NEW Necrons vs Tau Empire - 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Report #warhammer40k

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[Music] welcome back to tabletop Titans for another epic game of Warhammer 40,000 and this is a very epic game indeed I'm here playing my friend Bridger who I haven't got to play in so long and I'm also playing my tow which really very close place in my heart I haven't got a chance to play in forever I brought some new models that I just painted I'm excited for this yeah I'm out of hibernation chat hasn't seen me in I want to say like two weeks you were you were like almost dead mostly dead I was like in in a bed for a long time and now I'm here not in a bed so that's pretty cool exactly bridger's mostly in a bed even when he's not sick as he sleeps till 2: p.m. he told me every day basically my back I hurt my back uhuh and listen he always will have an excuse for why he needs to be in till 2 so you're lucky that he's awake now and and ready to play much like the necrons who also like to sleep in New nekron Codex this is the the public debut right no Saturday we did play them on Saturday but Saturday I was mostly dead it's public for you and the thing is this is a new armus we're trying different things um that we're excited about so uh why don't we actually take a look at these armies that we're playing today take one let's do it welcome back everybody and a big welcome to Brian who's bringing his classic tow today with a couple major upgrades let's take it away first with Commander Shadow Sun herself who is an incredible loan operative as well as provided some much needed rerolls to some of these lger units speaking of leaders we also have a commander in cold star battle suit with the Exemplar of Kon leading a unit of six crisis the Exemplar of the Kion means that this unit's going to be put into Kion from turn two onwards rather than three it's a very tough very killy and very fast unit so watch out for them and let's see what they can do next up we have an ethereal who's going to be joining a unit of 10 strikes largely they're probably going to be holding some backfield objectives but also giving some extra command points that's it for characters joining squads we have some utility in the form of two y more units of 10 strikes a unit of 10 Pathfinders which it's been a while since we played a singular piranha for zipping around providing some melta in the right place and three units of three stealth suits that can infiltrate and are fantastic at performing secondaries and last but not least of course the newest addition to the Army not one but two massive Storm surges I really love the custom arms that really bring these models to life really excited to see how the to do today against of course everyone's newest favorite robots the necrons and today is bridger's Debut with the brand new nekron book today we're playing the Obe sance fenx which is a Detachment that's all about overlords lichard and priorians each turn he is going to be able to select an enemy unit and get plus one to wound with those key units against it we have a number of characters joining squads including an Overlord with the warrior Noble enhancement joining a unit of 10 lichard this is going to allow them to be minus one to hit in melee making them even tougher than ever before next up we have the brand new Overlord with translocation orb offering a number of different bonuses including the ability to teleport an auto 6-in advance through terrain and is equipped with the Eternal conqueror enhancement he's joining unit of 10 Immortals Eternal conqueror is going to give him full hit rolls when shooting and of course this wouldn't be a true Overlord Detachment if we didn't have the ultimate Overlord silent k himself Leading The Fray really excited to see him hitting the table once again we have his stalwart Treyarch priorians in a squad of 10 defending him and they're going to be providing a fast melee threat we have two more units of five Immortals for some scoring Firepower and three flavorful skimmers first off the catacomb command barge which is effectively a lord on a boat getting beat at providing extra OC to some of these key units that actually have pretty low objective control already we have two individual Annihilation barges for some fast fire power a unit of three tomb blades and two units of three scarabs both of which are amazing at scoring secondaries I cannot wait to see how this Elite block of necrons does against the even more Elite Detachment of to okay well uh as you can see here we've got a couple special new things that you haven't seen on the next on side we have not played the silent King yet that's true we also made a last minute change to the list which isn't in the video because just as we were deploying Bridger looked over and he was like this this uh looks like it's missing some teeth here I hate barges is really what happened we came in and I saw these dudes floating on barges and I said barges are really 18th century you actually really like barges just not those barges those barges are pretty lame so I kicked out those barges and we brought in Jim Carrey himself The Deceiver he's here to deceive you yeah and that's great so it gives a bit more punch um for me you saw those two Storm surges we've I've never played the storm surges here before with my Army because I just painted these for the first time uh just before I flew in last week so very excited to have these on the table for the first time I basically have one with the pulse blast Cannon one with the driver um who who knows I have no idea what they do but they're I think better than they've ever been right and then it's a glorious time to own them uh I definitely painted them without looking at the rules so uh definitely ready to uh I was playing them either way this is this is an addition largely of vehicles being tough and having big guns yeah and they are all those things I I love that they actually are genuinely tough and that their guns are terrifying yeah their guns are terrifying so we're fighting on this crazy kind of City that's been reclaimed by the desert and then Arisen from the sand is the necrons it's uh it's going to be good but why don't we take a look at the actual mission that we're playing what do we got here we have Crucible battle the the standard diagonal y we have priority targets stand places and then later the end of the game stay in those places that's right so you're trying to hold just two objectives for 10 for 10 and then at the end of the game it's worth a bunch right up to 15 up to 15 yeah uh and finally we have delayed reserves it is worth noting I have two 10 mans of Immortals in reserves and Jim Carrey could deceive you and put more into reserve put basically my whole Army in or take those out of Reserve no okay just put more things res well I have a single piranha in reserve just in case I needed to do a thing at sometime later yeah hopefully not turn two is when I needed to do it well I mean on a three up you can still do it turn two yeah I can roll three UPS yeah yeah okay well um are you ready to do this I am do you have a you have a yellow dice I have what appear to be the only two yellow dice well I have a white dice in the room so I think we both want to go last for this Mission uh yeah pretty much everybody want so low rules let's do it yeah oo all right well it's going to be it's going to be TW turn one we could change it you want to go first no that's all right oh oh it's going to be I to turn one I put no we did it again we did listen twice in a row I think chat will agree that necrons have to go first nope that's not how this works hold on hold on that's okay Lindsay got it one uh I have a bunch of pregame stuff I have my redeploy and I have Scout moves I have Scout moves oh well my only Scouts are these bikes and I don't think it's really going to matter yeah who does what where true I don't think even if I'm going first there's I'm not going to be able to shoot you with a single gun anywhere as it should be and so um it's not going to be super important that I do much in the way of scouting Scout these bikes those bikes I might not be able to see no and then I gotta do my redeploys oh you know what I could redeploy the bikes okay and then Scout them and then look at that wow you got them way up on an objective there look at that awesome technique that won't score me points but it was fun they're good they're nice and hidden nothing's going to be able to see them there okay what else do we need what do we if you want to move the silent King just two in to the to the left then I can shoot him with my pulse no see I thought you were going to say to the right so that I couldn't I can't see him I can't see him I see him uh Jim Carrey is conspicuously almost out in the open so let's pull Jim Carrey just back a little bit over if you haven't seen The Shard of the deceiver he really does look like the mask uh so we call him Jim Carrey we do and we've kind of painted him mask colors haven't we we have I think in the book He's painted like goldish bronze um okay all redeployed deployed so not a not a massive tactical Advantage there but you never know when you're going to need it well if I were to go first I sort of deployed defensively and then if I were to go first I could yeah go up the board although I really don't ever want to be near you you're pretty scary man pretty scary yeah okay well uh a couple things at the start of my turn I'm going to roll to see if I get a command point on a four from my ethereal which could be nice and I don't no it's okay he's he's still warming up he's getting his preach in going so what I'm going to do is just have one command point would you like to see I got would you like to see your secondaries before you go any further that's exactly what we're going to do let's take a look at some secondary cards see what we get okay so you ready for these first I'm ready what do we got it's that's what you got area denial that's a good one that's easy that's a very easy one and then investigate signals remind me that one you table Corners that's the corners do an action in Corners so I can do that in two corners right now which is four points which is totally respectable de I think we call that in the industry we say de well I'm going to keep both of those and uh we're going to get to moving and uh I'm going to be done very quickly but uh why don't we jump in yeah so we do have mersh wow thank you hear for mersh thank you black thank you so [Music] much thank you Patty the cakes5 ginger also giting five more membership and came in with a chair with 50 whoa Flor di yeah thank you so much FL we do have Brian in today so I don't know what the floor dice levels we haven't calibrated the floor dice meters pretty rough with Flor dice yeah Brian they were flying all over the place no it was mostly Adrian yeah I think it was mostly Adrian um sure sure oh mostly Adrian I know how to put dice on the floor like the best of them but not like honestly Adrian's definitely worked up his his curveball he's on another level uh since uh since I've been here yeah well thank you so much everybody really do appreciate it uh it's what lets us do these cool things like look at this cool board we couldn't have this cool board without members without without dice on the floor without dice immediately being thrown on the floor so I need to be within six to get my area denial of the center yeah of the center but I can be vertical what yeah can I be up higher off the ground uh yeah let's do it let's be up off the ground I think everything in 10th is cylinders not cylinders not spheres but to be honest I don't care Brian thank you you can cylinder you can sphere you could Cube I don't really I would love to cube it I don't care you can do whatever you want okay great well I'm going to I'm going a cylinder how about that great love it everything will be a cylinder now okay just GNA so Brian I don't know if you've heard well well oh no uh that didn't last long I ripped him off his base that's the storm surge pulled right off it's it wasn't pinned cuz I had to do it quickly we do have glue thank you and accelerant if you thank you are into that Adrien loves accelerant he really does yeah I know that's a thing that he's into uh I have some he's standing on his base for now I'll fix him this is white out at board C Bridger Bridger was just about to get me white I think it's all by the uh yeah in the hobby Studio yeah rer was giving me white Bo I do need to pin these guys to their you definitely cannot get through life without them being pinned um so that's that's definitely something I need to do um okay I'm just trying to be careful not to get a too easy of a charge uh from him oh I'll get you I know you will so that's what I'm trying to trying to back up just a little bit so I have a few shooting options thank you I'll glue him next turn for me okay um I'm just going to put these guys on the top floor to show you where they are on the bottom floor cool cool you can see I have some fire Warriors strike teams moving up close so have you heard the word Brian uh have you heard I'm gon to assume I'm G to assume that if this is a religious thing for you you must be talking about fast food yes I am in fact oh my God uh Taco Bell has gifted us our Lord and savior yes has given us I think maybe the best subscription deal in all of fast dining okay this is not a sponsored segment no but if they if takoo wants to sponsor us as said for years we've been telling them that for like four years I feel like we need to call our rep we would be open to a sponsorship they have a nacho fry subscription now subscription you can subscribe monthly to nacho fries which and they just do they deliver it to your door well that's separate you can pay through the app you can pay for delivery yeah that's just like door Dash UB but the nacho fry portion of that would be free mhm it's not unlimited it is one portioning of Nacho fries per day okay for 30 days okay for $10 that's a steal this sounds insane wait sorry sorry I blanked out it's $10 $10 for 30 days consecutive every day of once per day free nacho fries this is what we call in the industry a lost leader that's they're giving you free nacho fries to get you in the door and they're also not free to get you in the door but if you're the days of Nacho that's 30 nacho fries for $10 you don't have to buy anything else you probably will cuz you're in a Taco Bell but you don't have to you can't survive 30 days of Nacho fries oh I think you can I mean you can but you're you're not all the way human it's my favorite Taco Bell product is nacho fries amazing it's pretty cool it's pretty cool chat let us know if this sounds like amazing or like death how much are taco fries normally nacho fries I only order in the Box I think if you order them like as their own individual product I would have to guess somewhere between one and $3 okay now how often do you get nacho fries wow that's that's a very invasive that's a personal personal question yeah that's like asking somebody how frequently they pray it's it's it's also uh how how much do you hate yourself it's kind of like that question you don't have to go too often for this to be worth it to be honest let's say every third day you don't you also don't have to go for this too often for it to dramatically reduce the years of your life so thankfully you get all the benefits with very little pretty good deal yeah so sign up on the Taco Bell app today to check out the nacho this is our this is our cursed uh curse sponsorship segment it's a new thing we're trying where we only take sponsors that are cursed and US yeah exactly well that's part of the curse um okay well if we take a look um I've just kind of moved up uh here uh threatening next turn at your uh your objective that you're closer to I've got an ethereal and his Squad of fire Warriors up on that point there so hopefully I'll have primary next turn um I've got a unit in the corner there and I've got a oh actually I realized I made a little mistake I'm GNA have to have uh Shadow sun on the point here um and then this unit has to go back to be holy within nine right yes okay so that's fine we'll just shimmy them back so I'm doing investigate signals in two corners this turn I have the stealth suits up in the center for area denial and uh I have my stuff all kind of back from the wall so I can't shoot you you can't shoot me cool just kind of holds it off for one turn yeah okay so I think we could score it up um I got uh uh the full points for air denial which is five and then I got four points on investigate signals for the two quarters five and four which is yeah real points on the board for for turn one for turn one that's pretty solid very good yeah can ask for more than that well you can but you'd be crazy you'd be crazy you'd be crazy you'd be greedy uh all right well each gain a command Point yeah we will does does my undying fyon uhhuh my my uh King does he generate command points does he do anything cool like that the the stormlord gives you command points I'm not so sure that sinen King does it because he he he delegated he's a good leader he delegated that ability to the stormlord you understand who is a who's a combatant more than a no he's a master strategist stormlord that is his whole brand that he is the it says it right here he's okay it it's literally he's reading it and he's realizing you know what it is in the flavor text I'll give yout it's in the flavor text uh at what point do I have to choose start a battle around I'm a little late on this my voice of the triarch every primarch has a different timing I always get it wrong this guy's a triarch not a priar but no they're all primarch no one will change my mind fa there's demon primarchs regular primar and then everybody else also has primarch which which one's my primar you don't get a choose from aist person oh okay oh you do um your space pop he choose from he's a primar I have that one also on my painting table I didn't bring it Primark okay I'll bring it next time uh I will choose on this day of days we roll ones to hit and wound in an Ora of six six of him they're all 6in oras I was supposed to choose that in the B I was supposed to choose that in the battle round listen The Show Must Go On Let's see some secondary okay okay you ready here a that's kind of looks familiar oh area denial and secure no man's land okay so area denial I only have those three suits with those three cell suits within six mhm um and uh secure no man's land is already done we did it all you had to do was take uh hold one or two in No Man's Land Two is worth more points right um when I do a denial I will also score secure great yeah who do you have that's close enough to get up into the middle well so we have options you have options okay uh we can advance these petorian pans right who have jump packs we're keeping these keep C we're keeping these we're also keeping this codex okay Adrian don't look I know you're driving home you couldn't even see maybe maybe he's watching folded up this book maybe he crashed as soon as he saw you very dangerous and irresponsible maybe he saw you throw the book and he's swerved maybe I can catch it um okay so yeah so petorian move 10 I can advance them uh we have the silent King look we're going to figure this turnout okay I'm going to start moving okay okay well I'm going to get to glueing while we uh see if there's uh any anything that's going on in chat we do have some more gifted memberships so just want to apologize I was muted during the last run of um so I'm just going to quickly just thank them again so thank you Blackbird Patty of the cakes and 95 Ginger rage for each gifting five memberships and then Flor dice came in and gifted 50 memberships wow thank you so much and then um in the last turn uh just Jupiter just gifted one more membership so thank you thank you so much just unbelievable thank you so much for all you new members come join those Tuesday games and if you uh just became a member go back and watch the game from this last Tuesday we were playing some of the new uh mechanicus uh uh stuff from the from that new book and uh that was Adrian and I playing and uh we played also some new models that I that we just brought for the Templars which was a really cool and fun game so you definitely want to check that one out it's a pretty pretty rad game it was a good one it was a good one yeah thank you thank you all so much all right I'm trying going to try this accelerant okay I know Adrian swears by the accelerant doesn't he he loves it you're um not necessarily using it in the way it is intended to be used which is you put glue on one surface and accelerant on the other and then you mush them together oh that's the way you do it cool well next time I'll try to do it the correct way yeah God I'm just going to leave him here in the corner for a minute while he dries my thing about accelerate is that it gets everywhere it's like you spray it and it's not it's not like you just want it on a little space but you get it on the whole surrounding area maybe it should almost be like a dropper as well I would rather have it as a dropper top tip if you unscrew the squirty thing the the tube has accelerant in it and can be used as a dropper okay more you know that's bridg Hobby Corner uh for the show Welcome to My Hobby Corner yeah where you only get secondhand advice from somebody who doesn't not a hobby well we we appreciate it so uh what's what's chat uh how they feeling who are they rooting for today chat is uh they're kind of going back and forth they're excited to see you playing your towel but they're also really excited to see the new nekron necrons I don't know if it's like excitement but they're interested in the new nekron the new nekron book I think we can say the new nekron book is really fun lots of cool stuff in it basically every data Sheet's fun and playable and uh lots of great uh the detachments are all interesting on Saturday we're going to be playing the kopic Detachment which is called canopic court right yes that's right and we're going to be playing like wraiths and uh uh spiders and scarabs and a bunch of fun stuff it's also the Coptic Court's also good for anything that's cryptech based and um so we're going to be having Crypts and units and trying it we have all the cryp so we're going to be really really taking some of those cryp we haven't seen yet hopefully and um uh you're definitely not not going to missing the fact that we've we just have so many every one of the detachments sounds fun and interesting uh if you collect this Army and you're a