to the chaotic nature of the impossible fortress quickly find themselves reborn as sorcerous families boons granted to the deceivers champions in the mortal realm uncountable are the beings that have suffered such terrible fates the sheer difficulty of navigating the impossible fortress has made siege unassailable and the costly loss of every minion who try to reach the hidden library within the fortress has discouraged the other his powers from further attempts within the hidden library lies the root of cinch's very existence terms inscribed with all the forbidden knowledge in the universe are housed on its shelves alongside the deceiver himself he spends eons glimpsing inside the well of eternity studying every facet of its existence in the hope that it will betray the secrets of the past and future so that he may use them in his own machinations however there is another being who is more capable of reading the tides of the well kairos fate weaver survived being thrown into the depths by his master it was the desire of the changer of ways to understand all things and find the answers to the many fundamental questions of time space and reality and it is said that at the bottom of the well of eternity such answers can be found so singe himself threw the fate weaver into the unknown depths of the well of eternity after uncountable years kairos fate weaver emerged again clawing his way back and with a remarkable ability he was forever blinded to the present but impossibly aware of the future and the past he also now had two heads kairos emerged from the well able to see things even hidden to his master and so was pronounced as saints's own oracle seated at the right hand of ziege kairos whispers a secret he perceives within the well each of his words are jealously recorded and protected by nine times nine lords of change using quills of their own feathers and inked with the blood of siege the primal god of change cares not about the scheming or plotting of his minions for all that they know is also known to him each secret transcribed by a lord of change is made a part of sinch forever and his understanding of eternity comes ever closer kairos feitweaver used to be a remarkable lord of chains before being thrown into the well and becoming something else the lords of change are the masters of deception and are extremely manipulative nothing pleases them more than to see the seeds of their plots bring fruits in the form of destruction betrayals alliances deaths and renovation to be able to alter their very history is their delight and entertainment as well as their necessity and purpose lords of change also known as feathered lords are highly intelligent and powerful beings that can even deny knowledge and truths to other demons even fellow lords of chains such is their power in all their majestic and imposing presence the lord of change's most striking and dangerous features are their deep eyes few mortals can withstand the scrutiny of their gaze and it is said that when a lord of change looked upon a mortal he perceives not only the creature's ephemeral flesh but also the ultimate failure or realization of its hopes and dreams even then it would be impossible to know for certain if what was presented is true or not although a lord of change would almost always prefer to use magic and trickery to further its ends he is still a fearsome fighter that can take on our one-on-one challenge countless heroes are the ones that have underestimated these strange creatures thinking their wiry frames and fluttering wings fragile only when their weapons shatter against the otherworldly demon's skin and his mighty talents shred armor like paper do these valiant but not so smart heroes realize the terrible depth of their mistake it is already too late by then he's not the only constant in the universe change one day all this will be dust and even the stars will flicker and grow dim your life is by a tiny candle in the darkness and your death an afterthought shorn of meaning by its insignificance come little one and let me show you how brightly your flame can burn the changeling is capable of assuming the forms and perfectly replicating the behavior of any being save the great deceiver himself there are many tales regarding how the horror has tricked the ruinous powers and mortal kingdoms into declaring war on each other much to the delight of his master however the changeling would just as soon impersonate messages and generals before a war as he would take on the shape of whichever foe possesses the most power and skill to decimate his enemies once a bloody battle is raging on chaos sorcerer's wield the wild energies of entropy itself reshaping reality to better serve their whims and those of their dark masters those champions of chaos who bear the ever-burning mark of sinch have a natural capacity to manipulate magic and their prescience that enables them to alter reality's course they seek mastery over the magical arts and they are madmen that seek to gain more and more knowledge wisdom and power and in that infinite search they fall into traps of the architect of fate without the patience and wisdom that the study of the raw powers of magic a chaos sorcerer lacks due weariness and respect for the ultimate true dangers of magic and so begins an inexorable descent into deformity and madness many other paths that lead to this ultimate fate but most often the chaos sorcerer seeks to expand his magical powers or harness more of the occult by simply bartering away another fraction of his soul losing a little more and more of his humanity in the process before long the aspirant feels his whole body and mind twist and alter and as the nord remnants of his soul are finally devoured he is plunged into the whirlpools of insanity for all eternity leaving behind nothing of the man who was his soul nothing but a puppet for the demons that he had made the unholy pacts with such is the cruel and ultimate fate of all who dabble with the entities of the warp spell casting fills the pink horrors of saints with joy and so these creatures are almost ever present along powerful sorcerers and agents of sinch whether they are immediately visible or not these pink creatures of the warp emit a special measurement as eldritch energy screeches from their upraised hands these horrors are considered just pawns to be expended as part of a carefully wrought plan to bring the lord of change's plans into being the same happens with the flamers of seats also known as burning horrors these are warp creatures that are made of chaos energy and they can hurl bolts of fire-like projectiles into their foes they can alter reality itself in small scale and are deadly as they can move quickly across any battlefield in addition the cultist cells of scenes across the mortal world command untold influence from the frozen wastes of norsker to the vaulted halls of the empire its members range from advisers within the court of carl franz and the elect accounts to lowly ratcatchers in the sewers of null each vying for the powers granted through mutation and the bestowment of forbidden knowledge without a doubt the most influential and powerful of every chaos cult is the purple hand who are driven towards their ultimate goal of one day controlling the empire however the machinations of the deceiver are shrouded to the eyes of even his most fervent followers there have been many incursions from the vile beings that inhabit the realm of chaos into the mortal world first of them being the great catastrophe many more followed and the world has been in a constant war against chaos since time immemorial in the year 231 of the imperial calendar the famous battle of glen cursed took place demonets and pink horrors burst forth from the caverns below mittenheim they wreak considerable damage to the city and lay waste to nearby places before being vanquished at the battle of glen cursed by the army of count reiner von meckel von meckel is left suffering terrible dreams for the rest of his life after that confrontation always the same these nightmares have him striding eternally across a blasted and twisted landscape populated by creatures much like those he had vanquished his remaining years are spent in the care of one temple or another as the priests work to calm his ravaged soul fifteen years to the day of his victory von meckel vanishes from a locked room what his ultimate fate is none can say with certainty hundreds of years later another event which involved scenes took place it was in the year 2520 of the imperial calendar and it would be known later as the year of woe as mortals reckon it was in this year that since sent kairos fate weaver to steal the twelve enchanted artifacts once possessed by the companions of the legendary zeus le so important was as a goal of saints that he dispatched the greater part of his armies to the mortal plane so began bretonnia's year of woe where the tombs of the companions were ransacked nearby towns raised and countless thousands of britonians high and lowborn alike met their deaths at the tentacles of sentient demons castles were of no defense for their crude stones