So I Took a MASSIVE Tyranid Swarm to a Tournament! | After Action Report | Warhammer 40,000!

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hello again and welcome to another Moran Glory Warhammer 40K video today's video will be another tournament after Action Report that's right it's time for some dispatches from the front lines and oh boy do I have a spicy meatball for your viewing pleasure today I know I said at the beginning of all these tour reports but this one really is a spicy meatball this is something new something different because this time I did not take take my Imperial Guard to a tournament but I did take a meme list I decided that the answer to how many tyrannids you should have in a list was yes and so this is my tournament aftera report for when I took over 240 bugs into the competitive meta and on that note on that hype train rolling out let's not mess around any further let's I would say mount roll out and charge in today's video but that that doesn't seem quite right let's drop down in our mytic Spore emerg a pile of goo and swarm right into today's video as is tradition I want to start off by saying a few thank yous firstly I want to say a big thank you to just play games for organizing and hosting the event just play is a wargaming store that's very local to me in Liverpool and I go to a lot of their rtts they always run a really good event the store is really clean and well organized and the tournaments just run smoothly it's like a well old machine they've got the system nailed down so if you are looking for a good RT to go to I can strongly recommend just play I also want to say a huge thank you to all of my opponents at this event I was running a pretty wacky meme list and every single one of my opponents that saw this list got a big smile on the face and just went dude that is crazy that is awesome and that's a great response to have cuz sometimes when you run into these meme lists it you know it could be fun but at the same time like oh what the hell is this kind of thing but no everyone had the perfect attitude and every single game was an absolute absolute pleasure to play and that was all down to my opponent so a big thank you to them but with all of that said now let's get into the video proper and we'll start off with a quick overview of the Army list as per usual I have made a separate video going into the fine detail the nitty-gritty of this Army and I'll make sure there's a link to that down in the description below but to give you a summary of the madness I want bugs I want lots of bugs and I took an full-blown unending swarm Detachment and if if it could swarm I took it so my list in total was two Turon because I figured if you're going to have a big swarm you got to have the M bugs and then I had six units of 20 termagants all with flash BS I did think about having things like dvaras in there but all of my tants are modeled with flesh BS or the vast majority of them and also I wanted the extra maneuverability I kind of realized that having a few extra bar shots probably wasn't going to make a huge difference on my damage output but having all of My Flesh boards with assault gives me more maneuverability and that's really really valuable so I went for all flashboards didn't bother with any of the other upgrades like Spike rifles or anything like that and the reason for that is because I need to keep it simple I'm rolling so many dice I'm using so many models that I need to streamline things where possible and again a random turant special weapon here and there really isn't going to have the biggest impact on my game so I left all of that home and just went for 20 flesh bars and did that six times supporting the ter guns we had six times 20 so 120 in total horag all just running forward and charging down the enemy I love horag the more I use them the more I think they are an incredible turn unit the ability to move 10 Ines and advancing charge is wild from a guard perspective my infantry moving that fast and being a threat when they get there is pretty cool it just a lot of strength three attacks I'm not worried again about the damage output it's speed it's violence it's momentum that's what we're going for with those horms and last but certainly not least I had two years of rippers I had two units of three rippers these were kind of thrown in the list at the end I was uming and aring about the list when I was submitting it should I go for a little cheeky Squad of Jean dealers should I go for maybe a squad of garles and I decided that I just wanted something that was again simple and going for two units of three rippers meant that I had two units that could deep strike down and do objectives yes there's probably more efficient use of those last 120 points but my main thing that I needed to spend those last points on was doing objectives and the Rippers were going to do that whether they were oneman thing or a three man a three base thing so in total I had 248 models on the board 120 turant 120 horag six Ripper bases and also two Turon now the general plan with this Army was to dominate on the prime you just swarm forward I was going to ye the horag in as the first wave and then have cuz they're much much faster and then by the time the enemy has chewed through all of those horants I am going to then have the termagant just sitting on the objectives being a bit of a nuisance there's also loads of movement Shenanigans in this Army all of the termagant can advance and shoot all of the hormigon can advance and charge and both of the those uh units both those types of units can do the Swarm move where the surge move where each time the enemy finishes shooting them so let's say they take like a squad like five incestors and like shoot them after they finished as long as like one model was destroyed I can move D6 in closer towards the nearest enemy unit and if the opponent's got lots of little bits here and there you can start swarming getting a lot of extra movement and what's really good is you can get into engagement range with that so shoving those horms forward even if I don't get the charge off if my opponent just without thinking goes okay well I'll just do a little bit of spare Firepower and shoots like some random bolt pistols or something into me once he's finished I go surge move and get into engagement range and now he's just been completely thrown into disarray so that surge move is really good but also don't forget that the termagants have got their skullking horror thing as well or lurking Horrors whatever it's called basically when the enemy ends a move than 9 in of them you can move D6 in and you can use that aggressively to move more guys onto objectives taking an objective from them which they thought they had or just using it to move out of L of sight so there's loads of advancing and surging and lurking Maneuvers happening which lends his army a staggering amount of Mobility considering it's all just infantry well that's the list and the plan but now let's move on to the lay of the land how competitive was this event what was the terrain like well in terms of competitiveness I would describe this as a solid competitive event it was regular competitive it wasn't a beginner tournament it wasn't a case of just turn up and have fun and learn the game no it wasn't anything like that and it wasn't a complete and utter Shark Tank there was a nice mixture of players some which had some very met armies some which has had some fun armies and a lot of people that were in between so competitively just a normal tournament in terms of the for for the event it was a on day three round rtt finally we have the terrain just play doesn't use normal set terrain Maps like uktc WTC or even GW but they do have their own inhouse bespoke terrain setups and they're mirrored and they're balanced and they're