Nardwuar vs. Tyler, The Creator (2022)

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here we are at beat street records waiting for tyler the creator thank you tyler welcome to beats g records our fifth time together you sexy dog yes go upstairs do you remember tyler i once showed you a mf doom doll and you said quote yeah my fans would probably cut a hole in it and [ __ ] it do you remember that yeah it's only gotten worse and in 2015 i also showed you a ja rule condom the jaw rule condom have you seen that oh wow thug loving this is all for his fourth album uh the one where he's leaning on the [ __ ] thing i think is just no no doug loving it yes a gyro condom that cameron diplomats cover is [ __ ] so good i was a double xl head by that time though oh dude that issue right there that eminem dr dre 50 cent one uh fourth quarter uh 2002. i think he's telling you to get that yeah yeah yeah but let's let's read let's let's read let's let's just no no no leave that in there that was good he can't try to tell you to get it and you wouldn't [ __ ] but no he was saying get the [ __ ] cover dude i have that i have that at home uh in plastic too we're escorting you upstairs to beat street records in 2011 there was the eminem urinal mat do you remember that an eminem urinal mat that's funny as [ __ ] oh dookie yeah we're people peepee exactly and that all came from [Music] what up and here we are in the back room of beat street records where i borrowed all the stuff that i've shown you over the years tyler the creator oh this is where all of it comes from wow a lot of it comes from here damn that's a crazy poster they use it was this channel called the box channel 39 and uh this video right here it had like blue blue blue in the shadows and he was just walking in his neighborhood with crazy [ __ ] happening that's sick take a left here and we see the scene room jesus man i had this wow so these are all from avi's personal collection he's the owner of b2 records this came out right after marcia mathers lp that i think that might be from 2003 i ripped the neptune's uh their their album review for the clones album out of this i think yeah 2003. yeah i ripped it out of this uh albertsons off el segundo on hawthorne boulevard do you still have it uh yeah where's the review uh every i have like a collection of like all the magazines and things i've had since a child uh at home wow look at just the color with the with the with the cream and the blue and the red this is really good man this is this wax poetics wow ego trip i've heard of that check it out avi's personal room okay that is that is wild that's sick they got the legs right okay and this is a gift for you from trap toys to you no that's wild that's sick the [ __ ] damn that's nice could you explain to different poses oh oh wow okay wow wow this is very space jam-esque this is crazy oh my god where's jasper where's jasper go grab him this is [ __ ] crazy oh [ __ ] oh my god this [ __ ] all of this is homoerotic look how homoerotic 50 cent is right here imagine what i'll whoop your head boy right over that ah so fitting and tyler if we look over here the mf doom dog that is sick this is good stuff and some more to be the boss this is uh the album is wild it's a song on there called what i want with charlie wilson yelling on the hook with ludicrous it's really good it's probably like 17. this is a this is a wild era for him and check over here your good friend little uzi vert that's him what the hell oh my god nice and then some kanye action marshall wants sick and the lovely ladies destiny child's ones are crazy that's wild i have this that's really cool and then we turn around here look the legendary dilla yes dilla that's nice that's sick i've seen that i think i remember when i came out actually that james brown is terrifying i'm so down [ __ ] look at that 50 cent one bro actually could you tell right now who do we have right now with us jasper jasper a star of jackass a number one movie in the mu look at this movie star it's me i'm not showing my nipples thank you jasper also for greeting me with a hug remember vegas the last time what happened there yeah the last time i saw you in vegas i got happy and i wanted to hug you you protected me didn't you in the back yeah yeah boyfriend yeah my name is is uh this photo was in the was in the in the booklet for the martial matters op and my name is was the album before so they kind of [ __ ] up with i don't know that's that's kind of yeah that's wrong and some outcasts and paul wall everything like everybody who isn't here just out of curiosity where's nicholas i'm not exactly sure but we're here at peat street records ready to talk to tyler the creator [Music] who are you uh i'm tyler uh i am a person with many ideas and i execute them uh at the highest level that i can when i can and uh yeah i might buy a boat a boat every