Tyranids vs Necrons! Welcome to Trazyn's Lair! Live 40k Game - Chat vs Players Customs Scenerio.

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to 40K live and Uncut Nicholas here Manning the chat and the switcher for today and we've got players here introduce yourselves Michael buor playing the forces of the necrons versus mubin with all the bugs and all their Glory there you go mubin doesn't have a last name everyone no I'm only mubin it's like share just that's right like sh it's moving Canadian icon um today we're playing a relatively special scen scenario and as the boys are going to tell you in a second here but we are unlocking Tran's Vault uh Michael can you tell us a bit about who Tran is tra tras Tren yes so tras is a very important character in The 40K Millennium in fact the whole galaxy history he is a nekron I believe he actually is an Overlord um of the niac Dynasty uh and he essentially has woken up and he woke up really really early he's actually I believe present all the way back to the 30k like he's he's way way way back there um so he woke up early he discovered that he's one of the few necrons that kind of is up and the problem is they get bored so Tran's obsession is collecting things he goes around to different worlds he goes around to different species and he likes to capture things put them into these little Pokeball style stasis fields and he brings them back to his world of solance where he has a gallery setup where he displays all of his collection um things in his laboratory include uh he has one of the cro which is like the old old old Orcs that were from the fall in or the war in heaven he has things like a oh what are the um the rud he's got a herud I think his most I think his most latest edition as far as I remember from lore was actually Creed yes he did during the fall ofad he's just like he's just L he's like oh this this seems like an interesting cat he is the meme of like don't mind if I do I'll take that and I'll take that and I'll take that absolutely and he's got he's got like collections of all kinds of stuff and it's a really cool and exciting narrative when the idea of part of his laboratory or part of his collection is is loose yeah absolutely so we're playing where there is the potential of a world do we have a name for this world is there a world name the world of let's see how fast Nick is on his Fe right now Planet a planet a okay Planet a chat um Planet basic let's let's hear let's hear a different name uh but anyways he essentially has a dolman gate which is how necron kind of get around from world to world it's a form of travel uh that somehow part of his collection has appeared through this doin gate onto this world of Planet huh so uh how that's going to work is we essentially have these five objectives that we will be fighting over um for tyranids I think they just want to go and gobble gobble gobble uh whereas the necrons of course have come to reclaim them they're you know come back come home come home uh but the fun part is CH gets to stuff might happen yeah game is not just the two player play against each other you the chat you the chat are also playing against them so was saying I was to fix that hope but essentially what's going to happen is through and other things will be controlling all the yeah that's a good one so uh initially you'll start with very little but if you guys want to bring in reinforcements um you guys can donate super chats and those pokeballs on the table the stasis stasis Chambers will open and things inside will pop out and we start with small things like maybe some cultist or a unit of alpha Marines but then if you notice there's something pink in one of those um and I don't know if you can see it off the table but uh you want to look that big giant thing up there Michael Michael you see that tomino like a baby it is a toddler shine my baby makes him sound like he's in a all right I will in the bathroom I'm sorry about that I'm trying to work ni in the bathroom you know you never know he's not on stage it's kind of like schroedinger's cat he could be in the bathroom or he couldn't be in the bathroom yeah Nick is on the Vox channel that makes sense all the planet wonder that fix try to do some things but basically okay so as we go here um on here so sweet we're halfway there already halfway there so um but you guys play the game what's going to happen is I'm going to interrupt you during the game and release those Pokéballs those pokeballs the green big Tess looking things Point them out for me J Uno do Trace patro sinko Deo they are the objective markers and uh gentlemen why don't you go through your armies sure why need go first cool I am running a synaptic Nexus today cuz I want to try something a little different instead of my usual Crusher stamp so I've got an exor on the far side here with a unit of three warriors with ranged bioweapons a unit of three Zone throes a malter a norn Emissary which I'm borrowing from the studio cuz I haven't got one yet yeah a hive Tyrant on foot three more Zone throes okay a hor specs cuz who doesn't like num nom num n n n a neurot tyrant cuz you got to yeah that's cool that's the three more Warriors and another unit of three Warriors sounds like a plan I'm I'm excited yep let's do this and surprisingly enough no enhancements cuz that's 1500 points right there I have one an enhancement but I'll walk you through this so my Army today the forces of the necron coming to reclaim trason Treasures I have a unit of lichard it's kind of the block they got a point increase but I still cannot take lichard guys uh lichard I'm running a lord inside with a resorb because I don't really find the free uh strategems from the overlord really benefit the lichard very much but the extra movement sure does uh Overlord has a resorb so that goodness of bringing guys back my turn your turn whole turn uh I have a technomancer inside the unit technomancer is giving these guys a five plus as well as healing and then we have two crypto thralls to tank some hits make that Overlord or the technoman are really hard to kill um I have three Locust heavy destroyers those are the anti-tank anti- monr variant yep we have a doomstalker I was going to bring Watson today guys Watson got a pretty big points increase so I'm I'm testing out this guy's 13 points I believe Watson's 220 right now I'm going to give it a try and see no Watson today sorry good news is is I got a new Watson on my painting desk so that would be Watson 2.0 excuse me Watson second yeah Watson I will happily take name applications for Watson 2.0 um I have a unit of six tomb blades these guys have particle Beamers shadow looms and blade Ms so it's essentially a three up armor save five up inol minus one to hit particle Beamers are D6 shots hitting on two strength six devastating wounds Monster uh you know him you love him reanimator hiding in the back making everything so much easier harder to kill uh I have a unit of 20 Wares I'm also trying out the flare so the 24 in range I find that uh yeah Watson no um I find that the warriors with the longer range guns are a little bit more up what I'm trying to do with them especially with lethal hits so we're going to try out the different variant of guns see how that goes today leading the unit is a overlord with a resorb and a doomy uh again he will be able to give the unit the rerolls to wound strategy for free every turn so I think that's a better match putting the overlord in the Warriors yep and I'm trying out a chronomancer for my Warriors um I think the chronomancers move after shooting ability is a slept on ability think about how strong it is for Eldar to move shoot m no shoot move no move shoot move I think nekron Warriors can use that too especially getting bodies onto the woles and Watson anti yeah there we go yeah actually that's a good one Holmes that's a good one I really like that one that's a good guy okay well uh that is my list um I do have one upgrade so my Overlord has the hyper material alator which is essentially going to give a minus one to hit and stealth so a um uh so minus one to hit minus one to hit and cover cover thank you cover outside of 12 in that's the other part of that yeah on to the Warriors all right did I fix the audio please tell me if I fix it I did some uh some work on um but I screwed up sorry that is on him the Lord is the one who has the hyperm AL later because the Chon Master gives us a minus one to hit sorry about that all right so I just want to reiterate what's going to happen so we already are halfway through our goal the someone had said Can Tao please control the summons oh I didn't fix it oh no okay well I'll keep working on on it I'll just come over there um uh Michael tell us what's going on then uh for how the how the guys are being control yeah absolutely so when chat hits the certain thresholds which we're halfway there guys um the pokeballs essentially are going to activate what's inside of them can vary we may find that as Nick had mentioned earlier we have a Reaver in there there could be all sorts of things you never know what trasan has collected throughout the years so there's some pink things that eat lots and lots of dimensional hores um there probably demons in there some Space Marines yeah I could hear incoherent screaming earlier um sounded like Steve was in the building too we don't know Steve it's been a while since I've seen Steve in the building it could have been the incoherent screaming that was seeing like possibly who knows um yeah essentially when certain thresholds are th those things will unveil we will have a separate phase where those units will activate and chat can really take the direction on which way they swing their hammers Chad going to control it by by poles yeah Chad's going to control it by poles so so nickel put up polls and you'll get to decide I'm really hoping that all the nekron fans I see in the chat over here are going to um assist me in the uh recollection don't do it it's a trap you know like that'd be SW just saying let let them free set them free free my gri freed I have one thing in reserve you know him you love him Ye Old hex Mark Destroyer the glocktopus the glocktopus he is in reserve it's a uh it's always a better idea than having him walk up the table in my opinion so before we go further can you mention the sponsor front gaming and the affiliate link that you can find amazing Terin like it's m oh you want me to say that yes okay sounds good actually go ahead move your turn oh God I'm on the spot uh we have a we have a sponsor have a sponsor we have a sponsor and big thank you to our sponsor Frontline gaming where you can buy awesome terrain you can get awesome mats like the one we're using today and the affiliate links down below I've been told somewh below you support the channel somewhere and uh get your 4 yes you get your 40K stuff you help us keep the lights on and support us and yeah check it out they have good stuff yeah perfect the answer no I do not have trason in the Army there's a very strong hint theme leak that uh there's going to be a resculpt of some of the nekron character models so uh I'm not a fan of this current trun model as cool as he is but I have a feeling that the next one I feel like it's time for all of them to get a glow up like uh zeras did oh yeah that's exactly what I think is going to happen exactly exactly but anywh who I think I'm ready to go are you ready to go I think so I think we all we need to do is figure out who goes first I think that is what it is I don't like it it's scary let's do this I got a five and do a five here we go take is a three three again do a three all right how about another five I get a three good luck sir good luck May the dice be ever in your favor be ever in your favor yes uh pregame stuff yep pre battle round stuff you that's first battle round just making sure I've got nothing else to do here real quick yeah only thing I've got before or start of battle round one nor Emissary yep he has a singular purpose and that's going to be this Center objective here no way wow what a surprise wow crazy uh well I didn't see that tactical decision coming wow wow cool uh okay well you know what I'm going to start off I'm going to draw two cards my first card is going to be capture enemy Outpost I have to control enemy marker in your opponent's deployment Zone tricky tricky I think it's supposed to be this one but that one yeah yeah uh I don't I don't think it specifies it says one or more objective markers in your deployment so you got two right sure could take either way next one is going to be investigate signals so this is in your shooting phase select one or more units that are not battle shocked and eligible to shoot unit you selected are not eligible to shoot or declare shoot or declare charge Each corner there one or more selected units holy within nine and scanned by your army oh so that's where you got to be holding within nine of the corners yeah that's be a tough one that's a tricky one okay well you know what I can I can kind of sort of make it work and are eligible to shoot okay so I can I can do this this is okay you can make it happen potentially potenti I can do this I can do this um okay let's begin all right any other command phas things I don't believe I do no I don't have to do any orders anymore all my stuff is automatic I don't have any reanimation to make and I don't have any battle shocks to take so no all right I am good to go if you want to chat with the chat let's see what chat has going on here we need a bio Titan oh I wish we could have a bio Titan in the container maybe there is one I don't know actually so as the game goes on I'm going to interrupt them with uh with the reinforcements essentially oh there we go reveal the first Monster oh excellent excellent excellent are are we there are we yet oh we're already there yet uh we're going to let him finish his turn first turn or his movement hey sorry his uh we're let him finish his his phase his turn yeah that thing the moving phase the moving phase hey moving you're in my turf now that's right that's right all right well you know what let's go they fly so they can just fly up to the top and you can see a shadow of what might be coming in you can we can't I don't know what it is it's actually nicely blocked off no you can see now oh there it is I don't know what it is who's that Pokemon yeah pretty much uh you know what why not let's reveal it holy with Nick sounding better now needs a slight boost on volume not actually going through any microphones release the angry Ron oh I wish I wish yep oh so right in the center put on top doino okay uh oh that's till the the face I was going to you already revealed it I going to reveal it you already did I was going to reveal it to you guys we we we can see them we can see them well we can kind of see them they're they're only Opa Nick you're trying to get to him I'm just trying to see what the range is you're out of range that is on him okay okay so no think I want to be cautious so we're g to move these guys over to here I mean Daniel Bob you can choose whoever you want to antagonize with the chat mechanics I I say vote I I say Michael pick on Michael no Michael's very Nick likee high energy likes to shoot things yeah likes explosions precisely exactly and what is this does he have any healing abilities who the uh big boy Emissary no no no healing healing okay all okay let's give it a whirl going to try and pew pew yeah why not bam surpris man to fly by maybe maybe the excitement broke Nick before the guard did O apparently chat's coming for me you know what go for it bring it bring it get him uh ursus I am playing synaptic Nexus to be honest that's between all the detachments that we have for tyranids synaptic Nexus and R Stampede are kind of the two that I like cuz I like my big Stompy bugs but I also like all my synaps andyer bugs so guys okay um I think I think the play here I think the play is I don't actually have very many guys that are going to be able to shoot you so I got to score some points I'm not sure if I really want to do this but these guys are going to essentially so we move into the shooting phase um they before you continue with your shooting phase oh yeah yeah we're gonna activate yep Nick's gonna do Nick things Nick Nick things no no I did activate them you already put them on top there so yeah is that it that's all he does do it um in addition I was going to give you guys you guys Advance it too fast but I was going to give you guys a free hit so that was going to be a unit of 20 cultists that we're going to go on one of those random uh stasis chers so you can roll up a random stasis chamber for me I can do that sure 1 2 3 four five six six is roll you bet yeah yeah into the box Michael come on two boom with the Warriors you say 20 cultists 20 cultist they're in a box right there here you go have some cultists okay okay and what are they doing they just pop out right in front of it just being menacing uh they pop out around it okay as close as they can without being engagement range okay well boy howy at least they're on that side you know what it's it's kind of a good thing cuz there are like a unit of played ones who are just kind of like and it begins attack the tyranids tasty what is that five 10 11 12 these are cool 13 14 15 so my opinion on the Swarm lists for tyranids swarm has potential I just don't like having to move hundreds of models at a time when I'm trying to play a game I do no I love it when we're talking 120 termagant and like 60 hormons that's a lot of models to move it takes a lot of time so the monsters are easy says attack they say attack the tyranids no that's for steine there's going to be a separate phase for all the Minions okay um they come in at the the uh the end of both your uh at the end of the turns