were easily tumbled by the sorceries of pink horrors or transmuted by the warp fires of flamers only at grail shrines where the power of the lady still waxed strong could any shelter be found worse with each artifact recovered fate weaver's demons grew ever more powerful in the initial battle about montfort and canel the lancers and valor of the bretonnian knights cost the demonic hosts greatly by the time eight artifacts had been seized only the boldest dukes would even consider taking the field in a twelfth month with only a single artifact outside the fate weaver's clutches only the current king of bretonnia chants his arm and he lost far more battles than he won the final battle of the year of woe was the siege of mushilong for it was in this city that the last artifact lay at the height of the siege the bretonnian armies made one last sortie against their abusers as they did so help arrived from the most unusual source nergal had long been fond of mushilon for it had been the breeding ground for many of his favorite plagues he could not bear the thought of the city being eradicated by the minions of his hated brother sinch and he loosed his own armies unaware of the wider battle being fought the brutonians gave no quarter that day they saw only an army of demons given over to fighting amongst itself and slaughtered everything that came before their lances kugath plague father bludgeoned kairos feightweather to feathered ruin only to find himself pierced on the points of a dozen blessed lances with the destruction of their leaders both demon armies vanished doubtless to pursue the battle on more familiar territory leaving only their battle ravaged falling and the very items fate weaver had come to steal there are many incursions of chaos demons into the world but they would be harder to manifest if not for the countless mortal followers of the chaos gods that enable them to cross the wall and manifest into the mortal realms many are the mortals who serve the demonic overlords of chaos from within the heat of the empire or the noble houses of bretonnia in the lands of men there are reveled and sick heretics who worship the chaos gods in secret despite the efforts of the order of witch hunters their influence grows daily it grows in secret and many powerful and influential figures and human societies and civilizations throw their lot in with the ruinous powers hoping to gain immortality and great power as their reward in deep cellars and hidden temples these heretics perform obscure acts to appease their dark masters each year they are said to be more numerous and powerful if we keep going we will lose ourselves in an eternity of madness and despair voices are already whispering in our heads and the temptations of more knowledge and power are now almost unbearable we must stop for now exploring more about seats the chaos god of change for if we do not an eternity of torment awaits it is unstoppable i am unstoppable i see it now [Music] the beasts that will devour the world then while the demons and creatures of all the four chaos gods are terrifying and monstrous to behold those created by the plague god nurgle are undoubtedly the foulest and most disgusting if not in mind then certainly embody their corporeal forms as they march forth from the garden of nergal deep within the realm of chaos are bloated corpulent and ripe with countless horrific diseases they are heartbreakers of decay and rot heralds of misery and hopelessness and only the purest of warriors can stand against them it is believed that directly or indirectly nurgle is responsible for all the greatest plagues and famines that have ravaged and consumed the lands of the world through the centuries the sorrows of the lepers and the fears of the sick are his greatest fascination many of us believe that we are living in the dusk time of the world and we might be right may sigma forgive us as we bring this knowledge to you for these are heretical writings and thoughts but this must be shared to warn the scholars that will come after us this is a warning of the growing danger that is now gnawing at the doors of our very existence the putresce and stench of chaos and its terrible influence is now rooted deep within our souls and there is no escape from that despair now we will go into the realm of nergal and explore the particularities that shape this chaos god may sigma protect us as we go deep within the realm of chaos and may he guide our souls as we traverse this unforgiving place oh great accept this offering of blood and filth witness my devotion and send your might to slither through my clotted weapon the plague god's realm is depicted by scholars and historians as a gigantic monstrous garden of unimaginable foulness and rampant life time and space shrinks and expands in this place as so does life and death to be trapped in the gardens of nergal is to be imprisoned in an incomprehensible realm of suffering and despair unimaginable pains and diseases break the will and strength of any being for what feels like an eternity and uncountable are the souls that have been lost as they surrender themselves to nurgle screaming for some respite and deliverance from their suffering nurgle as the generous god he is answers quickly to these damned souls and he gives his gifts to them to the horror of their supplicant souls does not offer a cure or respite far from it instead they are given a strength to endure even more pain the resilience to become one with the torment the plague god does not allow his subjects to die they walk the gardens as infected beings not alive but not dead and they roam there spreading and mixing diseases as they go amidst fetid swamps and twisted plant life demons of all shapes and forms trudge and gamble as the land and even the elements themselves are constantly twisted and reborn again and again in a never-ending cycle of disease death and rebirth it is a place of never-ending agony and despair creatures rot only to be reshaped again given new life just to be broken and consumed again moments later the giver of life and death is generous and nothing is ever wasted only reborn as different manifestations of disease it is said that nurgle's power is the one that most fluctuate of all the four chaos gods it is apex when the metaphysical epidemics ravage the world and even the stars themselves they fall into remission as the tides of sickness burn themselves out yet his powers rise again as a sickness and corruption begin to spread once again consuming it all entropy is everlasting as is the presence of nurgle in the realms corruption the domain of nergal is full of impossible displays of colors and beauty that betray the horrid perversions that lie within its plague smothered inhabitants those who survive long enough to explore the garden may discover the fields of tongues rotting under the influence of nurgle's latest experiments or trees composed entirely of mortal flesh as the experiment of the plague father changed so too do the fetid lands he commands at the pinnacle of the god's power his tendrils can be found snaking into the lands of his brothers their reach ever expanding alongside his power in times of devastating pandemics his power has even grown to overshadow his chaos brothers earning their respect and trepidation as well as their hate and revulsions the grand cultivator of nurgle's plague gardens is none other than herticulous slimex a dour and pragmatic creation who some scholars say was the first plague bearer to be created he sits astride a massive malascoid steed named mulch plowing the fields until he is summoned by his master to plant the siege of the garden throughout the mortal realm however he is also sent to reap what is sown culling the enemies of the plague legions with a set of rusty pruning shears and leaving trails of rich soil where the inhabitants of nergal's garden can flourish enshrined in the centre of the garden is nurgle's ancient homestead one can find an enormous building rife with rotten wood and fungus and crusted walls that creak under the sweeping winds of contagion an impossibly large rotting chair sit alone on the verenda overlooking the gardens and orchards of trees bearing rotting fruit for the plague father himself a record of every creation made by nurgle can be found in the attic where a cadre of plague bearers constantly catalogue the jars of rotting plague-ridden souls that are cursed to wither for all time within the kitchen sits nurgle's prized possession a black cauldron large enough to hold the contents of the mortal world's oceans that he labors over for untold eons to concoct new and horrific diseases this cauldron is said to contain every disease in the world and beyond adorning the walls of the room are shelves displaying neatly organized and festering ingredients that the plague father adds to his experiments before dumping the result into the mortal world as plague cursed rain that dooms kingdoms armies nations and individuals alike nergal himself is said to be an impossibly vast gigantic mound of rotting flesh ridden with all the diseases of the world with open sores and gaping wounds in