Astra Militarum Vs Tyranids! | 10th Edition Battle Report | Warhammer 40,000

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[Music] [Music] hello again and welcome to another Moran Glory Warhammer 40K battle report in today's episode we find the forces of kadia desperately trying to hold back the incursion from a splinter of Hive Fleet Kraken it's going to be flesh Bor versus lasgun tanif effect versus Dawn and joining me once again is my partner in crime there are some that call him Nick hey hey Nick thank you for coming down here and helping me out with the battle for today anytime man so this is a bit of a continuation of our of our ongoing story The cadens holding off the uh off the nits last time we played it was actually the Jean stealer cult and that game was essentially a draw it was it was very I think it was the first game of 10th edition it was uh and we got lots of rules wrong and the points are so close that we basically said we'll call that a draw and so what we've said for today is it was a draw but the the the jel managed to get just a little bit like a a tiny for a moment for a moment the signal went into the stars and so high Fleet Kraken has been like oh might something going on over there might some food so they' dispatched a small tendril to see if there is any food and uh or they essentially got butt dialed by the uh by the jeene still of c and so what we're what we what the guard need to do is put down these TS get get a significant Victory and that way the the the T will like oh there was nothing really important over there they didn't signal back if cut me yeah nothing really worth you not not have not been told by the uh the tendel that there's anything worth over there um but if the Tyran get a big victory and they're going to send stuff back and this is a l as you can see this is a lush verdant world we might end up having a much bigger battle uh with the full might of Kraken descending upon your poor cadians um so we've got a bit of a narrative going there um just to give a bit of an overview of what we're doing for the game it's going to be a 1,000 Point battle today we're having just a little incursion game um and we are doing for the mission it's taken hold and uh so there's five objectives and you get five points for each one that you hold and we're just doing um chilling rain for the twist now the style of battle report we're doing today is going to be a summary battle report so rather than showing you all the different dice rolls and everything we're going to keep it quick and snappy Fast and Furious and so will be we'll be showing the end the start and end of each players's turn so you'll see where they are when we start off and then you'll see what they're able to achieve throughout their turn so I think that just about covers everything so without further Ado let's take a look at the armies that are battling out today and suddenly magically we have teleported over to the morian Glory Battle bunker what foul sorcery has allowed such a thing to happen What technology Beyond Humanities can has been employed fortunately you don't need to get the Inquisition or the commissar you see I'm recording my Army list here before setting off to meet with Nick for the battle just thought it would save us a little bit of time and would allow us to get into the game quicker when we meet up element in a few hours and then via the magic of Cinema Evan the editor can get this clip into the right place in the video but with all all of that said now let's get into the Thousand Point list for the nids this is my high Fleet Kraken tyranid Army and I will be using an endless swarm Detachment today the reason I've gone for Endless swarm is because I know Nick's going to have his Imperial Guard and Imperial Guard have got the reinforcements strategy and that is incredibly powerful in lowlevel point games if I brought another Army like the tow or the guard something like that it might be a little uneven it might be over before it began where the guard are getting lots and lots of free 120 point units so I thought in an effort to make the game a bit more balanced uh we'd have two armies face off against each other who both can call upon the reinforcements CU I have a strategy in the endless swarm attachment that lets me regenerate one of these swarms of bugs I can't use it on the monsters though hope you guys understand that that was done in the effort to make the game more fun and interesting for you there's no list tailoring going on here today all right now let's get into the army and we are going to start off with I would say the Infantry core but the bug core today every day in the Swarm is like a day on the farm every animal a banquet something like that anyway we have got two big units of hogon I absolutely love hogon these older style models are just fantastic and I really like how they actually work in 10th edition they've got a really good move and also they can advance and charge there's also a strategy in the endless swarm attachment that allows you to uh auto advance 6 Ines so I'm hoping that some of these guys will be sprinting across going in with the first wave and then getting to chop down onto some Guardsman we've then gone for a big brick of 20 turant all armed with devourers I really like dvaras in 10th edition the fact that they get so many shots it should be it should be pretty tasty I did think about going flesh BS here flesh BS are ass salt and so would pair quite nicely with the horants because I could advance and have this wave move up as well but I just felt like the extra daer from the dvaras was well worth it especially when you take into account that we have taken a turing gone as well now we are taking Jerry with a silent tea today uh Terry the T gone the other one that I've got is going to be staying at home on the Shelf Now Jerry is