Two Things You Must Know to Create Wealth | Bob Proctor

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two things you want to know is you're going to create wealth and don't be caught up in this catch when money's not everything money's not everything of course it's not but there's nothing that will compare with it it's something you can measure you can measure it to the penny it's that's very important it's not like like your health you can't measure your health you say that's more important than money but it's it said you're talking different things you can go to a doctor and doctor can give you a clean bill of health and walk out and drop dead that's happened to lots of people so you can't measure that but money you can measure right to the penny you'll know if you're doing better money's not going to make you a better person money's gonna make you more of what you already are if you're not a nice person you'll probably become despicable if you are a nice person you're gonna become a lot nicer because money is a magnifier money is an instrument that enables you to extend the good you can do far beyond your own presence when sandy and I decided that we were going to give money to sue Cynthia's organization then we got excited about it and and we just keep up in the ante but the kids that are getting educated they're getting clean water and they're getting nutritious food and proper medical and they're getting educated and under excited going to school thousands of them now that that makes me feel good I've got a picture in my office that I look at frequently where all these little kids are reading our books and studying our material well there's two things that you have to know if you really want to create wealth one you have to know where you are and the other one you have to know where you're going and then you've got to get moving now that is so simple you see it's like you squares is your squares a simple concept just beautifully written but it is a very simple concept this is so simple you have to ask why are so many people stuck yet they're stuck they're clearly stuck don't get the same results now as they were a year ago I remember dropping by my uncle and uncle's house they're gone now god bless them but I used to drop by their visit every now and then they're the whole Hospital kids and and he was working overtime every night trying to make enough just to get by didn't have a car had to go all the way across Toronto big city on public transportation worked overtime every night just earn enough to get by left a very ordinary life I dropped by one Christmas and they're rushing around to get credit cards and all the big stores so they could buy the kids Christmas presents and remember don't say no I don't never mind next year I'll be different they looked at him I said you want to know something done you're full of crap next year it's gonna be exactly the same as this year because you never change boys I don't start that stuff on me properly I said why don't you change he knew I changed I changed like night and day he knew me when I was losing now they were paid every two weeks they had budgeted to live on this pay so three times a year he got three pays in a month that third pay was always an extra pay they just said that they're gonna come to a seminar I was doing seminars at the Hyatt in downtown Toronto every Tuesday night for eight weeks two and a half I was 93 hours a night for eight weeks I made them pay to come to the seminar they thanked me right up until their death for making them pay I noticed they didn't pay they wouldn't keep coming but I knew that money meant a lot to them and I knew that they just couldn't permit themself just to throw it away so every Tuesday night they'd come yet mark said for three weeks I had no idea what you were talking about you're not gonna vote spirit and vibration all the stuff she's I need nothing about any of that but then one day you said I want you to write a list of everything you want and she said I couldn't think of anything I wanted I had not been thinking of what I wanted since there was a young girl who was always what's Don Juan what's the kids want whenever what she wanted and she said when I started to write I couldn't stop when they died they had their own business they were millionaires they did it beautiful get a beautiful home in Florida as well as the one in Toronto and the family still run the business everything in their life changed because they change their thinking people say all our thinking stuff the thinking stuff is very important thought is the most potent form of energy there is thought waves would make cousin or cosmic waves that penetrated all time and space thought makes the laser look puny do you know that your thoughts the thoughts you think they're everywhere at the same time thought is everywhere thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time in space I had the good fortune of working with shredder captain Edgar Mitchell he was a captain of the lunar landing module and one of the Apollo flights he was doing thought transference exercise was Sherman and Ford here in the southern United States from the other side of the Moon was written up in a magazine he was an interesting guy I took Maturana one time for speaking engagement it's a funny Cedric we had the whole back of was a huge big screen was just a shot of the moon and he was walking back and forth in front of the man the man in the moon and he told the audience he said you know coming back in the moon he said I set and looked at one of the windows and I could see the earth spinning down there in the darkness he said I had a euphoric experience he said I thank God for opening gates of heaven and let me in just for a few minutes and I followed him in the program and I said you know I had a similar experience to captain Mitchell I - out of euphoric experience and I thank God for opening the gates of hell and let me out we were travelling different directions is he but don't emerge life was never the same and neither of any