Genestealer Cult vs White Scars Hot Promethium Fight. Warhammer 40k in 40m

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arise break free from the Empire of Lies desperate to break away from their Imperial oppression and fueled by a malevolent xenos mind the Twisted citizens of via's sector 16 are in full Revolt infested the guard has lost control and it is up to the Space Marines to rescue the planet from exterminatus by burning out the corruption before it spreads buckle up buttercup cuz here we go I Tao the child of chaos am so excited to bring you a 40K in 40m to be remembered Space Marine top player Tac and Jean Steeler cult Nick are founding play on tabletop members and have a long history as opponents Tac is wickedly hard to beat especially with his Space Marines and Nick has a rough record as of late but these are highrisk high reward armies capable of big damage and brimming with scoring opportunities we're here to steal your jeans his characters are an abominant and acolyte icon Ward clavus Jackal alus patriarch Primus redus seur and a Sanctus Little Nick himself acolyte hybrids neoy hybrids he's got aberant an Achilles Ridge Runner atlin Jackal some pure strain Jean Steelers his Allied units are a shadow store this is Penelope this is the most massive tank on the battlefield today and we will take down the white scars in this sector Place Town thing planet planet this is a weird one I am playing white scars as well as a sasus Lancer why because deadly Prince Studios sent us a whole bunch of these amazing effects and I just really wanted to play with all of them he's got a Gladius task force led by a chaplain on a bike he's also got a lieutenant with zie weapon his battle line are a heavy intercessor Squad he's got assault intercessors with jump packs more jumper accessors a ballistas dread knot a brutalis dreadn a drop pod with death wind launcher a gladiator Lancer an infernis Squad and out Riders there's also a storm speeder hail strike a Terminator Squad and the big creamsickle the first the Allied Knight sasus that tank cannot win Nick the game all its own so I'm actually going to try to ignore the tank and just take out everything else supply drop requires Alpha and Omega objectives to be designated Alpha objective in the middle and Omega is by the gene Steelers Alpha will disappear in turn four and Omega will be the only one remaining in turn five the Omega objective by the apartments is worth a massive 15 points in the final turn and these generals know it expect bitter fighting for it victory points will be hard to come by as home objectives only score for the opponent in supply drop the supply lines Mission room will fuel the fight with extra command points but but Crucible of battle deployment is a very long no man's land so all these objective markers here we've got some on top of buildings that are actually on the bottom floor of the building they're just put there for visual sake Shadow sword versus Lancer go deception is the rule for the Cults one bike unit and acolytes in reserve but this can and probably will change the Primus will have an opportunity to redeploy three cult units and can put units into reserve the white scars reserve a drop pod full of inferus Marines one Squad of jump assault Marines and the Terminators he's got options you've watched me before you know that I like to play aggressively and kind of risk it all kind of put things on the line and if I get first turn great advantages for me if I don't kind of [Music] disadvantages Nick always plays aggressive and I'm actually counting on that because I've got a lot of fast moving targets if he comes in to allow me easy charges that's actually going to work out in my [Music] view say hello to my little friend I think my gun's almost as big as your Lance or my Lance is as big as your gun I'm going to deploy it right here this is actually a very commanding [Music] position I've also brought a very special miniature of mine it is my sanctis it's actually me it's a Nick miniature that I'm be using as my sniper my Sancus and it is going to go hunting tack today I can see your character there normally I like going second however in this game I think I want to go first just because I do have a lot of reserves and a lot of deep strike and allowing your opponent to go first allows them to kind of Zone you out um so I really want that first turn the Terminators teleport Homer is snuck in next to the apartment building near his board Edge I'm rolling the gray dice you are and I've got the orange cuz orange does ah wait no I don't want that I want to go second get with it I'm get with it good luck good luck to you sponsorship from deadly print studio is really important to us and keeps challenging us to up our game looking our best on the battlefield inspires us to make better videos and live better lives get inspired at deadly by clicking the link below for amazing battle effects for all your favorite minis paint them up show them off feel great play on the priority objective is the Omega objective designated by tax Lieutenant Nick santis Picks the chaplain as a sport Target he will do devastating wounds to his Target of choice do have something for me this time is that I have a Primus on the table Nick has Scout and redeploy shenanigans scouting bites zip forward arming their grenades of Doom our parents get pulled off and go into deep strike Trixie Primus reinfiltration [Music] Nick is going to use new orders right away to drop capture enemy Outpost no prisoners is the redraw kill stuff that's more doable in the mov phase you have no more command phas Shenanigans I got no more command phas Shenanigans I got lots of shenanigans but no more command phas Shenanigans got it all right we're going to go crazy aggressive surprise really Nick's going to be aggressive didn't see that one coming these Jean leers are moving up they can advance and charge mhm so I'm going to advance them Nick advances the genan Steelers and T is going to OverWatch them with his bikes I say one one goes through just one damage so one's got one wound left down to one wound so not worth the command point but I think it was worth