Orks vs Crimson Fists. Warhammer 40k in 40m. 1,250 points of krumpin and bolter fire.

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[Music] this is Brick irar your field reporter bringing you the best of scraps decid a gawk gr we's got real proper scrap you today fans as the Crimson fist trying to stem the tide of our Mighty W in a match up what seems as old as time itself way back in the early days of Rogue Trader Captain Pedro Cantor held off an assault south of the capital of renor during a massive orc Invasion Steven James do their level best to replay that classic matchup in this episode of 40K and 40 minutes battle at the farm again greetings 40K fans and welcome to this classic episode of 40K in 40 minutes your host JT the voice of PlayOn and Space Marine Steve Mr edition of James Jones Crimson fists Orcs what else have I got to say I'm space queen Steve welcome to the play on Studio I'm really excited to be in the studio today why because the new Space Marine codex just came out at the time of this filming it is still October which means it is Space Marine toober stop saying Space Marine October it's orctober and you know it true to form Steve is bringing an anvil seeg Force indicative of how the Crimson fists play I playing my Crimson fists today very appropriate to just wipe all of the Orcs right off the table he's got a captain and gravis armor with the stoic Defender enhancement a librarian a heavy intercessor Squad an impulsor some aggressors with bolters a hell blaster squad some inceptors an infiltrator Squad a redemptor dreadn and a squad of Terminators and the Tech Marine is there to baby sit my dreadn damn do I love this thing he's big he's shiny and he is upset that there are Orcs on the table that redemptor dreadn really poses a lot of questions that I'm not sure James has the answer for I am bringing a fast Beast Saga Army I'm hoping to penetrate the center of the table and take control of the objectives early and smash anything that comes to try to take them away James has brought a beast boss and a beast boss on a sasur with head wapas kill choer one Squad of 20 beast sagab boys and a squad of 10 Beast sagab Boys also another Squad of boys boys boys boys that's the way to play the Orcs he's got a truck with a wrecking ball a squad a Gretchen a hunter rig and some Squig hog boys those Squig hog boys are a big unit and can absolutely wreck Vehicles I'm expecting them to charge hard into the impulsor or the dreadn and really wreck its day can he take down the dread knot before the dread knot takes him down also don't sleep on the Beast boss on Squig aaur head wppa kill chop up makes his wounds gain devastating so he could do some serious damage to whatever he charges good luck Steve you're going to need it today's mission is Dawn of War how classic can we get long table edges and 24 in apart we're also playing Purge the foe another throwback it's hold hold more kill kill more all for Four Points each today's Mission special is chilling rain so no additional special rules Mr initiative I've been super excited for this all day long we haven't played each other in a long time I think part of the issue is that uh every time we do the league I'm at the top and you're down at the middle this episode is brought to you by terrain crate from Mantic Games it's time to bring your sci-fi battlefields to life with terrain crate whether it's carnivorous alien jungles or ruined Gothic cities there's a wide range of immersive and affordable terrain packs to build your ideal Battlefield super detailed scatter terrain to really make your battlefields feel immersive there are great value packs of Battlefield scatter and much much more Gamers love terrain crate because there are no bruise just brilliantly designed ready to paint scenery that is super detailed to bring your greatest battles to life Teran crate is tough too made of super durable PVC it's designed by Gamers for gaming and built to last just for our audience use code play on 15 to save 15% off terrain and more at the link in the description valid until March of 2024 now back to the action attacker Defender oo a six I want you to be the attacker you deploy first looks like Steve Jos to place both his Terminators and inceptors in reserve the hell blasters with attached librarian are going in the impulser and the captain is going with the heavy intercessors that's going to provide a solid fire base at his backline the big Squad of beast snagger boys with the Beast bosses going inside that Hunter rig the Squig hog boys and the knob on Smasher Squig are actually going in reserve and the Beast nagga Boys are going in the truck I would think that James would want the Squig hog boys to actually come in Via rapid Ingress turn two it's going to be really interesting when he calls the W because they benefit more from charging on the walk turn than they do any other so I can put a unit down 10 grats on my home objective Captain with all the heavy intercessors behind this piece of terrain aggressors let's get these Oro on table here impulser R Breer this is a truck infiltrators right back here good not right [Music] there is my Tech Marine right [Music] here both