Tyler, the Creator Does Stop Motion | Nuts + Bolts Episode 1

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[Music] I draw you know almost every day and I love cartoons cartoons just do whatever you could blow a house up and a doll can come out speak in English like goddammit they blew my house up like giving a car and drive that's awesome I want to figure out exactly how stop-motion is made and then make my own stop-motion cell I want to just build my own world because it's a safe place whether it's my room I'm gonna with these imaginary care there's some things like that making a sound that's the soundtrack to this bigger world that's I feel safe in everything that I make is because of these things in a sense I've done stop-motion back in 2008 I sat in the car while my friend smoked or whatever and I kept taking photos of that then I put them all together and they made music that just went too bad that video is so bad this I don't know what I'm doing I figured it'd be smart to me where Henry Selick the guy who directed James and the Giant Peach I'm literally just want to know anything he'll tell me and imma just soak and sponge all of that up so how old were you when you first saw James the Giant Peach I think I was about six or seven years old it was intriguing because I've never seen animation like that before what's something I should put extra focus on with coming up with this short I think character is the most important element of telling stories great characters in a middling story can still be a very entertaining movie the other way around it won't work you get to bring these characters to life you perform through the characters so these characters are really standings for yourself yeah I'll definitely keep that in mind hopefully what I make is is decent I think the most engaging films shorts or long are ones that the audience has to answer some of the questions that you don't do it all for the audience your characters have to be ones you love and learn to have patience because it takes a very long time to bring something to life a frame at a time and have some fun stupid buddies is the driving force behind the animation of Robot Chicken all the technical that no Holland's to do they do it and they do it well i watching Robot Chicken since I was like 16 they just made me say dude I want to do this what's going on came to talk to the big guy let us know what stop-motion is it's complicated basically stop-motion is just taking an object or a puppet moving it one frame at a time taking a picture of it rinse and repeat thousands of times and all of a sudden your toys are moving around do you guys like make the toys ourselves yeah we do everything in-house so everything from the voice recording to making the puppets to making the sets all the magic happens right here one thing that when I was younger that gravitated me towards Robot Chicken was just anything went down you could blow up not the Care Bear shooting up but like it was amazing just cuz I could relate to it although it's a different you know realm just making a living in the career and your whole life just being what you did as a child and what you would do for free yeah it's that's basically it so anything that we create it really starts with an idea coming up with your idea writing it down from there we go into voice record I think I broke my spleen you and jump in with no that was I have nothing to say I'll get to do some of the life you'll be the only character okay you guys are recording two voices do you do them all like at once what like maybe two or three people or do you just do it separately most of the time we do it separately just because of the actors were working with their schedules are so off you think it flows better when it's like just back and forth yeah especially with the ad-lib stuff Seth and I were just goofing off in the booth and suddenly it became this talking about this and doing this and he's like shut up Gerald nobody I know I'm talking about let me face what I'm sayin suddenly we were like why are they British why not they're British that's tight alright Tyler I want to get really grossed out by that line 57 this is disgusting oh the switches my penis oh okay I didn't know that all right you see my fetish is oblivious hand jobs flipping that switch thanks for the spanks dad damn it wow that's tight that was fun from there we'll actually do the storyboards that's where you come up with all of your shots all of your angles all of that fun stuff and then we go into editorial that's where the animatic is put together and that's basically storyboard two sounds timed out any last words my first y'all killing anything bad from there the puppet department in the art department will look at everything that needs to be made and then start building it Wow didn't read the song every character we have starts with a skeleton we call it an armature it's basically a bundle of lumen my ER and a little bit of steel wire wrap it's too heavy heavy so once we have that armature we'll put it into our mold and now this is a stone mold that we've made you can see one already preset here it's like torture you guys are evil it is a little bit like a torture trap so our molding and casting Department they're going to inject that mold with silicone which is a soft silicone rubber so they can bend a little bit easier I've got these are two of our more complicated characters because we had to go in and actually rig them so their eyes turn on all of his electronics are in his tuchus I'm showing here secrets of chicken and Jen can tell you a little bit about the costumes for I thought that was velcro to put it