which his lesser minions cavort and frolic his gigantic body is bloated with corruption and exudes an overpowering stench his skin is greenish leathery and necrotic its surface pockmarked with running sores swelling boils and numerous signs of infestation weeping pustules ooze filth and his bowels constantly issue putrescent waste nurgle's inner organs rank with excremental decay spilled through the ruptured skin to hang like obscene fruit around his girth from these organs burst tiny demons would chew on the rotting bowels and suck upon the nauseous juices within beneath his fingernails maggots and other carrion feeders lay eggs around which develop cysts that periodically burst open and spew their rancid payloads nergal is depicted hunched over his cauldron of boxes humming cheerfully as he brews with joy the infinite diseases to unleash upon the material and immaterial realms alike the gigantic mountain of filth that is nergal is made up of all the feelings of despair and hopelessness that the beings in the mortal world experience the grandfather of all diseases spreads his corruption and filth all across the lands to cause unimaginable suffering and thus gaining more strength in the realm of chaos grandfather nergal is said to be as generous as he is malignant he is seldom described as a selfish and spiteful god instead he is said to be more than content to share his diseases bacteria and epidemics without remorse his plagues are gifts bound to be received by all to spread the transforming virulence and corruption is his goal like a plague that spreads silently in the body until it's too late so the corruption of nurgle spreads through the world until all is doomed to succumb agonizingly to the terrible diseases only to be reborn again as something new and twisted reshaped by the will of the great corrupter deep within the garden of nergal the plague god's favored servants have toiled without rest to cultivate for him new agents of decay corruption and misery the greater demons of nurgle are amongst the most horrific creations known to the mortal realm and the war alike the form and personality of a great unclean one is a near replica of their creator with leathery skin and horrific wounds that leak chunky and poisonous pus they are bloated mounds of flesh and rot but they are no mere brutes each is a shrewd cunning creature a capable warlord and sorcerer full of strength dark humor and nurgle's most potent plagues nurglings burst from the pustules coating the necrotic organs that drape through their rotting skin left to an existence of being crushed eaten or shaken free to spread pestilence the air around these monsters is corrupted with every contagion known to the dark god and they waddle across the battlefield muttering jokes so foul that the souls of any who hear them shrivel they command their armies with joy in their twisted souls their paternal bond they share with those they command leads them to be sentimental about the accomplishments of those who call the great unclean ones father nergal while the great unclean ones focus on spreading the diseases of nurgle far and wide the one named kugath has all his attention focused on creating the perfect plague the epitome of disease a pox so powerful that it can even infect the gods themselves kugath has been known in history by many names the plague weaver the pox maker the fitting brewmaster and many more names and titles scholars of all disciplines shiver when they hear this name spoken aloud on his quest for the ultimate disease he is one of the most willing of nurgle's demons to go out into the mortal realms to test his creations and to gather subjects and ingredients for his unique and horrific experiments there is no count as to how many toxic creations have been brought to existence by the twisted combinations that kugath brews in his cauldron this unholy being is forever fascinated by the breeding of new and virulent life and the thousands of subjects he has caged in his putrid mansion mortal and demons alike are his ingredients rotter guest's rain father is another extremely dangerous being he is a dark mages that uses rituals and arcane knowledge to spread nurgle's vile diseases they may not necessarily look it but great unclean ones are dangerously intelligent they are scientists horticulturists and biologists at heart and they love delving into the natural order of things and finding new ways to turn things to ruin and rot rain father bring off plenty we beseech you bathe us in your reign and to you our praises will be offered the bulk of nurgle's army is populated by plague bearers horrific creations that personify all that the dark god is with their cyclopean faces weeping sores and bloated forms that have split to reveal the rotting entrails within they are created from the tainted souls of mortals who are slain by the most horrific of the gods creations nurgles rot a disease that causes one's body to swell and rot like a corpse yet keeps them from death until they welcome the disease into their soul and submit themselves to nurgle for all eternity those who have distinguished themselves in the service of the lord of pestilence are granted a rot fly to use as a mount a beast of nurgle that has festered malice in its soul and has been betrayed by those it holds in confidence to those mortals who resist nurgle's rot for long enough to garner the plague father's sight are re-shaped into a pox bringer a herald of knurgle with a head of twisting antlers atop a form broader and taller than a plague bearer and a jovial disposition with a revolting sense of humor these chosen act as lieutenants amongst the plague legion's talibans enacting the commands of the great unclean ones and slaying the champions of their enemies with twisted enchantments or by unleashing devastating blows from their extremely toxic plague swords that have been dipped within nurgle's cauldron the bulky bounding beasts of nergal are amongst the friendliest and most cheerful of all of nergal's demons as there is actually little room for hate in their minds yet they fail to realize that their titanic bulk and rancid extremely toxic slime are fatal to their mortal playmates meaning that they invariably almost always suffer a moment of disappointment before shambling off to find new friends to play with leaving only chunks of rotten meat behind the anatomy of these beasts has very little to do with natural biology and their shapes and sizes vary greatly of the infinite diseases that exist in the realm of nergo and beyond it is epidemious who is the chosen tally man to catalogue all of the plague lord's toxic creations the burden of the taliban is unending as are the uncountable diseases and variants that exist a dedicated group of nurglings attend to epidemious in his never-ending quest and they are always busy doing paperwork and classifying each disease as they see it there is a story that tells of the unholy bargain that epidemious and malakith made in the year 635 of the imperial calendar the tally man of nergal appeared in nagarath seeking to claim the soul of a cursed malekith as payment for dark alliances of the past safe behind powerful sorceress wards the witch king set his armies against epidemios however prepared for treachery the plague creature soon countered by calling a great host of his own for a year and a day nagaroth was ravaged and torn between those two mighty armies the war only ended when malekith offered the souls of ten thousand kin in his dead the offer was greedily accepted by epidemious the existence of the plague god is as much a product of fear horror revulsion and despair that is felt and manifested in the mortal world this can explain why his mortal servants and warriors of chaos who worship nergal appear so wretched and disgusting to all sane eyes their purpose is to inspire fear and terror as it is to spread disease and suffering and they do so very effectively thanks to the generous gifts and boons that the plague god bestows upon his subjects be they mortal or from another realm they are sure to caught reactions of disgust in their victims as they recoil in fear in addition to this fear and outright terror very often lead to feelings of helplessness and despair both of them are said to empower the lord of decay but why would any immortal want to worship nergal of all the chaos gods the lord of decay seems the most abhorrent and disgusting as all his servants are rotten and diseased turning to his worship is to embrace decay and disease wholeheartedly perhaps it is the resilience that nurgle gives to his followers the thing that draws them in the strength to endure anything and the knowledge that nothing would be able to break them as nurgle provides all the resilience one might need to endure and face any challenge this can be one reason at least maybe for the most ambitious of beings seeking an upper hand against their enemies but the most accepted theory is that subjects that give themselves to the play god do so as a final pledge as a supplication for mercy and a demand for deliverance against the terrible consuming diseases that nurgle releases upon them uncountable