The Isle | THE ONE TO LEAD THEM ALL!! (Server Survival Event)

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[Music] how many galleys did they say we're here I said no idea how many would you guess [Music] counted over fifty galleys app the server is here okay there we go event is live follow the camara to get to the end only it will know the way to the end good luck all right look at this oh he's a little bit boogie on my some people that definitely got some ping issues oh look at that though look everyone going around the side like that they look have you seen you've seen the first Jurassic Park movie right tiger when your ex yep goes after the gallery murmurs heard he looks just like that's so cool yup and they have to run in hide behind the log or whatever yeah yep so for everybody at home obviously you guys have just seen we are in another server event this time only the Chimera knows where to go it's basically like a follow-the-leader type of van just with a ridiculous amount of galleys we're all gonna try and stick together as always there are gonna be threats along the way it's kind of a migration slash follow the leader the one thing that we do have to watch out for though attack oh I'm gonna give you a heads up about this I'm fairly certain in fact I'm almost positive that the chimera leading the way if that presses shift it has trample damage exactly dude exactly if there's any threats along the way make that chimera like lose its mind a little bit yeah and it could be bad news for a lot of galleys just look at how many people are here going crazy the fun's it's time to wind up easy like hold on hold on PC you know I think we should do I'm gonna try yeah yeah these guys have got the you're already just try and get a little bit of a vantage point oh yeah yeah see what's going on just watch the trees you get up too high you might run right into UH one of the carnivores none of us know the way apart from that cam yeah it looks like it's just gonna follow the ritzy bees I know for a fact that it won't stay on this river line it's gonna veer off somewhere so I mean you could just kind of follow go a little bit let's scout ahead let's go ahead that way will will hopefully try and get rid of the group so we can at least claw back a few frames you have a powerful PC - that's yeah it's never coped well with it has it the aya when a lot of people have been in one spot yeah well I mean that's a lot of movement a lot of processing dude can you imagine the server going right now it's like I'm screaming at us why are you doing this to me every other week let's just hold on here for a second it's gonna be a lot of this today where we just cannot wait not for that cam to catch up and people cuz obviously we're a lot quicker than that dinosaur is as galleys yep oh no I think we have really good stamina too so like in terms of threats and stuff we've really got only gonna watch out for like being ambushed and things from the tree line so with that being said I'm not staying near those trees yeah one convenient thing yeah we can with it being slower we can just run at a regular pace and not lose stamina and then sprint when need be you know the one thing that I think this camera is going to do if people start staying around it it might just start sprinting just to get to the end because otherwise it'll take all day people already saying it all hail the mighty Chimera it doesn't look cool though how powerful is chimera like against carnivore a big carnivore always is I mean it can definitely hold its own I don't know in terms of like a Rex and stuff but I know it's what there's one attack which is like a tail attack or something and it's like a one here anything super broken super broken cool though very very cool I'm gonna give people a heads up just to give you a heads up that chimera oops chimera as trumpet damage don't get too close well I've won them they can't say that I didn't want them if people get way too close to the leading chimera now it's over only when they run though yeah but what if it wants to run right [Laughter] they sometimes I can you know in the in the trees you see some of them run in the trees you think it's a raptor it's very well it could be dude I know that's the thing because it has the same lower body right see the thing is as well tacho as always as we always say with these things if we do get wiped out by the admins oh wait what was that I just had a growl wait what these galleys see no their game food oh no no you toss there we go somebody spotted you toss okay if we do get wiped out by the admins we will then be carnivores chasing down the herd yep oh oh we might be getting some outside interference see another thing as well taco is it's about to go nighttime so we could be picked off really easily especially by something like Sara's or ellos something that has good vision at night oh well the silo is the one to go with it night oh oh that's another thing as well food foodies gonna go really quick just cuz the amount there we go just oh well you can look how many people are picking this bush clean of the drink too so at this point now we don't even know if we're halfway if