The Salamanders - The Imperiums Biggest Losers | Ep.49

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without soldiers there's no Army and without citizens you have no soldiers that is a fact that while is mostly known today has been completely forgotten by everyone in the Imperium except for today's winners and by the widest margin ever by the way it was so embarrassingly distant for every I felt bad for everyone involved it was a steamrolling yeah it was the salamanders and steamrolling salmon uh anyway as always though you guys get to decide who gets the next episode don't make the ratio that brutal this time please so the choices this time are the iron Warriors the ultramarines and the blood angels only two of those are going to get made with the other being put on ice as usual you know the way to make your voices heard make sure we see them in the comments I will be honest I think the iron Warriors are probably going to be next just based on the sieging we've been seeing for days upon days upon days in fact it's the only reason they're even on this uh to uh this bracket because I saw the I saw the athletes and people there too for a little bit but they gave up the iron Warriors didn't they set their minds on something and they went for it so I think they continued to see they continued The Siege so they have to continue sieging harder than ever if they want to win this one so make your voices heard in the comments or the review corner for our audio listeners and there's a little q a section too for you on Spotify so do that too first off we begin with something that you wouldn't you'd Miss on first on your first glance in the 40K which is if you see a Space Marine coming to your rescue that's usually a terrible sign that that's usually the worst thing because if Marines are present it means that a something so bad is here that no amount of regular soldiers can fix it and B I have now become a rounding error in combat you are collateral now yes if a Marine's job if a space Marine's job is to push back chaos from like an important facility that is all they care about sliding scale obviously but some of the least well-adjusted chapters Legions we'll just watch you get hosed to the left of them and shrug it off they'll go okay moving on because they have that one thing to do they're very very effective weapons that's all they are they will certainly help and really change the field of battle you know but seeing a Space Marine and cheering is the equivalent of seeing a missile flying overhead and cheering it's great I'm really glad they're being shot that direction it's probably going to help us out a lot but that thing doesn't really care what happens to me it's gonna do what it was fired off to do and then leave hell there are even submarines that will finish the job they'll you know accomplish a mission they've been set out to do and then turn on you because anyone can call anyone can fall to chaos at a moment's notice so they they don't want to even leave the chance open no Witnesses you saw me which means you saw chaos which means you could be chaos the only time it's a good thing that you're seeing a Space Marine is if you yourself are a Space Marine uh you have a name that does help being a named character in 40K carries a lot of weight which means you're an ultramarine which means you're lucky which means you have plot armor yes or you're a member of like the ruling class if you are a governor or something it's it's not the worst thing ever it's fairly good that there's Marines here now now imagine now that you know all that you see a batch of them charging out dressed head to toe in green with just this wall of fire that's preceding them causing nothing but horror on the battlefield if anything survives that initial wave they then whip out melee weapons and begin to hammer away at anything in sight like it's a nail these marines are straight up bigger than regular Marines they're both a little bit taller and it looks like they've been hitting the gym harder and they have these burning red eyes and then the worst part is once the enemy in front of them is either battered melted or said Ablaze still screaming they will turn around and start looking at you before slowly just stomp stomp stomping their way most people would be pinned there in fear pretty much all of them are in dread for what comes next because everyone's thinking I've seen what you've done to that chaos demon over there what are you gonna do to me yeah the real difference in size between you two becomes apparent as this hulking figure just gets closer and closer until it walks clean past you and starts cleaning up Rubble and just starts looking for survivors and helping like put together not full-blown like rebuild the settlement per se though some will but you know like lean twos and stuff because they're so strong they can just lift a slab of concrete and just it's it's ridiculous it's a Concrete tent now yeah or even just helping kids find their stuffed animals which is incredibly jarring and that's one of my favorite things about the salamanders that's the last one is a joke by the way but only kind of there's so much art of the salamanders doing just that like taking the time out of their day to help people in not just the heroic ah I'm here to slay the dragon kind of way but if if your house was on fire oh no it's not that's not that's not a good example because they did the fire wouldn't do anything to them if your house collapsed tomorrow and the salamander showed up they'd be the kind to help you look around for family pictures that were still there they will take the time to do the little things for people one of my favorite pieces of art that's dubiously can and I'm not sure if it is I'm not sure if it isn't it's this massive Marine of a man just standing in a place that looks decimated by War I mean there are still ships flying overhead you see every other Marine in the piece of art with their guns drawn ready they're all alert except for the salamander who's front and center completely unarmed holding a kid's hand and helping them out of the rubble while like carrying another that can't walk that's kind of energy they bring it's not a matter of numbers for the salamanders they're genuinely emotionally invested in the people of the Imperium For Better or For Worse they're the only group of Marines well not the only but they're the ones who do it most frequently of the Marines who will sacrifice their own numbers for an average guy which is the equivalent of an F-35 lightning I learn I learn I'm not going to get it wrong twice the F-35 it's the equivalent of an F-35 lightning shunting itself into the ground to save a single person cool that's fantastic wow that's expensive can we not do that again that's a couple million dollars just in the ground I think it's a billion every job is it a billion every death I wouldn't be surprised 35s cost a billion I have seen like slow-mo footage of uh them flying and it's the most both cool and terrifying thing ever because I promise you if you showed one of those to someone from the Middle Ages they'd think it's a steel dragon it's just it's so cool it's so cool but yes it the equivalent of one of those Jets sacrificing itself for a single not even hundreds of people not an entire important base one person just a single person and that would be a whole that would be a whole production if that were to happen in our world now magnify that a hundred times because Space Marine training isn't just oh you went to the gym you lifted hard congratulations your Marine it is very grueling very few people qualified to begin with so let's just start there if it's like one percent of the population