Tyler, The Creator Opens Up & Gets Raw, Real & Uncut!

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he’s certainly feeling himself the last few years lol. i still like his interviews though. always has something interesting to say IMO

i’ll say that his take on not understanding why some people like Flower Boy instead of Igor is dumb. i get the idea that musically he doubled down but vocally and lyrically they’re like two different projects lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 155 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lil_extro_vert_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Tyler but I kinda get tired about how he thinks every sentence that comes out of his mouth is profound

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 151 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

nice to hear him nerd out about soul. cool that WUSYANAME was first take.

interesting hearing him talking about how he reacting to people making comparison between odd future and like gravediggaz and how he was like "i don't know who that is" at the time. so he was kinda reticent to embrace rap like that but he's been able to come back to that stuff with an open perspective.

i feel like his take about how OF couldn't happen today is kind of eh. OF was a clear reaction to that exact moment in time. That sort of edgy shock value shit dates itself to that exact moment immediately because it's trying to get a rise out of society as it was at that time. It reminds me of how people say that Blazing Saddles would never be made today because of PC culture, when it's like... Blazing Saddles wouldn't be made today because it's a direct response to the westerns, which were recently very popular, and race relations at the time. There's a lot of cultural taboos that have been completely broken open since OF came up.

His point about digging up old stuff and saying "what's your end goal?" is also a good point imo. Ebro says something about "being held accountable" but Tyler pushes back rightfully with "what does that entail?" and it doesn't seem like a lot of people who dig up old shit have a good answer for that. Like he's changed and thinks that shit is corny now. If he's still on that shit, he'll do it again and you can call him out. you don't need 10 yr old songs.

He could've taken the bait on making a dumb comment about DaBaby being crucified when Ebro bought up that "Miley Cyrus and organizations want to talk to him" but he said "good for them."

He also admits that he's selfish and has his own shit going on and doesn't care about what other ppl do much, which seems mature to admit. There is kind of a back and forth between "well people are being performative to feel better about themselves" and "some people actually care" and the reality is that both of those things exist. So he'll make sweeping comments about performativeness and Rosenberg will push back and it gets repetitive.

The stuff about there being pics of him in airport kiosks saying "don't let this man on a plane"

Nice to hear him talk about Kali Uchis and how Taco introduced him to her!

lol he says that him and Vince used to hate each other but they're tight.

He speaks on Clancy, Dev Hynes, Jay-Z, Jerrod Charmichael being his big homies that can give him good advice. His interview for Flower Boy was dope as hell. He says that Jerrod helped him learn "how to articulate and get his point across and cut the fat with certain things". Jerrod seems like a cool guy. I really liked him on Lucas Bros Show. I need to watch the Carmichael Show.

Speaks on the death of rap publications kinda (he's more polite about it). Akademiks gets attention, XXL and the Source are washed. Complex is a big multimedia thing now.

the shit about social media and "curious"/"nuance" shit is kinda goofy (those aren't really the right words so it sounds pseudo intellectual) but I think what he's tryna speak on is the death on monoculture. The point about not hearing hit songs because he controls the music he listens to, he's not at the club, he hangs out w ppl w similar taste but he's not gonna act like that shit is not popular bc of that is a good point.

he talks about the khaled shit at 50:00.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRoyalGodfrey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tyler got too many yes men around him rn, not saying he isn’t talented as fuck but this faux deep shit is so weird. Virgil already praising him so you know it’s not good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yungwolfo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This interview kinda rubbed me the wrong way, Tyler sounds very big headed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/smithdog223 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

peak hhh is being shocked that a man who spent 52 minutes on an album bragging about being great would go on an interview show and talk about how he thinks he's really great lmao people want fake humbleness

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/floopykid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

His brags are almost Ric Flair level.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vilens40 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man intentionally acted like an extreme weirdo, and is mad that people thought he was weird.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KeepinIt2Real πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