together but no no no that's his little tie cuz he got a job I had a piece of a1 New Year's one of the worst times in my life and I remember at one moment everything was looking like Robot Chicken everyone was talking and it was like you could just see the in hand imprints of everything I was like this is sketch I will never ever game and do anything I'm good and yeah so the actual dialogue starts here on frame 10 just for that two seconds mmm how long are you here trying to give that on camera if all things go smoothly we are expected to get 10 seconds a day 10 seconds every eight hours before a jump you want your character to like squat down like so that he can pop up in the next frame so this is crazy you are a patient dude man you gotta be this whole time we were here he's probably 15 minutes maybe more and he got one second done that's crazy screwing us dude the patient's the way I say the patient's is good makes it seem like I don't have patients we all have patients it's just what we're passionate for I could sit and work on a song for a year I think the patient's that they have with just that and not rushing and making it perfect is really cool hi so a friend showed me this crane and love stop-motion video and I was blown away by how minimal it was it looked amazing I was like yo maybe they could help me figure mine can we hit up Gino all right what's up hey what's your name let them know where you from Gino from Compton just kidding oh I'm actually just from Ventura Oh born in Hawaii but you know so you want to do stop-motion okay what do you like as far as animations concern is there anything that influences you I love what Pixar does you know Toy Story is a very very important staple in my childhood you were the same age as the main character was that mean your name oh I want to come and stop-motion James and the Giant Peach that was really cool to me because I was the first movie that I saw like that when I was younger and I was like what is this so give me they're like the the the start of this idea my idea originally was two dudes in a diner so do pulls up shoot somebody in the head and it's over great so this takes place in a diner mm-hmm that's cool supposedly it originally did but they about by taking me to stupid buddies today they changed my whole perspective on life it really me up they had roof on a roof they did a what under what by the way this is really grip tape to emulate the feeling of a roof they didn't just paint it they actually got the material that's amazing what are the things that floating around your mind blow some up off top something got to blow up his brain should just blow out on everything oh it's in the soup okay what's the things that rough that rock riders wear when they're abusive show more streams anybody makes stop-motion with real life you come back into the diner it's just brown and gross looks like a Wyclef Jean me to you I want to see you comment saying look at that light post it's a car doing donuts yeah this might be the most historic thing in stop-motion or completely overlooked our prop master is gonna be you know he's top of the line okay cute going dog so I'd love for you to like get some character designs and some some dialogue dialogue and character design my concept for this stop-motion thing is this diner scene where these two guys are conversating about sunflowers but they're talking about it in this way that seems like it's illegal or they really shouldn't be talking about it and in this world flowers and pollen and things like that is how we will replace cocaine or heroin they're just nature's eye candy so I created four characters for this shirt one of them is me another one is this waitress and I kind of based off this girl she's a model I really liked her silhouette and the other two were just based off random characters my head ones like this bald sort of English guy with this big head in this big mouth and really low eyes and nose kind of looks sketchy and very fidgety the other one is just like tall black guy with like a bob cut was like a really pretty supervillain almost the eye candy and visual aspects like is well really important to me and then I write dialogue based off that it's basically these two guys talking about something they claimed on doing while the other guys saying yo we should get the hell out of here it's all getting me your head his brains get blown out and that's from the guy that they're talking about who pulls up and literally walks up to the window and just so when it came time to which is today to do the voices I kind of figured oh I'll just do the voices so who knows what this is about to sound like cuz I have a really horrible UK accent hello take some cookies for my dog I love tea and milk Astra pasta Baba and now cuz I'm from Britain CH as what you call a British accent go sit over there about to text it to you you just got sound like a British dude but like he's like kind of nervous like look man I [Laughter] I wanted the ball guy to sound like a weird English fidgety like could Loki be a crackhead type guy look man we took a bigger bite the weakest swallow I started making out not to be tougher with and and we put him in a wood worried a little car collection and then the other guy I want him to seem like he's really about his money and I wanted his voice to kind of sound like I can only say smooth chocolate he got what I wanted I'm afraid to get that and don't you forget that [Laughter] okay who's shot you getting shot so he says it when when it's gone to your head in any sight it's gone - yeah it's gone - yeah he just dies off you just don't get it started yeah you just don't get