very good and they've essentially been designed they put a lot of effort into building their own terrain maps and they're essentially designed to accommodate all the terrain that the local game store has and I describe is medium density there are two to three ruins in each player's deployment Zone there's always some big land blocking things in the middle and then on the flanks they tend to go for things like forests so it's not as dense as you might say for something like WTC or uktc but it's not as potentially open like you can get with well GW terrain and also with player Place terrain it's just a nice medium density terrain that accommodates both shooting and assault armies it might SL slightly favor shooting armies but only by maybe 5% but with all of that said I think that's enough pregame preamble preamble if you will I think I know why you guys are all really here let's get into the meat and potatoes of this video let's have a look at the games and we'll start off with round one now for my first game I played against Mark and his chaos Space Marines in his list he had two chaos Lords two warp Smiths two squads of legionnaires and then he had two rhinos there was also a couple of predator destructors and they had Auto cannons on top LZ cannons on the sides and then there were a couple of units of chaos chosen as well a forge feed some obliterators and a couple units of warp talent and rounding the list out some Allied nurglings I really like Mark's list not only because it was painted up in the night Lord colors but also because it was a bit different there was no Abad and Terminator brick rather we had some cool units that you don't often see such as Chosen and it was just nice to face off against Cas space rings that running something a bit different the mission that Mark and I were playing was sights of power I quite like this Mission although my Army isn't that set up for with only having the two turag gons but the deployment was sweeping engagement and the mission Rule The Twist as it were was Vox static so it's going to cost us a bit more CP if we wanted to do those rerolls or if you want wanted to draw some new orders now for objectives Mark chose tactical missions but I actually I had a little think I decided you know I'm not going to go for tactical because I don't have a huge amount of killing power instead I'm going to go for fix missions and I chose cleanse and deploy teleporter Homer now little spoiler alert I chose these missions every single time it just seemed like it was a good way to run the list and my whole thinking was just swarm the middle of the board and deploy the t board to home in the middle as much as possible cleanse the objectives and hopefully get enough points in the bank before my opponent can clap back and drive me off now for deployment well mine was pretty straightforward horag up front termagant at the back Turon hiding behind the big ruins I essentially filled my deployment zone so it wasn't very there wasn't much thought that went into it it was just put bugs down where they could essentially the process I went through was put the horms at the front behind line of sight terrain when I run out of line of sight terrain put the horms at the front behind regular cover then put the termagants behind whatever cover they can get their hands on and at some point I ran out of cover whatsoever so I was like screw it that one unit can go out in the open doesn't matter it's one unit ter if they die I can just bring them back but it was just fill the deployment Zone essentially and just get ready to send in the first wave and then get ready to start sending in the second wave afterwards as for the chaos deployment Mark put his warp Talons and his obliterators into deep strike and then the vast majority remaining forces he put in the middle of his deployment Zone behind that cover although he did have two Predators which he put more towards the left hand side ready to take advantage of that big open killing ground with all of the units down we go over to first turn and we do the rolloff and Mark actually wins so that's really good for him because he can get some initial volley of fire down range start thinning out the tyranids before they get to him and that's pretty much exactly what Mark does he brings his chaos Space Marines forward and he sets up those PR to ra to start slinging shots down that Left Flank and then he puts a rhino with a unit of legionnaires and the warpsmith in the middle objective kind of hold onto that for that sights of power and then he also uh pushes his Forge fiend round to the right hand side opening fire it's a mixed bag to be honest the Predators don't do as much anti-tank as you would expect the fact that I'm behind cover and that they don't really have blast they've got LZ cannons and auto cannons means that I lose a handful of tyranids on the left hand flank but really not as many as you would expect from one is meant to be an anti-infantry Predator this is something that I've noticed before when I faced off against uh it was dark angel Predators with my pure infanty guard and my opponent took three of them put them all into one 20 man Creek blob and I lost like seven or eight dudes so it was kind of similar results going into the tyranids where the big pain came in was with his Forge fee now that thing had three ectoplasm cannons essentially plasma cannons and they've all got blast and he puts them into one of my ten units he rolls well on the number of random shots and nearly an entire unit of tourid just goes pop in a single go but fortunately for me they were just termagant and they were that one unit that had essentially thrown out because there was nowhere else for them to go with a reasonable amount of casualties inflicted the chaos faing turn ends and we go over to tyranid turn one and I just swarm my horag on the left moving Advance forward they get a big six on the advance and they get right into the face of those predators in the middle I do the same thing with another unit of hormon I do the same thing on the right hand side with another unit of horon going towards his Forge Fiend I bring up a couple of everything's pushing for but I get a unit of termagant onto the left hand objective and I get a unit of terance towards the middle and a unit of terance on the right hand objective and so I am able to cleanse and deploy teleporter Homer maxing out my secondaries for that turn not quite maxing I should be clear cuz I deploy in the middle I got three points rather than four but still I I got both of my secondaries in the bank and then it comes onto charges and I charge the hogon into the Predators and I charge the hogon into the warpsmith and the nurglings and the legionaires and then I charge the other horants into the forge fiend it ter of damage I actually do a reason amount of damage um a lot of the nurglings go down but aren't quite wiped out the warpsmith takes a couple of wounds as well and I'm actually able to start chipping wounds off both the predator and the forge fiend it was pretty cool but the big thing is I've really m a lot of Firepower that Forge fees blast weapons so now it's in a bit of a pickle it's got sort of got sit there trying to shoot out Mass want to hit with it blast guns or it's going to fall back the Predators they can stay there but they've shown it's going to take them ages to chew through those bugs and the walth in the middle isn't looking like he's in a great spot either but the real big issue for the care Space Marines is going into their turn two they are only on one objective they're one at the back and it's worth three primary points and the bugs are now sitting on four objectives they've got some clearing to do but I've just piled so many bugs onto the objectives and I've actually Advanced beyond the objectives in many