People in here so fucking soft man πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/c_stall5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
from new york to the world subscribe now to the hot 97 youtube channel it's ebro in the morning with laura stiles and rosenberg we're talking about new york city um tyler the creator called it kind of rapey um because you know you walk the streets and when people don't get what they want they they shout they act out but it's not everybody but ultimately when you walk streets in new york you get love no i like it here do you get bothered more in la or new york or same it's the same but people in la don't know what no means either like here that like here in new york is like yo tyler let me get a pic i [ __ ] with you dude like you real i'm just chilling right now well [ __ ] you that [ __ ] no [ __ ] fans suck my dick let a new album and like he'll smell they keep it moving it's like yo let me get a photo and i'm like nah i'm just eating right now no please let me get a photo nah just one bro no a selfie and then i'm like okay you have to be [ __ ] dumb right a selfie is a photo you can't change the world no three times if i was a girl and you asked for sex and it took me four times to say no you're [ __ ] sketchy understand what the [ __ ] no means right where do you draw the line about pictures obviously i've seen you take a million pictures how do you draw that line i mean if it's like a [ __ ] 10 year old like it's easy and quick things like that but like people don't people aren't aware of like the situation so like if i'm somewhere and it's like 50 people wanting to take a photo and they for some reason think that they're the special one i'm gonna take a photo with it's like bro if i say yeah to you it's gonna get crazy i just want to eat this [ __ ] croissant yeah right right if it's just one person and it's quick like i'll just knock it out or whatever now do you have any sort of special affinity for like the the the really odd future i'm sure everyone hits you with no honestly if you're like 12 and below i take photos that's basically it because you don't want you don't want [ __ ] to be like 20 and be like i saw that [ __ ] tyler like and they a billionaire now and like they like i don't remember that [ __ ] and they sent robots to kill me okay that could happen that could happen no you hear you hear stories about oh i meant fabulous when i was 12 and [ __ ] didn't take a photo of me so my brother saw malcolm jamal warner at the airport when he was 12. that's who he wanted to focus theo at the time okay he was theo at the time but what happened did you take the phone no said nothing it wasn't this wasn't when he was at the show with eddie griffin right no no no no it's pre that show it's the all right and theo was like nah man i'm i'm chilling and my brother was like oh okay it wasn't a big deal but we always remembered theo said [ __ ] you at the airport you know you remember it you remember it you remember it listen this new album congratulations thank you that [ __ ] is sick crazy it's really good might be your best do you do you get a kick out of seeing your fans and your comments not understanding why there's a dj yelling on the songs like is that entertaining for you i mean it's it's interesting to watch i love it it's interesting but it's it's fun it's great i like the fact that they get to ask a question right i like the fact that they don't know they allow them to use them to to an aspect of hip-hop yeah no it's sick it's sick watching it's sick watching uh uh a section of people question something when everything around them like they know they have a reference point it's just uh it's derivative of the last thing that they heard so you know having some 17 year old kid from montana not know why this man is yelling allows them to listen to it differently because it's like and i like that oh that's a whole that's a totally different way of processing it than we are because we know why drama's there yeah but the biggest nuance for you guys is also it's dj drama with me right correct so an album not a mixtape yes so for everyone it gives them like a oh what is this and i think i i like that everything right now and overall i think everything is just like oh we've heard a version of this and i'm not implying i'm re invent i'm reventing a will or anything but dude everything from a lot of movies and music everything just feels like oh that was the last thing so i'm happy i could put out something where someone at least for one second is like oh what the [ __ ] well i i imagine that your answer is gonna be you were sitting around one day and you were listening to dj drama [ __ ] and you were like it'd be [ __ ] cool if he was on my whole album was there more of a thought process to it than that no um one i've it's just uh it's ill like i grew up listening to that so that's so ingrained in how i approach rap music how i approach the genre how i approach my skill set like in 2006 i was 14 turning 15 years old so from all the waynes all the young droves all the pharrell mixtapes although we got it for cheaps all the fahrenheits that lupe was putting out all those after jay retired after uh around the kingdom come time all of his feature runs all of the andre 3000 feature runs the idea of approaching rap music like that is so ingrained in how i approach it that the dj drama thing wasn't like out of the blue it's how we approach the early our future stuff right things like that so i wanted a gangster grill since i can remember but it just wasn't time i just you know i didn't have this big ass ring and like facts wasn't talking about boats and [ __ ] yet so i am now at that point where i could do it around igor after i was done with it you know scents and chords and all of that [ __ ] i was like [ __ ] i want to rap i go to rap like i just miss rap i put a few little bluff see freestyles out but i just wanted to rap so before i went to australia it was like december 23rd 2019. i recorded like three little freestyles over some songs before we got on the plane listened to him all on the plane and i was like all right yeah i'm gonna it's time i'm gonna do it did that australia just writing and stuff and i hit drama and i was like yo it's time literally i hit him with that on some like rapper [ __ ] he was like oh he knew he knew you know because i've seen him a bunch and always said i want to do it i was like we're going to do it at the right time so talk about time right for you because did you know you know i've interviewed you now at this point over the years early on whatever just seeing you perform rosenberg shows coming to new york your own [ __ ] our future everybody coming through and it's did you know that you would get here where you are right now oh yeah i told ev everything that's kind of happened i've told people like 12 years ago and people didn't people didn't expect it because they're looking at face value like they don't they don't know what i know they don't know my full potential y'all don't know what i'm gonna be doing in three years i know the [ __ ] i'm gonna be doing in three years i know what i'll be doing in six months but some people can only judge you based off what you've already done so like when i would tell people like um hey i'm gonna get a grammy and i'm saying it's around the goblin time people are like oh this [ __ ] is stripping right but i'm like oh you guys don't know what i'm capable of and what i have planned for the next four years well like even hearing you rattle off what you were listening to at 1415 right uh knowing me hearing you know when you did yonkers and you did you know that goblin stuff hearing your rapping ability i didn't know the musicality part i knew the the wrapping part the underground head part i didn't know the keys the arrangements the sampling the interest in music the larger art of music that you have which i think people are now really seeing it took a while but you know everyone gravitates to different things so like a lot of people like you for example you like looking at it from oh these young kids are rapping yeah so that's exciting so you're fixated on the rapping part some people who are really into playing jazz bass upright right they're listening like oh these are some interesting chords something that you might not pay attention when you listen to music first they're paying attention to that for example if i'm listening to a song if i don't like the chord progression or what the drums are doing i'm out i don't care how lyrical miracle the person is facts it could be a guy who loves books he can tell you his favorite arthur blah blah blah he loves dialogue he'll listen to that same song and will be fixated on what the words are saying he don't give a [ __ ] about the music so i think people forget that they're paying attention to different things when they're taking in a movie music art a piece of clothing some people are like why is this designer held as a great because of his shape and silhouette and the way that it fits and some people are like but the colors are ugly well that's because you're paying attention to the colors and they're paying attention to the fit so you didn't notice the the interest the intricate musical stuff because that's not what your ear gravitated to first and some people would tell you oh i didn't like the wraps they were too edgy but some of the beats and structure like it was interesting so and also interesting to hear from you right and also at the beginning one of the things that people grabbed onto was the visuals that you guys did yeah because because basically essentially those are the first videos i saw they were you guys were like scary people were like oh my god they're bleeding in the videos they're eating [ __ ] bugs they're doing all kinds of weird [ __ ] and so to me it would be almost be i've always felt the no-brainer was like we're gonna find out that tyler tyler becomes a full film director yeah that's that was the first thing i ever thought was i was like he's a pretty good musician but the film [ __ ] is gonna be crazy yeah i'm very i'm very visual and it's funny that people thought it was scary and it's like it just shows what real danger is because like every rapper shoots someone in the face like we get it like but no you know you can keep in blood you see blood and upside down crosses and some kids saying they'll [ __ ] their grandma like no that's dangerous that's real danger in the scope of [ __ ] because we've gotten so used to like oh i got a good and it's funny that at the time that was like whoa he said he doesn't believe in god ah especially when like the contrary ever rapper has a cross and it's like i want to thank god when they win an award and it's like god forgive me for killing [ __ ] like it's crazy that that was dangerous yes right i stood out but we were just like i don't know we just thought we were 18 we just thought it was funny um and it's crazy that people again saw [ __ ] like that and didn't think that um it was actual thought or talent or skill behind that stuff so when people are like i wouldn't have thought you would have been here uh you know where you are today i'm like that's because you're a [ __ ] surface level idiot i was watching your lollapalooza performance yesterday with my man he's a huge fan and i thought about the i think it was the bt awards was the bt performance and i see sometimes like i correct me if i'm wrong but do you feel like people don't embrace you enough in these award shows or they don't get it because when i saw your performance i was like i was like he [ __ ] murdered this like yeah i loved it but i felt sometimes like some people don't get it and why is that what do you think it's reference point dude it's reference point of what you think is cool like i mean you've probably you've probably been around enough artists and art especially being in the industry that you're in to understand like oh that's cool because of the approach or the way he moved his legs takes skill or just the idea in itself some guys didn't grow up around things like that so they look at it and it's like oh this is weird or it's just not them i remember i don't know who i was with but i asked them hey why do every older guy take the photo like this like with the hand oh yeah yeah it's i think it's [ __ ] dumb oh yeah i hate it and i'm like why like every older rapper does it yeah i don't i don't understand it it's like whatever error too finger point it was that but it's really no this is this is lasting though years now like i just i was just on fat jones instagram i don't know why but he did a photo like that it's like a thing and i was it was that was jay i don't know who i was with i was with someone i was like hey what is that and he explained to me and he was like it's based on age and generation the drug dealers that they grew up around when they had like the beamers and mercedes and blah blah when they would get a nice watch in a rolex that would be a subtle way for them to show it off and that's where they get it from because when they were younger they thought those were the coolest guys so that was ingrained in them as the reference point of what's cool and how to pose in a photo and they just kept that going i say that to go back to the point that your reference point of what's cool could have some pieces of why you thought my performance was cool it could be some [ __ ] who