Tyranids hunted by Deathwatch. Community Army back in action! Warhammer 40k in 40m.

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the Death Watch have come to claim back terrain lost in the last conflict on planet zanthia of the haia system and the tyranid look to maintain their foothold at all costs adding the biomass of these asares to their own in an effort to rest control of the hostia system from the hands of the Imperials finest who takes control who holds the planet who will win the battle for zanthia this is 40k and 40 minutes Death Watch versus tyranids greetings 40K fans your host JT the voice of play on here and boy howdy have we got a barn bur for you today child of chaos Tao puts his nurgle Tendencies aside in order to square up against the master of the moving phase Movin and the community Death Watch Army oh what a happy day I get to play muin and the community death watch with the tyranids invasion Fleet Leviathan Tao was bringing a bit of a mixed bag of tyranids in an invasion Fleet to Detachment that has the potential to do some serious work and most importantly score The Best of Both Worlds no doubles it's a Highlander list it's got all sorts of big gribblies little gribblies he's got death leaper a neurot tyrant as his warlord five Barb guns some neurog gants with a neuro lior pyro Wares Von Ryan's leapers a ripper swarm a norn Emissary a psychop FAS a screamer killer and a Trigon the key to my victory is the non Emissary this is a huge awesome stats he's going to go try and take that Center objective and score me lots of points it's going be great it is incredibly powerful and one of the best defensive units in the game first game of 2024 and what better way to kick off my first game of the year with none other than the community Death Watch against tyranids mubin has definitely set himself a challenge here with our community Death Watch Army as many of these units were made with love for a previous Edition so adapting them to 10th has proved a task that he is heroically taking up the cause of mov is running a watchmaster with a big Squad of Death Watch veterans he's also got a librarian in Phobos armor leading a spectris kill team a squad of Death Watch Terminators with hammer and shield five intercessors a corvis black star a redemptor dreadn and a repulser my key to Victory this game is going to be utilizing that spectrus kill team to get me objectives score me secondaries and just help me with board control while the rest of my Army slowly whittles away at those big hunking monsters especially that norn Emissary I expect the black star and the redemptor dread to do some serious work they're a big chunk of his points so don't sleep on that repulser it's got some big guns and can do some serious work I'm getting going to get aggressive I'm going to get up there I'm going to try and see how many of these dark armored Space Marine religious psychotics I can take out before they pollute this entire planet and make it so that I can't grow my eggs as I want to today's mission is Dawn of War so long home edges and a classic deployment our mission is the ritual so players will deploy their own secondary objectives and sweep and clear is the mission specific rule so the objectives held at the start of the command phase will remain held until taken away this should give both players the opportunity to put objectives in places that are advantageous to them and if they do so they should be able to score with impunity well moving so we meet again we meet again I hear you've been polluting my planet and making it impossible for my eggs to grow beautifully I have no idea what you're talking about all I heard was there is eggs and tyranids and filthy filthy zenos and we need to purge them it's our job that's what the Death Watch do tigo's going to put his one Ripper swarm in deep strike reserve the Trigon also sets up a deep strike Reserve that's a neat one it can come in awful darn close if it wants to the neurot Tyrant is leading the neuroon Movin place his fiveman Terminator Squad in deep strike the corvis Blackstar has the Death Watch vets and watchmaster inside the Repulsor has got his heavy intercessors and the fobos librarian leads a Spectra's kill team and I think it's time to see who gets to D playy fast good luck mben o I roll a five all right we both roll five oh shoot three okay I rolled the three as well well fine another three three I you know what I'll let you be the defender I am defending the eggs will be mine movement's list is going to be really difficult to understand from the deployment he's got it all packed into vehicles and deep striking so he's going to be able to move around the map faster than I'm going to be able to react sometimes a neuro lior oh a neuro Lor going start these boys right here because the footall librarian says n uhuh can't shoot me right here right in the middle I'm really afraid of the frag cannons that he's got in that corvus black star hopefully I can make sure that they don't get to where they want to go so they can just take everything out all by themselves so I have my last drop uh I think redemptor is going to go over on this side hide on that corner they call me death leaper I leap around and do