Ina Garten's Skillet Roasted Lemon Chicken | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

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so the three things I love about Skillet roasted lemon chicken are first it is so easy to make I love it second one is that when you cook the chicken it actually makes its own sauce with lemon and onions it's delicious and the third one is that you don't even need to serve it on a platter I just take the entire Skillet and put it on the buffet and everybody helps themselves so let's go make some Skillet roasted lemon chicken I okay the first thing you want to do is make an herb oil which I'm going to brush on the chicken and it's thyme fennel it's going to make it delicious I don't know why but in every book there's one recipe that everybody seems to make and cook like a pro it was red wine braised short ribs and then cooking for Jeffrey it was a skillet roasted lemon chicken every time somebody stopped me after that book came out they said you know what I made skill roasted lemon chicken I was like oh really me too okay so I need two teaspoons of fresh thyme leaves I'm going to grind it up in a little food processor so you don't even need to chop it one and two I think fresh thyme for this is so important and then one teaspoon of fennel seeds these are whole fennel seeds one tablespoon of salt I want to be really well seasoned and one teaspoon coarsely ground pepper I love this little Peppermill yes I do measure everything even my own recipes okay I'm just going to grind all this up and when you grind it up the oil from the fennel seeds really flavors it okay that's the seasoning mixed so the next is a third of a cup of olive oil and the seasoning mix to stir it together okay so that's the herb oil that's going to flavor the chicken okay next I've got this huge cast iron skillet and it's perfect for roasting this chicken so I've got one onion thinly sliced just distributed it so it's even I love these flavors they're my favorite onions garlic lemon time fennel and Too Close of garlic that I thinly sliced I'm just going to distribute them around and one lemon I sliced it in half and then sliced it thinly so that like in half rounds and what's amazing about this when the chicken Cooks on top of it the juices and the white wine that I'm going to put in and the onions they all cook together and you can eat the whole lemon rind and all okay that's the bottom of next is the chicken so what I did was I asked the butchered butterfly chicken which means you take out the backbone and kind of lay it flat and that way it's very even and it cooks really quickly so I'm going to take some paper towels and just pat dry the skin the skin is dry and then I'm going to put the herb olive oil on gets nice and brown just what you want the chicken to do I buy my chicken from a local chicken farm called iacona everybody loved Mr iacona unfortunately he's no longer with us but his wife Eileen is he used to have a goose named Shadow who would follow him around I guess the goose loved him too they'd go from the house to the store and back to the house together okay so I'm going to put this upside down skin side down on the onions and the lemon and garlic and brush half the oil right on the chicken it's going to flavor it incredibly well this is a great dish for entertaining because you can really assemble it in advance I mean never mind it's so fast to make and put the whole thing in the refrigerator and then just throw it in the oven before dinner I've done it many times when I'm really in a hurry and I don't have much time to make dinner for friends skilled lemon chicken is on the menu okay I'm just going to turn this over make sure all the lemons and onions are in the bottom of the pan and then put the rest of the herb olive oil on top so the skin gets nice and brown and the chicken's beautifully flavored I actually like to serve this with roasted broccolini and couscous both of which take no time at all to make and the sauce from the chicken and all of that together it's just fantastic okay that's ready I'm just gonna put it in the oven 450 degrees for 45 minutes the hot oven but it Cooks fast and then about 30 minutes in I'm going to take some white wine and just put it around it and it's going to make the most delicious sauce okay into the oven oh that's a big baby [Music] so when the 30 minutes is up I'll pour a half a cup of white wine around the chicken not on it otherwise the skin won't Brown and cook it for another 15 minutes and in the meantime I'm heading out to the herb garden so while the chicken Cooks let's take a tour of the garden such a beautiful day so this is where I work and that's where I live big commute I have to get myself from there to here every morning it's great and actually I have a fire pit in the middle which is great on a cool night in the beginning we made so many s'mores it was ridiculous and then we finally thought I don't need to eat another some more so let's come around here then there's this little porch that we call like Sunset cocktail porch the Sun comes through the trees here and we have cocktails at Sunset which is really nice and then my little herb garden I love this Garden so first I have figs and I actually have some figs which is amazing you can see them right here and I use the leaves for cheese platters and decorating they're great so I've got sage and oregano lavender I love the lavender oh the sounds of East Hampton private jets coming in oh the country let's see let's go this way and I've got big tomatoes in the corners more Sage more lavender these are great I love these little Tomatoes they're called green zebra and they're actually ripe when they're green so let me find a nice ripe one right there and they look fantastic on it salad plate a big sliced salads oh we have the sprinkler going off okay let's go into the shade garden so this is all big crepe myrtles and they give shade to the ground so we have Ferns and hostas and a still be all kinds of shade plants and I love these white hostas they're called standard they're really beautiful only white flowers allowed here and my little splashing Fountain Garden I like the sound of the splashing because it just sort of like nice country sound and the biggest rosemary plant ever this actually wintered over from last year because it wasn't so cold and I need fresh Rosemary for the chicken lots of it okay into the house of the chicken come with me it's nice and cool in here mmm I smell chicken it smells so good okay let's see how it's doing so oh this is fantastic look how good this looks so it's chicken and sauce slam so I'm going to add a few things just to give it more flavor at the end you know as I've developed as a cook one of the things I've learned is the thing that you add at the end that you taste first so I always try and find something that's in the dish and then that flavor of the lemon is going to be like the first thing that hits your tongue when you taste it as it rests it really just absorbs the flavor seeds and all don't worry about the seeds people know it's real lemon okay so the juice of one lemon and just to give this a little more flavor and I have lots of Rosemary outside I thought I'd add just a little bit of Rosemary so it's got Thyme and it's got fennel garlic onion just a little bit of Rosemary just to give it extra flavor okay I'm just going to give it a rough chop Rosemary is really strong so you don't want too much just enough to give it another layer of flavor this is the kind of chicken that even if you're a first time cook you can make and if you're an experienced cook you'd be happy to make okay just a little sprinkling of Rosemary on the top it's going to be great okay now I'm going to let it rest 15 minutes and all the flavors kind of get back into the chicken all the juices and it's just so much moisture and more delicious I can't wait time to carve the chicken smells great I wish you could smell it and the best part of this chicken is you don't have to carve it the way you usually carve a chicken all I do is cut it in quarters and that's one of the best things about butterflying it it's like really easy to cut in quarters this is amazing I love the way it looks is the perfectly browned chicken and all that gorgeous sauce underneath and you can put it on a platter but I like The Rustic kind of feeling of just serving it right out of the pan everybody can just help themselves I'm just going to spoon the sauce right over the chicken so everybody gets chicken and sauce all together this is the amazing thing about this dish is you actually get cooked lemon it's really tender and it caramelizes with the onions look at that sauce isn't that great actually like the sauce as much as the chicken um that is so good this might actually be my favorite chicken of all times yum this recipe and more can be found in my book cooking for Jeffrey or at
Channel: Food Network
Views: 825,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barefoot contessa, chef, comfort, comforting, comforting dinner, cook, coronavirus, dinner, directions, easy, easy recipes, eat, food, food network, how to make, how to make chicken in a skillet, how-to, ina, ina garten, ingredients, recipe, show, simple, chicken recipe, comfort food, Skillet Roasted Lemon Chicken, Skillet Roasted Chicken, Lemon Chicken, Roasted Chicken, Chicken, Skillet Chicken, chicken, herb oil, lemon, white wine, chicken dinner, chicken dish, weeknight dinner, family meal
Id: cC6VvO5DK-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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