big collector like I am I have a massive collection of this it's like you could just be playing different armies every single time and they're all varied and very very cool uh Art of War just dropped in to say hi Brian's hey what's up Art of War we know them yeah mhm you should check out they're uh I'm sure they've done some pretty good breakdowns of the new rules um really helping you get the most out of these books um that's not uh that's not something we're trying to do here um we're just uh putting whatever is cool on the board but uh trying to fit the theme of the Detachment is kind of uh that was kind of the design goal I think for each one of these and so when we tried to take this one we we wanted to say what didn't we play in our first game and so we thought okay the silent King is a kind of big interesting model what does he go with and we thought all all the triarchs and the uh the lichu guard and things like that and so we we took a big unit of bodyguard with him and yeah I mean he's on the art of the Detachment exactly that was not even close not on the floor though do count what we what are we rolling for uh advancing those lichard where is that storm sech he's right here right there there okay okay you're coming at me bro no well oh you're trying to have me not come at you I am full of fear oh a robot robots don't have fear wellow but these are crazy insane robots so they have even less fear no they learned to love so that that's your head Cannon here is that they they each of them this is a special Dynasty this is the loving Dynasty they've each fallen in love with like I don't know a puppy or something and now they're afraid to die in combat and not get back to it yeah it's it's rough can you imagine being cold calculating and also have social anxiety wow this is uh yeah this is a very interesting uh Legion you've got here Anthony goil is asking Art of War and Titans crossover when we've already done that we did do that yeah uh when the answer is in the past and probably also in the future yeah um but yeah definitely look it up we've we've we've had them come out here before and uh we'll definitely find Opportunities to do it again in the future we see each other a lot at events especially during um eth and Ninth Edition we because because we all went to a lot of events then um we were at like every single event yeah and so we'd be seeing each other all the time Adrian's still he just chains himself to those event he goes to all of them he goes to every event between him and John I think we have like every major North American event covered there's a presence there yeah um I I can't anymore I don't really do events I don't really do events anymore either but we do have fun I fly out here my instead of going to tournaments I come out here I do games here uh for the for the fans and uh I get to play with my friends which is what I I don't want to my my like one weekend where I get to game I don't want to game with mostly strangers U not that that's a problem but that that's not my one weekend I want to game with my friend well I have moved and I know I spent a long time moving to a lot of models but I had to consider calculating yes and socially anxious and and yeah it all makes perfect sense yep yep yep uh so we're going to get our secure no man's land and our AA denial with pretorians charging o nice because any other way to do this sacrifices too much very nice we can't lose our Lord and savior the silent King yeah throwing him in uh just to get a couple points and maybe fail the charge is tough right yeah yeah yeah so we got uh we got these boys here they were they were down in this building they flew up over are they on the second floor uh no because in 10th fly counts vertical distance ground but you can fight up right exactly vertical coherence great uh yeah in terms of shooting uh I guess they can shoot like these stealth suits with their cool talking about uh no these petorian ah the priorians yeah right have their cool eldrich lances I'm sure it's not called anything that cool Rod the Covenant that's pretty cool it's actually pretty tight yeah all right uh so we'll take our 10 rout of the Covenant shots into stealth suits perfect uh I didn't choose a not oath of moment what's my version of oath of moment called I don't think it's called worthy foes oh I choose my command phas I choose this storm surge that I'm not going to shoot okay and sorry what's that do this gives my lichard Overlord and triarch units plus one to wound okay and uh just quick question uh did you want the silent King to be within range to give them rolls uh I mean he can't really stick out yeah you're afraid I'll shoot you're afraid then I'm shoot but I think that's that looks like I don't looks like six yeah we're good there great perfect and uh okay that's great so here we go we're shooting rods at the Covenant we're hitting on Force cuz your stealth yes you know let's do it this is actually a pretty good weapon you should be able to do real work here not bad yeah that's great and then this would be strength five in your T4 um these guys uh has traditionally been T4 but I actually don't know yeah T4 so this will be threes rolling them ones Sonic King's already paying off look this is the Arc of the Covenant here Brian these are all ap2 ap2 all ap2 well um I'm going to have a three- up save and uh cover mhm so uh that's going to take me to a four up and these are two damage yep so 1 two three uh four you would have killed four of them so that's the whole Squad we uncover covered the Arc of the Covenant First Blood pretorians the pretorians are great and uh that's all of my shooting everybody else is hiding what kind of charge do we need that's a great question they do innately real charges as pretorians that's what they do it looks like a seven here Brian seven rollable seven rollable seven all right can you do it maybe all right show it to me show me what you got uh you don't even know which way I'm going to S I have no idea I'm oh okay okay you need four out don't throw them down there well it's we call this dice filtering yeah this is a part of the it's I know it's a part of the Finesse we learn that was going to be a one for sure for sure wasn't going to let it so actually you cheated wow oh okay well there you go you got a nine that's our patented dice filtering technique um if only these guys had Photon grenades they used to yeah I know in in days gone by I know that's what you really want you want those Photon grades everybody wants Photon grenades okay all right so we yeah oh nine now I'm actually going to put these guys under to stop confusing us and start confusing chat yeah that's what you want chat we really don't want chat to know what's going on this is a game between you and I chat was already kind of confused cuz when the when the game first started they're like where's where's the second storm surch they could not see the the second storm sech you need like hiding you need big terrain if you're going to have big models M mhm um we also you know we like it's nice to have a lot of shooting units but it's it's more fun to make sure you have lots of cover when you do that so we wanted to have a board that had a lot of line of sight blocking so you really got to have to get danger close to uh to uh to shoot okay so we got some pretorians yeah uh because vertical coherency doesn't give you two ranks I definitely don't have everybody okay but I don't think I will need everybody that's hope not uh three attacks each I would get six car the one by like rough there's like three of you and I could fit like six or seven of me around the three of you under and around yeah yeah uh which would be 18 attacks okay it's a good number it seems do have any cool strats to use here Brian uh well you're in a different Detachment than the one I played last time so I do not know wow that's not very helpful your stealth means nothing uh I could my stealth it does yeah it means nothing yeah it means nothing do you think you're going to need help with your I can give myself Precision okay that'll be cool okay uh no it looks like there's pretty much nothing I I think I think you uh you just hit me on threes me on threes yeah it's the same weapon what's your strength five in combat mhm so it's this exact same profile are you sure yes wow it's the exact same profile both ways which is how I remember the Rob okay so three to one yep but it is two damage and ap2 and ap2 so I'm going to have five up saves and it's a plenty of five up saves but listen they could do it I think they will it was good listen it was good but you killed four just like you killed in combat consistent yeah same weapon so they go down you take the center Against All Odds now I would love to consolidate into my unit yes I know but I would leave the middle um and you and I need to Middle don't you have to go closer to the that objective uh or into combat those are the two ways you can consolidate I see okay it's your choice uh I will not yeah cuz I'm definitely well out of six yes yeah so we're just going to chill and get your points should we score get those points let's score it Bri okay let's score it here we go area denial five secure no man's land five whoa whoa so great turn one also five pretty pretty solid turn ones for both of you action pack first turn yes turn two okay this where get spicy um uh those priorians are very dead very dead um so that's a thing let's see if we get a command point it is on a four up from my ethereal oh no no but you're still at three just which is a lot it's a lot you still just have a lot and Shadow Sun can give me some more back uh when when I try to use them oh you got that that mail and rebate mail and rebate it's on a five up there you put the coupon so you it's one of those rebates you got to wait like a year for oh that's the worst ones those are rough you forget about it at that point yeah you don't even do it that's really like aack right off you um I feel like I need to find out what my secondaries are yes so let's do that right now are you feeling the secondaries are you feeling the secondary first one was so good to me I feel it's going to go the other direction this time okay okay you ready for this bad ones there you go oh overwhelming Force that's kill a thing on a on objective which we got in the center and capture enemy Outpost that's your back field yeah good luck with that the thing is I can't do that that's um that that is the thing I want you to know is that that that one cannot be done I don't think you'll ever get that one um it's way back here yes um so the question is I do have a lot of CP I could pitch it I have a lot of units this turn uh that I could you know you do things with yeah so now is a good time as any okay I'm going to pay one CP and I'm going to grab a new secondary instead of capture enemy Outpost pretty pretty bad one it's it's pretty rough it's pretty rough spending that CP so let's see what we got and drum roll Bo no prison hey this is a great pair so that's kill a thing this is kill things so kill things for two points and kill things on objectives for three points so I have a squad here which is not the chunky not too heavy right I could I could potentially get them it Thanksgiving just passed they're as heav as they've ever been and uh exactly so I that's great I'm going to obviously keep that not much I can do and let's get to going I don't think I have uh uh any start of turn because it is turn two my Exemplar of the caon is going to be in effect on my uh my crisis team that's the only thing to keep in mind there um otherwise let's just get to blasting right go well moving and then blast well they move in a way where they're only thinking about blasting they move via blasting yeah exactly they blast the ground beneath them absolutely uh well uh we have been honored by more family from the toilet dice family um I just want I just want to thank you microwaved dice for gifting five memberships and then toilet dice that's the gross one that is the gross one for gifting another five memberships thank you so much dice family such a very generous generous family you know I think we we often don't appreciate enough all of the the people who tamper with their dice you know they've provided us so much comedy so much entertainment yeah mhh we got to we have to put more more appreciation out into the world for them strongly agree uh Brian what were your what was what was your primary right I was on two uh secondary or two of them for 10 excellent thank you thank you two for 10 deal oo 10 $10 just gets you a whole month of fries so nacho fries keep that in mind absolutely these aren't your McDonald's fries Brian these fries are thicker coated in Dorito dust and come with a little bucket of nacho cheese are they like the wavy fries what kind of fries are they like are they like imagine McDonald's fries okay but twice as wide twice as wide oh are they like what is those steak fries those like really thick fries they're not Burger King thick but they're close oh so like okay they're somewhere between Burger King and McDonald's and of course uh they're soft yeah uh I would describe them almost as mushy cuz Burger King fries are gross crunchy right are you are you trying to sell us on these what is happening right now look the Dorito dust goes a long way in solving all of the problems you could have with fries does it though what could you not like about fries Brian they're greasy sometimes Dorito does so ex up that grease okay uh they can be overcooked or undercooked you're trying to sell me on this Dorito dust solves both the overcook and undercooked problem I feel like okay I got a I got an actual genuine question here so I can see you here yeah I have some indirect weapons here sure and if I stand still I get heavy that's all correct probably just standing still is better than shimmying here to get more of my direct weapons at you so I don't know I it makes sense though right there's like a logic in what I'm saying um yes yes and no okay do you think the indirect will be enough uh no no no well then but I'm willing to try because and this is my reason because because um you do have a whole whole other storm surge to but oh and but he can maybe hit something else if he comes around he could sit some see some what Lich guard who are the these who's this guy that's a lard that would be a lichard so if we come around that way we can see some lichard which is maybe a valuable Target um okay but you're right I could put I I also have some firew Warriors crisis teams like I feel like these guys are are they're toast uhhuh you know that is what I was getting at yeah is you have other tools yeah yeah yeah oh so you're saying I don't need to stand still I think that making sure that you kill this these bikes and they call they they're your primary also are a lot of points okay so we'll go to there hello hello great how far does the deceiver move six okay so he's not too fast no he's a slow Boy Yes he'll charge my storm search he might no he'll s very easily charge my St well it might be unwise to do so is what I'm saying right he has golden fists but they're like strength eight they're not storm surge totally understand golden fists great name for a for a band also a great name for a weapon my favorite band name the the one I always wanted was the sneeze the sneeze the sneeze now do you refer to them as the sneeze or do you have to make the noise of sneezing no just the you just refer to them as a sneeze the sneeze now is it like a cute it's like s NE s it's like plural sneeze like a sneeze like s n e e z e yeah yeah yeah well anyway we do have some super chats uh I just want to thank John duel for uh for gifting uh for a five for a $10 Super Chat and they say hey Titans what changes do you think would need to happen to make the annihilation Legion Detachment more playable I love all the Destroyer models and it makes me sad that it's not better yeah so when I went through the legions I thought they were mostly pretty dope pretty awesome except this one this one I think stuck out to me as the one that they didn't put as much love into okay uh so what the annihilation Legion does is they get Destroyer and fled ones get reroll charges and if at least one of the targets of the charge are below half they get plus one to charge as well this stuck out to me as a strange Detachment rule for uh the Destroyer Cults for a number of reasons firstly um that wasn't really a problem the scor packs generally found their way into combat um played ones generally found their way into combat it's an issue I guess but I would rather it be a strat than all this faction does because oldfashioned destroyers shoot they don't want to charge and heavy destroyers shoot and they don't want to charge and aidian destroyers despite looking like a combat unit aren't they're very frail they kind of just want to stand places they're good at secondaries they just want to yeah they just want to stand places and like punch numbers they could pick off a few like a weakend unit so this whole like let's have the Destroyer cult charge all the time for everything that's their faction rule mhm didn't quite sit well with me fair enough uh and then you compare it externally or internally I guess to the other faction rules in this book which are getting things like Army wide plus one to wound or Army wide roll all hits um that's the kind of thing I thought destroyers needed I was really happy for kopic that wraiths and the the silly doomsday um not the ark but the Walker yeah got rolled a hit that's like a big bump that they needed tot to be relevant compared to their counterparts within the book but the annihilation Legion didn't really get the Buffs that I would have wanted to see yeah what I guess the question was what would I give them mhm it's it's tough cuz I don't want all of the faction roles to just be like well reroll your stuff but before seeing this book I would have given them like roll hits on Destro cult maybe if like your opponent's on an objective or something give it a condition that often suits you anyway um what else they face issues with being super expensive Elite models that kind of just die so a strat to bring them back would be dope if you could get back a squad at half strength or something and I know reanimation like this can be a problematic concept if you let it go too far yep it's a problem but I think none of those units are going to have that problem you can bring back infinitely any any of the Destroyer units and I don't think it's going to be an issue yeah makes sense um okay well listen we're going to play it yeah uh and we'll we'll we'll see what it's like on our own and uh we think the Destroyer the Destroyer part of the Army is one that they really need to like really just recognize and and do give give it more love because it's clearly like one of the main ways to play the army it's a core subaction like it's totally going all the way back this was like the one of the supported more now than ever right right there's there's multiple characters multiple un types so they they definitely need to go harder on it yep um okay I moved up let's just talk about what I'm trying to do so uh I'm trying to kill things on point so we've got the storm surge here who can see because of his um towering rule so he can see these uh these three tomb blades and then we've got uh all of our crisis and our um Pathfinders and our fir Warriors here who can see down into the priorians who are just down on the point there we'll see if that's enough to get it done we've got some fir wars in the back uh and a storm surge that can see the uh Lich guard mhm see a few of them that are poking out the side so we've got some spotters we got some Shooters okay I think it's time to get blasted let's get spotting and shooting so uh let's just start with um the storm surge first yeah we really do want to remove these yes and you know what actually no we will do it literally last because we'll see if there's any uh priorians left to remove sure so we're going to activate my crisis team first and we're going to spot for them with the uh Pathfinders sure and so uh that's uh that's just going to give me the marker light keyword there and they can spot one more time um which could be for the BR or the the big suit here the storm sech okay so I have ion weapons here so I think it's time to just get blasting you do have two wounds yes so this is a perfect opportunity to overcharge sure and everyone keeps telling me that this is a thing to do mhm and that it's it's not tooo bad you don't lose your whole Squad and uh well we're going to see I've seen it happen you've seen it happen so let's just start with that it's I would say it's the price you pay this unit is it follows the Spider-Man principle with great power yeah comes great risk that's the part that Uncle Ben didn't really tell you about it's not just responsibility the other R is risk so you you could lose three models like half your squad here four mod bottles I'm going be real Brian I'm defenseless they are all going to die five I'm hoping to take you with me via the carelessness of your management [Music] um yeah so what you're kind of telling me here is that I probably am overcharging too much um maybe I do half overcharge half not overcharge what I'm telling you half overcharged half not uh I okay let's just keep our foolish you're right let's just do it all yes full send that's how how we get these how we get these oh you need you need me to load you up we have almost every dice this is almost every dice we have well right that's cuz there's a lot of dice under things in this room actually can you take nine out because the commander has one better ballistic skill so I yeah I was kind of thinking about that that's eight nine okay that's the commander so here we are hitting on threes sustained sustained uh two because we are uh marker lit cool rrolling ones from Shadow Sun uh-huh so let's take out the ones um it's a lot this is the responsibility portion of Uncle Ben you're right you have to deal with it this is me yeah you just get to sip your cup these are my rolls okay siping water so we'll take uh we'll take the ones and twos out so how you do how you doing bridg I'm you know recovering from illness thankfully thankfully not Co yeah I'm glad um I know a lot of people right now are really sick hopefully if you are at home sick watching this we're helping distract you mhm um yeah it's it's that time of year huh yeah yeah I used to get away with uh just not interacting with humans and then I never got sick so it was 14 sustained so 28 additional hits 2 four six is on you this is yours to deal with 12 