cases with my hormon it's causing my oppent a lot of movement issues cuz he wants to try and clear through and get those objectives but he can't because there's just a wall of hormon in his way and even if he does get through the hormon he's then got to get through the wall of termagants behind as well and what makes matters worse is the chaos scoring is really being dampened by some bad secondary draws as well with such gems as bring it down an assassination and capture enemy Outpost being drawn in the first two turns now my tur guns are just hidden and I doubt that my opponent is going to get to my enemy Outpost so yeah it's a bit of a pisser for him but they do start doing some damage uh the chaos respond by getting one of the chosen units out on the right hand side and falling back the forge fiend and then between shooting and charging they are able to really really clear out one of those horag blobs on the right hand side I think there like a couple of survivors but not many not much worth writing home about at all but in the middle and the left hand side it's not going as well the unit of legionnaires is trying to desperately fight its way through another unit of hormon and it's being slowly whittled down and this turn in the middle the hogon that are fighting the walsmith and the nurglings bring down the nurglings and get the walsmith down to one wound and he's almost fully surrounded he's not having a good time to say the least and over on the left hand side the Predators they manag to do some damage even with dark packs but they're just not getting through the number of horag that they need to and so they stay locked in combat now they are obviously still shooting and everything but that minus want it is causing them a lot of issues and the pressure just keeps piling on because having failed to concisely and comprehensively deal with the first wave still getting through the back half of it the second wave turns up and so now the Care SP aren't having to clear one wave at a time they're now clearing a wave and a half this second wave consists of some more Hogs and also we get the first batches of termagants in there as well now I'm not expecting a huge amount of damage to be done by these units but again we're just clogging them up and in fact one of my horon units really starts to penetrate deep into the Enemy Lines and we're starting to threaten the Back Field objective the one thing that's getting my opponent his primary score and what I end up doing is between the move in advance on the first turn with this bunch of horms like making a beine for the enemy primary and the move Advance the second turn I'm actually really really close I go for an 8 in charge and I get it this is a nightmare for the K Bas cuz now the tyranids are on all five objectives and to give you an idea of what's in Broad in combat right now on the right hand side we have the Chosen and a forge fiend facing down another wave of bugs termagant and hormons in the middle we have the walsmith desperately fighting for his life against pretty much an entire brood of horag whilst the unit of termagant are just poker balling teleporter homers into the middle of the board and then we also have another unit of Legionnaire and a rhino which have been pulled down dragged down by a unit of hormon my opponent's homefi objective which was being protected by a W Smith and another unit of legionnaires is now embroiled in a ferocious combat with a unit big 20 bug strong unit of hormigon there and there is a bunch of predators which are currently tied up in combat with the remnants of a hogon brood with more termagants coming up behind turn three four the heretical Space Marines and they score a big fat zero on primary with all of their objectives with every objective on the map now Infested by small tyranid organisms they do draw Behind Enemy Lines from one of their secondaries which they are able to achieve thanks to a unit of warp Talons but really the grind goes on on the right hand side The Chosen and the forge fiend finally clear through the first unit of hogon that have been swarming them only to find themselves faed down by another unit and some termagants in the middle the warpsmith does go down and so do the final Legionnaires but they are able to reinforce their backfield objective which is also being SW by hogon with the second unit of chosen with the chaos Lord leading them so at least they get their home objective back into the fight over on the left left hand side they do actually manage to clear the remaining horag from the first wave with the Predators and also the obliterators come down and inflict terrible terrible damage actually taking one of another uni for the last unit that was about to come in for like a third blow and just taking pretty much every single one of them out but unfortunately for the Heretics it's just taken them too long this is the bottom of their turn three and they've just finally cleared out that first wave but the second wave is already there they're already being sworn by the second wave and now the third wave is coming into play the third wave being those units that I have been able to respawn thanks to the 2cp ID reinforcement strategy and I bring a unit of 20 hormigon because it's turn three in my opponent's back corner and I make the 9in charge onto his home objective which has just been cleared by those Chosen and so again he just doesn't hold that objective and then now I'm pushing on the remnants of wave two and the other remaining swarms of like termagants that was just a little bit slow that had deployed a bit further back pushing them onto the objective I'm doing no damage to him I'm clearing out maybe a couple of warp Talons here a couple of legionnaires there but that's doesn't matter my opponent has no shooting because it's all being tied up I take 20 turn just ye them into the obliterators my opponent does actually end up falling back and shooting and wiping those T out but that was okay because that meant he wasn't shooting those units that were actually objectives with those those obliterators and so we get to the bottom of T of turn three I have scored another big round primary I have scored another big round on cleanse and deployed teleporter Homer my rippers have been dropping down and I've been getting good teleporter H as well maxing that out and my opponent is just going into his turn four with zero Prime and he draws he draws his secondaries and he gets engaged all fronts and defend stronghold and he can't even defend a stronghold so we do a quick turn four turn five my opponent is able to get engaged nor fronts pretty well uh in his turn four and he's able to claw back his stronghold on turn three and extend battle lines as well as well as getting a bit of primary at that point because he does start clearing the Swarms Out so turn five actually my opponent starts picking some points up but unfortunately it's too little too late and for the tyranids I just continue to shove bodies onto objectives I'm even shoving like the Turon for because they're still decent OC just put them onto objectives and nothing can stop me deploying teleporter home is in the middle nothing can stop me from cleansing on both rounds and so the end of the game round five we we see a very depleted Ted horde very depleted but in terms of victory points the chaos space Rines got 35 only getting a handful of primary most of that being secondary only get a handful of primary and the tyranids got 87 picking up 39 primary and picking up 38 on the secondary getting Max for cleanse and dropping just two points on deployed teleporter Homer what an absolutely brutal game won hundreds of tyranids dead I think we counted up a mark by the end of the game was able to kill over 200 of the bugs but with them coming back every round it was just unending