players have hidden as much as possible it really looks like like neither player wants to go first this should make for a potentially really quick turn one as nobody has a lot of shots Steve does have his infiltrators for deployed on his right flank to make a play for that objective I'm not sure if I entirely agree with that as it does give James a potential early charge do you want to go first or do you want to go second I don't care my Army swings both ways let's roll oh sick looks like Steve's going to be going first top of turn one and both players gain a command Point Steve has drawn engaged on all fronts and tempting Target and James has chosen the center objective for Steve to take engaging all friends and attempting Target in this particular Mission this particular setup against this particular opponent and army that's bad Steve take that the Tech Marine blesses the redemptor for a plus one to hit you know what we are going to W that was really loud there we go James has decided to w turn one interesting that's going to force Steve to stay back and not be aggressive as James can advance and charge this turn I think I have to W turn one if he comes forward into the center of the table I'm going to chew his forces up found it very valuable to have my opponent be nervous and stay back in their deployment Zone on turn [Music] one [Music] so all of my weapons are heavy everything has the heavy keyword now because I'm using Anvil Siege Forest looks like Steve is moved into position to stand and shoot on his next turn and that's about it Steve has decided to force James to stretch with his W turn whereas James has forced Steve to stay back with the same interesting back and forth already Steve's discarded engage in all fronts to gain an extra command point and is keeping tempting Target so he'll have to try to take that Center objective two command points to one in favor of Steve as we head into turn two all right so my turn James draws his secondaries he's got engaged on all fronts and deployed teleport homers not great but actually not too bad Steve has gone to three command points and James two as the grots have failed to farm him a command [Music] point that small Squad of Beast Stager boys is going to deploy Homer's mid board after hopping out of that transport the Beast boss with the sasur blitzes forward he's going to wreck [Music] something ooh the hunter rig just kind of Stutter Steps looks like somebody dumped the clutch boy Squad advances I'm thinking those infiltrators could be in serious trouble or shooting phase now incidental at best the mortar in into your heavy intercessors there three UPS make them both we will shoot the truck at them as well hits twice five I'm going to shoot the rocket into your impulser nothing so we will go into the charge here's what we're waiting for folks charge phase the boys and the Beast boss are both in fight phase now Steve spends a command point on Armor of contempt but James has chosen the Beast boss to go first he's on the w a grand total of six plus one attacks he's managed to kill two infiltrators with the Beast boss boys now into the squad can they pick it up oh boy can they the impulsor fights back and kills one of the boys James has deployed homers for three engag at all fronts for three that gives him six points and he's got eight primary for kill and kill more 14 to zero I'm on all the center objectives except one Steve's going to have to work to get me off of them he didn't get rid of anything super important I got all my big guns left let's just see if Mr initiative can handle my next shooting facee Steve's turn two now and the hunter rig is oath the moment and tempting Target is still the center objective Steve uses his blessings of the obai on the redemptor to give it plus one to hit and he's drawn bring it down as his second objective Four Points primary for Steve up to three command points same as James redemptor dreadnut moving up field those beast ngga boys are in some serious trouble bolt storm aggressors are sneaking up on the edge here oh the inceptors Deep strike danger close Steve's decided to keep his Terminators in reserve I'm going to choose to kind of throw away the inceptors here because I need this tempting Target I need to score points to keep up with him it's also going to create kind of like like a little speed bump sort of hopefully keep him contained in the center of the board so I can just get like maybe one more round of shooting out of him yeah we're going to go into shooting impulser now opens up out of those orc boys and oh boy H Berto this could be huge come on fives three AP nothings save none six shots from the Iron Hill heavy stubber on threes up to twos back to threes cuz I'm in uh I'm in combat four hits these are on fives again uh two AP nothings save one 10 shots from the hell blasters the threes one miss so nine hits twos because it's heavy and I remain stationary I have six up in B Dead Boys is dead redemptor firing into the oath Hunter rig now and it takes seven wounds and then the tech Marine's going to hit it with it with its Forge Bolter hitting on threes rrolling and then on sixes nothing intercessor Squad they are going