Classic Chicken Cacciatore l Rustic Hunter's Chicken

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[Music] do hi welcome to cooking with papa pete today i'm preparing a chicken ketchup donut which translates to the hunter's chicken you're really going to enjoy this quick recipe not very difficult to prepare that chicken is going to fall right off the bone so let's stop talking and let's get cooking these are the ingredients we're going to be using for today's recipe of course chicken thighs i've got skin on bone in i prefer to use it this way because i believe that it gives the chicken more flavor now you can use the skinless boneless as well it works fine i've got some red wine some extra virgin olive oil tomato paste crushed tomatoes fresh parsley i've got yellow and red bell pepper one red onion mushrooms roma tomatoes garlic and i've got some kalamata olives here that can be substituted for regular black olives as well all right let's go ahead and get these chopped up i'll go ahead and list the ingredients below the description of my video so this way you have that information okay we've got our cast iron pan on medium high heat i'm gonna wait for that to get hot but meanwhile i've got all of our ingredients ready to go chopped up i went ahead and added salt and pepper to each side of the chicken dice it's real important to have all of your ingredients ready when you start to cook you want you don't want to cut as you go i learned this at a very early stage of my life in the restaurant business that preparation is key all right a pans just about hot i'm gonna go ahead and add about a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil let that get a little hot there nice i'm gonna go ahead and add the chicken thighs we're gonna cook them all right that's what you want you wanna hear that i'm gonna cook them for about two minutes on each side left hand side perfectly okay he's been going now for about two or three minutes now we're gonna flip them over and cook for another three minutes all right i let these cook for about three to four minutes longer now we're going to go ahead and pull these out and now we're going to go ahead and start sauteing our vegetables we're going to start out with a little garlic those fry up just for about a minute basically now we're going to go ahead and add our bell peppers right on you let those fry up i'm gonna let these cook for about two minutes okay now we're gonna add our diced roma tomato this is about uh five ounces maybe six and salt these up a bit and and add the salt and pepper to your liking basically just put a little in there because you can always add more to it later if you need to but you can never take it out now we're going to go ahead and add a cup of red wine oh sorry mushrooms next let those cook first almost forgot the mushrooms i'll let these cook for about a minute or two shipping category folks this is the hunt man's chicken the hunter's chicken now we're gonna go ahead and add a cup of red wine we'll let that cook out about two minutes and it's also the wine is uh also uh releasing all of that good uh seared meat that's on the frying pan this way all those flavors blend in with the veggies all right now we're going to add our kalamata olives or black olives whichever you prefer okay okay now i'm going to transfer the chicken and the veggies and the tomato sauce into this larger skillet here this pan won't quite uh hold all that liquid i use the cast iron skillet because it sears the meat really well i really enjoy cooking steaks and chicken and even seafood like scallops in a cash flying pot all right i'm gonna go ahead and i'll put the chicken in that pot here ready to go all right chances over all right now we're going to go ahead and add the tomato sauce [Applause] there's one spoon of paste add some salt a teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of black pepper okay we're gonna go ahead and turn this down now and let that all cook up very nicely we'll turn it down to a medium low and we're gonna go ahead and now add some uh crushed red pepper about a quarter tablespoon i mean a teaspoon sorry and a little about a half a teaspoon and then some fresh basil put in about six leaves now we're going to go ahead and cover that up and let that cook for about another 20 to 30 minutes okay it cooking for about five minutes we're going to cook it for about uh 10 to 15 minutes on one side and then we're going to flip them over this is coming along very nicely okay let's check it out oh yeah look along very nicely yeah got about three more minutes i'm going to flip it over but keep remember remember to keep stirring this sauce as it's cooking i'm going to go ahead and lower it really low and finish the cooking process there in a minute meanwhile i'm going to go ahead and get the water going for the spaghetti okay let's go ahead and flip the chicken over oh yeah i mean it's cooking so on such a high heat that this chicken is going to peel right off the bone once it's done okay cover it up and let it go for another about 15 minutes okay this is done i'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of parsley sprinkle some of that on there now we'll turn off the heat i'm just gonna let that rest until the pasta or spaghetti is ready and then we'll go ahead and plate it up okay let's go ahead and plate this up remove the lid oh yeah nice chicken nice i'll just put four in a plate that's all we need right now go ahead and put some sauce on here oh nice some parsley on top there you have it chicken got your daughter okay spaghetti's cooked al dente i'm gonna go ahead and add some of the gachadori sauce to the spaghetti and give that a good mix i like to add the sauce um into the pasta and stir it around before i serve it a big bowl let's put it all in there yeah there we go nice sauce beautiful i'm doing a taste test by myself again today everybody's camera shy so first i'm going to take some of this romano cheese and i'm going to put it on my chicken beautiful let's give it the old taste test grab one of these dies grab some spaghett oh yeah wow look at that isn't that pretty let's go ahead and test the chicken out i like to remove the skin i like to leave it on because it gives the meat a lot more flavor but i always remove the skin when i eat it well fall off the bone tender i'll try to spaghet and blow on this a little hot pretty good buddy hot food but this is real oh yeah you can taste those peppers in there the olives the kalamata olives give it a very distinctive flavor very good recipe i encourage you to try it out well guys thanks for watching another one of my videos and if you'd like to get future recipes please subscribe to my youtube channel i am uh posting at least one or two recipes a week so i got a lot to do i got a lot of recipes i need to catch up on thanks a lot thanks for watching and happy [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Brothers Cooking - Papa P & Chef Dom
Views: 30,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken cacciatore, chicken cacatore, chicken catchatore, chicken caciatore, chicken catchator, the hunters chicken, hunters chicken, Italian chicken, Italian chicken dinner, best chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatore recipe, Italian chicken recipe
Id: svRO-sBdKJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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