at the end of battle round activate and do all things at the end of okay so I have a chance to kill them you could kill them if you wanted yeah so that they don't kill you being mean to chat see and you guys are trying to be nice to the necr chat you just dropped a bunch of 20 like very fleshy characters in front of a unit of fled ones I I am strictly role playing at this point apparently there's donuts donuts donuts I'll have one momentarily cuz I feel like I'm going to have to I I'm going to have to like vocalize sound of fled ones flaying no I'm just back oh you're taking back downstairs all right that works too pretty donuts they are very nice Donuts very very pretty attack Movin directly not his army that's right I attack your life points directly hey wrong series here yeah R Series start over U okay so going back to my shooting phase um this unit over here because I have two characters in there or well one character that has a staff of light yep they can shoot so I'm not going to shoot this unit is going to perform investigate signals does it have to be holy within nine though of the corner um within nine of it scanned is this not holy within nine of the corner oh it has to be like over here yeah oh okay never mind that's not going to work did you want to rethink your mov uh I wouldn't be able to get over there no um just ignore that they're going to stay over there for now then o re T oh so two of them are popping out o the stream elements isn't updating I'm on it but that is another one has been activated and we will activate it at the end of the the phase so you get to do Pew pews first sounds good another one um all right so shooting phase then um neither these are going to be able to do this Warriors make them the objective markers so um let's just start then we'll start by thinning the hord a little bit my nekron Warriors are going to uh sh those poor poor CEST shoot those poor poor cult tests yes so I have uh I have actually 40 shots oh God why oh gosh gosh gosh and while you're doing that I'm just going to pull up cultist thingy things please generic C SP Marine cultist go Kirby will eat all the donuts get them out of here all right cultist mob great you're just going to shred through them yay T3 with a sixup save and they're out in the open I have complete faith um I'm going to do the chronomancer first so chronomancer is hitting with the Aon staff which is D6 shots blast so that's one but I'm going to get plus four because it's yeah it is so I got five shots from the Aon staff I believe I am hitting you on threes cuz he's being in a unit that's lad yep and then this is strength five so I'm do on threes yep that is two at minus one so two of them just die just two are then I'm going to pick up all these dice yep and these are hitting on threes cuz again being led by a unit yay so yeah c has been Unleashed we will put him out really soon here oh Kirby's been Unleashed we're already working on the next one which I put the silhouette up there and you can try to guess what ble that is oh God not Kirby already yay he's on my side of the table yay no not yay this is excellent I mean unless Kirby just devours the exocrine and starts shooting things for me then I'm okay with that okay um oops one that's okay two Dro dice uh okay these are going to be on three strength four woohoo uh no more Ren though no Ren no Ren on the the long range guns anymore no they get rid of that which that's okay you know what I even forgot my lethal hits but that's doesn't really matter I don't think it matters as much suddenly cult disappear suddenly they disappear so that's 16 saves on sixes [Music] yay how many sixes can move and make I made one yeah 15 of them die 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it's good get rid of all these rolls 11 12 13 14 15 cuz it's 15 16us one right there's three guys left yay and they regenerate oh no not not if not not if they die they wiped out not if they die finish him finish him uh okay so that was that was was the Warriors just being like what what do you think you're doing there bub is what that was just silly silly cultists silly silly cultists um okay let's do the canopic doomstalker because this I yeah I you know what so he's a character right that there yeah 's he's not protected he's not protected no he doesn't have loan operative you mean he can't get protected okay did you mean to hide him slightly better yes I did actually okay no problem no that's okay I will happily give you that uh those guys in the other hand there ain't no protecting those boys I think I'm actually going to shoot this is called a malice spor yeah I'm going to shoot your malice spor no not the malice spor yeah why not I want to see what that big guy doesn't oh you you actually want to see what the Emissary does yeah I do oh boy so does the Emissary actually have the four up or five up field no pain now or only when he's on the only when he's on the objective he gets five up F no pain and oc5 before that he's only a two up four up maybe I should just shoot him chat what do you guys think what do you guys think chat maybe I will come back to this guy then I'm going to shoot this cuz the these guys here are the only target they have is that fella so that's true chat let me know am I shooting the Emissary or the malice spor come on guys help me out here I'm new to this um like he knows what he's doing or anything I'm new I'm just a poor little boy you got what three big boom boom shots yeah three big boom boom shots I'm hitting on threes cuz they they moved yep um I'm hitting on threes I hit two I can LEL that and one of those was a lethal hit oh it was one of them was a lethal hit uh this guy here cuz that is a monster is yeah strength 14 oo t11 so I'm wiing on threes I'm rolling ones cuz you're a monster good roll two not a two so that is two and that is minus four cool no saves and that is six damage pop 12 damage total he's down to two wounds and raining ow says kill the biggie malice sper dies easier though so far it's two votes Emissary all right oh two votes malice they're both going to be saving on four up invols you know what let's do the norn Emissary let's kill that thing let's give her let's give it a whirl this guy also is a um let's just say he has not had the best of uh of showing so far so okay this could be his it could be his moment to shine moment yeah that's what I like okay um yeah so this guy's going to open up onto your nor Emissary he is got D6 plus one shots uh he did stay still by the way don't looking at a whopping two shots so well done well done boys doing good so far I like it well done Lads um we are going to hit you on threes cuz I Stood Still y I hit both perfect and I am now strength 14 t11 W on threes that's two wounds two four up saves for you AP Bonkers so four up invols I make neither well this is only three damage a pop so six damage total which means you're taking six I would go to 10 wounds if I take that okay I don't feel like taking that though so uh I'm going to actually use oh thank you chat Steve is going to go that's where the incoherent screaming was coming from earlier you don't have any other long range shooting right uh these guys and these guys are my long I mean these are 24 this is 18 so then I'm just going to spend my um free cuz command roll is a battle tactic from the hi Tyrant and roll one of those for four it's good so only three damage no problem down to 13 I can live with that I can also survive especially CU it cost me no command points that's always fun free stuff is great yep um I'm going to end my shooting phase which I believe means that we are now doing something funky funky town oh we were revealing Kirby I believe yeah we were is that right Nick uh yeah yes all right could you reveal where Kirby is please Michael you're next for attacking us no no no no I wasn't attacking you guys I was attacking it was a direct attack against you guys don't listen to his words I was spooked by the sudden appearance of 20 cultists what's beside the exoc there that appears to be near the Kirby near Kirby right next to him yeah the exocrine and what else um there's some Warriors some Zone ropes lots of stuff lots of stuff lots of things lots of edible things inhalable things I'm putting a pole in chat and they can decide what Kirby's gonna do soon here oh no oh no so uh chat you decide uh you decide what Kirby is going to do uh very soon here okay and uh you can keep doing your turn there all right sounds good well we're out of that does Steve act or is it all in the next like end of turn uh they all act at the end of the batt battle round no problem we're going to go to charge phase the only charge I see is these flade ones realistically are not going to look at three cultists and just be like eh leave them be they're not going to do that so I'm going to elect to charge sorry also I forgot to declare at the start of the battle round I'm going to be using the synaptic imperative that gives me plus one advance and charge no problem yeah uh yeah that's fine it's it's it's something I forgot it's actually started battle round not my turn okay it's all good um yeah we're going to charge these cultists we're going to do it and we're going to do it with a 11 with style with style so uh yeah anyways that's um I'm in danger those poor cultists yeah let's do this um so these guys have a really cool ability they got four attacks each they got four attacks each they are going to hit on threes I believe in close combat but the neat part is is they have the lethal hits ability yay and if the unit that they're attacking is under half strength Thomas saying you get to move your NE after shooting I do U with Chon Master's ability I I mean do you really want to I don't really think I need to I am well out of charging range does anybody move more than 12 no I am outside of charge range so I'll be probably a good call yeah um thank you though Thomas I I may forget that so I appreciate that um yeah my flade ones if I'm attacking a unit that's below health strength the successful hit equals a critical hit so if I have any threes these explode into additional hits they're sustained orthal they're sustained hits one and twin link oh yeah that's kind of neat isn't it so these come out cuz they are Miss oh God oops but that was they pretty much all come back these are here that was one boom boom boom boom Corner yep and now you got three six nine back or nope there's more 11 11 so I get 11 extra attacks so pretty much everything you dropped yep come back and then I pick these up I'm strength four and I reroll all of these because of the what's the strength on these uh four they're only they're only T3 right yeah they're only3 yeah yeah is there any AP on them uh AP1 oh yeah you're I think they're I think they're very very dead at this point I think they're dead every I think you guys are dead chat and you're picking on me no no no no I want you all to know you are living on as coats and hats and boots and gloves and all that good stuff fashion accessories yes I've got a lovely hat is what he says but they spend all that time killing cultist we should worried about Steve and the Kirby and what do you guess that this is um I guess because of the delay the next thing coming in after we reach the next tier is this silhouette of this model yeah oh God which one the one SC there I don't know what that is I don't like looks very snake like very very confusing like he has two names or perhaps a split personality he looks like he's been around for at least 10,000 years ta Hydra he looks like he like x's and orbus shapes he may also enjoy slight uh slight secretiveness yeah I think uh I think I'm going to go with uh am I guessing am I you already you already you're good I just want to reer it so people know how chat scores points I'm going to here so chat scores points by a killing units I'm sorry I'm really trying hard to get my microphone to work this is really weird really really weird chat scores points by a killing units or B holding objectives at the beginning of their turn there is three turns in every round the nekron turn the tyan turn and then the chat turn Okay this has been a visit from Nick well in that case I believe that you will only get alious reinforcements if of course we reach the next Super Chat goal which we are not close almost there almost there come on you can get there almost there when two people donate get alarus on here sick alarus on the necrons get them get them um I think I'm done I think I've done uh done my damage that was good you Del damage that a lot of damage that you did I enjoyed that yeah that's a big was it good for you as it was for me not at all uh yeah um I'm going to end my turn by discarding capture enemy Outpost I don't have the mobility to really go into your z um which I do believe gives me an addition true so I discard this guy and it is now turn your turn before you go further uhhuh Kirby needs to do stuff do it okay what's he doing so can anyone make a Kirby noise what noise does Kirby make wo that's definitely not a Kirby noise I believe it's a PO Kirby sucks up the is the ex oh was just exine with a 50% vote Kirby sucks up the ex because there's three okay and uh yeets it in a direction of uh in a direction of Michael's choosing huh what is the ex does he roll the 3d6 too you roll the 3d6 oh I get to roll the 3d6 okay uh I I want to make this chaotic I want to scattered ice probably in the bin somewhere oh that nice 12 in excellent do we have a scattered ice we do and I'll try to find one for you but okay yeah okay here it is n we to just scatter it right nice and close let's do it it's over here right this one y we're going to we're going to ye it from Kirby cuz Kirby is the one who suck it up and spits it okay I like it 12 in that way just got a little bit of a boost there can he go in buildings or no no he's lands outside up right he's a big boy in addition C now has all of the stats of the exoc oh God yay that's not yay that's not yay I'm going to pull the chat of what you want Kirby to do oh draw your card I know I just kind of that actually helped me out a little bit that'll do that do command phase we actually both get command points we do I go up to three you go up to two two you are going to draw some cards I hear I am and I've got no prisoners and Behind Enemy Lines you know what I'm okay with those cards they're not the worst don't think we're going to Behind Enemy Lines anytime okay behind and no prisoners just kill things yeah that makes sense so yeah yeah kill all the things I like that yeah uh I don't have other command face Shenanigans to do so going straight into movement let's do it and because he's going to do that I'mma do that cool norn Emissary you know what wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble you get a plus to this right yep so he moves 4 in extra so he's going to go whopping 14 and he's just going to go ahead and take over that objective that one that he really wants that one that he really wants and you count 13 wounds remaining right have 13 wounds remaining fantastic well for for now I'm just going to put them up here because it's going to get messy in there real quick um what was your first clue Hive Tyrant yep he gets move an extra three so he's going to go 11 Ines do the wings cost anything in this Edition the wings do cost actually the wings are slightly cheaper but the reason I like the foot one is cuz he gives uh everything within six inches assault oh nice there we go so zoom zoom up the board and then mine bullets for days no he only was a zoom zoom 10 that's fine still get some up the board uh Zone thrs will advance too cuz why not everything's just going to advance ooh hello W what do they do they fly still right yeah they still fly nice but how do they how do they do they just like fly Harder They just float like Superman they go off I feel like they Propel themselves using their tails like just watch themselves like CIA yes yeah we control the Poky balls all right let's read some stuff from chat this makes me happy cuz I got into playing my necron from watching Mike and my best friend plays the nids I didn't didn't read the rest of it thank you that's actually really cool I'm always happy to hear when people tell me that that I've inspired them to play nekron because necrons are the greatest Nick did we hit uh those one thrs are going to advance did we just hit did we just hit Adam yeah hit Adam wait no for the Steve and Kirby shoots of the necrons wait what no Adam Adam no yay nids eat necrons to get iron in their diets that's not fun they're just going they're not made of iron they're made of uh necro going to stay put alarus has been unlocked I plac 13 nice out a boy Damian 17th out of 31st that's actually very good for your first tournament you should feel very proud of that we didn't have any option for Kirby to eat Steve then we get extra Steve power that would make Kirby technically weaker um no sham on no sh shade on Steve I totally forgot what's up the Zone thrs give a six up invol to everyone within six Ines and they were sitting right next to him you want to roll did you draw your second I did no prisoners and Behind Enemy Lines okay I missed them I'm sorry oh it's it's far too late okay it's yeah it's okay I'll remind you next time I don't know I don't know your rules I don't know your rules and I forgot it too cuz I haven't played with Zone th until just now until now you know what these Warriors are just going to scooch up a little bit hide behind the building they are hide behind the building here I'm going to just sit there with the neurot Tyrant and hide 12 not just around the screen ridicul oh cool so at the end of your movement phase y I'm moving bring in bring in alarus all right where's alarus um so randomize the stasis pods please all right I'll do it this time