night you ride out on a chris craft 60 is 50 58 or like 62 whatever year it is i don't know how long is your chris craft that one uh [ __ ] i don't know 14 feet i don't know probably because i have a gift for you right now a chris craft record right here from 1958. okay oh i was not wrong well wow look how happy she is white happiness i love it she's a singer amazing that's hot kelly that's cute now where did you get your chris craft because that's 26 feet yours is 14. well we got mine uh kind of custom built uh and it says baudelaire on the side specifically to fit in these arenas did you talk to mr chris craft at all no no uh he's probably dead is he dead probably it's an amazing looking boat it's like a kind of like a rum runner so much cheek it was known as a rum runner great i really like i like that chris connor a great singer a gift for tyler the creator creator thank you at pete street records he ate that thank you early days mr slade did he teach you production uh he taught me um i didn't know how to use garageband or logic or any of these things and he really opened that up and he was the first person to play me dwelling do i la's music and man the the the the warmth and openness that he gave me when i would show him these horrible ideas that some 16 year old has uh really helped uh really helped me shape my sound because he didn't judge he wasn't super critical on it he would give tips and things but he would allow me to figure out my sound and i really appreciate him for that shout out to mr slade yes sir and mrs murphy oh yeah mrs murphy mrs monroe uh at media arts academy in hawthorne very very very instrumental to to the base of what i do right now narwha are you crazy bro this [ __ ] start naming teachers from like ninth grade like i went to the school for a week and he's like who's miss murphy i'm like [ __ ] you are wild i was curious what can you tell the people about these records right here h town who you sampled yep for what's your name um for this one specifically uh i went on a cheerios commercial audition when i was five and they asked me oh could you sing and i said yeah i could sing and they said all right sing a song so i sung let me lick you up and down by h town what's your reaction uh i don't really remember my mom says it was [ __ ] terrible but i did the whole dance and all of that and he was watching some five-year-old do that and he was like what the [ __ ] supposedly um but yeah they're uh jesus christ they're [ __ ] fired and from 1972 hookfoot yep i definitely stopped for sweet they had the ill ill drum like four seconds of just drums and i was like oh i definitely need that and i looped it and i didn't plan on using it but it ended up becoming one of my favorite songs which is sweet um off call me if you get lost how did you find it like right now we're here at beat street records going through the crates but how did you find hook foot i listen to music all the time just all the time listening to music whether it's buying a random vinyl or just something i missed that itunes used to have was listeners also bought and uh you could end up on the most random thing like stereo lab and then under it you'll have like uh the high llamas or monet or just things like that that really was a direct like derivative not a bad way thing from them and uh you don't really get that anymore so it's it's kind of made it more of a thing where you have to really dig and go and just listen to random stuff tyler i have a gift for you right here the sun city girls what can tell the people the sun city girls me and mrs jones yeah they have my favorite cover of all time uh me and mrs jones it's an old old school like if you grew up in a black household you've heard this song a thousand times but they did a cover that's technically [ __ ] terrible like gross and it's my favorite cover that i think i've heard of any song um sun city girls me and mrs jones it's [ __ ] it's superb his voice is gross sounds like a wood door just being [ __ ] stabbed just writing a dick and i love everything about it it's not on this record but this is a gift for you no this is sick i love this thank you i was curious tyler the creator what is your workout routine because every night you're up there for like two to three hours that isn't easy uh i've actually i went to my first gym uh a month ago in boston uh because they had a steam room uh at the hotel i was staying at so i went there but other than that i never been to a gym i don't really work out i just kind of just ride my bike can jasper name any of tyler's moves name some of my moves [ __ ] y'all talking about shouldn't jasper show us one of my moves the alien isn't there the alien yeah do them do to try one of the [ __ ] moves that you work out with asperger jasper you got this bro so there are moves there are names no you can't demonstrate any of the moves i don't have any