Tyler Florence's Ultimate Chicken Cacciatore | Tyler's Ultimate | Food Network

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my ultimate chicken cacciatore i'm going to start off first by taking a dutch oven i'm just going to turn the heat on and let it start to warm up because we are going to sear some chicken in the bottom that's with some extra virgin olive oil and we want it nice and hot so we get a really beautiful color on the chicken because we're going to braise it when we braise stuff like i always say color equals flavor so we definitely want nice and brown before you start adding liquid to it so let's start to warm up all right and now we're gonna put together um a breading station for our chicken flour first make sure we got enough got some garlic powder oregano and i've got a nice handful of kosher salt some pepper and then we're gonna take a fork and stir it together [Music] just like that looks great all right so we got that now we're going to talk about um the wet part of our breading station so i've got one egg crack it right inside of our dish and then we're going to add about two cups of whole milk you just want to give it a good stir until the yolk starts to dissolve and then the milk has kind of a pale yellow color all right just like that then we're going to hit it with just a little bit of salt all right boom so you got this and i'm going to open it up and before i get my hands all goopy i'm going to turn up the temperature just a little more all right they're going to add some extra virgin olive oil to the bottom of a dutch oven here and want to let it come to a slight smoke what we're going to do is we're going to take a piece of chicken all right we're going to drop it into the milk and egg mixture first just like this you want to roll it around and we're going to drop it right into the flour we're going to coat it from one end to the other and then we're going to take it and we're just going to shake it just like this make sure we shake off the excess all right because any extra flour is going to burn in the bottom and we want just enough to make a crust also what's going to happen once we add the tomatoes and the white wine some of the crust is going to start to dissolve a little bit into the liquid and it's going to give us a really silky shiny sauce it's going to be really nice so we're going to drop this in all right it's going to start to cook away i'm going to bang out the rest of this stuff i'm going to get it into the pan what we're gonna do is we're also gonna roast some red peppers now red peppers are gonna get folded into uh the chicken cacciatore once we braise it up and that sweet chard flavor is gonna be delicious so we've got a bunch of red peppers here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna season them up with some olive oil let's hit it with a little bit of olive oil first so the seasoning starts to stick and we're also going to hit it with a little bit of salt nice little pinch of kosher on top and also some fresh cracked pepper and we're going to pop these under the broiler um which is a really hot surface and we're going to kind of cook these with like an infrared heat right on top and then we're going to take some tongs and kind of flip them around you want them really charred all the way from one end to the other now i know what you're saying to yourself those peppers are burned but they're not if you really look at them closely because this is the difference between a boring roasted pepper and a really beautiful roasted pepper the charred very very well now what we're going to do is pop these into a bowl and we're going to steam them with their own heat because these things are piping hot right now all right we're gonna put them into a bowl and simply wrap them up with some plastic wrap and really kind of holding that steam see all the steam is starting to collect on the side of the bowl let's take a look at that and beautiful now it's cooked not cooked all the way through it's just browned really well right on the outside all right smells absolutely delicious what we do right now is kind of build up the braise i'm gonna take about two anchovies and we're dropping down into the bottom of the pan all right they're gonna add a pinch of red chili flake sign up to make it hot just enough to really kind of wake it up a little bit and we're gonna start the smash and the anchovy all right the anchovy's almost going to dissolve into the hot olive oil all right cool the next thing we're doing here are some capers and we're looking at what is that three tablespoons maybe a quarter cup all right we're going to drop some capers in here we'll just start to fry too now we've got some really good flavors here i've got some fresh tomato that we're going to add i've got some garlic i've got an onion [Music] and i've also got some lemon now what we're going to do with the tomatoes is we're going to rough chop the tomatoes and everything else we're going to slice as thin as possible so it really starts to melt into the flavor and it's going to be great [Music] we're gonna take these chunky tomatoes we're gonna throw them right into the olive oil we're gonna throw all these guys in and then we're gonna add the onion the really thin slices of lemon i'm gonna break everything up throw it into the pot turn the heat up all right and this stuff is gonna cook down it's gonna almost look like a vegetable pull before we throw the chicken back into it and we're gonna braise a little bit white wine a little bit chicken stock that's gonna be fantastic okay so you got that that's starting to do its job and the last thing we're gonna fold them kind of a hero the dish all these beautiful roasted peppers all right that we charred under the broiler in the oven and they're so nice and sweet and really fragrant i'm gonna put these into the pot and we'll give it one more stir all right make sure everybody's singing the same song here and what we're going to do is we're going to take our chicken and we're going to tuck it back into the pot here all right the chicken's not cooked all the way through it's just kind of brown really well on either side we're going to take all the stuff we're just gonna kind of nestle it into the pot with all this flavor and then we're gonna braise this with some beautiful liquids i'm gonna turn my pan up about two cups of some good wine right into the pot and also some chicken stock and that's a great thing if you enjoy you know a nice glass of wine do you put the cork on and make sure you put it back in the fridge even if it's just a little bit you can really pull a lot of fresh flavor with white wine and red wine all right so that's enough chicken stock just to hit the top of the chicken and that's it now what we're going to do turn the temperature up let it come to a simmer and let this simmer for about 20 minutes with the lid on all right just like that and not on completely kind of off to a little tilt because we want this a lot of the liquid to evaporate and leave this really lush sauce wrapped around the chicken so we're going to hook this up family style one big platter something for everybody if you're a wingman cool if you're a leg man cool something for everybody going to toss everything around top and they're going to finish it with a little bit of the sauce not beautiful now this is what chicken cacciatore is all about this is the real deal ladies and gentlemen all right we're going to take a whole spoon it's going to put a little more of the sauce right on top boom and that beautiful all right a little more cheese i'm gonna hit with some fresh basil how beautiful is that you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 31,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, how to make, cook, easy recipe, food network recipes, tyler's ultimate, tyler florence, home cooking, homemade, cooking at home, ultimate recipe, dinner at home, best recipe, tyler florence recipe, Ultimate recipes, savory, dinner, comfort food, ultimate recipes, Ultimate Chicken Cacciatore, Chicken Cacciatore, Chicken dish, Chicken recipes, Chicken dinner, Italian dish, Italian dinner, roasted red peppers, braised chicken, lemon slices, anchovies
Id: ZIRd5JfLjnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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