yep so one two three four five five Center one right back here all right alar is over here stab them stab them with your spear alarius has the stats of gilan because there is no alarius rules that's what you think that's what he wants you to think yeah that's what he wants you to that's what he wants you to think psychic phase G that's G to hurt yeah it's going to be a little scary I noticed there's a lot I shouldn't say this I no there's a lot on this side of the I was going to say if he comes in can I OverWatch him uh sure if you want to no that's you want to OverWatch him I mean I I completely Mize this well because the ney has a torant weapon that he could OverWatch with do it I feel like I should do it see if you can kill him I kind of want to good all right you know what forget it neurot tyrant's going to OverWatch 2d6 torrent let's do this welcome to the supporters only four okay and you need G Gillman's uh profile I can look that up here have a card oh thanks here we go so he is T9 okay so looking for five STS I got one wound you got one and AP one two damage AP one so his two up goes to a three up woohoo I make it h of course you do alarus survives curse you Al actually just very upset right now that you just splashed him in goop yep no you just screamed at him e he screamed at him gross there was no goop involved there was only screaming I'm sure there's some goop involved in the scream you know what I'm like actually 100% sure positive it's time to go to shooting face okay where are we going uh where we going Papa Bear let's start with the EXO he didn't move other than getting by he got yeed yeah but he didn't actually move oh no Ross no not the Bugs oh no I mean oh yeah I mean oh no he's going to shoot into the bikes somebody call an ambulance but not for me oh you're about to fill the ambulance boy are you shooting at the tomb blades yep blades minus one to hit that's okay though so I'm going to be hitting on threes cuz I have plus one to hit cuz of heavy yep D6 plus three with blast so D6 plus three you get plus one yep so 3 plus four seven y hitting on threes because you're minus one plus one yep and T6 T5 T5 so winning on threes as well o that's one and threes to wound threes all right all right uh four AT AP three three damage each okay so I have a five of P do the shadow Loom upgrade fail all those four five bucks I make two two so two I assume these are d three Dam each oh yeah so two Pop I like that I like that these two out Michel did you score any points in your turn you did not I mean no cuz I zero points yeah I misre the uh misread the thing but that's okay so two tomb blades drop at what point do you play the interception is that in the movement phase that I missed which the interception one rbit Ingress yeah all right so that be yeah at the end of the movement phase but it also follows regular reinforcement rules so you can't come in turn one yeah makes sense so alarius has his reinforcements coming to join him and a full unit of legionaires pop out of one of the stasis Chambers at the end of or shooting phase all right so I'm going to go with the neurot Tyrant next okay the new the nor Emissary sounds like there's some Alpha legionaires coming out too scurry all the alpha Legion Shenanigans uh is he within 18 of your big boom boom boy I believe Holmes was his name oh yeah uh no Mr Robo my girlfriend named him okay my girlfriend who does not play 40K named him Mr Robo uh any minus to hit Shenanigans or anything on him no not on this guy he does have a I believe four up in b no so that's okay uh looking for twos to hit I hit with both uh yep uh t uh T12 uh T8 pardon me T8 so wounding on threes cuz strength 12 okay uh one hit one miss or sorry one wound one fail I'm going to roll one of these the command Point okay uh yes I'm going to use the command Point okay a one into a one all right so only one all right four up which I pass like a boss Mr Robo survives and in fact because you did that I'm going to do [Music] this it's only right okay does that get over Dan Elliot Elliot is that over your warriors go Tyra cron I can help you oh uh yeah you are okay uh that is for sure CRS I can see there uh William seelinger thank you very much for becoming a supporter as well and the next uh the next shadow figure is up to guess what is coming in next oh God I know what that is that has a strange look that looks like fars here to me yep far sight so I'm going to throw three shots sorry 3d3 shots into the Warriors over on the far side there rets U minus one to hit if you that's okay 3d3 and I'm going to pull up their thing because I looked at it and then I forgot and then I remember things so it's 2 46 so far they also have blast so that is a unit of 20 so that is unit of 20 so plus four for each of them correct so that's an extra 12 shots hurt it's a lot of bullets you are minus one to hit though I am so looking for fours and then wounding on threes cuz strength seven makes sense oh so minus one to hit help minus one to hit helped actually quite a bit but still a lot of allies oh that's terrible wound roll only three at ap2 ap2 case my four up would turn into a six up six nope three drop yep right and I'm just going to do that all over again with these guys sounds like a plan uh you are now at 19 so minus who's these guys Zone thres they're doing the same thing at the Warriors all you're getting three not four now a you teared me down one I had 22 guys now I got 19 all right because of the extra PES uh same thing again fours and threes that's better there we go so they're making up for it I like it a little better and that's what I forgot to do again cuz I can't remember things I'm playing things for the first time uh nine saves this time there we go that's that's more like it see they're just warming up yep uh six is again I make two I make three that one I make three of them so I've got six Dro so a total of eight have dropped this turn that's good that's good I'm G to take these guys [Music] um and Chad has decided Kirby on his turn will be defending the objective that it's on and killing whatever is controlling that objective oh God not the Warriors oh those poor Warriors are doomed uh cool we're just going to continue to hate on those Warriors or The nekron Warriors yep um mcep so this is the malter yep uh is he even in range he's not in range you've killed them out of range he's out of range so he can't actually shoot anything nor necessary already shot the have tant mhm he has a heavy Venom Cannon so D3 has blast and you're down to 10 is I am now down to 9 10 11 12 13 so plus two so only plus two so D3 plus two o for the full five hitting on threes because of the minus one I drop one and then wounding on T4 T4 twos there we go still got three three these are ap2 three damage each five up or six up make one two more drop woohoo and I think I am now no I'm one more away from have strength so close so so very close what do you think I'm moving uh can I shoot Kirby you totally could shoot Kirby he has the stats of an ex green right now that's not gonna end well he had the stats of an exoc cuz he sucked up an exoc I know he ate an exoc and it that's this is so painful I'm not going to waste time shooting at it I know it's the Warriors can't do it anymore do it oh somebody says shoot alaras I mean the AL he's right here right and the neurot Tyrant can actually shoot alaras yeah do it six shots all right better than the OverWatch nope can't wound him worth his life nope nope okay I'm not going to bother cuz everything else is not going to make it um actually you know what the har spe is going to try an omnom alar single shot with the tongue nope really he's bracketed so normally he's threes but he's bracketed so he needs a four gotcha got got yep so num Noms no no num Noms for him get the num nom out of here no num Noms now all right well that was uh disappointing what's Steve's stats oh Steve has fun stats are you done your turn no I'm I might charge Steve oh do it do it incoherent scre asking Steve has a two up in vulnerable save but uh Steve has a two of them vulnerable save but a one will do half the damage to him and another one will kill him Bally so he rolls ones he yeah he misses two wounds you know what screw it the Emissary is going to charge him cuz why oh no they can't the advanced yeah I can't charge them I can't charge them I forgot look menacingly at you we're looking at him menacingly and just stare down epic star down uh yeah that's going to be it for my turn then okay I I think we are done battle turn one we are done battle round one I think there's some shenanigans that are going to happen first off I didn't actually kill any units so I don't score no prisoners so it's still z0 yep still Z I'm going to discard Behind Enemy Lines for another command Point got it okay um I believe number one alarus has some uh Alpha legionnaires who are coming in right this is right yes so there's unit of alpha Legion on the table there and Chad is voting right now what they're going to do do they go with alarus or they randomize a random a random Jack marker all right you got the random this time yeah so 1 2 3 4 5 yep one two three next to Kirby right next to Kirby oh boy support Kirby like this is this isn't the alarus we thought okay so um so the chat has voted what each of these units is going to be doing okay and uh so far actually actually if it's support alfar shouldn't they go to to alarus I feel like that's what it should be yeah okay fine put with alaras Kirby is alarus whoa wait have you guys used any CP did I miss up no it currently it's two to three mben used a CP for a roll but no you should so at the beginning of turn three neun have three and you have two moving uh beginning of turn two we would it would be four for me and yeah he goes up to four I go up to three okay yeah all right I messed that up I apologize and you're ranked but no points let's see okay so right now is chat's turn and chat is going to get to try to score some points now remember cat will score points by killing and killing TS killing units no no tets units tanet units tyranids necrons see it's an easy slip up fian slip units soit um Steve is attacking the tyranids so he's going to jump and attack the nearest tyet please Emissary fight me her rolls 12 dice moral wounds on ones excellent that's okay excellent mortal to himself here we go no no to the enemy okay you see that again cuz I don't have M okay so Steve is going to attack the nor Emissary with 12 attacks yes and for every rooll of a one he deals a mortal wound to the Emissary not himself I like it but that's it that's the only damage do he only does damage in ones that's a lot of twos whoops how about that I got two three oh that one flipped it flipped okay so two two mortal wounds onto the norn Emissary which means I get a four feel no pain against these I'd make one fill one so I'm down to 12 on theary now well done Steve yay St Kirby k k Kirby who has the stats of an ex targets whatever unit is holding that objective I think it's so he's going to be shooting the legion no he's shooting the Warriors obviously he's shooting the Warriors He's not going toit H Friendly Fire Friendly Fire not going to do that to themselves do you want to shoot the exor crane yeah I do how many shots does he have so it's D6 plus three okay oh God eight shots eight shots you're looking for threes to hit okay actually twos cuz Kirby didn't move Dr two okay and then you're looking for twos sorry threes thre threes four wounds cuz Warriors are still T5 I'm not mistaken yep T5 four wounds four wounds yep oh boy good job Kirby you did it you saved the city they're literally dead you save the city poor Warriors just dead so that's a point for chat cuz they kill the unit uh no they get two points for killing a unit yeah they should actually probably get three for a unit of Warriors give them five Warriors we'll give three points three points for a unit four points for a monster and five points for a character okay that eight points for a monster character okay basically three points for killing a unit one point extra if it's a monster vehicle and one point extra if it's a character five points for a character got it five point character monster five five points for a character monster yeah got it love it so he's worth five points right here well let's do it I don't like it uh who's next what happens next K the kids what not the kids what the kids think about the kids the kids what alfar is attacking kids attack kids what's happening who's fighting what next Nick oh sorry uh and then alarus is oh it's in your it's in your pole yeah alarus is reveals to actually be a random unit so he's not actually alarus oh random unit okay so basically pick one of those R units on the on there and uh roll a D6 and that's just going to pop up three four five six yeah roll D6 so we' got a whole bunch of units here prep so this could be anything from a Reaver Titan to uh a Terminator um he's a gray night Terminator rookie mistake am I right wait it was the terminat it was the Terminator we randomized it Terminator it was the poor grey KN Terminator show show it show it on the uh on the side camera put by the ex green there on the building there we can see what it was alus actually was a great night Terminator this whole time it was the whole time and then well he attack oh attack supposed to be nids kid get the kid closest closest one is the ne Ty the nearest and tries attack it it's a neur tyrant so okay what's the grite ability oh God is it just a regular Terminator a Terminator is there a uh just use the ter stat so it's basically he gets four attacks all hitting on threes and it's a power weapon so it's minus three one damage have three attacks yeah okay yes four four attacks four attacks okay I'll hit uh I assume strength four T5 T8 yeah yeah you8 okay uh so strength four or strength five uh strength five we're power usually one so one yeah four we save he's okay it all right so he pretty much nothing you know what and lastly what we got the um the alpha Marines uh they do whatever they can support alarus so just move towards alarus at the moment well yeah do you mean the Grey Knight Terminator they think it's alarus you know what they're going to advance it's a really cool party trick guys oh miss another donation did we miss a $63 whoa yes it Max it out the Swarm Lord has arrived Jets so that'll be after this turn's done right yes okay um so they've just Advanced closer okay you know what screw it no it's chat we're going to give them the auto advance yeah they they don't have to roll for it they move full six uh I think that's it for chat units okay do I get to fight things back that are in combat with me uh yeah cuz they're all attacking me for some reason neurot Tyrant into the poor little Terminator the Swarm Lord is on the field at the end of this phace here thank you very much Brandon Inwood for that donation four hits so far and the old one Old Dominion I mean necrons and tyranid two Terminator saves Michael go looking for two ups he's alive he's okay and you know what the neuro or the nor Emissary norn big monster thing Lor I barely knew her whoo now who now um right so Steve gets in all the invols for days right uh St get invol even against Mortal what's his toughness toughness a billion well how do you wound him Sorry's SP so he's T4 he's T4 all right all right I can work with this a billion all right I'll settle up four I'll settle up four The Negotiator ah The Negotiator so four saves all right here we go let's roll one let's roll one of this time okay okay okay okay he's still alive and then the extra attacks ow stop it three more stop uh triple threes trip threes stop very Steve rolling I like it stop uh that's it that's everything I think that's everything and now lastly does chat control any objectives chat yes Kirby the Kirby is held by Kirby that means that CH control just one yeah CH get at the end of their turn Chat gets five points for holding that objective yay cuz unfortunately the neuro or the neurot Tyrant AO sees the Terminator silly silly Terminator silly silly silly Billy all right cool okay and now it is turn two where does the swarmlord turn up oh randomize the randomiz that one tur 1 2 3 4 5 one two three back to the Warriors uhoh Lord spaghettio so this is a special character uh tier from our Patron and he's actually named Lord Wigglesworth actually actually the uh great Night Champion is too yeah ector Maus ector maius okay I actually had the pleasure of I think he was on my team when we did the character when you and I did the character battle or was the other way around I don't remember he killed a poor there was murder things that he did M things yes he did I think we need to read I think we need another one that was fun I like that game I think we got to do another character battle soon okay well you know what I think we're ready to start my turn started the battle round so I've already ticked up we have four command points to three command points I'm going to select the synaptic imperative that gives everything within synapse a five up invol sounds good so Nick four command points for the necrons wait I thought you thought that was you going up to you don't get points in the chat turn I get a Comm point for discarding and yeah yeah but I'm at three yeah CU he he has spent one um I'm going to draw a card card my card is defend stronghold uh if you control one or more objective markers in your old deployment Zone if this is achieved and you score three victory points that seems easy enough to do I think so so I just got to hold this for St complete turn yeah just stay there it's okay easy easy easy easy um easy peasy well and what's your other one uh still investigate signals which I think I will try to do this turn um possibly possibly possibly well uh let's do some reanimation