are the souls lost to despair that come to accept that the only way out of their suffering is through giving themselves in inviting and embracing the pain that burdens them and in doing so they become something more something less an avatar of nurgle a spreader of disease another vector for the infinite boxes that need to be gifted to more and more subjects i see a world drowned in fire and plague where madness is the only reason and death is the only respite an army of nurgle is one of the most horrific things to witness as a human being twisted abominations that should not exist limp and advance in a slow but determined way their way of making war is by dragging down the enemy into a war of attrition that they are destined to lose being disgustingly resilient and extremely poisonous to their core the armies of nergal can withstand tremendous amounts of punishment as they spread the thousands of diseases that will eventually bring the enemy down in an agonizing pain when a host of nurgle approaches the first thing one notices is a bow loosening foul odor that makes all around sick before they even get into contact the sky darkens as thousands of black flies choke the air announcing the arrival of the demonic hosts of the great grandfather nagal trees twist as if in pain and the land turns dark terrified we were but still would have held our ground had the demons attacked with only blade and fang yet as they approached madness filled our ranks men who had been comrades for decades tore each other's eyes and throats yellowed puss and plump maggots dribbled from the wounds in a ceaseless flow until the ground was slippery with the putrifaction of our comrades those of us that survived were too busy wretching and voiding our bowels to look to our own defense when close combat begins the screams of terror and pain can be heard all across the battlefields to come to blows with an army of nurgle is to fight the inevitable and to be prey to an agonizing death to be touched by a plague weapon is to know excruciating pain it is the seal that marks an infected individual with the contagion of one or more of the many thousands of different diseases that exist nurgle's rot the red pox or an infinity of other afflictions can be obtained by just being scratched by any dangerous plague weapons bubonic axes rusted knives massive flails and many other terrible weapons are wielded by the servants of nergal as they advance inexorably towards their enemies when the doomed foes of nergal face their inevitable downfall thousands of diminutive nerglings swarm over their bodies picking at eyeballs and playing all manner of foul games with the discarded entrails in the year 111 of the imperial calendar a great demonic horde advanced and corrupted everything in their path over the world's edge mountains bringing ruin in its wake not one single demon led this massive horde as it was too numerous to be guided by a single will but it was kugat plague father who led the attack on the dwarf capital of karazhakarak the mightiest of dwarf hulks just as he had done five thousand years before under the plague father's direction the demons assailed a dwarf defenders with every contagion ever to curse the world many honorable dwarves fell to the contagions most of them suffering a slow and agonizing death others quickly consumed by strange infections that seemed to devour them alive the toll was great yet as in kgath's last assault on these grounds the tenacity and stubbornness of the dwarfs proved too much for even his most prized and exotic plagues the demons breached three layers of the defense mounted up in karazhakarak but four others remained unsullied by their hands the terrible siege was eventually lifted and kagath himself was banished by the stout and vengeful arc of king stromly axe hand fear is the first step on the road to his hell and hopelessness is the chair in which he binds his slaves sorrow is his nourishment horror gives him form he is our impotence to resist the ravages of time and he is our morbidity nergal is the nauseating lord of the plague who is always festering and corrupting everything spreading and rotting entire civilizations he is the architect of all rot and corruption be it physical moral or ideological it is he who unleashes the terrible diseases that take such horrific toll on the inhabitants of the old world and beyond and who can claim that he is truly free from his grasp the human mind is a dark and deep well that no one can say to fully understand in its infinite complexity in its most sticky and loathsome recesses dwell horrid contradicting thoughts and emotions that would make us all cower before what might be hidden inside all of us they are our most coveted and unspeakable dreams the shameless beast that prides itself on devouring our conscience and morality wantings and desires that we tried oh so much to keep hidden that we believed no one could ever uncover or at least so we had thought as we go by our daily lives a being neither man nor woman in the shape of a slithering snake creeps into our very souls their presence their unfathomable depravity is part of all of us their impossible aspirations and obsession have shaken the very heavens and their unspeakable excess has twisted the minds of billions they know your deepest desires and they can control and morph them as they so wish but worst of all they can make them all feel reasonable and understandable in your own morality they are the dark prince the lord of excess the master of obsession we will now go deep into the dark prince's realm a place of impossible temptations that the deepest and hidden desires one has in the soul may sigma protect us as we explore the terrible chaos god that is slaanesh raise buildings and sing songs in my glory in my name pursue your arts and enshrine all beauty that all people follow their every desire sat their every hunger and deny themselves no adventure for it is in these things and in no other that you will find the greatest pleasure and it is through these things and through each other that you shall rise yourselves higher even unto the steps of my throne you will take pleasure in all that is though your bodies will break and your souls be forfeit for i am most jealous of gods and most demanding of lovers and my first for you shall never be sated sigma protect us all no peace can be found in the realms of chaos hate agony torment despair these mantras have twisted the realms and theaters of war and slaughter without end mortality fades away as time space and the most ordinary laws of nature hold no power here there is however one realm one domain whose master is not as keen on ravaging war throughout the plains as its similars more civilized place made to appeal to the minds of mortals and alike a place where the will of man goes to die and led place to a festering all-consuming indulgence within the six circles of seduction can be found many rare and exotic treasures to please the avaricious and halls of pleasure to tantalize the carnal massive opulent arenas draw those of great martial pride while the vainglorious lord over those who they consider to be inferior to them yet it is all a cruel illusion for the dark prince's realm is one of pure horror for every marble hall there is a palace wrought from tainted flesh for every pile of gold and precious stones there is a mountain of shattered hearts six circles await for the foolish are bold enough to attempt reaching the dark prince held high up in his palace at the heart of his realm sat on his throne this is the realm of slaanesh the first circle is avidity all wandering souls will walk through great magnificent halls their sides tempested with rubies diamonds emeralds and sapphires all glinting with a light given off by meticulously refined and detailed crystal chandeliers coins gold ingots priceless paintings statues and many other works of art are piled up in a great stacks everywhere on the white smooth marbled floor but to try and grasp any of these goods is to be doomed forever coins and gems take off the disguises and reveal themselves as starving maggots which will dig in the skin of their victims and start eating them from the inside out to touch any of the statues and paintings is to become part of them your consciousness intact but forever trapped to be another piece in the prince's screaming gallery the second circle is gluttony whoever may come here is presented with vast mahogany tables deemed by the soft warm light of a fireplace and gold-trimmed candlesticks some tues courses exotic foods and the intense scent of wine lure the victim to take a seat one bite is all it takes to enslave it to its desires now burning with the intention of gorging itself till its body can no more or his belly contorts to the point of regurgitating its guts by the second circle lies the circle of carnality here the soul is tempted by all sorts of carnal pleasures lustful made in jerome and emerald verdant plain their semblances taking the shapes and forms of the victim's greatest desires to let yourself be tempted however is a fool's wish for jagged clawed hands and serpentine tongues