even qualifies to be a Space Marine then they have to survive the brutal training which depends some aren't as bad as others but some get really bad leave you on an ice planet to figure it out bad and then on top of all of that let's say you manage to qualify and then you manage to survive the training you then need to survive having so many more organs jammed into your body than the human body was ever meant to accommodate frankly and that one you may just pass that's a luck thing it's just like I mean a lot of surgery happening and a lot of things being put in every surgery has a percentage chance of failing that's just a fact so you not only need to be the very best you need to continue to be the very best and then you also need to be lucky to make it to be a marine it takes years years and a frankly incalculable amount of resources to make one marine and it takes about five seconds to lose it there's a reason you don't want them dying left right and center and there's a very good reason you don't see them in every engagement because honestly a lot of the time regular people can solve it with horrific casualty rates because regular people are just cheaper in this universe yeah but salamanders ignore that edict and if there is any any set of Space Marines that is the closest to Extinction the most frequently it's the salamanders it pretty much for the rest of this video you're going to see them fluctuate from oh we're fine 90 losses oh we're fine 90 losses oh we're fine 99 losses that's it's just a function of their tactics because they believe and it's part of this part of this um well no we'll get to that later they believe that the Imperium is its people it's not the planets it's not the space it's the people and if they go that's the most tragic loss the Imperium could feel the only thing worse is maybe if they get the emperor that's it that it's like Emperor Average Joe and it's not a very big gap between the two and salamander's eyes so salamanders will try and mitigate that human loss as much as they superhumanly can frankly a lot of people say that this selflessness comes from their Primark just think their dad effectively Vulcan and it it does to to an extent it does but they weren't like this before him um it was just worse worse yes so the modern salamanders are selfless it's it's a very good thing when you see a salamander because they genuinely care for you these ones were selfless to a terrifying degree they would get jobs that were considered impossible done but regularly suffer 80 casualties on the field just because of the way they choose to fight now did they get hailed as Heroes for that yes fantastic good job you did what nobody else could however having a bunch of people itching to jump on the first grenade they can find whether you could just run away from it or not is kind of a problem so it's a phenomenal thing that Vulcan arrived kind of in the nick of time because if they continued the way the way they were continuing the salamanders are going to render themselves Irrelevant in just a few more battles frankly Vulcan took that wanton disregard for their own lives and then he tempered it he gave it structure and focus most importantly and and that's the one that's key there he took think of the salamanders before his a tsunami wow that can do a lot of damage but it's not the most targeted thing on the planet and it won't always do what you want per se Vulcan took it and focused it to a tiny Point capable of doing whatever it wants he turns them into a water jet CNC machine effect effectively able to cut through anything they set their minds to and save those who need it the most because that's that's the main thing there they had to realize was you can't save everyone so you need to make every chance that you get really matter and so Vulcan gave them that that Focus to do that however interestingly enough the people who needed the most saving or possibly the salamanders themselves um it's it's one of the first speeches Vulcan gives his kids basically is he tells them that they have come face to face with the abyss and almost surrendered themselves to it so it that really gives some Credence to the theories that float around where while yes they were certainly sacrificing themselves to help people they were doing it a bit too often for it to not have been playing some ulterior motive it's like if your buddy was a firefighter and got divorced tomorrow and just started running head first into every burning building is he saving lives yes should you probably either get him a therapist or go hang out definitely that's the state the salamanders were in or at least what a lot of people think just because of the unnatural propensity they had for this stuff toss themselves into into the fire literally yeah but that's speculation right part of why Vulcan was able to do this is because he got something rare for his brothers which is a decent childhood um he was raised by this blacksmith on this it's a really brutal Planet it's really resource rich but it's kind of it's it's a tough life it's got really really hard gravity and there were Elder raids left right and Center um but he still had it pretty good with his with his adoptive father with that person um taking him in and teaching him everything he knew now granted Vulcan is a demigod and he is canonically the biggest of them so by the age of like three he was bigger than his dad so and by the age of four he was Far smart imagine imagine you have a kid and you know they're like two years old and they're doing the classic two-year-old thing of when I grow up I want to be bigger than you Dad and then literally a day later they're like double your height and width too because primarks don't really seem to have trouble maintaining muscle mass they're built like brick houses all of them all of them are so because Vulcan was raised by that blacksmith and also because it was the emperor's sons was given kind of a focus if that makes sense where they were all really good at one thing or they really enjoyed that one thing more than one thing but it's usually a few things Vulcan was really good at smithing right that's kind of his thing and so because of that ended upbringing he was able to catapult that planet forward in the tech tree pretty not overnight but pretty dang far pretty damn quick and science does Vulcan generator turn quite a bit quite a bit quite a bit and because of this he was also able to deal with those Dark Eldar raids that uh his planet was suffering from before Vulcan they used to just hide whenever the dark Elder showed up which is fair fair assumption I don't want to be skinned and turned into a chair it's a personal thing I'd rather I would rather nah I don't want to be turned into a a human leather-bound book thank you very much exactly but um when Vulcan heard this he simply said could not be me I I know what you're saying but I am Simply Built different and so he walked out there with nothing by the way no weapons on hand just his basic smithing tools and proceeded to batter a hundred of them and send the rest running upon seeing this everyone on his home planet basically went we don't have to hide anymore he walked out to the battlefield and said you know when the only tool you have is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail and I see a construction job in front of me pretty that's exactly what happened after this we're gonna skip a lot because there's so much to Vulcan and while he's a key part of today's episode he's not the focus of the episode kind of um the emperor shows up they have this whole contest of strength thing it's all it's all kinds of stuff he does it's the whole are you my dad thing let's do