uh names for none of the moves on stage what about tips for wearing a hat like right now what are you wearing because you're not wearing a fur hat what are the tips for wearing a fur hat uh just mean it when you wear it i don't know i love them but i'm i'm [ __ ] over them i need a break what do you think about the sweat like how do you stop to sweat you don't you just [ __ ] go for it and let it drip right down your [ __ ] body tyler what is the importance of gangster grills and i have a gift for you right here an original gangster girls from 2006 and a later one a later one what is the importance like dj drama it has cheers on it um but this is original this is an original gangster grills i was talking to uh i was talking to drama and he asked how did you come across it and rap music used to be super super or music used to be super regional so you know back in 2005 and six like if you came across it uh it was because of the internet and just random people playing a random song and you looking it up and finding a whole just world of these things and um during that time man it was so much wayne and tip and like i have friends who loved young dro and mixtapes at that time were so important um and a lot of it got geared up in 2002 with like 50 cent is the future and all the g unit mixtapes that people really don't talk about a lot um all the invasions with green lantern i could go on for days that we got it for cheaps the fahrenheits by lupe's like it's so many uh important pieces of music that were put out because of the weird label politics and man dj drama was ahead of uh head of one of the most important mixtape series of all time that really helped shape how a lot of people make music including me and that is a later one on a major label he was okay then the feds weren't after him yeah yeah yeah look he still wears his hat like this if uh if no one knows he still wears his hat like this i love the grass that you have on stitch the grass and the sparks thank you whose idea was that how did you come up with that the grass and the sparks uh it was it was my idea to to for for the grass i really like grass and i figured we could put grass let's go way back to march the 19th 2011 a cover story of odd future by andrew naz on billboard yes sir that's [ __ ] horny look at that what are you doing exactly jumping as high as i could trying to get the right blocking to put that up over his head and he jumped too it was a weird it was a weird shoot we shot this on rosewood on fairfax actually at like 10 p.m it came out so good though did frank come to one of your shows recently uh he was at the new york show or phil and philly yeah a few of them did you ever see frank stage dive have i yeah yeah definitely yeah in what circumstances i was just curious yeah no i have like 100 early shows this is before everybody would try to sue everybody and if we turn to the marker right there we see a bit more right there right there that's hot and if we continue on there's a quote i could be a complete failure by june but i don't see that happening i see grammys uh-huh yes who are those [ __ ] congratulations and in honor of two grammys i have a gift for you a trina from 2002 12-inch yes no this is kind of inspirational isn't it i love this i love this song this beat is so good so good could you explain a bit about this we see a little description who did the beat yeah i did a uh converse uh conversation and i mentioned this song being a like a pre-chorus like a like the setup for twisted fantasy by kanye west and the way that the beat was uh structured and put together and um if you listen to trina be all right that's instrumental you'll see like you know an instrumental he breaks it down and just stops and it's a lady just singing with strings and stuff and like if you hear that structure it's not shocking on twisted fantasy some of the musical choices he was making i love this [ __ ] song i was curious oh my burger yes oh my burger off of el segundo and is that western no that's vermont van ness yeah it's a burger spot i've been going to that's kind of in the neighborhood where i grew up what about fabulous burger yeah los angeles uh classic it's 24 hours yeah it stays open they have really good chili cheese fries and i don't even like chili piggies and hawkins didn't eat at piggies much but yes definitely uh definitely a spot out there golf thing is fun if you don't like doing much body movement fear the floor yeah golfer and i have a gift for you right now tyler the creator a t-shirt the possibly could wear or is it too small honestly cannot fit this but i see a bell boy uh-huh yes i thought of you when i saw this shirt no that's sick he has his bags and stuff you can try it on now could you i can't dude i can't fit this but could you try like i think it will stretch i think it will stretch look at my shoulders and they got them built like a