are hidden behind an illusion masking creatures with a different hunger for fleshy desires upon traversing the third trial a tested soul is to enrot upon the circle of paramounty here is where its pride and hunger for power are tended the soul is greeted by roaring crowds noble's courts vassals from different kingdoms or column of the column of reddit soldiers it's a paradise where every desire is granted on a whim every request for filled with a flick of a finger it's when the wandering soul has reached the peak of his bottomless pride that it discovers how fickle reality truly is and how strong the shining bars of its new golden prison really are as every smile every curtsy and every action is sullied with a fear of betrayal a surmounting paranoia comes crashing down on the poor lost soul starting a slow and never-ending descent into madness the next ordeal is a circle of vainglory this is a beautiful garden filled with perfumed and colorful flowers hiding the most treacherous of thorn stems most dangerous of all are the whispers and chuckles of women and nymphs telling of past successes bigger and smaller dedicating particular attention to the unheeded temptations of the past circles for a soul to be lured by such adulations means to stray away from the beaten path be led in the thick forests undergrowth where thorny briars and roots take a hold of their victim and start slowly breaking every bone and joint whilst the flattering voices now turn to mocking laughter as they list every one of the soul's failures in the cruelest of parodies finally the last and most dangerous of the six circles of seduction the circle of indolency here lies a white stretch of thin white sand a seemingly infinite coastline touched by ambrosia limpid waters frozen in a never-ending sunset every wave every stone and every grain of sand is soothing to the touch and as a wandering soul tries to move forward it realizes that at every step its legs become heavier and heavier the topaz warm light beams of the dying sun caress its skin and soon the lost soul finds it increasingly harder to breathe and as all strength starts to leave the body the sea sweet scent invades its senses to finally make it collapse in the final slumber and there on the sand it will lie till the waves grasp its body and devour the remains its brittle bones now becoming the new white grains of sand to grow the bleak coast ever more and so the cycle will continue as its remains join the others who tried those who dared come from so far almost onto the steps of the dark prince's throne [Music] rejoice pleasure beyond imagining awaits you desire right objection what a world you mortals inhabit rich in sensation suffused with suffering and wreaking of all manner of unfulfilled desire come embrace me and learn the exquisite gifts my prince can bestow slaanesh the prince of pleasure is one of the four dark entities which govern the realms of chaos their dominion is passion twisted and contorted in all its aspects and expressions theirs is the mastery of unspeakable pleasure and rending suffering the very essence of the god of excess furthermore something that would come unheard to the ears of the most diliteant scholars is that their followers can very much vary in their nature forexes can take many different forms all equally important in the eyes of the prince for instance most people would think that all warriors who give themselves to the four would turn to corn the gods of blood and murder however many of the such individuals are not kin to the act of slaughter itself or at least not as much as on its perfect and masterful execution slaness will gift you the speed dexterity and grace for every swing of your sword to be as precise as a painter's stroke delicate as a lover's caress terrible just as much as beautiful that is the moment when in the eyes of the dark prince death becomes the most sublime of arts when life reaches its highest peak made to be witnessed one moment at a time contemplated in its profound majesty in the same manner most would have you believe that scholars and mages who turned to the dark gods would seek the patronage of siege the lord of magic and trickery and yet just as many prefer to win the dark arts through the whispers sang in their ears by the sweet lips of the prince of pleasure for he who can uncover mankind's deepest desires is also a master of whispers keeper of secrets holder of ancient and terrible knowledge that would scare off any sane individual however caution is a luxury you cannot allow yourself to have when trying to uncover the world's mysteries and so these wandering followers will eventually be consumed by a slowly building obsession their hunger for secrets a gaping starving hole which will carve itself in their hearts craving for more always more whispers always more knowledge and once they will finally obtain it all they will rejoice and bathe in the stillness quiet of their filled desires then they'll break screaming and tearing at their eyes and ears as a cacophony of thoughts and emotions takes a hold of their sanity in a matter of moments they will be crushed by the impossible weight of the secrets they uncovered until they are but husks emptied of everything they once were such is the price to pay when attempting to scale the steps to the dark prince's throne last but not least slaanesh is the youngest of the four brothers and is therefore also considered the weakest as his power is overshadowed by the one of his brothers however as the scriptures teach the realms of chaos are indeed fickle like a great obsidian pendulum power swings perpetually back and forth from one god to the other thus it is foreseen that one day slaanesh may grow so powerful to overwhelm all his older brothers and break the stalemate which is the great game for he is the god of excess and by his own nature the chaos gods who represent deeds concepts and emotions brought to their extreme as one of the gods grows in strength the realms bending and breaking under his will the dark prince smiles for they know that there is excess in rage there is suffering in despair and there is love in malice the warbringers of the chaos gods march 4th towering over their lesser minions all given form by the will of slaanesh before the battle even begins sanesha's seductive song echoes mournfully around the battlefield ensnaring the souls of those who hear it the demonettes of slaanesh have wicked claws that cut deep and can cut through iron and flesh alike their voices are intoxicating and seducing at the same time as they approach their prey they beg them to join them in a paradise that staves off the tedium of existence many are the fools who fall for this temptation only to discover that the palaces of pleasure and promises of excessive indulgence are only a mask of a terrible hell that never ends the demonets are often accompanied by outriders terrible entities mounted on swift steeds they move across the battlefield with incredible agility always seeking their prey they are said to be so fast they can charm time itself and so can travel and move between the seconds to reach their unfortunate enemies that are often not prepared to respond to the swiftness of these relentless hunters these creatures can sense the unique smells of the souls of their victims and once they have identified the scent they can pursue their prey through time and space for eternity if they so desire but as the malignant and cruel beings that they are they keep chasing their victims to the limit of their sanity only leaving the slimmest chance of hope in them only to continue to torment them until they have finally given up it is then that the seekers drag their souls to the realm of chaos to be tormented forever in slanesh's loathsome chambers delighting in the exquisite pain the hosts of excess inflict upon the battlefield the keeper of secrets marches above all dealing blows with stunning perfection moving swiftly from one target to another not wasting any movement and showcasing the delicate precision with which they kill it is known that these greater demons of slaanesh are also very capable spell casters able to manifest terrible expressions of destructive magic into the world these beings feel every sensation there is with exhilarated senses and they transmit to the enhanced expressions of pain to their unfortunate victims the hosts of slaanesh march 4th full of vibrant colors and wicked manifestations of unlimited and unrestrained excess their dark splendor is terrible to behold and it speaks doom to all who witness it and you ask how i could do such a thing well i ask you how could you not once i had gazed upon the beauty of the lord of the light i knew i had no choice to catch even a glimpse of his immortal radiance is to be swept away by the pure ecstasy his perfect form invokes i i gave up my own soul willingly he shall be my lover and my mater for all eternity and i shall be his the followers of slaanesh are decadent in the extreme and revel in their outrageousness many of them wear garish colors delicate clothing and flowing robes offset with leather or fur all draped and adorned with