waves so many tyranids that the Marines just didn't have enough bullets and I think this was a bad matchup for Mark his army had a lot of high quality shooting but not a lot of volume it was geared up to be sort of anti-th but anti-a dealing with those more Elite armies but when a true swarm came along I literally had more bodies than he had bullets so with one win in the digestion pool it was time to go into round two and I played against chaos again except for this time it wasn't against the normal chaos space Rines I was going against the sons of Magnus the Thousand Sons now commanding these warlocks was a chap called Jack and in his list he had araman on dis an exalted Sorcerer And iner ER Master he had big Magnus himself that's right commander of the nipple horns was here there was also a thousand Sons demon prince and a thousand Sons sorcerer there were two big units of rubri Marines packing all of the flamers and two small F unit of rub rubic marines that were instead using things like the Soul Grinder cannons we had a single Rhino a MTH Vortex beast and a unit of Zango enlightened now the mission in round two was Purge the B this is where you have to kill one unit or kill more units than the enemy and you also have to hold one objective or hold more objectives than the enemy now the killing side of things was going to be an issue my list has basically no damage output but I might be able to pick up a cheeky unit here and there but the holding more hopefully will be where I can pull things back for the twist it was sweep and clear which means you get sticky objectives and the deployment was Search and Destroy for table quarters once again I took my fix objectives cleanse and deploy teleport Homer and Jack went for his tactical objectives for deployment same thing for me hogon up front termagant up back having the big bugs hiding in the back trying to a bit of signups but mostly just being there to spawn more turant where possible and to come out onto objectives late game when my opponent's already a little bit spent for my opponent's deployment he had his mutil Vortex be and Demon Prince on the right hand side supporting a unit of Ruben Marines in the middle he had a big unit of flaming Marines and Magnus and then over towards the left he had the rubrics with araman inside of rhino we roll off for turn one and Jack does win the rolloff meaning he is going to go first this is a big issue for me because he actually has a lot of anti-infantry in his arm with all of those flamers if fact he's lacking a little bit of anti-tank I guess outside of Magnus but he's just got a lot of Bernie Bernie and so I need to have every turn possible to get up close to him so that I can avoid just getting destroyed but he does get the first turn and he moves out very aggressively he takes the mut Vortex Beast and the de Prince and the rubric starts pushing them down the right flank going towards the objective there and then he pushes his Zango units forward he's got two of those uh and they start making a bit of a screening line and then araman and Magna I well say araman in the Rhino with his Squad and Magnus go down towards the left hand side uh we go over to the shooting and the Thousand Suns do really well Magnus and the supporting units over on the left hand side are able to pick up a unit of the hogon and then the mut Vortex Beast with its weapons it's got like blast and all this kind of stuff is able to really really thin out a second unit of hogon essentially I lose to units of hogon in one turn and this is going to really neuter my ability to go in there and swarm him down also it's even worse because I didn't get the first turn I only had one CP so I couldn't even bring the horag squad that I lost back using my stratum but the ters may have been hit hard but they are going to hit back even harder or at the very least they're going to swarm back even harder one of my hogot units goes bowling straight into a unit of zangles and is able to kill it that's really important because it means that I am able to avoid my opponent getting kill more on the primary and it gets me four for Purge as well elsewhere I am swarming the objectives with all of the bugs I can get my hands on and I even managed to get a cheeky charge over onto aran's unit and avoid the OverWatch because I do it from behind some terrain I do end up eating an OverWatch from one of the flamer squads which is a bit fortunate and I am lucky that my opponent doesn't roll super hot I do lose the majority of unit of termagant but they're not completely out of it I am able to cleanse two objectives I am able to deploy teleporter home in the middle and I am starting to swarm forwards but my opponent has got a lot of Firepower that's coming back my way and I haven't really taken much of that Firepower out I mean aran's unit is it's a lot less flavor for me to deal with there but as you'll see my opponent has ways of dealing in with my tying up tricks turn two for the Thousand Suns is brutal they get almost a perfect set of Cs they get overwhelming force and no prisoners loads and loads of killing power and that's all they want to be doing they don't want to be sacrificed the units to do things like investigate signals or deploy tels they just want to be killing at this crucial Point that's what they need to be doing and that's what they do my opponent is able to finish off a number of sh units from turn one and he's also able to kill a couple of my units that on objectives worse comes to worse when I don't even end up tying him up in combat because he uses his Doom bolt ability which is not a shooting attack so it's not a surge and you can Target units that are in engagement range with it so he Doom bolts his araman unit and his other units basically out of combat he can do it twice and he gets really lucky he gets like a six on both the Doom bolts and the units that had should have tied up Arman for a turn like should have tied up the other flaming Marines for like a turn just don't and so I've just yeated forward loads of bugs to try and slow my opponent down only for that to not work and that was a really really big blow so my opponent is scoring well and he's clearing me damn quickly going into turn two and the horag gods are pretty much down and out for the count there's a few SC added remnants here and there so it comes over to the termagant to try and score as many points as possible I do actually end up controlling more objectives from my opponent and I'm able to get the max cleanse and I even get really good teleporter hom as well so turn two is a really big scoring turn but the really telling Factor what gives the game away is the fact that I can't kill anything I don't get a single unit wipe because my tant are just farming flesh balls at things and they're good at holding objectives but it's my horag that normally grind things down with all of their attacks they get like three attacks each so I don't kill anything and this is really bad because I'm not doing any damage to my opponent and my opponent is getting through me very quickly we go over to turn three for the Thousand Suns and they are able to control an objective which gets them points and they CU they only need to hold one that's the crazy think in this Mission me swarming multiple objectives basically means nothing benefit of hindsight what I probably should have done in this game is played it really really Cy but I can't really hide my Army that's the problem there's so many models that anything that's out there is just going to get picked up my opponent just continues to hold an objective because that's all he needs to do and he just keeps killing he's getting kill more every single round and he gets extend battle lines which is perfect because he only has to hold one objective and he's got araman holding the down