Turing on he's standard and he is coming with his crushing claws just trying to give me myself a little bit more anti-tank uh this list list this list and Ty in general don't have a huge amount and I know that well guard players love bringing tanks so and also it's just prudent to bring anti-tank in 10th edition with so many vehicles being around so I thought you know what we'll go for the crushion claws uh less attacks not hitting as well but a little bit more Punchy if they do here I should be able to open up those uh guard Vehicles like a tin cam uh also the big thing about uh the Turon is it allows you to respawn some termagants and it also gives the termagants um lethal hits or sustained hits it's I think it's lethal hits when you are within uh 6 in of it so they're going to be staying close to each other um and they'll be blasting away and that should hopefully pair nicely with the dacer of the douras putting lots of lethal hits onto enemy units um and then we've got two more big bugs we've got a recently painted exor green and we've also got a tan and the tan effect is going to have the casino Cannon today the Impala Cannon I believe is the real name for it the reason it's called the casino Cannon is whil it's very powerful its damage is 2d6 so sometimes your really high sometimes you roll pretty low but I've taken these two bugs here because I do need a little bit of fire support the EXO's gun is more like a giant autoc Cannon than anything else uh but the CH effector gun is genuinely Punchy I'm hoping that between I know the endless war does favor like wave upon wave of bugs but I didn't want to go too much of a skew I wanted to bring some that's a bit more Balan to have a bit more fun with it also I haven't used many horms I've used them in only one batt before and I've I've never used this EXO cream before as well so I kind of want to get a few cool models out there and I just wanted to have some daer these hogon are going to be flying in keeping the enemy busy but I'm hoping that what's going to happen is whilst the guard are chewing through 40 bodies in the first turn or two the big bugs and the termagants will be able to sneak onto some objectives and start scoring with some points uh last couple of units in the Army we have got the Titan no I'm joking Kevin is just here for he's overseeing the deployment today uh the last couple of units that we've got are going to be these two individual bases of rippers just taking these for scoring they can deep strike down and they can retrieve telomers behind lines all that kind of great stuff so it's 40 points and if you're guard player it's kind of like Cyclops demolition Vehicles except for if they were nowhere near as draw ball but with Five Points g a deep strike RI swarms are actually really good one of my favorite units in uh in the T and it's just for being able to do that kind of stuff I know people like biovores for the same thing and biovores are great um I don't own a bore so that's why we've got the ri swarms to do the same thing here so that is the 1,000 points of tyranids got lots of bugs backed up by some big monsters and the potential to score some points now let's go over and see what the Imperial Guard are using today and we've teleported back to element again there we go we are Sorcerers we have teleportarium we've got magic we've got all sorts of things we are just filming things in a different order to how we're displaying them the magic of Cinema all right Nick take us through your 1,000 points of his Imperial Guard the 's true finest we start off with two 20 man Blobs of cadens CAD shock TR nice we got double plasma all what you see is what you get we got some old ones some old ones some new ones yeah what is this they seem to be fully supported and stocked up they both have aadan command Squad and aadan Castell controversial yeah controversial who needs C when you have cadan like come on I mean I'd rather have C your mind might change after this game maybe now you said that you got this idea for this load out from Caden Sergeant he made video this week about th000 point guard Army had to start it so this is from him cool most of it he he he he used the a battery but I don't think that's did you G from yeah and made a Kasin Squad instead cuz which is moving on the kazak squad double hot volley gun all the special stuff you got M mine in there of course I got the metal mine you got the sniper you got the V Caster one blown guy does nothing but nice the medic doesn't do anything in this load out but he looks cool looks there we go then we moving on to two Scout Sentinels nice double last Cannon and chainsaws definitely on both of them and to hun as well okay okay again we've got we've got small boy and big boy yeah yeah Daddy leading don't speak to me on my son ever again there we go mov on to the rogal door and here it is bringing a r goal at 1,000 points might be considered you can't say anything no I can't I can't say anything with what you see is what you get Triple stubber uh oppressor the 10 10 Ed special oh yeah yeah yeah nice that is a chunky bit of armor definitely something that hopefully you can't handle well the tan effect is going to have to do some heavy lifting but you'll be able to just blank the first volley from the Duran effect so it's going to take at least a turn or two for me to I say it Tak at least three turns or never but if it does work it'll take at least three turns for me to get get it down and 60 point left over need a Mot Squad to hold it back bit of back lining bit of uh indirect fire and screening and all that kind of stuff um all right so uh this is a really interesting thousand Point Army it's different to what I normally go for but I actually really like it some of the advantages of taking cheaper troops like gens means that you can afford some bigger things or you could