Pro well actually oh I don't have any battle shock test to make these guys barely made it they're exactly on the 50% Mark they're 11 yeah they're they're 12 no they're at 11 right now um nothing else are fine these guys have been okay I didn't take any other wounds um we are going to start to bring some guys back so in particular these guys over here they should still be within 12 of my so I'm rolling 2d3 worth of wounds back in this case it's three wounds total bike which means a bike and another bike there one two wounds yeah one's going to go over here other one's going to go over here with one wound remaining on it then my Warriors now this is where things get tricky so Warriors get D6 plus one when they're on an objective Y and then the reanimator the way I'm playing this I it changed it no um The Warriors the Warriors are still D6 plus one if they're in objectives the question mark is is reanimators some people believe they give two D6 um I'm going to play it as they're getting D6 plus one for being on the objective and the reanimator is giving them a D3 that's the way I'm going to play um so D6 plus 1 or two two plus two so four wounds come back hooray just like so put them up front here we can't get an engagement okay excellent okay so that's that that's done I'm going to start my movement uh score points primary primary I hold two objectives because I for sure have yep OC too much there more than what he does more than he does yeah so you score you score I hold one I hold two I should have 10 points 10 points yeah but not oh but yeah but not more than you oh it's it's just hold one two or three there's no more oh there's no more okay okay yeah one two or three okay got it um all right well let's go to the movement phase then these guys are moving six because of the Lord in the unit zoom zoom zoom zoom right here see if I can chop that guy up you should be able to chop him up no problem no problem choy I have to be I'm thinking I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to score this secondary secondary investigate signals get the corners yeah within nine so Each corner I got to be with nine in the corner that that means they going to have to advance these guys that's tricky that's small that's hard to do unless you have deep striking stuff and I do actually have deep striking stuff so I could actually do that just talking to myself now within three so that's not going to work and it could go this way BL ones can't shoot so they can't do it no I thought it's shoot or fight no it says shoot only shoot shooting phase you can select one or more units that are not battles shocked and are eligible to shoot they don't have a shooting weapon they're not eligible to shoot so I think I might end up discarding this I think because I don't think I'm going to be able to do this very well probably doesn't seem like a good idea yeah without hampering myself really badly so okay these guys are going to run this way back the way they just came from they're not they got the cultist skin now they're like he got he's got Big Shiny car like is that Chanel No it's Jeffrey no but now they want like the big shoulder pads from the EXO or from the yeah exor this is what looks like it'd be good Absolut solutely okay so I got to get all the front mind about that that don't worry about it are we on a watch list now Nick apparently we're on the FBI list for child are you going to ignore swarm Lord [Laughter] yeah you don't sound very confident in that yeah I mean I'm glad you ignore swarm Lord makes my life easier should I maybe not okay there's that there's that these guys are still within 12 he's fine he's not moving this guy should move up who's this guy these tomb blades should move up I'm still in range here I'm going to move these guys over so that I'm still in range this [Music] way I don't know about that I stormlord can kind of do some damage actually especially against that two through 20 War you think he has a torent psychic weapon ranged and then he's got wesworth will not be ignored and then he also has a bunch of attacks twin link what is this they think Adam would have a really Michael have a really good ASMR radio voice I would love to talk to people as they Drift Off to Sleep subscribe to my upcoming ASMR Channel everyone next time ever yeah thank you um okay let's go to I appreciate that though that's a nice comment you know like somehow like unusual thirsty comments like that sometimes are the the most heartfelt ones right like you got a nice voice this is true this is true D D D D oh apparently you don't need a weapon to do that you don't need a weapon to be eligible to shoot yeah well that changes everything boys did you still want to run them back there do you mind can I run the yeah run back okay I will do that thank you for that the bikes want to go the other way then no the bikes won't make it okay cuz they unless they're assault weapons if they're assault weapons then I might change that cuz then I can advance and still do that action they are not so no I will not cuz I won't be able to get holy within nine don't want to give uh give Michael for Michael to give us a really good w o I feel like James the init Mr initiative would be very upset with me if I did a wall yeah I I don't think Buton there is a wall button should be the last one I don't think it's on both oh it's only on this one but hey w w that's actually really cool oops I just pressing all the buttons no I pressed it to turn off and it just turned back on again technically correct noes El to shoot yeah okay yeah no it's good um this should this will give you a point at least yeah this will give me two points yeah I I'll take it cuz I was going to discard It Anyways there you go so you get some points for it yeah exactly so thank you thank you for that chat um these guys are going to over to this way over that way exactly coming over to here and here and here and that should be an 18 I might even scooch them back a little bit excellent excellent yeah just like that um yeah so I got that holding I got that holding I'm okay here this is okay here that's a problem I'm in danger um we're okay though we're going to end the shooting phase by dropping movement phase sorry thank you we're going to drop don't you disrespect my phase we're going to drop down the glocktopus all right where's the glocktopus want to go he's going to go right here he's going to hide inside that building hide like a coward inside he's you know what I I picture like the the penal is Danny DeVito so anyways then I just started blasting that is the glocktopus to me 100% outside of 12 yep outside of 12 he's inside the building right over here within range of two units to kind of protect with the if I did this right yeah there's three there there's three there and then 18 there and 12 from that and I don't know does this count as a a model oh yeah oh yeah so I got to go this way it's model so I got to go this way which means I won't really be able to protect these guys until I shoot with them and move them so okay he just he just shuffled over this way okay um okay that is it for the movement phase is there any uh messing around of which the first thing that has to happen is Kirby goes into deep strike oh so you just got off the table now byebye yeah so he's gonna go deep strike and he's gonna come back in on the beginning of chat's next turn Okay so we're going to leave him in the corner here so Adam Wagner says thank you for humoring me someday Michael will play Orcs And then we will get ASMR orc war w that's right I say w Jeffrey um there you go uh I do actually have Orcs that I like to paint but I don't play them uh play on t. Michael other than necrons in 10th edition what other Army do you like to play or want to I play Black Templars which I actually have a really large force of black Templars that I really like painting I have black Legion because I just can't get enough of painting black armor yep and I actually have a 30k alpha Legion Army that I am working on that I'm really happy with um which I could probably use in 40K as well just the way Alpha Legion are um 30k is a lot of fun guys just saying just saying just saying yeah just saying yeah do a 30k we should do a 30 you know who do you know who has 30k like a really large no but do you know who has a fully painted 30k my brother Chris Christopher my brother Christoper who you can see him and I playing in our Old Dominion game that just check that out that's a lot of fun sorry Shameless plug um it's totally it's I mean it's for the channel that's right it's not Shameless Shameless plug yeah uh okay let's get to some mushion ating of the bug inators okay so let's do it let's do some shooting I think I am going to open up with these tomb blades they're going to dump everything into that guy on there and he's going to see how tough you really are okay well he's a monster he's in combat so you are taking minus one to hit against no problem um it is is 66 shots so how many shots that's a lot of shots there moving shot that's 5 10 15 21 25 shots all right so 25 shots um I'm normally hitting on twos so now I'm hitting on threes cuz in combat or you are no you are not oh no he charged you right 20 damn it Steven five damn it get your head down all right uh hitting on tw's turn into threes hey it's still not bad what's that why does Nick sound like aodi Gods because I can't figure out why this microphone doesn't work incoherent screaming um these are strength six these are devastating Nick please ask T for more heresy thank you okay we'll do we do hey Brian boria hey Michael it's really amazing to meet you at my work at ax and grind that's so cool man I ran into this guy I was in Victoria on a like a work trip and we had a day like six hours to kill in Victoria and I walk into this ax throwing thing I went with my girlfriend cuz I thought it'd be fun there's this dude wearing a play on t-shirt tabletop play on tabletop t-shirt that was really cool it was good to see you man uh all right I'm looking for I'm strength six your T1 so I'm looking for fives but sixes are devastating that's okay so I see three devastating so there are no saves but you do get your field nose I get Feld no PS against those and I see a fair amount of fives here that was pretty that is a grand total of seven uh seven plus two devastating y uh three is devastating wasn't it uh yeah sorry seven plus three devastating uh AP AP nothing I don't believe there's any AP on these guys excuse me oh I'm going roll just in case Che there's nothing he's okay then okay so for the seven and then three devastating at five three uh ignores one takes two so down to 10 on the nor Emissary yayay hooray okay um let's go to my Warriors over here they are going to dump everything into the Zone tropes over there okay so I think there are three 6 9 12 13 guys uh I will roll 13 dice here and my Overlord is going to spend his free strategy to allow them to reroll all wounds okay uh so 13 hitting on threes looking for sixes as lethal so there's two lethal here nice these twos and ones out of here and then strength five looking for fives but I'm rrolling everything strength five or strength four strength four strength four so yeah looking for peses and then roll these guys one more it's not too much free uh yeah six saves total no Rend and then um Overlord guy or the uh chronomancer has five shots hitting on threes all hit and strength six soing on threes also rerolling cuz he's part of the unit so four and these ones I believe are minus one okay well I'm taking invols anyways but I'm going to do the Warriors first CU I know those are single damage yep so looking for Force oo takes three okay so it's going drop one of them it's minus one on these ones uh Run's not going to matter and you know what it was actually strength five so I'm going four oh but I could so get so three from the corer not okay so three from the coroner yep um so it's one dead so far and potentially another is it just single damage fromage okay so one dead and one down to one wound okay all right I'm testing one more thing uh people can you hear me is it coming through clearly or is the microphone not working otherwise I give up and uh you tried turning it off and turning back on again yes I have yes I have and it's not working okay who's next all right um I'm on the building can I see that I'm I'm like tow in or to in only applies for the Titanics so you can't see that I can see and you cannot see me nope okay no problem I'm going to fire basally have all them as targets shoot Steve you could shoot at Steve no you can't shoot Steve he's not a monster no no you're right I will give you a point for killing Steve you will get two victory points for killing Steve I feel like if I was going to try and kill Steve it should have been with these guys not the big boy um I'm going to fire my this this large fell Mr Robo is going to fire into the Zone thres finish off I think I'm going to finish off your Zone throes there they're pesky they are they the four everything here is four pinbone uh everything has four he has actually he doesn't have a five up invol anymore okay oh he's out of synapse yeah these uh these worries here after they move I'm just going to basically move too closer yeah just to be within the three in or whatever so it's really like I want the line to be here but thank you to Vox cast to nowhere he just gifted one membership thank you yay thank you Vox Vox cast to Nowhere um I don't know chat what should I try and take out here this is kind of a tricky one I feel like uh I feel like Zone throp would probably be a good one yeah both the monsters are actually really good too yeah yeah you know what zone throes we're going to fire um so it's D6 plus one how many shots for the big gun so three turns into four uh I'm hitting on threes cuz I did not move yep I Dro one still and I don't believe they're lethal no blasting heavy uh winning on strength 14 T5 uh all but one so two at minus two I make one fail one three damage I just pop the wounded guy yep cool I like it I dig it okay um let's now go to done my Warriors done the need to do the glocktopus so is the glocktopus still in range or did I take myself out I think I took myself out 18 yeah took myself out so we'll put the glocktopus into why not M why not yeah sure wait is a m within 18 uh I think he is yeah he is yeah CU I think the guy is a little tucked in forther back uh so the hex Mark Destroyer has six shots hitting on twos all right all hit nice T10 on five sorry T 11 T1 let me double check 11 five woohoo box Gast thank you very much oh thank you that's awesome what are we looking at uh one wound minus one minus two minus two all right four up bullet is no he takes it one damage down to 13 Eliminator okay last one that was a great video yeah I en ridiculous I enjoyed that so much uh last thing is going to be the heavy destroyers or range 48 Locus put everything into there into the Exel yes good call three shots they did Hold Steady this turn oh actually is it per model or is it per unit for holding steady if they stay still uh so I had one guy move the whole unit it's the whole unit count moving okay they did well I'm sure Chad will correct Chad correct us otherwise second here we just had a bunch of gifts of memberships tell what watch ooh yes wait I'm on that camera yes cool for everyone that just got gifted memberships and if you have a membership and you haven't already started watching it you should be watching angels versus demons or Angels and Demons fantastic narrative series that we're doing I'm editing it Nick's editing it it's a whole lot of fun I actually just finished up episode 4 and it's ready for Nick toque on next it's going to be fun and we already have both episodes first two episodes out first two episodes are out first two episodes are out they're exclusive content and we're making it for you so if you haven't checked it out check it out and if you want to check it out join membership or patreon and enjoy somebody all the hands yeah do the hand um somebody says heavy weapon is per weapon I that was my thought on this um you know what comes down the unit has to have not to have not moved the unit so if the mes everybody is count the unit can basically take a move that is not move to not move basically it's cuz remember before it used to be stationary was kind of inherent now remain stationing is action that you choose to make I'm choosing my main station with this unit heavy weapon got it okay okay so they moved uh they're hitting on threes I drop one okay they are wounding on strength 14 T thre rolling ones zero monster two wounds at minus four no no armor save uh six damage each down to eight for him so you said six damage each six damage P so 12 total oh it's 12 total he's down to two yay yay hooray thank you to boxcast again thank you box cast for another five plan tabletop memberships that is five more people who are checking out Angels and Demons actually there's a lot of cool ones there's a lot of exclusive content back there and you also get early access to a lot of our videos it's it's great it's neat we have a Discord we re hang out and it's a lot of fun you actually get to interact with the members of play on as well as the community and we're usually in there quite a bit more than you think um I'm just going to go ahead and say what's the next model what is that the next model is uh well guess what it is I want to know looks like a Terminator I'm just going to say guys um there's not a lot of stuff on my side of the table however are you done your turn uh are you done your shooting pH I've done my shooting phas because this ends right now and chat has decided oh God what do they decide now yes they've decided to allow the Swarm Lord heroically intervene to where the Swarm Lord is there Michael point to where the Swarm