fine gold or silver chains their armor is chased with intricate patterns and engravings all crafted to perfection those mortals that worship the prince of pleasure have been able to catch his attention and often rewarded with mutations that enable them to experience and feel greater sensations of pleasure from battle some are said to become obsessed at pursuing these sensations and the most devoted of them lose a humanity in their eyes as these become larger and turn black despite this there are many slaanesh followers that cannot be identified as easily as their appearance can show many of the already tainted and fallen lie hidden within human society disguised as ordinary folk with their own interests and occupations but always ready to strike when the time is right to enter the realm of slaanesh is to enter a place of eternal damnation the ones who go into the realm rarely leave for they are destined to find what they desire the most the land morphing them to match their impulses and deepest wishes this is a place where every and all wild desire dream and passion is pushed to an all-consuming obsession chaos offers the quick fulfillment of dreams desires and gratification of the self and of all four chaos gods none make this offer more tempting than lord slaanesh mankind was born to be wild and free would you not raise yourself on the pedestal and feel what you were always destined to live would you not rise beside our beloved prince reach the heavens and carve out a piece of it for your own follow me and i'll show you the path to salvation i am violence the lord of rage whose hooves have scorched the earth and claimed it as its personal theatre of war a brass hornet titan wielder of weapons of mass destruction forged in the seas of steaming blood tempered on an infinite anvil of steel heated in a furnished fueled by the primordial rage inborn in every living being consumed by the hunger for war he awaits at the edges of the world on a throne of skulls knowing that all blood must return to him the mightiest of all chaos gods corn there is no honor in a death in service of the ignorant the hypocrites they who deny their true nature behind codes and laws this world was built by killers it was only thanks to the blood of your father and the father of his father before him that you today stand proud and mighty it's through our lord's gifts that they own the strength to face a ravenous world full of dangers to make so that you would one day be born never forget your body is now bone and meat but it was once only brass and blood it is borrowed and once lost we must return to him the blood god corn is one of the four dark entities that comprise the forces of chaos his dominion is violence wielded in all its shapes and forms hence it is no surprise that in a world ravaged by war and slaughters he out of all four other chaos gods would be considered the most powerful as it is not necessary for any mortal to praise the lord of blood to grant him strength every act of violence from the most innocent to the most brutal from the most honorable to the most hateful it all surges back to corn that is why it is said that his power has always been ever growing ceaseless in its rise to the topless mountain that is the dominion of the realms of chaos korn's own realm is nothing more than a stage for his minions to entertain him for his amusement the largest of all the chaos realms it is a searing hot wasted land turned red after millennia of battle mixed with the crimson is the black smoldering ash that rains constantly from the sky as volcanic activity is present everywhere throughout the land and has covered the earth with its black ash and red smoldering debris it is not rare for a new gaping mouth to suddenly come out bursting from the earth with fire and magma roaring and crying out its raid to existence trampling and crushing all around it it claimed its rightful place between the long mountain chains that traversed the realm like a bone-white spine meanwhile small patches of black chalk trees survive around the edges of the cracked lands the blood god's main stage for battle right outside his quarters gates these are the hunting fields where packs of flesh hounds and blood crushers roam and clash in search for battle and meet above their growling one can hear the distant sound of hammered metal slow heavy thuds like a pulse of an iron giant they are the forges of the blood god where demons are bound to brass and the mightiest weapons of war are cast still towering above all however is the brass citadel an impenetrable fortress of metal guarded by corn's most fearsome subjects there it is said to reside his being sitting waiting watching from his impossibly high throne made of skulls the lands tremble at his will for whenever the mighty god of war is angered his rage shakes the very heavens and resounds throughout the entirety of the realms of chaos and even beyond accompanying it are the echoes of slaughters resonating from every stone every grain of sand and pool of magma of mighty lords and heroes all cut down before the altar of the blood god in the rare cases when his domain is not being threatened by his rival brothers and no plans of assault are made onto their own realms the blood god's minions resort to fighting each other in masterful and brutal displays of might for the god of war doesn't care from whom the blood is spilt as long as it flows in red rivers to enact a battle plan one needs many different pawns cavalry is needed to flank the enemy and strike fast to break their morale ranged power is also needed to deal with all the more minute nuisances who will try to escape the swords and shields but most of all at the front of any army stand the foot soldiers and the blood god admires the spirit of the simple barefooted worries stretched in line after line ready to take on the world thus in the darkest of nights preceding the beginning of time corn entered his forges and decided to make some warriors of his own bloodletters hulking humanoid bodies entangled in bands of red tight muscles and nerves ever drooling a thick almost black blood as it perspires in long hanging curries from their tissue the blood letters are some of the most terrifying sights one can ever witness on the battlefield they will march in formation to the battlefield almost enacting a more disciplined facade for their master before breaking their ranks and charging with inconceivable slaughter lust as the front lines collide the first to be mauled are the lucky ones for the bloodletters will leave them to get into the heart of the enemy's army where the fight is the thickest disciplined warriors and noble swordsmen alike cry out for help as they are beaten and cut down to an unrecognizable mess of meat and bone impaled and burned in here rending screams by the devilish weapons of corn subjects the still dying are eaten or left to bleed out as the enemies of the blood gods scatter in a foolish attempt to save their lives every blood letter possesses a damned jagged blade made out from its own essence it's bound to him as it can never be knocked out from his grasp and serves as a catalyst of his power hissing flaming tongues engulfed steel in a bright red inferno without however consuming it for such diabolic weapons do not hunger for material nourishment but for the life essence of their victims thousands have perished after hours of excruciating agony once touched by their malefic power and even the mightiest and sturdiest of heroes have been laid low by their effects putting themselves out of their misery or for the few lucky enough to have a caretaker implore them to foolishly convinced that death would deliver them from their suffering but none could really refuse for attending one of such subjects is a nightmarish experience in but a few hours their skin and tissue slowly begin to shrivel and crack like dry soil letting streaming blood flow out in a crimson shower as their bones start heating and boiling their flesh from the inside they tearing off their hairs as their eyes melt soon followed by their tongue and teeth once the screams finally cease only a shriveled burned husk is left and soon after where there was once a body nothing but black ass remains rewarded for their ferocity every time a bloodletter strikes down an enemy of the blood god their shrieking soul joined the flames burning around the bloodletter's blade granting it new power thus differently from any other foe blood letters are at the most powerful of the culmination of a battle it was silence the wintery midnight air stung my lungs like a needle at every breath whilst the humid cold stuck to my body and battered through my skin making my bones shiver we saw the warbands coming the night before it wasn't an arduous job for our hunters their torches and banners flung into the sky like bleeding red stars we were ready or so we thought we had barricaded the entire castle layer after layer of defense in the already tight and hazardous streets and alleys if we would have died we would have given them a fight a fight to take a toll on their forces and maybe slow their advance give the villagers