the one on the left hand side and for investigate signals he just takes his Rhino and puts it in a corner and does that so he just gets two so it's not a big big scoring round on the secondary for my opponent but he's doing really well on the primary as for what my opponent kills he just clears he's now got two flamer units which every single turn I am getting hit by double Doom bolt every single turn I'm getting hit by double flamer mob every single turn it when I move I'm getting hit by one of those flamer squads again it's really just clearing through me so quickly this Army was geared up for destroying hordes and it did so very effectively and frankly by the time we get to the end of my turn three my swarm is basically spent it's gone even with reinforcements coming in on the flanks 20 horag here 20 teragons there is not enough to turn the tide and really you can see my Army just drop off just fall through the floor with my turn three because the only points I get is control one objective and deploy teleport to home I don't even have enough bugs left enough objective control left to do cleanse my whole thing my armi does is hold primary so end of turn three the game is basically over uh and in terms of points that I'm able to score I just keep dropping like homag down reinforcements down into my enemy's Back Field which allows me to get teleport to Homer again turn four and again turn five but by the end of turn five my my opponent is basically controlling more objectives than me he's killing more objectives than me I'm barely getting any primary he draws area denial which he firmly gets and in turn five he gets captur on The Outpost which he actually manages to achieve because he's got the Dark Matter Crystal and he's got Magnus so he just teleports over Magnus just flies over there and the dark mag Crystal just moves over there and he is able to capture my Outpost and so the final score of the game ends up being 80 point to Jack and 57 points to the tyranids which is a pretty hefty victory for the Thousand Suns but the silver lining the little glimmer of hope that I can take away is that we were using WTC scoring for the tournament so it ended up being a I believe it was a 146 so I did come away with six tournament points which I'm happy with this was a really brutal matchup for me there wasn't much I could do after I lost that first turn and with it being purged the foe this was tricky I guess the number one lessons learned from this game was that even if you have 240 bugs and you can bring back like 20 a turn it's still entirely possible for your opponent to just Slaughter you this is 40k at the end of the day it's a very lethal game there's a lot of dice being thrown around and it's not out of the Realms of possibility at all for individual enemy units to pick up entire 20 man Broods but with all that being said I loved this game I always say you learn more from A Loss than you do from a victory and I'd gone into this game feeling a bit cocky after my first game how my opponent hadn't had enough bullets and I learned that you know obviously as we just said there is armies out there which have the volume to deal with this but most importantly for me this was actually my first time playing against a thousand suns in 10th edition I see them all the time I always play next them but I never play against them and this game gave me so many good and useful insights on how the Army plays and that's really important to me because I do do other videos like meta Monday where I try and analyze things and I've been saying for a while like I'm not sure what makes thousand suns so good they just seem to be really powerful and this game finally allowed me to peek behind the curtain and learn about thousand suns I want to say a special thank you to jack because he was very patient with me and I was asking him lots of questions and I made it clear like dude I'm not questioning you because I don't believe you I'm questioning you because I want to learn from this game and he went no no no problem man and he actually printed out he had these couple of like cheat sheets that he gave to his opponent so this is how my cabal points work this my strateg work this how they interact and everything and so it was a really nice game and a fantastic learning experience so big thank you to jack for holding my hand through that and teaching me the ways the the mystical magical ways of the sons of Magnus so with one win and and one loss under my belt or should I say in the digestion pool we then get into game number three the final round of the tournament I play against another Jack a different Jack I assure you and he had necrons now in his list he had a hex Mark Destroyer illuminor zeras really really cool model probably my favorite NEC model of all time just love the way he's sucking that guy's brains out sucked his brains out also had three plaz mancers and two technomancers one which had the enhancement dimensional sanctum and the other one which had the enhancement metod dermal Tesla weave which I have no idea what that is but it sounds incredible he then had three units of Immortals all five strong all with Tesla carbines and then there were three kopic Doom stalkers there was a canopic reanimator three units of kopic Scarab swarms two of them were three bases one of them was six bases then there was a canopic spider and then two big units of canopic RS big and I say big I mean there was six in each one and then we had two of the regular Destroyer s correct me three of the regular Destroyers I have to say I really like this list it's nice to face necrons which aren't chock full of Katan and it's also nice to face something that isn't hyper Crypt CT because Jack was running the optic C which is a really really cool neon attachment which gives you lots and lots of rolls so even though there weren't any Katan in here there were still two bricks of the race which give it a lot of durability and then a lot of Firepower between the Destroyers and also the fact that you've got the plasma ancers with the Immortals you've got lots of anti-infantry and then there being three Doom stalkers gives it some fantastic anti-tank as well moving on the mission for round three was supply drop this is where the objectives disappear until there's just one left in the middle and you only get points for holding objectives in no man's land as well for the twist the mission rule it was chilling rain there was nothing special about it and to be honest in the last couple of missions The Twist hadn't really done anything and then the deployment was good oldfashioned dawn of War have to say really like this combination for the final round because you get a bit tired towards the end of the day so dawn of War is always a nice comfy pair of slip chilling rain means you don't have to think about anything and supply drop makes it engaging enough where it keeps you excited for the final game for deployment I took maximum advantage of all of the line ofite blocking ruins I had in my deployment Zone I put two units of hogon behind the ruin on the right I had a unit of hogon behind the ruin in the middle and then I had two units of hogon behind the ruins on the left I also had one unit of hogon that were in cover but not out of line of sight and then I had my turant just spread out wherever they could fit I basically filled my deployment Zone but the big thing here is that the majority of my hogon were safe from any turn one shooting my thinking behind this is that if I take casualties in the turant units I can always respawn some back in with the Turon and we've seen last game what happens when my horants get decimated early the Negron deployment consisted of the wraiths going in the middle the unit that could infiltrate forward and then there's another unit of race that went over on the right