were super deep in the rap rap rap none of that weirdo [ __ ] none of this fruity agenda [ __ ] i don't watching movies i don't do none of that i peel the banana off like this when i eat it type [ __ ] who would see my performance and be like this [ __ ] [ __ ] whack and they're not wrong they're not rough they think that [ __ ] is whack that's their reference point i can't i think that i think rolex's are [ __ ] trash but my reference point of watches isn't i like you know that so no one's wrong that's what i've learned when i got older like kind of no one's wrong right right because everybody's entitled but that is why you've always been i think that's why you've always spoken to me and a lot of people like me is that coming from suburbia white kids of privilege were able to take hip-hop as one reference point be like i love this hip-hop [ __ ] but we had so many other reference points because we were raised on stuff that was completely different and i think what you brought to hip-hop is someone with a heart cause one thing i've always known about you even though you've always busted my balls and been like you're old [ __ ] over you were super hardcore hip-hop head but you had this really wide range of reference points which prior to you pharrell had kanye has to a certain extent but it's not common that wide reference no i love music like rap is i love rap don't get me wrong but like you know that soul r b like that's my [ __ ] i could sit here and talk to y'all for days about like what the songs brian morgan wrote and like but like he's looking for you by the way he's still trying to get hold of you yeah i i i hit him on twitter instagram sometime or like i've seen you comment under like throwback videos of like mary j blige listen that those pages are my life are my actual the pages that just show old arm because yeah i'll sit down pick your favorite out of the seven bro i will write paragraphs because like i didn't really have people to talk to music about like that when i was younger um overall so like it's that like 13 year old in me that just wants to tell people like no vivian greene's first album was actually very very good and she like so i'm happy someone noticed that um back to that but like you know cool kg did naughty by nature but he did that man did not that man when he went and did johnny and then did the next album and then did the coffee brown yeah the fact that you chose to sample this bro that was the thing that was just like i was listening to that song i was just like man this chord progression is crazy trying to figure it out but it just didn't sound the same so i just looped it just to listen to it with the scent and stuff and i end up just rapping over it and that song's first take that song just first take just doing it before i went to go get food and i was like oh this is ew and then i have a version with the bridge and everything just because the musicality is why i love that song so let me ask you so flower boy melodic you know what i'm saying like chords aren't like i'm like okay healing because i was like yo he leaned the melody's crazy on his album like i said i saw what you was doing then igor though the break beat choices the way you let [ __ ] breathe the some of the songs where it's like yo you went from this and then all of a sudden some chords jumped in and you threw some melody on it back to the break beat did you know i mean of course you did but ego i got i guess what i'm asking is did you know that old heads was gonna be like on igor not i know i i see people getting it now for the rap but on igor that old hedge would be like oh he gets it like not fully but okay so igor is just flower boy double down but a lot of people won't realize that because uh at surface level it seems so different but flower boy is like oh the melodies and like he's kind of letting it breathe and he's not yelling much okay y'all like that let me double down on that on the next album and give y'all melodies and let [ __ ] breathe and really bring these court and like all that stuff in it so a lot of people be like i like flower boy mother ego it's like that's weird because i just gave you a more potent version right but people don't notice things like that two i think igor was easier for the old heads because they have a reference point of what it might been derivative of right so like i think it's just a four on the floor it's just a groove right it's literally just a groove or the bridge on running out of time or a boy's a gun it's just an easy like you know prince paul it's just a saying it's just a slew you say paul shout him out princess it's done prince like it's one of those loops so i think um what prince even like [ __ ] um like what's good that just sound like the i just sound like the dude just standing on a dj table just rapping at like a party and of course i wasn't alive for that but i do understand um i do understand where some of that stuff comes from and i'm happy you enjoyed that everything is everything is reference point everything is a nuance and reference point as i got older i realize that like no one's wrong do you realize that you are the age now when i was just recently when your album came out i guess i was watching looking for old um videos when you first came in here and literally every recording i have of you is used telling me shut the [ __ ] up you old [ __ ] [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] old [ __ ] you realize you're that age right now yeah actually no it's all mental don't being true bro no yeah you're getting better like i'm 30 but my skills are sharpening i could outrun everyone in this building six pack on point my skin is glowing so you're by the way your skin glow is crazy your [ __ ] on point two i was looking at you i was like damn it bro you gotta hide 46. oh you were so sexy to me he'd sludge in water that's it yeah if you eat sludge all the time no it was interesting when we first came out just like the the attention that we were getting from the older guys in a both positive and negative way and when you're 18 19 it's like bro y'all [ __ ] weird in the sense oh so is that why you were so obsessed on it cause like why am i why am i trying to interview guys over and over again what's going on i couldn't realize like for you for the guys who thought it was positive who who liked it in a positive manner it was like um oh you guys are bringing the energy that we haven't gotten in a while we are enamored with you because we are excited and getting a feeling right now we've given us a feeling of in a while right i was like okay whoa but now i'm older i like understand that and i get it then the negative side you have people just like this [ __ ] is whack dude the [ __ ] you mad for old head like don't treat like bro i respect this i like the same [ __ ] you like like why y'all being weird about it so it was like a defense mechanism but you also weren't so open about i knew that you liked that [ __ ] but you weren't always open about how much you really were a hip-hop head at your core like you would i would love to get to something we'll see the thing with hip-hop is like people love taking people love taking ownership of a of a moment so again i'm i just i'm 30. i turned 30 this year i was 14 turning 15 in 2006. we had well wayne laffy taffy came out around that time like it was it was a weird time i remember i remember when we first came out people kept saying yo y'all like the gravediggers i'm from los angeles bro dub c snoop dogg you know the high c dj quick that type of stuff was played on the radio more than whatever the [ __ ] y'all was listening to over here when rap music was still regional so my reference point of gravediggers was non-existent so when we came out and you had people saying yo just like this y'all just like this y'all just like this i'm like bro stop comparing me to that i don't know what the [ __ ] grave diggers is right now after all that i went back and listened to some of it man some of those beats are crazy i rapped over the lumberjack [ __ ] fired but aside from wu-tang i didn't know much of the offshoot things from the original wu-tang so when when you're when you're a kid and people just you hey like at show and tell like hey look at what i've been doing look what i have and people are like oh that's like this that's like this that's like this and not allowing you to just exist you're like what are we like and it's some [ __ ] that you don't know you start like pushing back like stop [ __ ] saying that i'm like what i don't know right even if it's a combo yeah even if it's a compliment like let me live so it's yeah it's a it's a it's literally like any young kid you just start rebelling against it but no i love rap you think that you would would odd future have made it in 2021 you guys talked so [ __ ] crazy you guys never made it but we we came at the right time where the last moment yeah yeah you can still be crazy you could still be you could still be a kid and [ __ ] up you could still have satire you could still allow people to have a conversation even if you disagreed um right now it's crazy and i was just thinking about like the idea of can't like man like i've done so much ill [ __ ] in this 10 year span whether it's the festival or like the [ __ ] i have coming or what the last two the last two years have just been ill and i'm like yo what if they got me out of here in 2011. like what if they got me out of here in 2011 and that and wouldn't allow me to get right here and wouldn't live allowed you guys when also like when you was you got banned from england yeah australia was indignant at the time i remember you was talking [ __ ] a little bit bro because it was crazy it was like it was australia yeah it was australia it was uh the whole uk it was new zealand and it was like bro i was here three weeks ago you were starting would they say you accused of starting violence it was like yeah i was like promoting violent violence and racism and homophobia and like violence and like uh from songs i was like bro i this song's been out for years what are y'all talking about but it's like people just go back to stuff and like oh look look what he used to do and it's like yeah but i'm not on that no more so what's your end goal what what like i'll be like when people go back and dig up old stuff from someone who's here now it's like hey what's your end goal because i want to ask you what is your but what's the example you want to say that that you will always be held accountable for your actions but but accountable what does that mean that's the part that i don't think what does it mean because if it's the goal you shouldn't do that you should change and be a better person i've been not even me but to whoever they're doing right i've been a better person for the last nine years that was 10 years ago what are you do so what's their end goal but i think people like doing that to make themselves feel better about themselves it's like oh look i uh i care about something i wasn't on the basketball team but look we're rallying up and getting this guy out of here right guys it's like what's the [ __ ] end goal oh everything you just said and i think it's power power and control look i was gonna you know um you know we had a baby performing at summer jam and you know a lot of people have cancer you know the baby from their shows but here we are a week removed from people canceling from the baby and you have miley cyrus and organization saying no we want to talk to him we want to help we want to give for them you know what i'm saying that's nice but but i think to your point and the reason i bring that up is to your point i think there is a point where many people do want to figure out how to have a conversation either figure out how to have a conversation or i think some people don't care again it just gives people some [ __ ] to do uh on their lunch break or while they're passing or like sitting on the subway just waiting like i think some people genuinely don't care about some of the things that they're complaining that they're complaining but some people do because i like for example i woke up this morning i showered i could tell very clean put my clothes on me and bill went downstairs grabbed his butt said some gay jokes ah hey let's go get this [ __ ] croissant clancy how'd you sleep sent some text checked instagram looked at a meme a funny meme it said uh having a baby is just keeping calm as a pet hilarious i laughed oh man what am i going to eat later ooh i got a link with my two friends to talk about these speakers oh my other friend about this photo thing we're doing oh i want to go get this ill pair of socks later oh [ __ ] my mom call i'll call her back oh crap they gotta redo the window at the house oh whatever oh we're here all right let me run upstairs oh my id oh i'm here now with you guys after this i have something else to do blah blah blah i don't give a [ __ ] what someone else is complaining about because i have my own life and i'm okay with being fully selfish with what the [ __ ] i got going on and sometimes i'm like i wish more people were a bit selfish rather than doing a performative i give a [ __ ] i care performance because it's like don't you have [ __ ] to do i have too much [ __ ] to do to really sit there and like do a whole instagram post about what some other [ __ ] did but what about what about what moment people do care though like for example