14 to be 16 18 20 22 four so yeah stay safe wash your hands get a flu shot so do I have to pick these up also yes that's also my my respons all you oh your hands aren't big enough for this R my hands can do it unle ising I've been playing to for years Uncle B is frowning right now okay I dropped one I dropped one I'm good I'm good I'm good this time I think I got it check this out no y Uncle B rolling his gra if you can't pick them up you can't roll them right almost almost almost okay this time I'm going to get it ah it's like a cool board game you got to do it like okay I got them all right roll them before you drop them uh what's your strength strength eight so threes and uh are they that's the Lich card that are minus to Wi right I have one that landed on top okay so I'm going to take out the ones and twos ones and brid y I knew I could do it you just got to believe in yourself believe in you that believes in me honestly like at an event someone would just be looking at you have no pity for you at [Music] all fantastic all right well there is now now it's your responsibility these are your uh your saves you're going cover cuz you Marite right yeah that's correct and it's minus 2 AP fives my hands no I think my hands are just larger than yours Brian look how easily look how easily I picked up these dice no problems at all we five UPS you can do it uh they yeah they all die two yeah yeah yeah but now the fun part yeah you get to roll not even close a lot yeah so I have um uh 18 hazardous Checks Plus the the the cap Commander which I didn't even shoot yet but yeah so take that okay so 18 uh 2 4 6 8 R 12 14 16 18 and then uh 21 so chat that was literally the first time I ever tried this crisis ion thing uh-huh uh and it's crazy yeah it's dumb it's insane uh-huh it kills um for all you for all you to players out there I'm sure you're you're you've done that a hundred times that's my first time kills anything kills anything y okay but now does it kill me too a little bit yeah okay so every two ones kills a Model A model yep okay so there's one two and a half two and a half dead two and a half dead was it worth it Brian I don't know I actually can't do the math was it worth it probably not probably not one two and a half okay these are moral can I can I stim injector myself to like not take them all uh that's you're I think that's when you reaching beyond my knowledge that's when that's when you shoot me I can't do it when I have never had somebody's stim injector for their own activation opponent opponent shoot face well cuz I'm about to do a lot of wounds to myself okay you just did yeah so uh yeah it was uh what 6 12 15 15 15 damage to yourself and 20 to me yeah yep and your unit's arguably a lot more valuable no regrets um okay so we have a storm surge yeah um and he's going to put everything whoa everything into the bikes into the three bikes they're minest one to hit they are yep and I uh I ignore all minuses to hit did you know that that's true so I'm going to just shoot you with a pulse driver Cannon yes um it is blast and heavy cool and it's D6 plus three shots there it is it's eight shots uhhuh so four five six 7 eight uhhuh so I am hitting here on fours yes just force mhm okay I hit with almost all of them and I'm rerolling the ones from uh Shadow stun uh-huh and then this one is only strength 12 that's plenty you would be on twos okay twos yeah okay this one is minus three for three damage I get six up saves you do are you are you ignoring cover no I'm not I get five up saves yep Brian I just want you to know if I roll three of five five UPS you get to shoot the rest of your weap oh my God ah not well it turns out pulse driver cannon not bad not bad um okay lastly we are going to uh marker light with my CH or my fire warrior squad over on the back into the lichard yeah and then we have one more storm surge who's going to laf fire and he has the pulse blast Cannon and uh we're this one's not quite as good into infantry but uh it's still plenty good so we're going to start with that it's uh six shots I guess he does does he have anything else that's blast I need to about no so um he does have Destroyer missiles they stopped color coding strategems Brian uh really all of my strats are green so you don't know which ones are the red regardless of the phase they are used in oh that's no good why have they done this cuz it was necrons they wanted to make them all necron yeah actually this one is blue it is blue so maybe there's maybe they maybe they're doing it there's just very few different kinds of strats okay okay so here we go pulse blast cannon in its dice dispersed mode yeah um and I'm hitting on threes oh uh think you ignore penalties to hit right there's a guy in this squad that makes a minus one to hit you don't care okay so uh hitting on threes this one is strength um of 10 okay so that would be twos but I'm minus one to wound cuz back trees okay okay so three wounds minus two for four damage yep that's a lot of damage you got there it's not bad um and you're going to cover because of Marite so these are fives oh that'll be three dead okay and actually if I do have something that's blast it's 46 how many extra shots would I get on a blast Target uh plus two shots Two Shots okay so it's 46 plus two um I rolled real bad so it's 10 11 13 so four 8 12 13 this is the cluster rocket systems these are the ones in his two fists hitting here on threes uh no rolls for me there and this one is strength five you're T5 that's so Force to Wi y um there we go this is no AP for one damage so you got threes three UPS I'll take one damage okay one damage well let's keep it going with two twin Bur cannons that's eight shots 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 again on threes first cannons not kind of Spun up just yet um that's also unfortunate nothing there and then we have the two twin smart missile systems oh um these are also on threes and strength five so fource there you go this one is uh would you know AP zero for one damage threes so I'll lose a full guy and this guy is still on one okay and uh I'm not going to use my um Destroyer missiles and so that's all his guns how' I do I got I got what four uh four yes okay and uh my fire Warriors no longer have a uh I think a Target there so that's all my shooting um and it's in fact the r that's all my turn ah so I'm done there should we score it up let's let's score it up okay so um I did uh I did take you off a point there two points you took me you killed me off two points right so it'll be five on overwhelming Force Y and you killed two units for four on no prisoners correct who nice putting points on the board points scoring them up and we took you off uh a bit of the primary yes I'm only getting five primary five primary okay five now you see it was very important that you put everything in uh you're right cuz the indirect I can tell you right now is not going to do it no the indirect is really really it's really quite poor toss yeah you're right um okay you want to do anything else at the start of the the turn we're both up to uh or I'm up to three you're up to four four four command points start of my second turn turns out you don't need the silent King to uh to give me extra C extra CP I missed the battle round thing again oh yeah I supposed to pick off cool list of cool things you want to just pick it now um yeah it's the same option the rolls ones to hit and wound to hit wound okay yep yep yep yep great uh cool secondary cards yes let's go straight oh before sorry before that I have to choose a thing that I hate do you have anything to reanimate yes but I also choose a thing to hate you got to hate something I have to uh it's not oath of moment it's worthy foes well I have several worthy foes for you worthy foes now it is only triarch lichard and Overlord units that get this plus one to win so really it's those lichard over there that are going to get the most of the benefit or I do have possibly coming in from reserves we'll have to roll yeah uh Immortals that have an Overlord in them right right right so they they could benefit from that plus one wound however uh this Katan and and the silent King cannot benefit so that really restricts the targets right cuz I think this Katan coming into here is the most interesting kind of combat you have no no strength eight it's not going to do anything oh okay yeah so it's five to wound yeah mhm but he is going to brain bullet your uh the crisis your crisis okay which is like it's something plus one wound would be nice there although it's anti- infantry or anti character 4 so it actually would do nothing I take it all back I do have a character on this squad yeah yeah it's Precision anti- character okay he hates character he he makes you go crazy listen I've got a commander I don't know why they made Jim Carrey make you go crazy you're right we all know why uh I choose hat h i don't that storm surge is just pointless to pick you think the storm surge is too tough to crack especially without a full Squad of anything well he's a two up he is great armor save t11 yeah yeah four pin nothing I do to him is really going to matter at best you take like five six wounds off of him mhm yeah which is the same actually as doing nothing it's approximately nothing yeah I think we'll choose that fire warrior Squad the one on the point there yeah y okay and now we got some secondary cards now we're ready for secondary okay secondaries caught out of the oven ooh toasty here they are they are steaming Stand Battle lines okay and no prisoners these are both easy well extend batt line is easy and you do have a lot of little garbagey units kind of that you could pick up y yep well let's get into it now let's consult before we get into it we have to consult the I'm using it as a as a bookmark consult the delayed reserves card it is now turn two so you're going to be it's on three up MH per unit that's what I was checking each unit rolls on a three okay so we'll get there I have to move my normal move first okay well while you're moving your normal move let's talk to chat I just want to thank Joe time 90 for gifting one membership thank you so much and then Flor dice coming in again we one more we did put some Flor some dice on the floor oh yeah oh yeah although in that that big fist I grabbed I think I only dropped one which is which is pretty good yeah that's he that's you know what compared to the other players yeah pretty good that pretty good op the other players yeah it's Brian this is the Brian and other player show that's what we are we're just the other players that's what this is he's been here for less than a week Lindsay that's just the presence I admit yeah other players I'll have you know Bridger has been here since day one I yeah I I was in that chili parking lot how many how many shows did it take before your face was first shown a long time it was a long time Bridger was just a disembodied voice for like a year I was the only person who knew how to run any of the streams it was by Bri always was the producer Adrian and I were always the players and then we tried a couple streams with you guys producing and it was yeah so Brier had designed the system like all the software and everything that ran it so he knew yeah and Bridger has these Bridger isms where it's like something is logical in his mind but it is not logical to anyone else in the world it was and just terrible soft yeah and so bridg yeah and and bridger's also uh uh definitely a lazy software developer he will do as little as conceivably possible but in five years of iteration it's got a lot better yeah no it's it's actually a really great system these days we've actually exported it for the first time now Liam's using it to run his channel and um and so it is it is really a great tool but um yeah Bridger just we were thought it was so funny that no one ever saw Bridger um they only uh they only heard a voice yeah it was just a voice and there was a funny thing many of you don't know but when we before we started the channel Bridger was actually like a really shy person like Bridger was kind of quiet like he he would talk like in our like social group when we were like at Chili's after playing Warhammer or something the parking lot but like kind of in small groups only and um you know that was kind of one of the reasons it was like he's he's the producer um you know where Adrian and I were more of the the like loud talkie kind of people and the second we started streaming Bridger instantly became this like outgoing character we had no idea where came from like as soon as you turn a camera on Bridger apparently playing Warhammer or talking about Warhammer he becomes uh the Bridger you know and love and then as soon as you turn it off people who have met me at conventions know soon as you turn it off back in the show right right leave me alone he only works on television he's only got this and uh one of the things that shocked us the most is people started asking us to say things in orc voices you had this banging orc voice out of nowhere and we never heard Bridger do a voice or a bit or and nothing and Bridger had this perfect orc voice the funny thing is Brian you guys don't know and we were standing here and we're like what is this orc voice at home in my apartment I make weird noises and weird voices all day so you've been you've been practicing for this well I'm glad we had this uh ability to let it out it's a good creative outlet for me yeah absolutely did you finish the movement I have to now roll for my reserves tell us about what what you're trying to do here what do you got so I have Immortals five of them who ran up to hold this objective which is extending a battle line and hopefully uh primary points also extending a battle line in the middle here is SK and he's going to get two maner shots down at my uh down your stormy and is a good gun yeah but it's just not it's just not it's not reliable it's two shots yeah well we'll see at six damage I mean it's big you watch out yeah okay and then we've got uh the the deceiver coming up for a potential charge you keep wanting me to charge your St Surge and I'm not going oh you want to come down this way I'll charge anything else strength eight is just not going to you're right you're right not not with that attitude the golden fists and you've got the lichard um coming down for a charge at uh my score and and and things like that I'm thinking I I'll have to figure that out they can't just keep standing there no right no yeah they have to do something they got to do something they are pretty sad though yeah uh I did get I rolled for re animation I got three wounds back which is a guy and the wound that I was missing great um I now have to roll three ups for a reserve yes so this will be the Tesla Immortals that have an Overlord okay and this is the cool new over this is the new one with the translocation cloak or what's it called translocation he's actually just tall shroud shroud okay let's do it three up we did that magician trick where we cut him in half and then we pulled the boxes apart oh so good ah there he is coming in he's in and then the other 10 man okay another 10 man imortal also in so everything from the reserves is in delayed reserves just it's not it's not real it doesn't actually do anything it can it can really bite you though it can't hurt you right that's what I learned I'm well I'm scared in Middle School well so with these guys now you pretty much wiped my squad um so now what are the lichard actually doing are they trying to tie up ing onto that objective what's the OC of a storm o surge I think it's six six well I got more than six mon you have more than six and also not only that but you have um uh I have a cool Strat you have a strat to give you more OC okay now that they drop in I guess I could try to OverWatch them yeah fir Warriors famously OverWatch on fours cool so that is like their one thing the strike teams that's their thing that's their thing that's okay that's their thing um and uh it's only when I'm in range of an objective by the way also which you are yeah so why don't we just give it a go and see if we can take take a couple out I hope you do okay so uh one CP down for OverWatch and uh here we are we've got 10 models we've got uh how far away You're 9 in away I am n away so then we've got 20 shots 2 4 6 10 12 16 18 20 all right hitting on for yeah all right looks like about odds maybe a tad bit worse and then uh your T5 T5 rank five so fours then you lost the AP on this gun right yeah no AP on this weapon of three um so you got decent saves just trying to chip a few nothing no that's a big fat nothing sorry dude all right I was never goingon to do much no I was only ever going to do a few I like the idea though my Hope was honestly genuinely My Hope was two and I was thinking I could get three wow you were reaching for the star no I think I think that's plausible Reach for the Stars exactly that's uh what what that's a Toy Story That's Buzz Lighty yeah oh no that's not Buzz Light Year oh it's that's Woody yeah it's Woody Reach for the Stars that's right that's what they say it's got a full string range on a Tesla carbine is 24 yeah I don't think there's anywhere I can bring these in and shoot those cuz they do not have deep strike no do you want to know where you might be able to I can't be in your Diplo Zone not in my Diplo Zone that's right do that you could wait till next turn no no we'll just bring them in you need more bodies to get on that point next turn this is a yeah this is a you're going to clear out five Immortals so I'm going to send in five more Immortals makes sense and by five you mean 10 more that's what I mean yeah yep somehow you knew right um well we're deployed yes it's the phase of shooting okay where should I you know what we just brought in Immortals let's do Immortals I think so I'm going to use this cool Strat I got get the name right cuz we're debuting oh this Detachment this is MHM enslaved artifice so spend me one CP okay we're going to get Critical Hits on five so Tesla this is a sustain 2 gun yeah it uh pops off on a five now so this is into my my ethereal and my Strike Team so because the Ethereal is there the unit I'll have you know has uh five feel no pain whoa and what I'm going to do is do I currently have cover cuz if I don't I might give myself cover I'm still at four CP sorry this a battle tactic it's free ah because you have Mr Overlord yeah so Mr Anderson uh am I I'm not getting cover here cuz I think you see me right no I don't know how these tiles work man I think you see me my man you made a cool board so you see me so I'm going to spend one more of my CP on go to ground oh you're going to ground so I'm going to going to try to have a real chance at surviving here and you're going to take a real chance at me not surviving 68 10 I do have a shots you have 20 shots yeah but which could turn into 60 hits yes unlikely that's ambitious yeah 60 hits is I think we're going to settle for like 40 yeah okay I think 40 is really that's let's see it um hitting on threes is there anything else I don't yeah no these strats seem they're cool they're just like very each yeah oh I could use Precision o no they're not L card or try hard okay that's right okay but you really want fives well that's terrible doesn't look good my man yeah that's awful should have stood next to Mr SK he would have straightened them right out yeah H you're going to be lucky to get uh so I get six back in I'm going to live I tell you what threes to wound three re-rolling everything o cuz you're on an objective and we can't stand that as a Mor that's true that's true Fon was roll the hits that's what you really want uh okay so I have this is no AP yep so I have a three up save in cover and then I have a five up feel no pain uhhuh I'll have you know I lost one yeah well good one good sir that's how I drew it up okay one what I wanted well let's have a Feelgood activation we're going to shoot some Cosmic Insanity oh another good band name it is you're right Cosmic Insanity I'm here for it uh at your crisis team okay but specifically at the commander right bring it cuz that's that's how we do up in here uh so this will hit on twos okay yep uh okay there's some ones not what you want and then anti character for and precision and devastating well devastating be two cuz it's anti character anti that's just two damage on your on your guy man okay straight through so just two wounds down so he's down from six wounds down to the four WS we're going to have to duel him you're going to have to do it give him the old duel okay um you want to shoot some maners yeah let's take Mr he also have some staffs of the stars and stuff Mr K the silent King we're going to have to see what these miners can do against a storm surge I need that bookmark that's an important bookk this is your best storm surge kill gun yeah yeah and uh you just need the hits the wounds he gives himself the rolles yeah well let's see all nekron units with six these are the two Annihilation beams these are the two big ones hitting on twos everything's on TW we rolling ones good good thing we R those ones uh don't get too cocky yeah see you got cocky about it yeah strength 14 three uh three well rolling on oh my God don't do this got it okay on my four pinball yeah uh four pinball it goes through how much damage six it's a mighty six damage so I'm down I'm down to 14 wounds I'm going to get a bigger dice we have d30s oh look I got this one yeah that's a D30 that's a D30 yeah oh I'm only going to need a D20 though well so down to 14 what what else you got uh this is the SE of eternal glory I like it good name and then strength 10 so F so F yeah cuz I'm T1 one win AP three what okay so four up inol again three damage ouch down to 11 and then listen you're putting in work this little gun is obviously not going to go into the storm star it's going to go into Pathfinders the staff of falling stars y That's a good one I was plus one to w i you were plus one to wound with everything the no the I chose the fir Warriors as my I immediately forgot my fake oath right like you do this is the staff of falling stars hit on twos roll them once roll all of them once cuz you need it I do need it okay okay and then strength uh six TW and rolling the ones and this is indirect so that's kind of cool that kind of cool didn't really matter didn't really matter who you rolling lots of ones yeah but that's that's his thing he's just showing off yeah he's just showing off and uh one and um okay one and Pathfinders have real bad armor save like a five it is like a it's a four oh so so it's going up to a five right yeah one two three