Lord is that one um what units can I heroically intervene into uh that one okay uh roll two days that's a roll charge see if it gets in oh just her intervene is just no you actually roll now yeah you roll now how about Bo cars how about box cars everyone yeah all right so what what did it just charge into um looks like my Warriors nice you want to hear you want to hear so remember chat gets I was going to say leave him on top it's fine he's in range objectives you got to kill a lot of units there bub yeah wiggle worth attack go wigg worth here's a question do you need actually you I will attack can I OverWatch sure why not cuz I get a free OverWatch with the Glock yeah why not of course you yeah sure here you go I always hit on on Twos for hey there we go uh I assume fives so there's one yeah T10 there's one all right eat it eat it yeah he does AP I'm assuming right yeah ap2 yeah so he'll take he's down to nine wounds eat it nine wounds for him all right sounds good um but he's not going to attack until your oh I guess we're my combat pH oh nice that's fun and he get to go first neat um okay so it's eight attacks actually no Char bonuses charge bonus no but it's the defender it's it's his turn come on Nick I know what I'm doing I just look like I don't know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing well do I can still charge though that would actually happen at the end of your charge phase so technically you could have declared him as a charge Target first I would not have yeah I would not have but I I wanted to make a charge here I'm oh yeah yeah go ahead do that charge like did we skip my charge pH no you can still charge it I probably need what nine yeah I think so nine or a 10 nine I'll give you a nine okay all right here we go I need a nine on the dice everyone here it is M don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah he didn't do it you can roll this do it do it yeah I'm going to do it waste that command Point waste it nine roll is not a not a good uh it's never a good it's never work for so I spend a command point I go down to three command points and I'm going to roll an 11 damn it an eight again bounced he leaves another turn I failed that's okay I am yeah so this happens uh we just going to go in there and hope the bopping isn't too boly okay that's not that great he drops three okay um but these are on twos rrolling cuz twin linked yep gets all those they're minus one hit always in eight I don't know what I roll to hit all right whatever we'll just leave it um five five at minus two minus two I get a six you get saves you get saves I make one four Warriors get chomped okay CH Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp and then I'm going to quickly check and see when I can spend a strategy cuz I may need to reop up my my stores oh yeah you're running you're you're running a little low on uh people here right now I think it's after you it's shooting face shooting phase only yep oh or fight phase just after enemy un resolve his attacks it's after you attack so I will spend another command Point putting me down to two command points uh to spend it on the protocol of the undying Legions uh which allows me to make reanimation roles with that unit so how many do I get back I get six plus two so I get eight Warriors back perfect somehow the Swarm Lord killed three or four and eight comeback you just cutting him in half you do the math yeah he cuts them in half and then they like land on other legs and then like the other half pops back they Bud as the starfish do okay well that was fun all right all right do I get to swing back you do excellent uh that is seven okay I'm going to consolidate over because I'm going to assume that this is this is true Thomas what is true what did Thomas say yeah he says move and hides true skill under the unassuming guys to be beguile his opponents I just act like I don't know what I'm doing all right I should be able to get everybody within range if I kind of wield them around like this um so there are 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Warriors woohoo and they're mad B in case you didn't notice uh they are going to hit you on threes T and then they are going to win you on sixes are these the ones against yeah I got four sixes here there's four sixes no AP though no AP so two up twos he still feels one y done eight to him all right so the one that could do the damage is the overlord and the chronomancer oh I take it back not the Chron man a on staff three attacks I'll hit nothing and let's do the Lord Overlord no unfortunately Michael did not bring Watson he's trying out Mr Robo today I'm trying Mr Robo yeah um Watson got a points increase in the last addition or in the last um update yeah he's 220 now this guy here I think is only 135 and I'm actually quite uh he's been doing all right he did kind of roll crap for his shots but anyways that's that's that's well and normal nowadays um okay Overlord has a grand total of three attacks hitting on twos manages to drop one I am strength 12 to your T10 T1 on threes uh two wounds at minus three four open BS mies one fails one three damage sir drop them down to five then and that concludes your turn is the end of my turn um I failed my charge here I really kind of wanted that you know what that is okay uh I did kind of shoot what I wanted to shoot I have scored my investigate signals for two points over here nice uh so it's going to go away and I'm going to hang on to defend stronghold cuz I don't believe you're going to come and get me I really don't nope I don't believe you're going to be able to shift me that is 12 points total for me just 12 to zero correct and uh yeah yeah yeah okay I think it is your turn moving it is um I'm going to take up three command points oh I already had you three that's okay I'm going to go from two to three uh mubin should be at four now should be at four now bottom of turn yep going into my turn we're going to go I go up to four I still have no prisoners cuz I didn't actually kill any unit units I'm going to draw another card o I get assassination got to kill a character huh I have a plan for that there's a lot of characters on the table I I have a plan I have a plan for that these a character the only thing with this one is these guys make the characters harder to kill the even against Precision uh for a feel no pain even against Precision even against Precision yeah they get a feel no pain longer they're in the unit the characters gain a feel no pain oh the character gets a feel no pain got it what thank you Justin oh Justin that's awesome thank you for those 10 gifted memberships that actually pushes us over too yay y so the end you know what end of my command phase what are we what are we throwing on there oh yes uh so are you done your I will actually get 10 victory points because I hold two you hold two um in your command phase Warriors are going to come back yay because of res orbs how many warriors come back all three of them I full Squad again yay I get to shoot full squads again yay I'm combat though well that's true no shooty shooty no you have I have no prisoners and assassination so no prisoners and assassination assassination cool I think it's time to start moving I think so you should do it I'm going to read some chat yeah so much green that's true although my guys the guys are kind of Bluey they're not green they're they're teal color is um so yes next guy has been revealed who is it it is what is that thing what is it what is it it is Orange Crush oh is it this thing Orange Crush she's coming thef stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop that's what I get for taunting it right um all right well I'm going to roll to see fun times for necrons in the war in the museum again that's a good one war in the museum war in the museum one I like that um all right so 1 2 3 four and five where is this coming in it's coming in right where I didn't want to see this to show up right over here fantas I'm sorry moving when you move this guy here I am going to OverWatch I'm going to do it with my doomstalker range um so I do go down to two command points okay I his overwatches slightly better I believe he's got the Sentinal construct ability so I think he just overwatched on fives it's not bad yeah um so to start how many shots does he get he has five shots cuz he's plus one I'm hitting you on fives which I hit once okay I'm strength 14 two1 I got a six minus three I'm going to get an invol this time cuz six up synapse yay no it's a five up invol is it a five nice cuz I activated my uh synaptic imperative this time um but also I really realiz I had some battle shocks to take yes first one was for him who's him uh the har specs and pass it I don't oh you have to roll over have to roll over he actually fails it o o okay that's okay okay uh he's okay sorry second half of the shooting yep doesn't matter okay and the exor he only gets two D6 though uh nope he fails to uhoh battle shock for everybody uh also zero batt shock yep and the Zone throw no seven I think he might be okay yeah he's okay okay cool um cuz they're at seven okay makes sense barely making those battle shock tests yikes yikes yikes uh he's going to stay put cuz he wants the bonus of from Australia actually no he's going to run back here oh look at that Melia there he is play on tabletop memberships wow y very much two and a half unlocks wow that is two and a half unlocks you have just flooded the table with um some stuff let's find out what comes here so Orange Crush is already gone yep so wait that Dam so Rose the Viper a of corn demon Prince or a blood thirster a blood thirster this is bad in addition in danger next one is danger oh that already out oh no what's next where's he going a librarian oh well I would really be okay with the librarian yeah the librarian's fine I'm okay with that but let's finish my movement first and then we'll get to that so they've moved they've moved they've moved they moved uh he's in combat so he's fine he's just going to murder Steve in combat potentially maybe think you think that potentially maybe I said potentially maybe potentially maybe okay fair fair fair okay um cool end of movement phase I believe there's things that need to start coming in uh yeah so randomly you need to put down is Kirby during the their turn Okay randomly you need to put down the the um the Terminator librarian and uh did you roll last time this okay so one two three four two that corner Li librarian's over here okay and I'm going to roll where's the librarian at he's in there somewhere oh no he's in one of these stasis pods he just take him out where wherever he is that's where he is oh so he just shows up here y okay cool is he the Terminator no he's right over here he's the Terminator so does he he goes right here outside of combat outside of combat sounds good okay I like it and then Rose gets randomized yep uh okay I'll roll that one one two three four five right there oh God Demon Prince far no no corn blood thst let's see it let's see it how big that thing is hold the camera there I'm in danger that's dangerous I'm in danger this is so scary I guess the librarian doesn't seem so bad anymore no it really doesn't I was like oh no librarian and like the other side of the field I Lian is a name you the name what's the name Simon no cyphus cyphus one our special character tier from patreon cyphus the librarian has Li Play Perfect all right um do we have anything else uh that's that's it for now I got to catch up have else we already $50 to the next one and the next one is also Nick you didn't give me my 10 points yeah he should oh sorry one second here I'm trying to catch up there's a lot to catch up here just just letting you know blood I'm G SE my shooting in the meantime yep sounds good did that one did that one ID nope codex oh yeah this [Music] one oh know what it is and we are $50 already towards it could do that one on him did you draw cards I did I have no prisoners in assassination okay uh and you have 10 points correct correct that's okay don't need that don't need that res will and synaptic I can't keep up with this I'm trying fantastic I love it I love it um cool can do that and I can do that Daman that's awesome that you did the uh Nar for your local group that is really cool to do I am going to spend a command Point Melia look at you go so that that actually brings us three unlocks because we already had $50 so okay okay so all right I will reveal this at the end of movement's uh mve in's movement phase I finished my movement phase already I'm in my shooting phase movement shooting phase all right let's do so I'm going to spend a command Point okay on irresist will okay on the norn Emissary he's going to Mark the doomstalker for death okay got it so so everyone within 6 Ines of them that targets the doomstalker gets roll ones to hit ones to wound got it so all the extra boom boom capuse sounds good great okay next um next we actually start the shooting okay and I am going to go with a CU there's only one of these boys left yep in here yep okay I'm going to start with the Zone Thro he's going to do a neuro blast blast blast peww okay big oh sorry it's a neuro Lance holy moly it's all it's all the shenanigans uh looking for catch with nope misses all right good job boy you did what I B it you did it you did it um exoc cream did move can't see him but he can see the bikes yep so exor is going to take his D6 plus three into the bikes minus one to hit and you will trigger my OverWatch from the hex Mark free shooty you he gets the free shooty shoots yep yep that's fine so five plus three actually plus four okay so I got nine uh looking for fours yep because his minus one and he's already wounded so okay got yeah yeah so fours being injured helped oopsies oopsies oop and then threes yeah three saves ap3 three damage each three five up make none three bikes drop yay and shoo that was the ex creen shooting into the tomb blades yep so three tomb blades just bit it and is the Glock pus going to do his Glock pus is going to do the Glock pus now cool thing I don't have to Target the same Target I'm going to shoot that guy no don't shoot him don't shoot him I hit everything nice uh strength six five 11 nothing Yay see I told you not to do it yep you just didn't want to listen you just didn't want to listen Okay your next shot what's the stats on the doomstalker again uh T8 12 wounds four up invol three up armor all right we're going to go with the hype Tyrant next okay so D3 shots okay three shots with Venom Canon I like it uh looking for twos and then threes two and threes but all hit yep threes rolling ones cuz he's within Emissary range Marked for Death uh so only two saves AP two three damage okay uh four up pass one fa one so three damage okay so he has nine wounds remaining and you will once again trigger my mhm OverWatch which I'm going to put into the same Target o I dropped three that's bad uh nope nothing you want to know if saying walk or quack quack what quack quack quack quack qu I think the malter still just outs out of 12 I leave it to interpretation is the malter out of 12 of the glocktopus oh yeah uh I mean oh yeah in it's close not oh yeah and I know the answer oh yeah know I know uh you're within 10 he's in yeah cool he's shooting the goctopus goctopus so mpor into glocktopus uh only four shots okay that's okay that's okay you can still do this okay hits with three of them okay uh T four five yep okay uh tt5 five strength 10 so still on twos that's all three at ap2 three damage each okay so ap2 uh I am a three up but I'm an infantry in cover so I got a two up which goes to a four up and you make none of them oh no Loop pus down no mind bullets M bullets I love it can I bring it back can you bring it back epic deed any phase one NE infantry character from army that was just destroyed your model back to the battlefield as close as possible anywhere it was destroyed more than one inch away from all enemy Ms you could spend a command Point bring back I'm doing it bring back you can't he basically stands right back up where he is you can't kill me that easy why not uh yeah yeah why not all right all right all right I see how it is uh and he comes back with I think it's just full half of his wounds half of his wounds three you round up or down it's Five Wounds so doesn't really matter you're going to kill him with one more shot he has two wounds no I don't think nothing I don't think anything else is within 12 okay uh he's I'll just say two wounds because he'll he'll probably heal that very soon so he's shot he's shot I need to kill that thing I need to kill them thank you iron bark woo let's go he's trying to catch up to Melia there I think I don't know if I can shoot cuz he was just removed I don't think I can I think removing him from the battlefield means you don't trigger the thing I he's destroyed yeah you just he just iced him he's not he's like he's not like shoot fixing himself yeah he's busy fixing himself I'm okay with that' be cool um you know what I'm going to do that in combat so I'm going to go with the Emissary next yep neurol Lance into the doomstalker do it so two shots looking for threes rolling ones and then threes rrolling ones again let's do it I got both of them cool and I'm looking for threes every rolling ones into the box hey hey box Wars oh and you're not in melta range that's I got one one what's the damage D6 D6 five he's got four wounds remaining soose and I'm my again yeah this is so ridiculous I'm gonna do this over and over and over and I finally cause a wound to this guy over here uh minus two y oh so you got one in I got one I got six yay one do it one more time please do it one more time and let me ice that thing before it can charge me do actually shoot with him next and he's going to try and numb the Lord out of that