The New BEST Trinket in Isaac?! - Random Streak 49

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hello everybody and welcome back to the bd1p random district today is normal character day i had a weird feeling when i opened up isaac the first thing i saw were these two guys and i'm a little nervous we're gonna be stuck playing is that my controller is freaking out right now anyways i'm hoping we don't get them but i have a very strong like cosmic feeling we will anyways question of the day is going to be if you were packing a school lunch for your hypothetical child or a real child what would you putting in that lunch box that's all i want to know anyways we'll get started here i'm telling you i have a feeling dude i okay it's not gonna be them but i had i had a very strong or like 14th eve run all right that's okay though i had a very weird feeling about it anyways oh that's why hold on guys um for some reason it's registering um let me alt f4 this and open it it's registering my keyboard as my main controller when i have my other controller right here i'm gonna alt f4 continue the run that wasn't me crashing that was me just closing the game so i'm gonna actually enter and co-op and have to do a co-op run for some reason let's see if this works a little better for us here come on come on gold baby yeah we're back all right seed is going to be hfyq26ss for my answer for today's question of the day i'm going to have to say if i was packing a lunch for again my hypothetic i don't have a kid because i'm like 19. no no shame if you do have a kid at 19. i'm just saying that's not my personal uh my personal go-to for how i want to spend my teenage years um i would think i would pack the same lunch that i always ate because i was like a runner in high school i needed to really avoid getting any cramps in my legs which if you haven't had a leg cramp holy [ __ ] dude middle of a race getting a leg cramp might be like top three worst things to ever happen to me hey tears of great nice um i should grab that heart for the boss fight we can raise her in the boss fight oh huge to your size you'll love to see it dude anyways um what i would do for lunch that would make a pb and j so here's my actual i'll give you guys my daily high school routine to give you guys some some insight to the brain of bd1pr so i used to uh i would wake up at um 4 30 a.m i would go and well actually this is the thing i you know got everyone in one day because i would actually make my lunch the night beforehand i would get a you know a brown sack lunch i would grab some some whole grain bread i'd make a pb j with a usually crunchy peanut butter it was harder to spread but i think crunchy just tastes better in my opinion um you just die please sir sir thank you so much um i would make a pb and j i'd pack a banana to avoid the the running cramps you would get pretty frequently if you were a track runner um and then i put something like excuse me that was it was like that a granola bar and a pb j on whole grain that was kind of like my lunch literally for every day from fifth grade upwards after fifth grade i didn't have a single hot lunch at my school believe it or not i thought the food looked gross and i wanted to eat a little healthier to keep myself in shape i'd make my lunch i'd wake up at 4 45 a.m i'd i'd you know shower in the morning well actually it depends some years i actually shaved my head one year um so i started showing at night to save me some time in the morning but if i generally what i would do oh that was bad that was a dumb dumb hit i would shower when i wake up at 4 45 i'd get in my car with my lunch and my school stuff um i would go to the gym and then at about like school was like started at 7 25 for me so i would leave the gym around uh 7 00 to 7 15. i go to school and that was my entire morning and it sounds like i'm freaking crazy waking up that early for for like just uh a quick pump but honestly man i wouldn't have it any other way let's break this fire watch the soul heart drop okay i lied we'll go down no keys saturday which really burns honestly um [Music] i might sound a little crazy saying i was waking up at 4 30 as a as like as you know 16 17 18 year old but like i i just i really valued my physical health and i was i'm always an early sleeper my my friends used to think i was like a grandmax i would go to sleep at like i'm obsessed if you don't know with cranberry juice so i'd go to bed at like 9 00 p.m and i'd also drink an insane amount of cranberry juice it's like i was kind of like a grandma in a young man's body so my like i would i was honestly just it was my routine man it wasn't like you know out of the ordinary for me i i kept in shape i kept healthy and you know what it paid off because i ended up somehow avoiding you know the the coven 19 virus i'm hoping because of my health i don't want to think of anything else random but um i think me being healthy actually helped me avoid getting covered for a very very long time i actually didn't get it until a couple like about you know oh two weeks ago um and i worked through the entire virus i worked at a factory and that was kind of just uh you know our boss was very old and he didn't really believe in the whole mass mandate stuff or i think that masks were gonna help at all this is an awkward place to be now we're out of there um so we didn't really have any precautions there um and there wasn't a very cleanliness attitude going on so i you know we had a bunch of coverage scares at our work man like there was my one my favorite co-worker of all time i think like honestly one of my my you know i i i look up to this guy still i still talk to him pretty pretty frequently um despite us not being co-workers anymore his name was eric um he had he got kovitz scares like three times in the span of like a two months because um one of his friends who he camps with actually you know caught it so he could have come to work for a long time it was paid time off lucky for him not looking for me picking up all his freaking slack shout out eric by the way um that and then we had our boss's grandson's friend had it and they were in close contact so that was a bit i'm not taking mark you can't make me do that dude um so yeah we had a quite a few uh coverage ah damn that sucks coverage scares uh and i i managed to you know avoid it mostly the entire time the virus was alive i probably might have had it and just like not known