four five nice five die he's doing his best I mean he's the king it's a good start let me uh take five Pathfinders out king of the Galaxy one two three four and five okay we're taking the front rank out all right well you've uh you've got one of these Storm surges down to half that's uh that's a good start if uh and you've presented me a lot of targets so uh the king is going to get to do that again we're not done yet Brian we're charging with who everywhere charging everything into everything I thought that might be the case where did my tape me there it is so we're going to look take a little look see MH oh that's trying to charge here with the Katan but there's a bit of a screen of fire Warriors yeah I mean I'm just looking to kill units this turn but there's more than eight of them and I have a measly eight punches that's true in me but this is still this is sufficient okay this will be fine he's going to charge the fire Warriors the fire Warriors okay and uh not quite okay we're rerolling it this is uh my first CP SP all game wow seven oh you need a four there you go okay so into the fire Warriors coming into my house here this is the scariest Jim Carrey they've ever met I'm pretty scared uh we have a nine from the Immortals that just popped in right into nine into my fir warar this will take my point pretty confidently yeah I hope so here we go big nine big nine no no okay and then you have a lichard look much closer I do need to kill units this turn okay your lichard are within a nine so they're an eight what do you think failing this charge better than making a charge to the storm surge and then taking my point right yeah cuz if you you can easily charge the storm surge and then you can consolidate onto the point you'd have to be careful what you no doesn't matter what you roll you'll get onto the so the storm surch is a a charge range of you're just inside a seven so it's a six let's just come back to that okay we're seeing what the silent King needs to do his job yeah it's an eight to Pathfinders see if he can finish what he started I think that's worth doing okay so now that I've made this I think killing you're going to kill something killing units is less so now it's more interesting just to take the point for me right slow my roll a bit yeah that was that was the thought okay so we're going to take the 6 inch to the storm search to the stor search with with the Lich card oh good thing want to move on here here we go recharges can the storm surge uh stomp one of your your guys to death uh uh maybe he has three attacks strength eight two damage yeah may maybe a little bit maybe maybe and I think you're going to be able to take a few wounds off of me for for real um I don't I don't think you'll take many but I think you'll probably take four wounds off me they do have devastating but oh they have devastating on the sides yeah you don't see the sides often you're right and uh that's that'll be that'll be big okay but their strength eight just an awkward strength here okay well where do you want to fight first I'm not going to be interrupting so yeah I I have lichard up let's let's do the lichard into the storm surge how many do I even have yeah how many are you trying to fight me with there are six here okay and uh is the you've got a overlord in here as well or is this is there yeah it's an Overlord but Overlord he's just going to be up on the point yeah they're okay they're not great Fighters the overlords they're I mean they're good every time I say this Adrien gets offended cuz he thinks they're amazing they're okay they're totally okay low volume of attacks solid solid profile right it's not enough to reliably kill units which is what I'm always looking for so 12 attacks did you say uh I said there's six of them yes 12 I have eight here I got it 12 you got it so hitting me on threes threes and fives let's see what you can do this sege um are you within range of your rerolls or is it only in super no okay great very far from him and then five sixes are are critical are uh devastating devastating so no sixes and one five AP two or one on this weapon AP two three so four up in one war Scythe goes through two damage I am down to nine You' you've got me more than half that's a something yeah next we'll go to the DEA yes Into the Fire Warriors yes here are eight of my finest golden punches let's see what you can get twos and twos okay great so far so good and two's no sustain noting no rules at all maybe three so that's uh two four six seven of them dead yeah three damage on that bad so I have three left I'm going to keep you in base contact with me and uh I'm going to remove them three damage oh wow yeah that would have been good against crisis suits T of okay and uh lastly the silent King how many attacks against my puny marker lights like a bunch like a bunch he's complicated look he's a complicated man Brian he's got a lot going on he actually does he has like two combat profiles they actually simplified it they did he used to have three combat prop and one of them is armored bulk so one of them is actually the one of them's the chair the no it's the maners oh really the maners have armored bulk he has just weapons I choose to believe that he picks up the miners and wields them like giant swords that would be pretty cool uh or he can like telepathically move them and just like crunch two of them and you get squished in between or he just like one of them just yeah what he does he rolls it over to you and then flips the switch to turn it off and it goes and he turns it back on and it's all like sticky uh so he has 12 weapons of the final triarch okay jeez TW they combin all their names dude uh rrolling ones right these are pretty Rad Rad names yeah his rerolls are in shooting and combat yeah it's just uh units within six roll hits and wounds of one I like it and then uh this is two to Wi me what's the strength here this is lethal on that bad boy well you're going to need it check that out yeah strength a this will be two and it's a Bunch uh maybe re roll them once all right there you go AP is three okay so they die got him you got him ah you got him ah weapons of the final triarch yeah well he's the last he's the raid boss he's the last one well we see why he's the boss he's in charge he did good some he did some good work this turn he tried he he's really pulling his weight nobody else is they're getting LAX well uh it's my turn to fight back you may punch in return here are my three attacks with my fire Warriors they fail great here are my Stomps my thunderous footfalls from the storm surch on fives my friend there's one strength eight it's on a two but up to a three a three up it's on a three up to a four you're right doesn't win fails and uh is that it that's it that's it well should we score it up for you let's okay what do we got okay what's it going to be no prisoners two okay killed one unit nice s battle lines five okay wonderful wonderful on the board points points and you took away my uh I took away your primary you took away my primary who yeah it's that's that kind of game well at the start of my turn I still do have an ethereal Despite All Odds and uh he does give me a CP so I'm up to three I get to reanimate in your turn sir oh why is that cuz I res orb but that's a once per game right no it's every turn is it yep that's just what they do now I reanimate in both command phases no way yep I like that oh you've been away for too long Brian um resorbs are obnoxious I uh I totally thought it was uh once per game thing it used to be back when reanimation was like one Big W it used to be once per game one Big W at every time but now it's just do the little the creeping R well I like it so that was one that card back y um and then otherwise I think we just need to get some points for me yeah I I do have to roll for their batt shock batt shock is that the start of the phase or end of the face uh it's right now yeah right now start of the pH okay so I do have battles shock on my Strike Team they're good they're good they're very good yeah yeah um great uh let's pick up two cards okay let's do it what are we going to get give me some good stuff okay so far we've been all get doing our secondar so let's keep this grave train going okay do you have a request I I don't know them so um he wants I want the things that can be done assassination do I of course who who am I killing he wants assassination don't give me assassination you're going to kill Jim Carrey for sure no what I'm going to kill Katan you'll try to kill Jim Carrey I might try the crisis unit I think could legitimately doesn't care okay he wants assassination and he wants oh cleanse is rough for you okay engage on all fronts um is I'm I'm I got one I got two and the third we're going to have to see how far those fire Warriors have to move um so that's fine and then cleanse is take you off actions on objectives that you control well do actions on objectives the end of the turn you have I think I can end up controlling that one well the confidence well I just have a lot of OC the confidence um well that's that's fine I'm going to be able to do it on and then uh it's objectives I control outside yeah yeah yeah so I'm going to be able to do that on one uh one objective and that's for how many points out there that'll be three to do one objective okay that's good okay well and then let's take a look at uh my uh I have to make it what 36 in it's three past you have to be wholly outside three past which would be 33 oh it's only three you sure it's not six I'm not sure can you check the number has changed I saw I thought it was six the number has moved around it's wiggled and waggled over the years because I can definitely do three pass but I can't do six past so you want to look that up for me somebody up um well chat will definitely let us know CU right now they're wondering um Bridger the resorb did it change to once per game yeah I'm pretty sure it did I did read it what I refuse to believe it that that okay we'll find out we're going to check oh trason looks awesome Ryan why don't we have TR I'm I'm going to get tras he's going to be the next one I get but I'm going to get a custom one there's like a 3D sculpt of him like sitting in his chair his like thrown just kicking it being a boss Mr collector yeah um so Willow's coming through saying it's three now it's three okay so I can easily do that so I will be able to get engage on some of the fronts which uh I'm here for it is once per game and it is also D6 instead of D3 but it's in your turn is it my turn or your turn no uh well now I don't know now I've been all thrown off once per battle while you're leading unit end of any any phase what any phase right any so did you want to do it in this phase any face um doesn't really matter when I do it got it I'll do it I'm going to do it but it is D6 and I I have no idea what I rolled well it's a one so we're it stays the same okay okay incredible it's amazing uh I'm impressed deeply wonder why they made that change I have no idea I'm going to step back a little bit so the silent King can't uh shoot me as much uh with the crisis team so how he how he can't if he tags into this building then he he's not towering oh he's not towering no you sure he's just a guy oh that was a big weakness for him I see while you're doing that we do have some more Super chats uh this one is from Cobra Commander thank you so much Cobra for the two $10 Super Chat and they say hello Titans not a 40K comment but I enjoyed the the Lord of the Rings games I hope it comes a Mainstay what's your army army respectively what would be your ideal Board of terrain so it we've ordered like6 we ordered like $600 of more Lord of the Rings now that sounds like a lot but two of them were Forge World train pieces so they were very pricey so we actually have no models we just bought we actually bought everything we need for the Amon Hen scenario nice and we're going to do we're going to do do you know what that is that's that's when bemore tries to take the ring and froto runs off to the Cano that place is called Amon Hen amen where they they first meet the orai the they're awesome and LZ kills borer it's a big battle actually a ble so we already have the fellowship um and so we just bought the kai Scout Squad and alerts and uh we bought the the official gw2 terrain pieces that go with it and we're going to 3D print the Elvish canoes and we're going to do the whole thing with the water oh the cliffs in the the statue it's kind of cute so we're going to do that and then we've pretty pretty much decided behind the scenes that we're going to do Moria the tomb of Ballin yes and we're going to do like the pillar and then we're going to do the bridge of kazad Doom with the barck so we can do a bit of a Moria campaign where we do the battle in Moria and then there's other battles that take place in Moria where dwarves against like when ball in before he died oh yeah so listen we love Lord of the Rings we've been waiting for something to break the ice the ice is broken it's been broken and we're spending we're buying um day Brian one day yeah doesn't have to be soon we have to do home steeve it's the coolest battle absolutely right but it's 10,000 Kai um no I don't mean literally at scale no but I'm trying to say like how many Kai is enough we figure it out I'm saying not today I'm saying not tomorrow even but someday we're going to do Helm's Deep great it's going to be awesome um there there's a Helms Deep someone dropped off a Helms Deep diarama yeah at game Castle pretty Co really and it is really really cool I'm here for it yeah it is really cool mhm um but yeah Cobra sounds like Cobra is really into into Lord of the Rings and may we're looking to get some stuff maybe they've been building a lot of uh terrain they they're their Community I know is pretty big into Lord of the Rings every time that we go to like a big convention and we walk around and see like all the different game systems Lord of the Rings wins for coolest Terrain yeah pretty much time Lord of the Rings is a game about kind of like is about diarama terrain so I think that that that really makes a big difference it's really a game about diaramas it's not even the game is supplemental we're liking the game honestly um okay so I've got a bit of a i' I've I'm not really sure exactly all my tactics here what I've got is my crisis team can easily shoot at the the deceiver who's up in my lines I've got my my giant storm search you can also shoot there he can also try to take you off the objective if maybe I deal with this guy in advance so that's kind of a thing um now I do I have nothing at all that's going to be able to shoot the silent King so he's going to be very kind of fresh um just doing whatever he wants yeah I've got a storm surge who can stain combat and shoot at you he's got heavy so it's going to counteract the um the penalty the penalty and I've got spotters there so that can help me out I've moved actually Brian you ignore all penalty um you don't even care you ignore penalties to oh right great so we've got storm sorry we've got some some spotters we've got some fire Warriors who came up on to the point they're doing the they're going to do the action and uh as far as I can't get in on any other objective that I can control from you and I brought a piranha in on the back field who is going to help with my engage I'll be in three quarter or sorry four quarters for engage y so it'll give me a bigger engage and he can dump uh his two Seer missiles maybe at the Sonic King cool um and Chip Away wounds that you're going to heal back mhm you see what you see great that's kind so um I've got a plan let's go into the shoting phase it is turn three so I am going to have for everybody um which is uh which is nice um so let's get to blasting let's get blasting um we're going to start first with the crisis team yeah and tell me about the defense of they're enormous of the deceiver here he's toughness a bunch invulnerable save four y feel no pain five yep damage yep toughness 11 okay so seven so doing my one damage shots is actually better mhm because I'm still wounding you on fives and the AP your armor sa oh he's also stealth so he's might as want to hit okay Y and your armor save is what four same as so then my single shots is the way to go uh it's literally the same thing without killing me cool so I've got 3 6 9 12 m um and then the the commander who's spotting for you here uh that's going to be this fire warrior team at the back cool so uh they do have marker lights not that that's going to really matter okay so let's go that's going to counteract the stealth so we're just going to be hitting on fours um Plain Jane okay regular fours so uh yeah three so that's yeah nine uh 9 18 36 shots okay yeah so give me a second while I count some dice maybe we hey chat how they doing hey chat um chat is doing great U oh Hector sheep wants to remind you Brian that Destroyer missiles are not once per game oh they're every turn yeah Unlimited Supply mhm I think that's how they no they were one shot in there were four shots yeah there were four one shot weapons yeah so Brian funny anecdote my mom sent me a picture of a Yu-Gi-Oh card okay it was slyer the Sky Dragon oh a cool one it was graded oh and she was like would you is this like a Christmas present and I I bless her heart she has no idea what anything is she remembered that I watched Yu-Gi-Oh as a kid and played the cards I never owned a slier okay what she doesn't remember is that I whined for a long time and then they bought on eBay my favorite card which was three-headed blue eyes white dragon yeah okay and it was in Japanese and it showed up and I didn't know what to do with it it was in Japanese and they were like well that's the last time we buy you a card on eBay how much does this graded card go for $10 actually okay yeah so funny story it's a it's graded a 10 it's life for the Sky Dragon $10 okay it actually cost them more to grade the card than the is worth so uh I almost feel like you should get it just have a graded 10 yeah I I told her like yeah if you want to get this go for it I think you should get it just have a grade of 10 I'm into it and she randomly found like it was actually in the time when I SL the dragon like when from the ER I played the first edition of Yu-Gi-Oh and I loved yeah and then never again well the the game is not what it was but the first edition was it was pretty cool it was still janky but it was aw did you do the thing where you always argued on the show in the anime they that way they got themselves in that argument i' yes I've only had that argument okay here's some crisis uh cylic iron blasters not overcharged four and in fact standard yeah yeah and I'm rolling ones that's cool and sixes are a thing sixes are a thing which I didn't get many of you got plenty of twos two was the magic number this time yeah let's get these twos out of here and threes and in fact the threes cuz you are stealth I'm a stealthy is he the only one with stealth yeah and then uh okay so then sixes we had one two three four so it's eight additional 2 four six 7 eight oh did I miss with more yeah oh those are the rolls yep okay I'm fives to wound you yep so let's see it I mean looks like a lot of a great roll uh one I'll just pick up the successes and uh we'll see if we chip three issue ones from you okay so four ups and then five UPS four up four up inv vulnerable save five up feel no pain feel no pain okay well that was a great roll so I would be taking four damage here of my 12 yeah it's a lot and instead I will take two pretty impressive okay so we do have the commander three six n not overcharged for him as well so he'll be hitting on threes and rerolling the one mhm and we do have some sixes there the commander did as much as the whole Squad so far uh but he is a commander that's why we're trying to make him insane he is a commander we're sending him to the crazy Zone um not too many wounds just two wounds oh that's he didn't do as well as the Squad no fire that guy a two armor saves okay yep so I did how many total two damage two damage okay can kill anything it's going to take more than that can't kill a Katan listen we know katans are vicious all right well um ouch I don't know uh I don't uh take that cuz he can wipe that whole Squad in combat next turn uh well he can take them to a point where they're not a thing anymore yes right he will which actually no I think he could straight up kill them it's it's technically possible yeah it's unlikely uh so we have Commander Shadow son she has two um she has her high energy fusion um and I believe she has two of those right so let's do two of them hitting on twos threes uh cuz she's not spotted right so roll the one so the twos Miss uh strength of 10 and you are t11 yeah that's nothing yeah uh she has her why they're t11 to be honest to just make them really tough well the void Dragon is large the rest of them are not even large but they're you're they're going to upsize them all eventually here is my flet okay and rolling okay and this is strength three so sixes listen I need to take everything I can get um you also have a Missy thing I do I do have a missile pod and ruling one and I do have a sustained mhm and then strength seven so five thank you uh two uh fours yeah fours this is two damage down one five up I'll take one damage down to nine all right down to nine I don't know why they gave them a five of f the pan either they were plenty strong they didn't need it um I like them being Invincible I like them being Godlike like they're basically little Titans right they're basically as hard to kill as a as a as a knight or something yeah um and they they're costed similar to Knights so I think it makes sense uh okay okay now we have my big storm surge I wanted to take you off the point but this thing will just end my game Ender of days yeah so the storm surge is going to put everything you don't want son of mask running around everything into here I'm going to spend one CP to allow this unit to spot twice sure for me so one CP down okay MH and uh on a five up I get that CP back I do not so here we are I Stood Still and I'm hitting you on twos and I ignore all the minuses so I'm actually hitting you this time you well we'll see don't don't don't don't we'll see me we'll see okay let's just start with the pulse blast no sorry the pulse driver Cannon D6 plus three need more water it's eight eight it's two four this is the big eight this is the biggest this is the biggest one I've got yeah so hitting on twos and we got the rolls oh and we've got some explosions what's giving you roll oh she's moved back this turn and NOP she's