Squad o that'd be fun so looking for a four cuz you've wounded him Beyond Reason y he hits he hits Precision shot strength six and it's a Precision shot three strength five or T5 fantastic oh minus one to hit or minus one to wound so four four is still good ap2 D6 plus one damage ap2 so three up goes to a four up fail it D6 plus one oh I'm command re rolling that there is no way I only do two damage to you you can't command oh my God are you kidding me oh no I can't command roll you're right he's so it's two damage it's only two damage I still no pain one of them thank you very much so he takes one words that was funny though that was funny that was pretty funny what happened thank you Justin yay thank you Justin uh so so I I don't understand the gifted Subs how much is it in relation to theck okay so that's 50 bucks so that's awesome so are we are we three now we're already at three I'm waiting for you I have a very long shooting phase I'm sorry are we at four then we're almost yeah um can you say we're almost we're almost almost there I don't know we're almost there oh $25 everyone $25 from causing grief and pain how much is that worth to you how much is grief and suffering he has four wounds I want him dead I want him dead this guy this fell actually this fell how many wounds are they uh four each four each four each the only difference is is I believe yeah they get four wounds or T6 though if that makes a difference uh still be threes regardless you know what they're not going to benefit from from that I can still shoot that ooh decisions oh it's a battle tactic over yay pain and suffering yay pain and suffer suffering it is a battle tactic yes I can still do this again I have not used the swarmlord's battle or his or not the hive tyrants on his this turn so I'm actually going to activate it to do irresistible will again using the Zone throw Squad okay and they're going to Target the doomday Doomsday stalker as well nice Mr Robo Mr Robo so they get real ones to hit and wound well that's awfully rude you and we're going to go for the the blast the big pew pew laser beams laser beams sounds good I haven't even used Las beam I have this too rolling the ones okay so I did this got it and I'm looking for threes you got it I still drop one so how many D is it D6 plus one o so there's a chance ap3 four up no oh okay make one so here's the question do you reroll for the last one I think I'm going to so I'm going to ice this my last one y manp point reroll Y Mr Robo would would you kindly fail Mr you kindly this is for you Mr Robo yeah I think we've all used and I both yeah he's gone that'll do it does he explode boom no oh the wamp wamp w w just like that just a slow whimper right why have you K the neurot Tyrant cuz I still have shooting to go and he's a monster and he can shoot into combat he's going to try and just goop the poor gry Knight that's in here yep seven uh green night's going to get wounded on fource you're looking at five three UPS five three UPS how about B two that'll do four damage regular guy he's gone yep sorry Mr sorry ector masius ector masius you're dead you're dead you're out of here uh and then I got some Warriors peeking out of the window here they're going to shoot into the lichard cuz they can sure minus one to hit minus one to perfect I don't know why I said that but sure muin please speed up your shooting I can't help it they all want to see what's coming in I don't uh in the nicest way possible we are paying for the tears of Michael and moving uh they're T5 or T4 on the list T5 and minus one a wound okay so just one wound AP one one damage nope goes through okay so one damage and then Venom Cannon I think how okay so if I have a wounded character in it I have to allocate to the character no no so it can get it goes to the rest of it always goes to The Bodyguard unit unless it's Precision got it so I'm going to put it on one of the uh I have a five but feel no pain nope you feel pain feel pain and then this is the Venom Cannon okay uh two shots and then wounding on threes normally going back to fours he wound AP two two damage okay so two two four up pass good all right that was inconsequential shooting that's what I expected from them uh I'm done shooting across the board I think it's time to charge let's do it har specs let's do it into the L guard it's happening it's happening barely happens but it's in he's limping oh yeah hey did someone just s roll for explosion yeah oh yeah you're supposed to roll roll explosions on on Play It's play on stream rolles and it does and it do it do hold on wait hit the EXP button there you go both of them air horn so how much damage does he do to everybody around that's a good one no it's D3 it's in it's pretty much block to CL bikes and yeah oh yeah yeah the all right uh let's do you you want to roll it sure yeah so bikes D3 for three you're killing a bike and an extra one for fun and then Gus glocktopus you're going to ice my glock he's alive with one wound remaining uh and then the animator he Tak one and then promptly takes it cuz he has a FAL pain yep uh also before I move my charge yeah let's let's give chat what they've been waiting for oh okay all right so the first thing that's coming on is let's see if I got this right so number 11 there we go okay so first thing that's coming on is Captain America oh he's hiding one of those CH that's America's ass I think America's ass is on your side sir what with the redemptor what what is it actually I would really like to see Captain America take on the redm he's not in here he's over here no he's over there all right so randomized oh he's randomized randomized yep one one roll yeah let's do five it's always this corner to put him in front of the blood thirster like I can take you um the next one is h a boss knob on Squig aaur oo you got to roll for this one right so one two 3 four 5 six is roll one two three swarm Lord oh boy boss Lord on sasur Squig Soul ooh I might be in trouble you're in danger what do we have next nick uh the next one is a bellor oh no bellor Bor four that's over there with the dreadnots those lichard are in trouble now that's a that's a big of a problem do you have anything else oh yeah there's one more okay what's the last one last one is none other the hero the myth the legend chass kasso oh boy this ninth Edition rules one you got the r four five i r the last one so it's all you five come on come on right here I think I taunted everything I taunted it y y I don't have enough stuff on my side well here's a bunch of stuff I mean I've got some pretty angry stuff on my side too true now there is one last one that has not been unlocked which one's that and it is right here it is a silhouette for now and it has not been unlocked the if it's the one I'm thinking i' make it big enough that it covers the screen it is see cover screen it is no it's make it bigger make it bigger make it bigger it's fine make it huge make it make it cover screen no no as it as it gets closer to it it should grow in size okay who's that Pokemon all right it's Pikachu charging so I already rolled for the charge there yeah you barely makes it in goes num n want to charge your uh these guys in too uh nope they're only there for shooting umww what else only because I need to take this objective the Warriors are going to charge Captain America that is understandable hey theyve charge Captain America I hate it immensely is it a bird is it a plane no it's Pikachu told you already I know this is futile but I might as well just start getting in there those Warriors going to charge the Lich guard as well okay still get in with a 10 that'll do it I'll I'll do yeah yeah just drop them y than um okay glocktopus is a little too far yeah I would have he well well no he can't make it through the wall right so yeah and I'm pretty sure bikes are out of 12 uh you know what no M's just charging Steve Steve get him get him roll around and just be like fun fact oh this G oh yeah fun fact Steve has actually had I think it was the first uh cabers that I went to I brought the malter yeah and he ate Steve it gave him the hardest time ever he threw calgar into the malter and they went toe to- toe for like four fight phases in a row he just would not die so yeah it was great I loved it um always Pikachu it's a Gretchen a reader Titan what's a reader Titan I don't know what a read reader Titan is uh you know what Hive Tyrant also going to charge Steve because everyone's charging Steve everyone's charging Steve get him get him get him you came to the wrong neighborhood son yep he definitely showed up in the wrong neighborhood uh cool end of charges Nick any Shenanigans before I continue with play we got Melia who is pushing us so close Melia if you want to know how the Titan's doing get to the the limit like if we if we reach this goal you'll see how the Titan's doing you'll know how it Go by then cool so we we'll tell you CU can I can I start fighting nick uh I guess so all right um You don't have command points so I can just kind of do things as I want noo nothing I have nothing so I have no Precision yes so the har spe is just going to go Nom Nom at will okay uh is your minus one to hit and wound Shenanigans in combat as well not to minus one to hit because it's a stealth okay but the minus one to wound is still there correct I got 12 14 attacks yep 14 attacks coming in at fours and then T5 right yep so threes normally goes to four one yeah so fours and fours yep this is this in here but you are minus one hit because you're bracketed yeah I'm already minus one hit that's why it's fours instead of Threes got and does that work in fighting phase it does work in the fighting phase look at that what I am actually going to select those Warriors oh my goodness yes um irresistible will on the warrior Squad we're going to Target the lichard so that they get roll ones uh to hit and wound and so does the har spe okay it's it's four away nice all right looking for fours rrolling those ones okay well that's fun those drop I don't think we have enough necrons to bring these things all back home boys then wining on four still oh no we rolled one uh three at AP1 two damage each okay so three at AP1 so I'm going to I'm going to have to slow roll these so I have two crypto thrs that I'm going to take these on uh crypto thrs have a three up armor which they're AP1 now go to four armor so pass pass pass okay so they're okay and then the extra attacks with the shoveling claws okay uh it'sit with two of them oh I couldn't have done that but I passed anyways I got a wounded guy yeah doesn't matter uh both go through ap2 D6 plus one okay so four so two go through Y and they're A2 A2 okay so four up pass one fail one you're going to ice a guy and then how much is the damage uh D6 plus one okay so I'm just not going to bother feel pain so you you I a lichard just one yeah okay it doesn't made one fail one it is we have reached the goal thank you omon for putting it over [Laughter] yay and more you know I enjoy the the idea of is like when you're like yeah we're going to play a game of like chat versus player and then chat starts off with like oh here's a Space Marine librarian and then people are like I want to have more whoops there goes bike he's dead take my credit card um The Warriors is going to pile into the lichard now yeah so looking for three and then fives cuz you're T5 tus oneus one so fives yeah um so threes and fives rolling ones rrolling ones it's actually a good thing I have these rrolling ones yeah I'm kidding that helped well it did converted it did poorly and then fives and then fives oh look at all those sixes hello you need some devastating stuff I wish six uh six AP1 one damage okay so I again Slow Rolling sorry no uh so four up fail it so oh actually on the cryp thrs that's on the crypto thrs okay so it's one damage yep four up nope no so he takes a damage so one of them has one wound because it's one damage each right yeah yeah so that was the first save four up pass pass no and pass so that was a feel no pain that I made okay and now pass good no and no so one crypto thr has died yay sorry that's it's aggravating but nope nope it's all good I expected nothing less um you know what cuz they have the dice here already into poor Captain America I guess we're just going to give him Space Marine stats Terminator stats Nick what should we do uh for what over Captain America Captain America loot box Captain America is the reverse of Steve so I can only attack hit him on or wound him on Dice and does hitting him oh oh sry so I can only wound him on sixes you can only wound him on sixes okay yeah well that's good well I'm still hitting so oh I need to wound just do that again I just got to do this again it's fine right nope nothing on Captain America all right excellent Captain America slap you back I could have finish fighting first cuz I've got all this yeah yeah yeah remember Steve can only be wounded if you roll roll well he only St is wounded normally but he has a two up in bom yes so basically he only fails on a one but he only has two wounds that's okay and the ones Miss are you fighting Steve right now I'm fighting Steve right now trying to kill Steve also worth an extra three victory points to kill him hoay uh roll seven saves Michael and roll two ones for me please come on come on you kidding me right now this is not Steve rolling no I'm not doing it don't tell me how to live fine fine fine you know what malter you know what where the M fighting Steve there you go I'mma do it again another one another one did you see did you see wa J he where someone was on Twitter and DJ khed DJ khed was like he's like I wish I could do dieting like DJ khed and just like never lose any weight and DJ khed was like I never lose I haven't lost any weight because I never lose all right here we go nope nope nope St alive think it's enraging because of doing it one at a time too I know I know I live and everything go play back now yep all right let's do Captain America Captain America 12 attacks and I need sixes but you need sixes well you H yeah you need sixes just six am he's fighting into Warriors Three how about three sixes three mortal wounds right is it just mortal wounds uh yeah six is do moral wounds cool there's a Warrior dead he just punched the Warriors through the warrior just shoved a shield through his face pulls his heart out yep that works too uh lard uh uh yeah let's do it um I'm going to put so let's move that way that way that way that way your mouth tentacles are causing grief so I'm just going to yep okay just do your best to work around the mouth tentacles yeah so as far as I can tell it's 2 4 six going into your warriors okay one two three going into him and the crypto thr here and then so I'm going to do technomancer and six into the Warriors first even know what techn merard does he just poke you with a stick I think uh yeah pretty much Che Onre chew hits and strength five wounding on fours i y four so two wounds at minus two so far up invols nope make none okay one damage each yeah just one a piece and one's at one wound six times three is 18 three six oo welcome Michael Moore I don't think it's the Michael Moore but it's a Michael Moore all right uh hitting on you're the Michael Mo let us know but that'd be impressive being led by a unit that's all but one these are strength six okay these are into the Warriors yes threes uh take out these guys Justin thank you very much that's there okay so that is five 10 12 wounds at minus two then it's four three guys okay so 12 w first it's going to be minus two y so five of Bin balls I don't think that's enough that's definitely not enough okay uh oh sorry no I think I just did you just do it they all die okay Y Cool get out of my house G get out of my house War still squishy okay and then I will swing into malice that's a malice spor or whatever this harb haris spe okay uh twos drop one strength six t 11 up fives one minus two he's going to take a five up in well to cuz this all happens while you're still doing the murdery things yeah he's okay okay uh Lord is going to try three attacks Lord's blade hitting on TW all but one woohoo and strength is eight on threes I got one devastating wounds oh devastating wounds so no saves no saves at all go boom just two damage he does he goes boom the re press the explosion button press the explosion button I want you all to tell me no you you all the explosions we need one that's just like viscera at this point too yeah that's what I was just gonna say it needs to be a viscera one it can't be D3 to everything around them than Justin that's awesome 10 more so that's three into the lichard okay and then my own throes three into them as well I so sorry three De Mortal wounds right Y into the uh I'm going to take two on my crypto four up feel no pain so the other crypto throw Dice and then that's it yay and then he comes off the table so remember that Chad is about to get a turn at the end of moving turn and that's where you score points uh Steve gets to fight actually cuz he's in comat 12 Dice and he ones or Mortal wounds basically who's he fighting into though chat can you tell me do we want to hit the mcep The Hive Tyrant or the nor emissary think it's the nor ersary is my vote but maybe we can get a quick little poll thingy and then we will uh no 13 was on the M subject we'll be p in time but okay no problem well just somebody sh it up we'll do the first one that comes into chat well that works too there's a quick second delay while I grab a stuff of drink that's actually not bad idea um yeah interesting what are you thinking Michael I'm thinking I'm thinking it says norn that's the first one that I saw it says split fire norn no noren's the one okay here we go let's do 12 yo what's up Jimbo let's do 12 thunderhammer bow things just 12 dice W or Mortal wounds Unos I