to Target the rig Steve is going to spend his free battle tactic from his gravis Captain for no threat too great that's going to let him roll fail wounds as well as a command point on Battle Jill recall takes him down to two command points he's going to do some serious work here so on fives rrolling you didn't roll a single six or not he only manages two wounds wow down to seven the inceptors now are going to Target those Beast nagab Boys James spends a command point on Hard As Nails giving them minus one to be wounded he's down to two command points as well threes uh sixes are sustained to oh yeah oh wow love that and then on five three rolling because are twin L five AP minus 1es two damage a piece so five six UPS failed them all five six UPS made two they're two damage piece though two more of these no okay the kill five no charges or fights for Steve however he does score tempting Target to put him up to nine points total to James is 14 Steve's kept bring it down to carry forward to the next turn James turn two now he's pulled storm hostile objective and secure no man's land fantastic draws for him the GRS give him an extra command Point puts him to four and Steve to three 189 is your score as we head into James is turn [Music] two the kill rig has survived turn one now I'm going to move it up to the middle of the table I don't know if Steve forgot but this thing has 21 dudes waiting inside Steve chooses to OverWatch with this dread knot for a command point no Hazard has failed but only one wound of the hunter rig my movement phase is finished shy face now these snagger boys are going to fire into the inceptors hit you twice it wounds you once good to go hunter rig opens up into the inceptors The Stick of bomb misses the dread however regular Beast Sanga boys they all had it and then fives three more ones cool fail two do the thump gun from the Beast boss on sasur into your truck D3 shots for two fives no and now we will charge oh the Beast boss on Squig usar charges the impulsor and he's in the h rig slams into the inceptors I will uh fight with the rig first Steve spinning two command points here to heroically intervene with his dread dot he rolls his charge and he fails oh no he rolled a three oh man that's going to hurt wow okay so you're saying is there's a chance yep let's see if this rig can kill you Hunter rig now is doing some serious work and those aggressors are picked up all right let's go over there B Spot on Squig aaur into your repulser James spends a command point on unbridled Carnage to have exploding hits on fives and gets eight devastating wounds with his Beast boss the big Champa Squig Jaws Squig assart jaws now munches the impulser and it explodes so D3 uh Mortals heading your way for one one whole mortal one feel no pain oh yeah four plus baby hell blasters have to make an emergency disembarkation and one of the hell blasters dies oh no what a huge turn for James James has managed kill kill more again that puts him at 20 primary he secured no men's land and he stormed hostle objective still sits at three command points and has 36- 13 starting to become a bit of a [Music] runaway Steve still has bring it down and has drawn deploy teleport homers so I've drawn deploy teleport homers and I have a unit in deep strike also bring it down still very active the kill rig is here and the truck is here he's othing that Hunter rig and has to kill it that has to go down so this is the good choice Tech Marine does his cheerleading makes the redemptor better James to four command points Steve up to one yeah face redemptor Tech Marine moved to the midb [Music] end of my movement phase oh Terminators are dropping in the backline I think he's going to deploy homers with him James chooses to Rapid Ingress into Steve's backline he's down to three command points and those Squig hog boys are in I don't think that these Beast snaga Hog Riders have enough oomph to take the Terminators on head-to-head I'm better off to go to his back line and duplicate what he's doing to me which is take the home objective over shooting phas now and the hell blasters Chuck a grenade at the hunter rig take it down to three wounds left and then the squad of Hell blasters are all going to then shoot at the kill rig and I'm going to overcharge all of their guns boy howdy here we go oh only one of them wounds Hazard his tests are all good time for the tech Marines grab pistol can he do it hits on TW re-rolling anti vehicle two up sick AP minus one two damage take two wait wait he pin yeah double on he does the graph pistol does it just one this is does he blow up oh I hope not oh he does oh what happened it exploded and James is spending a command point on arguably my favorite orc strategem Karen here it goes he gets to take a normal move boy oh boy we are going to Karen now eat this ball of fire Steve kaboom oh wow one mortal wound with the dreadn but the Tech Marine takes five and that's what he gets for killing the hunter rig heavy intercessors lose a model as well and out Bail the 21 boys that's 20 beast egas and a beast boss in your face hello oh that me hello okay that that work too well that is not good and the Kine is bad that's