deathy things all right we'll go right back there Taos plac those Barb guns inside the building so all of you at home can see them we've just put them on top for now the building does have windows so he will be able to shoot in and out V Ryan uh yes the F Ryan [Music] and that corvus BlackStar is really hoping to be out hope to live through round one but I'm not sure if his stealth is good enough if the tanif effect gets lucky it could pluck it right out of the sky let's hope be on a hope the lives to the first round because statting that entire Death Watch Team in his own deployment Zone could be rough all right mben let's see who goes first I kind of think I want to go first this game with good board position I can make it difficult for moving to pick targets that are going to push me off of my objectives now normally I want to go first I'm all about the ye but with the Death Watch I do have to play a little more reserved and I kind of want to go second and let Tao bring things out into the open so that I can pick apart that Army good luck I got three a three versus a four oo you got to go first I like this first ooh Good Luck Good Luck sir this episode is brought to you in support of the new game from Frontline gaming bloodthrone the Tower of sacrifice coming to Kickstarter January 18th 2024 blood Throne is a Cooperative Dark Fantasy board game for one to seven players it features Innovative mechanics beautiful Miniatures sculpted by the Masters at creature Caster popup 3D terrain and a persistent narratively driven campaign the Box comes loaded with hundreds of cards tokens and artwork from some of the best talent in the industry take command of the last Accord LED by your party of Heroes each with their own backstory strengths and weaknesses will you stop belore from ascending to godhood upon the blood Throne or will you fail in the attempt coming to Kickstarter January 18th 2024 in Z command phase we get command points I get command points I get one as well yay the norn Emissary has chosen the middle objective to hold for all of its bonuses Tao has chosen to go with swarming instincts meaning that he's going to get sustained hits versus infantry army-wide not a bad choice considering most of movement's army is infantry he's pulled bring it down and deploy homers at the end of my first command phase this objective becomes sticky yay so we start the movement Tao is going first this is fantastic he's slowly pulling his units out into the open he's still being a little Cy about it but that norn Emissary is coming out to the center death leaper is coming out to play I'm going to have a few targets that I can actually shoot and he doesn't have that much that can get at me yet after yeah 6 in look at him go of goodness death leaper deploying homers in the midt and the pyrovore chooses to drop a new objective shooting face now tanif effect firing into the black star movement SP his command point an armor contempt let's see if he can actually survive this tan effects go p no two hits two Mo in how could you yes I'll start my command Point let me roll one of those a three can I roll a six can you roll a six it's a one here comes the damage box cars oh my 12 damage that's nuts and there's the box cars oh my God but it does leave leave it with two wounds remaining two wounds and then at the end of your turn and a Tao's turn sees the Spectra's kill team get picked back up to go back into Reserve to come back next turn and three secondary points for Tao for deploy homers Tao's kept bring it down as he seriously wounded that black star and the Repulsor and redemptor are still on the table it's potential for him to Max eight points on it so start of my turn I'm going to take a command Point me too I'm going to draw second AR moin's secondaries are secure no man's land and storm hosle objective not great he's choosing to O the moment at the norn Emissary if I have any hope of taking that Center objective and getting some secondaries and primary points at this point I need to get rid of that nor I'm not entirely sure about this without a battle tactic this turn it's going to be awfully tough to bring that monstrosity down but if he can that is a huge chunka Tao's Army that will just evaporate cor's black star has passed battles shock so he'll be good there the objective underneath my Repulsor it's sticky it's sticky got it start my movement with the dread knot heavy intercessors disembark from the repulser so they will have to move cuz yeah they got to climb a building oh this is an interesting move he's pushed the corvis Blackstar up the table and kept its cargo of deathwatch veterans inside I would think he might have jumped them out now or dropped them out early and gone after that norn in the middle interesting choice Tao overwatching with the tanoa he's out of command points but it's worth a shot and the corvis stays up now going to have the infiltrators come back in the infiltrators come back in to perform the ritual and drop an objective into shoting lusting lusting I'm going to start with the poor poor corvus Blackstar yep yep yep corvis Blackstar firing into the norn Emissary now oh that assault Cannon's done some work four devastating wounds and Tao shrugs two thanks to