because i was healthy and i was asymptomatic but i i'm really glad that i was i was able to uh know the value of physical health from a young age because that really really i think set me set me up ahead in the uh the not as just the fitness game but also just being a healthy 19 year old a lot of 19 year olds man not that healthy you know what we'll go for devil does because we are eve speaking of devil deals all right hopefully we can play these guys twice still oh that would be the freaking dream wouldn't it hey out please please okay gildedkey man that sucks wait it's still open hold on it's still open ah and now it closes of course it does might have gone too deep there gamers i might have gone a little too deep there uh you know what though you know things happen we got a trick out of it i guess we do have not the greatest hp situation please give me a please our hp will be so please just thank you um our hp is not the greatest right now hey i still feel pretty good about it though i think we'll be fine the downpour is not a challenging floor and by any sense of the word uh leeches might suck i'm actually gonna razor here for that reason alone um being able to one shot leeches is really what uh makes this floor extremely easy because leeches they bounce around they have the weirdest knockback the weirdest pathing in the game it's very okay that's a very good trinket to find we are going to be swimming in it soon here trust me on this um now the biggest drawback of this trinket for me is that um it takes away from angel deal chance however we were planning to run devil anyway so i don't really see that big of an issue with it um and we have the the empty hp to trade away here i'm feeling so strongly about finding this trinket right now oh lord yeah i i'm finally over my my sickness i feel great i'm gonna i'm gonna start working out again tomorrow i think um like that i'm going for i'm gonna go to the gym yet because i don't wanna you know still be positive and infect somebody else i'm gonna go for my runs again um normally i'm the only person out so we have this like this pond outside of our apartment right now usually what i'll do is i'll i gotta get out of here this is a very bad situation to be in no we're fine we're fine usually what i'll do is all it's about i would just say maybe like a half mile around so i'll like run you know three or four laps around the pond and then i'd go lift but i'm not gonna lift until i know i'm ex you know i know i'm clear from the virus right i don't i don't want to be infecting other people you know by any means here that would that would not be my goal i'm i i don't want that so i'm gonna i'm gonna probably start running tomorrow and get back in the groove of that because i haven't ran a couple weeks and if for those of you who don't work out like if you are avidly like if you work out a lot and then you stop for a couple of weeks it is so hard to get back into it i don't even want to do it anymore even though i like running um so i really gotta like you know force myself back into this routine here but it's for the greater good i believe it'll help me a lot so i'm i'm gonna give him another shot you know get back out there hopefully my lungs don't give out on me mid run no keys really or bombs huh [ __ ] dude this run kind of this chrome's kind of uh blue balling me here no downpour one uh okay that was a bad hit that was a really bad hit we almost just died right there okay dance around him dance around him don't put a tear on top of me please run away run away run away okay he's dead that was a little scary how do we get a key we always we can go into our cursed room please have a bomb or a key for me we need something i need to get this devil room right now anything we can use in these poops maybe nope those are bombs but nothing came out of that oh man dang dude oh we can do our mirror section don't be don't be a little bit dope don't be an idiot huh you have a whole entire ass mirror section to do here okay we're guaranteed to get a key within two floors of this right like doing this floor over twice we can get a key please i wouldn't be surprised if the answer is a straight no um but hey the double room is open now for uh getting our first knife piece we did go to mother last run so you know what or was that two runs ago no that was last run that was last run we got actually got a key right here am i going to do my things twice i think i will but i do want to see what my my devil item is going to be let's make our power a little bit more brimstone please okay i'll go blind here yo guppy's eye is great with gilded key it's gonna make gilded key work so much better uh i'm gonna get hit here tactical trust me i want to be at my horo babylon state for the mirror section i do a little bit more damage oh we could take both devil items oh that changes the game for us hold the phone hold the phone dude i've been watching so much donkey again recently it's been rotting my goddamn brain okay pick this up pick this up and walk out i i have i've been watching so much god damn dunky recently man um i think what i'm like i'm a very classic dunky fan if you guys don't watch donkey he's probably the funniest youtuber on the platform like right now um i'm a classic dunky fan i like the old videos you know like who's the best pokemon and um history of video games like stuff like that but holy [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] for the game as well um god is that that evil mario video just [ __ ] full of like pure humor just like oh don't put me in the soup like it's just it's it's so good that one accompanied by like video game box art like that one's so good just just like there's not going to be i know there's like you know the big grapes of youtube you got your pewdiepie jacksepticeye you know like shane dawson stuff like this that you know the the untouchable people who are gonna have reputation for the rest of their life like even though shane's like a apparently a shitty ass person he's going to always have a fan base he can go back to i think like donkey should be in you know consultation like for that spot of being a great he to me is youtube like what i think youtube the first thing i think of is like okay northern lion okay first of all my job second of all northern lion third of all like dunky is just up there you know like it's it's crazy how like much just every video puts out is just a masterpiece