hand side with a unit of Immortals in the middle were the Doom stalkers and then on the left hand side we had two units of Immortals and we also had Saras himself we then roll off for the first turn and once again I fail I lose the roll off and so I'm going second for three tournament games in a row ah it's good to be home those that don't know I nearly always go second at tournaments and recently it's been a bit weird because I have been going first but normality seems to have resumed itself the machines have fixed the Matrix the black cat has walked past and I am now back firmly going second every single game or so it would seem now turn one for the nekron is actually a really quiet one with the majority of their Firepower being out of range or out of line of sight to see any meaningful targets the only real things that happen is the unit of wraiths that were in the deployment Zone on the right hand side move out and start making waves towards the objective on the right hand side that is going to be the objective that is left at the end of the game and the one that's going to disappear on turn four is the objective in the Middle where the other unit of rats are now Jack does om andar about taking that unit of rats in the middle and pushing them forward and trying to get them in my deployment Zone and threatening my home objective but honestly there's not really much point in doing that other than doing damage and pushing the unit of wths out going after my home objective essentially means that he's swapping an objective which is potentially worth points to an objective that is worth no points whatsoever but on the other hand if he doesn't push out his turn one means he does basically no damage to the tyranids and there are a lot of tyranids he has to get through in the end at the risk of losing the RS to all of the bugs that are around them because they don't do a lot of damage individually but when you're the only unit that basically 240 ter against and H against can see you're probably going to go down and with the fact that he would be swapping an objective that's worth something for one that's worth nothing Jack ends up just sitting still on the home objective and hoping that his wraiths will be able to lock it down and use that choke point to their advantage going over to tyranid turn one and I have no such hesitancy I am ready to push forward and be aggressive it's all gas no breaks baby and so on the right hand side I take a unit of horon I push them as far forward as I can and I use them to cleanse that objective on the right hand flank I take the next un of hor and I think about pushing them out as well but I think that's just me exposing another 20 and they're not going to be charging the raids anyway this turn cuz they had to deoy a little bit further back so you know what I'll do I'll just put them behind the wall and so in the first unit horon go down it just means that the second unit could go forward and I can do exactly the same thing on turn two and just for two turns I know I'm going to have that objective locked down and for three of Jack's turns cuz it's going to be turn two for his scoring turn three for his scoring he shouldn't get any primary on that right hand objective which is good I'm denying him points going over to the left hand side I push forward with a unit of hogon and I use the stratum for the auto 6in advance I go 16 in forward and I am right in his face with an easy charge going into the Destroyer that's over there and I'll be able to Pile in onto a unit of The tesma Mortals and I need to tie up those tesra Mortals they are the ones that are going to be clearing through bugs they're the main source of my opponent's anti infantry so every single turn that I can tie them up is a big deal now my opponent has no way of being able to fall back and shoot with those units and in the middle I take a unit of bugs and I just push them onto the middle objec getting enough OC on there to deny my opponent having that middle objective in terms of combat there's just the one on the left hand side I go in I don't kill the Destroyer unfortunately would have been nice to wipe it out but I don't quite get it um it just heals up at the end of uh beginning of the nekron turn but I do manage to tie up the nekron Immortals which is really the main objective if I had killed that Destroyer which only had like three wounds and it lost once and flesh B shots if I had killed that D done one more wound to it then I would have been able to pile into both units of Immortals but you don't get everything that you want and at the end of the day I've still tied up a destroyer I've still tied up one unit of Immortals I have to take what I can get turn two for the robots of death and they prepare to unleash their lightning ferocity their Tesla Weaponry onto my unending swarm now they don't get any primary because I'm all on all the middle objectives but they do draw overwhelming Force as one of their secondaries which is really good for them cuz I'm on all the objectives over on the left hand side the Immortals and the Destroyer fall back from combat with the hogon but then my opponent makes a slight mistake he shoots something into them I can't what it is but it's some mildly damaging firep but not enough to wipe the unit out and then they surge move and they get back into contact with the Destroyer I can't quite make it into the Immortals just cuz the way the terrain is but I get back into contact with the Destroyer which means he now can't finish that unit off with his tesra Mortals so even though that unit of horm gods isn't going to do a huge amount there's only about sort of 10 of them left by the end of the turn it means that he hasn't cleared that first wave effectively and we saw how potentially annoying and big that was in game number one over on the right hand side my opponent makes the mistake of shooting the wraiths into the horants first killing a few of them and then they surge into combat with the rats so now we can't clear those either with the Immortals that he brought out to do the job so the surge move really messy with my opponent and he keeps going I should have shot the Immortals first because the Raiders got pistols but that's the whole point of this Army if you shoot it it's going to come towards you and so he ends up having to kill those hormons and he does manage to wipe them out but he does it in combat with the wraiths and because he does it in com with The Wraith when I surge into him and because I got a big surge I was able to like Base to Base all the wraiths they couldn't move forward you can only move forward in your Pile in and your consolidate if either there's a fresh combat for you to get into or if you're not already in Base to Base so at the start of the combat when He piled in he was already in Bas to base he didn't need to and then because of the end of the comat he' wiped everyone out there was no the units nearby and he was already on the objective he couldn't move any further forward and interestingly in the middle my unit of hogon actually survives because of the way the choke point is my opponent can't actually get all six of his raids into combat with me and so it's just four raids in combat and they've got four attacks each but they're only hitting on like fours and so I end up Surviving combat in the middle I don't do any damage really to worth of dam to those raids but the fact that I'm still there and my opponent hasn't been able to clear me out is really nice just all these little scraplets surviving means that there's more bugs for me to use in subsequent turns and more threats my opponent's going to have to deal with later on another big thing to mention as well is I'm getting a lot of free movement because my opponent is like moving around within 9 in of some of my turant units and