the five up field o pan on the objective but it is getting hurt down to 14 remaining on my off simulator heavy intercessors into the same Target that's my target but R rolling so sixes he's okay everything from the redemptor into that Emissary gotcha the redemptor now has dropped the norn down to eight wounds and the Hazardous check is okay I'm whittling the nor down it's taking damage I'm getting some really good devastating wounds and this is going pretty good actually I was expecting it go a lot worse now to see if the big guns can do it and now last but not least the good old repulser it's a one shot I have one Hunter Slayer missile let's do this a swing a miss and another swing a miss you got to be kidding me go go last ton hits with both of those I get one oh no it fails it fails that's where I spend my command point I only rolled a one command reroll on a wound oh it's a one into a one how many times have we seen that why dice why this was your one job I ignore one of them take one down to seven H you have to be kidding me both players out of command points and the Emissary lives with seven wounds remaining end of my turn I'm going to spawn an objective marker thanks to my little friends here not a ton in it first turn movement does secure no man's land for two and discard storm hostle objective for a command point and we have three to2 as we head into turn two I was a little worried about the damage that um mubin list can put out but I managed to weather to the storm and not lose any models first round that's pretty big the norn is still alive and cooking all right this is a big round I'm going to make some charges now oh yeah here we come Tao draws investigate signals to add to his bring it down very interesting as he does have the Rippers to come in as well as a Trigon so he could score well on this he goes up to one command point to movements two the nurds go to the Von Ryan leapers and the barbon giving them APS for the rest of the turn and his norn has succeeded on battles shock Tao manages 10 points on primary this turn 13 to2 as we head into his turn two oh I sticky some objectives oh you do it's moving time Tao's got the target he's got the first turn Advantage so he's already halfway up the board there's going to be a lot of charges a lot of shooting a lot of death a lot of Carnage destruction and I'm crossing my fingers praying to the dice gods and and hoping I can withstand some of this storm this guy just floated around he's not advancing or anything because he's going to look put down an objective not a ton in his movement phase it looks like he's going to run the norn forward I'm not sure about this that five up field pain was really key to keeping him alive last turn psycho psycho T's definitely got board control here and he's got deep striking units still movement does have the potential for Rapid Ingress with his Terminators I wonder if he'll use itot Trigon drops in within nine of that corner to investigate signals Ripper swarm does the same neurot Tyrant and friends have dropped a new objective oh boy it looks like The spectre's Kill team could be in trouble the shooting phase all right barbon start off our shooting phase into the heavy intercessors 5 D6 plus five shots is a lot they're okay no real damage but the heavy intercessors are now disrupted they'll be minus two to move to advance and a charge the psychop is going to puke all over your corvus Brar oh the psycho now put six hits into the black star leaving it on one wound he's still alive Mr Pew is going to split fire oh no yes he is oh no we know how JT feels about that don't split fire I'm going to anyway the rupture cannon into that Repulsor and the Stinger Salvo see if they can pull down the Black Star hit on two all the sixes I got one down to eight wounds remaining go black star go survive six nothing let's let's go to the screamer killer bioplasmic scream at the spectrus kill team the infiltrators have lost a wound to the screaming killer neural Lance the Repulsor here we go both of them hit the Emissary neural lances into the Repulsor one wound Tao command rolls out of command points now but does 10 damage b boom I needed a command Point roll on the wound but the norn does it and blows that redemptor completely away awesome five victory points for bring it down there moving right along to my favorite phase the charge phase and luckily most of my charges here are basically unfailable we're going to start with a psychop phage into the black star hey look it makes it makes it kind of like Co up the norn will charge your heavy interets eating of the Space Marines a death leaper is going to charge the Spectra kill team death leaper charges the spectre's kill team I think the infiltrators are in trouble the Von Ryan leapers charge the same te Squad screamer killer into the same Target oh boy well that spectris kill team isn't long for this world there's leapers and leapers and leapers and a screamer killer that's a lot of angry I think Movin is regretting dropping that spectre's kill team there he's given Tao a huge springboard with charges and Tao has managed to sink every single charge I made all my charges that's monstrous that's so big I think I'm going to be able to eat all