it with a contest of strength let's arm wrestle well or Slayer Dragon the let's arm wrestle the dragon yeah the arm wrestle with dragon they have this really touching moment where they the emperor saves him and it's a whole thing it's a very very cool stuff I quite like it however what matters is eventually he does lose this contest of strength and realize oh you're my dad cool cool cool cool and he gets he gets taken under the emperor's wing and is taught how to be a war Master because well not not a war Master but a good General effectively um which does take a little bit just because those aren't things that Vulcan knew beforehand and it's not anything A Smith from a backwards Planet would have taught him so he did have to learn uh what matters though that's all stuff for a future episode what does matter is one Vulcan meets his Legion which because he's been learning under the emperor to take a little bit longer it wasn't a medium when he did meet his Legion it wasn't ah hello father great to meet you on the sunny day it was hey there's religion they've been holding the line against millions of Orcs for the last year while their own ships their personal ships were being used not for combat but to evacuate civilians so Vulcan didn't have a doubt that they were his kids to begin with at least on that description alone volcano's Vulcan knew okay okay they were created after me yeah yeah cool um and it was this death spiral really they they were going to lose this eventually because the way it works work is congratulations you've defended against the Orcs by giving them a good fight they will spread the word and more of them will show up tomorrow for a good fight oh you beat them great you gave them a better fight more of them will show up this been happening for 364 days so I'm not exaggerating when I say it was millions of Orcs that they were holding the line against I'm not going to say somehow because they took 8 8 losses in the process because it's the salamanders get used to that number I thought you were gonna say they are him no they're not well they are but no not enough not enough for this um and so Vulcan arrived to put a stop to this vicious cycle because it was just not going to end well and he arrived with recruits uh sourced from his Homeworld so fully fresh it was roughly uh it was the same number as those who were holding the line give or take so total combined it was twice as many people there great and he they also came not just with new gear that hasn't been used for the last year but it was gear made to Vulcan specification not the Imperium specification which isn't bad but you know it's not great it was made to vulcan's specification because like I said it was taken in by a blacksmith this is his hobby he's learned a lot from this and it's a deeply introspective art to him so a lot of the stuff he was given he would fuss around with and look at and see can I make this better can I make this how can I how can we redo this so that it works best for me and my sons and so and he still does that to this day constantly futzing around himself he's a tinkerer yeah so you take these fresh recruits paired with gear that got the sign off from the best blacksmith in the entire Imperium and the Orcs don't stand any chance there's a line beaten right into them and then the line turns from once it gets the survivors it turns and goes right for the main guy in charge which orc power structures are easy who's the biggest one that one get him it's so straightforward the big one get the big one the second biggest and the third biggest just to be safe from there you should be good it should be chaos but you need those three and Vulcan does just that after the fourth one they start popping out a roller to figure out who's the tallest like shout about it and like you can't be the biggest orc if your knees are broken is what I'm gonna say and that's what it's gonna come down to at some point whose knees are the least fragile that's what it's going to come down to but regardless Vulcan makes sure to work of this affair also because whenever a space Marine's Primark is around they tend to fight much harder so all the all the cards were in there everything was in their corner for once it's like they saw Vulcan and they immediately started freaking out we have to do a good job they look to him there's a light glint in their eye and they they look up and say Papa and then they turned back to the Orcs they say burn yeah um the most important thing that happens though is once the chaos is done they they do both halves of uh vulcan's Legion me and uh the the ones who've been holding forever effectively immediately realize oh you're my dad this this tracks whatever but on top of that they also realize Oh no you're better than me and those recruits are just going to replace me that's fine I get it I understand I tried the best I could and they bet and they bend the knee to him to which Vulcan goes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no I I'm not just some petty King I don't want you to what what no no he he actually this is the coolest thing he says I should be the one kneeling here because you've done the most impressive thing you have saved uncountable lives today at Great cost he's just like I just got here you did this exactly and I I love that he went he he honored the work they'd already done he didn't just come in steal the glory and leave no he honored the work they did he also said that they were willing to fight for him so he would always honor that and be willing to fight for them in going out of his way to uh give the power claw the usually the big weapon from the biggest orc to the previous guy in charge the previous commander who was horrifically wounded I mean basically quadriplegic he was never going to see service again but he gave it to him in honor of what he'd done because Vulcan couldn't have just strolled in and made light work of everything if he didn't do that work first which so cool so many people just take the glory and move on Vulcan just oh you just handed it off just said you did the work for me I just I literally just got here that's not it though because Vulcan then took the time out of his Immortal Life to forge him a special Dreadnought suit which if you don't know just a Dreadnought which if you don't know they're basically a coffin tank it's for very very wounded Marines and you just enter them there and they can keep fighting on they're massive mechs effectively and they're usually armed to the teeth but this one was made by Vulcan it's made of a material only he could work is what it said and it's armed to the teeth it's so above and beyond other dreadnoughts that it's even rumored that this suit called The Iron Dragon is what all dreadnoughts are pale limitations of so basically this thing is made out of Adam adamantium in every square inch is covered in gun and heavily defended because Vulcan didn't want that guy to go out and die again but yes obviously I'm not saying that but people are saying that streets are saying that's what I'm saying it goes to show that vulcan's words aren't just empty platitudes to these new guys to sell them on joining him it's the truth he wouldn't have bothered doing all that if he really didn't feel that way you know so now that they've been given a Homeworld Fortress and guidance from Vulcan they were able to step away from that ledge and he taught them how to live because frankly leaping on any and every sword you find on the stress on the side of a street does not make you a martyr to be a martyr to have a death that impacts people as heavily as your life did you have to live one first you have to be patient you have to be kind you have