i found i'm not saying everyone doesn't care i'm not grouping them i'm just saying it's definitely a lot of it's a loud person bro i got [ __ ] to do like i know y'all got [ __ ] what y'all gonna eat later right what's for dinner don't you want to figure that out like but it's hard because like for example obviously we do this for a living so we have to talk about stuff every day but the fact is i'll be honest i literally am a dork enough that like when i speak out about kanye doing something for example something that's annoying or i'm offended by it is based in real feeling i care about him like i care enough to be like oh man i'm [ __ ] sick of this [ __ ] people think i'm just a hater i'm just being performative but no i'm a huge fan and i get annoyed no but you i feel that i mean i know the guy i don't give a [ __ ] enough to ever do like oh cool all right what am i eating for dinner that's my type of [ __ ] but you care you're a geek about music it's something that you genuinely care about and you have people coming out i'm trying to process why people feel self-important enough that they need to jump out and make it their thing to go after something that they feel is wrong and i think it is i i think there is something in people that you say it is performative and they're just trying to springboard a moment cloud chase you know raise funds whatever it is that they're trying to do but there are people who are raising funds because they know this need this issue whatever needs to be talked about so it doesn't um then become norm it doesn't know 100 it's certain i'm not because people will take what i say and be like he says that for everything it's not everything it's nuanced to it i'm just saying it's a lot of things where it's like bro that's what y'all tripping on like that it's real [ __ ] going on and this is what you're gonna give your energy to like all right do your thing i'm gonna go i'm gonna go do my thing but when you got in trouble for things you said right and had to get yanked from touring or whatever happened to you what that recovery process for you or just learning during that process how was that for you it was dumb as [ __ ] because it was like it felt it felt like i got singled out especially in what in what i do you have so many writers and directors and musicians who have not only said crazier things but are still allowed in these places and their stuff gets thrown under fiction and they're grabbing stuff that i made you know five years six years prior before they said i couldn't come anymore and i'm like hey what made y'all make this decision and why isn't that guy or this guy or this guy and i didn't want a dry snitch but i'm like why did i get singled out i'm smaller than all of these guys blah blah blah so it was a [ __ ] really trying to understand uh these decisions it was a lot i mean we got back in everything's fine and i'm happy it happened honestly in hindsight it was sick that made it happen it made me it made me better and make the moment going back better it just adds to this story i'm super hyped that it happened and it allowed some people to even question hey why did that happen to him he's been doing this he's been off that like so i don't know yeah the lightning rod normally gets it whoever whoever is the whoever's the headline in the moment for whatever reason the lightning rod that's if they can get at you and that it's important that you pointed that out because there's certain artists that they don't feel like they could get after because they're and i got man i got like people don't realize like because a lot of fans came more recently so they think it's always cute it's flower boy like like no i was canceled before it was just a hashtag on twitter right this is protest that shows these are cops trying to pull me out these are getting banned sponsorship this is me going to an airport and it's a photo of me at all the kiosks saying do not let this man get on the plane this is a true thing this isn't just like that's actually some little 14 year old girl right he said this where we got to get him out of here no this is real life like government [ __ ] like hey clancy can we even get a jet out of this country like having to take a train by myself to another country because i was like this is real stuff this is you know i got i remember when i did the mountain dew commercial and boys was like i don't like this and i was out of here like gone this wasn't like a corporation just waiting to see if all the tweets like build up and it's like okay maybe we should pull them this was like instant type stuff so watching it from the chair i'm at now and watching it see it happen to different people is just interesting because i'm just like [ __ ] they keep finding newt and not this isn't anything about anyone specific because i know someone will take this out of context but overall you just see like you just see it's crazy well i had a crazy early year [Laughter] yeah now that we talk about it right you start putting everything in perspective but anyway you you announced a tour so you're going on tour with cali you cheese vince staples i've always been curious i've always been curious about how did you and cali cheese connect first like how did you meet like so this is 2014 and travis taco as some people know him travis um oh i think he'll like this song he just played this song it's table for two by cali and i was like man this is nice i like her tone and her voice oh she layers her voice really well he played another song i was like yo who is that long story short she had a la we made a few songs and like that's my bro and i'm she's dope i'm so happy to see where she went who else she's where she's going it's great she's her own she's her own thing and it's i'm it's no one else that i want to tour with we had her here do you remember i brought her here she and she was so amazing like we ended up staying like chopping it up with her maybe like 45 minutes after the interview yeah no she's sick she's really she's fun she's goofy i don't i don't know if that comes across on um on like the outlets you guys right that's the homie who else are you uh who else do you see like that right now you really [ __ ] with music before i go into that so it's cali it's vince i've known vince for so [ __ ] long we used to hate each other that man is so smart and i think we get along because neither one of us are idiots he's almost annoyingly smart vince like has the answer before you even say the thing that you know he's really he's really next level really wise and witty and get that new vince album too and i'm super excited for where he's going to go after this album because i think he he figured some [ __ ] out and then it's this time but i'm like no your next one is gonna be crazy because your brain is figuring informing things i remember being that age and like [ __ ] clicking yeah you're old man now i remember yeah i'm [ __ ] wait how much older you than men's i think like three years but like she didn't click for me to like like i went deadass went through puberty at like 23 24 25 was like oh that's what that is and then 26 is like that's when i figured it out and that's when flower boy came out and then igor after and now this and you could just tell and tone like my skills got sharpened and everything i figured out and like it's uh just thinking like jay putting his first [ __ ] out around that age or yay putting out his first [ __ ] that around that age or like p and chad going on their crazy run around that age it's like oh it's something about that age if you allow it to where everything just starts doing this so i'm like man if i put flower boy out my first album it'll be crazy because flower boy to igor to call me if you get lost is crazy we was just talking about how you got three in a row this is like three three in a row but cherry bomb was my yeah i was getting a mustache and my body was and i was figuring out oh red is the color red like everything was coming together so having my first three albums and cherry bomb in the middle and then the next three just that it's it's it's really i'm proud of that i'm happy i allow myself to congratulations man thank you some people don't get that some people say stuck stay stuck at uh the idea of themselves when they were 20 or when they were hot and they stay that way and that's how you get old but you got pushed i think the experience you just articulated that pushed you a little bit i think just your musical desire well my want yeah i never get complacent my curiosity things like that happening and man my the the big homies i actually have around me is super important like people's big homies be like some people big homies be in and out of jail and this and that and it's like oh that's that's your reference point that's who you look up to and i have big homies around me who will call me and be like hey you tripping like who or big homie just say hey let me let me link you with this person so this could happen like obviously this man right here like i owe clan i'm forever in debt to that man like forever forever like i would take a bullet for him he changed you're talking about clancy clancy he changed my life with web to my family to my friends to people they like it's deep deep i love that man to death then you got pharrell people like oh you're such a fan you're such a stan but like bro my converse deal wouldn't have happened without him he said he helped set that up my my doing doing the grinch soundtrack like he said like man that man looks out for me on some like i talked to him for an hour two days ago he'll just call me seven a.m and we just talking like of course i love and admire that man but like he really looks out on some big homie [ __ ] jay man love that like i have big uh frank gerard carmichael dev hines i got big homies around me that really care and will be like you tripping or no that's the move do that and yo that's just that just fed my theory about gerard carmichael being illuminati why because how did girard end up in that group of big homies they're like the same age and i and and jarrod is amazingly talented but people would look at it from the outside and go how could he be your big homie you've almost surpassed him in business that's what people what it would look like well people yeah because people are [ __ ] surface level and think oh you got like no i got i got big homies i probably got more bread then but that what the [ __ ] does that mean but they're they're there who cares about but i mean what makes him physical but what makes him a big homie in terms of the advice someone like he's [ __ ] he's a genius he's so [ __ ] smart we was there yesterday talking about like um i don't know we just we're really just all kicking at his house and just talk for like hours and just like like i learned how to articulate better because of him and i think i was always pretty like articulate but i was still super erratic but just being around him i learned how to like really articulate and get my point across and cut the fat with certain things and things like like little things like that that i pick up on that i'm just so grateful but that's big that's but that's huge some people don't know how to talk some people will just be like yeah that [ __ ] was cool she was crazy expresses himself so well he he knows how to speak his vocabulary is so it's so rich i it's things like that that i admire and he has very good taste in and very very meticulous like the best toothpaste and like he knows where to get the best brioche like seriously we got like before i went to his house yesterday because he put us on a spot yo i'm a pull-up all right cool we go get the fresh break break bait we go get the fresh baked brioche and then go back to the house and it's like some people just bread but it's like no [ __ ] that brioche is fine it's the spot you go that's that brioche but that's like that's like that's like big homie [ __ ] like right right what about jay what does jay give you uh just ill advice like we talk it's kind of it's not service level but of course you talk to jay about watches like it's fun but in the ill way because like i was never a watch guy like i was i always loved jewelry but was never a watch guy because my reference point was like the ap and the rolex and those are too big for my taste i like small little casio little spongebob watches and when i start getting like old cartier's and stuff like i start just talking to him about it and he's just like oh this that that oh no i think you'll [ __ ] with this here let me get you my blah blah blah and just [ __ ] like that and like going to that man's house is just enough to just be like oh you could do this you could like be a fuck-up figure it out be good be great and do that and like bro that man's what 51 bro he has the spirit of an excited 16 year old that basketball kid seriously like about everything he's just fun and like ah he's just he he's ageless like i don't know how to explain it that man is i know he's dialed into everything i know he really loves the culture like constantly bro he's a geek and that's why geeks bro geeks are so important and i want to find another word but i'm gonna just use geeks but geeks people who k that's the thing about the us that's kind of trash right now it's nothing like it feels like it's no aside from like sub coaches of like certain rap music it feels like it's like the snake eating its own tail