sorts of Space Marines including those heavy intercessor death leaper will go first though he is just going to munch on the unit death leaper leap death leaper has eaten the librarian's brain and that's going to give him a command Point The Librarian Is down I'll go with the leapers next they have six attacks a piece leap MBA chooses not to interrupt the Von Ryan leapers now managed to take down one more [Music] infiltrator psychop nibbles on an airplane num nom oh only three times do it no he says absolutely not I won't do it ho the Black Star survives this is going to be the hero black star it's going to be the hero let's do the norm mov uses armor contempt here for one command point on his heavy intercessors and they live nobody died R Ro Shaggy somebody might be in trouble you survived the charge of the Emissary no problemer screamer killer let's do fun things with him screamer killer going to make up for all of this 10 attacks on threes and sustained against infant five UPS let's go moving ma oh wow he's killed the entire Squad that is huge oh yeah heavy under what itss and the plane yes I'm going to go with the plane first fighting plane on vies runbing speed looking for five he's only strength six save on but that shouldn't do it that's not it I do get a five up F no pick you do that's I feel the pain you have beaten the crap out of my psycho Fage with your plane in Hand of hand combat I now make an objective I am really liking my board position right now this is how it should look when the hers are playing the bugs are crawling around everywhere giving the the Marines fits just being everywhere that that the Marines want to be it's awesome big big secondary turn for Tao five on bring it down and six on investigate signals that brings him up to 20 24 to M's 2 however Movin has got those Terminators to come in to seriously mess up Tao's backline let's see what he does mben chooses Malia tactics for lethal hits this turn no primary as Tao has pushed him off all of the objective he's got to get back on there he's UL the moment at the norn Emissary again I think he should be able to take it down this turn this is getting rough I'm not really scoring a lot of points Tao's got a bit of a lead I got to hope for a decent secondary draw and I've got to alleviate some of this pressure so I can start making objectives for myself again he's pulled investigate signals and area denial oh investigate signals is no good there's a command Point spend on new orders to get engaged on all fronts with deep Strikers he could definitely get that plane is actually going to stay where he is okay the Death Watch vets have disembarked and stayed close to those big beasties from the Corpus Blackstar heavy interceptions have fall back but not far because of course they're disrupted I've had enough of Mr Pew gotcha the Terminators have dropped in behind Tao's lines looking to charge the tanif effects okay let's start shooting things I'm going to start with the redemptor it's punching everything into the screamer killer okay dreadn into the screamer killer does some work takes him down to three wounds and the Hazardous checks okay kill team vets into the nor Emissary and the screamer killer one command point on Hellfire rounds to W the screamer killer on fives with bolters and the frag launchers into the norn all have lethal hits cuz aalia tactics takes a screamer killer to two wounds I don't know about that spin someone check those dragon fire rounds they weren't really that great uh I we're going to come back to that one command point for one wound that's rough 8 D3 dice into the norn with the frag cannons norn with all the frag launchers no kill but takes it down to three wounds left I'm dumping everything into theary storm strike launcher misses rrolling he hits It's a lethal it goes right through uhoh oh no yay oh the Black Star takes down the norn Emissary the norn is down a down it goes to a hail of fire he was taking shots from all over downtown right next door even in the suburbs let's do the charging thing right I'm going to start with the hardest one first the Terminators need a 9in charge and muin finally makes a 9in charge new year new muin the tan effect is also battles shocked because of the Terminator Special Rule box cars 12 in into that tan effect we're going to bring it down redemptor doesn't like the cut and jib that death leaper Redemptive charging death leaper needs a four oh he fails with a three that is not good oh the redemptor fails a charge did I really just roll a three a three but it'll be that my death leaper and my my screamer killer survives that's pretty amazing I'm stoked about that they are going to charge into that juicy looking psychop Death Watch vets charge the psychop phase all my charges are done the beating on the bugs now the beating on the bugs is correct I have 15 attacks coming in from Thunder hammers into that tanif effect uh-oh Hammer go Bon oh the tanox is taking four wounds from the the Terminators I'm just going to start with the watchmaster six attacks Death Watch vets now and the watchmaster gets his wound ignored he poked him and he was like there's a death watch thunderhammer in there four wounds from the Death Watch Thunder Hammers and