the command point I love that you spent your command point reducta sabur is going to move into the building and get the objective and get the objective it's going to hide hopefully be short enough to hide from any sneaky shots [Music] here the Bane blades crew has yet to finish hotwiring the ignition so Penelope stays in place so shadur is going to go there and completely annihilate this unit if this unit survives I will have failed very hard the neo fights spread out in the back to deny deep strike I've moved M let's use some things go forward all right so this unit right here of bikes is going to start off there the sniper is going to shoot into your bike Squad with Precision the one bike that can see and the mining laser that can see is going to fire into your big giant Lancer maybe I can Whittle add down a bit maybe all right atlin Small Arms hitting on fours four I'm okay mining laser one shot hitting on four that's a miss the Jackal alus threes nope that goes through oh three damage to your chaplain right up the Hop the chaplain has two wounds remaining excellent after this unit has performed a shooting attack it can make a normal move so I'm going to make a normal move of up to 6 in that six inch is going to go this way towards the Lancer putting me within 6 in of the Lancer and then I can use their ability to shoot their once per battle round uh demo grenades into that Lancer okay six guys in the unit every four up is a mortal wound on that Lancer give me some fours I got two okay so you take them from 25 to 23 wounds I'm tickling it you are then we're going to go with the Achilles Rich Runner he's going to fire everything it's got cuz the only thing it's got is into the big giant guy heavy mining laser D3 shots into the uh strength nine I believe it is that's a wound y strength 12 minus three okay I'm okay oh now the Sanctus zeros in on the chaplain he misses even with a command reroll sorry sorry not sorry don't reroll it folks I did the wrong thing it was fun though all right I have one last shooting ability oh boy the entirety of this Shadow sword can only see one target I'm going to try to blow up this unit of bikers I mean that's a lot of points into bikes well you didn't give me anything else so eat it okay how many shots do first so I get D3 plus one shots I'm hoping of course for a five or six you get D3 it's three so I get four shots here we go wiing on twos strength 24 yep wiing on twos no one's all wounded at minus five that do 12 damage each yep that is one dead two dead three dead that felt good felt really good um and now let's go with some L cannons I hit none of them all right well I managed to kill some bikes so that'll be the end of my shooting phase and then we'll go into the charge phase and of course my pure strength Jean Steelers are going to charge into your chaplain Jean Steelers make a neat charge into the chaplain and it's a turn one warlord duel how often do we see that tting on twos thring on threes well that was quick down goes the chaplain torn apart by the cruel claws of the patriarch these guys are probably dead in the ensuing turn but what I'm going to do is I'm going to use their consolidate to move within an engagement range of that dreadnots they're all moving within engagement range of the dread knot all right so the ballist dread knot is going to go five attacks four I saved one of them two go through you've killed the one gene stealer and done one wound to another I know I'm throwing away some of these units here I know I push them far forward but what is doing is it's Heming tack in his Zone as much as I can Nick nabs 10 secondary points killing the bikes and chaplain and taking multiple No Man's Land objectives great start for the Jean Steelers what Nick has done here is he's only got one unit on every one of those objectives and we only score primary on those Center objectives so Nick has basically telegraphed what I need to do to knock him off of those objectives and I think I can do that no Doctrine called this turn he does gain a command point from supply lines and oath of moment threatens the bikes in the rear I wonder how he plans to attack them just to be clear uh as soon as a unit moves within 9 in or or deploys within 9 in I can uh pop the ability to possibly do D3 plus three moral boots yep I can just drop my drop pod within nine and you can mortal wound the drop pod Space Marine secondaries are engag on all fronts and secure no man's land a bit of a tough draw for tack here with the bikes dead he has lost some Mobility so it may be tough to get into position with the drop pod engage on on fronts is possible I think I'm going to be able to score uh three points there not the full five unfortunately uh so I'm going to do a depth strategy on this dread knot which allows it to fall back and shoot here comes the Knight smashing through to face the shadow sword no fear the brutalis moves up looking for a charge the assault Marines are going to go for those bikes and they zip up the flank the lieutenant is scared of deep strike moves back to cover the corner the heavy intercessors take his spot on the home objective tough and capable the hail strike speeder floats up the ballist falls back but he can still shoot so if you move for that that forward just a little bit you've got line of sight on my uh my sword so in a normal scenario you would think that would be it for the movement phase but now I've got to figure out where my reinforcements are going to come in cuz you got a drop pod that can come in first turn but I didn't give you a lot of option the drop pod fools Nick and sticks a landing in the far corner and The Inferno Marines jump out you got to think about it this is the objective that's six yeah 100% it's an important objective so but there are three turns where these objectives are still valid there is yeah into then uh the shooting phase uh we're going to start with the storm theater first and that's going to go into that unit there the uh Jack bikers hitting on threes against all these and I saved two of them to go through I'm going take them on my stubbers Blair damaging the quad the Gatling gun and frag storms finish it