we're coming up to halfway or anything but the carnivores absolutely have the advantage because they can hear us they can clearly see us we're a massive group all they've gotta do it just be patient in that tree line and just start biting run through a whole bunch of us and start biting and / oh we're turning it off off the river oh yeah yep I think so echo just come here a second yeah come to me and stand still and look to what chimera just look at that ocean of just skinny head that's insane Oh dialo stylos dude go go go go go go go oh no this time just ran past a dialer oh dude the frames oh the frames good run run I've lost the cam I've lost it wait Milo's can't jump everybody scatter I lost it too where'd it go oh you got beat yep oh okay we did go I'm gonna try and sit on top of you so they can bite me thought if he's gonna work they can get stuck the cam was so thick that it got stuck in between a rock and trees oh that's a 15 bleed - ouch like a what bleeding you one right now I am now four or five still so you guys can see we've been here for a solid couple of minutes and the longer we wait here the further away the rest of the herd get so we don't know the destination so we've got to try and play catch up as soon as possible in his dilo still in the area just as well so everybody else knows as well they tax file the Gallimimus because I very rarely played this thing you can left-click it's just some kind of like Bruce Lee kick right click just is pretty much nothing you can Crouch you can you do a little bit of a jump of it it's pretty pathetic but more than anything the galleys got speed and it's got turning too so basically you just kind of want to use your wits and use that speed and stamina just to get away from anything at this point you don't really want to be kicking the carnivores because it's only gonna get worse from here on out we've got dialogues that I've just come in you toss have been around the area I'm guessing that they're gonna step it up the closer we get to the end where's the bleed taco I am now at 275 taco I have no idea where that cam is by the way wherever your lay down facing now it was to your left a little bit so just get your bearings and head in that direction on know which way it is to look yep I'm heading that way now okay yeah I'm done believing so I'm just gonna how are you for food and water oh good I got over three-quarters on food and same thing with water alright I'll just follow you then is that I'm on half food bomb okay for water right time to go are we gonna be able to find the group I hope so a foul on the river we need that thing to make another noise another broadcast I'm assuming River if I'll just follow the river oh oh yes straight down no you're right dude you're right you're right yep this is good so at least we can find food while I say that I bet the bushes around here have been picked clean in fact I'm sure I'm just gonna use scent real quick just to see if we can get a bush before we catch the other way ever now that we have a car list and now that we have some few frames right wait oh yeah blind of us no no Bryan Ford was headed Oh huh okay that's it yeah but what was that just before it did you hear it like that growl thing yeah like a growl yeah I heard that too that was it all right our friends with Oscar though oh wait I see movement up ahead yeah these galleys up head here we go oh my taco now go look at the numbers everybody's dead everybody's dead they're all dead there was over fifty galleys just so everybody watches the video knows there was over fifty of us when we started that first point with the dialogues as either wiped out the majority of people or bit them so they've had to bleed I mean some bit them so they've bled and then they've had to heal yep so they made me [ __ ] wait I mean we came across a few right on the way back to catch up so yeah that's true yeah yep they becomes making calls too so hopefully they they are able to catch up because they will never find the way otherwise I didn't expect them to come in as dialog though I'm keeping like a strafe run going so I'm worried something's gonna come in behind me I'm just letting you know taco if if I die I have to switch to a carnivore I'm coming straight for you I was gonna get everywhere I keep going it is to the point we need to survive oh wait there's actually a few more of us now look oh yeah there's definitely more of us now yeah quite a few people it looks like it did survive it nice collar yep oh that look of Mehra such a cool dinosaur see there's a lot of dinosaurs as well that need tweaking for survival hopefully after the recode which should be any day now from when they said it should be done I think it was only like a couple of months but your husband hopefully once that recode is done everything should be full steam ahead for like implementing the dinos to survival or you know new changes and stuff we're seeing so it'll be nice to see what we get dude I would love to know honestly I would genuinely love to know if the group of galleys kick the crap out of a dialo or even to because I think somebody sitting global they got one to like a group got one and