two from long vigil weapons cyop is down to three wounds and he's bonking with close combat weapons can he take it out no only two wounds left on the psychop FAS the psychop FAS lives with two wounds remaining just two just two with all the roll hits with all the lethal hits he's still alive and then you get to fight back oh the fighting backs who do you want to fight back with first Sir Psycho he's got two wounds left he's very happy with his two wounds he doesn't Brack it does he he doesn't psycho Fage claps back at the unit not the corvus black star in case it blows up and kills him I'm just going to take it on one of the regular guys he's okay he's fine but that concludes my turn enter round two and movement has scored three on a gauge three on air denial takes him up to eight 24 to8 not bad but I can't help feel the pressure Tao's put on has got moving on the back foot he didn't clear up enough of Tao's big monsters I think and he still has not got any primary points Tao's got a bit of a lead it's 24 to8 I need to make sure these Death Watch vets survive to be honest I feel like this this black star is going to live again it's just going to I believe in it this this is still anybody's game turn three is going to be another good round to the pids I smell some more charges on the Wind yes yes turn three Tao draws overwhelming force and assassination the psychop phase fails battles shock scammer killer he's fine oh yeah scammer killer he loves it but tyo scored 15 primary takes him up to 39 terat effects um you should run away run away and then Barb gon's moving backoo Tao really pressing his Advantage here keeping moving on his back foot this is going about the way I expected there's bugs bugs more bugs and more bugs all of those dark armored Space Marines have come out of hiding and I get to eat them now looks like it's going to be an 8 in charge for the Trigon around that corner let's see if he makes that one too death leer about to move death Le before he moves movement still has lethal hits so he's choosing to OverWatch death leaper takes him down to three wounds and then the neurer but he is going to come after your watchmaster the shoting time pyrovore do pyrovore things pyrovore opens up and the heavy intercessors take it Tron do the try things ooh ju oh he takes one I bio electric tickled him Barb GS in the Terminators let's do that but no heavy this time they make their sa but they're slow they're slow I will give you a slow marker psycho Fage is going to barf all over your airplane barf psychop Fage takes down the corvus Black Star was shooting no the Black Star it finally goes down to that psycho page ah well you know what if lasted a lot longer than it should have and by God if that's not a VIP if I've ever seen one that's a VIP screamer killer screamer killer yeah that's right he's going to yell at your redemptor the screamer killer has taken a wound from that redemptor now for Char charges let's start with the important one Trigon needs an eight to reach the redemptor and he's in huzzah 10 Trigon is in here comes the screamer killer screamer killer makes it in as well and here come the leapers again they can't fail Von Ryan's leapers surround that Port treit knot the neurer and death leaper are looking for they can try the neuro elector charges the Death Watch veterans and death leaper death leaper into the Veterans as well can Tao fail a charge he's made every single charge this game man you cannot count for that that is brutal and it's really showing it on the scoreboard let's start with a screamer killer 10 attacks here we go four UPS I make three of them uh goes down to two so I'm down to eight wounds remaining all righty Bon Ryan leapers down to seven let's finish him off Trion goes o bopping them on threes pop away looking for fours I make two again Five Wounds remaining let's try and eat your watch MK okay death leaper leaping leap away you will fail oh death leaper kills another character the watchmaster has gone down unfortunately that watchmaster just couldn't make it he tried he tried so hard there are a lot of Bus left yep he attacks six times two six winning on threes vet with the shield okay nope he's dead three more saves left to make Shield is gone and then one has a wound left you get to pick the First on going this nice little dog pile here yeah is just going to have a whole bunch of things attacking everywhere I've got a bunch of guys that are going to attack into the psycho Fage we got a couple guys that are going to fight into the neuro Lor and a couple guys that are going to fight into death leaper and try to finish him off I'm going to start with the sergeant with the xenophase blade so I'm going to go with the two guys into the death leaper the death watch Js fights back into multiple units death leaper has to use a command roll to live and he does to five the thunderhammer into the neuro Lor uh-oh ouch three damage he is down to four and that little buddy's got a long vigil weapon go go long vigil holy can he move oh he can oh no I take two two damage all right two long vigil weapons and then two close combat weapons good one is not strength five so three on uh death leaper takes all and looks like five on the neor he makes