out of range thank you for that and is he what gives you I don't actually it's C so bloop bloop they're not two sustained two if you're if you're uh markit okay or if you're um observed I feel I feel observed yeah great so this one is strength 12 it's a three threes to win yeah finally mhm okay and uh there you go this is the gun that can do it if any gun in the game can do it what's the damage it only is damage three which will be two yeah okay I feel fine yeah fours this is the the the invulnerable save is the scary one no I'm not scared oh it was real bad no I'm not scared now you're scared cuz I CP this okay CP that okay so you're down a CP now we just put in this many dice two four six eight two four did the math and I'm scared that was a leg that was a very bad you're G to die to the pulse blast Cannon a very bad invol five ups only nine wounds left turn it rrap no he's dead I don't think that's enough very very dead he dies does he explode uh yeah yes okay deadly demise if you oh we got him yeah that was unexpected that was an insane activation okay okay okay okay okay I'm not dead here now it's not over we'll see we'll see what you no we'll see the deceiver we'll see he's called The Deceiver because he's a back we'll see all right we do have one more storm surge uh we're going to put uh everything into your uh uh lichard Squad yes and we're going to observe it with my uh stealth team sure and uh lichard uh they they're going to die so you're hting on Tuesday here I am and so we're going to do is the pulse blast Cannon we're going to do its uh dispersed mode which is six shots 1 2 3 4 5 six and um here we go hitting on twos not rrolling but I have sustained yep and this one is strength uh 10 so three is to in mhm right there you are my friend this is ap2 so you're going to uh uh your three okay mhm and it's four damage each mhm three do so we got three of them and next we're going to do the cluster rocket system um and this 46 + 1 so we've got uh 10 13 14 5 9 10 14 hitting on twos take out the ones and then sustained sustained and sustained and then this is strength five so fource mhm and I'm rrolling one two one which I've been forgetting because my stealth team yeah um there you go this one's AP nothing for one damage uh threes y one more will die okay so tally is at four and then we've got the Destroyer missiles which apparently are not once per game so I can just shoot one Destroyer missile right destroy your missiles yeah so it's only one shot per turn that's just how it works now uh it hits and it's sustained Incredible strength 16 so that one is threes Y and it's ap4 I don't get saves you don't get saves so that is D6 plus two three more seven that's all there's a character okay so let's shoot him with uh two twin burst cannons uh four six sorry there's eight there's one left or sorry this is one twin burst Cannon sorry yeah there's one left okay and uh one t burst Cannon here it is uh hit sustained sustained is very good objection you are you objecting that it's very good uh the character um roll ones so it's forc to wound you okay and so two wounds no AP on your uh one guy left on your Lord oh this is the the one guy there's the one guy in the the one guy is on one he takes a wound and we have the two twin smart missile systems last can we take this last wound um three hits uh Force wound one more wound and it's no AP so you L survive one guy left on moment okay I imagine are you staying in combat with me no cuz then my fir War oh I have to yeah oh sorry no my fir Wars are doing the action so they're probably not going to shoot um so you it's your choice you actually might be fine am I fine well the fir Warriors could not do the action but then I don't get my points um okay so there's one guy at one wound and the character yeah so I really want to take that one wound off so we're going to have to charge him um but uh we're going to have to charge him um okay I think I've done all the shooting I didn't forget anything so oh I did actually forget something I have the two uh Seer missiles from the piranha oh I have this cool Strat Brian okay one CB yeah don't know why this Strat is in this Detachment vehicle minus one damage neat say minus one damage for your secet missiles I hit with one of them SK okay I hit with one and the Seer missile strength 14 this a 3 to wound mhm there it is AP ap3 okay D6 plus one minus one so just D6 so you five to kill maner two damage on a maner where are all of our wound dice well we have some red dice here there you go my friend down to three on this menu and that is the end of my shooting phase we're going to get to charging the uh storm surge is going to charge the lichard and the stealth teams are also going to charge so we'll go with the stealth team first we need all the help we can get it is just outside of a six so we need a six in charge for them a combat tow all right they're bringing the heat we didn't want them all the way up the board here but uh we'll take it and the storm surge cannot fail so he will go in mhm I do not have any charges on this side of the board um so we are going to fight first with the uh probably with the big boy the storm search m I need to do one wound there might as one to hit from the enhancement on the Overlord ouch so I'm hitting on sixes no problem okay turns out this is a big problem and it's worth a try though so we've got the stealth battle team they have two attacks each so two four six attacks it can be done can it uh so they all Miss cuz they minus one to hit M so it cannot be done cool so you want to punch me back yeah let's do it we'll put this war side you could kill a stealth team or a stealth guy yeah let's do that uh two hits yep and IMT 4 so three two SW ap2 ap3 ap3 mhm yeah so six UPS so you Dro two of them mhm ouch and the overlord will fight your fire Warriors um I didn't charge with the fire Warriors yeah but he just piles in because his units in combat oh yeah makes sense the blade the overlord's blade same same as it's always been people have me checking now now do I fail my um I can fight back yeah okay so you've kind of given me free free extra attacks which is nice not worried about that uh famous last words two two will die two will die okay so we'll take two from the back and um let's go firew Warriors are going to win the day here you're hitting on sixes and wounding on fives I don't tempt me not really worried about this listen to this huus from these ancient robots so I have all but one you may have killed a Katan two 3 4 5 six but you'll never take our freedom six firew Wars and an ethereal who has an honor staff that's the one you got to worry about I know I'm going to get you I'm going to get you okay hitting on sixes yeah nothing great okay the Ethereal listen ethereal also maybe fives to hit he has two attacks on fives yeah he's he's now hitting on yeah four fives mhm you got nothing on this uh that's true got nothing I actually do have never mind feel no pains but it won't matter um ready yeah fives yeah the dreams alive one hit strength five four four to wound yeah a honor staff got okay AP AP zero three up yes the Ethereal does it ah ye have little faith the Ethereal cast leads by example that is the end of that whole Squad no more reanimations well on that very high note yeah let's score it up mhm okay woo what's it going to be Brian I have no idea what uh what secondaries did I have you got CLE and engage three on cleans five on engage there we go this why we bring a professional who actually knows how this game works oh wait did you get any primary 10 uh five I had five on primary for that okay cool wonderful okay three on cleanse five on engage and five primary wonderful Boom nekron turn three turn three yeah what do you got for me uh I got some secondaries coming right up okay okay well are you ready for these hey this looks very very familiar oh W engage huh crazy I mean you can engage for three pretty easily yeah Four's not really on the table cleanse is chill and cleanse is what kill me on no points do actions on objectives actions on you just did this which you can easily do here you could do here not great though I don't plan on doing that doing over there is very easy I have to hold the objective which you're planning to do yeah let's do doble so uh we'll keep we're going to keep and we're going to keep keep reanimate this maner it's back to full okay want W nothing I I am doing a good job of killing things dead else to reanimate not not leaving you much reanimate to is very good at that yeah yeah killing things all the way to dead yeah uh yeah I got nothing and primary 10 10 is yeah you were technically on three three objectives you could have really killed this one okay excellent excellent well while you are doing all that um I think it's time to look at some very very cute pets pet of the week yes it's pet pck of the week time a look at how these best friends yeah so this is eclipse and Loki uh it they are because of the holidays because of Thanksgiving these two met yes look at these cuties so cute no they're trading ear Gunk yeah look that okay so here is kylo Ren and Wesley can you guess who's who I think kylo Ren's the dog yes kylo Ren is the dog I feel like the the child could have been named Ren and they just like added the kylo yeah just to throw us off you know right yeah that you could could a possibility yes yes look at that face and that face too both faces uh here we have Pluto waiting to get some Thanksgiving dinner whether I boy right there I don't know you got to have you know you got to you got to be patient to get your Thanksgiving mhmm they didn't just eat the turkey yeah out of the oven well we don't know this is only this is only one moment of the scene so a snapshot yes it's a snapshot yeah exactly anything could have happened before or after yeah this is potato I just love the name I I thought it was so fitting honestly the name potato hon I you could have not told me this dog's name and I would have guessed it right right so I feel like I feel like you nailed it wa what game is is that yeah bridg hold on this has peaked my interest a balers gate type thing I must get closer looks like an old looks like an old balers gate yeah but I don't think it's this might be Temple of Elemental Evil o deep cut I think that's Temple of Elemental Evil which was a great game okay and we've got one more yes we have one more this here is Rocky you look at that face first so happy yeah that is those are all the pets how can you submit your pet pick on our Discord if you join discord. tabletop Titans we have a cute pet pic Channel yeah you post pictures of your pet that's it you can pet your your pets your your your priorians you know whatever you'd like yeah really you know I yeah it's there's channels for everything in there channel for everything yeah there's a channel for everything I will say not everything but if you have but non-standard pets they often are advantaged oh wow in the race yes yes I'm I'm a big fan of of the non you like the non-standard pets what's a non-standard pet that you like um people have uh posted spiders before posted lizards a lizard oh yeah my house is surrounded by lizards at all times so like there are no squirrels where I live there are just lizards the lizard but are they your pets Bri cuz wild I can't just take a picture of a squirrel and be like look it's my pet it could be your pet count I've had ship that were like Pudo pets yeah I say it counts like if you if you post a picture of any animal I'm there I'm for it when I was young the non-standard pet I guess it's like it's a standard adjacent that my friends had that I thought was really great was chinchillas chinchillas they were extra soft and they would do these things where they would literally like run on the walls they would like go and run on the wall and then jump and then run on that wall and then jump on top of the dresser and then just huddle there and you like you're a superhero yeah am parkour I know they were doing parkour have parkour that was Next Level parkour pretty good yeah yeah um there is one that I didn't there there's a uh a frog in the in the cute pet pics right now that everyone should go check out so frogs are so uh whenever it rains at my place like a lot the frogs will go crazy and they'll just start just jumping around so at night you'll just look at any of the windows of my house and they'll just be frogs stuck to them that's cool that's amazing and they're just frogs and they're just stuck to the windows um frogs are cool yeah frogs are cool frogs are cool they they deal with some of the pests yep did you move it up I did move what's uh I don't know you're going to try to kill kill and live cleans here cleansing on this one we're going to cleanse with that Overlord the Y the one who's just chilling he just walked back out of combat he didn't know he's just staying there oh cuz the one guy died yeah who was who was uh in combat perfect so he's cleansing well no he's in combat with fir Wars but you can oh you can cleanse in combat uh you have to be able to shoot and does he have a pistola the overlord oh so he can't cleanse at all oh okay so he's not cleansing we're just going to kill you over you want to move up with the big Squad of Immortals ands did I did can they get on to the point no they move five right ah yeah okay but we are going to take this from is that not the squad where he moves very fast but that's only when they Advanced only when they Advanced I see yeah and they can assault they auto advance six but they have assault weap so they can advance and then cleans so so I just did it for you no it's okay no no hear me up can I can he you want your you choose to do you can choose to do cleans at the end of the shooting phase so you can wait to see if you need their shooting activation or if you want to cleanse with them if you have enough sh like if your shots Go Gang Busters no I don't want your two points okay okay I don't want them okay if he loses by two points chat no know this I don't want your two points know this that he gave up on two points that I gave him we don't we don't take those around here take your points we don't want your points is it time for for shooting it is let me just make sure let get the engage yeah you're engaging here and there and with the overlord right with the overlord yeah we're good yep unless he dies that would be shocking that would be shock if he died in your turn minus one to hit yeah in my turn sorry in my turn if he died in my turn that'd be impressive okay we have some shooting yeah we have uh 10 Teslas yeah shooting three fire Warriors okay we're going to get we can just remove them you got them we got them yeah you got them that's not going to be a thing we also have here on this side we have Mr silent King himself and he's giving the uh the rerolls that's the one that's the best one that's the one you like it's um yeah the other two are wholly unimpressive more very situational yeah okay so are we going to try to take out a big bite of the uh we're going to take a bite out crime here Brian that says nine you're not on nine are you I am on nine you're on nine yeah you've cut you've cut me more than half more than half take a bite out of crime like you can one shot him here with these maners I hope to okay is it all the guns into him uh I guess the the staff of falling stars yes will go into the stealth suits great yeah let's do it up mm show me these two miners yeah a pair of Manet twos uh roll ones which he clearly needs y okay okay just styling on you no sustain no nothing no no no no rules on anything strength uh four teams the threes are ones okay so that two was Z you want to command point that no you sure cuz I'm going to charge you anyway and yeah you got me comfortably yeah is in the bag look at this guy the most arrogant robot ever okay four inol for me it looks good you're good it's good I don't know why I closed the book shouldn't have Clos the book no it's again it's the arrogance F it's yeah it's that yeah it's just robotic arrogance cosplaying as a neon today yeah no you're cosplaying as a robot a nekron every day it's cosplaying when you pretend to be a human you're that's kind of like a flade one you know scepter of eternal glory okay re rolling one okay uh your T1 yeah so this will be a five no nope no we just keep rolling until we get what we want we'll just keep going uh and then I have 12 shots into the the two or one remaining stealth man yeah okay minus one to hit my friend there's only one remaining there's only one cuz you killed the other two in combat like it was butter we're roll that one all those twos missed and then we'll wound you on three yep okay so one okay AP a bunch AP one oh okay and I die cool okay got him you got him he's dead uh that's all my shooting uh not you're not going to fire with shoot with those Teslas they can't see oh they can't see any you sure yeah all right I I I think one can see but you're right it's not much and now they charge okay the Tesla Immortals yeah need a onein charge into my into my fire Warriors in your fire Warriors we're taking taking back our homeland okay and then while we're here silent King is going to char let's find out what he needs the command point I saved was for this um right so he needs um let's say it's a seven and then he goes around the corner it's like a seven and a half eight uh we can call it a seven seven seven oh it's not good seven oh this the Comm points for this one command points this is what command points are for right here oh the arrogance it the arrogance it's okay he's standing on objective he's doing a job he's fine uh so they're in I got to go move them he's at full wounds he can he can take a punch back going to get you you are coming to get me my fir warar are going to tank it yet again cuz you're you're definitely you can fight but you shoot a lot better than you fight uh the two overlords are going to do plenty here right you have two overlords still in combat with me right yeah yeah well they have only three attacks each so four attacks is it four y Oh I thought it was three no it's four well it depends on the weapon they have blades m H which four attacks the Scythe the scth are three attacks okay okay well you got a lot of robot bodies around me yes you've been surrounded come out with your hands up well let's see it let's I have to start with the Immortals yes they just charged so you got a full unit of 10 plus your uh translocation Overlord plus the cool Overlord guy all right let's see what we can do here Immortals I'll bet they have one attack no I think they have two two attacks yeah it's two most excellent so you've got what 20 attacks cool strats yes count out 20 dice eight Dice Man 12 14 16 Co 20 all right dice man's here going to be wait for it you're looking for a combat strats it's going to be cool I could Precision uh you could wouldn't do anything it would do nothing I could do it it would actually be great if you put all 20 of these Precision into the character so then the unit fully lived fight on death would be uh Precision doesn't work common misconception oh right the at a time yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right um yeah it's something it looked actually great threes again yeah are you going to get me uh maybe okay my mission is already accomplished cuz you're on the point yeah yeah okay and here we are four up saves then five up F PS mhm so um fine five UPS uh three three die and then you have uh two characters the that Overlord twos okay and twos and two damage each AP three okay so two damage each so the first model dies and the second model dies so two more dead and then you have one last Overlord yeah I got to consolidate over here uh consolidate huh oh I see so then we'll just keep one there and we'll take one what's going on here we're just going to pick this building up okay we'll take that what's this three that's nothing unfortunately okay and then this other Overlord the other not in combat okay well then that's fine all right so I'll fight you back um with my ethereal who we know is a boss mhm uh two attacks on four one hit strength five so on a four mm oh he's a boss Zero but three oh again two they only have one wound oh more yeah mhm yeah he ices another robot don't mess with this ethereal on combat okay all you top players out there new combat meta yeah just charge just just if you want to kill one not one model you you can kill one model as long as they're one wound but you could get it okay um that's my fighting yeah no we're done um scoring it up you want to score it up okay all right what do we get boom okay engage we got three and cleanse also three okay three M three excellent excellent how we looking it's okay it's very close very close and you got bottom turn which gives you an edge it does you also got something stronger in the middle yeah right you have nothing in the middle so by that definition by default yeah so I got to pull I got to pull ahead in some other ways um and you've taken me off that point pretty viciously like I've got uh OC 6 uh 789 or something and you've got see like a billion right mhm um and and it can go to two billion if you think about can you increase it in my command phase yeah on your command phase yeah okay yeah so let me just see one so I have two so I have two fire Warriors and an ethereal you have one two three Immortals four Immortals four Immortals is eight right and then you have two two characters so what's that come out to for you 10 cuz they're one each uh comes out to 10 mhm so I have two 4 10 11 oh you got a battle shock hold on there's a strat for this Brian okay oh your time is not oh I have to kill your warlord never mind okay why hold on but I do have wait a minute yeah that Strat you have to kill their warlord okay and what you get out of it you kill their warlord spend a CP they minus want to battles shock it's not good that's so I'll roll it and if I if I no I what I start I'll Auto pass yeah so what I'm going to do is at the start of the turn I'll get a CP on uh four up mhm okay so I don't get one so I'm just at three mhm and then I will spend one CP does it cost one I'll spend one CP what Auto pass to Auto pass it might be two I don't know I don't use it I think it's I think it's one it's per game coward and I'll Auto pass that will give me 10 primary which uh really crucial um and because I'm not getting that primary uh again probably um what we also need to do then is uh just pull cards I think I don't have anything else I need to do so let's pull two new cards they need to be doable okay these secondaries this is it are this it this give me something give me something stem battle lines