Necrons vs Death Guard. Silent King vs Mortarion. Warhammer 40k in 40 minutes.

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this is a battle of resurrection versus resiliency of king vs primark of god slayers versus a gods champion this is 40k in 40 minutes i am your host space marine steve and in this battle there is not a single loyalist space marine around it makes me so sad but you will get a fully unbiased and totally on the level smart and kind of sexy commentary from yours true child of chaos tycho brings his fast-moving and hard-hitting death guard against michael and the notorious necron death machine itself watson i'm glad to be back really looking forward to this rematch rematch for our championship title i'm going to steal it michael is trying something new in this game giving us necrons an extra three inches to their ranged weapons as well as making everything objective secured i think this is going to do pretty well in tempest of war actually this time i got a plan i got to fight i left the lich guard at home that's my plan he has two characters a technomancer and a chronomancer equipped with the veil of darkness relic his patrol also includes two large squads of warriors with goss reapers a large squad of scarab swarms a ghost arc to buff those necron warriors economic reanimator to buff yet again those necron warriors and of course the silent king to buff those necron warriors the damage dealers in his list are definitely going to be the locust heavy destroyers the scoreback destroyers and the legendary death ray of mass destruction watson look for the doomsday arc and the silent king to put in work this time around and try and get around the death guards disgusting resiliency and armor of contempt with their high ap and incredibly high damage so tycho is going to be piloting the death guard and they're a match that necrons typically have a bit of an uphill fight into we don't have a lot of reliable high damage weapons we have some that are swingy and i know i got in trouble for this before but we don't have good anti-tank weapons internet internet i am tougher than ever all of a sudden my armor's gonna matter more any layering of defenses is multiplicative rather than additive so i really feel like it's gonna be a really big boot especially for my tough death guard models the death guard are led by mortarion a super tough primark tygo also brought a demon prince with a separating plate destroyed terminators with an extra relic the reaper of glorious entropy spawn who have been blessed as the grandfather's chosen michael's favorite unit ever pox walkers two plaguers crawlers and loads and loads and loads of drones look at those things mortarion is a missile of doom you have to deal with moretarian one way or another this list only starts with seven command points but that is nurgle's sacred number so i wonder if tiger planted that way if it was just kind of a coincidence in this tempest of war engagement the primary mission is take and hold which is pretty straightforward control one objective for five points control two or more objectives for five points and control more than your opponent for five points the mission rule is sweep and clear if a player controls an objective and the unit in range of it has the objective secured rule they can move off of it and still control it this is actually a really big deal and i'm excited to see how this impacts the game they can lose control of the objective once an enemy unit takes control of it in any subsequent phase secondaries are randomly generated from a deck of cards players generate these secondaries in their command phase and must have three secondaries to attempt to score each turn secondary is worth five points each unless otherwise stated on the card let's see what happens let's get to deployment well good luck sir good luck it's a big old one before oh here we go [Music] michael is hiding a majority of his forces and with that kind of deployment my guess is that he wants to go second [Music] both players have heavy hitting combat units and scorpit destroyers and death trout terminators in reserves this is a perfect time to tell you all about the game's sponsor which is the train the necrons are going to be taking cover behind and the other structures crates and craters are all from one of the best parts is that they are all pre-painted so it is all ready to go right out of the box if you want to play on maths just like we do and build immersive tabletop experiences just like this one check out and take a look at their awesome catalog let's do this i'm super excited episode 10 season four it's really like come a long way on this yeah [Music] look back and you're like wow wow i had short hair back then holy mackerel i didn't have a beard when i first shot wow michael rose the highest and we'll have to go first let's get this going it's not ideal i kind of was hoping that he would approach me that way i can react to him i have a lot of shots but unfortunately i'm gonna waste turn one just very short range three inches normally can get it done but not not that far michael draws a tempting target grind them down and battlefield supremacy from attempting target taiko will have to choose an objective in no man's land for michael to go and get if michael holds it at the end of his turn he scores the points grind them down requires michael to kill more units than tycho and is scored at the end of the opponent's next turn if not achieved the secondary is discarded and last is battlefield supremacy scoring by holding three objectives and more than your opponent michael has given the big warrior squad out in the open a lot of buffs my will be done for plus one to hit chromatron for five plus invulnerable and nano scarab reanimation for plus one to reanimation protocols they get up on fours now they add up on fours rerolling one scarabs are doing what scarabs do best scarabing those lawn mowers of doom are fast and fetid so michael needs