of the kids they were stuck now the obvious answer to why people are stuck you say well they don't have a goal I used to say that blood I don't necessarily believe that anymore you see I have a goal it's written on the car to carry at my pocket I've done that because he'll said to do it for 58 years everything I read in the car yet and now what happens you'll get a gold card when you write the gold card what you're doing is you're painting a picture with words that's our van Gogh said I dream my painting and I take my dream well you build the picture of what you want then you paint it in words now when I touch the gold card in my pocket my sensory factor touches affected a light message goes screaming through the central nervous system wait it's a group of cells in my brain they're activated and the picture of the gold flies on the screen in the mine simultaneously with me touching the card the pictures they're the only thing that can grow is that the you give energy to that's how you give energy to it well I don't think maybe everybody's got their goal particularly but I have a a lot of people do but I think everybody wants something so you could say that would constitute a cool they may not focus on it they may spend time more time thinking of why they can't have it then why they can or how they will but they do have a goal I don't think that's where the problem is this is where the problem is down here I don't think the average person knows where they are we're talking yesterday and Peter was asked me about we're talking about Who am I that lets forget Who am I for a moment where am I doesn't didn't know where he was done was stuck done was stuck in a factory working overtime just to get by never entered his mind if he changed his thinking his little world would changed never entered his mind and yet that's been stated by every great thinker fall down through history they disagreed in virtually everything else but that one point they've been completing an animus agreement and what's the problem here well people are stuck where they are because the paradigms now the average person there's no idea what a paradigm is they really don't know they don't even know they don't know I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know I was just losing I was then happy loser now fortunately somebody woke me up unfortunately not everybody wakes up I've gone into prisons in fact I'll share it with you now I went and I cut a deal with classification in Kingston Penitentiary that is maximum security in Canada and though they've closed it damn near time they closed it too it's a terrible place but anyway it was open for years and it was the deal I made that I would come in but anybody that wants to come to the meeting has to be able to come anybody they said well you can't do that Proctor and I said why not well he said some of these guys are bad guys I said no I said they just think they're bad guys and you think they're bad guys but there's no bad there's only guys and some are gone in the wrong direction and they said you don't really know what you're talking about Roger some of these guys guys they're dangerous people there was one guy and he was in solitary confinement for seven and a half years every day he was in solitary and this little cell you got one hour a day in the yard by himself one hour and I was at Joe Gardner and and he was a bad guy he shot a guy and a holdup in Windsor that's across from Detroit and just blew the guy's head off but fortunately I didn't die now if he had a died they too hung him because they were hanging people in Canada in that and he was sentenced to 27 years he had been in seven and a half years in solitary confinement and they and I said anybody that wants to come you got to be able to come and I would take coffee doughnuts and cigarettes to the meeting that's like baiting the hook and they'd all come in and and he wanted to go and they said what he did then I'm not going to come in either he kept a cup where I'm not coming you got a choice well I just wisdom prevailed and they let him come well he would sit in the back there's tables at the back and he was sitting the back swinging his legs you know eating doughnuts and drink coffee and smoking he sounded like a pig back there I mean and in the I would say something very very profound and I got crap and of course he dominated demeaning everybody's paying attention to him I'm at one side he's at the other side and I was scared of him I was really she was a big guy I mean I'm feel like a [ __ ] beside him and this went on for a couple of months I was going to in one Saturday month I maybe for three months at one time and finally and in between one time in another I mean I was scared I'm scared thinking about it and I thought I can't keep going there I've got to stop this and yet I've insisted that they let them come they warned me I'm gonna have to win and you know I was in bicha but I was in a mess but I was scared driving it's a hundred and sixty-five miles there's no traffic lights it should look just straight highway all the way from Toronto to Kingston so I was scared all the way down and I made up my mind what I was gonna do and for that hundred and sixty-five miles I'm gonna tell you I was one scared driver but I made up my mind I wasn't gonna I wasn't gonna let this guy control it so I started the meeting he started his antics and I don't know what I had in my mind hand but I put it down and I turned around and I walked right back and I stood right in front of him and I said you've got to be the dumbest bastard I've ever met I was scared and I'm gonna tell you you see this guy's body just tighten up now these guys work out you know and his face went beet red I could see his party I thought he's gonna kill me and I said I can tell that screwed open the door he's got to let me out he's gonna take you and lock you up for mud I can hurt it faster than you can steal it you're not listening to me and just as fast as he tightened up he started laughing I guess he thought this guy's crazy just