afford a few extra officers in there now um what's interesting about these units and we were sort of discussing this camera is and this we'll play it this way in this battle and I'm going to like do a video on this the cadens when they're led by a command Squad even if they get Battle shocked keep their OC so they still have free OC each because the banner says you don't alter any of their stats now that's going to obviously that's really powerful against Tyran because our whole Shadow and the warp thing so Shadow and the wars it never does anything anyway but I'm basically just going to forget about it this game if I remember it it might be something but there we go uh that is what is interesting though is you'll have to make sure you don't remove your banners early yeah definitely they're the last on to go they're no they don't have to be you don't I mean you are OB obviously you got to keep the king regimental colors you got to keep the king's colors of course of course so really uh this is a really cool army um definitely powerful at a th000 points uh both both armies bringing back endless reinforcements you can bring back your kazak in and they can order themselves the everything that comes back but the dawn so it should be a fantastic game you know what let's not mess around let's head over to the field of battle after deployment so here we have the field of battle the tanit have formed into two distinct fanes homon with five sport here and then the termagant with Jerry with a silent te leading them I haven't actually named this big bug we he we've got Tyrone we've got Jer alent T we've already got Terry and we've got Tony so we need a name he needs a name we might maybe he'll earn a name maybe chat can suggest a name down the comment section what or Eddie the exen Ed Eddie the exac creen there we go there we go um and for the cadens you've deployed a platoon yeah godamn platoon on the flank here pushing forward led by a a flag got the beautiful standard of Kad flapping in the wind uh and we've also got a castellan here and they're going to push on this objective they cannot let a single drop of ground be uh relinquished to the tyranids and then you've got another platoon over here uh which are going to Sticky this objective and them push into the center and then your heavy armor and fast sport dominating this killing field which is going to be the left lank from your perspective and the mortar naturally screening out the back stopping any uh any bugs any the Rippers yeah oh yeah in terms of reinforcements good point in terms of things that in strap reserve one block cadians kazak and two individual Ripper swarms um as we mentioned in the intro we're doing taking hold and chilling ra and all that kind of good stuff just to go over the trade we've gone for a bit more of a narrative setup but we've tried to uh still make it so that there'll be plenty of cover so this is a ruin this is a ruin this is a ruin that's a ruin that's a ruin we've got a forest with the objective in a forest with the objective in and then we've got two hills and we're treating the hills are if you're on top of them or behind them then you get cover and if you're obviously in front of them you don't get cover simple as that um all right so I think there's only one thing to do Nick we must decide who's going to go first and as my guest would you like to roll in the roving dice tray it's a big one start I actually wanted you to go first so I really hope I roll a one yes all right roll again all right you go first this time I go first oh it's not a high Roll come on yes ex the reason I want you to go first because I want you to move forward and then I can come and get you ah okay so either so the thing is you know how to decide do you upon sighting the enemy advancer or do you kind of like play at KGI the first turn well we'll find out we'll be back at the end of Kaden turn one drive them then drive them you know I meant to do the introductions no that was cool I like I like that I like that a lot you me up man well you heard it you heard it straight from L castellan's Nick's mouth upon the complete lack of sighting of the enemy he drove his men forward clearly the tyranid were too afraid to face him in open battle so he's he's already reported back to HQ that Victory is assured and he's like forward you dogs to Victory um you've gone you've gone for it no holding back no holding back no way no holding back don't hold back no be your shock troops yeah you you mehe the assault exactly so first plon with take cover has gone into the forest and has stickied that objective second platoon with take cover has moved into the forest and taken that objective and stickied it Scout cental have moved and then also uh have Scout moved and then regular moved onto the objective they've also received take cover and the wisdom of the Giga squads is now coming through to me cuz I was like why would you put two orders in one unit it but the master Vox means that you can go boom boom and you're everything that needs an order still getting an order um you also uh drew a couple of cards as well I did and you got Glen which you have absolutely definitely bloody up um bring it down unfortunately has eluded you as the as the cing tyranids have not shown themselves um you you thought about changing it but you want to keep your CP for reinforcements exactly there you go um happen just in case I'm hoping it's going to happen I want to force an early I want to force an early one um last thing to mention is the dawn hasn't got a Target but it has come round here and it's tracking with its turret ready for twoed gribblies to present themselves Target opportunity exactly Target opportunity and then the mortars were absolutely ham and fired like 27 shots did uh but unfortunately didn't hit very well that the charge in the in the powder