Make Chicken Potatoes and Onions this way for a delicious meal | Kenyan Chicken Platter |

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hey friends a sha here make chicken and potatoes this way for a delicious meal on any day of the week with just a few ingredients available in your pantry this is a master try recipe in any kitchen before I start let me take this opportunity to welcome my new subscribers you're so much welcome thank you so much uh for being here for the support that you have continued to give to this channel it's really appreciated I share tips and ideas on how to make us better Cooks in our own kitchen kibon Sana that is you're very much welcome in sahil for this recipe I'm using about a pound of chicken dyce that I just removed the bones in the skin I left some of this fat deliberately you just going to add some flavor into the dish I will also be using some potatoes garlic and onion cilantro for the spices I have some paprika dried thyme cumin seeds fenel seeds red pepper flakes fast things F do some knife work [Music] peel and slice this [Music] onion slice this into fairly just medium slices make sure they are [Music] separated garlic I need a few cloves from here [Music] just roughly chop this garlic that looks good now wash this [Music] lantro raer chop peel the three potatoes cut into some bite size maybe just like so now with the knife work done for the vegetables cut this chicken into bite [Music] size that's good enough I just didn't want to change The Cutting Board the key when you're working in the kitchen is to make sure that you're working clean if you want you can also put on gloves I'll go wash my hands and wash The Cutting Board now time to head to the stove and start [Music] cooking now into this preheating pan add cooking oil season these chicken salt and [Music] pepper chicken into the pot and start Browning give this chicken a turn once it's browned and just continue until all the sides are nicely Brown adding the spices cumin seeds Peno seeds dried thyme red pepper flakes and paprika add the onions [Music] cook until this onion starts to [Music] soften once the onions have softened remove into a container using a slotted spoon the chicken and the onions now straight away add the the potatoes maybe just attach more oil here some salt and some pepper lay [Music] on slightly lower the [Music] heat [Music] now these potatoes have been cooking for about 10 minutes I've occasionally been just opening the lead and giving them a star they are starting to soften turn the heat slightly up add the garlic some of the chopped cilantro now return the chicken and the onions into the pan and continue cooking until everything is cooked through lower the heat a squeeze of lemon juice here some more cilantro and we are done this dish is perfectly served family style into a [Music] platter a little bit of these delicious chicken and potatoes for me cilantro give this a bite potatoes the chicken M some of these potatoes and the [Music] onion so what a delicious and easy to make dish on any day of the week uh you can substitute the chicken dyce with the chicken breast uh they will work just be careful with the breasts uh because of the drying either the that this is a very good recipe that you can try I can't wait to see what you do with it uh give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video leave me a comment down below what you think about this recipe I will see you in the next one thank you so much for [Music] watching [Music]
Channel: Chef D Wainaina
Views: 761,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make chicken and potatoes this way, chicken and potatoes, Chef D wainaina, Kenyan food recipes, Kenyan chicken platter
Id: IWvfREhvNBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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