applying me but he shut up I turned around and went back I was just scared I thought it was gonna go to my pants I I was really scared you've been scared well nothing like this and so any right drive him home I know strong I did it well the next month I went down he was sitting right in the front and if anybody sheltered their feet he turned look at them I got more than I bargained for he became the duty discipline officer in my meeting and everybody paid attention to me or he was going to look after them do you know I got them to let him out on a special ticket he had to report to the Toronto the city police every week and the Mounties the Federal Police every month his wife had had a little girl while he was in there there was a priest there Bobby got at that had befriended Jo and he went and talked to Edie in Windsor and got Edie to come back with Jo and he treated that little girl like was his but up until he died I went down there's a lot to be said for ignorant don't ever just left there's power in ignorance I went down to the parole board and I'm hammering on the table I said you got no right keeping this guy locked up on this parole I'm going to England open an office he's the best guy I've got I want to take him with me they tore up his program his passport he came to England Jo straight note he was the best guy I had he was Jo was probably my best friend for a long time now jo Jo passed away he he died and another fella named John canary who's on one of them the more enriched films with me he and I went down John knew Joe and we was so proud of Joe cause he straightened out and Joe's there and the you know in the box like this and John says son of a [ __ ] he's got my cuff links on so you see never completely straight no but now the reason I'm telling you that is Joe is in there because of a paradigm Joe was a crooked character Joe thought he was smarter than everybody he thought he could just walk in with a gun and take what he wanted and he ended up in this cell I went in they changed his way of thinking Joe lived in a different life paradigm is in control of you don't think it's not it is it is in control of you every day 5:00 5:30 in the morning I'm sitting and I'm ready and exercise with my left hand now I'm right-handed so this is my non-dominant hand today was 148 days we'd give him this out in a seminar and so I thought I should do that I remember I was only yet maybe 20 days I was going out in the road and it's a thick book there's 365 pages in this book and so thick and it's heavy and when you're going down the road you don't look for heavy things to carry you know you look for carrying a little as possible and so my paradigms working on me while I'm writing in my book of home and I'm thinking I don't really need to take this on the road you know I could I could leave it at home I can catch up when I come back I don't need to do it every day and then the other part of me Sam Proctor your paradigms trying to talk you out of doing what you said you were gonna do you said you were gonna write everyday or whether you're on the road or not you didn't say oh just when you're at home and you see you have these conversations you're having a conversation with your paradigm that's a diamond inside of you that it talks to you that it tells you don't do that you crazy go ahead do it don't do it it's in control and you're something 97% of the time the damn thing wins it does they don't care how sophisticated you are I don't care how smart you are I don't care how religious you are I don't care about any of those things your paradigm is in control it's been programmed right into the cells in your being stop and think of how you got here a little particle of energy from little particle of energy from dad comes swimming along they were in resonance and that is the nucleus of you and then for 280 days an attractive force went to work and all of the mum's DNA in all dad's DNA we're dirty and they come from well their mother and their dad where did you go from their mothers and their dads God knows how far back this goes you're the product of other people you're the confluence of thinking that goes back for God knows how far that's who you are that's why it looks like you do that's why you've got the hair you've got that's why you're the height you are and the weight you are that's why your foot is wider narrow this it's all programmed into us that 280 days later we make our debut on the planet and we become programmed by the people were surrounded by if you were taken out of an english-speaking home in New Jersey and put in a home in the suburbs of Shanghai you would grow up fluent in Chinese no knowledge of the English language you'd grow up liking their food you could come from an Italian home you wouldn't never eat Italian food you see how it works of course you could take the baby out of the suburbs or in Shanghai put them in that home in Jersey and a baby grow up fluent in English no no II think this Chinese language that's programming we're product of our environment that's why I was very through the prints third fourth fifth generation welfare recipients paradigms now ask yourself this would you feel comfortable coming up here and spending maybe fifteen or twenty minutes really explaining what a paradigm is other form how to change them there's a few of you that would probably do very well and there's some of you say well got my own one do that well this subject is so important you should learn how to do that now I don't care where you are I don't care what your social economic status says I do know this if you can hear my voice pay very close attention to this this is real and you're not gonna get it in school [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every 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Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 675,926
Rating: 4.8958788 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: 4cedbRUhEy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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