then another group got one they have what sharp sharp claws and strong let's come over to the left a little bit go over to the left and then just kick in the air don't kick me right in the air oh you can see that it's got some force behind it yeah it's our Raptor dude this is perfect Raptor territory as well I'll look at them to try to Shepherd them away from the Chimera oh no somebody's just been bit right bit oh no that getting my biscuits Raptors it's just you good there - perfect oh there's a dream - OH tackle that barkis just stop for a second and listen to that yep there Carl - talking - they're like wolves they're just like really outlet see you've seen Jurassic Park now so you know all those cool cues that you could use talking to each other they're communicating it's good yeah ladies commit chasing it get away stay away a lot of galleys are chasing it three call it let it know oh wait they got one nice gal we might miss the most overpowered diner in the game especially in a group like this though it must be a nightmare for the carnivores oh yeah if they don't if they don't do a lot of damage initially and they get chased off these things then what it wolves do when they go up against Peck they try to separate one right and yeah they focus on that one oh dude you're like this is just chaos going right behind you Oh what you got one yes I thought there was one at the top of this waterfall in fact there very well might be all crap there might be here we might be running into a trap I'm gonna go investigate Oh yep yep no there's definitely still some back there okay dude this some galleys going back towards where the raptors are literally just going for a fight goddamn thugs right it's it they realize how tough they are enough they gained a little bit of confidence and then they wanna fight Raptors you watch one second in when they hear either an aloes call or a Rex call or a spino call or something it's over they all gonna start what it's watching we are running along the water well anything goes anything goes they can come in as anything yep I'm approaching a half way now yeah probably a good idea to see if we can get a bush yep maybe get a head real quicken if we can find a bush mmm Decco come to me real quick there's something creepin in the bushes on the other side of this lake dead ahead of me right now look at the bush you'll see it come through the other side in a second it's like white and yellow like your colors and white I'm gonna fall car we're just watching down the line I see the girl is being attacked oh yeah no I can see something at the very at the very back yep you see it just speak it out loud to the river so there is definitely one but where's the rest of them yeah it's that one white one that I see on all this - lets - there's one on the other side as well you see oh yeah okay great yep there we go sings gonna go quick get a beer nice find oh look at that everybody is to try to get food wherever they can see I love that - the fact that you've not only got to watch out for the Predators you've got to get food while you migrate to a certain spot I love that oh oh do this bush is gonna go so quick survival of the fittest though yep it's super creepy how we haven't heard anything from like any other predators I'm thinking something's down there now when we get back oh no I'm gonna be honest oh yeah oh there we go the bushes gun yep right I'm okay for food though should be good now I'm good - I'm a little over three quarters so oh I think you're just here to con oh that might have been the one that I was hearing before though oh I heard hear there's some ahead of us we're gonna cross cross okay hold over there - I've they spread out stay low stay low now go ahead this way we're gonna get to the Camaro let's do this we can get near that thing the Raptors won't go near it because they know they'll get stomped are whipped you going keep going keep going keep going don't stop why do we want to go up on now Oh weights back over this way okay come here is over there head towards the chimerical oh there it is I see it I see it oh yeah there's a reason why I say this area stuff like this with this just a massive amount of vegetation with these rivers running through it it's perfect for the Raptors that's the reason oh here we go we got wide-open space yeah I can run crossing over cross over listen in this one get a drink oh there's a gallery Barbara's over to the right let's hide it in one of the islands well away good call galley Wireless good call I got some protection Oh like how many of us left was there now one two three four five there's one will you bet oh oh I got me too Oh what's the bleed light fourteen bleed oh my god I'm doing almost healed I'm almost to you dude I'm done for without me Kelly's I'll stay I'll say you gotta go save yourself that all over me 1.5 bleed I've just realized as well our protections gone taco they did leave in the end oh wait I see I'll be dead if I miss the one the one laying down next to us was a tutu so they may have been grouped up together and kind of work to work as a team wait I got your life is over there is that would trust try to cross the river