off yay so then now I'm going to go with the Slimmer INF ferace Marines torch the rest of the bikes with ease all right but before they uh eliminated entirely they could come come back this is round one which means they get plus one so on a four up this bikes will come back see what see it they're coming back his bliff will go back behind the church and will bring them on in ta's next reinforcement step brutalis only has uh one target so yeah I'm just going to go into those bikes no AP I save it okay and then it's the uh the multi which I don't know why I'm shooting it into bikes but I am get else shoot it at any minus on that ap4 I can't save it even with the cover D6 plus two so each one kills a bike this boort is full of terrain it's really hard to find shooting Lanes here heavy intercessors follow up killing two and wounding the quad I messed that up yeah well I don't think my brutal can here anymore nope yeah so I messed that up so ballistas is now going to go to theer it's going to use the frag profile save them both invol save they just natural reflexes they just kind of like Dodge off to the side big ler light who or one of these is that your Matrix I can't bend any further than that canor if you ever watch this for any reason I think you're cool five UPS I'll make two five UPS you've killed one of them you killed two of them you killed three of them Al last cannons finish the unit but the patriarch is too quick well done done Mr Jean Steeler sir as those Jean Steelers died I got to see if they're going to come back right four up they're coming back too je stealer cult is tough to deal with because their units have the ability to come back at full as you target that patriarch I should have done this earlier when you shot it with the tread doot on Expendable command point on one with the Shadows which is going to give it stealth and you can't shoot it outside of 12 in okay well luckily I'm within 12 yeah but I still can Stealth at least there's something so strumble Iron Hill IAS rocket pod are all going to go into your patriarch and then the big laser is going to try to tickle that two storm bolters I am rapid fire range but now I'm hitting one less because you have stealth we hitting on fours did you just rolled four threes yeah so boom baby your command Point came in handy excellent don't save it okay take your wound just one just one just one measly little wound only two wounds so from all those guns the patriarch is still going down to four wounds remaining his last gun yeah but you target go downtown yeah hitting on threes I hit both win both it be four so you have a six out I have six I have sixes you do I need two sixes buddy I've seen you do this before I got two sixes no you didn't yeah no I didn't I got none all right how much damage does it do uh how many wounds does it have 24 um so I can't kill it no you can't kill it but I could M it really hard you could really M it uh so I got a three so that's a six Y and that would be a five so that's 11 I'm going to use my yeah I'm going to use my um my chassis's ability to roll one of these excellent one one one so I did a total of 12 damage 12 damage you have half killed it it is down to 12 wounds remaining that's all I need I only need 12 paying the points for that Lancer to take a shadow sword to half is yeah I'm I'm good with it all right so uh I'm going to take uh six shots from the shock Lance finally creams first waves his Lance at the patriarch and zaps him into Oblivion shocking okay so uh into charges the big Knight charges The Jackal and uses a neat turn to tag the objective I is not even bothering to look at the unit he's just like kicking them as he goes by it's like well no because he cares about the big guy that's what he's facing down this is the match we wanted to see brutalis does it want to charge of course it wants to charge the brutalis fails to charge so the Lancer has the ability to use tank shock for free nice so I'm going to do that it's 20 dice plus two yes is it really yes and then plus and then plus two it's 22 dice so I'm rolling 22 you're rolling 22 dice on five Ops do Mortal wounds this guy's really good in close combat why do you think I killed him last time we played with him he's scar let me try to find 22 [Laughter] dice dead oh yeah that a good B looking at it that's dead that that's not just dead that's squished on a four up the bikers come back this unit will not come back like ever that was brutal mission accomplished I got myself two objectives but now we're going to need to see if that sesus Lancer can survive a shadow sword three points on engage and five for securing no man's land grants tack eight secondary points a solid round one tight game heading into round two 10 to8 for the Jean Steelers so everything's got to kill that Knight let's take him down Nick pulls cleanse and Behind Enemy Lines interesting pulls he will need to be both careful and aggressive to pull this off no primary points because the cult has been knocked back from the mid objectives no extra command points for Nick he fails two four up chances my tank is going to going to stay still that'll hit on threes cuz it's really the only target okay this is the turn that I need to kill this because if I don't you move forward you charge you kill everything here M it'll be rough time to do what I can right right so that means I'm going to keep this guy here to try to do the same thing neo fights with the Nexus booted up to get a shot at creamsicle the first the other neop fites move into the mansion in The Middle's bottom floor all right so then everything else is just staying still let's bring in all my reinforcements bikes come in near the drop pod the acolytes use the perfect Ambush strategy to get his demolition charges in range of the tall Knight The aberin Deep strike in hoping for a charge that Omega objective is heating up already uh are you done your reinforc I'm done my reinforcements okay so I am going to use my teleport Homer the Terminators use their teleport Homer in Rapid Ingress response Yep this is the objective to watch Let's uh fire everything so the first thing I'm going to start with for the shooting