was good though in the shells so he did get lots of wounds but thanks to the the hogot having a forb saving cover uh you killed for 27 shots four kills not great we'll take it it's but you made the right choice targeting the horon because if you targeted the termagon all of those guys would have come back because of the Turon ah there we are so you've scored cleans for Five Points you've held an absolute buttload of objectives let's see how the ters can respond in their turn one the teret Swarm has come boiling out of these ruins and has engaged the gsman at Point Blank Range in close combat siing Talons clanging off Flack armor being deflected by bayonets in the T in turn we obviously moved all of these horag forward uh I actually forgot I had a surge move being endless swarm so the squad that had taken those CES moved 4 in for further forward uh and that meant when they then moved their 10 in and their Advance they were right in front of the Cadence and then the squad over here um I moved them 10 in and then I spent the strategy that endless swarm has that allows to auto advance 6 in so they went six 16 in and they dog piled onto the cadens and proceeded to have the biggest case of new model syndrome I have ever seen approximately 100 attacks basic you know with everyone who could who could fight with some cash taken into account yielded seven dead cadians uh one this squad here which was full strength did two wounds two two good dies that's it that was it yeah so not ideal I was kind of hoping to completely swarm them and butcher them uh in return the cadians these six guys killed two from the whole Squad versus six guys same damage here and this squad has to kill more I don't know how many in total I lost five more guys over here in total I lost eight hogon from two squads and Nick lost seven Guardsman so not ideal to say the least but we have taken that objective which is the big thing speaking of take objectives the uh the fir Power bugs the shooty bugs came over and Unleashed death onto the Sentinels did wipe them out and that did Force Nick to spend his CP there um I was really hoping that because he spent his CP for reinforcements on the Sentinels that I'd wipe out these guys and i' that would early on the Kad and War but as it is Kad K Kad stands K stands K stands uh over here the uh turbant Unleashed their devara bugs and were able to kill four of the cadun bear mind that they were on a three up save with take cover and cover and six of feel no pain and I had no AP exactly I did have lethal hits the lethal hits did well but not to be the Turon Jerry uh didn't do any damage in shooting but was able to get the crushing claws in and he crushed aardman yeah which is nice um but the main thing is there we've we've tied you know not tied them up but we've we've got a big bug on the objective yeah exactly and so uh that's kind of puts you in a bit of a tricky position what you want to do over there with let the big bug keep stomping on your face or or IGN it or ignore it exactly so there's a few things going on there oh this little man's falling over he's been having too much of the uh of the of the Old Source there we go the AMC exactly so in terms of points for the uh tanit we successfully scored exter battle lines uh and at the end of our turn we got rid of capy outpost because it was not a good one not a good one so going into uh battle round two the guard will have uh one command Point yes and uh the turn will have three so we're uh we're having a good time yeah we're doing all right so let's see what happens I think turn two the T going take some casualties and I'm hoping we'll be able to use some uh reinforcements to somewhat mitigate that will anything permanately die in this game definitely we'll have to find out in batt round two well well Welly Wellington a turn of incredible highs and terrible lows start off the T thought we're going to use that shadow in the war thing we've got lots of enemy units that are stuck in combat with us if we can make them battle shock then there'll be a desperate Escape over here they passed these old school course they for nothing they've been facing Tyran for years the uh reinforcements of course didn't need to take battle shot dorm was fine Morts are fine unfortunately the central Squad not so good no no and they failed their battle shot and then when they fell back the uh the tyranid the homals didn't do a lot of damage to the combat but the mass of them cut down anyone who tried to fall back and the cadians lost six people which is pretty much the same as they lost in comat roughly um and also they didn't get orders which was a absolute nightmare could have K yeah yeah exactly we then came over to the guard shooting and uh it was a little cold the kakin long range struggled to damage these guys because I used teaming Mass on them which gives them M want to hit um and then the Sentinels came over and they didn't do anything but they did force me to strip my ablated plating I think it's resilient organism is what the uh T call it we know um we then had pretty much everything blasting um into both squads um and this termagant with a this this homant was Left Alive there's him and a mate that was left alive the mortars came in did three wounds and I failed two St you coll pass another one and that has kept me on the objective now that's important because it means that I will be able to hold that objective bit of a tricky one for me cuz I W have to decide between trying to roll the dice and then being have to reinforcement him uh or not rolling the dice and insane bravey but then I wouldn't be able to use my endless swarms flash you know reinforcements so I think I that's swarm's probably going to die and not come back in all fairness but there we go um but yeah we'll see we then uh came over to here a cheeky malun shot was able to take