one one of them back so psychop has three left and then the psychop is turn uhoh Splat oh I need to ignore three of these to survive mhm I ignore one oh the psychop Fage goes down and takes death leaper and a veteran with him psychop is down and he took death leaper with him yes no more F no pains and death leaper is gone he was such a menace but now he's gone I'm going greedy here oh going to the redemptor is going to take three punches into the Von Ryan leapers all right and then two into the screamer killer to finish that yes five attacks so we'll start with the Von Ryan leapers and then TW yeah I make one of course one Bon Ryan is down and then the two into Mr screamy Mr screamy gets once that's all he needs that's all he needs wounding negative I wonder if he should have split attacks there or not could he have killed the screamer killer could he have killed the Von Ryan leapers I don't know but that was tough but that's the end of your turn no overwhelming Force Tao is discarding it but he's already gained a command point this turn sitting at three cuz death leaper ate the watch Master's brain only scores five on secondary he's put a big lead up here and it's a big hill to climb for moving but he has the ability to get back into it but has to start like now I've got a pretty good lead so I think that I can keep up the pressure and hopefully close this one out ubben pulled no prisoners and extend battle lines both eminently doable but again zero primary this is rough mben chosen fur tactics this turn giving him sustained hits one on all death watch weapons he's choosing to oath of moment the Trigon interesting choice Tao has called shadows in the warp here and the Terminators as well as those heavy intercessors fail that is going to make holding his home objective interesting despite the fact that it's sticky and held until a command phase The Tao holds it MBA now has Zer o see on it that's rough Death Watch veterans he's got to do some work here in his movement phase and get on objectives that he's not done so so far however if he kills everything it won't matter because he'll have the run-of the board I might as well move the three towards the tan effect effects and try to go for the TR effects go swinging boys go swinging shooting let's start with the redemptor plasma into the pyrovore okay everything else into the Trigon redemptor splitting fire killing the pyrovore but the Trion takes nothing that's not good so I have the sergeant with the bolt gun that can shoot into the neurer and then all the other guns that can reach are going to go into the screamer killer Tao uses rapid regeneration on the screamer killer to give it a five up Feld no pain he's down to three command points firing the first shot into the neuro Lor with the sergeant oh sorry it's two shots not one roll looking for fives command roll on the elor to save it and he does down to two command points two bold guns into the screammer killer roll one sixes hey I get two of them oh one gets through can I I ignore it on a five don't do it screamer killer has lived this is not going well the screamer killer won't die rapid regen on the screamer killer oh baby yeah oh baby yeah he's still alive oh yeah why won these things die why these bugs are too tough I need to kill them better so the one that's within 12 is going to try and pop off the neor one last time and then the other four are going to dump everything into Mr scamer and killer Hellfire rounds for one command point to try to take down both the neuro liquer and the screamer killer both hit uhoh uh-oh both wounds I need Force I am super dead one down that's the neur Lector can he kill the screamer killer five k an anti monster three ap1s one fail five up ignored he does it wow oh that screamer killer should have been dead a long time ago so that ends my shooting cuz that's all the shooting I've got okay Char charges Terminators into the back end of the Teran effect right go go Terminators the Terminators have made their charge into the tanif effect and then the heavy intercessors are going to just charge the screamer killer the heavy intercessors have charge the screamer killer they are in so now everyone is actually Base to Base and combat or the heavy intercessors into that screamer killer all the extra drop kicks oh the screamer killer is hanging on Death Watch Terminators two Terminator things sustained hits do work for the Terminators but again only four wounds to the tan effects ongoing I will pick my screamer killer okay screamer killer now attacking the dreadn I got four UPS I make three of them oh my God the redemptor lives with a single wound a single wound he's probably going to die to the Trigon but maybe he doesn't and he's just going to turn around and pinch at the Trigon okay the Trigon is getting slapped by the dreadn Five Wounds left on it so close so 12 attacks hitting on fours this time oh the redemptor dreads gone down oh no that is not what Movin wanted I finally got him oh yeah he has scored nine on secondaries this turn five an extend battle lines and four on no prisoners for two kills 17 secondary points to tyo 19 but primary is the story 25 primary for Tao no primary for Movin currently but that's about to change as