phase is the Achilles rid Runner because if I manage to get a hit you're going to be additional minus one AP for everything else that fires at it okay so rid runn is going to actually fire everything into this big Knight so first of all the big mining laser D3 shots do you hit with it I do so he's AP yep uh strength it does not ruin his stubbers mhm and I wounded none all right that's okay the whole point of him was to get additional AP then I'm going to go with the savur and the savur is going to use the grenade strategy for free no command points and it's going to do the grenade against your big Knight D6 three mortal wounds okay so he's down to 20 and then we're going to go with this unit right here all these guys are going to fire everything into this at this Knight so I'm going to use for fre normally 2cp coordinated trap and that's going to allow me to get plus one to wound with all the weapons here two mining lasers hitting on fours mhm okay mining laser uh it goes to D6 plus one damage this two damage and then eight shots from the regular stubbers fives AP1 yep I'm okay then let's go with all these demo charges let's go with all these demo charges they also have hand flamers might as well you're in range of a wound of a objective marker aren't you I can roll wound rolls of one as well okay perfect all the things okay four demo charges okay uh that have D6 plus three shots and roll and I got one more one more so that is that is a good amount of hits it is all right and then this is strength 12 so we force pretty good uh so I feel three two four six damage so I'm down to 12 five flamers uh take two more good job head flavers so he's down a 10 then lastly sniper the sniper is got one shot yep hitting or no I'm okay so the only thing I have left to shoot is y my shadow sword and I can't miss this I can't screw this up as much as I'd love to split fire and try to maybe kill some damage off this everything from Penelope the shadow sword into the night four L cannons hitting on fours strength of 12 on fours to wound I need a four but there a two D6 plus one damage that is four damage I'm you're down to six wounds remaining this could be gamechanging right here I wed both okay you have to save both of them to live cuz it's flat 12 damage it's what a four up y there a four up don't do this don't do this to me need my heart is in my chest right now it's just like oh yeah wait no no you you know that I know I know I just don't want to it so rrolling on a four up he lives on a four up he lives creamsicle of first is down I repeat the Knight is down Nick must hate popsicles now what the ler has done in this list is has kept most of the white scars alive Nick was not able to dedicate a lot of shooting to other parts of my Army so yes that's a lot of points but now I can Counterattack aberant go for a big charge into theault intercessors and they sweep in so uh we're going to start with the aberin themselves with sustained hits y y I lose one guy and then um and then the rest of the aberin had have heavy power weapons okay so I probably will armor of contempt and Nick is going to vect it with his Primus armor of contempt will cost an extra command point for the rest of the game three attacks each hitting on thre is with sustain two more die two more die so I've only got two left in this spot and then lastly the abominate himself strikes you uh hitting on threes twos I Sur with one oh that was so close so close to the whole Squad not bad turn two for me I managed to score my objectives I did really well in my secondaries if my big tank can survive another round of Firepower and I can get another round of shooting with it that would be excellent the sabur cleanses for three points and Behind Enemy Lines is discarded for a command Point kept to just three points this round the score is 13 to8 going into the bottom of two extend battle lines and area denial are great objectives for TAC he should be able to score well here in order to score area denial I need to kill those aites however I also need to be within 6 in of that Center objective so this is going to be tough no extra command points battle shock is passed on the lonely jump processor sge in your command phase before you move on to your movement phase I'm going to use the clamav Us's ability to adjust one of these blips by 6 in no points on primary is tough but hey that's supply drop and the players know the stakes As you move within range of the sabur sabur is going to use its detonate remote mines diick what's the range of that 12 in oh nice okay so uh basically you stepped on a bunch of bombs okay and on a two up you receive D3 plus three mortal wounds so you do this dread knot receives D3 plus three mortal wounds you receive 2 3 four five mortal wounds y boom didn't that leaves some with seven wounds the sarge falls back from the aberrance okay so I still hold the objective currently correct just get closer onto the objective so they're on the bottom floor Tac is moving up he has to maintain pressure even under the big guns of Penelope then I'm going to just uh Advance my lieutenant [Music] that Lancer is looking for a shootout with that big tank Penelope woo he's [Music] Brave now Nick gets to move in with his returning bikes and Jean Steelers the price of tax aggression is easy charges for the Jean Steelers next round so then what's going to happen here is I'm going to start the shooting with the assault intercep back there so they're going to fire the heavy Bol pistols at the Cyber or everything from the from here going your Aber okay I'm going to spend one command point on one with the shadows and that's going to be on my aberin right there going down to one uh that means they cannot be targeted outside of 12 and it also gives them stealth so I think that land speeder cannot Target them anymore that's fine uh all this is flam yes that is that is uh that is rough you can retarget it yeah yeah so I've already declared this one so now I need to continue with this one one uh storm speed just going to put everything into uh those guys the G gun I think is he kills one of them and then the dev wounds kill another three and then Dev wounds