see two oh okay I see two that was actually a very good roll it was actually a good Ro if you're not steeve but I'm also okay cuz I have four feel no pain no problem Steve may have whiffed a little bit stormlord cuz he is in combat with Warriors are we oh no sorry you get to fight him are we doing Ono on mine too uh do we on your no only against my stuff we didn't we didn't do something on your turn yeah only yep that's her okay the chats guys only fight on your turns if they're engaged if they're engaged with your guys okay so they're chat's turn they're going to attack everybody but that does end my turn then uh oh um unfortunately I don't get assassination cuz I didn't kill character I get no prisoners he came close I did get no prisoners though I will take Robo is quite a character so I got two points for no prisoners cuz I only killed the doomstalker yeah but you know what that means what does it mean you know what's coming on the table oh no if if I if I donate $200 now can I like tell the robot to go like turn around and go home if I like if I donate $200 can I cancel out to $200 donation I'm making it poke you in the ear right now oh so yeah we've got so I'll grab that Titan and put on one of the back two objectives randomly placed in one of the back two one of the back two here I think why don't we just put it in between yeah sure put the just right between everything it's going to see over the buildings anyways so yep give it to a room okay oh goodness I really I'm like come on child we are putting you on a diet so in what is this who's worked on this so this bad boy here is a culmination of like do not break it do not break it do not break it as M's talking about it in my head I'm like this is a culmination of all your generosity during our Marathon live stream that we did last year and one of the stretch goals was to get the studio a cha raver Titan and Tao has put in many hours of hard work probably Blood Sweat and Tears cuz is it is chaos it is spiky but this is the new chaos Reaver Titan of death you you do get assassinate that's a character and it I do get a assassinate that's a a good catch with that so I get six points you have 16 points oh sorry seven seven cuz I'm using tactic King good catch 17 points in total for me thank you Damen appreciate it and I hope everything is well with your your partner but thanks for checking in and I appreciate that and Could you um also um go over CP please I'm down to two CP Michael is at zero I am down to zero CP oh we spent a lot yeah I blew through all right and now we start chat's turn yay now chat has given given a couple polls of what they want to focus on all right Nick tell us what we're doing so firstly Captain America yep was chosen to he could either go into close combat or he could throw his mighty Shield across the field he is in combat with Warriors right now doesn't matter doesn't matter he's going to do like a crazy back flip and frisbee throw his his sh oh he's B he's ping he's pinging the uh frisbees into oh apparently it's going into theopus all right Nick the Gabus Nick what are the stats so it it only does mortal wounds but he only hits on sixes and he because he's throwing he only gets five dice so only five dice so any sixes and sixes are moral okay no no wait wait wait roll them one at the time oh no no no it's a lot of twos no dice why are you betraying me like this yeah he lives that's why we don't keep frisbees in Warfare Next Step Kirby comes down where's he going now Kirby is going to start in the center but he's going to use that scatter ice and Scatter 3d6 so you start on this one I love it let's do it I'll do the 3d6 okay oh my God a 15 15 that's a problem here we go he are we counting dead center hits uh nope okay they have a little arrow on the 15 minutes oh well anyways I like that idea more 15 he's like right over here what is the closest unit to that that location now well it's going to be the Zone throes it's going to be the zone throes so he sucks up the unit of Zone throes okay and scatters them in a random Direction 3d6 you roll that I'll do 3D all right here we go how many inches how far is it going 18 oh 16 but which direction that way that way can't be in combat so take him outside of combat over here and they are very confused right now it was like wait what happened and now Kirby has all the stats of that whole unit of Zona thres oh no oh probably one zon Thro you only suck yeah I mean no he sucked both of them in so to two of them why not two of them still kind of scary destroyer of worlds yeah exactly um and so they don't like you then if there's anything not in combat sorry not in combat move it toward the nearest enemy model okay well that's going to be the blood thirster going into the Warriors that's going to be into my heavy destroyers for sure charge yet this just okay well any oh they're just moving closer they're not charging an inch an inch an inch maybe can we put the Librarians into the flade ones sure there and then these guys will be like they they they that right now swarm Lord and work on a fungal velocisaurus Rex and whatever the fish dude in the battle suit is is uh looking at all these Warriors like oh uh people wondering can the xar shoot back no it's out of range no no you can shoot one of the chats doers so you can shoot Steve you can shoot the Swarm Lord sure I'm how how about how about I shoot Steve yeah why not shoot Steve shoot Steve damn it Steve there's a frisbee that comes out of it misses and the the guac post is like ducked he looks up and he looks at Steve and goes first thing he sees Steve in bright yellow armor he's just like what do1 threes I got 2 one roll it that would have been the way I'm rolling it should have been Doms him in the back of the head and that's like that's why you wear a helmet and then I put three poles down I was trying to help you moveing I three po they're not going to help me and the first one was in the shooting phase should chat focus on the tyranids or the NEC rods overwhelmingly they chose the tyranids of course then I said in the in the combat phase should they focus on the tyranids or the necrons overwhelmingly they said the tyranids um um and then I said hey what should the chaos Reaper Titan shoot at overwhelmingly they have said nice guess what like itess Well Done what's up saving that five up invol synaptic imperative for second round was the best move I made cuz everything has an invol right now I have a chance all right chat let's see if you can score some points okay so um you know why they they're picking on me why they know my stuff's going to die easier than yours that's true mine's just going to come back yeah so moveing they did say Focus mostly so moving you can choose two units that you can choose one unit that can fire and you can fire one of his units is there like a particular unit on the table that not the Titan that is a separate pole no I know I know the Titan was a separate pole that's fine here's one unit that could fire so that's probably kiry the dreadn or sh kasso actually you know what I know I would shoot if I I think I'm going to do the Kirby and I'm going to go for the easy kills here okay CU they're in range yep makes sense yep so Kirby's going to take 2d3 shots into the tomb blades okay mine yep um so that's six no three shots three shots okay minus one hit cuz there's no you're not triggering blast no uh looking for fours cuz minus one hits with two of them okay and then wiing on threes five with both all right I got to make one of these come on five up in make one fail one you're going to ice one yep so one of them gets iced and I ice and Glock is going to fire back um I don't want to touch Kirby I'm going to shoot Steve in the back of the head again Bo him I hadit him come on come on come on come on I got him four four times yeah roll one Time come on no I'm rolling all at once okay there he is that's a Steve I domed him that's why you wear a helmet everyone a baseball cap does not suffice Steve Steve is worth three points that's three points my glocktopus just iced him yep that's three points C Austin just iced him love that wow okay um hey you freed up all my guys thanks I did freed them up for well he could still shot into them anyways can you shoot everything else at the tanid of your choice yeah let's do it what's uh can you tell me chiasso um Picasso first of all he has uh a fusion Blaster so that's hitting on a three what's the range 18 inches okay you're going to shoot the Swarm Lord how many shots one one shot on threes hits damage eight wait is all my stuff out of range for uh range 18 oh okay yeah okay that well then he won't SHO shoot into swarmlord cuz that's just chat shooting into their own dudes no he said shoot at tyranids I know yeah but my tyranids not chat's tyranids that's why I said swarmlord would they wouldn't shoot themselves but no no I said he he's shooting here oh he's shooting my hive Tyrant yeah that's I was like why are you shooting your own guys flamer 12 flamer out of range Noe un can't shoot NE though okay uh can you shoot you can't shoot no you can't shoot in combat you can shoot here oh reanimator yeah you can shoot my reanimator okay you didn't get anything on the HP Tim no nothing shots or you should do this I'm going to shoot my own guy yep is it D6 plus one still or is it one so five yep uh four five yeah at least or make two saves rolls all fails oh never mind yeah T6 uh three saves okay uh minus minus two two damage each we're using the 10th edition rules or ninth Edition rules for this one okay God five up armor pass one so two damage each four D four four up feel no pains make none so four wounds so four wounds he's got two remaining yay okay uh that do the don't bother this guy this guy has to shoot say librarian oh does librarian have shooting oh he yeah he M bullets where's the the card for him uh who librarian librarian uh yeah there librarian okay Okie doie uh he has a comi weapon okay he's going to shoot at the played on uh no why don't you do it uh so four or two shots okay or two shots yeah yep fours okay and then on fours again nope two ones okay so it's anti-infantry devastating wound so that would mean that oh it's two1 so it's nothing yeah it's two on it's nothing okay uh then it's you want do witch fire or focused witch fire oh I do Focus all the time okay uh okay so D6 shots for two and on threes nope okay I roll two twos and then roll roll a one roll five okay uh that's that that's that that doesn't care does r have any shooting attacks blood thirster yeah it's a blood thirster don't bother it it's just close weapon okay we don't even have the blood have any shooting uh Bel does not what we're going to do right now red we're do the dreadn then then the Titan okay dreadn assuming into their either them or them it' have to be them they're right in front okay who's them uh you know what no I'm going to randomize it okay one two three is the Lich guard wait no this is for chat we're going for the easy kill chat needs kills okay uh plasma shots into the heavy destroyers okay do we have the dreadnut stat yeah so has the macr plasma macr plasma you supercharging oh yeah okay D6 plus one shots with the blast it doesn't matter okay so four shots okay hitting on threes hit with all of them and on threes two wounds okay I think that just goes through cuz I ap4 yeah three damage each and I think I got four wounds a pop a guy I'm going to take that guy away nice Ice Ice Baby okay okay and then Reaver time I think that's everything all right Reaver time all right want to shoot at it's got three sorry it's got two weapons has a witch fire weapon it has a 12 shot Gatling Blaster gun and it has an apocalypse missile launcher okay well the question is where does it go or do we randomize my units it is better at infantry you you can choose uh Michael so you got two guns to shoot with him where are they going they're both uh infantry killing weapons okay well I'm going to fire for sure one over here so the Gatling or the missile launcher I don't know what's uh Gatling does more damage okay uh Gatling into the m and the missile launcher are they they have to go into Tates you go to whatever you want well yeah can I except for chat's peoples can I Dome belly in the back of the head chat can't chat can't shoot their own models I mean chat you can do whatever you want to do do not let move and try and tell you what you can and can do I'm I'm on your side don't listen to Michael here um and you're killing my guys yeah it' be fun um okay the Titan can see over everything right yeah he just sees everything so why don't we fire the missiles here and the Gatling over here okay so the missile into the norn and then the Gatling into the mous up all Gatling count is 12 shots Melia says that's what I was trying to say bellor is a witch fire range attack so let's do bellor real quick and then we'll do this so bellor is going to go into there uh wit fire isain sh is oh yeah be want do Focus or witch fire Focus so 12 whatever the supercharge version always is no problem 12 attacks hitting on twos 12 yeah actually hitting on threes okay okay why couldn't I roll like this okay uh now oh it would have been twos cuz it's ignores cover so I have cover anyway uh so no no cover doesn't give you the minus one stealth does okay okay you're good okay uh ignor cover is going to be applying here got you okay uh string six T5 wi thre goes about to Forest cuz minus one that's still a pretty spicy roll uh seven at whatever the seven okay seven minus three so 7 four UPS into the neers into card so I fail two it's one damage a pop and I got a five up feel no pain I make one one guy has one wound and put it on the far one okay all right sorry now reverse now the reverse so I said the UN the rever what is this even called that is a reav ging Reaver Gatling Cannon it's going into spicy brain boy over here shots 12 shots sustained one okay so 12 shots hitting on threes sustained one so lots of sixes chat lots of sixes here we go I see one six but I dropped two three four back now I'm strength strength eight five winning on fives there we go I got three minus two three at minus inv I make two of them three damage take three damage on that guy down to 10 missile launcher how many three D6 shots with blast and indirect fire oh I should have shot that at two I told these are infantry killing weapons all right here we go so 3d6 so that's 4 plus 4 is eight shoo at Tes with an infantry killing weapon it's fine cuz he'd be shooting his own things infantry do we have yeah they just don't like it's all his infantry that's left eight uh eight hits eight shots yeah eight shots into the nor on threes on thre probably threes yeah and then fives I'm guessing seven and then fives fives two wounds two yep minus one uh makes one fails one and then two damage Nick two damage each yeah hey takes a damage yay norn is down to nine perfect okay fire to Victory that's right hold on we got we have the button for that go never speak okay well first one I can see uh I'm just going to push here rose right into these Warriors actually no I'm going to push B over here before you do that charge the um charge the reaper Titan it can make it in it's got a claw oh no oh no oh no how about a seven I think that'll do it yeah that'll do it how do I do this we we just leave it there and we just know he's in combat there youjust it yeah I am like paranoid about like this is its maiden voyage rip an arm off actually is M Voyage it really is I'm glad it could be destroying my NE on it m Voyage okay bellor just is going to shuffle in it's he's an inch in blood knot is like uh cuz he can't attack can he attack on the second floor yeah engagement range is one horizontally five vertically I think that dreadn needs to try to charge the [Music] Z these guys well destroyers are 4 in away from them the Zone try to char neon you got you know what go ahead multi go for the long bomb charge so this is a 8 inch yeah cuz you got to go around 9 in charge okay here we go what how about a seven no so fail charge he's holding the objective that's fine um shasso K kicasso is just going to go punch in oh yeah he it punch in punch in that sound good like that and Ro Rose just made it into the Warriors and the neurot Tyrant cuz why not okay time for all right let's leave the Reaver for last okay yeah let's do the reer for last that's fair Let's uh when we do you want to attack my guys first or you want me to attack your guys first let me just come this way okay let's this all right here we go let's do so librarian yeah I have the card over here librarian has four attack good hitting on threes it's twice okay uh he hits on so he's strength six winning on threes wounds nothing excellent fantastic all right cool Neato boy let's do swarmlord SW uh no swarmlord is already in existing combat so gotcha okay uh squea boss Squig boy squea boss Beast boss he's got six attacks hitting on twos six attacks on twos still drops two of them uh any special rules on the weapon anti- monster anti vehicle no okay so nothing fancy uh strength six Wi on four or threes all four of them four at minus one so these are going to be fives make two fail two so two nekron drop and then you got three attacks hitting on fource nope no nothing okay so there two of them tip over for now two tip over for now okay perfect all right Nick ninth edition shasso what do we got all right so first of all we got the on Gauntlet four four dice hting on thre four D sitting on threes nope oh you shouldn't have he rolls all hits and wound rolls there we go that's three all right 12 I too enjoy all three wounds uh minus four that does three damage a piece still three more just Warriors does it matter that it's minus one to hit I don't think it did cuz I rolled for I spiked the other way three drop okay uh oh that's he's not done okay flamer