very bad what is that hey where did these Orcs come from trucks taking some fire now nine uh twin link uh shots so these are on twos because I stood still so on sixes three AP minus 1es so far o four AP minus ones five UPS take three the 3d6 shots nine these are not twinless two more AP minus ones intercessors into there on twos T5 so I would be on fours but because I Stood Still threes five AP minus 1es five six UPS make two believe these guys have a six up feel no pain I do take three though Bol Gauntlet don't chose nope nothing the dread knot and the dread Knot's going to shoot everything into the Beast Nas galling gun on twos cuz he's still blessed y ah yeah this sucks one AP nothing six up kills another one D6 plus three so seven on twos and then on fives rrolling cuz it's twin link three AP nothings save one sixes take two more dudes D3 shots with the rocket pod wait a one AP1 two damage two damage I mean I'll try oh so close and then D6 plus 4 with the macr plasma and I'm not exploding it uh seven shots bunch of hits feels great is on threes that's six more dead dudes all damage two and it's H3 so I'll just try for the fing Pines five more there it'll be eight in total from The Dread yeah and that one nine total and the Terminators are going to perform the action and that's going to score Steve five for deploy homers on a turn I'm going to declare some charges aggressors into the truck on the charge two command points are going to try to heroically intervene to keep the objective under his control and he fails to charge what is going on neither one of these players can make less than a 6in charge this is nuts I would have took the objective from you there's no way you would have killed enough probably not you're right heavy intercessors into the remains of the Beast Sager boys as there's only six of them remaining [Music] The Dread here we go unfailable totally is I'll start over with the aggressors so three attacks piece they are hitting on threes with their Twin power fists I'm wiing on fours rrolling because they're twin LS so four ap2s sixes regardless got one as so six damage that's enough does it blow up please don't okay heavy intercessors fighting into the Beast nagab Boys thinning down that herd and then on pops a one AP nothing yeah they take it yeah then the captain Oh Captain My Captain two attacks with the Relic blade hitting on twos uh two hits and these are on fours uh so one AP minus two two damage kills a guy and then five attacks with the fif just hitting on twoos oh he hits on twoos with fist yeah he does uh so three AP minus two see how much piece so kill three dudes beast snaga boys just evaporate under Bol or fire it hurts the feel no pains aren't coming the saves aren't coming and then the redemptor dread redemp fist five attacks hitting on threes o five hits sick we on twos uh four a minus twos three damage a piece I'm going to roll I mean you got to roll right yeah okay kill fight back into the heavy intercessors armor of contempt for free Beast sagas are doing some work though the redemptor takes no damage on James's clapback so I got five points for deploy teleport homers and I also got eight points you killed two vehicles what a fantastic turn three for Steve he's bringing it back 30- 36 only six points in it as we head to james' turn three we got an absolute nailbiter folks James has turned three now and he draws cleanse redrawing for a command point he's got defense stronghold and overwhelming Force I also have to roll some battle shock over there they pass and then the middle unit pass Steve has a command Point James has none James four on primary to take him up to 40 to 30 as we head to his movement phase James just really trying to look to clap back after an amazingly good turn three from Steve but he's in place to do some serious work I'm going to have oc4 here from two dudes without touching the [Music] wall these guys have um follow me Lads so they move an extra two inches all right let's shoot turn three shooting face it's Orcs this guy shoots his pistol into the dread yep that's that's about how that goes two pistols over there one hits I know this guy's thump gun D3 okay okay three shots hits twice string six two it's two damage I believe yeah you kill one of them yeah it has blast I believe I have one more shot never mind charge phase base boss succeeds in his charge Squig hog boys hit the heavy intercessors I don't think either of those units is long for this world let's fight fight face now there first so hitting you on twos they're damage to one explosion fours give me eight ap1s four UPS it's actually good oh fail three they're two a piece yep so the first guy dies and the other heavy intercessor dies as well just the captain remains Squig hog boys just wrecked that heavy intercessor Squad but the captain holds what an absolute fridge now I'm going to resolve the Squig bites hitting on threes it per worked out perfectly equal so ming on fours again AP1 two damage Force I fail two and then he has the damage and then clicks into his feel no pain two one damage hits six UPS I fail both so he has Five Wounds remaining cuz he is a refrigerator but now the character is going to