bus stretchable you tried thank you thank you for trying i appreciate that because most people won't try you can take that off and give it to somebody that it fits no we're good i [ __ ] with you you can take that off sure i'll [ __ ] with you thank you very much i appreciate that what does tyler the creator smell like french waltz boom yes sir and in the lumberjack video you have a farfisa mini compact organ where'd you get that i love professors uh it was a gift from who i don't even remember is it in your house i think so what's in tune it's in one of them ba boom and speaking of lumberjack i have another gift for you fix the back come back never mind just do your thing dog i think he mentioned that the back isn't kind of pulled all the way down jasper do you want to wrangle is jasper a good wrangler for tyler my leg hurt from earlier uh yeah actually if we just uh pull it down there we go my bad nardy you had me nervous you're in the right aisle oh what do we have there look at that man look at that smile zoom in on this nigga's mouth yes zoom in on that [ __ ] mouth nardy and we're here at beat sheet records with tyler i look crazy okay you like that huh i have a gift for you tyler the creator a lumberjack record fire wow this [ __ ] knows brad [Laughter] oh man this photoshop is nice i'm down now what i was thinking is there is actually no record in there it's a wall hanger but i'm giving it to you as a wall hanger do you have many wall hangers uh no i'll keep all my records where the records are um yeah i usually hang up posters or art but this is nice but that's possibly for you to sample you'd have to go to youtube and find something but maybe you could sample lumberjack tuck dude look look how deep he took them damn jeans and them damn socks what can you say tyler about the book black ivy beautiful beautifully done check out black eyes it's great great book great book what is happening right now oh i needed my inhaler i got a little too excited in my you use it on stage occasionally yeah definitely who's in black ivy uh black ivy is a book by jason jules and it highlights uh the preppy ivy league look uh that that black guys did uh as a radicalized way of saying something as he will put it uh you have thelonious monk miles davis uh just anyone that you can name from like the 40s up until the late 80s and um i think it's really done well and if you're into that type of stuff i think you should check it out a beautifully done book beautifully done book well i have a gift for you tyler right here it is a sydney party record he's featured and look what he's wearing right there a beautiful green cardigan it looks like a pale mustard yellow um yeah this is gorgeous from 1960 something possibly that you could sample pache meets plato this is hot beautiful man he was hot where do you find good donuts in carlsbad ah i don't know the [ __ ] name of it lionel knows it but if you need good donuts in la uh randy's was the spot but then they got bought out they i ate still um sk is crazy um them [ __ ] need to open on mondays and tuesdays more because that [ __ ] is not cute sk's is great but i like regular glazed um where did we drive what about mcconnell's or fossilman's is that the ice cream spot yeah man they meant chocolate chip is [ __ ] crazy have you had it grand central market look at that [ __ ] delicious how about thrifty oh yeah rite a rite aid ice cream right next to big lots off hawthorne boulevard in like 1 32nd now we talking do you have some time now afterwards for some quick shopping downstairs at b street uh yeah whatever you want that'd be great like i thought you want to buy stuff i see what magazines he has i've seen some downstairs i was like that's fire i was gonna say tyler thank you again for talking to me over the years from 2011 till now like five times we have talked it's been it's been a lot it's been over ten years and i know they gotta put it together to see how terribly i aged i really appreciate you talking to me tyler cause i think the first time that people knew who i was really was through your interview with me 2011 they heard of me for the first time that's a damn lie had you heard of me before 2011 because i would like to thank you thank you tyler thank you because it really turned a lot of people on to my interviews thank you have you heard of me before that yeah i've seen like a few random like things but you know i grew up on the internet just looking at [ __ ] so and in honor of us coming together for a fifth time i have a prince ecore record for you what the hell is this from 1960 well check out the cover you might get inspired that check out the cover no that's hot that's hot this was probably wild for them they don't even make toys like this no more huh prince igor from 1960 as a gift for tyler the creator and tyler anything you'd like to add to the people out there at all um jasper