yep where have you been right right we're golden let's try and catch that Camaro go go go go got a bloody screen but I'll take that over having bleed yep yeah we're pretty spread out looks like I see some across the river - oh no there's still a fair amount of us and there's a couple still back there so one two three four five six seven eight nine of us ten any more coming in today's ten do you looking like 40 or so I've been wiped out a long way we've come from as well look we've just crossed all of that the entire side of that map we've been from round the other side all the way through that kind of Canyon area straight through up this side and now we're here dude even if I die now I'll be proud of us for that right that bridge is far away and it seems like just a few minutes ago you're saying look it up we're gonna call that bridge alert no from the other side of it there we go gotta know this dragon liquor we did all right time to roll I could definitely use some food here is that Giga food right here it's something yep oh yeah there's a Giga right there to the right I don't know if he's not an admin that might just be some we're not taking part of the event there's food right here oh oh they're watching their watch no yep oh no dude they're all there now go for ofum what did I tell you a second ago they lure you into a false sense you're like yes made it then right at the end they bring out the big guns or the crouching to hug they spread out as well they're definitely gonna go for the no wait wait let's go far left I want to stay near the cam though I don't want to tease it and go just too far wide yeah oh wait wait they come fighting the Giga it is up wait yet they cam there's no way that cam was losing that fight oh wait wait wait wait the dude they're closing in on the camara I'm just trying to stay behind them they can't turn very well wait so wait how many of them are you know that one too oh there's the third oh the third one made its way around the back dude I didn't even hear it I was only moving because I saw the the rest of the group was on their way oh yeah look at them they're actually getting close to the hoes gigas I'm telling you tag oh those Raptors gave me some of these galleys some massive confidence yeah oh yeah right I can see the galleys on the hill in the distance I'm just going for attack I'm going for it get ahead of the camara those giggy's are still down there so over that side there that's Radio bunker okay so I know where we are now I just I really don't play on this side of the map that much so I don't know where it's eventually gonna lead us to I still a fair amount was though I'm pretty proud of us all so far it is impressive we've done pretty good we've done pretty good it's that first rush it wiped out a bunch and then mo yeah I think it's much easier for everybody to break up and create more havoc against the those die lows at drag time yeah they did a number on us I definitely just saw a count of all running into the treeline dude that's Rex oh yeah it's their party piece we must be getting close oh oh dude get and Rex giggy's and Rex no I'm stuck don't want to break my leg look everybody's scrambling to drag it under oh that dude there's not the camara and the first galleys have arrived at its finest oh we made it realize it where's the camara though sorry next to me oh look there's the Perrault's so we have we've met with the rest of it of another herd wait where's that t-rex though oh [ __ ] it's right next to the camara I took a swipe at it wait I'm covered in oh yeah victory cake where is it right now right on me right at me oh come on it Thank You taco you can crap out of it [Laughter] dick Rex I'm gonna kick you all we did buy back these absolutely let us do that we made it to the proving grounds look at me I'm a carnivore that thing would exert around his clink - whoa nice that was awesome that was really he felt really different than the normal migration no because we were relying on one dinosaur to lead the way that was cool look at them all broadcasted die then take out all right guys so I think this is where we're gonna end it we eventually made it not with the same numbers that we started with but still another very very cool server event as always you do want to take part in these links will be down in the description so you can join the discard but for now from me and taco thank you very much for watching if you new subscribe to the channel and we'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 103,585
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Keywords: the isle, The Isle, the isle game, the isle gameplay, the isle update, the isle new update, the isle dinosaurs, the isle new dinosuar, the isle raptor, the isle raptor pack, the isle t rex, fooster the isle, the isle survival, the isle raptor survival, the isle best dino, the isle biggest dino, the isle best server, the isle funny moments, the isle lets play, lets play, the fooster the isle, the isle pc gameplay, the isle fooster events, the isle hypo, the isle croc
Id: SRjdy5Lqxlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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