to use another donkey reference like when i was a middle school dude i was watching donkey like every day when the history of video games came out me and my friends used to run around like at track practice just quoting i can quote the entire video i bet right now you guys hear me do this i'm gonna annoy the non donkey fans but still everybody knows the first game ever made was mario but did you know mario 2 wasn't actually mario yeah it was a remake of a japanese game called harry potter and the [ __ ] wizard i know what the hell emeralds wanted to sell three billion copies of reggie was pissed so he made psychogenesis uh the most advanced of what comes up to that well i gotta think what goes after the second genesis um something about this this is what the historians refer to as the golden age of gaming we saw many classics like tarzan for ps1 and that's it but then that came out oh baby it's neck sadly knack wanted to sell only three copies that was the worst game ever made um the creator of neck wizard entertainment spiraled insanity pouring his hatred and something else into a uh a game called crappy bird now happy bird i don't know it was it's i could probably do it if i thought about it i don't want to annoy the other viewers so long but oh that's what i wanted to do was see two of these i also want to get bombs for our mirror section to open up or no um i want to go all past because we do have double um devil deal items in there for free yeah i can quote like pretty much the entire video but some of it gets a little bit like tos for my channel so i'm not going to continue that but you get the drill you guys get the drill it's if you haven't watched the history of video games by monkey do you have to i just everything that dude does is comedy gold i i don't know how to explain it other than just saying he is the funniest person on this platform hands down like literally just hands down aside from me of course anyways we'll leave this floor now um head on to our minds and hopefully get two more items here i'm feeling good it's a great it's a beautiful day outside i was on the balcony just hanging out for a little bit today oh it's nice outside it's like it's cool i gotta the view is nice the storm clouds are rolling in but it's still sunny out you know you know that fee i'm talking about wonderful stuff dude it's literally so good night that wasn't that was an insanely close dodge we pulled it off though our solar drops right now are kind of nutty oh great on necro huh oh oh wait these guys are only small wait we are on the ash but i was like only spawning on the ash pit we are on the ash pit but it didn't the first room actually looked kind of interesting i'm like oh how is this the ash bit it's a good room what the heck those of you aren't aware i don't like the ash pit i think this is like this honestly might be one of i think the most like lackluster floors in this game okay get the like it has some decent enemies i guess but like the overall aesthetic of this floor like this is the most boring floor to look at i think oh one part of a dark arch there huh could have fooled me i'm gonna use it here for sure are you dead you're not uh can i shoot please thank you so much okay yeah that was that was my fault too hard deal let's do it lord of the pit's flight i'm gonna also probably grab this because we have permanent horror babylon also it's a bit of a damage out which we kind of need we are we are demon man we've gone we've gone demon mode right now oh my god we're also you are right i didn't even see you because you're feared that was weird i couldn't even see you all right i'm feeling good does this run i think it has has a lot going for it right now um these are one of the coolest enemies in the game i think but these guys have the the coolest movement i think or the most unique movement out of like anything else that was added in repetition look at the flesh made and also the most badass name ever flesh maiden how do you even cope with that kind of name dude that's crazy kill kill kill oh that was a little close for comfort they're not gonna lie hey you're gone you're gone your fears are not gonna shoot at all you are also feared and you're gone okay beautiful these carry imprint this is something that bothers me the most right is this is the only floor where you can find carry and need to do these like carrying princesses here carrying queen does not even spawn on this goddamn floor how does that how does that make any conceivable sense to put an enemy base off a boss that can respawn on this goddamn floor i'm i'm at a loss honestly it's like a trick of water here i've been thinking man i made us want to start doing like once this if this streak ever ends like if i ever lose this i probably will eventually obviously but like a tainted only streak because i have more fun with those runs anyways like i have more fun playing tainted characters anyways because they're more unique i've been playing eve and isaac like since the dawn of [ __ ] time for me like it's just those more interesting characters that's not really worth it is it um like tainted maggie and judas and you know samson especially i love samson like they're just more interesting and more fun to me i'm not going to ever like i'm gonna keep the street going as long as i can i'm not gonna like purposely ever end it but i've thought about just going pure tainted streak man i think it makes for more interesting and scary runs plus the fact you can get tainted lofts and jacob make the videos like that much more intense you know hmm uh we haven't seen our item devil we know we did see our item it's a devil room let's go to our curse before we do anything else here i have a good feeling about the curse room i just don't want to go into our boss room with not a lot of hp to trade away for a devil deal here i want to make sure we go through all of our avenues also great uh transport into here thank you i actually i watched another um believe it or not oh god i watched another jake gyllenhaal movie last night i think i've probably seen mostly every jake gyllenhaal movie on the planet i like him because he's a fantastic he may smell like [ __ ] as alexa pointed out in my tweets but he uh is an amazing actor incredible actor um i i did watch source code for the first time last night the premise of that by close to my face here the premise of source code is that um there is a soldier who's in this experimental