you better do your homework when you go to school say it louder they didn't hear you better do your homework when you go to school go to school jesus christ uh-huh why should people care about tyler the creator why should people care uh they shouldn't you are free to like and be into whatever you are into and if you aren't into me you shouldn't spend your time saying you're not and if you are thank you and uh thanks for defending me and listening to anything that i put out you're a really good person to whoever i'm speaking to kisses well thanks so much tyler the creator keep on washing your hands in the free world and [ __ ] [Laughter] do do do and what jasper said when you go to school do your homework yeah all right you a little nasty boy like when you pull my shirt down from the back [ __ ] felt crazy it was lit i was like damn never like [ __ ] you go crazy he grabbed my [ __ ] up like [ __ ] you feel me real talk this is tyler the creator and you're watching narwhar's video vault [Music] this is for you yes i could take this to the vehicle this is so much this is nice thank you again you always come through with the nice stuff please leave him there though hi thank you thanks again for bringing tyler would you have the urb of the neptunes from 2002 we can butt uh it's a it's an issue of this uh herb urb magazine from 2002 that i almost bought uh is that it did it oh no uh it's like a it's like a yellowish orange background i wanted to buy it but i was two dollars short and the guy wouldn't let me slide when i was like uh 11 12 so and i've never got to see it in person again oh yeah that one oh wow man really yeah wow are you serious oh my god uh when i eat your little butt ah thank you so much oh my god jesus what's happening can you explain yeah i tried to buy this on a field trip uh but it was uh it came up to like six bucks and only have four and the guy at the magazine stand wouldn't let me slide um and this is one of the there's one of those things i don't have in my collection oh man this is crazy i haven't seen this in like 17 years this is nice wow i was a [ __ ] baby i was 11 like please wow this is ill fire this is crazy how do you do it well i've been buying magazines since these came out so i just saved everything man no i have i have a few but like this is this is so nice sheesh man wow sheesh so good before double xl ate the source up i've got double xls but they're kind of hiding behind here dude i was a uh i was such a i was such an eminem fan wow dude wow i remember this one oh man this cover you have some history man like real history i was there for a lot of this dude like a kid really buying this stuff man the god this is the god the god the godfather the real godfather man was that tash from the alcoholics was that chico de barge bro his album long time no c uh 97 i believe it's really really good um number six mrs wonderful one of my favorite songs ever it's like the grossest drums but when the organ comes in it's so warm wow 50. stop touching me stop [ __ ] [ __ ] that was jasper not me oh this [ __ ] cover man sheesh this was right after she's a [ __ ] came out are those free personal collection of these ones are the ones that aren't as important to me because i'm more of an 80s early 90s guy so do you want those ones tyler then or you keep them man wow i've got more downstairs for sale so clean so clean man no you have history man this [ __ ] meant so much to all the legendary cover dude have so much king tea from uh ellie he was on he was on he was on a chronic 2001 a lot 2001 ah yes this is right before they [ __ ] like this is right around that time it was like [ __ ] y'all it's so weird let's go downstairs tyler right now if we could just to look at some of the records hold on damn the east side is jesus christ it was such a weird moment in los angeles when that when that came out it was cool though little kim another snoop again the god this must be this must be like 99 98 that's when they yeah 98 right after the love movement which is like have some [ __ ] find my way is so good dude so good word word now wait a minute before you get into the cur diddy snoop man you got some [ __ ] brother mike beautiful beautiful [ __ ] wow queen latifah she don't get she don't get that recognition she deserves yet she's a god goddess no she's a god wow you know mr johnny yeah just give me the knife that's sick he's so ill he came to the show in new york i was so hyped that he got to see that at peat street records with tyler the creator they're similar makes vibe was so good oh this later on that's later on oh this is good [ __ ] dude wow that's sick this is fan mail huh this is the fan mail album they have a song called uh good at being bad off their 1999 album fan mail it might be number six uh it has a really good bridge in it uh the third right before the third first or whatever when i'm all alone