Game Of Survival - Acro vs Alberto - 1v6 - The Isle Gameplay

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oh boy hello function dose Rex Sukkos roars watch for the Mallos chewy you to snack on that I see the olives in the trees look this one of them it's a lot of parties that'd be a crazy fight to take on six there's six of them crazy fight but that's what I like they're taking thing all right I need to waste their stamina they don't regain stemming it very quickly followed by walking or sitting and I trot faster so I'm gonna walk away from them and if they really want to hunt me they're gonna have to use some of that stamina to catch up to me and that's gonna come and crucial later on okay once running let's head to salt to win then we'll see if I need to go all the way to go for example towards as much stamina as possible a couple things while we're walking beat six Alberto's I have to apply the bleed I cannot fight them head on oh that you want in the trees over there going them so fighting them hat on they can just trade fights with me and I will lose though something out damage me so I have to applies couple bites to each one to bleed them and they don't heal me very quickly so that's gonna stack up where sale Berto bleed on me is low Alberta zone too much bleed so that's gonna come in crucial not to simply trade bytes with them but just apply bleed and let them bleed for a while I see three fours three more and stout in the open when I can't go in the trees cuz in the trees if I lose track of one of them okay that's the second problem if an old Berta gets on my ass to harass ride me you will be extremely hard for me to shake them off because they turn quick they're speedy and they don't have a slide so great checking them will be very very hard get one two three four five or six more there's the sex one locking behind just have them voiceover with stamina hopefully if they chase me right so I can let them get on my butt too to make sure it doesn't happen because obviously with the big pack I can't keep track of everybody in face everybody so what I'm gonna have to do is use my ambush speed which is very very quick I can run fool get some bytes on one and then a completely disengaged from the rest of them turn around get my own burst speed again and do rinse and repeat and that way they won't be able to stick to my butt Josh ride me kind of like a carnage if you would like you just run through disengage completely they're not using their stomachs so here's the plan get ambushed speed bite one or two at least two times not they're cutting me up you gotta keep going for their salt I go then [Applause] if I can engage in this one it might force the others to sprint here we see their stamina so let's see if I can do just let them get as close as possible now I'm gonna crop okay up there running and let's apply bleed to this one disengage get my stamina up let him bleed that one's out of the fight perfect I got four or five bites on it that's enough to bleed out in Alberto so he has to sit how much meat I should get on me to clean fire ha that's more than I hoped for I'm gonna walk behind the trees get my humble speed up and then try to have much more there you go out of the five disengage from the rest of them four left let's walks out on we believe too much well we lost 0.5 okay it's good enough all right in all election didn't get full stomach by walking all right we're left okay those two will be healing for a long time at least I want to say five minutes minimum she gives me time shot to take care of these ones okay I can run oh there's to be over there I don't want to run into three there's single out one at a time preferably run this one down I wonder one bite and keep brave check me I'm first with some bleed let's get more stamina she's gonna be bleeding more than I well so that I believe it's gone how won't be healing cuz the acro heal is terrible let me try to get more stamina up at least before I do anything else time is it was almost evening I kind of want to change this to daylight so you guys can see better or try to close it out quicker what do you guys think should I ask them I'll ask them if they say ok once panda sneaky admin I've been trying to hunt the owner there let them decide if they want to or not there's the boat I'm going on at reason I'm gonna try to ambush this front one not ideal got some bleeped on it though episode of the fight your remaining skip more stamina I went to second how much believe five shot to show some of this by walking instead of trotting trotting bleeds more pretty sure second screen for three Alberto's three more just going to be very very close survival that's my buddy no I have really neat stuff actually next you know let's go the other way because those the ones that are healing them I tried to cut me off how much stamina does this it's gonna be able to run me down you shouldn't have too much stamina this would be even better if the alcohol was healing better just like a normal HP not that bleed but the aqua feels extremely slowly so even if I heal the bleed by the time I healing HP it's gonna take forever so that's unfortunate the marks on me look like I'm on third or fourth update yep I am with her to actually know he'll the bleed unfortunately the HP is not gonna be healing any time soon so I may have to trade bites again just to get them bleeding and then hopefully well don't bleed out before I do even if they put me on late third screen possibly even fourth I think they'll bleed out before I do because they don't apply it that much bleed so let's go ahead and try to - just gotta make sure I'm treated with both of them just one at a time nice hooking the bit each other it's - one more bite on each hopefully I'm artist Emma come on ah so close had run out of stem and I hold outward I almost had the second one too I misjudged their stamina they had the more stamina than I expected so disappointed
Channel: Sticky Utah
Views: 68,639
Rating: 4.8793335 out of 5
Keywords: Sticky Utah, Acro, alberto, alberto pack, acro hunt, acro fight, alberto fight, alberto hunt, carni, carnivore, carni fight, carni hunt, carnivore fight, carnivore hunt, dino, dinosaur, dino game, dinosaur game, dino hunt, dinosaur hunt, dino fight, dinosaur fight, survival game, the isle, the isle gameplay
Id: PJ4PGK-Kepw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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