then they get to do their scuttling Horrors and they get free D6 in move and they're rolling quite well on that movement and so I'm getting a few extra inches here and there allowing me to avoid some Firepower or get more IES onto objectives and speaking of objectives going into turn two for the nids I do hold two objectives in no man's land which means that I am able to get 10 victory points nice big lead on the primary over the necrons and then of course I bring my rippers down in my opponent's deployment Zone which gets me good teleporter homers and I'm also able to cleanse two middle objectives because what I did last turn on the right hand flank I do again so I take 20 horon I just move them out I get them on the objective and I start cleansing it also because I lost the unit of hormon in my last turn and I brought them back with the reinforcement stratum I bring another horag on and I just bring them on the right flank behind the ruin in exactly the same place so not only have I been able to deny my opponent on that right flank in his turn two and I'm no long going be able to do it in turn three but guess what I've got another wave set up so I'm going to do it again in turn four despite the fact my opponent has got wraiths near an objective he just can't hold it because I keep dumping 20 man Blobs of hormon onto it in the middle I start pushing on termagant units getting ready for the fact that those hormons are probably going to go down and the turant will need to go in and in fact they end up charging your turant into his RS just because I can I can attack like the leader on the side without the rest of the rats really being able to do any supporting attacks and it just gets me free movement forward and also forces my opponent to decide whether he wants to fall back to do any shooting on those turant or if he basically just wants to leave them so that they will be able to start swarming the objective and tying those raids up and as we've seen those raids really don't have the volume of attacks they want to clear through all of these 20 man blobs because he hasn't got the central power grid because I'm controlling all the objectiv in the middle the only way my opponent is getting any meaningful rerolls is in his deployment Zone but that means he's having to hang back so my opponent's in a really difficult position where he wants to do damage he needs to do damage damage but because I'm controlling all of the objectives it's making it very hard for him to do that and also take objectives over on the left hand side I push forward another unit of bugs and the few survivors about like three or four survivors from that first wave actually end up falling back and I put them onto the objective sure they're going to have to take battle shock but in subsequent terms they'll be closer towards Turon so they'll be able to do that with sinaps and also it's just just another few bugs a few bodies that I've husbanded and if they do pass the B shot that's more OC that's like another 6 OC that I can put onto an objective turn three for the necron and they're in a horrible position they don't get any primary again and the one objective that they look like they might hold the one in the middle is going to disappear turn four when they won't score it so my opponent has to try and do as much damage as possible and so he shoots my hormigon on the right hand side with his wraiths and I surg move into them and my opponent goes oh God why do I keep making this mistake because now he can't shoot his Immortals into them so his Mortals on the right hand side have missed out on shooting basically twice in a row now which is brutal cuz those Immortals would definitely clear them or wound them so much that then the ra could finish them off easily in shooting but he he shoots The Immortal first and then the hogon surge moved into the Ws and so he shoots the Ws first then the horon surge move into the Ws and once again I tag them all up so exactly the same that happened turn two happens turn three over there sure those hogot go down down down down in my opponent's combat phase but once again there's enough room for me to start preparing the third wave and getting on that objective in the middle my opponent uh does start chomping down on some termagant but he's just not got the damage he has a bad Dice rooll and so I end up just not losing that many termagants in the middle whatsoever and that's a bit of a problem to say the least because those raids are just being gummed up not even by good bugs they're being gummed up by the crappy turant but that's just taking them out of the battle and my opponent could really do with those units over on the left hand side or over on the right hand side but he tries to like he starts thinking about like falling back with them to try and deny me the objective and all this kind of stuff and in the end he just ends up just sticking there in combat because he knows that that objective isn't worth anything anyway and he thinks well we're kind of tying each other down my wraiths are tying down at least a couple of units of terance in the middle and at the very least it's kind of like mutually assured tar pitting over on the left hand side it's a similar story story my opponent has a big unit of bugs in his face and he shoots his Immortals and he shoots the ones that aren't in the power grid first and what I do is I spend a CP so that I have minus one to hit teaming masses and so he rolls a shots he kills a few from the Swarm and then I get a surge move and I get the big six and that allows me to Surge not um you know surge into combat with the Immortals and also I'll be able to Pile in at the start of the fight phase and get the second unit of Immortals as well which means that they're both going to be tied up next turn now I don't manage to get into combat with them get into engagement with them in my opponent shooting phase so that other un Immortals does start blasting away and clearing loads of bugs but it means that turn four they are going to be in a bad situation however it isn't all doom and gloom for the necrons they did actually draw investigate signals and extend battle lines this turn and they were able to do that investigating two signals as well as extending battle lines because those wraiths did clear that objective on the right hand side by the end of the turn turn three for the tyranids and things are looking good but the hogon are almost all gone the only unit with any meaningful numbers in it that is left is the one on the right hand flank which came back turn two and they are going to be gone by the end of this turn because I know that I'm going to be yeting those onto that right hand objective denying it from my opponent again in turn four that's exactly what they do same situation happens over there I also realize that my opponent is going to try and push me off the objective on the left hand side because that's going to be worth a lot if I am able to hold it in turn four because that is one of the objectives that is going to be that's one that's not the object that disappears in the middle turn four that's one that's worth more if you score in turn four and so what I do is I take every turn I have on the left hand side and on the middle that can be spared from coming up those wraiths and I push them onto that objective I end up having about 80 OC on that objective just 40 bugs I even have the the Turon moves out and advances over there as well elsewhere it is business as usual with me just flooding the board in the Middle with bugs and also I had one unit of homon I had one more unit of homun I to kept in the middle behind the ruin and I push those forward over onto the right hand objective cuz I know that I need to try and throw bodies that way to stop my opponent from scoring it going into turn five but