to be super careful on how he moves forward here [Music] anything else nope that is it let's go to the shooting phase the tune blades are going to put their shots into this fella over here oh i take three oh my i am going to spend two command points right away though michael spends two cp on extermination protocols so he can re-roll the rule uh hitting on twos [Laughter] and we start off strong and then we pick these up and re-roll them because i'm a destroyer and i hate you and i hit all three things [Applause] and do you make them all no you take one okay three d three minus one damage turns into three four five goes down to four watson is going to put his shots into uh the same flagras crawler big gun i'm going to re-roll one of these with one command point which translates into the third one all right well i bracket you with four damage down to four wounds left on them uh yeah we're gonna put both menus into that same target sorry but i gotta [Applause] and the tank limbs holy crap the tank lifts while the necrons were unable to kill anything for grind them down with three objectives he takes battlefield supremacy and with those scarabs doing all the scarabing that they can he also scores attempting target 10 points is a great start michael i got lucky straight up my saves were impeccable and i still have two playing burst crawlers because of it death guard go up to seven command points mortarion gives himself the full rerolls to hit and tygo pulls a secondary deck no retreat no surrender deploy teleport homer and investigate sites for no retreat no surrender he scores five points for not failing morale falling back or moving off an objective that he already has this is scored at the end of his opponent's next turn for teleport homer he must perform an action in michael's deployment zone to score this is not a great opening draw it is a tough draw for tygo and he elects to use a precious command point on new orders so he can discard investigate sites he then pulls grind them down i don't feel good about it but it's what i have available to me [Music] taiko probably wanted to move that drone and demon prince but as they are on an objective currently doing so loses him five hole points taiko drew a card no treat no surrender and that's really changed his game plan up which is part of what's really fun about this game system that just means that all of his one flank is advanced and this other flank is hanging tight that gives me some time to kind of concentrate some firepower and whittle down the left side before the right side advances moretarian wanted to be minus one to hit but he is denied by the silent king denied spiked down uh and then he'll smite smit he get it so he'll fire everything into the locusts okay number two pretty hot oh those guy hand cover dies the mortar okay i make one of them so one more drop i'll try and bring them back four days let's do the uh this drone we're just going to take on to dirt yep there we go and the cannon oh i make one you know i'm down to two with one wound yeah second grader bloat drone kills another two blade and then comes close to killing that last remaining destroyer it's down to two for tyrion is throwing his phosphates bombs at the scarab swarms trying to take them out you're going to ice one base ice another base one base down to one root remaining get one base i couldn't take down the destroyer one wound is very frustrating i was so close getting getting rid of one of his most powerful units just one destroyer staying alive means honestly a ton of trouble and we're going to see why in the necrons turn charge phase moretarian chaos spawn and the blow drone have all charged those scarab swarms it does not look good for those little buggers all right if that doesn't kill the scarabs i've got big problems chaos spawns ah they're gonna eat you up good chaos spawn kill one base bloat drone kills one base and moretarian does the rest as predicted all of the scarabs are super dead i'm getting rid of uh deploy teleport homer because he knows i have it if it was secret i would keep it but he can easily box me out of his zone the score is 10 for the necrons and boom zero for the death guard this is actually a big it's a good start for michael but this can change really quickly in the tempest of war so starter turn two i have a very high list of what i need to take out on taiko's list those drones with the mowers those are public enemy number one especially with my very expensive warrior blobs those things have got to die the necrons are on two objectives scoring them five points each taking him to a good lead with 20 points to zero michael pulls three second areas as he starts with none no prisoners storm hostile objective and aerial denial aerial denial will be incredibly hard with mortarion and a plaguers crawler in the center of the table so michael spends a command point on new orders and discards it the new secondary he pulls is overwhelming firepower michael needs to kill three units with ranged attacks to score this one storm hostile objective michael needs to take objectives away from the death guard and no prisoners michael needs to kill 30 models technomancer is going to resurrect one of his fallen low cursed heavy destroyers and then i get d3 for three so he heals back only done one more wound [Music] so um okay let's start off with this ghost stark is going to put his shots into this fella over here the um you are in rapid fire range because my extra 3 inches gets the job done perfectly down to 5. um the two blades take out seven pox walkers and so begins the no prisoners tower um quartermaster is going to put his shots into the bloat drone so five goes to four damage one remaining i've got about five guys here that are in range of this guy the remaining warriors are going to fire into martial don't let anybody tell you three inches doesn't i'm going to get defeated by three whole inches these are the ones going into here oh you make some both okay