kill another three Lancer big laser gun is going to go into the shadow sword and then all of its Small Arms fire is going to go into all right I get two shots two tries of this Oh Come Oh Boy all right I hit with both oh no oh no t 13 winning on threes cuz this strength 14 yeah winning on threes come on yes I got one I going to use the lancer's ability to roll but it may fail nope so two so two six UPS two six UPS you could kill him right here don't get any sixes D6 plus three each oh with a roll that needs ones and twos ah double ones oh yeah so I've done all right well six seven so you've done eight damage so far so I'm going to reroll with the yeah a 6 7 8 9 10 11 oh he's got one wound left he's got one wound left so I going to command point the other one the other one so you hopefully you don't roll a one so he's dead on anything but a one he's dead There He Go he's dead that was good all right does he explode epic if he does cuz there's a lot of things around here please yes no it's such a big explosion too oh no D6 plus two that's so bad it's pretty bad it's pretty bad Sanctus is dead Nick Sanctus is down three Jean Steelers died the quad is wounded and 10 neophytes die in the conf flager oh oh that was that was worth the command point there we go the shadow sword is done Nick loves his explosions but will he after this yeah that was worth the command point I'm going to keep shooting my [Laughter] Lancer on fours by one yes all right they all go through three kill three more guys yep heavy Ser uh I save one one goes through you killed another Y and then the rocket pod how many shots do I get two saves and a both go through you've killed two more it's just the Primus what a brave dude now that unit will come back will it a roll the three which because of battle line will come in so I got to put a blip down for them somewhere I'm going to P the blip on the bottom floor right over here my arm is starting to fall apart you're falling apart so much Nick I don't have any Targets I'm running out and things to [Laughter] shoot so the the heavy intercessors really only have one target yep so they're just going to goow into the prise kill the prim Prim all four Primus shooting he got five of vulnerable save I save two of them two go through two wounds remaining I'm going to split fire for days last Cannon going to the rich Runner St Boulders Primus frag store aoy all right Bliss this dread knot into the Primus let's see if we can do it one I save it frag storm four ups for the guys in cover I save two of them one goes through let's see if I can kill Rich Runner ready in here Tri didn't get it how much damage G6 plus one can't kill him but you can damage him uh six he's got two wounds remaining all right then you know what it is it's going to be the twin icus on the brutalis dread knot going to go into the primis and then the multi melter is going to go into the rid Runner all right so multi melter hitting on threes against the Ridge Runner I only will you can do it buddy you can do it stct nine so close boom you are in rapid fire range of my icus so here we go he's going to live theal is really good uh he died all right so you still got more shooting I do uh so The Inferno Marines are now going to go into the uh aberrance and I get uh nine five Ups three go to down oh my that was unexpected they never die when I fight them they fail battles shock to boot so I've got extend battle lines without even having to do anything else on to the Terminators and so what the Terminators are going to do is I've got uh four in there with stor Bolter I am in rapid fire range and then uh one heavy flam the Terminators don't do any damage the feel no pain has kicked in that's how it's supposed that's what was supposed to happen last time deathwind launcher into your bikes how many shots do I get I don't save it one damage to the quad yep charges the charge that I really really need important one that's the important one we have no command points I just need a nine just a casual nine you've done it that's a five yeah brutal dreadnut is going to try to go for the cbor oh of course you are you need you need a 10 to get around that wall you know what he's feeling he's feeling frisky nope five the Terminators are going to go into the aant uh they're in now the Terminators jump the aberant it's on Terminators fighting I roll four four out FAL pains they kill one aberant they are so tough the abominant however sledgehammers a single Terminator into Oblivion end of turn and I've got a lot of my assets still available to me however I cannot take my foot off P extend battle lines brings Tac to 13 that's a tie game folks secondary draw is Storm hostile objective and extend battle lines so I got to take an objective away from you so really just that one that's going to be tough it's crawling with Terminators well nothing a few demo grenades can't solve Nick will take a healthy lead as well as scoring Five Points on his primary supply lines bring Nick up to two command points but a few more command uh command phase things to do one Nick brings back eight a lights across two units stamping out these insurrectionists is a job and a half the aberant are going to see if they uh take a battle shot test aberin fail battle shock the flamers and such are just too much pure strange Gene sealers need a test and they're good they're good savur is going to move exactly one in forward so that is now within range of of for the grenade strategy bikes move up they blast the brutalis for four mortal wounds with driveby demolition the neop fites advance a big six onto the Omega objective I'm going to OverWatch with the uh inference Mars into the ne fight I think this is a smart play uh I think you might wiped them I wiped the unit you wiped the unit so one command point for a character and an entire unit does the unit come back so it's on a four they're coming in man the neo fights keep coming back I got to put another uh another blip down and as they move within R they are going to do their driveby demolitions into the uh the squad of flamers mhm they drive by demo as well and killing an ferace Marine with Mortal wounds the Jean Steelers