to be loving and that's exactly what the salamanders became and doing so it also made it so when that Fury comes back that willingness to do whatever it takes to get this job done it's that much more terrifying it's no longer just charging at you for the sake of it or charging at you because they hate you like some of the other Space Marines will it's charging at you because they love deeply what lies behind them and they want to make sure it stays safe however it's time to talk about the people who keep this fantastic show safe and that is our patrons uh if you want more of what you already love right so a bonus episode every week access to the community Discord priority voting for all the topics which is part of how the salamanders won so aggressively this episode and a backlog of all the bonus episodes we've done because I do see you guys in the comments who binge everything and want more there is more over on isandra encoda if you head on over there you can help us keep the lights on in here and you get bonus content and uh you get to join in on the Community Fund so that is always fantastic plus as a bonus it's impossible to put a price on this but every single Patron gets to walk around to the moral superiority of I've done something good I have done my part in the grand scheme of things and I'm a good person do with that what you will but that's what we're offering you're an honor honorary salamander exactly immediately that's what you become uh thank you for those of you that are already there thank you for those of you who are doing that right now as I speak and thank you for those ones who I see you in the comments we're like next week when the check hits I've got you so I will see you there in a few weeks however it is that time in every episode where the Horus heresy it's it's the Horizon it's a galactic Family Feud for those of you new uh it's basically one of vulcan's brother's Horus decided to suffer while he didn't decide he was afflicted with male pattern boldness this paired to the fact that his dad had long flowing hair that showed zero signs of receding even after thousands of years of ruling it drove him to the brink and so he decided to have to have a spat about it go join chaos and take half his brothers with them leading to the worst fight the imperium's ever been one of the most brutal beatings they've ever received were still dealing with the consequences today and it's why the emperor is stuck on that lawn chair what matters today though is how the salamanders got through this with the first being intuition see Vulcan when when Horus was first being promoted Vulcan had made him a gift an Armament that was effectively indestructible in our primark's hands and when they met Vulcan was going to give it to him but he sensed some something's wrong here some's off see vulcan's bald and he can see the early signs he noticed the corner starting to rise in horace's hairline and knew oh this can't be good he won't be able to cope what will he do without his mullet when Horus turned around he saw the little spot right on the back of the crown there yeah he was like uh-oh yeah he seekins so he actually held on to that Armament which turned out to be the right call and wound up using it himself it's called dawnbringer very cool remember that name it's going to come up later um he would he would carry this for pretty much after he met Horus onwards which didn't take long for the heresy to happen after that so he it's the primary thing he used for a good chunk of the heresy from here though records specifically for the salamanders get if he it gets dubious there's already unreliable narration in 40K just because of how many perspectives you get on it but it's difficult to pin down truths from half-lives in this one okay what we do know probably is the salamanders like every other well not like every but like two other loyalists got absolutely belted in the opening moves of the heresy it it's it's so bad this battle um on istan 5 was so bad it's not considered a battle as far as history is considered concerned it's a massacre at the time uh the Loyalists thought it was just Horus and three others so four total Legions and their plan was we are going to bring our full force down on horse before he can convert anybody else just a number of them so they brought seven full Legions to crush horus's four which goes to show how good of a tactician Horus was that they felt we need twice the numbers as him to win um and they were right it did turn out being the 7v4 just in the wrong way because they did not realize at this point a full half of their family had turned traitor including a good three of the legions that were supposed to be coming to help them I cannot undersell how badly the next moves were for the Imperium in one battle it was a long one but in one battle the salamanders lost over 90 of their Legion in one Fell Swoop entirely over 90 yes and it's it's where you get that harrowing image of Vulcan um weeping in in these in these blackened Sands holding one of his sons with nothing around him yeah 90 what what happened is they decided to assault early and Vulcan wasn't in charge he didn't have any say in this but he knew if I say no first of all I'm gonna look like a traitor and at this time it was shaky nobody knew who was who right so a I'm gonna look like a traitor and B the brother of mine who is in charge wants to go in usually he's logical but he's being driven by emotion I can't disobey this order if he goes in alone he's gonna get belted so I have to go in and help him and hope that reinforcements get here on time so they go down there into this fight and it's going kinda well not great but they're expecting when the other Legion show up oh it's going to be easy money the other Legions do show up and as they're going to regroup with them they turned their guns on them and opened fire leading to my favorite battle map ever which is the worst one you ever want to be on of the Loyalists are in the center and it's just red it's in a circle it's just there's no way out they put them in a kill box basically and began to open fire while I assume Horus was monologuing this was this was order 66. yeah it was it was they nuked Vulcan ah he fought for I I can't undersell how bad this was vulcan's entire Legion was pretty much his entire Legion was killed before his very eyes and he himself held the line for hours battering any traders that came close they had to resort to nuking him a few times a few a few times for him to be capturable Not Dead capturable yes no they were playing they were playing Monster Hunter and they had to Nuke the monster and they didn't kill him no it didn't it was just a trank bomb however he's gonna wish that he did because the legion that picked him up was the night Lords um they've always had it in for the salamanders they really have by now you know the salamanders stick it is kill them with kindness and napalm the night Lords however have exsanguinated entire cities that's not an exaggeration they have done this which logistically Speaking I don't want to give it Kudos but organizing that sounds so difficult how do you just on an organization thing how do you manage that either way they they organize I don't know I don't know how they did that they've exsanguinated an entire population Just Cause And if tomorrow the night Lords were put in charge of oh hold on we're I'm powering through with this hold on if tomorrow wow I wrote that I wrote that if tomorrow the night Lords are put in charge of Guantanamo Bay it would be rated E for everyone that is a caliber of person or group that we're dealing with there's that massive juxtaposition between the two there's the I get I'm