so I need to take an objective right um and then Behind Enemy Lines Behind Enemy Lines which I already am you want two units for the five I'm not gonna pull that off okay I'm not gonna get greedy here okay okay you could you're right I could but I will not you could get greedy so um let's just get to moving I do need to take an objective So currently I hold this one that's that's all you need extend battle lines hold your home and one in no man so I hold it now that's all you mean oh but I could kill you is what you're saying correct which I will yeah yeah good point um I will kill you so I can uh so I would but if I fall back I'm fine what if I fall back I have the 11 OC against your not 10 if you fall back and still have 11 o yeah yes okay great but you can heroically intervene no heroic intervention is only charges only if I charge okay I can OverWatch you great okay well that's a strategy we we'll we'll we we'll get to going um well let me is okay that's that's your tactic right you want to um OverWatch me I guess right um he's got fly so how does it work I have to I'll have to go you can desperate break out if you want which would be I can move through my own models right yeah okay so he can go to there he flies so that's no problem so th th is saying that the Strat is minus one to battles shock tests for the rest of the game yeah does that make it worth does that no still not so I fell back down would you like to shoot me yes okay I will OverWatch thems okay uh the the Tesla Immortals seem like the best that's 20 shots was sustained correct it's going to be the best so uh 20 shots sustained and you critical on fives or that's another Strat can't do that in OverWatch okay okay for a number of reasons makes per sense wrong timing on the Strat and not even how that interaction works unfortunately so here's here's I really I really need this OC yeah there's no strats you can use this is your movement face right okay so I can't go to ground or anything same reason I can't do mine use yours got it got it got it uh so just sixes and each sixes three hits yeah here we go uh it was real bad three hits three hits okay and this is three to Wi I keep not choosing an O Target there you go okay it's a four up good we get it oh I got uh I got off use on that um I also forgot about my uh Guardian drone but you you wounded fine um so here we are then we're going to be able to extend battle lines and I need to get Behind Enemy Lines which I already have you got it so I just have to maybe make this thing try and do something so we can plop some shots on your backfield objective mhm um and uh yeah maybe maybe do nothing that's probably the plan we could oh you're on an object sorry every roll wounds an objective great one more one more wound okay safe cool all right can't change the past apparently I was looking at these Immortals thinking what do they do and then I remembered what Immortals do um okay so we'll stay the storm we'll keep the storm surge standing here I'm not going to be able to touch your point but I can blast this unit um I don't know if we're going to get them all should we try to take your objective or should we try to hurt something over here it's a tough call give me a second why don't we take talk to chat and we'll figure we do have some super chats um so this one is from Joe time 90 thank you so much Joe time for the $10 Super Chat and Joe says or asks yes getting out of 40K and into kill team or convenience in life need to downsize my lar any recommendations or are you as blind as I am much love so kill team I can tell you right now you won't need any your vehicles what's his toughness 10 or 11 it's high huh yeah okay I can tell you right now in Kill team you don't need your vehicles mm so that's a a place for you to downsize um kill team is also particularly prescriptive right now there are kill teams that you play um so you could look at the lar kill teams I know that Rangers is one I know that striking scorpions is one I imagine uh Guardians oh yeah is also one I think those are three kill teams the rest of your stuff that's not in a kill team you could hold on to maybe because you want for them one day to be a in Kill team or you just uh you know you move on you get rid of them I think it'd be pretty fun like with kill team because it's a much shorter game mm you can try more more variations of things so it's like yeah you could try you don't know how things are going to work but you could play a game of just ones that you like and then what an hour or two you finish the game you could rack and try again try a new try other cool models that you want to play with so get those banshees in there yeah right right if there is a banshee I don't know if there's a Banshee Kil but yeah uh and probably you can downsize a lot because let's say you own 40 dire Avengers today or something well the most you're going to need kill team I think it's five oh yeah so big downsizing there yeah uh definitely have fun enjoy kill team definitely little little men with with little guns trying to decide I got one more decision to make which is Shadow Sun yeah um this is where the speed of this uh cold Star Commander really comes into play mhm um that's uh let getting me up the board I've decided to abandon that objective in favor of uh favor of yours it's actually much less uh defended mhm so I think uh I think Shadow sun shadow Sun could plink some shots down at the silent king um she can't really I'd have to roll a pretty hefty advance I could get her down here to help out but I don't think I need the help so she's going to go over here just kind of um if she gets into the ruin then she can see you right that's what we're doing so so she'll go into the ruin there so that she can see you excuse me okay um I also think I'm going to want to spot her down here so we've got them spotting I've got a unit that fell back they can't spot because uh they can't shoot yeah so um and I do have spotters here and I do have some CP that I can uh burn to potentially do that let me make sure I got in six no we'll take her more this way okay we got our six Ines for my rerolls okay let's get to the blasting phase yeah what we're going to do is um we're going to activate first uh these guys are all one wound right um so I think um what we're going to do first is we'll take the storm surch MH and he is going to shoot half and half I think what what what do we want when I split I'll have a negative but I ignore the negative no when I split it's are you spotting I am going to spot okay if you spot and split you get plus one against the spot and minus one against ballistic skill it's not minus one to hit it's minus one B they're both ballistic skill modifi yeah so I cannot uh negate it with my negative ignoring negatives hit so I'm going to put my big gun my pulse driver cannon into the big Squad y I'm also going to put my uh um uh I guess Destroyer missiles and um sure my cluster Rockets uhhuh um and then I'll chip away at with my burst cannons and my uh indirect weapons down at the squad um I think that's the way to go and I'm going to spot from Shadow Sun sure um and I don't believe she has a marker light so she's does she have marker drone no I don't think so she has two fancy weird drones yeah uh it's just making her more defensive yeah okay um then great I think that that's that's what I'm going to do we ready to do it let's do it okay let's do it so we're going to start with the 46 blast weapon plus two cuz you're 10 mhm okay um it was good so 10 18 20 shots so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 okay now this one is the the one that I'm getting the pluses to hit against the bigger Squad yeah okay so I'm actually hitting here on twos M and we roll once and sustained objection yeah honestly everyone should always object whenever their opponent says sustain to MH two two no marker light or is it just observing it's just observing yeah we can double double check it but I was no you're good I don't it just ignores cover with the marker line cool um okay so here we are this one's uh strength five so this is for to mhm this is a big Immortal Squad cluster Rockets okay I'll take out all the misses and uh there are your saves threes three UPS four okay and next what we have is the Destroyer missile one shot uh there is a wound and minus four y so uh yep that's another one dead and then last we have the pulse driver Cannon um wa how does blast work does it start at the start of the activation or Midway through I've never fired multiple blast weapons so I couldn't tell you um I I'll you can have plus two uh so okay so it's D6 plus three and then plus two okay and then hitting on twos mhm roll the ones okay one sustained and then two's to wound mhm there you go this one is minus uh minus three sixes one left one left pesky that was all my shots and to hit them and then now I have the twin smart missile system two twin so this is now minus uh one to hit but plus one for heavy so back to force yeah and then sustained and force to wounds uh there you go no AP so just three up saves uh okay three go down and then lastly the twin burst Cannon it's four shots on fours uh on a four again okay so that is his activation done next we'll do uh uh this squad activating and Shadow Sun actually um can't can't see to spot again spotted yeah I have a one CP Strat to allow a unit to to spot twice there's three Immortals over here you're right you're right I'm over optimizing um thanks thanks bra so what I'm going to do is my commander is going to go into the one and the sad is going to go into the other two sure okay so 3 6 9 uh hitting on threes this is Commander um rerolling the ones okay and then strength seven so threes mhm uh okay only two AP1 D okay and then uh I'll just count up the rest this a lot of dice with this unit right one two yeah that's a problem three one two and three so that's two of them and I have two more one two and three I don't think you need that much one you're probably right it's a lot of shots for the squad and and I've already killed half of this squad um my own Squad that is yeah hitting here on fource uh rerolling the ones um oh I did drop a dice I'm not I'm not Invincible um okay t t I know it's hard it's hard cuz I'm you try to roll them like at the edge M um uh okay sustained sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain mhm mhm there you go three to wounds yeah okay oh they died they're dead no you made me roll it you're not even going to roll your saves that's such a that's that that is such an alpha move you're trying to do on me here refer back to the Uncle Ben statement okay this is your responsibility you're you're making me pay for it okay Shadow Sun is going to put two high energy fusions into the silent King not the maners into the miners those are my miners that you're shooting at uh rolling the one okay two hits strength 10 t11 a you're going make me look I'm pretty sure you're t11 I think it's 10 really pretty sure it's 10 well it's not going to matter I failed both cool great and my other guns cannot do anything to you awesome of any consequence um 10 it is 10 so it would have been four wow coming down field you do have a big Squad here I do um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put everything into the big Squad except the giant gun which I think I will put into the silent King maybe try to soften him up a little bit before I die um cuz this is the pulse blast Cannon it is 12 damage strength 24 that would really kill him in oh right yeah it just Overkill him in mhm that's no fun I mean you could shoot your 12 damage gun at my infantry no I could switch it down to a four damage gun they have Five Wounds it's actually the worst weapon for this situation it is you're right so um what I'm going to do you do have one uh Immortal or sorry one character left on the point two right mhm um but it's not going to matter you're going to be able to clean house with whatever's left um so ah I've as I said I've already given up on that point so it makes almost more sense to try to put everything into the silent King sure so why don't we do that okay okay yeah but I can't spot him except from Shadow Sun who I could pay the one CP sure to have her spot twice yeah so I'm down to one actually five up she refunds it NOP so um I'll do the minus one damage cuz I can oh I think it's a good idea okay so let's start with um let's start with all my small shots try to chip a man oh yeah and uh let's see what we can do okay chip down that man so 46 cluster Rockets it's uh 10 16 17 so four five uh I don't know I don't know what we're going to do here you think we're going to kill too many ears probably I don't know that sounds about right that sounds plausible okay I did stand still I uh I am marker lit so I'm on twos mhm um so and I'm not rrolling ones this time but I do have some sustained a fair number yeah a fair number one might say an unfair number actually that was not that was a lot of sustained okay um and this one is strength five your T10 so mighty sixes but uh listen every wound on a maner counts what's the armor save on AER two up two yeah y so I'm going to do very few wounds on miners here but uh listen every every one counts seven wins yeah I do I did I have an AP Strat that I should have been using I don't think so are you sure hold on one second that would very much surprise me I also would have cover anyway so this would do nothing the big guy would have cover yeah okay so yeah I it would uh I do have a one CP for plus one AP um on any to Empire unit that chooses to shoot um but as you're saying I would have cover anyway also I'm 100% sure there's a condition on that one tow Empire unit from your army that is selected to shoot but cover within n that's the condition yeah yeah yeah are which I am but uh cover would still take you to a three up save instead of a two up save no I'm at a two I would go to a one back to a two oh okay you can't go from three to two right right can you go from two to two got it got it got it got it got it okay great well I'll take three damage for you anyway thank you that was very generous you're down to two that was very generous okay let's start next with the um two the smart missile systems um okay and six t again there's another one two good okay and then the uh burst cannons um two two and then sixes uh two more saves two oh man on one Manon one um unfortunately that's not going to do it uh that was all the that was all the chip damage yeah so here's the big gun um no I have two big guns so I'm going to go first so I'm going to go first with the um I'll do the pulse blast cannon in its disperse mode two okay four six shots on twos let's get a bunch of sixes nope but we did get one six mhm which is all you can ask on six dice strength 10 instead of strength 24 so four so four it was a fine average roll fours uh yeah four UPS okay so four damage kills one minor they're three damage because I'm minus one so the next one is on two and then we'll do a destroyer missile hits uh does not wound it was strength 16 but not quite so I got Amir and it's just going to reanimate next turn no I'm going to heal that one oh okay well listen that's a start as they say that's something that's something so I'm going to end my turn um and uh shall we score it up okay let's score it up what you got so my uh my secondar here were extend battle lines Enemy Lines which you did for five and Behind Enemy Lines I only have one for three for three for three okay excellent points on the board yep necron turn four uh don't give me or you don't have a choice it already gave me a CP but take away one of my CP okay now yeah I could do that to give an OC to my Immortals so that I get 15 primary who oh wo Nelly wo Nelly do you get 10 primary sorry 10 primary aren't you already on the center objective or did you have to kill yourself off of that no I'm still definitely still on it so then you didn't need to but I want to do it Brian it's a strat that we haven't used all game yeah okay yeah okay cuz check out these secondaries here minute check these out these secondaries they were made just for you just for that Strat let's see just for that Strat here they are bring it down which you've got a vehicle on nine wounds and investigate signals what's that one again uh Corners oh that's a tricky one for you this time spend a CP to get rid of that one yeah okay M boom boom and ew that's fine yeah cou homers that'll be three points in the middle uh for Mr SK okay or yeah it's going to be zero points we're not doing that cuz you'd have to give up the Kings uh everything okay uh anything else let's reanimate the yeah so it's uh needs three wounds to be at full it's up to three wounds okay and then uh I did lose one Immortal I think he did so he's back back alive okay oh which meant I had this anyway all right give me my CP back yeah I think yeah I think you uh but I had it anyway Brian that's the important part that's what I'm trying to say I think you already didn't need it but yeah no but I had it anyway that's the part you missed you're you're right you're right I already had that objective you're right forgetful necron sleepy still bring it down bring it down bring it down that's a weird one it's actually amazing against to because crisis suits each give up points yeah but I can't really get to your crisis suits it's much easier to bring it down on my big Titanic yeah which you can do oh yeah he only has nine wounds oh we can kill this piranha tell me about a piranha oh yeah I do have a piranha over there tell me tell me about it I did forget to shoot with him what's what do we got he's um seven or seven toughness and seven wounds and a four up save seven toughness seven wounds yeah you're not going to get them with the imortals that's not going to happen the Immortals cannot do it like I mean if they're if they're sustained really popped off then you could uh almost do it they have 10 shots could be 20 hits uh-huh uh-huh and I have a four up save and you be me on fives no but don't think about that oh okay you're right it's possible okay now that you've given me your person perspective you've done this several times this it's possible you're right possible but you when I said it was possible every time I was talking about an ethereal and ethereals are awesome so all right okay you're you're picking up what I'm putting down Logic the logic makes sense yeah for sure um I can probably get homers where's display to me my uh that's quite far it's quite far for your for your boys but you do have an 11in advance I don't know if that's enough to get it there for you but it's at the corner yeah corner of this building it's pretty far you'd have to get past the statue basically MH MH he's trying to find out if there's a deployed teleport homers without giving up his silent King's big turn so that would put him there it's going to be out well then we're just going to kill nothing else one storm surge okay one storm surge coming up oh oh no silent King's coming in we're GNA get you um I feel like I should I try and OverWatch you can I OverWatch with a sure with a big boy uh no actually Titanic specifically can't OverWatch with Titanic right uh towering call it these days Brian yeah cuz that would seem a little strong no it was fine you think so there were particular maybe if you just doubled the cost like you do for the Reaver Titans like make it cost two and then I think it's very fair there were particular units that happened to be towering like the giant flamer Knight early in the addition yes later on it was Crusaders okay um but okay I don't think it was a problem with towering in general I see there's a lot of stuff that got hit by towering Nerfs that just didn't need it like this the monolith you know the number of games Brian that I got to roll sixes on a monolith you know Adrian has cried to me about it he legitimately he has legitimately cried to me about it he said did you know the monolith has four shots did you know the Bridger overwatches me and hits me like 12 times and I was like I'm I'm not I'm not on pretty and I'll have to say say I'm not on his side for this I'm on your side you know how amazing it is to like pop off with a death ray where you roll all sixes and then and they they die precisely to the death R yeah I'm I'm on your te collateral damage so did you move your one model yeah okay it's two models there's a maner attached you're right it's one unit two models yeah should we get to blason let's get to blastin okay it's blasting time uh I'm going to I'm going to shoot the silent King into your my big boy your storm surge okay well I don't have anything cool and defensive he's not a battle suit so he can't get to feel no pain well I don't have anything cool and offensive I actually hate all the strats in this Detachment now that I've played it the the strats are not all so awkward okay crits on fives is cool crits on five you can only use it on units that can't benefit from it yep man well one maner now cuz I don't have two show me what you got I will it hits it hits it wounds Okie do four up invol with a roll four up tanking it the stetter of star Glory yep Eternal one win okay a AP Bunch three how much two three damage three damage um that's the chunkiest shot you got coming at me yeah that's left so uh I I'll roll it one nope so down to one CP I think and I'm down to six wounds left I'm just going to bring the wound counter over here and in anticipation it going down farther so now you've got to the uh the the 12 little shots 12 little shots uh at your little people have my little people yeah okay yeah uh hitting on Twos for Rolling ones yeah that's what we do around here that's uh that's all you do that's his job okay and then oh that's a lethal can't forget that that's very important and this is rooting on two three rolling ones you never that was Lethal I don't know I think the lethal could have been interesting against the storm surge no this is AP zero okay one damage I think you got them but uh so it's three up saves on the squad yeah uh sorry four up saves because I'm not in cover we probably got them you probably got them but it's five of feel no pains and I have two fire Warriors and an ethereal so I have a total of five wounds that's a lot a lot of wounds and you got them got them so that's the squad 1 2 3 4 5 six wounds you did to me why he's the king so the Ethereal goes down with the fire Warriors I'm actually liking the Ethereal um the five FAL pain just allows this one Squad to stick around a little longer it's actually kind of good and as we've seen he's a combat Beast who wins me all the combat phases yep listen I would have lost a lot of points if it wasn't for his