it let's go to your head and it's gone to your heart trying to get the HD at least this gun at least slightly like I said you just don't get it don't you got the words I said the words I'm sorry so we end up using 3d printing for the car because just works the fastest to be honest right now we're printing the the base of the vehicle it's all broken up into different parts each part needs to be printed then we're gonna go and use bondo and we're gonna modify it to the look that Tyler Lee likes and what he wants [Music] this is the end product the end of the puppets every single puppets actually designed slightly different for the gunman character one he has a specific duty and job separate from all the other puppets whereas like this one serves a purpose of just standing there this guy actually probably has to run and walk and jump and shoot a gun and get out of a car and we had any we had to anticipate that for that type of design a lot of work goes into a stop-motion short you have to design these characters and then every shot is just having to move the little arm and all of that I feel bad for them because I got to do that I don't ok let's set up for the the next car shot cars need to be cruising in what up baby girl how are you that's crazy yeah it's run in a couple spots but that's crazy I'm wiring it up for the lights this is wild we jot some holes in it to light it all the rigging is in there for the lights there's a mangled mess of a person inside this he just needed to be able to see just his head in his arm as he shut the door and took off doesn't it go like this not I said Lamborghini it goes like that Oh like that tell me that y'all don't got Google the guy parks it see the doors go off and this guy gets out or whatever you don't think that nothin and he walks towards the window and just blows the guy's brain out do a slow push in you see the car drive in see the gunman get out I kind of wanted it from this angle like I want you to see ya when you guys like I want I want it to be here there we don't see so this is immediate like like a snap you see the glass off his body slumped over the head rips to the right and we snuck in a huge wire rig that's glued down behind to him and there's a lot of chunks that have placed behind it are you gonna like see everything that's going on just making sure Wow how it looks here when you see a scene is just crazy because like you look at this I was like oh Snickers playing with clay and then you see it together and it's like whoa this is like really good and coming together so well and the car just looks amazing I'm really excited on how the final product is gonna come out it should be really good Lucar collection he got what I want and I'm free to get that you just don't get it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know it's so sweet looks great this is amazing yeah this is so tight just seeing this come to life you like I have like my brains I don't what else could I do now this looks amazing this is four weeks this is crazy I made a stop-motion film it's literally 58 seconds it's based on everything I've learned from going a stupid buddy seeing how much detail they put into things to mr. Selleck just telling us what he did on James and the Giant Peach to mean with Gino every little moment counts every angle the car I love the little background noises the characters the way that colors I'm I'm hyped on the whole thing I really want to thank you guys for coming out tonight me and Jasper did the voices at first it was really funny but it actually came out kind of cool these two dicks right here Gino and he money they helped with the design in the direction of it you have anything to say Jasper I don't think I fear is not getting what I won't faint fast enough and if you ain't go no speed up that process and you could take your ass home back on saying else with some boy we can swallow they mean she's not playin man the Golem is not to be tampered with and with what many would we little car collection ways oh well he's doing him don't pull no threat to me he got what I want and I'm afraid to get that and don't you forget that yeah you just don't get it [Music] [Applause] it [Applause] are we giving up for Jasper one more time Jasper was a star as always my exit was like a Swedish like he's not Playa but I don't know Swedish Jamaican accent got to be tougher with my favorite moments one is don't raise get blown out and then I come up a socket when we first saw that me a Jasper were down now that Tyler knows so much about this process from beginning to end he can do anything you can bring any story to life there's no stopping I hope that this could turn into something I wouldn't mind doing a whole series of this add music to we come up with some new characters some new things that I probably wouldn't be able to shoot in real life like taking a half one off the Grand Canyon media [Music] [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: Noisey
Views: 1,384,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop motion, igor, tyler the creator, fashion, film, 3D PRINTING, Animation, Technology, cartoons, flowers, CAMERA, rapper, writing, drawing, directing, build, Robot Chicken, Henry Selick, James and the Giant Peach, Stoopid Buddies Studios, Matthew Seinreich, Breckin Meyer, Gino Roy, scripts, voice over, gunman, vice, Noisey, punk, noisey music, noisy, animation, anime, new album, new song, 2019, stop motion animation, a boy is a gun, new magic wand, whatsgood, drake, camp flog gnaw, APCLPWCL124153118
Id: Uf3reN5HdKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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