zip forward grabbing the mid objective he keeps taking the center of the board which is denying me area denial all right I have moved everything okay everything's on the table everything's where it needs to be so in the shooting phase first of all I'm going to do the grenade strategy this unit right here and they going to grenade this this unit right here I've only got three ones three four UPS right here Y and I did it you did it those claws are still clean too bad and then the reduce sabur is going to do the same thing and you can do it for free and take uh four more Mortal wounds okay so you kill two all right and then in the shooting phase I'm going to shoot the reductive savur he's got two guns one of them is out of range five three UPS uh you do a wound all right so it comes down to these guys here they're all going to fire into the flamers The Jackal shooting fail furnace Marines Stand Tall I'm okay and uh that's it for shooting let's go into the charge phase let's go into the charge phase so those bikers are all going to charge the one remaining sergeant of the assault intercessors three the problem is you can't go over this thing command roll down to zero command points and I got uh 6 S8 there we go now you can the intent is to try to get a bunch of them onto the objective if I can piling units onto that bottom objective T's not going to know what to hit him all right let's fight okay all right four Ops to hit I hit 1 two three four five six times nice and they are strength four so wounding on fours yep and I wounded you three times at minus two minus two okay one damage each so you got to fail two of these so I have five UPS yep fail two of them please and kill him I don't want to die but I don't want to die please yay dead and then I consolidate so all five are on the objective then as a Defender I fight first so I still have uh four of them there's three wounds to take so both are still alive and now we're going to smack you back yep the Terminators and aberant tussle not much damage though uh I take one full 10 on secondary Nick is jumping up the scoreboard 28-13 for the Jean Steelers area denial and attempting Target our tax objectives here I can get them all you can all of them are good targets for you to get uh come get the center one let's fight over the center oath of moment on the aberrance good choice they need to die Nick moves his blip with the nexos Adaptive strategy for tack puts the heavy intercessors into assault Doctrine giving them advance and charge still no primary points for attack the gene Steelers keep [Music] coming the heavy intercessors Advance too looking to beat up the remaining Jean Steelers I've just moved my assault intercessors uh in I've moved my tank over there simply because I want to score at least eight points when that objective clicks into turn four Terminators fall back will be able to charge back C I'm going to OverWatch them with the jackles with the Jackal sure D6 from the flamer six nice Ste one wound good minus one oh no you don't kill the oh no it was so close I thought that was my moment all right so at the end of phase I get to bring in my blips so that's one 10man unit of acolytes and one 10-man unit of neop fites now we're seeing the real power of the Gen to the cult which is just bringing bodies back and overloading objectives and just good board control then going into the shooting phase I'm going to start with the speeder splits fire and wings a bike on the guy back here he's down to one wound remaining the Terminators pump bolters and fire into the aberin threes all right on sixes I got three sixes jeez W this is on the Aber you said this on the Aber yeah three sixes I'll take it a one wi goes through and a four feel no pain don't get it so you did Kill the one you did Kill the unit of aberrance do they come back on a five up please don't they're back I love these guys oh boy the aerates will never die and you know what this is the best place to put them because I just can keep feeding you more troops to go take the objective so I'm going to put put another blip right there you're not making this easy on me no it's my objective one furnace Marine is going to go into the uh aberant and then the other three are going to go into the jack got it that that that's a tough choice there ah it is the abominant is hard to kill abominant abominant feel no pain of one damage and I pass it okay then three into the jackles how many flamers have shot into that corner it's a backyard barbecue three ziod and then the ballist dread is going to fire everything into the bikes bikes ballistas blasts the bikes into next week do they come back on a five up yep no they're not coming back okay you've killed them for good this time Lancer looks over at the sabur and vaporizes the pesky foe good riddance all right so it all comes down to this charge if you can get on this charge you can get the tempting Target and you can get area denial so I need a [Music] seven that's a five so we're in the command Point let's see this charge it's epic it's it's boy it's like 10 points please oh no six okay I fa what it means it's all this mad scramble of can I bring enough forces into to kill that to clear that off uh so what's going to happen here is I'm going to uh charge the flamers into your Jackal there's my 10 yeah I'll multicharge the Terminators into the aberant as well as the uh bikes so they're in okay uh I'm going to start with the Terminators a Terminator Slaughters the bikes but their friends only scratch the abominate do they come back nope you you've now killed all the bikes all the bikes are now gone there's no bikes coming in the abominant slams a Terminator but he is still kicking at the end of the phase tough round for TAC no score in round three his luck will have to change if he's going to quell the uprising all right I've got very little left like it's there's not much left on the table but I'm just going to do as much damage as I can bring it down and assassinate for Nick secondary the center Alpha objective disappears no primary points for the cult the aberant fails his battle shock and the Jee Steelers do as well each player up to one command