four wounds off the Turon but all of the lasgun and plasma only killed these five turun which was not good not enough uh they might be veterans but their equipment has clearly been well it's been here since the first black let alone the 13 uh so it's the power capacity is not quite there in those old power packs anymore so unfortunately they didn't do as much damage so the guard have done a very respectful amount of casualties the homs have almost been completely slaughtered um but the big big big deal here is they didn't get any secondary points you managed to get 10 on primary because you held your home one and that one but uh you you drew a 10 new Target which I put as the Center OB which you didn't hold and you didn't get bring it down um so you've bed off of bringing it down now yeah you've not fancy your chances not now you've seen what the dawn's doing without the orders yeah fair play um and so we'll have to see what the guard can do now tyranids we're going to hold two objectives probably let's see what second we draw and see what we can do ined turn two and here we are at the end of tyranid turn two a good turn very good turn can't deny that good turn so we spent our CP as we were sort of chatting about last turn we spent the CP here he was Brave and he stayed on the objective and he he just stayed there just cuz I wanted to get the points I could have run away with him but I decided to stay there because I figured if he run away he's going to die tired the balls on us get him uh we then uh we drew our cards and we got uh deployed Toom as a storm hostile objective teleport Toom The Cheeky uh rippers just came down here I don't know where they're St in telom who knows but they've done it now and then for stor on objective I went for the shore thing I brought the horag over here uh because they could move in advance they went 15 in I was tempted to charge the kakin but I figured all I was going to do is well after their last display no no uh and then um over here was actually where we had the most success and uh we used pretty much all of our Firepower between the two Stinger salvos the devourers and the uh big dick Cannon we uh killed these guys pretty uh pretty badly charged in and after everything is settled the mat sneaker wound past the invulnerable save of the cellum but only did three damage so he's still alive and the T against killed the um the command Squad down to just those two and everyone in chat l lamb lambast Nick because he was like oh I'm going to remove the flag that's not doing anything for me now and I was like you what he's like he's not doing anything for me I need to keep the medic I was like I was like the man who loses the king's colors Shamus you disg Grace sir so through the power of peer pressure and the right thing Nick has kept the uh the B There we go the flag will be the last thing to possibly fall um so we did we we had a good turn there Nick did obviously did reinforcements um I was really tempted to go after this squad to try and um stop him from being able to reinforce them but the only thing that could reliably get onto them was the 10 horants and I don't think 10 and I needed to kill 10 I need to kill 10 or 11 of them between the command Squad and stuff like could act the BL wounds so before I could have potentially stopped ni from reinforcing so it just that math wasn't going to work out unfortunately so um Nick has so I haven't actually caused any permanent casualties Nick yet but I have had a big surge in points problem for this is going to be I'm probably going to lose two squads and be able to reinforce one of them but there we are uh lastly to mention the tyan effect with Casino Cannon did get two hits did get two wounds uh but because of them having a three- up save now and being in cover they had a six save Nick got one six and the other Sentinel which is the OG one took 11 damage so it was very very very dead so uh yeah it's going all right for the n I just wonder how long we can hold on cuz we've not had a chance to use any reinforcements yet and the guard are now going to bring in their second wave the Swarm feels like it is being out attrition by the endless Manpower of The Emperor's true finest let's see if it pays off going in to turn three end of guard turn three the guard get hit hard but they hit back even harder second platoon with the support of the rogal dawn has secured the shattered bunker in the center we don't know what's so valuable that's in here but they have got it and being cadians they are sticky that's a really big deal uh now you spend your CP insan bra for insane bravery so we both used that now while once per game and you did that because you wanted to make sure that you got the you got the points there because both them yeah exactly the mid objective with worst tet and storm hostile so it was just no brainer on CP to gain 10 points yeah easy peasy uh over here the kazak and they did need some help but the kakin with the help of the cadens were able to clear out the 10 Huns I did reinforce with them uh and the Sentinel f a cheeky L Canon shot over here but I was able to pass it uh we then had the dawn who absolutely fluffed it yeah none of the big guns all the all of the damage number all the number of shots was like one one plus one plus three it was just on ones ones and even and and the real sort of epitome of this terrible rolling was uh when the DOR double multi melter did one wound to a river swarm the river swarm had to be finished off by the mor te Nick did think about going into here but good job he didn't because if he had done he would have only killed like one or two bugs but fortunately he was able to wound the Rippers very handily and did to kill them all three Mor do three wounds those of you that said should have split fired please please trust us when we say split fire would have been a