well the other 15 guys are putting their shots into more tyrion mortarion takes no wounds from the warriors he shrugs the only one that got through this is gnarly damn two heavy low curse destroyers i put their two shots into the feted bloat drone i'm guessing not wanting to take a chance michael uses techno-oracular targeting to convert his one hit to an auto wound i'm gonna try it again okay 83 damage turns into two three four five kind of four we're done time for a watson big cannon goes directly into that fetid blow drone and small arms into the chaos spawn how many shots from the big gun how many shots into three if you do hitting on threes you make it of course watson didn't do anything but one wound on the spot wow um okay well let's put them in here uh both menus are gonna have to go in here and the silent king will put all of his shots into your spawn so men here's two shots uh flat six that kills me one kill point grind them down is impossible now so i have to discard it two no save for me nine more shots that's what i was doing over here into the same spawn i make those uh one damage piece pop another bottom pop of this bubble okay it's come down to it now i have to decide what i really need debt pretty much all of the shots i've poured into more terrain so far have completely bounced you know what i have to take that out of my mind i got to focus fire down all the little things because that's how he's going to score points i think in this instance as much as it irks me to do it i'm gonna try killing your spawn and this guy warriors are split firing we call this in the business pulling a nick 10 into the chaos spawn and 10 into the drone michael uses the stratagem disintegration capacitors so that every hit roll of a six automatically wounds okay so that spawn is gone so i take three weeks with the chaos spawn dead that is another tally for overwhelming firepower for two but he needs one more so let's go to charges the score pack destroyers have three attacks each and the guy in the back will have four i'm dead okay the scorebank destroyers take out the greater blight drone and it explodes for one mortal wound necrons sit comfortably in the lead with 25 over the death guards five but they are nowhere near safe i'm not getting as much damage as i need to right now i'm really kind of sweating it a little bit because there seems to be a lot of angry smelly things descending on me and it's not my happy place let me just say that the death guard are on two objectives for 10 points which brings them to a grand total of 15 victory points tiger pulls blood and guts assassination and overwhelming firepower blood and guts requires taiko to kill three units in melee to score five points with assassination he needs to kill a character this turn and before going into the movement taiko also uses the stratagem the dead walk again and four pox walkers return to the field [Music] a really interesting movement phase as tycho has moved off of two objectives with this mission he i mean he still controls the one objective left behind by the pox walkers he does land his death shroud on that center objective uh mortarion is going to try on his shiny please don't hit me hat tend to forget very easily when i have a buff or i don't so i have to put it somewhere very visible so i find something i can put on top of him and he's got a spike up there so a little ring or something makes a little hat so i say he's got his hat or not taigo successfully turns on miasma pestilence but michael is quick to use the stratagem empiric dampening to try and deny it on a four plus that's a one you get it he gets a shiny hat yay and he'll smite this on the thing i beat it with a seven you did and it's mighty warriors with his prince three let's do wounded plague burst crawler hitting on fours everything into your destroyers okay love your second church oh it's four wounds a minus two all right here we go i gotta make one of these to live one just one pack over just one so far none can i make one make one of them michael manages to save one destroyer over the command reroll but there are more shots coming [Applause] yep you got one move for me all right so let's do the drone in the rear okay cannon at the uh remaining destroyer i will spurt um warriors cannon to the destroyer [Applause] spurt into the warriors get up on boards they get up on fours three drop and they'll take these three away one guy shuffle around everything in the destroyer cannon wasted so of course it's my sergeant that's or i might put them down wrong well so i only get 2d6 into the warriors for those gauntlets [Applause] one does one drops two drop one comes up one does not i'm gonna take you away out [Music] plague versus crawler goes into the scorpek destroyers and taiko's using disgusting force for one command point michael immediately uses whirling onslaught so that the scorpic destroyers are minus one to hit and the mortar two square peg destroyers go down and michael comes close with reanimation calls but neither get back up and the slugger [Applause] um let's do charges i like the idea of charges i will start with uh the front flooded drone charging the character and that character is in trouble as two drones crash into it but michael does set to defend and adds one to his hit roles in the fight phase should the technomancer survive and here comes the kool-aid man charge the gloaming bloat warlord trait on mortarion is really good as it shuts down set to defend and overwatch within a foot of it this counters michael's active protocols and just shuts it down the death shroud failed their charge but the pox walkers make it into the two blades mower drone is going to charge both the two blades and the garbage core packs okay taiko gets greedy and goes for a multi-charge and fails he spends one command point and tries the reroll [Music] demon prince goes first and absolutely wipes the scorpek destroyer squad and i might as well interrupt command points so might