six plus one shots or I think Nick is role playing right now yep pretty much okay wound we good doesn't autoa H remember berries everyone strength four rrolling the right everything hit and then T4 T strike four yeah two ones two okay and minus two two Dam each six I pass one fil another NE another one pass D okay I'll leave it for now okay okay so you six Warriors drop total okay anything else then that's nothing that's nothing are those legionaires in the corner going to do anything oh right they should have they just run no no they were going to support alarus oh that's true so they should run over to his corpse but I feel like they should try and murder the exoc that doesn't make sense just move him six and they would have just gone this way to grab the objective and then they would have shot him just say charge let let's charge you know what we're just G him a charge roll roll it roll it I'll R fine roll it how about a see six Would Have Made It Anyways right okay uh what the have four attack reg legionaries four attacks each oh there's legionaries special nothing special so we're just going to have you know what I feel like giving him a cursed weapons that feels appropriate probably can all of them have a cursed weapons I don't know these things uh sure why not sure why not I'm not even going to fuss with it uh o that's actually pretty good they hit pretty good pretty they hit pretty good pretty good now they going to actually do the murdery thing sustained hits you get an extra Tech the dark packed or whatever hey they got two that's all they need fail to mubin fail to these are ap2 I need actually a good call I should double check need fives you can kill him right here could let see it he's dead chat you just me a solid does he go boom roll it was a 62 it bounced I know CR goes down oh that's going to be points for chat that is points for chat not only is that um four points for chat for killing a monster and a car and unit but also they're going to control that objective at the end of the round yeah we're I'm not worrying about the objectives until they we're done with their fighting and fun stuff okay all right what's next I think it's bellor or it's uh do I just continue the hate on me yeah sure why not Blood thirster let's get him where blood thirster where you where you is there no blood thirster card here I'll give I'll pull up the blood thirster sounds good well you're pulling that up I got the re tit St we said we're going to leave it for last because it's going to be yeah we want to leave it for last we're going to leave it for last CU of Mayhem we got there I'm pulling with the blood thirster so where's the blood thirster Michael over on the far side there move inside going to mul it doesn't have extra attacks the easier kill is going to be Warriors no problem let's do it so we're going to go I'm assuming it's going to have a great Axe of corn cuz why wouldn't it uh 14 attacks okay 14 just 14 just 14 just 14 and you're hitting on twos winning on twos all right here we go choose dropped some ones does have special ability things if I do I have got five sixes no um you're just looking uh basically if they don't die they take mortal wound I was uh seven seven yep I will get a sixup save or sorry I have a five up involv still yep I don't make the five up dud those Warriors are dead CH Chop Chop they gone they gone that's another unit kill for CH K so that's another three points for chat yay y you're almost winning almost almost okay uh Captain America uh he's not in combat anymore no okay no problem cuz he only had the Warriors how about you do bellor see if bellor can so bellor has six attacks oh are you doing strike or sweep it would make more sense to do strike in my opinion what's the sweep profile 14 twos eight uh strength eight and one the only problem is one damage the other one's D6 plus one so like everyone and it has equal hits yeah okay let's go with that one my opinion um so Str yeah six attacks hitting on twos hits with all them get two lethal hits and two lethal hits so Auto uh strength 14 winning on threes cuz it's twoos goes to threes uh five five total saves five total saves five four UPS which I only make two so uh you're going to ice a guy for sure yep um and then there's two more there's two more so roll a D6 so three so I got to take three five UPS uh no he dies and then one more I got to take six five UPS which I've done it before not today though no not not at all so three three total drop woohoo and then I think it's time for the Reaver to do a Reaver thing I think it's time for Reaver to do some what do we got here right Reaver has I'll spare you the misery and I'll roll cuz you don't want you kill your own guys I feel like that's a good choice I feel like that's the play we could use the Reaver feet but I think what you really want to use is the Reaver power fist I want to use the claw you want to strike or sweep sweep what them dogs doing 12 attacks hitting on Force okay dogs what's the strength AP and damage strength 12 ap3 six damage each okay uh 12 attacks you said if you do the strike it does six attacks at strength 20 that does 14 damage each yeah we need more attacks how many 12 12 and it's fours yeah fours and [Music] threes oh God that's horrible I got two you only got two I only got two but there sixes [Applause] two two wounds at minus three that does six damage each somehow my lichard lifts his shield up and stops the Titan from stomping on him that other one on the other hand let's see if he feels these oh yeah he felt it he felt it yeah he's like oh I hate it I don't quite like this ooh I don't like it that's going to be a no all right that was 2,200 points of like nothing and it actually didn't kill that didn't kill that didn't kill us killed a couple models very it looked pretty bad yeah yeah that was that was terrible yeah uhhuh it's fine you know what it's the first time the reaper the Reaper's just camera shy yep it's the first time it's showing up on camera yeah that's true all right let's do some strike backs uh let's do some clapbacks clap clap clap back back back neur Tyrant into the cuz it's going to be inconsequential y clap clap clap back back back neur Tyrant neur Tyrant I know which one I want to [Music] do which one are you doing um just fighting the neurot Tyrant the neurot Tyrant into the blood thirster trying to scrape off a few wounds before it gets squished make a save it's probably a two up yep I got a two yay all right I actually the blood thirster even I feel like it is no I think it's a three up in close combat oh no it's a four up on the blood thirster so it takes a damage really yeah just four up armor four up armor four up invol demons just went back to demon saves but it still has 19 wounds you know only 19 it's fine all right you want to clap back into this I do let's do it uh let's do swarm Lord yeah cuz that's the only one that really makes a ton of sense so again I think everything's going to go on the stormlord so 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 15 Warrior no that's not right one two three four five six so 14 Warriors that was a really disappointing fight yeah yeah well it's like 14 attacks and you only hit with two of them yeah that was pretty brutal especially because it only hits on fours actually was a optimal Target for for closeat like should have and probably shooting too but unfortunately but you're not shooting your own guys and chat did want to see shoot see it to kill tyranids uh sixes sixes how about two two from the Warriors F he's okay and then Overlord Overlord all of them hit does he have lethal that's exactly what I said Chase it's just camera shy right now it's the first time it's on camera it's not no trees it's just two two at minus three two fours please three damage you've got the wound counter over there I don't know if it's alive or not you got two wounds remaining hey and my Chron man's just going to try to finish it finish him finish him worth three points if you could job two hits nothing strength or toughness 10 right yeah yeah nothing okay that's it uh that's done War Lord will probably get strike now you want to war Lord he's got two wounds left yes so he's hitting on threes now oh no sorry he doesn't Brack it does he I minus one to hit so even if he doesn't you're still minus one to hit even in close combat yep just period minus one to hit okay then when this model is leading a unit each time an attack targets the unit subtract minus one to hit cuz I move very fast drops two okay and then two is rolling cuz twin link yep rolling CU twin link eight uh seven seven seven minus two right minus two three damage yep sixes nothing seven drop chop chop choity chop chop CH Chop Chop one two k uh swarmlord killed five of them or sorry seven of them not quite though no God no he doesn't have the attacks to do it okay he wishes but he doesn't okay well there's a battle shock test it's probably first one I'll have to take uh actually no I'll take a few this turn uh I think that's it for chat though isn't it okay uh no I get to try and kill the Titan yeah let's see how this pans out all right C let's buff out some of these scratches um as far as I can tell it's going to have to be all but one going into the Titan for lichard so this guy can choose I believe cuz he's behind wounds so I'm going to put two guys into bellor and then four into the Titan and the ORD into the Titan sure so uh let's just get bellor out of the way real quick twos drop one strength I don't know what is bellor t10s wounding on threes one wound on bellor M it so four in nope takes it uh he would have a whopping 17 W remaining Jesus yeah that's why okay uh I'm not even really sure why I'm bothering with this but that's okay into the yeah nothing that's what I figured for guys into the Titan let's scratch some paint off this bad boy okay hitting on TW hey but these three then winning on probably like sixes uh what's the toughness of a Titan 14 all right it's got 60 wounds sounds about right take that one one save one save take that do it AP minus two four up he's okay damn it raver says no all right Lord is going to do it Lord's going to take his Lord's blade on choose he hits strength eight winning on threes y right what no Lord's blade I'm M on fives either way I got a devastating wound on your Titan ow I did two damage to it how many wounds have you done to the Titan none because I haven't yet I thought that's what I thought down to 58 I consider this a moral Victory I see this as an absolute win I win okay all right well you know what um that in chat's turn they score they're holding I think I want to just I want to see what this looks like I'm going to be very quick go ahead you talk I'm going to roll this because I want to all right well score it out regardless so chat's actually going to get wi 30 points two 30 points well they're going to get 15 points for holding three objectives pretty sure they only hold two where they don't hold that one I hold that one I have have way higher they hold the bottom one oh Sor yeah they hold this one back here yeah so 15 points for that what are you rolling for he's just trying to see if you can the Terminator Librarian Is that a Terminator librarian or Terminator librarian Terminator all right well take uh a lot of saves uh 11 saves on your Terminator librarian minus one I think minus one threes not enough threes how many wounds uh 1 2 3 four five he dead right yay I killed you no I'm just kidding um cyphus is now a lovely coat they wanted I think the winners the end of chat's are here I've got one idea what okay I've got one idea how to finish this game CU to be honest we probably need to wrap this up okay so I've got one idea because you guys are way behind on points and I don't think you'll be able to catch up and the chat's going to win if we just let them how about you guys join forces and see if you can take down the Reaver Titan we can't next next question okay then I don't have any other ideas no next question what do you mean we can't we can't chew through 58 wounds that's true we couldn't do it if we wanted to no we need some very spiked rolling that's true um what we need we need go we is wedding well what's the forlorn hope here for Kirby Kirby okay so let's take out no let's let's see if Kirby can absorb the like suck up the Reaver Titan it does what is it Kirby versus the Reaver yeah why not okay so it's Reaver versus Reaver oh what's F I can do this oh no I'll be right back yeah okay oh let's unleash the other Titan yeah because we have another Reaver right now there we go okay well you know what I call dibs on chaos while we go into our next turn I'm going to take up and I'm going to I'm going bring some guys back that way maybe there's some some like hope I think at this point it's just Reaver versus Reaver if we kill the chaos one yeah but I also want to bring some guys back that way I can at least feel good about the necrons Nick is currently not here so you are uh not going to be seeing any point updates or any changes we'll let you know what happens once he's back and we'll let you know what's happening once he's back battleshock fail Bioshock battles shock fail battles shock pass oh look it's the other child how many do I bring back how many do I bring back all right so Kirby absorbs the Reaver Titan and let's say it does what D6 mortal wounds to it in absorbing it sure sure sure that one takes two moral wound Kirby becomes the raver Titan put him on top yeah and you guys get one chance of rolling all this weapons to see if it can kill it I don't even know what that is I'll I'll get through it okay you shoot one gun I shoot the other gun quickly airbrush it pink um as far as points go I would actually score some points but I think at the end of the day I'm not going to catch up to what chat is at chat uh chat's managed to run rampant by putting a warlord Titan or a down the field U so as a result Kirby feel like this is the perfect like he's just sitting on the top like um he is going to fire into the chaos would you like fire into the chaos he has a Mel Cannon or a volcano can wait it's a laser blaster or volcano cannon that looks like a laser Blaster and apocalypse missile launcher you have three weapons do it okay that doesn't help us Nick okay start with the volcano H Cannon D3 plus one shot you do it okay hit on threes D3 plus one D3 plus one so three hting on thre I got all three uh that is strength 24 so wounding on threes I'll go through I haven't wounded yet okay I only wound twice minus 54 damage do you get invols probably a five up five up invol there's only two oh okay so I failed two failed two 14 each that's 28 Minus uh six down to 28 he's got 28 wounds remaining next 28 remaining okay now do the uh uh laser blaster you got the laser Blaster okay oh sorry no that's looks like a Mel Cannon you Mel Canon I got a funny cheeky thing I'm gonna do Mel Canon yep how much uh sorry no you don't want the M Cannon you want the laser Blaster it's got a laser Blaster eight shots please on thre eight shots freshed curse exactly okay that's six uh straight 20 four saves minus three D6 plus two damage fail all but one D6 plus 2 so 3 D6 9 10 11 2 46 so 17 thank you 17 11 wounds remaining 11 wounds remaining and then lastly the Reaver apocalypse launcher is all you got 36 shots at strength seven minus one two damage oh boy you got to do roll well oh boy not like that nine shots okay on freeze no still dropped two I'm probably winning on fives seven o sixes there's three sixes though at minus one uh no okay here's here's where I'm coming I got three heavy destroyers right over here yeah yeah why not you forgot about them didn't you oh yeah finish them off you forgot about them they're hitting on twos all hit he's only got 11 WS left the strength 14 T14 he's a vehicle I'm rolling on I just did with all of them I just did three five uh yeah five open bolts nope I only save one I killed it comeand roll explode no explode explod do it no no you need to roll like five dice for this one all right actually it has 60 w a dice for each 10 or 10 wins each so six dice I got one it goes boom got the demise D6 plus six damage I just did 12 wounds to it and killed it yay wait where's the explosion button so CH you may be the winner in your head but I'm the winner in my heart and head well done everyone fresh model syndrome freshly painted model syndrome actually Kirby is the winner Kirby's The Winner here God in you once more mention line and take all right thank you everyone for watching and another thank you to Frontline gaming uh sponsor for this live stream they provide awesome terrain game mats and other game accessories if I'm not mistaken and yeah this was a blast I would say so it was a blast hold on wait wait wait thank you to all your very very generous donations that was incredible you guys are awesome and supporting us it really does go a long way to helping us do this Yep this is great if you haven't already if you've been gifted of membership or if you're thinking about signing up for a membership please do it supports us also there is a ton of exclusive content behind that membership including our Discord and a brand new series that we've just started and we're only two episodes in angels vers angels and demons and I've been editing it and it's been so much fun please check it out if you haven't you're missing out you're missing out but I think we're going to go to that camera here yep and we'll do it in the Grim darkness of the farf falling future we'll see you next time oh shoot
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 20,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: RbR2Bj6QaV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 25sec (10525 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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