Allo vs Cera Mechanics/Strategy - The Isle Gameplay

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I hear in Ava and it's really far away so I couldn't have spun for me so somebody else in the area a carnivore and there's a lake up down there that a lot of people hide it to grow because it's really far from everything else so let's see what's hiding at the lake so spend a little stem anant and regain it while walking there's the lake that sounds like I said yeah I think you can tell if there's more so I'm gonna try to sneak up on them so my advantages as a low versus Sarah number one is my amber speed faster much much much faster number two I he'll bleed quickly number three is I apply a lot of bleed where Sarah's dog Sarah are all about the bite damage but not a lot of lead now Sarah's advantages are it turns quicker it's faster and sprint now in this case there's more of them so it will be absolutely crucial for me to only use my ambush speed to get close to them otherwise because of their turn speed and their sprint speed if they get on my back there's nothing I can do to shake I can't break check check them because Iowa has a slide like if I stop I still move forward a little and much much more in sprint I stop and I still move forward where Sarah's stopped instantly so very hard to break check Sarah's as now I see you sir so it'll be absolutely crucial for me to use my amber speed to bite them and then disengage really far so I can get my amber speed again no killing one sir is kind of easy if I sneak up on it so I'll just give it a couple bites and go for another sir just one bite now let's wrap around try to get another bite on another Sara so it does into one bite unfortunately I was hoping for two now if a sir does get on my back what I'm gonna have to do to lose it he's actually sit down and get my ambush speed up even if I'm gonna be taking a lot of hits I have to sit down get my poor speed up and then run away otherwise it will literally write me to death those those that's gonna be the only thing that's gonna save me getting that ambush speed up not dying see if I can buff around get as close as possible before I use ember speed so that I retain it for much longer after engaging so I can run away far just sit down and get my amber speed up again so you should be someone over here unless you know it's right there I'm not far enough I have to sit down and we'll speed up oh this one's help ambush speed out sit face treat another hit right away there's one in there cutting me up okay everybody's sufficiently bleeding I'll heal the bleed first don't think they're gonna come for me he loved us bleed as quickly as possible because they'll be healing for longer than that well they did literally can't move right now because they'll bleed out and I'll be the first one to show off the bleed so there's three of them that pretty sure that one's gonna I can just kill that one I'll heal 2/3 and go off through that one or go looking for the other ones let's find them all sitting and healing and then just mess around with them all right bleed is healed super super quick hope that one's up so he must have healed the bleed now I definitely don't want to fight it again because I'm 1/4 I don't know how close it is to die he could be for all I know it could be just on third screen which means it will kill me this is not healthy no it's damaged that's runaway let's go hungry 18 I gotta lose them in the cheese and Shelob some if I can so they might be very very careful in their approaches because they might think that I'm trying to sneak up on them again but instead of doing that I'm gonna run as far as these trees go and hide at the very end I'll try to show up the third screen and then stop messing around and actually kill one because I'm actually in a lot of pain right now that are hard stumps to my left but I don't see anything there's the third screen or keep healing just for a little bit more so I can take two hits if I need to because right now two hits and bleed can kill me before I can run away so I want to heal up a little bit more see if I need to I can tank two hits and then run away bleeding and not die from bleed heal it while walking or sprinting yeah I was messing around a little too much as I could I just killed one that I was bit first or maybe the second one while they were bleeding keep focusing the bites on the same one kill it but I was like trying to mess around with all of them all three of them and that kind of backfire now cuz I took hits from all of them while my damage was spread between all of their health pools so that's not ideal and what's my hunger at 14 so I got a seal the deal here very very soon or I'll be starving and potentially guide to the saris because they all healed off the bleed they're all healing right now just like I am and with this low health it's gonna be harder to seal the deal all right I should go about mid third screen that's good enough to take two hits let's get back to the lake finest era finish it eat it what was that that's a parent I think it's a pair where's the lake it should be further I think but yeah Julie Utah's Oh nope I heard a surface heretical so definitely find a sir here I just couldn't sit down a Kip Boston crotch but I couldn't sit down and that's the problem with the sir as you can too much messing around just super unhappy with myself super disappointed because I just kept messing around could I just get one Sara but I was trying to take on being a chart dog and then obviously at the end screwed up but definitely shows you how to fight saris use your speed so on and so forth so hopefully that's a lesson don't mess around with Sara's too much because there's only so much that you can take alright I hope you guys enjoy this guide bye bye
Channel: Sticky Utah
Views: 24,215
Rating: 4.8785338 out of 5
Keywords: sticky utah, allo, allosaur, allo fight, allo hunt, allosaur hunt, allosaur fight, dino, dinosaur, dino fight, dino hunt, dino game, dinosaur game, dinosaur fight, dinosaur hunt, carni, carnivore, carni fight, carni hunt, carnivore hunt, carnivore fight, cera, cerato, cera pack, cerato pack, cera fight, cerato fight, cera hunt, cerato hunt, survival, survival game, the isle, the isle gameplay
Id: DZiN9p3P7qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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