long as as he can hold on of the objectives he has I've still got two entire turns of scoring and I score last on turn five so there is a good chance I can actually snag some points here and maybe pull out a win maybe probably we'll see all right it's your turn I get a command point I need to draw some objectives Tao draws capture enemy Outpost and cleanse he already has the enemy Outpost is this the final strong turn four the plan is to maintain that pressure I think that letting up now would really allow moving back into more scoring opportunities so now is not the time to get conservative and try and like hold on to stuff I think I need to get in there kill those heavy intercessors and make sure his veterans have a really hard time figuring out how they're going to scrape this game out I do have battle shocks to take he's spending a command point on insane bravery to guarantee that he captures enemy Outpost so the Trigon does not fail battle shock the screamer killer succeeds on his battles shock talk about an MVP the tanif effect has failed battles shock he will not be able to fall back from those [Music] Terminators the movement phase go go Barb guts wo Barb guts Barb guts Trigon is going for a hike so who scooch scooch ton oh cuz are swinging around in the open I'm going to spend a command point that Trigon needs to go down moving choosing to OverWatch it cuz Su stain look at that folks bolters takes it down to a single wound are you kidding me sustained hits and an oam moment Target and it still lives with a single wound hi guys hey how's it going how's it going stream my rippers are going to climb into this Factory and turn it off four Barb Gs are going to be hting at your not my veterans leave my veterans alone I will not they'll be saving on three what he killed three what the heck where did movement's dice go Nur Tyrant yep mind bullets into your veterans yep that is six Hits free I'm going to roll because of his Perfection one of his failed moves there you go there one more for you four UPS it is no it takes it so it's two of them dead sergeant and the regular Bolter guy well let's shoot at them some more Tryon bioelectric pulse yep that's two whole BS I make one fill one I think kingom shoot him in the face with the the the sticker Salo away ooh five I think uh yes yeah Terminators I have yet to hurt your Terminators looking for twos tyan he shoots a Terminator in the Gob take that the charges Trion trying to take on those veterans oh yeah tenants charge the Trion has made it that is massive ooh huge charge from my Trigon this could be it the neurot Tyrant okay he's in I will fight you don't count these vets out though all moving has to do is hold on a little bit and he'll be fine so uh you have no command points so I'll do my Chargers yep let's do the happy happy Trigon first 12 attacks hting on fours the TR Trion has wiped the Death Watch veterans oh no I think that's it they tried to stick through unfortunately they're no match for those trigon's claws I think that's all we can do that is absolutely brutal Tao did not fail a single charge the entire game Movin couldn't make a 4in charge he made a 9 in but he couldn't make a 4 in and that failed charge from the redemptor I think is what's going to end up costing him the game but the story of this game folks is Tao doesn't fail to charge and Movin does his level best to keep Pace but in the end Tao pulls it off the Death Watch are going to tactically retreat for now and we'll be back next time we'll be back with bigger angrier weapons maybe more Thunder hammers more Thunder hammers game is going to end with a final score of 80 to 27 bit of a blowout in the scoreboard but really it was close until that failed charge from the redemptor and the 10in charge from the Trigon sealed the deal what a fantastic game gentleman extremely well played moving so close to the death watch I was really pulling for you and I pity the person who has to play you the next time with that Army cuz you sir are getting very good with it Tao what can we say you never failed the charge you put the pressure on from the start you took movement to task and he was sadly not up for it well done on your Victory sir make sure to check out blood Throne on Kickstarter January 18th 2024 the allnew game from fr online gaming you can even check out some early gameplay right here on our Channel thank you Tao that was a fantastic game thank you to mben for being the most amazing opponent and most of all thank you to you our fantastic viewers we can't do this without all of you this is fantastic and you know what maybe we add more to this Death Watch Army I don't know maybe we'll see stay tuned if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around or hey just like subscribe share we appreciate all the love you can send us that's it for all of us here at the play on Studios folks this is JT the voice of play on saying as always until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play [Music] on [Music] oh
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 140,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: 7NPaFOqcST0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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