a billion dollars but I will sacrifice myself for that child yes and then there's I already bled out their family effectively at a glance they look completely opposite like they're completely opposite forces entirely different but if you zoom out and look at the picture that the emperor was trying to paint here and you use that perspective of okay well he wanted 20 Sons each with a rule how were these ones going to play together it kind of makes sense because there are some forces you cannot kill with kindness or even Napalm despite how horrifying it is there are some people who just will not quit and for those curse exists he will leave them he will strike fear deep into their hearts and he will leave them cowering shrieking weeping and begging for mercy and that's why Vulcan exists to give them that Mercy it's it's a yin and yang kind of things and curse knows and accepts this but his problem is Vulcan doesn't Vulcan basically says that while we can be monsters we don't have to be you're choosing to do this the emperor didn't make you you're choosing this which like come on uh this is what we're meant to be stop fighting it is main argument here so when Chris gets his hands on Vulcan he sets out to show the vulcan's not better than he is his entire goal is to show that Vulcan can snap the same way I have and do the same things I have because we're all the same is his main thing he's he's having a John Kohler moment right now yeah it's very Killing Joke actually um and so from this point forward Vulcan is stuck in Edge of Tomorrow just Live Die Repeat live die repeat every single way out that is imaginable is inflicted upon him everything from the good old-fashioned Guillotine to being shunted out of an airlock being crammed to the bottom of a ship's thrusters it's launching away or just a good old-fashioned massive rolling pin everything is available but it is at this point it's revealed that every single one of the primarks inherited something from Dad Vulcan got his plot armor he will re he will regenerate from the smallest atoms of him oh he's Deadpool yeah he's got he's basically Deadpool um it's it's that taken to its logical extreme no matter what kurs did Vulcan would always come back with that same smug moral superiority which just enrages curse because you're not better all I can think of is just like guillotine back into existence you know you really shouldn't be doing this crushes with a massive hammer back into existence we can be better than this it's saws him in half backed into existence are you gonna give this up at some point and at that point Curtis decides to get creative which is never good never good again it would be like if Guantanamo Bay had a creative director Jesus Christ right Jesus right yeah some some positions just yeah right [Laughter] and so he accepts the Vulcan cannot pass that's fine that's whatever cool we can still break his mind though so he chains Vulcan to a table full of food with a starving family that can just barely not reach it and Vulcan has to watch them yeah hold on to this for a second and beneath it is an entire orphanage and a massive Rock and Vulcan just has to hold it until he gives and it's his fault curse is a comic book of it yeah he he then has um people put Vision after Vision after vision in vulcan's mind of him running through some Noble quests and always failing at the last second resulting in Mass casualties over and over again he even crams Vulcan in a mech suit and sends it on a rampage against his own Legion and Vulcan can only watch as they're being ripped apart curse is a comic book villain and still Vulcan didn't relent despite all of this I can just imagine him with like skeletor's voice just like Vulcan hold this chain below it is an entire orphanage better not drop it yeah uh at this point because just fine fine fine you want out so bad whatever here's that dawnbrunger you like so much it's in the center of an impossible maze figure it out have fun and that's where he leaves Vulcan for a little bit and this isn't just I say it's an impossible maze but that is because its architect was perturable uh so it is it's not something you would find on the back of a cereal box percharabo is the emperor's master of machines he's the most Adept of all the primarks when it comes to Industry he can see a machine take it apart and put it back together better that's his whole shtick he's amazing at building these Mega structures and housing Machinery within them that's otherwise impossible or deeply impressive one of pertrabo's core beliefs is once you start something it doesn't matter how you feel you finish it no matter what you have to get it done anything else is weakness and so when curse approaches him with the job of containing Vulcan somehow boy how do does he accomplish that um the walls of this maze are completely featureless even if you started carving a line into it it would eventually make no sense just you'd basically be walking leaving a trail of breadcrumbs and then you'd see them on the ceiling somehow and you now have to figure this out are we sure he didn't get himself access to a tesseract Vault nope this is something petrobo did in his spare time damn yeah it is also full of traps because working together it's just it's never and it's it was impossible Vulcan needed the emperor's help to get to the center which he did but we'll get to that later the most tragic thing about this entire Affair is a Vulcan in per trouble we're on the same side of this doesn't matter which one the Harris would have been over in seconds because Vulcan can forge any part or any series of parts to such an absurd specification that nothing can match it and now you give those parts to percherable and now you have a problem it's actually one of the most touching things per trouble keeps is this mechanical Hound that Vulcan built for him that he really likes and is constantly fussing around with it in one of the scenes it falls out of time and he's stuck there spending hours just trying to get it like back in sync and it's off bite millisecond but perch rubber is so touchy he would notice it it's just like now he does use fulgrim's face to break it as per trouble also has anger issues but he does hold it dear and actually regrets doing that like he he spends a lot of time piecing it back together so it's just I wish those two were on the same side but I also see why not because it would have been decided the second but like I said much to curse of chagrin Vulcan makes it to the center and dawnbringer is Right within his reach unknown occurs at the time is this teleporter housed in there oh which is why Vulcan wants so badly because he can get that he can I can just get out I can just leave I'm down I'm finished just portal but right right when he's about to grab it he realizes his hand bounces clean off as he realizes that it's shielded and courage just starts laughing because he's the worst the worst and he just starts taunting Vulcan telling him that you know all that hope for nothing you're just this close and you still can't get it there's only one way this ends Vulcan to it's like I said Killing Joke Vibes it's very much so the killing joke he's having a drone yeah he's pushing Vulcan to the Limit after everything that he's done and he basically tells him the only way out is by ending me to which Vulcan takes a very deep breath looks curse in the eyes and tells him of all his brothers curse has always been the weakest nobody fears you taking on a different name doesn't change the fact that all of us pity you at the end of the day we'd only tolerate you because you're family and none of us have anything to fear from a petulant child flailing about in the dark