it's a magazine in japan that i love that focuses on parisian styling that i geek out over that i could only go to certain stores in new york and la to get okay [ __ ] love those magazines love them they only make a few they only send a few to america i being a geek of that style go out of my way to go get that magazine that they only sell a few of that's based on a specific taste in like france seen and made through the lens of people that geek about that from japan love it geek about it japan is great for that by the way yeah the cars that i use in these videos that i have my fiat 131 a barth my launcher i got two of them my e30 i might buy a rough i gotta i got i got a mini cooper i'm looking at just these random because i love cars i love geeking out on that going to car things and talking to people about it and putting them in the videos just because it's like no that's what i geek out on and in in in america like i check academics every day but academics don't post me unless it's something negative tyler say some such [ __ ] tyler it's never about like there's a lot of times you could post it i know but it's like i don't get the num tyler sold this out or right right right you have the performance well you don't post pictures holding stacks of cash right but it's not a bad thing but and then like you got a kevin abstract or a core day or anyone that's kind of on that side they don't get posted on that right so you get that double xl isn't what it was 15 years ago not in a bad way just things change same with the source the only major rap thing that really look at [ __ ] is the academics right and i was just this getting to a point complex they're like a multimedia thing anymore they don't talk about style no more gq only matters to 58 year olds and up where do you get the style clothes from some 18 year old off instagram that's popping more than them but they're just copying what the next dude copied and this and that and this and that and this and that everything is everything is just being regurgitated out here in the u.s and it feels like what's new what are people geeking out of what do if if we we went to um yeah it's like all on the igp yeah we went to we went to uh we went to six flags like two weeks ago and the kid had on like i think it was a tlc shirt not that it's a bad thing i don't want to be like name five songs like i don't want to be one of those people but it was just interesting like man i wonder i do wonder if the kids who do wear these shirts with these but like you have a dmx shirt on right now you could probably tell me your five favorite dmx songs album things like that like all of that you think i could probably because you're a geek about something i don't know i just feel like no one has geeks about a specific thing and wants to share that information because it's no information at the moment you don't feel like saying you don't feel like that outlets for geeks yeah i just don't know where to you should i mean you got monocle mag and you have like a few niche things but it's like ah where aside from posting on reddit like where do you where you where the hell those things fell apart because they couldn't find they couldn't keep their funding right they couldn't and it sucks it's like a bummer like dude mtv doesn't even play nothing no nothing music videos anymore like where do you go of course you could just go about how we've never seen a brand get decimated the way mtv's brand destinations watch videos and someone could say youtube but people again don't even have the time to search stuff up so if it's not on the front page bro it's a dub and it's a few niche things but i don't know man i just i just miss a world where i sound like i'm my old head now wow i do miss a world where like i could link with my with a certain friend and like they're so fixated on one or two topics and i could just grab all that info and that's just what they on and it's not what they own it's not what they own i just i just kind of miss more nuance well don't you think that i miss more nuance and there's some nuanced stuff out there i'm not saying overall it's gone but it's hard to find well social media does not lend positively to original thought we wake up we look and see what is everyone else doing so then you want if you want your algorithm to be good even deeper than that you could be following some [ __ ] that you're really interested in and you go to scroll and they then pump the algorithm full of [ __ ] that you're not really interested in yeah i'm saying you'd be like i i don't where and again that's our only it sucks that that's our medium for that information too and then it really dictates us like all right for example say like you go to hypebeast right and they post ron ron just got a plaque a plaque of block a block all right love ron and you read the you you read the article and it's like 10 comments and 9 out of those 10 comments is like this is trash this [ __ ] trash this [ __ ] trash this [ __ ] trash this [ __ ] trash right that's true cool whatever two hours later you go meet your friend at a [ __ ] ill gay club coffee shop in [ __ ] i don't know wherever the [ __ ] new jersey right that's what evil be on you in there gay club coffee shop coffee shop in jersey you're drinking the ill cappuccino right and your homies like yo you heard about round round new [ __ ] you're more so probably gonna say yeah i heard about it man people not [ __ ] with it right uh right facts he's gonna say people are not [ __ ] with it yeah people i'm seeing people think that [ __ ] trash right his reference point now of that thing existing is like damn people ain't [ __ ] with it right right right you think people not [ __ ] with it that [ __ ] sells out in 10 minutes the people that it was catered to love it's the best thing his [ __ ] go up ipo gonna go crazy you don't really give a [ __ ] about it a lot but the perception is that people don't [ __ ] with it because your [ __ ] gauge of if it's good or not is based off of the phone it was off the phone but you don't see i always think it's funny when people be like oh i ain't heard tyler shooting real i'll be outside i heard his [ __ ] in real life i won't be here today i've seen one of his shirts in her life it's like do you realize the bubble you live in no people do you realize like the eight friends you hang out with a small city that you never leave is not the rest of the world do you understand that i never just because you haven't seen doesn't exist i mean people live with that mind state i got cars that you probably never been in the back of that and it's a whole world of guys in a certain tax bracket that drives these things but you wouldn't know so you can't you can't you can't live life like thinking that things doesn't exist or this means that just because the only place you're you know getting your information from see what you're having is you're having actually curious curious intellectual thought about something and nuances which is why you're where you are correct and there are other people that you're surrounded by that are also where they are because of the same curious nature and i don't mean i don't know what i'm like i'm just saying it's everyone everyone is in a bubble and people gotta know it's [ __ ] way beyond what you think so just because it's not in front of your face understand bro you would tr bro it's it's hit songs right now that i know that everyone is like you ain't heard that song and it's like no everywhere i go i control the music in the car i wrote it i can show the music me and my friends we're friends because at some point we have similar taste and sound so we're not gonna play that and it's probably the biggest thing but you can't even fault me for not knowing it because bro i don't listen to the radio where am i gonna i'm not at the club i'm not gonna hear that and i'm never gonna be like oh i never heard that song so it must not be right because you know you're the one dictating your whole [ __ ] yeah i'm i can i curate i curate my whole life i got a tweet saying it was interesting watching tyler and having the whole crowd singing songs and i've never heard a song i'm a fan now this is nice that's cool it's [ __ ] that she's like wow a lot of people i hate i had like lollapalooza whole crowd singing album cuts bro and uh earthquake earthquake was my first song like for real on the radio like [ __ ] be like we heard the yonkers instrumental during like car commercials and like and see you again but like no like earthquake was my first thing i did not get my first platinum record until last year for flower boy they dropped the flower boy plaque off to me last year that was my first platinum album i've been doing this professionally since 2011. my first platinum that's so i mean it was like but it's not a bad thing okay no it's not a bad thing i think we no yonkers was just only gold i headlined a lot of palooza yesterday but if you only listen to the radio or only shop at forever 21 or only go to the club as your you know your social thing you would not think that i am at a level that i'm at because that's your only reference point everything is reference point it's the most interesting thing that's why the guy that's like i don't hear that [ __ ] nobody playing that [ __ ] outside he's not wrong his outside is wherever his outside is and no one is playing my [ __ ] where he is right he's not wrong we have different outsides he's also exactly people don't realize this is the speech [Music] i got to mention this while you're here though because it's been a thing like my [ __ ] be posting like we outside and like their outside is definitely at the ill club what they boys like [ __ ] we at lakes is that is that like is that park alligators [ __ ] we like you're trying to skydive that's my outside though we having picnics and like is that part of the whole khalid thing like you felt like at the time when that conversation happened thing was like it was fun it was just watching a man die inside because the under the the guy that you know the weirdo was winning i was moonwalking in a wig this [ __ ] had everyone on his album everyone and it's like oh no this bridge is going to work so but but it's at like and he wasn't wrong like i'm not in the barber shop i'm not at the club i'm not getting skittish i'm not in the back of the maybach right and he's not wrong but like his [ __ ] is where it's big and your [ __ ] is big words but like yes when i got that number once the world is one dimensional it's not all that's what i'm saying bro and it's like a piece of me really didn't like that at all because it's like man i make i make rap mute i love rap music i make music but rap is my thing it was it was it was already making alternative rap and not fully being again accepted by like the bets or like a lot of them should have been digging and that's dealing with my whole life so for some guy like that to kind of indirectly be like that ain't real rap that ain't real black music that's what it felt like and i was like my [ __ ] don't don't do but i didn't say nothing i just let that number one speak [ __ ] ego had to deal with that cause his whole identity is being number one and when he didn't get that that sat with him longer in real lifetime than that moment i moved on i want to do some shows we went to london cool didn't think about it that sat with him because his whole identity is we the best we the number one and when the underdog to him took that away from him that [ __ ] ego was deflated he'll probably never admit it but and you do and i saw and it's no it's no hard feelings towards him because i was gonna rap over uh i was gonna wrap up you got the right one it's really [ __ ] big uh uh holla at me i was gonna rap over that uh for the comments you get lost [ __ ] i didn't end up doing it but like man dj khaled man what he's done and he was another built his way up so i got i do have some sort of respect for him because man like again i was 14 15 and 06 when he was coming out oh five to like oh like but you should still see the thing about it like and listening to you and even watching you even when you was at lollapalooza talk about people who didn't accept you and now i'm here you know what i'm saying people didn't embrace me but now i'm here watching you tell that story you have a competitive nature of course people take it differently pause like that type of [ __ ] feeds me like that [ __ ] makes me i love proving people wrong right i love it and it people be like it's petty like bro are you a millionaire still doing that but people take things differently but you want to wrap the box you want to make the best i love this [ __ ] i love it you want to do your best right you want to be the best version of yourself i do personally i don't know about other [ __ ] but like when i won that great when i was telling [ __ ] i'm gonna get a grammy when i was you know 19 years old and people was like you'll never do that bro i would like those tweets because i know i'm gonna get one i know i'm gonna get multiple i know it so i liked them and i was like oh it's gonna be ill when i get it and i quote retweet this and i did that as soon as i got that grammy i was like yay my [ __ ] yo p my mom like ah cool can't wait to quit retweet that just for myself it just feels like uh i ah i love that [ __ ] i love that [ __ ] i love it i love it but even like i think back to pharrell and pharrell when they