i touch my shoe so good have you been to a lot of record stores on tour uh no not this time around it hasn't been that wow cool cover really cool cover who was who shot this the lighting is perfect for everyone's stone it's really good it's funny he didn't sing much but he was writing and producing everything mr swing devonta swing [ __ ] genius dude in vogue i had the biggest crush on her when i was a kid i bought that album that my album when i was a kid that drew hill album goes that first one no you got some stuff man man i thought i was usher when i was a kid yo that my way album is amazing just like me the bridge on there you have a good store man you should be very proud of it beat street records [ __ ] too wow remember when the new aftermath well it was like trying to like the new aftermath and all that it was interesting the eight mile the eight mile album came the eight mile soundtrack came with a sampler with like it was an artist named brooklyn and like gorilla or some [ __ ] they just was trying to really get this new aftermath off and it's when they just signed rakim too but it didn't really go as far but the big bang album by busta superb yeah so seductive is really good by tony ayo do you have any magazines at home yeah i have a lot i have like a library at home what do you think about banking them up uh i should but i don't they're just all out wow people used to say i looked like him silk the shocker he has really pretty eyebrows the firm it's funny this is the firm i just found out that biggie and jay-z were going to start a group called the commission with charlie baltimore and i wonder if that was to mirror not saying it in a bad way or a good way but it's just very similar to what the firm uh what was doing yeah super group time [Music] ah cream where was it sick cream oh rock and roll mag man you got some [ __ ] brother some good [ __ ] i love it i love it this is my favorite section what do you think about the old school section i don't know too much old school rap as uh i think i should but i know you know i know some things the egyptian lover wow i mean i know some things but uh 70 soul and 90s rap r b is definitely my uh in 2000's is definitely my pocket of knowledge do you have any jamiroquai avi romeo game time i got some songs on it oh yeah one of my favorite bands ever dude every day is my favorite song by jamiroqua i went to that tour really yeah it was good yeah man i love this is video jk scatting it's like 18 seconds in the studio and the song that never came out but it's the endless [ __ ] ever and i wish they could uh he just sent me this and he signed it like the other day that's why i got my pen on i remember you went on the didgeridoo for like half an hour or something like that it was hard on the didgeridoo yeah i wonder what that vault is like of unreleased music from every era uh funk odyssey turned 20 last year that album i bought that uh i bought that when i was 10 with like money i saved up [ __ ] amazing album did my pops buy me that album i don't remember but yeah thank you for coming to beat street tyler oh thanks for having me and thank you avi for letting us in here pleasure space man for real it's good it's really good i appreciate that i can tell you love all of it you really love it and a lot of the gifts and a lot of stuff i've shown you has come now from dude you have a i could tell you have a very extensive knowledge and a true love for it and i wish everyone who perpetr who were on who's on the internet speaking on music and speaking about it had the level of passion that people that have spaces like you had um and have the knowledge and information because truly it's sometimes it seems like it's a lack of so i'm i'm happy that you exist i appreciate that thank you thank you happy hand dude thank you did you want anything else bill did you want anything that's crazy what's happening right there i just haven't seen an element sticker in [ __ ] years this is just some real 12 year old like you know viva la bam [ __ ] just wow that's crazy some [ __ ] man fire love it love it all oh wow thank you and i could look this up and it's on like we're on everything man we're on spotify we're on uh youtube potato head people potato head people thank you so much and thank all of you guys i gotta go get to this goddamn show and watch everyone but i appreciate it congratulations again on the grammys let's give it up for tyler the grammys too that ain't easy that ain't easy too crap and a sold-out show a sold-out tour come on come on let's get up baby see ya bye bye [Music]
Channel: NardwuarServiette
Views: 4,583,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Tyler the Creator, Interview, 2022, Odd Future, Day n Vegas, 2011, 2019, 2015, Rap, Hip Hop, Grammy
Id: EwQQ7YtoGoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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