How Twitch Calculates Average Viewers

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hey guys what's going on my name is Mickey and today I'm doing a bit of an unplanned video it has to do with twitches average viewer system whether that's for a single stream or for your monthly stream it's how it figures out how many average viewers you have over the past 30 days I was wondering how it worked because I'm currently trying to get affiliate on twitch and so I'm wondering how each time it adds the average viewers till it slowly gets up to three and so I did some searching and on reddit I found a post which I will link down below which kind of helped me figure out this whole thing it basically explained it and I took what they said in words and I did it in Excel and had it do all of the functions and formulas for me so basically I'll be explaining how it detects your average users for a single stream how it detects your average viewers for your past 30 days and also I'll be giving you a formula to figure out how many viewers you need for how much time in order to bring your average viewership up to 3.0 so let's get right into it all right guys so what you're first gonna want to do is you're gonna want to open your twitch dashboard so the way you do that if you do not know is you go to twitch TV ford slash your own username so - it's just me key and then you're going to do forward slash dashboard and then that'll open up your twitch dashboard so what you're going to do from here is you're going to click channel and this will bring up your stats from the past 30 days the first thing that I'm going to talk about is how twitch it's going to calculate your average viewers over a single stream so if you look at this stream I had 2.6 average viewers over 3 hours and 25 minutes so basically what twitch did was they took just 3 hours and 25 minutes and they converted it into an entirely minute based time which if you want to do that if you don't know is you take the amount of hours you have and you times it by 60 because there are 60 minutes in an hour so 180 plus the extra 25 minutes which is gonna give us 205 minutes so over the 205 minutes that I streamed they checked every five minutes how many viewers I had so if we divide this number by five it gives us 41 meaning that over the course of my stream they checked 41 times to see how many viewers I had at the end they added up all of the viewers that they counted so in the first five minutes say I had zero the second five minutes you know I had like three and then they add up all of those and they divide that number by 41 and that will give you the amount of average viewers that you have for your single stream so in this case they added them all up divided it by 41 and it gave me 2.6 average viewers for that stream so that's how they do it for a single stream now for this 2.7 here which is the average viewers for my past 30 days which is these 5 streams here the way they do that is it's actually simple but I feel like I might explain it a hard way so if it's something you don't understand feel free to ask in the comments below for me to explain or have someone else explain for you but I'm gonna try to keep it as simple as possible but sometimes I know I explain things in a super complicated way so what you're gonna want to do to figure out how they got this number is you're gonna want to download this export data here and open it up if you take a look you'll see that they have the start and end times of all of your streams on whatever date they were the average viewers a whole bunch of other information as well as the amount of time you streamed for that stream so if you want to figure out how they got that average number for your past 30 days streams what you're gonna want to do and if you have Excel I do recommend using it because you can get a lot more accurate of a number but if you don't obviously doing it by hand still works it just might not be as close to the number as the one that they have on there so what you want to do is say here for example you're gonna want to take the average amount of viewers you had for that stream and multiply it by the amount of time streamed in minutes which if you have this export data it automatically converts it to minutes for you so the way that you do that is you will click this little button right here which is insert function so you'll insert a function and you want to multiply them so you're gonna want the product so if you don't see it which I have mine here but if you do not see it you can just type product here click go and it'll bring up product for you click OK what you can do is you can either control click so I'll hold control click in the minute streamed as well as the average viewers and it'll do it or you can click in the number one box and then click minute streams then click in the number two box and click average viewers so if you do that this will give you this number here which is just the average viewers times the amount of minutes streamed it's the way I will be referring to that let me get these other numbers done real quick and then I will get back to what I was saying okay so now that I have all of that done what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to add all of these together which again is super easy in Excel and it's also super easy if you're doing it by hand if you're doing it in Excel all you have to do is click the function button type sum and then click OK and then ctrl-click or you can do each individual number in each one and then once you have that just click okay and it'll give you this number so this number obviously is just the sum of all of the average viewers times minute streamed over each stream so now what you're gonna do is you're gonna take the amount of a minute streamed over all of the streams and you're gonna sum those so it's basically it's the same thing as last time you'll do a sum you'll get all of these numbers and then you'll click OK what you're gonna do now is you're gonna do function and you're gonna type in I am div what this is is it returns quotients of two complex numbers meaning that if these aren't whole numbers which odds aren't this one will not be a whole number it won't give you back the number of plus the decimal places if you just do quotient it will not give me back the decimal places it will only give you the whole number so you're gonna click OK and the top number you're gonna put this number which is the sum of the average viewers and minutes streamed over all of your streams and then in number two you're gonna put the sum of the total number of minutes streamed over all of the streams and click OK so this number is the number of average viewers you had across all of your streams for the past 30 days so as you can see mine says 2.7 and if we go back it does say 2.7 so the reason I'm not completely sure watch which does it this way this is where I got the information from the reddit post it told me about this math and it helped me to figure out these