Territorial WAR - 10 Utahs vs 15 Utahs - The Isle Gameplay

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my back alright so I got a couple ideas number one is when we walk in I'm gonna give him a chance to switch sides so I'll just say go but hey whichever Utah wants to decide say me give them a chance to you know switch if they don't want to fight and the second one well first of all do you guys agree with that or no oh just kill them all yeah they survive if they survive it means that their new fighters so I know good good fighters will be the first to die is just how it is good fighters in the big pack fire war they are the first to die because bad fighters will sit back and try to survive kind of thing rather than you know rooks down and kill everybody so no actually I dispute that like if I go in into that backward I'll probably die but I'm ok with it because I got extra life so and then I'm not note second part is I kind of want to split us in two groups first group is gonna be the attackers so we're gonna aggressively attack them and then the secondary group is gonna hang around the entrance inside the port but around the ancients and once once the attackers get hit two or three times they're gonna run out and it's gonna be your job to get the UTA's we're chasing them off their back so you're basically going to chase anybody who chases the you just running out of port or no should we wait like on on the angels like outside or inside inside the port where the gates are so you're gonna hang around there and then once let's say I get hit two or three times but probably three times if I get hit three times I'm gonna try to make it out because three times will give me about 30 seconds maybe 40 seconds of blue time before I die from bleed so I'm gonna try to make it out of port through the main entrance and it's gonna be your job to attack any Utah that chases me so get them off my back so I can go sit in the forest I'm gonna all right so we need to I'm thinking maybe just two people are gonna be the defenders so let's call them defenders and then the rest are gonna be attackers what do you guys think about that cuz it's very hot right it's very hard to run away from a Utah if you're bleeding a lot cuz it's just yeah so kind of what will not organize that so it's not a [ __ ] where everybody's gonna bag to bleed in your because somebody's chasing them okay so who wants to be the defenders so we're just gonna have to I'm thinking maybe people who don't have lives or points to buy another Dino maybe the defenders I don't have any so they'll be talking attack so they'll be toxic and colder Kota right I said nothing cool I said I was the first one to say I'll defend saying Kota do you want to switch to a checker yeah I'm okay with that Sakura and toxic will be defender so your job is to stay around the gates and chase any you to the chase is one of us outside the port 99% probably need water soon right we're gonna stop at Jim Jim right everybody's gonna stop at Jim food butter set right before we're going right let's get going Oh let's eat around here first unreasonable let's flip around north before we go to gym so we're not running in plain sight in case one of them is looking over the plains just straight to the forest from here and yet another I really hope Fox is not telling them everything I'm not telling him [ __ ] what's that if I'm just washing my child there's what he's an m1 watching me oh there you know yeah all right everybody stay away from the jump somebody loop around to the east and her behind him will kill him first he's gonna come over here oh I'm gonna loop around him there's a second oh oh yeah there you guys they know your kill these two first I'm looping around we'll still have to kill these two because they're in our back one day all right let's eat this body on me body and sticky we're gonna eat it first then we'll come back for water and then we'll go back to bodies bodies gun everybody let's go to Jim get some water and then we'll cook and stamina and then we'll come back all right we'll come back through the north gate so we'll loop around north do you want to split up oh they don't know how many we are do they know don't kill anything outside fort because we'd only be tethered to that body we're gonna go inside for so we'll just look north and then to north gate and then we'll strolling into the middle of the court I'll just drink one three tango report let's move away from the gym before we get stamina in case one of them comes back to scout follow me we're looping around west and the north and east put something in front of us yeah I know it's pretty far it's like towards barracks we might be too many enough there's not even oh yeah we don't have the love under those okay I'm an adult you don't know actually let's get stamina right here in this yeah all right so what are we doing we're giving them a chance to switch our we're just killing them anyone for letting them switch foxy I'd say for now just dip the [ __ ] out of port give me one a rock all the way they can see this hill right up I'll go chasing Judy carne or something right now well has a lowest time an armful everybody else cool yep it's okay before Anna port then the body's not a fork go straight inside the port I'm gonna run right through the front door I'll do it through the north gate we'll go into the north gate okay there's a little Jew somewhere on here I can be a distraction nope okay there you know [Music] first thing get your armor speed up we're going to the castle we're gonna kill any adult sitting on a nest or two babies inside the den this just means there's one on the crates find any more on the crates kill them before the fights are registered [Music] these ladies oh oh it's my feet oh no my bytes are registered for Daisy off the north gate right behind you guys hello rafter okay I killed one let's go for the yellow one [Applause] run a roll magan's so then are you gonna be kidding does our dailus making that noise I don't remember that noise that should be three dead one up there's one up on the crates a bit twice a state stay clear of members stay clear of our own members okay one left I see one left get the black and orange one I got a sit oh there's a great one coming up on you Jen she's dead she get up perfect all right you need dragon stay away from each other le to one at someone it's a there's another one Northgate just comentary okay okay I'm a No okay yeah you need to take over take over the great one dragon an ally leave this one doesn't really look like it wants to fight yeah just spam bites and bites and running circle and some of the bites will register one broke whomp you have one broke a leg she's sitting by the what to call defense yep same here Unni are you bidding I couldn't even keep track and why I came back nope he's protecting pack me hey Unni are you hurt I'm not hurt I'm just like literally out of Stan okay I'll watch here he's going up to everybody on the crane up then she dashes don't there's one there's one at West food I'm toxic if you're healthy come here between us toxic go after just spam bicycle yep he's right here by me he's behind a crate go ahead all right so we lost one takes one side and I take the other - cool who do you believe Brando Brando yeah somebody died look like Corey died but then she came back oh it was Cora sitting there I was like Cora get up and then she died it was what it looked like but she's bad now so I get it because used isuna not spawn near me I joined in when you guys were saying all right you get one side up the ladder I'll get the other one is that you in there yeah I'm swinging there I got two babies one thing one's up come in spinal don't bite me I got bit twice foxy invited the spine is like what the [ __ ] happened he said that's rough what happened to these boys are you know the person oh well someone's injured me always I mean there's plenty enough to go around that one though they ran out the gate I did chase him off but I was like [ __ ] I don't want to kill him and then be tethered out here so when he got far enough I just turned around hey good job everybody except Brenda I mean [Laughter]
Channel: Sticky Utah
Views: 20,765
Rating: 4.8672199 out of 5
Keywords: sticky utah, raptor, utah, utah raptor, utahraptor, sticky utahs pack, pack wars, utah vs utah, utah pack vs utah pack, utah pack vs, the isle, the isle gameplay, port, port wars, utah wars
Id: V0ImR28XtHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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