like um threat prevention program where because the brain is active for eight minutes after death he is transported to a different person's body and it has to solve a mystery with only the eight minutes of that last like you know survivor of that thing had left so for instance like the a train exploded right that's the whole point of moving this big train like terrorist attack and there's gonna be attack number two he has to prevent it by going into the last eight minutes of one of the you know the train fatalities lives and figuring out who the bomber is so they can stop him in the real world it's really really interesting so it's kind of like majora's mask or even groundhog day to an extent where you're sucking this time looping out you gotta do this certain thing you know like majora's mask you're getting this time loop you gotta you know solve all this different stop the moon from falling it's kind of what source code is in a way it's very very interesting i love the movie a lot i thought it was really really really good we should go for our shop here do we we need keys though is the issue i want to put a bomb right here watch this [ __ ] though it's just that easy dude ah that is the opposite of a key pretty much but it was a super interesting movie it's not hulu if you guys want to watch it not even premium just premium just free hulu you can watch a source code on with jake gyllenhaal um some other of course great actors right now i couldn't name it because i'm not super into cinema or film but i recognized some of the faces vaguely you know i had a i had a recollection of some of their faces in other movies but no it's got a great twist ending it's got a great you know you actually kind of learn to like the the characters who are actually secretly dead so you learn to love the characters they're making a second one apparent this came out like oh 11 by the way so a long like a decent like a decade ago actually but the second one's been in development for a long time now i'm kind of excited to see what they do with it if it ever comes to fruition damn huh no key on this floor ah well you know you learn you learn things in this world one of those being that keys do not exist in isaac apparently all right we'll just we'll just move on here there's no hearts in those fires we would have seen him with guppy's eye so we'll just let's head on down we'll just head on down boom baby that bombs there forever now primed to explode the next time that that floor is loaded in by somebody okay another ash pit it's got a great soundtrack though i will not deny i designed this rhyme to tell into time oh yeah break it open dude i knew was gonna happen i had a feeling that tonight's gonna why is it guppy's eye it shows you chest and fires but not poops america explain it was a very weird like exclusion i guess it would be pretty open also showed poops also the item is a a freaking guppy item it's already you know one third of one of the most op damage you can get in this game [ __ ] dust dude did they combat log they disappear forever they're right there okay look at that it shows you sacks as well you think it would show you something else a little bit too you know great keys okay go for this one first okay now you gotta really start thinking about what you want to give up here because uh dark prince's crown it breaks the tier cap and it makes your tears like real real good now you gotta think if you only get one more hp up before you see your next devil room is it worth giving up for a blind good item hmm i think if it's a two-heart item i think you got to go for if it's blind because it could be you know the two hour items are the run you know deciding items abaddon mom's knife brimstone twisted pair those are the the even syndromes to an extent has a great hp you know comeback and it's got damage and all that stuff i think you really got to consider it and i think any two-heart blind deal you go for not curse the tower though miss me with that oh great oh how did i get how did i get hit by that i'm the dumbest player alive like actually i've been not playing very well recently man i don't know what it is i've been not playing my strongest recently i will say it's been a bit of a rough i had a really not great no i'm not going to spoil it for youtube but i had a really not great nuzlocke day yesterday it was a little bit [ __ ] so if you don't want nuzlocke spoilers if you're not caught up all the way um [Music] i move the video for the next like 15 seconds but i'm gonna say it three two one i did lose both judas and bethany yesterday now the judas lost alex as maybe being my own fault but even then i watched the footage back you know ultra has like a little spin move that hit me three times not even touching me like i was bull like it has a weird hitbox to it but whatever it's my fault sure i'll accept that now i want you guys to know that i take pills and i take items that chat tells me to when when i see the whiz and chats like take the whiz i am an entertainer at heart i gotta take the whiz so this is my bethany run i took the whiz all right and i was like all right you know like we can live with it the wiz is not terrible i walk into my cursed room experimental pill health down tears up with bethany healthdown really sucks i'm like okay though we can live with that two hearts is fine i go to my boss fight i get a pill drop health down i'm at one heart and you can't pick up soul hearts or anything else with bethlehem so i'm thinking aw [ __ ] i might die here i get hit um by you know i think it was like a a fat bat shot me right um i was like oh man that hurt i'll get a heart don't worry i i beat my boss i get an angel room it's the miter i'm like you know what i'll pick it up because it charges up my active item which is a a book and it does damage other enemies in the room why not for the next two floors i do not get a single key to access the library item room or shop that i got and i get no heart drops i'm at half a heart for two floors i fight gertie i pop a drowsy people to try to win the fight if you don't know inner pentax i change the player hitbox to make the head have slightly more vulnerability gertie's shots being slow put them too close together for me to be able to dodge them because this is like it's a it's a you know spread of five so i got hit and i died so luckily with luckily though we did have um book of virtues already unlocked and the good