it is a big scoring turn for the tourid I do hold two primary objectives getting me 10 points and I also deploy teleport homers again turn three with dropping my rippers down and I'm able to get the big cleanse as well going into battle round four and the nekron draw a couple of really good cards they get no prisoners which they can easily do there's loads of little Remnant Broods hanging around the place and he also gets engaged nor fronts which he can achieve for Max as well and in fact he does Max both of those objectives out the big issue is my opponent again scores no primary the middle objective disappears turn four and he doesn't have the objective on the right hand side because M hor go there and he doesn't have the objective on the left hand side cuz I've got about 80 OC on that one in fact the only only thing my opponent can do to try and equal the primary situation is clear that left hand objective and he has got 40 bugs and he's got a Turon to try and get through and he almost does it this is the display of Firepower that necrons have been waiting to unleash now even though that I had gummed up his Immortal units in my turn three the problem is that he's got Plasma aners in there and they have the abilities which allow him to do like loads of mortal wounds and between like the combats and also this ability he is able to actually get rid of all of the bugs that have been tying up those Immortals which then means that they are able to shoot and they unleash so much Firepower and by the time the dust is settled the only unit that's really left on the objective is my Turon but Turon does live all the little bug may die but my opponent couldn't quite get the angles that he needed for his Doom stalkers over there so she does live no real damage done to her whatsoever and so I am able to hold on that objective and get a big eight for the primary in my turn four and just as we're wrapping up my opponent's turn four the to comes around and says you've got five minutes you need to wrap up the game it's a hard dice down my turn four is really quick and I just say well I hold that objective so I'll get the eight primary and and I'm going to cleanse that objective over there as well and then deploy teleport Toom I'll just do it with a unit of rippers in the back field cuz my opponent had failed to kill them because they were such like low priority and that's my turn four I don't do any moving or anything I don't need to and so we get to the end of turn four unfortunately we don't have time for a turn five and the final score ends up being 39 victory points to the necrons they scored all of that on secondary and battle ready did not get any primary the entire game and for the tyranids I was able to score uh 67 victory points getting 28 on primary and getting 15 on deployed teleporter homers and 14 on cleanse and 10 for battle ready and so with that we come to the end of round three and the end of the tournament and the endless swarm has managed to go two and one and because we had scored really well in all of our games we actually ended up poding coming third overall in the tournament I have to say I really enjoyed this event it was an absolute blast using the tyranids it was the first time that I've used the unending swarm and it is my preferred way of playing tyranids in general I've been waiting a long time to get this list onto the tournament scene I actually started collecting it towards the end of ninth Edition and finally seeing all of those little buggers just swarming all over the place it warmed my heart and it was a lot of fun I don't do a lot of damage but at the end of the day I am super super fast and it felt like I was kind of playing my pure INF guard except for I swapped out all of my shooting for being good in the movement phase and my God is this thing good at moving between the turant being able to advance and shoot the hormon be able to advance and charge between the all of the surge moves and then the turn terance getting the scuttles as well I was constantly moving everywhere and I think this list is kind of an extreme example of movement wins games I never out killed my opponent I barely scratched their armies but just by a being able to dominate the board being able to be on all of the objectives being able to get there quickly and lock them down with loads of bodies and the first way advancing P the second way is moving on meant that in every single game I had primary domination but it was often just came down to how quickly my opponent could clear through me and I think if you were to play against this list the number one lesson to take away is you've got to be aggressive my game one opponent and my game three opponent were a little bit intimidated by the Swarm I think and it meant that they didn't move out and start clearing it early on and baran's only five turns in the game if you give up one of those turns to just essentially wait for the Swarm to come to you the problem you're going to have is you've just given up 20 % of the time that you need to clear it and I kind of noticed that if my opponent had done a good job of just burning or destroying the Broods and I was quite thinned out by turn two then I lost the game but if by turn three and end of turn two going into turn three my opponent hadn't managed to push the Broods back hadn't managed to hold the Swarm at Bay and by the end of turn three I was still on those primaries I had the game in the bank so if you are facing this you need to clear it fast and you need to clear it hard well at least that's what I think but of course all of this is just like my opinion man let me know what you think down in the comments section did you like seeing this many bugs on the battlefield do you want me to make the Swarm even bigger I can drop the Turon and I can fit in Jean Steelers instead and I could also go for neurog Gant the Swarm can be bigger let me know if you want to see the nids swarming again or are there any other kind of horde armies you want to see me take to tournaments I do have a shedload Of Orcs and green tide is on the horizon with the new orc codex don't forget if you did enjoy this video to smash that like button I know it's a bit cringe asking for likes but it really does boost the video it's a massive help the YouTube algorithm goes nuts likes so if you can press it that is a big help and I want to say a big thank you to you also if you want to never miss an episode then make sure you click the Subscribe button would you like to know more if so then please consider becoming a channel member or patreon by supporting the channel not only will you be doing your part but you'll also be helping me create more content for your viewing pleasure and unlocking a whole host of perks you get everything from a badge next to your 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John stubs Nick wolf diesel Fox and August Barney seriously guys thank you from the bottom of my heart your support is incredible and it makes a huge difference thank you so much that's all for now hope you all enjoyed today's video and of course as always see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Mordian Glory
Views: 41,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, Imperial Guard, Imperial Knights, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Knights, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Drukari, Dark Eldar, Genestealer Cult, Necros, Orks, Tau, Leagues of Votann, meme, Cadia Stands, Cadian Shock Troops, New Reveals, field ordnance battery, Heavy Weapon Squads, Command Squad, Sentinel, Rogal Dorn, Leaks, GW, Death korp of Krieg, Scions, Kasrkin, Arks of Omen, competitive 40k, warhammer 40000 10th edition, 10th edition
Id: qVrC5GmAfAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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