he murders him with words he then oh no that's not all the only thing I've been afraid of Chris is breaking you however this is the end of the line I was made the biggest and the strongest and it's time to show you how big the gap between us really is and he beats the brakes off of kurs using his face to break the shield and get to his head and get to donberger God damn at which point you know end of the day hero saved presses the button in there expects to teleport out the whole room is shielded against teleportation he's a very good architect he's a very good architect which occurs then takes this moment to gloat again despite having his face used to open a door effectively and basically tells him that all this time you spent walking towards dawnbringer all of it amounts to nothing you're never going to leave I have you here the only way out is by getting me or admitting we're the same either way you've done it to which will concise again and his shoulder sag like genuinely it is heartbreaking because that was the only way out really if there's another door the only way he's leaving is by Body encouraged permanently he holds up the weapon and looks at it and he just sighs just now there's no way out so he just admits to Curtis you're right I made this as a teleporter a means to escape no matter what and his shoulders sag and he lets the weapons wait to drag it almost all the way out of his hands until he's just holding onto you know the very end of it right like you're you're about to let go of something but you just barely hold on to the Pummel yeah and then he tells Chris but you're forgetting one thing and Curtis is in his element he's loving this because he's won this is it I've got him there's only one way out of here and so he leans in with the most smug grin imaginable and just asks and what did I forget dear brother to which Vulcan replies it's also a hammer oh and then proceeds to send occurs flying with a single blow I cannot undersell before when he was being used to open the shield it was a very bad beating vulcan's not holding back anymore even then he was holding back with single swings he's able to go clean through his armor yeah curves as a nail and he batters curse to the point where he's fried about to disconnect he's right like he Vulcan basically beats curse to the point where it's undeniable that Vulcan could end this with one more swing but he stops right there just to show curves that no this is not a front no you have changed nothing inside me I could end you at any moment and I choose not to and I never will and then he's able to teleport out because I mean you know cars are so helpless in the moment vulcan's just allowed to leave he's done also uh that was a lie that was very rough on Vulcan and he wants out so badly he doesn't even aim effectively he just telefrags into Gilman's backyard thousands of feet into the air burning up on re-entry because he'd rather do that than spend another second around curves I'm not kidding for a little bit after this he's nursed back to health by the ultra actually funnily enough when the ultramarines find him they think it's a statue they think it's some twisted and burned statue and only after it starts like reconstituting just like moving around just like oh that's a lie well it takes a bit it does take a bit Vulcan can focus and make it happen faster but in this moment but it does take a bit for his features to come back and the second they realize you're like get Gilman uh this is your bro yeah who's gone starkcraving that at this point it great scene fantastic moment curse did have an impact on him that would have broken anybody else it's a miracle he made it that far but the second he's out the facade breaks and he does go completely loopy it's fixed later but that Seth revokin's story ends for a little bit however at this point records get even worse it's the it's the heresy it's the heresy they won't really they weren't really concerned with keeping everything written down they're more concerned of how do we keep this functioning um though we do know uh some some things for sure um for example like I said the salamanders are beaten so bad in the massacre it wasn't 90 casualty rates pretty bad it's pretty bad pretty awful this is not great that's bad it's so bad however that they were put in this grouping with the other three uh Legions that were present on this phone five called the shattered Legions and for the rest of the heresy those shattered Legions would try they really would try and help but they didn't really do I'm getting in trouble for this they didn't really do too much other than God we need to get our numbers back they're the support they're the support team yeah it went yes yes exactly um specifically more so with the salamanders because they they take longer than normal to get new Marines to join them um because they like I said they care this shows in everything they do right their training isn't grab as many kids as we could and jam them into that whoever comes out that's fine no their training is they'll nurture you as you grow into this Warrior person and they'll they'll level with you hey dude there's a chance you may not make it out of here and so they they take so long to nurture these good recruits it's why they're fantastic once they're done but oh does it take forever so considering they lost 90 of them in one Fell Swoop it took them a while they were they they definitely tried but they weren't as relevant as some of the other Legions for most of the heresy um they do have some highlights um for example when they went because not every salamander was on Estefan five if you weren't actually a few very important ones but when they did hear about this and they went to go see if there are any survivors hey is Dad here I didn't find anything which is concerning they really thought Vulcan had died right then and there because from their perspective they heard about this massacre that happened and they arrived on this planet hovered in Black irradiated sand that's a mixture of the ashes of those who've Fallen nuclear fallout and it's densely packed by all the blood that was spilled that day there was not a lot of Hope there was not it was it was really tragic but under all of that they did find the Iron Dragon remember that massive Dreadnought Vulcan custom built for that one commander who held the line it survived all that and within it they found that same Commander refusing to die that's the way it's described he would not pass man literally too angry to die um not quite well yes in a way from there he got a new title called the twice dead because you can you can figure this out um and he had a fire he was burning with this fire Vengeance that was so all-consuming it was a double-edged sword the salamanders were happy oh my God we found none of our brothers thank you thank you thank you have you seen Vulcan so that was fantastic for their morale but also it was so genuinely off-putting that it would it was a downer on the other marines that were around him and then you pair that with the fact that um he now has a frankly disturbing amount of control over any machine in his area I mean in one really cool battle there's just all this chaos happening there's a bunch of um uh kind of robot automata kind of fighting and he just walks through and every machine like stops and either joins him or ceases functioning he's a salamander that's not what they're supposed to be doing and he just walks right up to their Commander he gets such a potent control over any and every machine in his area that he's genuinely considered to be an avatar of the omnisaya he wants cyberpunk mode yeah yeah and to this day he he unfortunately like