numbers here and how all of this worked so I think what it's doing is it's taking obviously you're you're taking the number of average viewers times the number of minutes streamed and it gives you this number so it's taking the overall average viewers I believe per hour that you had over the last 30 days now that might be completely wrong but I think that that's how it works so that's why you multiply these together and then you add all of this you add all of this you divide this by this so it could be hourly it could be by minute I'm not completely sure but that's the only thing I could think of if I'm wrong please feel free to let me know in the comments I'm always taking constructive criticism so that's where the average viewers for the past 30 days streams come from now what I want to show you is a way to figure out how many viewers you need for how long to get three average viewers if you're trying to go for affiliate so if you're not trying to go for affiliate but you were just wondering how the average viewers was calculated then you don't need to continue the video I appreciate you guys watching but if you're interested feel free to stick along and if you are going for affiliate and you want to know how often you need to stream or rather how long and how many viewers do you need for a single stream to get three average viewers then I can help you with that what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to set up an equation so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be writing on paper but I will try my best to put the formula that I'm writing on screen I'm just gonna describe it to you guys as we go so if you want to figure out how many viewers you need for how many hours you stream this is the way you do it you're gonna want to take this number here whatever you get for this and what we're gonna do is we're gonna label this number here is going to be Z and this number here is going to be v what you're gonna do you're gonna take poor Zi plus X which in this case X is going to stand for the number of viewers and then you're gonna take Y which is gonna stand for the amount of time your stream so you should have Z plus X number of years times y time you streamed / v + y and you should want that to equal 3.0 because that's the average you're trying to get basically you're taking the numbers you already have Z over V but you're adding the variables that we don't know so basically we're taking the average viewers times a minute streamed which is the X Y and adding that to Z which is what we already know to be the other average viewers times minute streamed numbers and then for yi you're just adding on that extra time of whatever you stream and you're making it equal 3 because you want to have three average viewers to get affiliate so basically what I'm gonna have is 2196 point five to seven because that's my Z plus XY / 807 because that's my V at the moment plus y equal in 3.0 you can do this either way but in my opinion it's more solid to use to to choose a y variable so say that you normally stream around four hours you could put four hours and for Y say that you know mission three then three keep going for Y you know it doesn't doesn't really matter but you can also fill in for X based on how many viewers you normally have but the thing is once you start filling in for X the time is gonna get crazy and then it becomes extremely variable how much time by how much time how many viewers are gonna have so I think choosing the amount of time you stream to show how many viewers you need works but you can also just fill in for an X I apologize if that didn't make sense I'm trying my best to make it make sense so I usually stream between 4 to 5 hours so I'm gonna say four and a half hours is how long I'm gonna aim to stream for so the way I would write that is obviously you want it to be in minutes so 60 minutes in an hour times four hours it's gonna give you two hundred and forty minutes you want to add in that extra 30 minutes for the half hour which is two hundred and seventy minutes so in my equation gonna have 2196 point 5 to 7 plus 270 X because that's what I'm filling in for y and that's all gonna be over 807 plus 270 because that's my Y and it's gonna equal 3.0 from there what I can do is I can condense some stuff down so I can have two thousand one hundred ninety six point five two seven plus two hundred and seventy X all over 1070 1077 excuse me equaling 3.0 and from this point you can multiply the both sides by 10 77 because what you're doing is you're cross reducing so on the left side you're basically multiplying by 10 77 over 1 and you can cross reduce 10 77 by 1077 leaving you with 1 and anything over 1 is just itself so that's why that works so you're left on the left side with 2196 point 5 to 7 plus 270 equaling whatever 3 times 11 77 is which I'm going to just do quickly here alright 3231 so now you'll subtract that that Z number which minus two thousand one hundred ninety six point five two seven so that's gonna cancel out on the left side so then I'm going to subtract the two thousand one hundred and ninety six point five two seven from the three chiii one so I've got two one nine six point five to seven equalling thirty-four [Music] equaling 270x so if we divide both sides by 270 we are left ultimately with three point eight three which that means that if I streamed for four and a half hours I would need to average three point eight or approximately four viewers to get up to an average of 3.0 viewers for my past 30 days stream I'll leave that equation below feel free to replay the video as many times as you need to ask me any questions down below in the comments and yeah I hope this helps you guys out I know that it's not a super necessary topic to cover because you know most people don't want to go into the mathematical side but if you are interested in that it's something that's cool to look at be sure to check out the reddit post down below I'll link the post and the user who posted the information that pretty much helped me figure out they basically stated how much how to calculate the past 30 days average viewers and then I just came up with a formula to figure out how many average viewers you need for a specific amount of time to help get 2/3 average viewers so yeah I'll be sure to leave their links down below please be sure to go look at the original reddit post give them some uploads because they definitely deserve it and yeah I really do appreciate you guys watching if you have any comments again please feel free to leave it down below feel free to subscribe if you found this video interesting or if you want any more videos like this be sure to leave a like but yeah thank you guys so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Mickey
Views: 3,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, average viewers, mathematics, excel, streaming, data
Id: Enrr_lcUxOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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