combat prowess single-handedly the best thing he does is give you a CP which I did get one time mhm yeah well that's a you problem ah you're right that's not no cuz he channeled all of his energy into fighting rather than commanding foolish ethereal actually I would rather have had the uh foolish the fighting cuz it I think I got like 10 points off this ethereal uh is do you want to fight or shoot with all those in fact I will make them crit on fives so this is the big Squad of Immortals it's a full Squad of 10 I believe and they're going to be Tesla in on fives and we're going to try to chip some more wounds for my storm surge 15 you're not going to chip many I'm going to chip them all you're getting chipped listen I love the Hub chippity chopped hitting on threes and you're really looking for them fives really looking for ones cuz of the silent King so Qui okay so you want them fives shall we start 2 three four five six seven eight nine so that's uh 18 more 36 n and then 3 six n this is the coolest trap yeah you have yeah and it's cool I like I like a Big Blob of Immortals popping off but this isn't their best Target I think popping off is not necessarily the correct way to describe this you don't think 18 extra free hits is great I think it puts Immortals at a baseline of Competency okay compared to Warriors they've been struggling in 10th cuz Warriors are so cheap and so good they're pretty goodal struggle to find let's see them sixes to hit to wound yeah okay you reroll once I you know what SK okay he's up in the house if you had Warriors right now you could have had lethal hits right exactly okay get them ones got actually quite a few ones more ones than six this many dos okay let's see it bring it go two up saves you'll take a damage here yeah well that's all I'm asking for one damage got it I took one damage I found it so down to Five Wounds left he does live so far and now is the time for you to no you have two uh two leaders two over gun are you positive cuz they have orbs oh okay so they don't have like tach on arrows or something you can have an or Banda gun Chad taught me that one okay I tried to take an or Banda gun going to charge me with everything uh oh yeah oh yeah okay so they're all in you can't fail great um in they go do you want to fight me with the Sonic King first you bet you so we do have two overlords who actually could really chip some wounds as well silent King it's an epic battle it's the battle of the tall people we got to get John in here and actually you are taller than me well if you count his really big hat uh I'm counting a star God enslave the start top of his chair look he this is like the most high he this is the most high heels thing anybody could do the guy he's tall look don't get me wrong he's like 9 10t tall but his chair no no hold on is like Star God at the top of the chair sure some really nice high heel you have an enslaved star God to like charge your iPhone next to you no it's very cool that is a baller move his his high heels I have a chair I have an electric wheel Cofe they cook donut no it's like I have an electric wheel I could power it with like a 12vt battery but I'm going to power it with an enslave star with a God yeah still very much compensating he's not that tall you talking about compensating have you seen P blast Cannon okay are you ready to fight me no I have 12 attacks 12 attacks I've Got Five Wounds I see you are 12 attacks and raise you five W here are my 12 attacks of various weapons of the final triar show me these have lethal uh lethal hits yeah oh you need those can I give him exploding fives crit on fives I hope not who can get crit on fives better not be him one necron unit from your army excluding Titanic okay great you're not Titanic you said he's not yeah so he fighting y whoa it's knocking everything around this is good it's it's de yeah so hard to impress BR bror has always been hard to impress de even when he's dramatically proven wrong he holds his ground and is unimpressed twos okay twos on actually very few fives and sixes okay this misses so you got three these all wound three criticals four wins oh four wounds oh it's four and then uh what's your five to win strength eight strength eight okay five we rolling some ones there's a one he's doing great listen eight wounds ap3 yeah four up Inbal two damage yeah uh 2 4 6 8 10 12 damage you did to me big CH and that wasn't even all your attacks that was all my oh that was all that was all I thought you had one other there is one armored bulk which is hitting on a for strength four here's the part where I deadly demise D6 plus two damage on your whole Army that would be awful you guys ready for this that would be awful Brian don't say that it don't put that in the world dead demise a that would have been that would have been awesome it would have been disruptive disruptive what a robot way to say that everything exploding on me would have been H disruptive yeah it would have been you were born to play necrons would have been I guess an issue arrogant unimpressed by everything sleepy uh completely dispassionate sleepy yeah that's the one that's the one right that's the one let's go back that's the one you self-identified woke up at 2 p.m. would like to go back to sleep um okay that's the turn that's your turn yeah okay what you got extend yes no wrong side bring it down yeah how many wounds guys have 20 20 yeah so two carry the one big five okay big five teleport homers didn't even try it okay which gives me a [Music] CP okay okay turn five this is my last turn yep okay okay okay but you got the 10 primary already you did it I got 10 primary nailed it 10 primary I can run these guys onto the point sure um which is something and uh let's uh draw some cards first I I get a CP I don't get to generate an extra one so I have nothing else cool to do so let's just draw some cards and see okay these are your final two cards my final cards last on and I can't pitch them bring it down you have only one vehicle the sign King does killing a maner count um for bring it down I think it's vehicle model cuz yeah if you kill a crisis model in a crisis I think work okay so I could get a point and fation you do have a lone character just sitting there um so it's possible yeah okay let's get to blasting um okay um while you are thinking about that we do have some more Super chats um this one is from Cal dorf thank you so much Cal dorf dollar Super Chat and they ask if okay if I can only get one do I get imotech or oricon also any teasers for on the da list is the daddy Titan bringing daddy lion I'm hoping for detachment I'm only here for like a couple days I'm definitely going to play the primar oh yeah um but uh the oran is better in game it depends on what you want in your life correct do you want to win all of your games these guys go around right they are Vehicles yeah yeah so around okay you do want to if you want to win your game names of Warhammer oricon is way better than the stormlord otch is a big fat F OPP poser yeah that's true he's just trying to look big like the silent King yeah uh to impress everybody around him with his big claw he's showing everybody his claw but what he doesn't show you is his win rate oron has a great win rate Oran is a better um he's got a cool lightsaber yeah he's better yeah but if you want a cooler model I don't know that's a tough race because the new oricon also very cool model for some reason larger than imotech riddle me that all all of imotech um I don't know height went into his cape his cape is very cool he's got a really cool Cape but that's about that's that's all that I was impressed with his claw you weren't impressed with his claw there's there's so many like um there's so many like so there a game I forget I think it was last week sometime where chat was just listing off all the characters who have their claw out and it's like if you had aw so like 2005 yeah yeah but behold everyone else is doing it so it's not it's not you don't know that but he's got a cool Cape he does have a cool Cape ands crawling on there's no reason I need to be on a point end of the game 15 points he can't see or do anything so I do have his indirect which I'll just stand still to shoot I I guess cool um can he not get to this he doesn't need to though right you said you get points for standing on objectives at the end of the game oh any objective yeah I thought it was just the center no got it no they're five each up to 15 got it thank you okay then he can definitely get to it so he'll move and shoot his indirect um okay you lost a storm search card here thank you that's the one I was looking for uh oh it's 48 inches so that's fine but it is not okay the cluster Rockets are not indirect just the smart missiles building keeps um migratory we mve the building just so that everyone could see the cool combat oh yeah well the combat's over Brian you're right it is the migratory building it's going to stop moving around only two crisis suits can see your big boy unfortunately but uh they can all see the uh mortal Squad so we do need to kill vehicles um and we do need to kill characters so we can see the the character right the little character and the maner I don't know only the fusion blasters are really going to have a chance at the maner tough is 10 yeah string 10 yeah well that's I was answering why yeah so here's what I'm going to do um I'm at the start of my face yeah I'm going to just try to take down the maner so I'm going to go with uh Shadow Sun she's going to shoot at him she's they're going to be marker lit from my uh fire warrior Squad back here yeah um actually if you don't mind I'm going to put them behind the cover um but that means they can't see you so I do have to be careful what's the range on your staff of the shooting a bunch the indirect staff that doesn't care oh it's indirect well then thanks for that there you go you did it it's probably 18 uh I think it's 24 o good okay so two Fusion blasters and all the other stuff so you have what four wounds on a maner three three wounds on a Min okay yeah 24 well um Shadow Sun oh is it the the time to do the minus one damage Strat the queen herself the Strat I've used the most by far is a strat that doesn't belong in this Detachment that's the Myster of this attachment so um let's go uh hitting here on twos yeah re rolling ones mhm let's get a six okay well I'll take it anyways uh I'll take it anyways um and uh strength 10 so Force wound MH and I really I really just want both of these you do there we go got both but you've got four FS too now I want both of these that's fine okay D6 it's one I will reroll that sick so it's six plus two that's plenty to kill him in yeah actually the it only had three wounds yeah oh so the plus the one plus two was enough to get you no cuz I minus one damaged right right right right okay so anything but a one would have done it mhm okay great um so I do get bring it down for nothing like very little three points three points it's points it's points now what we're going to do is put um uh all the crisis well we we've got to kill one of the the one character what's what's his toughness five okay he's five so we one to hit don't forget thank you one two we've only got four that can see him the rest is going to go with the squad okay so four that can see him and I am going to over charge he is minus one damage cuz that's just what overlords do oh wow okay so I won't over overcharge then thank you cool and I will I I will spot again with this unit for one CP cool um and so let me just shoot with the three that can see two three uh one two and three and the last guy one two and three Okay so um here we are we're going to be um hitting you four because you're minus one to hit yeah right um that's yeah this the translocation guy mhm no The Regular Guy the regular regular Overlord so minus one to hit so I'm hitting on four yeah plus one minus one and I'm rerolling ones to hit and uh we'll see if we can get a few sixes okay so hitting on fours sorry I popped that one uh let's get these out of here okay and then we did have a few sixes not too many but enough to make a dent uh oh oh sorry am I am I within nine this would have been that time to use that Strat no he's quite far he is quite far yeah cuz the one that's close to you is the one in I'm at I'm I'm at 11 in that's yeah so one way over there okay so here we go 3es two in my friend yeah we rolling nothing so there you go AP L one threes takes two damage ah he lives so that's not going to be an assassinate for me and then uh I have two models uh into the The Immortal Squad so one of them is a commander so two three so we're just going to hit them on uh fours rolling ones okay so we'll take those out and then we've got some explosions threes to wounds um great you can start with those and I'll do the commander next these are AP one one and ignore cover great and this is the commander into the imortals we're just trying to slow him down a touch um Commander hits and hits and three to wounds there you go uh four UPS saves yeah yep okay three go down that's uh just enough for you to fully reanimate uh next turn that's that's the fun part I have my uh four indirect shots and uh you took two wounds on your overlord they have what five they have six they have six so um it's still my best shot so we'll hit there and hit there and those Miss and then four to wounds okay and it's uh three saves takes two damage okay um it was close um he has two wounds left right yeah well um I have nothing else these fire Warriors can't see um or too far away and I have the piranha I forgot I'll just shoot him into your your squad sure okay mhm um I don't think he's going to do much here's his burst can Canon actually and his uh drones are the same yeah at this point pulse rifles and burst cannons are the same okay so uh but he has two gun drones yeah so he'll have 12 shots PR burst Cannon two pulse carbines okay and no he's just equipped with two pulse carbines okay um and two Twin Pulse carbines okay so the Twin Pulse carbines are twin link so I'll have to do them differently okay so here's the bur Canon burst Cannon one one hits uh no strength six oh great good and then here is the uh other weapon the pulse carbine and twin links three ones threes okay if I uh uh put a little bit more uh you would think if I put a bit more energy into that the other couple turns it might have helped but then he has reanimate so it doesn't make a big um I really needed to Kill Them All to stop your holding that's the end of my turn um and uh as far as my secondaries I did not kill a character so that's zero on assassinate and I got three on bring it down for that one maner okay okay and on to macaron start five W so you score primary the end primary at the end yep and then holding at the end and then Super primary the end got it y mm uh secondaries secondaries okay your final two cards are going to be tempting Target this one sure capture appos okay well all I'm really doing is taking you off the middle then correct cool that's the uh that's the goal which would not be enough that would put me to a four point deficit so you would get 10 on primary yeah and then you get how much for each objective held did the the end uh I would get 15 and you would get 10 okay so it would put me to a Delta so our Delta right now is 19 and I'm going up essentially 15 points so I'll be losing by four could you take me off this objective uh could you auto advance that unit one character back both is the issue could you use the Immortals auto advance them get your shots in on me use the indirect gun to pick up the rest take the one character leave him on the objective take the silen king here to take off the middle yeah it's possible and then that would win you the game if you killed this squad and took me off the middle yeah so do it okay what's the OC of Crisis suits uh good question so the Commander's two and the crisis suits are two and Silent King probably around six eight they're usually five the weird big things he himself is six yeah and then I reanimate a maner right now for one so there's a min coming back with three wounds yeah so there is there is a chance he has to kill the squad and then hold the center um and I have um how much OC on the center 2 4 6 8 10 okay so you only have to you have to kill and I have several wounded units like uh so it's it's totally doable uh reating this guy yep doesn't really matter do you reanimate all three Immortals oh boy you beta that's see it uh he rolled a one so he gets one Immortal back that one right there he picked a winning Immortal it's this one yep that's the one okay Sil King's just gonna shimmy on over these guys have to they auto advance six auto advance six so they're going to move 11 in if you like I can hold it for you you can do your thing that's going to get you plenty within range to shoot me this is um I I I was really hoping you would lose by two points uh because of the two points you gave up earlier in the game being a cocky robot no two points almost never matters but uh almost never but uh this time you're saying it's five if only one of those secondaries was possible that two points would have mattered a lot no if one of those secondaries was possible I just would have won uh I would have gotten five no then we would have tied cuz you're losing I'm losing by four oh you're losing by four oh okay so is it time to shoot I think so yeah okay yeah so are you going to spend the 1 CP on the uh exploding fives uh so I have two I think it's a good call one robot to another yeah I actually have to spend it on him in combat and on them in shooting okay yeah him with the exploding in combat right there's seven of them right I don't know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight there was eight of them it's eight plus the character oh wow so uh 16 shots that's right that's right yeah that's right uh I'm excited to see it all right here are their finest 16 shots wait this where's the character he's right in the middle you have a you want you want to do a thing with him I'm going to break your storm sech with my with my bell what would you like to do with him he is going to stand near the silen king SK ah for the r rolls yeah makes sense yeah let's see it yeah so hitting me on threes we rolling a ones these ones and there are some Vibes in there it's a lot of vibes okay so these are out and then two four six so that's 12 extra 12 extra hits I mean there's a chance it's it's the odds are not amazing okay three only ones you need that uh you need that AP yeah we don't have that okay I'll take out the two for that's something Warriors have The Mortals wish they had okay so it's 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 I'd say I live on three up saves yeah because I do get a lot of cover um but if I roll horrifically it could happen doesn't look like it 1 two 3 4 five dead now the indirect weapon has to get me one two three four five five die and your indirect gun is what kind of range 24 24 actually if I pill off the point though I will not get the point right yeah okay so actually my one model on the objective is literally 24 and a 16th that's the guy we're going to get him so that's the one you need to get how many shots is this 12 12 okay now indirect is it minus one yeah yeah all right so threes putting everything else into the crisis makes sense all those ones okay so far so good and and this one's strength six so we're looking for twos twos okay does it ignore cover no uh so back to your normal set it's AP1 yeah okay so four up saves mhm this one looks like it's just it could go either way could uh I missed one that's it you got it 1 two 3 4 five six I I I was over by two okay so even a reroll cannot save me S King is goingon to do it okay so so uh that cost me what Five Points yeah so far okay and I need to get this you need to take the center still yeah okay so I'm going to spend are you better here in shooting or in combat I don't know cuz I have one CP for Sim in it's only three attack I'm going to try to can I use the same Strat twice in a turn just in different phases I can so what I'm going to do is I'm going to spend one cpce for stem injectors and I five up I'm going to get the CP back sure and then I'm going to do it again in the combat phase you ready five up Gambling Man I'm a Gambling Man no okay so no CP I think for me yeah um but I have a six up feel no pain so here's the two three damage shots hit me cool uh what's your your t i I believe I'm T5 that sounds really low um sure crisis battles suits toughness five okay yeah no toughness five makes sense sounds low strength 10 okay two to one yeah there you go okay AP three I've got four pinals mhm oh okay so I have one model on three wounds so we'll do his six up pains first Y and I need one of these okay I did so he will do it again and he dies cool so one of them's dead and it was the one at the back here okay got it what else you got for me one maner one maner now will this will have to go onto the commander cuz he's wounded no okay has to go on The Bodyguard got it they did weird Okay addition strange yeah two two to wound good okay four pin B I really do need I need to tank you got to make some of these a that's not it six damage straight six so uh now I have six wounds 1 2 3 four five six so I do need to make just one six here yeah which odds will give me okay so four wounds left on one of I'm sorry two wounds left on one of the crisis teams one of the crisis suits yeah now we charge makes sense 2 4 68 who do we appreciate so I need to kill two of you here okay cuz I'm oc6 yeah yeah okay so you charge in and you have argument for tank shock I mean you have CP why not use oh or the exploding fives but it's not actually sustained fives it's lethal fives and you're tough his baby right so I think tank shock's the way to go we're going to do it so here's the charge can't really fail it nope and he's angry he's coming in he's trying to win it can you physically get within three uh I don't know I'm going to kill you and then we'll find out got it we'll come back to that we'll Circle back we coming back coming back to that one tank shock tank shock okay so it's your last command Point strength my strength is eight okay so this would be eight Dice and then my strength is higher much higher than you and your toughness and your strength and all that so two extra dice we're looking for five so it'll be two four five mortal wounds five mortal wounds that was exceptional T so five mortal wounds kills one suit um and then does three more to another so I have another suit on three and I have to take one more down that was an exceptional tank shot for so few days oh but he's