many heroes in the Imperium we don't know where he is however um his suit is still round and it is still used to enter uh the greatest of the salamander Heroes downside of that is you have to be an incredibly strong person because the the suit's machine spirit is filled with that theory from Estefan so it not anyone can pilot it it's got to be like a specific person yeah exactly um but that's that's all a story for another day um they also spent a bit of time like every loyalist after the heresy hunting down Traders though there's a specific um they went only well not only but really mostly after the Emperor's Children because um during the heresy they didn't really just win the war per se they didn't just show up in um decimate Earth's defenses but um how do I describe the Emperor's Children while staying um kosher if you go to Wikipedia and you look up the list of war crimes you're going to see at the very top it's gonna say this list is incomplete you can help by expanding it they did that a lot they inflicted more harm on civilians than enemy combatants which really didn't sit right with the salamanders at all so island is very personal Vendetta there was a headhunt for that let's get back right it's just bad yeah they're they're not great they also got um very upset when the imperium's religious arm got way out of hand and we've talked about this in the Sister video uh there's a guy who is the worst human being ever and he almost tanks the entire Imperial one guy regular human being by the way not super in any way almost tanks the entire Imperium and the way the salamanders deal with this is the most salamander way possible of okay that guy sucks but I'm not gonna start a coup over this because well the last time that happened we saw what the impairment did so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spite them so they have to send a ton of forces after me and I'm just gonna sit here fortified and because all their forces are over here less people suffer and so they did that they baited them into this long john fight where they were just hunkered down and entrenched and they really couldn't accomplish anything until they went hold on you guys are wearing green let's go for the civilian population to which Salman said hey guys wait no no no no no no no no no just stay over here completely right here completely unrelated by the way not not oh these are the civilian cities nearby just random cities to draw the salamanders out which did work because the salamanders are not gonna just let that happen uh so they did come out thankfully that was resolved before it escalated even further than that but I again it shows how highly they value everyone in the Imperium almost over themselves um they also fought off the Orcs several times so so many times they tend to meet the Orcs uh in combat very often and it's honestly kind of a good thing because they're the best equipped to deal with them because they have this propensity for fire weapons and all that and when you're dealing with Orcs you can't leave anything behind and so in a weird way they're actually very good at dealing with them because Orcs can't regenerate without the spores and spores can't exist if it's all coated in fire so I assume also that the Orcs treat them with a little bit more respect considering green is best color green is best color I wouldn't be I wouldn't be surprised if it also helps them out in some way it also held multiple Capital worlds becoming kind of a beacon for what an astarty's hero could be to your Common Man common your average man if he does actually know about Space Marines because not everybody does we'll love the salamanders on site they've just they've acquired that almost Mythic reputation when you see them you go oh thank goodness they're here um they also did not like that book Gilman decided to write where he'd split up power Vulcan especially didn't like it uh from from the perspective I just got my family back it took us so many years to retrain them why exactly uh and he he joined a bunch of his other brothers who abstained this each of them with their own reasons all of them fair but Vulcan also is wise enough to see that I can't dig my heels here for like I can't dig in for this so it did happen the salamanders were so few in number even after the heresy though it didn't really affect them there's not many known success there's a bunch of hypothesized ones but there's not many known successor chapters of them just because there's just there's not that many of them they really got absolutely belted on that planet that one planet just yeah um there's also this really touching moment during the heresy because I mean he doesn't stay insane forever he does get his mind mostly back together um this is really touching scene where um it's Vulcan talking to Doran and Vulcan just goes I know you do I know I know you're not a fan of this but like I need this right now and they just like hug it out and again doran's like I'm not gonna say the least sociable Primark but he's low he's low there's that moment from it was that moment from uh uh Gravity Falls awkward sibling hug awkward sibling hug kind of um but again vulcan's genuinely he doesn't want anything out of you it's not oh I'm doing this to get X later it's just out of genuine care and concern and at the time dorm was hilariously stressed so he appreciated it so there's that really touching bro moment he has all kinds of bro moments and it's such a shame that his family decided to split down the middle like that however that's the Highlight rule for what we know about the salamanders after the heresy um like I said they have some successor chapters but there's they're not all confirmed per se but there's a few we know for a fact like for example there are these um black dragons and uh they come from this founding that just went wrong I mean everything that could go wrong did go wrong and so a bunch of them were cursed they were cursed to grow these bony um protrusions that just it's think Wolverine's cloth they won't fall Wolverine or Barack no Baraka from Mortal Kombat is a much better example and some of them even have horns and so a lot of Space Marines especially from that cursed founding like they just group them all together and they go something wasn't right with you guys so we're not gonna deal with this but salamanders are fully accepted it the the black dragons nope this is a blessing they even pray to be cursed further because they see it as a great thing and to be fair I mean if you regenerate like Vulcan and you have Wolverine's claws in what world is that not a blood that's pretty cool yeah there's also um the dark Krakens who have this just cool deep purple black with like white striping you have me intrigued it's so it's one of the most gorgeous paint schemes they come from a water world effectively you have me intrigued um so they're not as heavy on the fire um but they are Monster Hunters because again it's a water World um you can grow up copyright you you can grow don't say copyright because now you're just gonna inflict it on us can grow food there obviously I mean but seaweed gets old over time so uh they've they've grown really adapted not only just underwater fighting but just fighting large creatures downside they're salamanders they're huge there's not many things bigger than them but when they encounter it oh it's great based they stuck in Monster Hunter try yeah and um so when when you when the dark and the dark Krakens are actually fairly popular because it's it's quite literally the knight in shining armor coming to slay the dragon they are really good at showing up where there's some massive monster just terrorizing a town and they