Point Nick gets an extra so up to two all right so now I'm going to advance these guys neo fights Advance hungry for a fight so yeah I will OverWatch the first unit you did last time cover yikes buron ating the countryside to survive other acolytes move in for more flamer [Music] action the acolytes do the grenade Strat and kill another INF furnace all right and then the hand flamers into those same guys flamethrower duel yikes I take a wound flamethrower duel yes it is that's exactly what it is um and then they shot do you kill the one last guy nope and then we're going to go with this unit this unit is going to do for free cuz the Nexus is right there a coordinated trap which means that basically two units focus on something and each get plus one to the wound roll mining laser zap the ballis and he needs a CP to hit twice what I make so he's okay and then we're just going to charge him okay the acolytes charge into the Backyard Barbecue looking to whack the inferus Marines only inferus let's see if I can bring them down all right no one more charge oh I've got one more big charge oh that's what I was going to spend the command point on that's right I was going to save that for that silly me I need a 10 to get in there you're you're going to make it make it I I believe the forearmed ever no that close though was close acyp clawing at The Inferno do six wounds decent saves one Inferno Marine survives okay Jac is mine now we to go to ongoing combats can the Terminators kill the abominant well we'll see the Terminators clap back and saw part the abominant with chain fists he's dead does he though come back come back arise from the grave he no points for Nick this round this is still a tight game Nick drops both objectives he needs objectives he can score 28-3 into turn four assassination and area denial are the draws after a new orders is used on Behind Enemy Lines Tac does score eight points for holding the bottom objective in the ruin with the Nexus I've moved this token forward for my abominates coming in my heavy intercessor are finally going to get into the center of the table and that's going to score me five points on area [Music] denial okay and then I'm going to because I'm in the assault Doctrine I'm going to advance my uh jump pack because there's no objective there anymore might as well all right and then my reinforcements come in on the blip and all the operants have appeared Nick's neo fights take the corner for Fun and Profit we'll start off with the easy stuff the things that only have a single Target y yeah everything from that tank is going to go into the guys in front of him right a big deal threes the Lancer chips away at the neop fights heavy intercessors split fire this is the chin stealer I don't NE fight over there uh there's only two left there may one the neop fites are gunned down but will they come back they will blip in the corner to possibly score secondaries that make him up the speeder splits fire and tries to drop the abominant and the acolytes acolytes get one with the Shadows abominant see what happens four UPS same both the abominant takes no damage and the acolytes lose too nothing is dying ballist frags the Neo it's killing the whole Squad and the nexos is vaporized with laser cannons Terminators heavy flamer into the acolytes into the acolytes and then the two Ser bolters will go into the ab the abominant they all go through yeah so four UPS four ups for FAL pains abominant takes a wound and the flamethrower torches five acolytes so we're going to charge the Terminators into the abominant Terminators into the bomin can you kill them speeder is in two and then I'm going to tank shock for one command Point tank shock that that didn't do anything uh no happy attack if the abominate survives I will score 15 points at the beginning of my next turn assuming battle shock and all that but if you kill him I can't do that there's no way for me to score points at the end of the turn so I need to kill him which you need tough to tough to do he tougher than he looks yeah okay so uh hitting on fours yeah I have 16 four UPS to make yes I've seen you do it and I have four wounds remaining so I'm going to roll three at a time for drama's sake really all right okay I've taken two um for drama's sake okay okay pass two pass two more I still have two wounds left I still have two wounds left okay one wound left now okay all right one wound left and he's dead success five points for assassination and five for area denial that is a huge round for the white scars up 18 points to 31 and the lead this is going to come down to the wire didn't manage to hold that home objective so I didn't score points on it Nick draws ATT tempting Target and deploy homers Nick has a great draw here this objective gets out of here yep and that objective is now worth 15 points I can get ahead on this scoreboard and then I just got to mob that home objective with do everything I can and just hold on for dear life in the moving phase I'm going to move up to be in your deployment zone are you going to OverWatch me i' got to kind of bait out his OverWatch here no I'm not going to uh not going to OverWatch there you're going to OverWatch over here all right so those guys are on the objective mhm my aites are going to stay still yep I don't want to get overwatched no but you're moving those yeah 100% I'm going to move these so then I'm going to OverWatch those yeah you can OverWatch these guys OverWatch into the aberrance does a single wound all right well now they've done the OverWatch there the acolytes move onto the objective and out of line of sight of the tank so I'm going to use one command point for the grenade stratum on the accolades against the Terminators sure six four UPS I got two two mortal wounds please on the Terminators so one's down to one wound cuz you killed the other one that was there yeah you do and then I'm going to shoot with those three acolytes one cooling system finally fail and the Terminator Burns all right charge face my my aberin are going to charge multi-charge oh that's so tempting death I don't want to fail that the aberant make the big double charge this is one for