bad idea like Nick Nick was he learned he was like look my dice aren't good this turn I've got to just concentrate so that was a good smart move there sometimes you got to recognize what the dice are giving you uh last thing to mention over here the Castell tried to fall back and he got eaten he he fail batt shck he fail batt shock got eaten you have probably lost more points you more points to desperate Escape than anything else but the cadien squad did of course naturally with the flag being there held the line and they have fallen back but they have seeded this territory to the foul zenos so the cover are backwards little step backwards a tactical uh Advance rearwards there you go all right now we're going to turn three for the bugs we will hold two objectives but we have permanently lost 20 of our hogon and one of the uh GFF swarms and the guard have only permanently lost some characters the character so the turns are slightly ahead on points going into their turn three will they be able to keep that lead I have to find out we're back at the end of tyranids turn three end of tyranid turn three and the momentum is swinging our way the pendulum is in our favor the termagants moved forward and Unleashed Point Blank devour death into the platoon here they were supported by fire from the exocore and the tyan effect effects the exen actually fired first which to take the biggest advantage of blast also meant that the other T unit shooting got roll ones H this actually really helped and so we were able to well let's be honest here the Teran effect's Impaler cab impaled the last two guys uh so the colors have fallen but fortunately Nick has not disgraced himself uh and it was it was absolutely the last the last thing to choose um the officer has lived and the cellan has lived as well speaking of colors falling sadly the Stinger Salvo claimed the banner and then the tanif effect charged in and was able to uh eat the final uh eat the final guy as well so uh not effect the Turon sorry so we have taken out both command squads and that pretty much there's one off here and that's a really big deal because even though the Infantry keep coming back as we know guard infantry without orders is a lot less of a problem less maneuverable less drawable uh less damage you know those orders really do do so much they're such a tool for the guard toolbox um but that is everything really the only thing to mention is my homs did come back and I brought them down here I thought throwing them over here for a long bomb charge probably not a good idea um I also wasn't sure how all of the shooting was going to go considering they had take cover on them so I thought next turn I might need to go in there um better AIT of hindsight maybe going in over here would be a good idea but we can do that in yeah we'll probably going to lose another brood thanks to this big boy so so there is a good you doubt it he's going to turn it around so I think we we'll still get our chance uh last thing to mention is the second swarm of rippers of course dropped uh dropped in here um they're hoping that they're going to took themselves away they're not worth any they can't take any objective or anything uh and if they draw any five from the dawn that's good um and they're hoping that maybe turn four something like behind lines pops up but that's really it so that is the end of the tyranid turn three that's the end of the midpoint we were able to score both of our cards uh we got secure no man's land over here by holding one objective an overwhelming Force which we got for wiping out Theon Squad but we only got the minimum amount of points of both those objectives so even though we got two cards we only scored five secondaries um so at the end of battle round three the score uh is 10 points in the favor of the tyranid not an insurmountable lead by any stretch of the imagination let's see if the guard can turn this franchise around and go for that cheeky turn four turn five win that the guard loves to do we'll be back end of guard turn four turn four and the guard have done exactly what they needed to to keep themselves in the game start off they drew two more cards behind the lons and air denial now a now they could easily get because they've got the guys in the middle and there's no two is there for the big five yeah behind many lines I thought they couldn't do but uh they did the conga line they did the coner and they were just able to squeeze 20 gsman in there so and they also had the Sentinel over here don't forget the deployment Zone goes all the way across here so they got Max Behind Enemy Lines as well uh so that gave them 10 points and then cuz Ken a sticky and you know to be fair Nick is on these objectives anyway he got 15 for primary so even though the ters have been hammering them and hammering them hammering them the guard have somehow managed to get a Max scoring round which has boosted them before the ters have had their turn 15 points into the lead oh that's a biggy that's a biggie now in terms of what damage has done Cal L Cannon once again just bounc just bounced off the armored hide uh and then there wasn't very much of the shooting like these guys killed four Hots uh these guys couldn't shoot that as locking down the objective these guys booo moved try to secure something here so the only that really has that shot was The Dawn and the mortars and they went after the T that were here wiped them all out to a man and that meant that I got to use reinforcements so they're coming back but that was the GU turn four very good one let's see the T can have a similarly Sterling battle round tyranid turn four the penultimate turn for the zenos scum we had a decent turn not great not terrible we we also did what we needed to do as well so firstly we drew cleanser behind of me lines the Turon cleans over here behind me lines