was first coming through um you know that the i'll call it for lack of a better term that kind of like subculture of of hip-hop you know that kind of like bmx skate [ __ ] trying to put you to the side when you don't mat when you're in parallel with them and it's like [ __ ] i'm better than you [ __ ] my necklaces is better than all y'all [ __ ] for real like my [ __ ] [ __ ] similarly though they're not and i believe but they're not wrong but i'm not wrong and it's like don't push me to decide like all the little cards y'all got like [ __ ] that's nothing how about the rapper i don't say i don't say like i'm rapping i'm performing my video all my [ __ ] better than all of these things how about every freestyle i have more career i have but i could walk and i'm iller than all of you my legs is longer than all of these [ __ ] but it's like all right cool i'm just doing my [ __ ] and they try to push you to the side and keep doing that and it's like 10 years late i'm still here bro my career has only been doing this this [ __ ] she was the hottest [ __ ] in 2012 where the [ __ ] they at right now [ __ ] push me to the side and give me know that [ __ ] weird other and i'm [ __ ] here right now right now skin going pockets heavy garage silly house dumb looking for a lake house right now clancy my [ __ ] witness all my [ __ ] good family good healthy the [ __ ] i got come on stop [ __ ] playing with me i don't even talk like this but [ __ ] keep doing it stop [ __ ] talking to me stop [ __ ] talking to me let them know t and i'm only and i'm getting better see that's the thing too i care right i care i care uh some someone i know well be specific about the caring though you care about i care about what i make that's why jadakiss i have two points that's why jadakiss was so ill the other night of course he could rap right of course he could rap again i grew up in l.a the lox wasn't as prevalent in los angeles as like the dog pound or like what the east siders was doing for just la radio right yeah yeah yeah but how much time you knew okay okay so i was i was i was in houston the other day watching the locks and dip set right and me i'm just like oh this is gonna be cool but i think i think dipstick got this right bro jadakiss bro that man cares he gives a [ __ ] every time he would perform him in styles p it wouldn't be 80 [ __ ] on stage i just noticed it was like space he kept making a point to say hey we are home we are in new york where like rap started we're at madison square garden we are known we have a name we feed our family because we use our voice over instrumentals we are on a stage right now with the microphone specifically to do that why the [ __ ] are y'all [ __ ] rapping over the songs bro when he said that [ __ ] i was like he cares he gives a [ __ ] he wasn't too cool to care he wasn't too cool to get his hair dipped in the hair cool because if you're too cool you're gonna freeze to death right right [ __ ] trying to be too cool and not silly and always try to be hard and it's like bro you look dumb bro when jadakiss said that i was like oh i think i'm in love with this cause it was ill then he said that and just went straight to bro this nigga's bro i have asthma i try my best when i like get really excited bro it's like too much i'm like i can't breathe right performing on stage especially when your adrenaline's up like you're like it's a whole thing yeah of course that man's breath and voice control him in styles it was and these guys are older like these aren't they're not like no young 25 year olds like these guys are older and they look healthy like this [ __ ] jada kiss skin was like he cares that's the juice for life yo shout out to juice for life shout outs man he'd be like really trying to help me because they care bro yeah they give a [ __ ] stop opening up a park at yonkers right now bro because he cares juice bars styles people walk in here and geek out about cmos and [ __ ] elderberry and all this [ __ ] because he cares this [ __ ] jadakiss was on stage actually rapping because he was doing mixtape [ __ ] that i've never heard that at that moment was going harder than when dipset anthem or the other things came on because he cared and it made me think man being cool having the biggest songs don't matter all the time it's what is your skill what is your discernible what is the skill that you bring what is the [ __ ] skill and when i saw jadakiss do songs that mixtape tracks that aside from like it was six hundred thousand people in there no disrespected because a lot of people probably didn't hear a few of those mixtape songs right overall he had everyone's attention why because he was have he was on stage with the [ __ ] thing sharpening his [ __ ] tool his skill because he [ __ ] cared the point where i was going was it was someone that told me this two years ago they said worry about you gotta work out the color of the clothes and the dance at the grammys and the video colors and the lookbook and all that [ __ ] [ __ ] i put out a song and it's a [ __ ] hit [ __ ] you care too much and i was like yo that's crazy you like you poking fun at me because i give a [ __ ] about the brown with the blue or how to video shot or the musicality or if my performance is good or not okay we'll see and that stuck with me because it's like bro you don't even realize the geeks the ones that care that give a [ __ ] that it's passion whether do it for free they're the ones that stick around jay he cares about rap these kanye always why does he care he's here because he gives a [ __ ] i was like oh that's why jadakiss is here maybe not on the grandest level but like he gives a [ __ ] just that example showed me oh he cares and i thought it was the illest thing of course all the antics at the thing was crazy seeing a bunch of seeing a bunch of timberlands and sweaty do-rags yelling at each other was amazing but but then you saw the audience care too they wanted but they they care because people actually want to care like it was the craziest thing like that's what i noticed from it and i thought it was super ill and i care i care i give a [ __ ] well shows and you know um and more power to you you know what i mean because it's that that more power to you that legitimately keep giving a [ __ ] that legitimately makes a difference like you make the culture better you make rap better you make all of it better by caring bro like it really is it trickles down it's a big deal man i hope so i really hope i really hope uh that people just care about the [ __ ] they care about that they care about like i think jasper is like my closest friend and man i think he's a geek about like anime and like all that [ __ ] and like while it's not my thing i love if we drive by and he's like bro that car is shaped just like the car from season four of this thing right here like i love that please just keep sharing that information that i can't get from nowhere else and i want to hear more of that and just rap music yo that's because [ __ ] be like i'm in a foreign like [ __ ] honda's a foreign get specific you [ __ ] bunzo and i love some of that [ __ ] like i don't want to i don't want to sound like how y'all was sounding like five years ago it just sounded like that to you because you wasn't there yet right here now yeah you hear now you sound like bitty at the hate me now intro you hear that dude the hate me now video is beautiful yes it is beautiful a lot happened with that video beautiful i know it's beautiful i remember being seven and seeing that [ __ ] on uh bt before school that's a beautiful man man see [ __ ] i i'm kind of down for bullying sometimes because we needed to tell people [ __ ] is trash but sometimes bullies like i was thinking about uh they they got [ __ ] hype williams out of here because belly wasn't what they thought it would be or whatever but belly's ill i love that but it's like hard but i don't know but i don't know cult [ __ ] like he had his own style and applied it just to a long-form thing and people were like oh and it i don't know if it scared him or people making him want to do another movie but it's like he's still out here at work i still like but yeah but like you could tell like when he came back oh five was it was like it wasn't the same energy it doesn't have to be the same on paper but the energy was kind of different and i'm like man belly like why did we do that why can't we let this exist as its own thing man hate me now is crazy is craig he even did the backwards e on his name he was he was being silly like [ __ ] that shot it's a shot in the [ __ ] thing in the in that when they're in the club and this [ __ ] diddy got a fat ass yellow diamond ring on nobody probably gives a [ __ ] i love jewelry that [ __ ] is [ __ ] fat they came with the fur with the frank lucas thing and then like the f even the coloring when they're standing on top of the bodega just the red and yellow with all the all the blues and the blacks like man hype was on some other [ __ ] the unnecessary fire but it was good the fight i was playing an extra 50 grand for that but yeah it was so good see it paid off it was an idea he cared on this album there's there's a piece where you talk about your mom coming to school um and you know about how your mom used to show up and she was psychopath dude well but there's something in there hearing you talk right now and i i wanted to ask if that was real but it probably was real which was talking talking your mom talking on the album too that was mom's but also hearing you talk about how much you care about [ __ ] and having the space because some people don't even have the space like they don't have the protection of their ideas from exactly my mom allowed me to [ __ ] be a butterfly because i wasn't like a tough i was definitely climbing roofs and like being crazy but i wasn't like tough and [ __ ] and [ __ ] i walk up to hey what's up hey check out this jamiroquai cd which one get that [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] like that and [ __ ] would treat me like like and my mom wasn't having it because she knew i wasn't on those [ __ ] like that so she wouldn't let [ __ ] punk me right bro it dead ass this is true story seventh grade 2003. um outside with some of the neighborhood kids one kid says something to me i say something bad cause i was like witty and funny say something back he said something to me they laugh because it's his friends i say something back and they are laughing and he didn't like it and the [ __ ] punched me in my [ __ ] face like punched me in my face in my mouth i had braces at the time you get punched in the face your lips are instantly like this i'm just looking at them bleeding and i'm like oh [ __ ] i just walk in the house my mom's on the phone she's like yeah [ __ ] i'm making chili i'm making chili and then she sees me she's like what the [ __ ] let me call you back and she hangs up and she's like what the [ __ ] happened i'm like oh you can't talk and she's like who did it and i'm like papa there's a kid and they called him papa that was his nickname he was like well papa did a shack who did that oh papa papa did that okay okay she went in the room i didn't see if she grabbed anything came out she was like come on come with me i like i'm still like i haven't even like cleaned yourself up she takes me out and she like hey you hit my [ __ ] son and that nigga's like oh [ __ ] and he runs home he lives on the next block she's like come on she starts running after this [ __ ] bro and now i'm running after her but like my lip [ __ ] up his blood everywhere and i swear to god this off cranbrook 125th hot tub california off el segundo she run he go in the house close his door she out there open the [ __ ] door open the [ __ ] door you hit my son i'ma throw you off this [ __ ] bridge [ __ ] i swear uh the mom is out the window because it's this weird apartment where like uh you go to the back and that their front door is downstairs then you go upstairs then that's the apartment and the mom's looking out the window or whatever like uh what's going on i'm a oh you the mama [ __ ] i'ma beat your [ __ ] ass too bring your fat ass down here you overweight [ __ ] imma beat your f hit my son look what you did to my all this come out bro they have to call the cops to get like [ __ ] but [ __ ] like that like my mom was down to catch a fade with anyone that [ __ ] with me and because of that i was able to b i was able to exist now she did put me in basketball in seventh grade and i did not want to do that i played one game it was horrible i could not picture that i didn't even know i was supposed to be at the free throw line it was it was bad because i didn't i didn't like play sports and [ __ ] but aside from that man like she just like allowed me to put you into a space that she knew you was uncomfortable with i got you to have the experience they kept calling me white boy i slapped the [ __ ] out this [ __ ] bro oh that felt good but you feel me though but that [ __ ] is important yeah yeah yeah so that's why i had that um i had that protection and she just she tried to expose me to as much as she could and just raised me like when i was 12 she was like for your birthday gift aside from this stuff you're gonna learn how to wash you're gonna go get an id you're gonna like all types of ill [ __ ] like that i had my first job at 15. and like i knew how to save money by then so my mom went to sacramento when