in the countryside a chance of survival but then the ground shook i saw behind the walls parapets the hills quake and tremble as hundreds upon hundreds of hooves shattered the horizon from the northwest i kissed a bear amulet i always held tight on my wrist and muttered a few prayers the red and brass horde charged charged our walls confused i braced unsure of their intentions but it all became suddenly clear as the first row of beasts smashed through the hardy stone urged by the murderous bloodlust of their hellish knights crack after crack the wall sundered and what we had hoped to be an arduous and long battle became what we had all feared a slaughter find me skulls little man all yours is next few cavalry regiments can rival the brass knights of corn they are the elite vanguard of every cornet warband comprised of renowned bloodletters and their ferocious steeds the juggernauts rhinoceroid creatures made of bulking metal fiery blood and unrivaled ferocity their wide jaws are full of jagged daggers their metal bloodied hooves are heavy as boulders and their fiery breath is as hot as magma nothing can stand before them blood crushers charge head forth into any and all enemies they face no matter their size or numbers they have been witnessed bringing down massive giants thundering dragon ogres and immense dragons as no foe is greater strong enough to be above being another offering upon the blood god's altar only a few selected individuals among the blood letters ranks are bestowed upon by their lord himself the trophy and privilege that is riding the juggernaut if they ever survived their attempts at dominating them these massive beasts are dragged out from the gates of the brass citadel by their aspiring knights whom try to wrestle them into submission many aspirants can't even manage to get on their steed back as they are overwhelmed and trampled under their metal hooves others succeed but only to be thrown away a few moments from entering the intense struggle as the beasts tries to unseat them with all their might the few who survive the challenge however know they have gained not only corn's blessing but an unstoppable dealer of death as a companion together night and mount will ride out rending and slashing a path into the heart of armies and warbands they will shout their wrath to the heavens so that even their master may hear them so that even him may hear that his will is being made in his name in the name of war [Applause] blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne the flesh hounds of corn also known as hounds of wrath are sent first ahead of the main battle lines having the savage appearance of a canine mixed with reptile they hunt their foe with reckless ambition and without rest the flesh hounds are fearless save for that fear of their master corn himself their desire for living flesh makes them rush faster into the enemy lines provoking despair in the hearts of all but the most valiant of warriors with their savage charge they open the ranks leaving their foes vulnerable to the inevitable assault of the bloodletters and blood crosses that follow close behind in battle they are protected against magic by the brass circuits they all carry these are forged at the feet of corn himself and they are a gift from their god that protects against the cowardice of the wizards and mages that cast spells when the battle is won and the enemy army is retreating running for their lives the hounds of wrath hunt the fleeing across the battlefield and into forests dens swamps or jungles alike never tiring from the chase and always having their scent on them when the enemy is reached the flesh hounds do what they do best and leave nothing of the enemy behind save for broken bone and tared flesh once the hunt is complete for the flesh hounds and the play is finished they return to corn's throne room and wait impatiently for the call of their master i have fell beasts in their lairs brutish green skins at the piles of their disgusting ilk vampires inner wretched castles and i thought that nothing would ever sway me that i was unbreakable until the day i saw it those black wings they blot out the sun everything went dark and then and then the screams the fear the rage the hatred i thought i would never have survived but i did i cowered under the carcass of my own stallion but i shouldn't have i should have died there i want death before that thing comes for me please please i beg of you the peak of service to corn is provided by his demons amongst which the most powerful are the dreaded bloodthirsters huge in size their appalling visage is known to drive men elves and dwarves mad with dread alike everything in this horrible form is intended to spill blood and collect skulls they have blackened bat-like wings to bring them faster to the battlefront sharp teeth and claws to render flesh hooves to stomp upon the living and the dead and great and terrible horns to impale those who would defy the blood god created out of the infinite anger of the god of war himself a bloodthirster's skin is made out of coarse fur and brass armor when one of these winged devils descend into combat the entire world around them is afflicted by their aura of power the skies darken the ground quakes under their hooves and boils after the heat emitted by the incandescent brass armor blood thirsters have been witnessed wielding an array of different weapons but most of them prefer the use of a mighty axe and a cruelly barbed lash with the strength granted by muscle tough as tempered iron these already massive and impressive weapons can wreak untold havoc in any and all armies bloodthirsters have been seen tearing through regiments of troops with one fell strike of their axe and where they meet resistance from afar the range advantage granted them from their lash can more than suffice they are the true demigods of war the apex of all the incarnations of the god of murder they are his favorite subjects and therefore his generals in charge of vast hosts and with such position comes many titles drinkers of blood bloodied ones lord of skulls death bringers guardians of the throne and many many more and judging by what slaughter host is being discussed their generals can vary in their ways of warfare the bloodthirsters of unfettered fury command the eighth host the bloodletter legions they are armed with the traditional weapons of their kind but not for that they are to be underestimated when compared to their peers they have become masters of acts and laughs and more than any other general belonging to other murder hosts they can utilize these weapons with brutal efficiency and devastating effects these mighty warlords have been seen breaking dragon's wings in one blow of their whips and breaking even the toughest shield walls with one wide slash from their axes at any time 8 800 of these monsters will be at their master's command and they serve him with the hot red spirit of only the mightiest of all armies of the dark gods then there are the hosts of the bloodthirsters of insensitive rage the reavers of the bloody path these champions of the war god are the most fanatic and boundless of all his subjects and their arrival on the battlefield has seen even the proudest warriors fall to their knees their mouths washed with the taste of dust and blood they wield a mighty two-handed axe several times bigger than any mortal man a weapon of such size and weight that even other bloodthirsters have trouble just lifting it but not for the lords of the six host they not only can brandish the devastating weapons but fight with it for hours and even days they have no specific purpose in the blood god's legions for these are some of his powerful warriors and few battles really deserve their presence hence they spend most of their time in the brass citadel itself where corn calls upon them to fight among themselves in the fighting rings there they can clash against each other or battle against any of corn's horrific collection of beasts and behemoths in epic displays of might the wrath of corn bloodthirsters are the leaders of the third host the headsmen of corn these champions of blood are corn's personal executioners the doom that await all who dare defy his will may it be a powerful priest who managed to banish his subjects a mortal champion who disrespected him or simply any individual of enough importance courageous or stupid enough to offend him these bloodthirsters armed themselves with gargantuan one-handed axes their handles comprised of champion skulls and a long hammer flail every link of its chain made out of the armor of the slain they more than all other generals crave their masters attention and take immense pride in their accomplishment of their missions they are also amongst the most prideful of all greater demons of corn and will often try to see their task through unaided to prove their masters their power and might [Music] weary however to disappoint the lord of skulls when their prey is hidden behind armies or parapets they assemble a bloodhound to swipe any opposition that would oppose them moreover as corn despises all arcane practices he has