all the cookies I'm going to risk to try to kill both all right here we go aberin I need a six to charge both of them yeah 10 bring them all in please they are in the acolytes charge the speeder hoping to keep its guns a bit quieter and let's fight you have no command points interrupt the abominates will go the aberant smash the Terminators down threes and twos as well as a marine and then can the remainder two kill that last Terminator yeah we'll see six dice hitting on threes on threes so I feel like one of these is dead yeah hero Hammer please shine double ones pile pile driver b double double ones and then the last three guys into your vehicle down there the speeder escapes damage and Bonks an acol 10 points on secondaries put Nick into the lead 38-31 I'm up by 7even points seven points tax scores no primary because I hold the objective I can score no more points in this game it's all down to T it's ta game to lose this is probably one of the hardest missions I've played in a really long time there's only one objective to score with and I am out of position to try to get it so I've got to make some real desperate plays here and then I'm going to try to get an extra one CU I would really really really want an extra one yeah I do got to do defend stronghold and cleanse will not help him here only six points available from secondaries mean that Tac needs to take a mega objective to win this game period it is worth 15 victory points and the game cuz you score at the bottom of the turn it's super close t comes down to this last turn this last move you're seven points behind it's so freaking close I could adapt a strategy the heavy intercessors and make that a really easy charge the problem is they will die to the aberin all right so I'm spending one command Point adaptive Strat on the jumper accessors will allow them to advance and charge yes I like where this is going it's all going to come down to the combat phase luckily for me what you've done here is you've put them into the building which means there's Windows all so everything over there can fire uh so I going to try I'm going to make them the O moment taret makes sense makes sense so then I'm going to advance the assault uh jump pack and if I get big here I'm hoping for low here nope that's not enough only 14 point uh not worth it there you want to be for the charge roll correct yeah the jumper cessors Advance 14 in and we'll need a great charge roll to help out here uh that's a it in charge though if I start to kill those guys then uh then no further yeah the rest of the tanks move into range so then uh going to oh do you have any command points I do so you can yep make them 12 yep the dreadnots in the tank would be out I'll take everything I can get I'm going to shoot him with a storm speeder the speeder splits its shots the Gatling blowing down the acolytes they're gone that allows me to fire the uh the two blast weapons into them uh so Hing on fours of which I only score two and then I'm going to roll because you're my Tim moment Target uh I get another one that was a really low roll so I'm hopefully getting those out of the way now uh wounding on fives uh got a one a two into the two um so we roll in the one nope nothing okay uh so I'm going to increase the AP by one on them makes sense canceling out the cover now can they survive the barrage of shots about to lay into them uh so these are the heavy bolters all right on sixes feel no pains all but one take one wound so take one wound FES for cover saves one saves the other it's what I need to see crack the ballistas only manages to kill one wow so much feel no pain this the last cannons yep well hit uh oh no Dr 12 they T their T6 so the two th spoon yeah oh right the priority Target the lieutenant Lieutenant's like doing awesome for you ah only one yes uh no save no save uh how much damage does it do big three Yow pains save them both on double sixes Steven box cars roll one more for me please what's that oh supp D6 plus one make it anyway Nick is pulling out all of his FAL pains I am not getting enough through I've only killed one aberant and now it's going to come down to charges yeahoo so now just got to survive the charge can he charge onto the objective kill the aberant can the aberant make all their five up feel no pains okay so I have a 7in charge with the I will go with the assault ENT Sizer first okay can I make a 7in charge for arm Emperor if you're listening Steven boxar if you're listening oh you want me to have a Steven boxar no no for me oh it's it's like an Australian six roll it you got a Comm point this is what you saved it for I know but I also had a tank shot ah right no tank shot was wouldn't do much all right so the command Point here yeah got to roll it on you need the seven so close no it's a three oh my okay then I've got a sixin charge with the uh heavy intercessors oh no we on the three and he wins the game well that's it folks it was a nail B down to the wire but Tac tripped on the Finish Line oh what a way to lose the game 48 to 41 with paint makes this a seven-point game fantastic hard fought by both players Nick played so well and Tac made heroic moves giving him so many chances to rest Victory from the jaws of defeat there is a ton to learn for players new and old here lots of nuance moves born of experience as epic a game of Warhammer as they come we really hope you enjoyed it as much as Nick and Tac did thank you to deadly print for the amazing upgrades and sponsoring one of the craziest games of Warhammer I have ever seen if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around the dice told quite the tale today and we hope you all get out there and have your dice tell Grim dark stories of heroism in the face of terrible odds and until we see you next time play on avence won me the game adance you rock I need 30 of these guys I would love to play this Mission again and I would love to play Nick Nick you owe me a rematch on this one I can't wait for the next Jean Steeler battle
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 127,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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