i was 16 years old i stayed with my grandma in l.a but she owed this she was old as [ __ ] so it was like yeah when i was when i was 16 i stayed in la i had no parental guidance i was really on my own but she raised me knowing that i wasn't a [ __ ] idiot right and knew i could take care of myself i knew how to save money blah blah blah started the of [ __ ] like really did my [ __ ] and now i'm here i've been like kind of running businesses since i was like 16. so i thank her for instilling some of those things in me and then once that was i got dropped off at 16 and then used all that as the base to like get to where i'm at now but just but i just wanted to point that out because hearing you talk hearing that interlude on the album i was like a lot of kids when they're different don't have they don't get support i'm blessed and lucky that i had that and by different there's a respect exactly so i had that i had that protection from from my mom and it was just me her and my sister too so you realize now that you get to be that for other kids too they get to see when their parents like what what are you into blah blah blah they get to point to you no pete called me he called me like maybe seven months ago i was like you know any any photo you put on instagram if your leg is weird or like you say something sassy or you do you know you a vessel for these kids just by doing that it allows them to do their version and i'm like man i don't want that responsibility but i'm happy that someone could look at me as a safe as a safe just use that word in that broad sense as a safe the same way i looked at him or i had andre or i had missy i had buster i had chappelle i had badou i had these gods who i'm who i get to talk to i have marshall who i'm like ah even if they think this is weird at school i could go back to that poster in my room and missy elliott and word up will be like yeah that shirt is that [ __ ] that shit's important us black kids that wrote b and max and skate in the night you know what i mean and and came into hip-hop and was like nah pharrell's dope no it's sick and it's like when you good too like without a he's good these guys that we say are actually good so they could be as eccentric as they want because they're good i could i love like saying crazy crazy such [ __ ] nick's mad it's like but i'm good like i balance it because i'm good right isn't it ill that like as a white kid from the suburbs because what you are is accepted by everyone we seek out different than us we seek out like as different as possible and yeah because you rebellion exactly and you're rebelling but but black kids in america you have to seek out people like you that are actually out there because it's not being presented to you because of reference points dude and so you got to find these people that connected with you that the the missings and marshals and everyone even more complicated than that and i'm sure you hear this all the time and you just talked about the kid calling you white boy you slap [ __ ] out of him um black culture in america is still in many ways in its defining process of like what is black right because you'll tell people oh you don't speak black well what the [ __ ] does that mean yeah oh you don't enjoy where i'm from don't do that type of [ __ ] but it's like dude stop hindering us indirectly and putting us in a box like don't be our enemy too right like yeah sometimes you don't people don't know what that [ __ ] does for like some 12 year old dark skinned kid when they're just being curious and someone that looked like them says you not us because you're doing that or don't do that or you not us and it's like bro they look in the mirror their brain is doing this you can't you cannot do that and i i got that [ __ ] a lot and you could tell like man when bt asked me to perform bro you don't know how happy i was like you don't know like 106 in park ceta's world like hits from the streets being ashton kutcher before like shout outs to like all of that from even teen summit i was too young for what they were talking about man it's so much of me rooted in bt so when i came out and it's like man this doesn't feel like it's accepted by that crowd that i love because it's not parallel to uh the norm there it's a defense mechanism when i'm like yeah man [ __ ] bt like [ __ ] that [ __ ] like oh yeah i guess i gotta wear jordan's huh yeah but it's like you went in reverse i want to yeah i did go on reverse weird i went in reverse you wanted to get accepted to be all the bt cats want to get accepted that [ __ ] really that [ __ ] really [ __ ] with people even if they pretend like in the back of nigga's head that [ __ ] [ __ ] with people so when i got to be on bet bro and that whole team which was amazing bro i was enthralled i was so i was so happy and i was like i got to do my hardest rap song there i got to do like the illest performance just so people would be like what the [ __ ] was that not when i got off stage man little baby dirk styles p came like oh yo that was the endless performance you have to bro that [ __ ] felt so tight cause like i don't it stood out hello different hellcats and track hearts is a hard ass song it's so [ __ ] it's so tribal it just brings something when that [ __ ] come on and having dirk who i'm like man that [ __ ] probably don't know i exist but i know the [ __ ] their kids i'm on academics all the time having him walk up like bro you had the best performance of the night man that meant something because it's like man we have something so in common and although the the output is different it's still coming from the same place and that [ __ ] meant a lot so super shout out to bet for allowing me to do that and i felt good it felt good it felt so boom oh you got we got you for a second i'm here so listen we're gonna help you take over the show what does that mean that means you get to pick the records we're gonna play records from your album right now okay well you know what about what about if he wants to play other random stuff that he just likes i don't know i wanna depend what it is for me every sunday night at midnight that should be plenty no no this whole this this right here so boom what should we play first are you taking too long start with lumberjack man give him the first joint yeah you just play lumberjack i knew his brain was like nah just play the album in sequence already it's done it's already in order i did the word creators pull up laura rosenberg man thank you for the real talk today so sexy dude you're really into ibra i'm not honestly i'm not but it's crazy that like physically he thinks you look great though i think roseburg's a little jelly i think i'm trying to grow a beard in dude it's not easy it's not easy it's not the move i've been trying it's gross it's like the process sucks like you get to work it's not even i it's like so even for my mustache all the follicles are super far apart so when it does come in it just and like you guys you got whiskers dude you can ask all my friends i'm like it looks good and they just it they say and i don't even want facial hair like that but the option isn't even good right you don't even have to like it's great and i just look like i stink oh my god i actually look like i stink and you smell great in real life yeah and then that all changes once this like is is what you have on today lotion with the fragrance in it or you have a lotion combo or you're just wearing cologne nah it's just uh it's just a fragrance something like that just hold on what's the what's there's me a fragrance and a cologne they say yeah i mean it's it's i have a smell good on you have a what i have i have a fragrance on okay and that's a cologne but it's not like a brand like it or it's not i mean sure it's cologne it's a fragrance because it's more it's i smell like a [ __ ] purse i smell like a flower so i guess you wouldn't technically say it's but that's so dumb it's just a [ __ ] fragrance right yeah he walked in i felt like my grandmother showed up amazing but it was a pleasant way you know like i wanted i felt like i felt tyler smells like you walked into an expensive luxurious luxurious and who are in expensive luxury stores he is a walking expensive luxury store yeah that is true i'm all right it smells good though um the luggage that you often bring out on stage um you're really in the luggage or you're just making no i i love trunks i love luggage and trunks trunks are such a crazy item i which is probably why i love it do you collect like vintage ones yeah i like have a crazy wall at home of them most expensive trunk you bought what's the what's the craziest one oh louie joints don't you yeah because those two bro yeah i'd rather not say the price but which one is it though it's uh it's it's a it's a it's a it's a louis one um i only have a book so i bought a book many years ago because i love the trunks no they have a like the hundred years of louie some books is it in japanese it's not in japanese i don't know where it was made but it was it's a louis vuitton of like the history of their trust i have one of those it's a old one because i wanted to get rich enough to buy trunks it's a piece of history bro that's right no i really love that i mean i travel i travel with him he travels with a trunk ill yeah like but you don't take the big trunks no not the big big one but i have a nice sized one that i i love them i don't know and i'm still i haven't gotten to the point where i could even comprehend my my passion for them but there's no way to comprehend that i just love the idea of being able to explore and travel and have everything just like but not even everything i love only having like three outfits tops with me can you make that sense of that and it's like i don't know like when you're outfits in the trunk you can explain getting a ten thousand dollar crunch but three pairs of pants calm down we're having trump talk see this is what happens one i think this is exactly what happens you're squashing our i think i think you're thinking more of the price rather than the actual of how great it's put together how it'll last for yes longer than we're alive and the price in 50 years is more than having to keep buying a bag if you keep that piece if your lifestyle permits that you're going to be traveling for a long time now again it's reference point i see it as an investment i got my one piece not only is it nice and it's great and it goes with the silhouette how i'm dressing and how i travel i could pass that on to a kid of mine or a younger cousin or whatever and it could still be intact and used in the same format 40 years from now by the way i'm with you 1 000 and i don't care about the price i have a jukebox in my house i'm into weird [ __ ] i'm with you the only part that i thought was funny was i'm like oh cool you have a big trunk you can have a whole summer's worth of stuff you're like three outfits in there well yeah well the point is you can just try to clean it up now summer's working on the trunks and we was really into this just let it be in your world in our community that when people like something different you want to [ __ ] on it i think the trumps are cool too but fill the [ __ ] trunk oh my god well it's i have i i don't need i don't need much i have that and i love it and your shirts are very thin they don't take up much space yeah you yeah you just have to bring them nice slacks and you'll pick another song see corso of course that's one's favorite cat i love corso that was for me rocky um and he never got back to you right no no well he did it just wasn't in time i love rocky talked to him a week ago um y'all was in the studio together together for a while just like yeah we have so many random like ideas and rough drafts i love working he brings something out of me pause that like i don't know it's guys bring something out no put something in to use a pause see pause but bring something out of me just sounds weird it could be night oh because it could be what he brings out is jizz is what you're saying why do you have to worry but why pauses are so ridiculous it is but i say it to be ridiculous yeah i say it to be ridiculous so it's almost like there are some things that are pauses like especially new york [ __ ] be like paws like i tried to give someone a hug and it was like bro we ain't on that i'm like it's so sad how deeply rooted this [ __ ] is like you can't even show affection to someone that you care about because you think someone else is going to think that you're gay and that's why you probably shot that man last week because of that pinned up [ __ ] it's deep [ __ ] it's deep all right corso tyler the creator on the takeover um we gotta play we gotta play what's your name um um playing the piano you when did you start at 12. were you one of those kids who learned on youtube like were you self-taught no i don't even think youtube was around when i was 12. youtube came out i think in 2006 so i was 12 in 2003. so i was like tinkering around and then once uh the love below came out i learned she's alive track 15 off that album and how did you learn it you just just by ear really so you already had a thing for yourself just having to really figure out what the [ __ ] is going on because i remember trying to print out the music and i'm like i can't read this [ __ ] it didn't even feel like learning so just doing that by ear and just going from there fire um on how many