my turant and the Ripper manag to achiev that knowing the knowing that obviously Nick scored the beginning of his turn five and I score at the end I did try 9 in charge with the turbance I didn't charge them I didn't shoot them and I failed it ironically every Char I rolled an eight every charge I made after that I roll a nine or higher so and I contemplated rolling it and rerolling rolling it um but I just I didn't do it because I want the reinforcement I feel like reinforcements turn five could allow me to get some nice stuff going on so there we go now uh elsewhere the horon moved advanc they got six of the advance naturally uh came in killed the castellan uh took the officer down to one wound uh and tagged both of these in return they did take a lot of casualties but that's totally fine because now they can't fall back and shoot and he can't fall back and shoot and if he stays in combat he can't shoot his blast weapons into the combat and he's minus one all the time so we've nuted a lot of the Guard Firepower there um and yeah yeah that was that really was it oh over here shot and shock and charged into here kill these guys but down to just below half strength and uh we've done it in such a way cuz they've all got to pile into here you see like this we've done it in such a way that they won't be able they won't be arranged to fall back onto the objective we we pre-measured all of that up regardless of the movement trades and everything so that objective is safe and I have got my tan effects over here just in case as well so that is tyet turn five we're going into we are ahead tyet go have at the end of round four are ahead by three whole points cuz we did get both of these yeah so can the guard we know they're going to get 10 primary can the guard get a good hand on secondary and if they do will it be enough to boost them into a significant lead there's only one way to find out we're back at the end the final guard turn of what has been a fantastic game been amazing end of the Guard turn five and they have fought valiantly and bravely to the last man they drew for their cards at the beginning of the turn no prisoners and deploy teleporter home well I did deoy yeah he did get defend stronghold that's true but you thought that wasn't enough points and there's a real chance that those tants would be able to take it off you yeah so so you redrew it with your ones per game and you got no prisoners yeah everything you had went into killing the Ripper and the horag the rogal dawn put it blast weapons into the Ripper and killed it fairly easily and then all of its daer went into the hogon there was one left and it was stuck in combat with the officer the kazak in fixed bayonets they told themselves fixed bayonets and they to and the officer told them to take cover they charged in and they cleared the hom off it was down to every last dice roll every Nick has used every trick in the book but he did manage to score both of those cuz his Sentinel still in my deployment Zone it didn't fire the last last gon shot of the game and so it never actually killed anything um and so but it did get you lots of points there you go so the Sentinel got you deploy torta you cleared two units off you held two victory points so you got a total of 19 points this round very very respectable putting you on 80 four yeah 84 victory points my God now the tyranids score at the end of turn five which means we're going to hold this one we're going to hold this one the next if you just move one turant on there just for representative purposes uh I'll be able to take that which will going to be 15 points which will put me on 79 points yes 79 points any objetive cuz I'm on oh Noor I'm on 68 so that'll put me on 73 points 83 points are we on 83 points 84 so to win the game we don't even need to well intentionally don't to roll any dies to T we just need to score at least two victory points for the win and one Victory point for the draw on our secondary [Laughter] cards so this is this is just going two to turn five we get attempting Target which is going to be very difficult to do I might redraw that one an area denial oh my God so I'm going to have to use my ones per a game to redraw I am going to redraw AR den and no prisoners which is very doable because there's a one W left tenant there's a one wound left tenant definitely and you know what else Nick actually doesn't matter I was going to bring the horag in here but I can't get this I can't get this so no prisoners I need to kill those mortars all all that so these these will stay down here nothing happens over here uh he's just going to go like that so he can see he hold the objective see your officer let's see if we can kill him we're going to impaling him we've missed with both I don't have a CP to roll it we it's going to come down to Stinger Salvo I'll move that turun forward as well Stinger Salvo here we go I've hit that many times I've wounded you four times now you don't have it's four four up saves that's all you've got to do one at a time it's dead you CP it I do have one CP you've got to I have to you have to T dice has protected you and he's dead and it it doesn't matter at that point very very very good game and so with the with with the last officer on the board the very last one dying the IDS managed to get a victory which is I I saw this I was like I was like sake I mean probably to be fair I probably would have killed that those as well but uh let you know let's say that let's say I do kill those just for the sake of you know 20 devours going in there um even if I got both of those I only win the game by three points so I'm only winning the game by one to three points so under raw Warhammer 40 cables that is a win for the NS but under WTC tournaments which we both play quite often uh you have to beat your opponent by at least five points so this