gifted these headhunters with a rune encrusted crown so as to disable any medical trickery their quarry may use to fend off their restless assault bloodthirsters are unlike any other demon at the service of the chaos gods they are single-minded slaughter-driven death machines with no purpose other than pleasing their god if they certainly cultivate rivalry between each other it is almost unheard of any of these demons attempts to dethrone their master in pursuit of the ultimate power what makes them so different from the scheming lord of changes and the treacherous keepers of secrets is the complete lack of any sense of self-preservation unlike many other demons that will sometimes retire from battle if overmatched to husband strength and bring more insidious talents into play bloodthirsters have no concept of retreat or withdrawal should a greater demon of corn be overpowered outnumbered or mortally wounded it will not stop fighting such is the nature of all bloodthirsters there is no retreat only defiance with every blow every slash every blood-curling roar in the face of all odds i have witnessed decades-old shield brethren trying to maul each other on the battlefield and when their arms would grow tired from the weight of the weapons they would wrestle on the ground trying to suffocate each other in the snow i saw weaklings and cowards grunting like rabid animals reaching for each other's throats with swords and knives undriven by the need for survival but by the primordial urge to cut and skew each other like pigs honor love fear or duty nothing survives hunger you lots only know of war i've seen terror and it's far far worse than you could ever come to comprehend so prepare yourself the exiled one is coming the realms of chaos are the home of the chaos gods but they are also their main stage for battle for as many times their attention was shortly brought to the material realm with devastating consequences the real prize of their cravings is the dominion of their own dimension it is war never ending an endless cacophony of cries and screams so powerful that if it ever had the chance to spew even in its smallest part in our own world it would overpower all creation one voice however one single roar in this miasma of death is recognizable by all it commands fear terror dread a single swing of his weapons has laid low armies his magmatic breath has toppled cities and his mere presence is enough to make one lose all conscience and humanity turning it into a shameful savage creature that only knows the need for bloodshed this is the story of the wrathful reaper the drinker of blood greatest among all corn champions of slaughter scar brand the exiled one scar brand is today known as a force of blind destruction war personified but as powerful as he is today he is only a shadow of the warrior he once was one time he was corn's favored champion he like no other had piled skulls at the feet of his patrons throne and always him like no one else was capable to cull enough bodies to drown entire civilizations in rivers of blood his victories were uncountable the gates of slaanesh's first palace could not stop him nor could the combined armies of all the chaos gods once he was at the lead of the eight hosts of murder but the pride that filled his heart soon became an exploitable liability for the gods of betrayal one fateful day once the mighty corn had his back turned and his attention elsewhere the always smoldering embers of scarbrand's fury were fanned seancher's alluring whispers sneaked into the bloodthirster's mind and so his pride grew hot blinded by the soon enroaching rage scarbrandt gathered all his strength and struck a mighty blow at his own patron god his weapons two gargantuan axes carnage and slaughter combined with scarbrand strength was so powerful to have shaken the very fabric of reality but all they could accomplish in his attempt at betrayal was just a dent into the war god's armor overtaken by a wave of all-consuming anger corn turned to his betrayer and in but an instant brought one of his hands to clench tightly at his neck no matter how much the bloodthirster struggled scarbrand was prey to the god's iron grip and so he was taken to the highest tower of the brass citadel there corn spelled his words of doom he cursed scarbrand's name and tightening his grip choked his once favorite subject devoiding him of all personality leaving only the white rage that had brought him to commit such a deplorable act of treachery then mustering all the built-up rage in one single motion the god of war flung the beaten bloodthirster across the skies for eight days and eight nights scarbrand pierced through the heavens his body burned in the attrition with the air around him setting his skin ablaze those who would have witnessed the descent would then go on to refer to it as a red flaming comet an omen of dark times approaching once the banished demon's mold body landed leaving a giant crater in his contact with the ground very little of the old scar brand remained his now tatted wings made him unable to soar through the skies a firm reminder of his fall from grace the left side of his face had also melted away to reveal bone white's skull below while his left eye still burned with the fires of hatred this a symbol of his pride and honor now scarred forever but most importantly now devoided of all personality maddened by the pain of his descent his mind was frozen in the hate-filled rage that had overtaken him the moment he decided to betray his god so scarbrand would start roaming the lands of both man and demons in a mindless pursuit of slaughter destroying all and everything before him but no matter how many skulls he would seize no matter how many oceans of blood he would spill nothing would make him redeemed in the eyes of his god for there is no forgiveness in corn's black heart and only in his banishment could scarbrand continue to serve him to become the exiled one in the year 2515 of the imperial calendar the skaven burrow of festus spike was attacked by a dwarf expedition seeking to reclaim one of the lost hammers of valaia the dwarfs always stubborn and determined to achieve their objectives and restore their honor killed the skaven with every swing of their axes chanting the songs of valea they were quickly gaining ground the skaven tried to counter the invaders with the use of toxic gases this tactic had worked before and it was ideal to use against the almost impenetrable armor and defenses of the dwarfs a few of the stubborn warriors fell coughing and dying grasping for air as they fell to the ground but they held and kept reaping a terrible toll on the skaven horde seeing that the fight was being lost and the dwarfs were quickly dispatching the vermin tide a powerful grey seer attempted to summon a vermin lord of the horned rat it was a big mistake instead he conjured the legion of none other than that of the bloodthirster scarbrand who then rampaged amongst both the dwarf and skaven armies with incredible ferocity corn is the true embodiment of anger the god of war his terrible gaze is drawn to bloody battles and epic showings of martial skill and prowess the followers of the blood god commit unimaginable deed to attempt to catch the attention of his god uncountable are the ones that have traveled all the way across the world and to the north and beyond to prove to corn he is worthy of his gaze many exalted champions of corn still seek a worthy opponent who can challenge them in one-to-one combat thousands are the ones that seek to gain the favor of corn with each act of violence and victories in the battlefield the champions of corn grow ever closer to becoming chaos lords commanding whole armies and even creatures from the warp to do corn's work those who survive the endless battles terrible mutations and are still viewed on good eyes by corn can be eventually transformed into a demon prince every champion of chaos sees this as the ultimate reward and they are always willing to go too far to obtain this prize the bellowing horns of corn are sounding while the ground shakes and the horde's march for war screaming and chanting without stopping blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne on this channel we are putting together narrative total war cinematic battles and warhammer lore videos a special thank you goes to our patreon supporters who help us in the making of more content you can also join patreon and earn extra perks while supporting the videos to come find the link in the description below make sure to subscribe and thank you for watching see you on the next one you
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 316,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, total war warhammer 3, warhammer 3 legendary lords, daemon prince of chaos, daemon princes warhammer 3, total war warhammer 3 gameplay, warhammer 3 chaos, realms of chaos, chaos gods, realm of chaos, chaos daemons, realm of chaos gameplay
Id: mHILEkajEd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 17sec (7337 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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