the king the silent King he's the one um okay now it's time to fight me so now you have to kill just one more three um to have a chance but you might need to kill more to be able to get within range might have to kill two might have to kill two no problem no problem uh h on twos we're rolling ones yes and sixes are lethal yes okay so two lethals so far so far oh you dropped it dice just you wait this is also lethal no but they hit and strength eight threes so threes this is where you fail there's some there's some twos give me them twos okay so these three come out and these two go in and it's uh AP lot yeah so it's four up invs this is where I wish I didn't kill my own Squad earlier thank you um oh it was really bad so um these are damag two two okay so that kills one crisis Y 2 4 six that kills the second uhhuh and um and so those two go down and uh that piles you onto the onto the point my commander can fight but he can't kill you can't kill not now let's score that up yeah for a moment oh okay at the at the end of the turn you get how many primary extra primary 10 regular and 15 so just put 25 primary 25 primary and Brian's primary goes up to 15 cuz you hold this one correct with the storm surge oh yeah oh there it is and uh it was a nailbiter yeah absolutely came down to the silent King really came well the silent King is the king he did pretty much everything for the whole Army uh he he definitely carried there was almost nothing I could do to stop him um and uh uh but that's what he should do yeah you know he can't be everywhere but uh this this little Corridor mattered a lot he had to wait he had to buy his time because you didn't want me to just put both two Storm surges I think just one shot him two stor if they don't onot him they him yeah and then he's limping for the rest of the game and he won't get his maners back a lot of the work that he did was maners just plinking the whole game right and they're the last wins you get back from RE animation exactly so if he loses them and takes damage it's kind of over he's done he did his thing very very cool that's the kind of game I want man amazing thank you so much um do you have other okay so the S came you I think I actually okay U the person who gave me the most points was that one ethereal he was great but genuinely he does very the crisis unit the crisis unit scored almost twice as many point the crisis unit was fantastic because obviously it it blasted everything I needed to like that um uh uh the Katan was really scary that was miraculous K him and then you know they were fast enough to zip over here zip over here and play the game when they were kind of out of position so that was great but genuinely I think the storm surges were solid they were very good they solid guns um they were hitting really well and um I was I felt like I was able to find Targets for their weapons and uh they didn't really disappoint and they were really tough like you really you had to work to get that guy down and uh I probably I could have even made him a little tougher if I needed to but he really held that side of the board until the very end and gave me a chance to um really to like hold to like play and win right so I was really impressed with them yeah it's it's one of those funny things where t11 T10 it's that weird break point even 20 wounds as well two up four up it's that you're Invincible until you're instantly dead territory of like couple bad four up inv vulnerable save roles and they disappear right the things that are actually good at killing these are so good at killing them yeah like if you put Gladiator Valiants yeah or uh or or even a doomsday Arc a doomsday Arc would do it uh so they're four damage right doomsday ARS are the the the kill everything yeah Swiss army knife of like I'm pretty good against literally everything but if you put dedicated anti-tank in one of these yeah they'll probably die yeah without that they're Invincible it took so much to get through which is I think one of the things about 10th edition that is uncomfortable to some players oh you look at it from right from an outsider perspective tough things are tough I like that but there are answers it used to feel like in the last edition if I had something tough like this I legitimately had to hide it and be scared and then I just step out do my shots and then expect that he would die next turn this time I like plumped him like right in the spot and said like take take half the game to eat through me and that's the feeling you really want from these guys and every time their guns went off something was getting wrecked was amazing yeah uh so I was really having a lot of fun with them what an amazing game um any any other questions we need to go through we do we do we have a few more questions but first off uh chat is wondering especially Alias 2002 is wondering thoughts on the necron Codex so far you know Brian you've played the you've played them briders played them what are your thoughts I personally really like the Codex because I judge a codex by a couple things one does it feel like the army that um I want it to feel like do they have an identity in this case they're a very durable army they still have that feeling they have these teleportation tricks which really feel like represented in there and their combat units can actually kill things and their shooting units actually shoot things and uh they feel like they have like Weaponry from uh the Dark Age that's just insane he showed me a cool picture of to getting wrecked by necrons um nice and so for me all that identity really comes through there's also several viable play Styles and many many data sheets that are all things you can comfortably not just put in your list but like really do things with so I think that uh that's great I'm not giving you any opinion from like is this uh competitive in the current uh competitive meta but I will say like in the friendly tabletop games we're playing the the Army plays exactly how you'd want it to and it's not overtuned either like everything feels solid so I'm super into it all right art grade I'm going to give it a nine out of 10 I think the art is quite good it's not perfect uhhuh but it is quite good okay okay that's actually I think important because a lot of what you're paying for in a hardback very expensive book is the art yeah actually that's a a lot of the price uh detachments I think they are in name yeah quite Hit or Miss yeah yeah yeah the names of the first two detachments I would say are underwhelming uh awakened Dynasty that's a Miss Annihilation Legion yeah I know should have been Destroyer cult Destroyer cult I AG but the rest of the names are are pretty good canopic Court uh Obe Ence fallings yeah a lot of people are going to struggle to say that one and the hyper Crypt Legion very cool names yeah I think that's uh I think the detachments are like half and half like they're they're not the coolest part about the book the coolest part about the book is the data sheets and just the way the Army plays the yeah these these aren't that exciting to me the funny thing is the first attachment they made for necrons kind of nailed it right except we always wanted more variety we wanted a reason to play destroyers we wanted a reason to play kopic we wanted a reason to play characters which they they made to some extent they brought in this book but I feel like they didn't bring it to the level of the index Detachment where it just kind of worked it almost it worked too well it worked to the point where it was lame it was like well I'm going to take this guy with this enhancement enh in this unit like I'll take the same stuff every time and there's like 400 points of stuff to play witht but for the most part your list is like pre-written by the way the detach work but not anymore I think not anymore which is great good Improvement but and some of the detach like the hyper Crypts that I played with the first day I really liked it I love the monolith and I love the way it really made it feel like the star which it is it is this big centerpiece thing and it made it feel like this terrifying uh uh crazy vehicle which it is it's supposed to be so in that case you know some of these really shine I think something we're starting to see is that it is hard to make 30 strategems and 15 enhancements yeah that people care about but yes but I will say I'm very sold on the design of codex's in 10th edition okay as someone who like I just came here for a week I'd not played in a year or like half a year I I know Warhammer but I didn't know any of the like specific units or whatever whatever here I come I grab the data sheets for the like eight units I'm using I look at my four strategy you know what I mean and I can play that day with like more accessible literally like my amount of prep that I do for all of these games very little it's like 12 minutes right i' I've read the data sheets once I kind of get it like I you know I make the list in a few minutes and the fact that you can pick that the game up that fast that's huge for me because there's still a lot of depth and and interesting choices to be made MH and yet it's way better than like nine pages of strats and like six pages of enhancements and they somehow managed to replicate that like they did but without but not on the table no right you don't have to which so much better for your opponent because I I learned your four strategems too very quickly like oh what's the thing yours do oh you do this and this and this great I get that whereas like memorizing your white dwarf article plus your uh uh whatever like addon plus this like that sucked man the system has pros and cons they essentially took the same number of strategems and divided GRS and you Pi one of these groups you them but the poop strats end up clustered sometimes in some of these groups and then you're like well okay but at least you still have like two or three other detachments that are like really interesting what what if you like that concept oh that group right I think that's one of the things that we're seeing struggle you can never win it all on a codex it's never been done it's impossible and so it's never been done so what I'm saying is that this model I think gets them closer than they've ever been you know what helps though with a system like this come back revisit it yeah like so we missed on this Detachment let's like totally give them it also gives more creative space cuz like a white dwarf comes out and it's just one new Detachment no no no no no don't don't you know they're going to do it no GW don't do it they're going to do it GW do not they already did it there like crush your St do it everybody gets upset when you do this hard to get those the more you tell them not to do it the more they're going to do it I please don't stop okay next question okay uh so this next question is from Willow weeks thank you Willow for the $10 Super Chat and Willow says when Fellowship came out in 2001 I was 10 years old my parents agreed to take me if I read The Hobbit the I'm on hen scene made me break down in tears the IRS were so horrifying to me fond memory oh I I remember that too like it in theater like my mom dragged me like she was all excited about Lord of the Rings she dragged me to the movie um and and yeah it was it was an experience so yeah it's an amazing moment and if you don't know what happens like the idea that like borer can die and you know all of that stuff it's you know and the that betrayal yeah theis are like actually really scary did you see Fellowship in theater I did or there's like three ways that people interact with Fellowship I think the later movies yeah by then everybody was seeing them in theaters okay but Fellowship you either saw in theaters or you saw it at a DVD on some at somebody's house you saw the DVD so or I saw you saw it on TV that's like third layer of Separation can I tell you how I saw it I saw it four days before the entire world saw it w okay because of Games Workshop can I tell you how yeah yeah so um my local Games Workshop at this time was in all the malls so there is a mall in Toronto um a place called Scaro Town Center okay it's if you know you know I think I've been there uh no no way that's crazy um Scaro Town Center had a giant movie theater and it also had a Games Workshop store and I used to go to that Games Workshop to play every like Warhammer or Warhammer fantasy night and um I was I was a regular okay and the Lord of the Rings game was coming out alongside it was the movie and they were previewing it and they had this big inore event where if you won this little inore tournament you got Early Access tickets to the Lord of the Rings movie showing at the mall and uh and so um I was an evil evil Min maxer in fantasy vicious this was a time in fantasy where you got to take these like cards and they were like magic items and you got to like stack them on your characters and you can easily make infinite Combos and also you could create like an elf horse Lord who was uh like a a negative sixup save basically dark days and negative six UPS could happen like so it's like oh I have like three armor don't matter two ups was rollable and nonsense and he had like flaming swords so we would just like March through killing and all these I was kind of like a like a young teen and uh I thought it was really that's I thought that's what you were supposed to do no and I didn't know and there was all these like dudes my age now like trying to play and have fun and then like me this brat kid shows up with his like Invincible flaming horse High floor but anyways I got the tickets and I went to the movie which my parents almost didn't let me go because it was at like an awkward time and like no none of my friends could go with me so it was like all people who had pre-release tickets and uh so I got to see the movie on my own um nice because a Games Workshop so method one you saw it in theater that was a long way to get around it was a special saw in theater though saw theat yeah yeah yeah okay um but I'm I'm a super mega fan I watch them every holiday season extended edition um I got to watch that's when they came out they came out kind of holiday seasons mhm yeah cuz that's like when you do big box office movies well this invented the whole model for big box office like movies have been copying Lord of the Rings ever since they came out so but I'm really excited to be playing the game more uh we're we're we're definitely going to be doing it um the thing is like every game is is a big commitment it's like AR it's armies it's terrain it's whatever so we love these smaller size games to start with um just you wait though the thing is almond hen yeah alond hen is not that small it's a 4x4 it's a big hill you got fight kind of it's a big board it's not like a little 2 by two um like so we're kind of in for it with that one M yeah yeah excited did we I think we answered that question yes I think we thoroughly I I think Willow is is is happy with the answer thoroughly answered that question thank you um thank you so much Willow uh this next one is from Evan tuminello thank you so much Evan for the $10 Super Chat and they say Brian kicking butt with tow help me get back into 40K thanks for the great show Titan thank you fantastic back in the good old days yeah I haven't played the towel in so long you remember this skull Ryan right that was the first that was the first um Skully was this a super major or major this was the first this was a super major this was the first Super major I ever um got first in and uh there was a funny controversy actually um I got if you you know I got a classic Reese controversy yeah I got first place in the event as far as the the tournament the tournament is concerned but they actually have this overall uh because this is broadside bash right Y and uh they have paint score and and play uh and and like what is it like uh sportsmanship score paired in and the other person who was behind me in game score just behind me was ree from Frontline amazing friend um actually there was some crazy stuff that happened with him then but anyways he was playing guard I'll tell you in a second it's crazy but um we don't have to he had he know and he can claim he had just a horrendously painted army and I had just paid the most money I've had in my entire life to get an amazing painter to do my task so it was looking fresh but it turns out the paint score is out of like 100 but it caps at 20 so we both got 20 um and then uh my my actual score in the tournament was like near perfect hundreds in every game but that caps at like 20 25 or 30 so it didn't matter and then our sportsmanship scores don't cap and we all had perfect on every game except uh ree had perfect on every game I had perfect on every except one game one guy gave me one less because he didn't like the tow um he said the yeah he's like to's a lame faction I can't give you full scor that sounds like a four out of five to me uh and uh he was playing if you remember this this chaos chosen thing where it was like an invincible chosen blob um tot every Edition has that I know it was invincible whatever it was invincible but to killed it turn one and so uh uh anyway so I ended up coming in second but none of us knew the way the accounting worked so it was like I'm definitely in first I'm ready to go it's like one of those things we like and first place is and I'm like stand like ready to walk up and they're like Reese and I'm like what yeah second place but I was at the time I was concerned about like ITC points and I still got first for ITC points right you talk you took ree aside you said okay ree but but for real though the itz points he didn't I didn't say anything maybe maybe he actually Ste in and did something I don't think so um but in Reese's last game we'll call him up yeah we should find out he's a good guy he's a really good guy but in that in the in Reese's last game he was playing his guard against someone's Orcs And oh we're telling the story okay re Rees Rees had had a lot of drink so he was having a good time a little tipsy um his opponent was horrendously cheating the like most I've seen cheating in tournaments this was the most egregious cheating like moving he like that wered to be there he was moving TRS he was changing wound counters there was there was a crow around this table and we all saw every single cheat but reys was like really drunk and not paying attention he didn't call this guy out on anything and reys had like almost nothing on the board in this guy somehow still had like 2,000 points coming back and reys still wrecked him Reese still beat him like horribly Reese was just like oh 20 boys over there where are those guys oh I I'll just shoot him with my Punisher and they die and and this guy I don't think he like he was cheating by so much and it just was not enough it's not effective it wasn't effective cheating it was obvious terrible cheating and we were all standing around like Whispering like what's this guy doing he just put those 20 Boys on he just changed that thing and we're like should we tell Reese and this was during a time when it was kind of not clear whether you were allowed to interfere with the game like you might actually give the person a yellow card for interfering it was a dumb time it's a dumb time so there was like 20 people watching the cheats but he still crushed him was so good karma man it was great and even that guy gave Rees of five you didn't get he did you know what if you cheat that much you got to give a five that is you're going to get hit by a bus on the way home if you don't give somebody a five that that is vicious Karma all right well I think that's going to do it for us tonight uh we have a lot of more games coming you're here still Saturday are you here Tuesday Brian no I fly I fly back on Tuesday morning okay but you're going to want to check out Saturday's game it's us again it is US John is sick still John traveled a bunch and then unsurprisingly got sick yeah that happens a lot of people went to that tournament that I know got sick oh well then he went to LA oh well got sick there sorry John get well soon man um so it's you and I what are we playing I am bringing out the ne rounds again but this time it's a different attachment the canopic Court mhm sure it is the canopic court and we got ws and all that good stuff people really like rths I have the line Mr L Johnson and that's it it's all you get easy game it's all I need the last time I played the line against you was the first time I played the line and he died like top of like bottom of one yeah um cuz I thought he was invincible and you shot me with all devastating wounds and then he just Di and he just died and it wasn't even cool devastating wounds it was just like a Gatling gun yep so I'm not going to do that again I've learned my lesson Negron don't have that so all right this time it's all mine uh and then we'll be back to our normal schedule next week starting a Tuesday are we doing anything Sunday we going to do like a do like an off game maybe look check our check out our twitch sub to our twitch I really want to I wanted to play something else I was trying to get an A sigar game in okay um but uh uh got other plans yeah I Sunday I definitely have plans so well don't um but I wanted to but I'll be back but do check out our twitch anyway Titans yesterday go watch the Lord of the Rings yesterday you guys did Lord of the Rings uh the VOD is up they did a hobby stream and a game stream we built a whole cool diarama board and we played on it it's great we're going to do more stuff there please come support the twitch because it's going to allow us to play so many more cool games more Lord of the Rings things like horse her8 we want to do we can we can even play more we can get some maybe we might do little baby tiny T yeah Legion imperialis you that's the channel where I ref to call it that it's epic yeah i' I've I I've just recently changed but the marketing won't convince me yeah right EP a good name it's a bad name I strongly agree it's so generic they should have called it epic it's epic you're right it's dope they should have called it dope that that or epic one of the two all right that's going to do it for us uh we'll catch you next time on the tabletop [Music] bye [Music] he
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 35,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, hail of doom, aeldari, comp, competitive, World Eaters, csm, lore
Id: XZ6VEzRcP6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 20sec (12140 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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