fight five attacks hitting on twos all hit one explosion on threes oo okay take three so four UPS I fa I pass one yep two damage a piece yep all right so halves to one each and then six up F pains make one fail one take a damage on four remaining Yep this man's a freaking Beast now his Squig bites you can't kill you now uh hits you both H so you know hit you one miss one but they explodes with a six what's his toughness six it doesn't matter I win you two two more AP minus one two damage four UPS I pass one fail one and then goes to one damage six up feel no pain which I fail take one go to three sick he's a champ loss of heavy intercessors that's bad what I didn't think would happen is that my captain in gravis armor would be a brick house he's a BRI now the Squig boss into these guys Steve using armor of contempt for one command Point still fails two hell blasters are dead but the librarian lives you get uh first fight back the captain wipes out the Beast sagas but the Beast boss lives the dreadn clears the center table I did overwhelming Force for five big big turn for Steve an extra eight primary for kill kill more James still gets kill points so we're 3849 in James's favor as we head into Steve's turn [Music] four Steve draws investigate signals and cleanse he's going to use new orders for his command point for defense stronghold ouch so I score four points on primary so battle shock on my captain he's good with a six he's got oath of moment on the Gretch on the backboard they do need to die and they have a ton of OC so this as odd as it seems is probably the right choice 42 to 49 for James as we head to Steve's movement face so I have probably one more turn to make all the stars align here because if they don't just just no way I'm pulling it back so I need to do a lot of damage this turn without [Music] question well then we're going to go into my shooting phase I got to get rid of these Gretchen I got to get rid of them fast I got to remove his ability to score points the aggressors obliterate those um Gretchen how many shots they have 3d6 plus 6 on twos on twos yeah we can pull oh the aggressors have annihilated the Gretchen but they did stop Steve from scoring eight points that would have put him in the lead and one kill for Steve's kill tally going to fire uh both crack missiles from the Cyclone at your Beast boss on threes two hits stength nine on threes two wounds sorry AP minus two Terminators hit with two crack missiles James spending his only command point in a roll and he saves the dread is going to take his macr plasma incinerator and go into the Beast boss and then all of its other guns into the Gretchen so into the Beast boss D6 plus one and I don't need to overcharge and so I won't so six seven shots hitting on twos threes so five AP minus three is two damage piece I almost survived Steve one dice so if I make one six up feel no pain I live I'm BL no come on no I your days a okay he's dead oh the dreadn barely manages to kill the Beast boss that is really really big two on Steve's kill tally and uh gon cannon into the into the gret oh the gret are dead does ice it the whole thing unfortunately it does not there's 11 wounds here but you're off the objective though no I'm going to leave one gr behind and then what's the distance for the charge Terminators all they need to do is make this charge on this one little Gretchen standing behind this wall and then I'm sitting on his objective too Terminators need a 10 to reach they're in with an 11 that's huge and they're in I feel so good on the inside and you kill it I it and get a cp4 ditching so that's the end of my turn four Steve has stopped James from scoring defense stronghold by making that ridiculous charge and as we head into James's turn four it's 49 to 42 in his favor I hold two objectives only four points primary for James 5342 for him Steve's got two command points he's got one I've got defend stronghold and I drew uh area denial so I have to go after the center of the [Music] table I'm done moving with my two juicy units we are going to go into the shooting phase D3 shots from the thump gun into your librarian okay three shots garly I missed they'll throw everything into the dread knot fives hit two uh two wounds these are anti vehicle for plus three UPS I take one 10 wounds remaining sgate weapons they hit on Force One wound damage is Right AP uh no okay I'm good uh yeah we'll let off the bomb squeak into him I roll it two plus and then you take D3 M I roll a one that's a one so no oh I forgot to choose a pistol okay good enough not a lot of much in his movement or shooting phase at all okay let's charge here comes the Squig hog boys with their charge they're in Steve's going to armor of contempt for a command Point here for sure yeah armor of contempt for one command point I will uh fight the dreadn James spins his command point on unbridled Carnage dice I'm holding my my hand or anti vehicle four up twos command Point well spent there fours yep I'm going to have two up sa then there only one damage uh yep four oh the redemptor is taken down to Five Wounds remaining and then your librarian dies okay so on threes so that is five these are two