fix it and leave and it's it's granted them a lot of love for every planet they go to basically there's a few others but uh that's that's a those are stories for another day what really defines them today is there's no choice about it they're hunting for the Infinity Stones that's that's what they're doing they're playing where's Waldo because Vulcan died a lot as I'm sure you could tell it's almost a hobby at this point however as I'm sure you've noticed he doesn't tend to stay down even his last his last death wasn't really permanent per se well it's it's it's complicated he fell face first into a reactor effectively that's what happened and that's where his story ends however he did leave behind a book which is a collection of texts and stuff that could be interpreted as a prophecy this is very key Vulcan himself from what I could find did not say this but they've interpreted it from the Tome of fire that if they gather together all these artifacts then Vulcan will return so they're just they're just on a prop hunt now exactly or there's another one where a Vulcan will return on the um when the Imperium needs him the most right so those are the two ways Vulcan which if we look at the Imperium nowadays yeah they're these they're these nine personal artifacts this is the one they're putting the most stock into because it's the one that they can most act on there are these nine personal artifacts made by his hands it's it's a one of one it's what Vulcan made and um they are missing in action most a good chunk of them are missing in action and the goal is in theory if you can get all these nine in one place snap your fingers half the I mean Vulcan will appear is what's gonna happen So to that end they have a title called the forge father and what that person does is they take on vulcan's name and they just go on hunt for these artifacts that's that's their end full-time job and they have quite a bit of sway within the chapter because when they say oh I think I found one it's over here sorry not chap they're chapters now um yes he's he's got quite a bit of soy in salamanders organization just because if he says I have it on good authority that there is an artifact there they'll they'll give him the forces he needs just like go get it just go get it even if you're probably wrong you could get a little closer and that could bring us closer to that so that would be fantastic um so that's what a lot of their they're they're doing right now they're also stuck playing this obnoxious game of keep away with treyzen um because treyzen is a kleptomaniac who likes collecting things that are very rare there's only nine of these around that qualifies as very rare So treyson wants them badly not even to bring back Vulcan or anything I just want them and so they're constantly fighting over them and it's gotten to the point where treyson's even lied like oh I have one just to bait them into coming for him and then he can get the others it's really annoying what a goblin yeah he's yeah um and then also there's a possibility that Vulcan himself is in treason's collection Mitch just a single cell of trays and is there or single cell of Vulcan is in treyson's world no um there's a there's a lot of things listed in treason's Vault and one of them is a hulking Warrior wearing an armor clad with a dragon oh right so that's one place Vulcan could be hiding right now he could also just be on some Backwater planet dealing with what's happened to him because I'll be honest Ten Thousand Years sounds like a long time or a little less than ten thousand years sounds like a long time to unpack issues but he was stuck with curse four months you're gonna need quite a bit of therapy to get over there he's on a um uh a Zen spa retreat yeah exactly um though there's always the the question or the argument if Vulcan really cares about the people so much like you mentioned the appearance terrible why doesn't he just show up the two main reasons for that are a he's he does that's true he has a big heart he has a big capacity to love for people however that means he also has such a high capacity to feel lost oh and curse just squeeze that for all it's worth so the man needs to regenerate I mean on an emotional level emotionally because physically he says his body comes back it says nothing about his mind coming back he did don't get me wrong that fight scene is amazing and he did a very good job pretending it did nothing for him again it did a lot it did a lot I don't even blame him curves got really creative B is Vulcan hates the Imperium would be the the other possible reason why he hasn't come back yet because I mean he he as I've said this a few times this episode he doesn't care about the administration he doesn't care about it whether you pay your taxes he doesn't care about the space he doesn't care about the planets he just cares about the people first because that's what makes the Imperium and to be a man in the Imperium is to be one amongst Untold trillions to live in the cruelest and most brutal regime imaginable forget the power of technology and science forget the promise of progress and understanding there is no peace Among the Stars it is only an eternity of Carnage and Slaughter that is all that is in store for your average person in the Imperium there's a good reason Vulcan wouldn't want to come back to prop that up I mean to be fair the Imperium wasn't great even when Vulcan was alive but there was at least the hope that it would be better because the emperor is there he's got a wider vision and genuinely he did want the best for Humanity even though he didn't always do what the best for Humanity you know so there's always that hope but now that he is gone what is what what else is there the only people controlling the Imperium at this point are like the ecclesiarchy and if anything can be read from that one single dude who almost crashed the Imperium great it's not great yeah there's there's not really a space for Vulcan in the moment because the Imperium has its Tax Guy back they have their new war Master back probably [ __ ] she needs a break he just needs to keep uh resting and relaxing wherever he is and then he'll come back when things are most dire to be fair I think we're getting there any second now I would hope he's the next one to come back but uh we will see however whether whether Vulcan comes back or not the salamanders themselves will always be there to answer the call to the very last man but that does wrap up our episode on the salamanders and I can already hear all the comments from the salamanders fans politely suggesting like hey sander love the video great stuff but you didn't really focus on their uh love or self-reliance all the rights they get to the weird stuff going on with the salamanders bodies like the heat vision they have and a bunch of other stuff yeah the heavy Vision we'll get to that later uh when are you gonna cover all that and my response to that would be you're right you guys won by such an enormous margin you'll be getting a second episode that's going to be covering just that next week this one was just uh the history of the salamanders how they started how they got here and then we're going to get more into the nitty-gritty next week so tune in where we will mostly focus on how they how exactly they accomplish their whole night in shining armor stick as always thank you for being you and we will see you then
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 39,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z9P3ChVsGeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 8sec (4208 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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