records when it says produce written by tyler the creator there's a lot of people who make beats there's a lot of people who make loops as a producer right somebody who is bringing in other instrument players creating loops playing instruments writing songs can you talk for people who are just learning about that process right now because i know you got a lot of fans that don't really know the difference beat making and it's i love beats uh beat making is just making a beat it could just be the loop it could just be the base idea but producers are your producer if you're a beat maker no i don't think so okay i think it is a it's a way to differentiate it producing is like really making this four minutes a hundred percent only bringing in vocals here right in the flute player just here actually we'll turn this down really bringing it together and i try to do that with every song i love moments you listen to one of my songs i love moments the little that only come in once or like having that bridge only come for four bars and people like why didn't you loop it because of that moment oh at the end that one sound only come in there only having the vocal pads on the second hook i love them how about the beginning lumberjack how long from when you start over again the amount of time you have before you come back in so even that like having to like play like having to slow it down with my hand like just like oh that's how it should be that's producing that's and um yeah like it's a whole thing and it's the reference point i have for music like listening to shade and uh prince alex boone like these guys stevie wonder like how they were making five minute things that man you listen to uh you listen to too high number two by stevie [ __ ] that song changes tempo love that love i love it it felt real it's not that i love it it's so good so yeah an arrangement is important because a lot of songs is just like got the loop for four bars and then the bass and then the kick come in it's the same thing but like i'm really big on how songs arranged i saw someone complain about they hate my arrangement as soon as you get into it something changes and i'm like that's fun it keeps you on your feet it's like snorting coke you've never started joking i will never in my life i've never i've never i've never i told someone the other day i've never seen it me neither and i would think i've seen it i'm like [ __ ] i've never seen coke like i don't know how people do i don't like being at i don't really be in parties or places where i think yeah but you live in l.a there are people doing coke and you manage to never see it just because i live in l.a doesn't mean i just don't be at home or like doing [ __ ] with my [ __ ] like i don't know it's easy to not be around that [ __ ] it's not in your circle but i haven't seen it why would you want to stay awake that long like why why would you want to do something maybe they have a very long paper due if you you know if you take a nap it could refr naps water all these things work better than staying away yeah some people like the idea of doing it like some our friends who don't like pre-roads because they like the feeling of rolling it so some people like to oh i just did coke now and then there's placebos i'm like i can jump off a girl like they like the whole thing right you do nothing still right nothing dude i when on my 30th birthday i took two hits of a joint because i was like okay it's been 11 12 years since i've tried weed give it a shot i did that did it twice two hits because i know my limit i'm not into it at all i'm not in the weed it's not for me i don't want to just sit there and be and no i'm to whoever does it do your [ __ ] but i've tried it again 10 years 11 years later just to make sure it wasn't something i respected you [ __ ] play feel like making love today by dino donald isaac hayes [ __ ] that bridge takes me to or like give me the right dessert i love pastries and [ __ ] like that's what gets me off you're really into pastries and like cakey flaky [ __ ] what [ __ ] what because you mentioned brioche croissant [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] don't i eat bro every night bake cookies y'all and you stay finished warm just warm ice cream bro sometimes you don't because it's a i know my i don't need that much just the warm cookie by itself is just i love it i love it and i haven't got that yet and i'm so thankful because [ __ ] the [ __ ] i eat [ __ ] what where's your favorite food city that's i don't think you don't have one place that you're like oh i'm here i need to go crazy i mean probably new york new york new york especially for bakeries peach listen a peach cobbler at [ __ ] sylvias crazy [ __ ] what do you understand what [ __ ] have you ever been to like that have you been to ample hills no yeah [ __ ] you've never been to ample hills no ample hills is great where's ample hills they got one in jersey the marshmallow the oatmeal lace with the brown sugar that's my trigger word brown sugar if i see that i want it i just want it the mint there they get the peppermint patties and they chop them up and they put them in there [ __ ] what are you talking to me about right now are you so you were you were were you uh there was a time where you just opened off cold stone honestly i didn't really like cold snow because it's too like like i like i love baskin robbins okay it just feels like ice cream it's like you've been to a haagen-dazs recently not recently yeah haagen-dazs will it's that's a different level i thought haagen-dazs was formed for a long time you know it's like from the bronx or brooklyn oh really yeah but the new legendary new york times they just gave it a name i read it on wikipedia it could be fake but that's what i did the coffee chip you are sicko different for having coffee chip coffee chip is like your go-to flavor that coffee i feel it you do your thing i'm happy for you you found what makes you smile thank you man that's who i am yo let's play massive man that song is great it sounds like a breath it feels like you bro catching like it's i don't know it's ill let's play it tyler the creator taking over man we're running through the album call me if you get lost tyler the creators here uh what does it mean to have um lil wayne on this album man i love him he's like the best he keeps getting he keeps getting better he honestly keeps getting better and i think people don't realize he keeps getting better because some of the beat choices are like whatever that man has only gotten better on some technical [ __ ] in a good way unlike marshall marshall got too good that it's like gross like too technical and good bro we can't even fathom this stop wayne is like in a pocket tastefully good now not not now excuse me he's been good but like now it's like just watching one of the greats keep getting better like even even jay like watching jay get better is like it makes no sense to me and i love working with wayne because i just love hearing him over the beats i put them over from smuckers to dropping seeds to hot wind blows it's like a tone and it's like it feels like only i could put him in that in that tone and i love it would you ever do a whole record with someone like wayne if he was like yo i want you to do a whole record for me produce my entire album i would be open to it but based on like scheduling and my attention span and how i work i don't know because like i'm a like i wake up at 7 00 a.m studio 11 try to leave by seven or eight go to sleep by ten some people might not work like that some people all right i woke up at five i'm going to the studio at 9 00 p.m and i'm not leaving till 6 a.m right right right if schedules could align you'd be into it i'll i'll consider it it's hard for you to commit to some producing someone's entire thing is too i don't like even saying certain [ __ ] on air because people will try to hold you to that idea okay i respect that things like that and we [ __ ] up like [ __ ] thought the wang zapper the whole thing was coming and it's like when it doesn't it's like [ __ ] i don't like giving people the false hope of um just that potential you said something about marshall's skill level getting to the point where it's like yo it's so technical it's like people can't and it made me think of watching so many artists throughout the years continually get better musically continually hone in their art and their craft and watch their audience not be able to keep up with where they're going they become so it becomes so fine it becomes so exquisite some people's taste buds and their ears can't get where you're going how are you gonna manage that as you cause i've i've seen your comments people that were like you know i loved every album i don't love these last few albums right like they're not committed to growing or going let me say going some things are reference points and then sometimes it's like a drop-off like all right this album wasn't for you but look at all the what made up the difference with all these new fans and new listeners that i got off of igor so yeah sure you don't like it that's cool but look at what this did or like i didn't like goblin but like look at like it's okay it's fine like eminem's fine it's right uh who the [ __ ] am i i don't matter it's [ __ ] well i was like like do you do you think about bringing your audience along and making sure like making sure i just try to do what i'm doing i like it i try to uh i try to execute execution is important i try to execute the highest level that i could for what it is and do that and if you along for the ride you along for it if you're not for it it's okay and you also care as you say and i care you care about black music you care about hip-hop you care about doing great art i care about me by the way he cares about performing and if you're watching this as of friday tickets on sale for the whole tour yeah so you can go get tickets to see tyler in your oh and shout out i didn't get to tezzo touchdown if you are not familiar with him that kid's a alien in the best way possible it's weird in a good way but it's accessible check him out um i was excited well i learned about him on run it up on your album um but then when i finally saw a photo of him i was excited that he leaned in on the touchdown part and was wearing football pads and i was like might as well stay on brand i'm i'm working with him he's tight man thinking about what he's doing here a good i'm so hyped for him he said he texted me he texted me yesterday and said thank you for bringing me on tour and thinking of a small artist and i'm like bro you're not a small artist they just they just aren't familiar with you yet exactly and should we play that john run it up with t-zone touchdown tyler creator's here yo tyler man thank you for your time today man tyler on your way out did uh did clancy sen show this to you i sent it to him the other day what is that oh wow wow it's a picture in this hallway right here from 2012 so wild tyler and biz rest in peace brother yo my homie sent me where the [ __ ] is my he said my friend lionel sent me a song by him i think it's called young girl blues young girl blue's my favorite that's awesome good the structure is good the beat is great i love the narrative uh the narrative aspect like it's it's not that much storytelling uh and rap that i've come across as it was back then they were really into it a really cool song i just wanted something so funny literally that is my all-time favorite biz song and it's a random song it was on all samples cleared i think yeah salaam remy did it beats [ __ ] fire and he tells this whole story of dating a girl i mean these days that he probably get cancelled no it's really in the like the it's like a pre-hook and the the music kind of changes it's really cool i want to find that instrumental um i have it we gotta close with a juggernaut and what's your name back to back you good with that what's your name big hit off or you want to close out with something else play play uh what song were you gonna play i was gonna play uh juggernaut and then what's your name back to back play what's your name and then play sweet because sweet is a type of record that wouldn't get played much on here and i just want to i want someone to say what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] and they turn it off but they question it or it's someone who's like damn this is kind of grooving and they might find a song that they never would have found because y'all switched it up that one time and that's how i found any rd power 106 easter sunday 2002 and that changed my life what were they playing tape you do you know who was playing six no just on the air no i do not remember who's playing but i remember hearing that and saying what is that what the [ __ ] is this and that changed the trajectory of my life and as we know it mankind tyler the creator man thank you you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 2,843,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler the creator, dj khaled, call me if you get lost, kali uchis, vince staples, odd future, jay-z, pharrell, BET Awards, MTV, Ebro in the Morning, Alternative hip hop, hot97, hip hop, New York, NY, US, United States, HOT97.com, #hot97
Id: Sn4kg3cMcfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 36sec (5856 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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