thing is we can still get judas's shadow to get judas unlocks so why did i pop that the run is not over our we only lost bethany and tainted beth that day yesterday now the problem is i didn't unlock judas's shadow yet and it requires you to have judas to unlock right well not so fast not so freaking fast actually modeling clay and metronome can both give you judas's shadow even without it being unlocked well maybe not modeling clear i know shadow i know a metronome came but modeling clearly not so what we have to do here because clicker is banned by the way you cannot use clickers if you've lost a character what you have to do what i'll have to do is unlock metronome play tainted cane craft metronome sharp plug old bandage fanny pack and farm it till i get a judas's shadow um get go to boss rush as dark judas and fight it unlock judas's shadow and then from there on just pray i get it and get some crazy unlocks of mr dark judas so we're not we haven't lost judas yet judas is still going to be if we need to do that we can still get judas unlocks bethany though sucks bethany has some powerful she has the revelations unlock etc she has some powerful unlocks to do so losing bethany really does hurt i will say it really really really does hurt um i cannot in good con you guys hear that sound what the hell was that noise did you guys hear that am i going crazy i'm not going crazy that actually happened right there was a almost like glass shattering what was that i gotta watch the video back am i am i literally going insane that actually happened though right that was an actual sound can't take it it'll ruin my one heart i'm pretty sure i'm not going crazy that was an actual that happened like that legitimately happened right there was like a glass shattering sound wha what was i don't have any i don't have any bounce energies at all bro what was that huh i'm i'm actually just taken aback i've never had a sound like that happen in isaac it's not like the mirror was breaking why was the mirror break sound playing i didn't even break a mirror dude what the hell oh you're stuck yeah you're done no don't jump oh yeah thank god i must be imagining [ __ ] that what the [ __ ] dude oh okay i know i said oh don't give up any hearts you want dark princess crown but like this is really good oh it doesn't work oops hey there's a soul heart in here though buddy break it hell yeah i go to mausoleum it's a double devil action i wasn't imagining that sound was i if i am with something i'm [ __ ] crazy but that was a it's a mausoleum let's go i think that actually happened i don't think that was not like a a me you know losing my gourd that was like a thing that legitimately happened in this game i'm pretty sure that was strange i'll say that was strange i've never had that kind of uh occurrence happened that was good for our damage i guess we killed everything there pretty much killed i charge back up and use darkheart to get out i love dark arcs this is why dark judas is one of like the most fun characters in this game where's the kineti oh he's down there holy [ __ ] dude i can just do that though right yeah i can just walk into you yeah throw it at me i dare you oh my god hey buddy dude we got both of them in there we're so good i'm freaking out no i don't know what the hell that sound was and now am i gonna lose my mind trying to figure it out jesus christ yeah we did lose bethany for good um i was trying to figure out how can i cheese and still get bethany completion marks um i don't think i can i mean even to unlock tainted beth like i can't do that i'm not allowed to do that because i care i can't play as a character the character is dead okay okay so unless i find some like really weird bug that i can pull off i've lost my tainted beth and bethany which are really bad to lose because they both have some decent unlocks that's handed unlocks are not going to be that important because they're going to be the last guys you play as i'm more focused on wanting to beat my challenges now okay watch this though i get two down i get four here um i'm more only focused on the challenges for now i do really want to get my challenges done like you know i want to get ultra hard then i want to get um what else i want to get red redemption and stuff done as fast as possible i still have a good item spread on the file but we'll see we'll see nuzlocke is going i think overall fine though it could be going a lot better because i could just not have died at all but it just still hurts i mean we a lot of people have lost characters already though so i'm not i'm not in the lonesome losing a character this early on like i think i i was one of the last i think i was the last person to lose a character um i think neo uh neonami might have lost and not lost anybody yet but i can't say for sure i'm not super confident on my answer with that one okay let's walk into our arcade here this is the perfect situation to have uh a million dollars come on first try third time just that easy dude i gotta call it though watch this ah not what i want to see really i don't really like the d8 that much i think it's kind of bad however we can get a third item here i'd be much appreciated claw machine come on just dude come on there we go no blowing up please yeah now that's a tears upgrade there come on second first try third first try yeah baby blow up yeah there we go okay got a lot of money back though you take you take voodoo and you take um analog stick and i think you just move on and that was a very very good room for us that was a very very good room for us um voodoo is gonna be pretty inconsequential as far as um extra curve streams go you do this oh speak of the freaking devil okay what you want to do now is um you want to die and then go back and pick up empty vessel okay yeah this is uh this has turned into quite the run here let's beat this okay we are like kind of like a mini tainted judas we got the the the dark judas like texture as well as having the dark arts this is nice this runs kind of doing well for us here oh and we can fight our boss and hopefully not die on the boss and clear that not worry about losing any hp there dude you gotta love it you gotta freaking love it okay let's do our boss fight here all right so i might die the heretic i'm looking at this fight now and i'm thinking i might die a heretic oh we do have like a million damage though already now okay i don't know what world 10 means