is a very very close game and many competitive scaros this would be a draw and it's a very minor win it turns four it turns to the so Nick give me give me a hand again one more time that was a fantastic game absolute nail B back and forth and you know what that means what the back and yeah the two we're going to have to do a rematch we're going to have to do 2,000 points next time yeah and we're going to have to see if you can hold back not not just a tend draw but the full m oh man it's it's absolutely crazy like just going just going straight into those final thoughts we'll just do a a minute of final thoughts here it is absolutely crazy like these are the only permanent cowes that you took yes and that's it bear in mind that these infantry here they could have they they could reinforcement so the guard actually only lost um in terms of that couldn't be reinforcement characters all the characters that was it you lost two command squads and two castellons for the IDS uh we it was a similar thing we know most of our big stuff is still here I mean um this guy did end up taking a few wounds from a cheeky melter gun that we forgot and did off camera uh but you know apart from that we're fine so basically both sides spent the entire game just killing each other's endless waves of fodder which is how you kind of it feels it should be with Guard versus uh nids Nick I absolutely love that game um give me give me a minute of final thoughts what what did you like what didn't you like the dawn didn't do anything this game for me not good no goodness on the dawn it didn't kill any time nothing I didn't do the only thing that dealt damage to Vehicles was that cheeky Mel here and there yeah I do like the K is K come around here so we can he to the better kov it well very nice I like him a lot um I really like that yeah the kazak did all right they're very flexible they're going to do whatever you want Kasin didn't do amazingly but they do terribly they're just professionals exactly professionals they did what they there to do they scored points to do there and there so they did what they need to do just like the Professionals in real life who do just enough justify their employment but never too much they get given more work they know how to do it they're veterans they've been in the garden a long time you do enough so you get the Commendation you don't do too much they send you on an even more dangerous Mission next time um how did you feel uh about the Morts they were a bit unlucky this time no I mean I just me to screen out over here that's it I mean they didn't do much they did a few wounds but they just can't coming back so what do you think about the tourid I I don't just these two together they're just so nois kill you bring it back you don't kill them all they bring they bring it back like yeah the Turon plus the turant you were having to wipe them out but then I just brought them back when you did two times that you took like half a dozen out they just came back yeah exactly so what can I do yeah I two I just didn't have enough 5 to even deal with even the door surpr surprising between the door and the last cannons and the various melter guns on paper you'd think you'd have enough but I treated them very much like my guard tanks and they stayed back and yeah I think that's probably why the casualties that were inflicted were the ones that di you know the BS that died because you're a guard player and I'm basically running these nids in a very guard likee fashion so the the you know the screens were smashing into each other but the Firepower wasn't I I didn't go near That Thing Once yeah exactly yeah um from my perspective I like the horon they didn't do very much just fast just fast yeah and um although they did redeem themselves eventually um and then I like how strong the these guys are tough yeah these nice people don't like the tan effects but he just tanked many last cannon shots was fine equivalent to a dog but less guns that's what I think yeah I mean I guess that's that's the thing isn't it it costs almost the same as a dawn but it's only got the one Mega Cannon yeah yeah so yeah refor is just I think I think that we made the right call both if one of us brought reinforcements the other one brought reinforcements uh I almost brought me and Nick were discussing this up before we uh met up and I was like oh I might bring my to might bring the nids I won't tell you which one so there's no no subconscious Lista or anything like that not nothing done on purpose um but um but in the end I think as both having reinforcements when we talked about that it made a lot big diff it made a big difference if I had had tow in this I would have just been buried reinforcements at a th000 points you need to have it balanced out otherwise it's because to about this n none of the Infantry would be alive right now reinforcement it' all be gone yeah you n one of mine would be either there we go well Nick thank you for the Fantastic game and I hope you guys back home enjoyed it if you did make sure you smash the like button subscribe all that kind of good stuff and as always we'll see you guys next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Mordian Glory
Views: 10,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astra Militarum, Imperial Guard, warhammer 40000 10th edition, 10th edition, Mordian Glory, Mordian Glory Batrep, Tyranids, Tyranids vs Astra Militarum, Mordian Glory tyranids, mordian glory, tyranids, bugs vs humans, tyranids batrep, warhammer 10th edition, warhammer tyranids, mordian glory tyranids, astra militarum battle report, astra militarum vs tyranids, imperial guard vs tyranids, imperial guard battle report, Cadian, cadia stands, cadian vs tyranids, starship troopers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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