as well see if i can whack more terrion with the ability to reduce damage by one and ignore damage on a five up moretarian only takes four wounds from asylum again oh that's brutal or tyrion says attached a big sickle to yourself a variety of stabs yep all right okay pox walkers pour up oh you wipe the squad i got two more pox walkers back first drone uh five attacks on the charge pile up nope four wounds you kill them and i i am gonna spend the command point and do your animation protocols which happens at the end of the phase but i do get my assassination you do get your assassination points uh down to mortarion your second one is going to kill my men here now your third one if you roll another one i have one men here alive taegel wants that menu down so he uses his last command point to reroll the damage and destroy it completely he killed my rocks does he come back come on i need this i need this fella at the end of the face the techno manager succeeds on his resurrection protocol role and gets back up michael really needed that hopefully this works out in the long term big turn for tygo heroes he scores blood and guts for five points and assassination for five points we have a tied game 25 to 25 necrons versus death guard tied it up headed into turn three follow me let's see what's up michael predicted this situation well and has protocol of the conquering tyrant ready and primed this allows necron units to fall back and still shoot he scores 10 points for having two objectives michael still has no prisoners and overwhelming firepower to score and draws assassination as well let's resurrect some warriors so the technomancer there can bring back v3 warriors two back and same idea d3 warriors silent king falls back and watching michael move you realize just how many bodies and guns he still has on the table okay let's do shooting phase ghost stars you can put into your park go stark fires into the pox walkers and removes six of them let's put the silent team shots into the image for two two damage a piece goes down to one chronomancer fires the entropic lance into the demon prince as well but nails two wounds oh michael and let's do the warriors so the warriors are going to have to go i really i hate that i have to but i think i got to put everything into 15 prince oh you did it i did it i have no rerolls three inches made no difference [Laughter] this net michael's not only assassination but the last tally on overwhelming firepower great job man these warriors over here yeah all of their shots are going to go into this guy that's the non-wounded the non-wounded one yes michael uses disintegration capacitors again data two two rooms remember um okay watson watson's gonna have to put his shots into these to end them we're gonna put the 20 glare array shots into the further one and then the big gun into the one with six wins remaining down he goes do i blow up i do uh you lose a warrior okay watson big shot how many the warriors charge the drone and want to get as far away from the death star terminators as possible it's like those terminators have done bad things to necrons in the past terminators oh look at that with an 11. two take two down to four on the road and i will fight you back that four plus resurrection protocol is nice and only one warrior is taken off the battlefield necron aggression pays off and michael scores five points for assassination and five points for overwhelming firepower great turn death guard turn three is up next with 15 points for primary for holding one holding two and holding more the death guard score runs up to 40 and tycho is still working on overwhelming firepower and just needs one more kill and draws bring it down and a tempting target four bring it down taigo scores five points for destroying the model with the highest wound characteristic which is the silent king bad news for the king michael elects the one objective tycho does not hold for attempting target he didn't really have a lot of options here what a game all right [Music] [Music] this island king denies taigo's of pestilence but then gets smited for his troubles what is hill fire slugger warriors okay and everything else into watson okay actually you're fine the injury cannons and the mortar into the king and the slumber yeah okay yeah so into the warriors nope one drop [Applause] uh four and five seven we're up make one down to six uh shooting into combat thank you uh the spurt okay two drop nope three more drop five are reanimating so two drop three come back my flavors crawler charges your warriors okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's let's do some flesh mowing [Music] the chronomancer goes down to the drone and michael uses one command point for resurrection protocols so hopefully hopefully it gets back up at the end of the phase plague bruce crawlers have four attacks apiece [Applause] i'm down to pox walker from the charge absolutely destroys the silent king the silent king goes boom baby and does six wounds to mortarion but he even shrugs a couple here this is crazy the warriors fail to kill the drone the chronomancer does make the restoration protocol roll and luckily returns to the battlefield it does have the veil of darkness and provides the necrons with a whole other trick up their sleeves tyco scores five points to bring it down and five points for attempting target but does miss overwhelming firepower for a second turn in a row with only one objective the necrons score five for primary and draw two secondary missions michael draws raise banner and extend battle lines his current no prisoners tally is at 19 so he needs 11 more kills to score it with extend battle lines he must control his home objective and an objective in no man's land with rey's banner he must plant a banner on an objective in no man's land so starting my turn things are kind of looking a little grim i just have to concentrate on the mission score points that's how you win this game it's score points [Music] at the end of the phase the chronomancer uses the relic veil of darkness to teleport himself and the warriors in front of him let's go to the shooting phase i kill these parts walkers i gotta get them down to a man walkers evaporate watson is going to put all of these all the things into more terrain all right you've got a total of 11 wounds to get through okay all the threes all the threes all the threes six nope oh it's a six two oh that was such a sick i want you to keep it try again try again i want you to keep it now we're going to try it with the command pro okay see if i can get with the playing point it'll be happening no again the clean six on the re-roll totally fine he's gonna be oh no taking the one into a two into a two so three get through [Applause] four that's enough all right let's see what i can ignore oh no so all right i'm alive with four wounds i'm heavily bracketed i'm not doing very well and you are still shooting moretarian stands up to watson but with only two wounds left pretty phenomenal from the legendary doomsday arc watson now i punch him hopefully to death five down with the blight drone michael scores extend battle lines and no prisoners for 10 points bringing him to 60 points total over the death guards 50. let's see how the death guard responds taiko scores 10 on primary by continuing to hold two objectives for secondaries taiko pulls extend battle lines and storm hostile objectives tego moves everything around to try and maximize shots and charges but i wonder if any of those tanks should have pressed a little harder towards the objective markers okay spurting out your warriors [Applause] four drop then two more come back hooray that is one more turn of not killing anything in the shooting phase and overwhelming firepower eludes tycho yet again charging of the boat drone okay tiger lands all his charges and this could spell the end of the necrons where we go first okay we're tyrion first and he lifts oh he whips the quantum shielding saves watson the doomsday arc that can only take six damage watson has eight wounds remaining and is going to slay moritarius the ghost ark lives with two wounds the warriors totally wiped out by the terminators as the necrons are all objective secured the ghost art staying alive is actually a huge deal tygo pushes hard but scored none of his secondaries the score remains tied and there is one more turn left in the game this is really anybody's game anyone's even mine necrons score big and max on their primary with hold one hold two and hold more for 15 points michael pulls three new secondaries bring it down deploy teleport hormone and secure no man's land the chronomancer flies away to do the teleport homer action in tycho zone and the other necron character the technomancer advances onto the objective to grab and secure no man's land 15 shots so 30 shots total going into your plague burst cannon make one win okay no problem that's nothing 20 shots from watson into moritarium these are gonna be hitting on fours because i'm firing into close combat oh you got it reanimator is going to charge more tyrion i'm hitting you on fours no tycho not like this there's only one fight watson mortarion goes into watson and does 10 damage but he survives with two wounds remaining watson what a legend rotarian survives and denies michael five points he does though score his teleport homer and secure no man's land with some savvy movement for 10 points there is no surrender in tycho and we press forward he draws hold the line and defend the stronghold he spends his newly gained command point to discard one secondary and he pulls area denial this is one he can definitely score he will need to max secondaries here in order to tie the game what i can do is uh spurt all over this silly techno dancer [Music] i think i'm dead crystal trying to take out the reanimator it's the lantern takes out the reanimator the plaguerist crawler takes out the ghost arc the necrons are dropping like flies but tycho taiko needs objectives mortarion needs to drop watson come on mortarion fail him and before he goes i think i can take more tyrion out with the explosion of what don't tell tycho don't tell watson we got one cpi held through and span watson's gonna auto explode everyone [Applause] boom i think that that does it as the gas has run out for the death guard what an absolutely great game michael gets a perfect score of 100 and made some incredible clutch plays in a game that looked like it was getting away from him the game mvp must be watson a fickle hero that went down in a blaze of glory taking the primark with him thank you for watching this epic battle between two incredible generals we would also like to thank this episode's sponsor pre-painted train means that we are ready to go right out of the box and creating immersive and fun tabletop experiences we love their mats we love their terrain and if you want to create battlefields just like ours check out and take a look at their awesome catalog if you like what you saw please like the video this helps us determine what works best and what we should do more of please subscribe to the channel and turn on that notification bell so that the next time we release a battle you will know right away and if you want more content like narrative battles or just to talk to amazing like-minded gamers and hobbyists please consider joining our patreon community we really appreciate you watching this game and until we see you next time in the far flung future of this grim dark universe play on and i did prove three inches gets the job death distraction kill blame destroy thank you to tycho he was a fantastic sport and gentleman and i very much appreciated playing him i can't wait to do it for a round [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 295,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ai1bFxv3-h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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