a million to me but it does you guys mean a million to me i'm gonna film my q a video today um they still have to do okay now you go in like this okay nikki watch out that was good that was good okay get him in the corner there sam right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i get a bomb we're not killing any damage by the way to him there we go there we go uh oh no no not like the police i want to win him i want to win him okay we got him down there to be the last phase we can do [Music] and you're we we clutch that fight out and we get a devil deal which has bloody lust in it so what you want to do here is take a look upgrade you want to buy this and die um outside of your room you're gonna fight your way like hell all the way back to your item room you're gonna pick up empty vessel you're gonna have two hp you're gonna come back pick up the hp upgrade there and bob is once again your freaking uncle okay what does birthright do nothing okay cool um that's awesome i'm trying to think of a way we can somehow take this other item in there actually we can right now hold on if you buy this and you pick up this thing in here you can take the other item in there you'll be at two hearts because we were planning to be at anyways you but you take this and you walk also for okay that's a little scary don't get hit again you're gonna lose your chance like this extra item um they're a little cautious here there might be spikes hiding out in the corners you know oh i don't even want malty baby though yeah just buy this you don't even want malty baby i'm fine having like the flight from empty vessel constantly okay we can no longer proc dark prince's crown dark prince is crowned but that's okay by me magician cards pretty inconsequential let's just move on here oh we have to fight hard mom next floor oh this is don't even miss this though don't even miss that dude i have a weird like hand cramp today i don't know what's going on with my hands dude it kind of hurts i'm not slept on a weird or something like that we're fighting hard mom next floor which is not what i'm not excited about that at all believe me you that sucks although we still have above average um to your rate like we have we've broken the cap because of soap so i'm okay with that we'll take forever down the next four through the magic card and then we'll move on here but yeah must have uh slept on my hand weird there okay it's not a good feeling trust me another mausoleum too hey i would i would do two ash pitch to get two mazdas trust me all right let's do this no first room secret room the run is over guys we've lost it let's go into our cursor we have two curved streams now by the way uh it's not really worth three bombs for like like a sixth of my hp yeah i'm gonna have to pass on that one chief sorry maybe in a different life we didn't have this many um oh yeah you're gone you're gone this this many um bombs already but for now we don't we also i can see forever for this force we don't really need that no not the stupid homing brim no it bends all the way behind him dude i hate that wiggle worms good to see because now we can do is uh end of this floor drop dark princess crown get a slight tears up and some funky looking tears okay we missed we know we got him in there somehow oh you're right here oh my god i was like you can't hit me there i'm always the angles match up very perfectly actually a little bit of a bad bad situation going on here nice instant dark dark arch is so fun oh my god they made like the best they made the most insanely fun item in this game in like just out of how many years of isaac almost a decade of isaac like more than a decade of isaac huh 2012 is that when flash came out either oh that sucks um they made the most fun item in isaac this many years deep into the game that's crazy that is crazy and we got them with that aoe effect on them lovely stuff okay continue moving on here break that over so you can see different trinkets on the floor if you don't see if you don't open up the trinket chest that you see with guppy's eye you actually will get the same trinket over and over again until you at least see one of them so that's what i want to do there's like i can diversify my trinket fines a little bit here oh that was done by my part are we a vigil right now no we are not kill you gotten judas's shadow uh two runs in a row now i think pretty nice pretty pretty nice a lot of money uh so hard up in this corner we're getting a lot of soul hard drops as well that's kind of weird never usually this dents for soul hearts that's kind of nice and we get our devil room um we'll have to think about that one i don't know about that one yet a blind thing i'm about half a heart probably not worth it that's how you lose runs is decisions like that so let's let's not um currently uh and excuse me my nose is really itchy that's not you know um indulge ourselves in that quite yet we we might go backward if we get more hearts on the floor um i'm not gonna make any promises though that was a great dodge i'm proud of myself for that one there we go and we get our ultra secret who is going to give us all right a whole lot of nothing but some damage ups i guess and i guess we get a golden key it's kind of useless now we get one extra key for our shop out of our 24 that we already have but still okay well we'll go to our shop and we'll see what kind of heart lies in there um if anything wow he farted me away while i was dark arch that's that's some skill right there man okay there's a heart right there no soul heart so what i'm going to do is a little bit of a weird thing i'm going to buy this pill what's the pill okay we take that next floor with us right what's this that's not going to be that good for us okay give some money back just a little bit bomb this guy because you know that could be a brimstone in there what's like bothering me is that could be a really good item um which is why i'm gonna make some plays with this uh machine over here uh we can maybe get if we get like two soul hearts i'll buy the item has to be a minimum of two though and then i'll consider buying the item i don't want to put the streak you know in jeopardy for this one blind item devil's crown though i'm telling you man it is the future of trinkets this item this is trinket itself is crazy we're not getting many things here today we're not getting many things here today lies wow thanks i will die alone good