damage each to still four UPS crazier things have happened uh oh no he dies dread not Fights Back thre and then on twos t7 T oh t7 well Pi up feel the pain I feel two pains that's the end of my turn Steve has got kill more again this turn and that battle round 50 for Steve and 57 for James James discards defense stronghold for a command Point both players have won as we head to the fifth and final turn can Steve pull it out Steve is O the moment on the Squig hog boys an insane bravery redemptor he's de a one command point and he's only got three points to catch James it's 5457 love it good game dude yeah it's wild so I got overwhelming forest and storm hostile objective got to go in the middle Terminators are moving close looks like they're going to need an 8 in charge the dreadn just cranks everything that can go into the dudes into the dudes so it's the gallon Cannon first James is spending one of his command points on AR's Nails on the Squig hog boys minus one to be seven five up feeling pain takes he feels it and then rocket launcher no all the other weapons go into this dude cuz he's the only other Target D6 plus one shots no I'm going to overcharge screw it three four shots on threes now yeah one AP minus three feel the pain all right sorry uh his invol uh five up so he fails he takes three damage I failed them all and then D6 shots nothing okay yeah okay I mean we go to charges and the Terminators charge need eight the charging Terminators fail Steve's got to spend his command point to roll Steve come on Steve yeah 10 and then the captain gets in there too yep you don't have the CP to interrupt me either so no James again using AR Nails in the fight phase can Steve clear this objective Terminators just go to town so four attacks from the regular power weapon so these are hitting on twos cuz you're my Tim moment Target rerolling now on sixes nothing fists twos rrolling because you're my moment Target and you're your first triggers off I'm wining you on Force yeah terminat are trying to do it oh no what a Ste Steve like roll they only kill one model that sucks I'm sorry man it's okay it's not funny two Relic hits off the captain twos on sixes now no and then five shots off his power fist sixes and two damage each fives kills the guy with a wound and then the next one takes two so I get to fight back now pump everything into the dread I need the dread to stay alive I need to hold on to these primary points stickers first CH is have anti vehicle uh fours yeah five trees fail one four remaining now the bites from the squigs these are hitting on threes I believe lots of twos in there three three UPS I failed two got two remaining and then the character twos oh no explosions that's a good sign for you yeah that's positive four plus just two three UPS I failed them both and he dies Ro see if it explodes yes does not explode The redemptor Dread goes down oh wow so I the Terminator taken from you so I storm hostile and to turn five Steve has got 59 to James is 57 this is huge I think with the death of the dread this game is uh pre- wrapped up I actually have a very very strong chance of winning this game if I draw a good secondary I win no matter what I drew capture enemy Outpost James has drawn capture enemy Outpost as a secondary and that is actually going to mathematically eliminate Steve that's going to win him the game you fall back you take the objective from me you get four on primary actually get eight on primary I have to do the most cowardly move fall back from combat to Steve's home objective to win the game it's a sad day for Orcs everywhere what an absolute knockdown drag out slobber knocker of a match 59- 69 plus paint 7969 for your Victor in this episode James Mr initiative Jones good game good game yeah James you've been a fantastic opponent I have loved playing you in the studio again all of our games are always wild and wacky and so much fun always a blast to play you buddy one of my favorite opponents great game this is Space Marine Steve signing off we always need the or is the bigger ciger B but this proved it says me brick ja bringing you the bestest fights inside a g g thanks for that brick oh boy what a game fantastic match back and forth such a nailbiter fitting of these two classic opponents thank you James and Steve for an absolutely fantastic match and special thanks to this episode sponsor mantic's terrain crate terrain crate is a fantastic product from Mantic no spru just brilliantly designed ready to paint scenery super detailed to help bring your greatest battlefields to life don't forget check out the link in the description below and use code Play on5 to save 15% off terrain and more at that link valid until March of 201 24 thank you for watching if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it for us folks on behalf of all of us here at the play On Studio this is your host JT sing until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play [Music] on
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 183,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: 04feEBDoUdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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