Typical Allo Pack - The Isle Gameplay

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Oh [Music] oh my god they're so cute stabby oh that's a trailer that's something I've never felt one of those before we cannot fight an acro like we need to go now I'm not sure yes okay now but now go yeah no we cannot if he's any good he smokes aloes yeah but he's not good so it's fine okay you want to give it a try I'll tell you what the problem is they're ambush speed is long right and it's faster than our amber speed so regardless if we have amber speed or not he just runs at us bites us twice we died okay so a crows okay got it yes and they can stop on a dime they can turn on a dime understand honey guys Rex over here if we want it okay come over here honey bugs you just sit right here you can sit [Laughter] oh yeah scary except anything yikes near X's there's something ready oh it's a die little the Rex is not oh that is definitely a dialer yeah that's a Tyler oh this Rex is a kid come on watch me on the kid but it'll be everything we'll make him some porridge or something else we're just leaving that body there the dilo we want to fight for it none of us are even a little bit hungry so oh I'm actually below half so let's talk body then yes I'm with 44% you guys been eating any I haven't is this still bleeding yeah no it's kids bleeding too I don't like that we don't have the ability to jump agreed oh no it's his ambush faster than mine nothing your snow okay but it's faster than your sprint just don't get away from it so yeah if you ever ambush it anyhow ambush you need to disengage and run away like far before you stop with your armor speed because otherwise they'll chase you down dialo spotty despond alright Billy here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna write a run on the right side of him so away from the left side lake he's gonna turn towards me I don't know if I'm gonna be swimming across that little channel actually yeah can you go check yeah you swim there this is all walkable oh you swim there only now this is walkable okay it's only if you go too deep don't go stay to the right side of that all just go to the right here's what I'm gonna do Billy I'm gonna right run at him turn right towards that channel he's gonna turn after me that's when he gonna run and white but stop before you slide into him Chara all right go you're supposed to stop poking your leg is broken isn't it did I say stop behind them before you slide into oh you oh you kill the baby yeah well I think the Rex did I think it either decayed it or it bled out from just being up that's a shame oh there's another area over there and the trees well at least you got a bite on him so he's gonna be bleeding Thank You Billy she has her bike here comes Erica see look at me I'm Stewie got us too so I'm a thief sir I'm Emil allo does that mean that I'm a female or male I'm gonna pretend that you didn't do that [Music] I'm like you can't tell the difference between the hacker calls is that a three call of is that a fork for call or one call no they all sound very very very similar so it's impossible or do you not want the body I think the only thing you watch for is the three call because you'll have the animation like aggressive animation other than that and the four cause like it's unmistakable no it's dumpling a stake of what to come in his neck will show you well your night domain so you can tell the difference that's great Chuck maybe just these hours on a piece maybe we do [Music] running away let's soul line up and just crouch the same time the Calvary vision ello facing off against a bunch of other ellos I'm three one two three you should one call now Ronen yeah well we can't fight Roxas on the island that's suicide let's try that a crow not me Ava I mean I'm down you guys not just putting me out anyway you for some stamina without dying when looks like a Serato or something want some yes they're hunting what is that serrata doing suicide Oh Decker is not very good okay if the cerrado kills the afro I should know he's smart he run away with me because he sprint his route really fast run away to her own thing I bet rip Surratt oh yeah trash oh that was me now let him bleed let the body despawn and guess what he's still gonna be hurt just surround them and [Laughter] everyone get up and move like a foot step forward then sit down again [Laughter] frantically ask all you want to change places everybody move one position of the right kissa counterclockwise yeah [Laughter] [Applause] make sure you don't walk over your body oh no he's leaving sorry it disappeared from me for a second I got nervous [Laughter] there's a Rex coming up on you careful Oh Oh my Strix is gonna be so confused now we can go for the Rex yeah I think it's life I said hmm and then walked it away let's crush forward walk forward and stop or keep walking like almost all the way to him okay should we just all sprint around it to the left in circles to the left yeah like I've run towards where sticky is and we just keep circling okay on three one two three [Music] just a cold [Laughter] mom they're picking on me this is just staring oh and you're stomping their kids there's whatever is at the top of the hill from us it's a [ __ ] yes let's go guys oh yeah I saw this Giga earlier but I saw this Giga earlier whoa I don't got one in okay it's to the right side that's the side we want to bite you're right it's super tricky with the helices of this slide though yeah what if we ran from the tail more to the right side and then turned right who's turned is way better than ours yeah it is so we got a run in constantly you know running at him from him rat him from him and then whichever gets the chance so basically don't even use your spring okay all right just constantly circling this is kind of how many you get no no you yourself yeah okay I think that's yeah I can't tell if they landed but okay cuz I got at least three and what I need that mani musics pretty loud we could just ask him well we can keep him trotting cuz party he bleeds more than see walking or standing no dammit just chill on the beach enjoy the Sun he knows now yep he's trying to stop sort of constant oh I'm bad something-something looking at other screens I'm going in boys nope nope I mean I think I missed the bite though I talk a lot of big [ __ ] that I'm always the first oh Ken you got Bing yeah now 23 bleed still okay I need to get close to him so that he goes for me so that you can get a bite in somehow the he knows our tactics I'm gonna consume thumbing at this point cuz he can chase me down no he was chasing me down because he's got to be in full stamina yeah I pretty much I'm too but he's just yeah I mean I'm on the 1/3 so he can run me down with this heyo so I just want to double check a question because I'm pretty sure these guys are all broken when I called him out on it in global they were trying to argue with me um so they tried to fight at us as we were going up the water they didn't get anything we turned around and hunt them back I did get the first bite and I dropped the body first I then for called to let him know that hey body is down one of them came up three called me so I for called again to give up the body because it's contestation and then they still try to kill me you're saying that bit at you first they tried to bite you right so they initiated right right so there would be the aggressors there do want the winters day would be yes okay cuz deer deer deer deer aggressors not you okay cuz I wasn't sure cuz I know I was going for water and date Mike different dialogue so I wasn't sure about that because I thought they were gonna hunt the dialogue over there and the one that was next surprise yep so they're the aggressors yep so they could continue hunting you okay should I keep going for this Giga or I'm winging it I'm still at 30 yeah I would say can you ever take a walk afterwards you just keep it moving yeah yeah I'm just following it at this point I got distracted he got the ambush speed up I didn't even know it I tried to say that there he had ambushed
Channel: Sticky Utah
Views: 19,693
Rating: 4.9138627 out of 5
Keywords: sticky utah, allo, allo pack, allosaur, allosaur pack, allo hunt, allo fight, allosaur hunt, allosaur fight, acro, rex, trex, t-rex, tyrannosaurus rex, dino, dinosaur, dino game, dino fight, dino hunt, dinosaur game, dinosaur fight, dinosaur hunt, carni, carnivore, carni fight, carni hunt, carnivore fight, carnivore hunt, survival game, giga, giganotosaur, giga fight, giga hunt, allo pack hunt, allo pack fight
Id: f7CpJTLmneA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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