to know man hey there's one there is a trinket could have done better than that one i feel like there's a card another wheel of fortune we can get two plays at once here double our chances of uh or double our speed not really chance oh there's okay that's a lot of hearts we just got on the ground there so do we give them away do all the hp's this makes us win the run up and keep this hp right we are guaranteed to win do we go balls to the wall and trade away too hey that's another one okay we're gonna definitely do it now 100 okay i can see forever bomb them pick up the money go blind yo at the may okay i would not have i would not have bought it but it is a fine item to see i would have been on the verge of buying it and not buying it so i'm glad the game of the choice for us just gave it to us that is what i'm a-okay with all right now we can actually move on to our fight here we'll be going to womb two already next we get to skip room one with the old path here oh it's squiggly though come on it's squiggly okay dark arch is popped we got some brimstone eyes coming out here two of them i think actually hit there okay what next thing we see we're gonna yeah freezer oh it's twitch this it's the foot why did i walk into the foot dude what is wrong with me okay go polaroid because you only have spirit hearts and head on down this should be a free win here dark judas whenever you see him man it's like how do you lose the two times damage how you can't that's the thing is you can't lose with two times damage if you do you're a coward and you're bad oh oh i mean you can get okay i'm making obviously i'm being facetious there but people are gonna get mad at you for saying that people were mad that i i i said that if you can't deal with the old floors you had to practice more like that was like a mean thing to say i didn't call anyone necessarily bad i was just kind of like listen like the alt floors like are extremely manageable let's hop in here why not the alt floors are extremely manageable you just gotta like you know practice more how is saying how to practice more like a bad thing i don't know i don't understand that mentality saying oh well you gotta practice more that's so mean to say i'm not that bad like i mean if you can't beat a floor on isaac you can't call yourself that good either i see that i say they walk into a stationary gray fly do one of these oh you can freeze the turrets i didn't even know that dude i had no idea i had zero clue you could do that that's kind of nice to know i should be a free kill not a free kill took some shots afterwards huh hey the more you know man you're still learning this game like this thing is this game you know this takes a while to learn isaac takes a long time to learn like if you can't deal with the old floors right now hey man that's totally okay you're not you no one's you know now that is interesting does that work on the knife piece it does not okay you know it's not worth it if this late into the run unless we get a familiar in this deal that was an insane drop right there unless we get a familiar in this deal we can walk back and get for free i'm not going to spend the heart taking a potentially worthless item over dark earth hey it's nice to see our hp's back at a good standard um ah yeah that would not be worth it that would not be worth it if if we get a familiar this devil deal and we have a little bit more of an hp you know viable situation to take it i'll go back and i'll sack it just just for the fun of it you know but why would i pay for a familiar basically i'm paying for another blind item and with this hp level i would not be paying for a blind item we were taking double damage on all these floors now it's just not worth it why would i sacrifice for a blind item it could be another familiar for all i know that's not going to be good for me man it's just not i know people are saying like i can hear you guys in the comments being like yeah but it's for the zayn though and i understand that it's for the zayn i get that i'm a zany dude right but i just don't know if that really qualifies as zayn or stupidity now that that is what i wanted to see that's going to be regular item rooms on our next floor now if we had devil's crown can you imagine what would be happening i thought would it even work does does devil's crown work that's my new clickbait video does devil's crown work with uh on the cathedral that is an interesting video i want to do one on like what's the maximum amount of holy or like holy mantles you can have on a single character that could be fun that could be pretty interesting to have um here we go there we go and kill a quarter man hey you know what you know what again it could have been better it could have been better i gotta record some more four player files soon uh our next episodes are gonna be the victory lap one and the um breaking greed mode i just don't i don't wanna have to sit down and break greed mode for four hours right when i get back into the swing of the four player file you know i want to be able to get a ton of episodes out so i think what i'll end up doing is splitting each lap into its own video um if the runs go slow because like unlocking butter it's not like it takes forever but it definitely is not a quick time you know we got them we got them all in there baby kill kill kill oh we skirted around that okay now watch this oh this character dude this freaking character oh my god okay it's cathedral time with the crown of light let's do it we got polar yeah we took polaroid that's good okay okay okay all right you guys ready for this weird generation on the floor right away i don't know how i feel about that it's probably trying to spawn in the item room for us but this looks a little funky you know what i mean having those two like horns kind of at that beginning of the room there weird we should have we could eleven we can live party isaac actually oh that's even a better idea we're going to lemon party isaac and then we're going to take we're mitchell by the way right now gg empty vessel is honestly one of the best items i've had in my entire life okay should open the chest should i open up the curse of tower chests just to see the item but you know what life goes on i guess it shows up quite frequently and i'm not a fan of it that was a weird dark art we had literally nothing in that entire pattern there library though this could be pretty good for us man one pair throw room turns a big library into an item room eventually you know what it's two books are we gonna be bookworm now i don't believe so no we did not have another book on this arana sadly i thought what was our first active we had oh it's we were we were eve so it was the razor you know we haven't had another book on this entire run um hey i just go for it man what's our stats going to be uh damage down but somehow i got another tears up other tears being like extremely capped right now um you know what that was all right that was all right it wasn't the greatest it wasn't the worst we could have done better with the et but i think overall i i would take it again i would definitely take it again for the zayn for the zayn all right bomb open thank you can you darker these guys no you cannot hey i tried man i tried so we see our secret room already so we gotta look for our super then we can move on to our chest this is going to be a free win here i'm hoping for an emperor card to make our i mean like as free of a win as this is it's not extremely powerful so like we're gonna be having like a longer chest we're not killing bosses insanely fast we're doing a pretty good job of it um so it kind of just makes the chest like extremely boring for us that's all right though we can deal with boring this entire game is boring that was an insanely quick bomb for no reason oh there's a lot of guys there yeah i should not if i should have thought that through there's our second curse from over here nice hard edge dude nice hortage what do you got for me hey we're at full health look at that is another i can see forever pillar no beat down and relax a lot of poops in the ground there walk out okay yeah this is a free win we are getting next run is number 50 holy [ __ ] dude next run is number 50. wow that's gonna be uh that better be a good run that better be a win number 50 better be good it's going to be a tainted it could be tainted loss for i would i wouldn't mind a 50th victory on t lost i'll tell you that much that would not bother me in the oh we get shots on our thing too i didn't even know about that the quarter actually being useful well you know hey you do here is you buy this you get some money you buy this for some more stat up and you give some money back you get up to 500 cents it doesn't cap out here come on the big 500 hell yeah it caps at our last penny don't you love when that happens just beautiful dude no so we don't even need soul hearts actually we have full hp okay you get a double kill there beautiful dark cards is so good dude it's so good look at that look at that even without without the the temporary damage up it's just like insane like going to be able to freeze enemies and be invincible in a room is like everything that you'd want in isaac you know i i tried my best there rip wiggle worm though but i'm built different okay stay back dude we get so much damage 23 what's our base like 14 ah dude that's bigger than almost any other damage up in the game oh we're also invincible right now look at this we can stand on the beams of light and not get hurt okay oh my god oh my god 34 damage plus 18 right now all right dude go on down would i fight delirium on this run i mean dark guards versus delirium is a pretty classic combo shout out a real guy who is real for that one wow isaac's heart huh miss me with that one yeah you know we'll take it actually we'll take it we can still win with isaac's heart it's invicta fans eat your heart on this item is not bad it might be bad with dark guards we can still manage with it even leo sucks i'm taking leo like this item you just know how to use it like you're fine i don't understand the isaac's heart hate still like it legitimately is a good item i think like you gotta be a little skillful to use it and i'm not saying people who are bad with it are not skillful but i'm just saying that it's got like shot knockback you shouldn't really be getting shot with this item you can stand in front of most tears and body block it anyways yeah it's harder to play isaac that way because you're not used to it but still you see one brimstone come out all you gotta do is go like that you just go like that but when you dodge the damage you die you just block the shots you dodge the damage it's just that easy dude legitimately it's just this easy to win with isaac's heart you can get more tears by sending close to enemies what's the also dry baby blocking it's also helping me out quite a bit here when it when a scythe comes you just freeze them you just freeze them we got hit there once you know expected we're also invincible now though okay you also you also have empty vessel is on top of your polaroid invincibility jesus christ dude run a sack run is crazy stop we're going the right way as well get three in there lovely dude picking one hit on the chest is also extremely average for getting hit so like it wasn't even the heart's fault it was just my fault for playing you know how you shouldn't be with the heart now the wrong way damn damn yeah i recommend at the end of this video here go watch source code uh starring jake gyllenhaal very very fun and good movie i love gyllenhaal he smells like [ __ ] sure you know but hey who doesn't occasionally ah that was my bad i should have seen that man there that's all right though that's all right polaroid still being active oh my god dude it's what dreams are made of this is what dreams i'm made of also go watch donkey at the end of this video if you even watch donkey before or even if you have go back and watch some more donkey dude classic his his uh raiding little raiding famous rapper's video game collection is also like just so good little bees video game collection is what gets me dude he calls everything he has a classic madden 11 classic classic kessin classic tekken classic so good even without donkey that video is still really really good sorry donkey you made the video better but it was still good without you win i gotta say oh beautiful stuff i played smash for the first time yesterday that'll be tomorrow's video topic but i'm i i forgot how much smash is actually fun you know when you're not burnt out from it god is smash it's a great game i'm a dk for all you who are smash fans at home um i'm gonna offend some of you here but i am a donkey kong main with a roy secondary gotta say i just like going and swinging man i just like going in swinging it's so fun okay get the keys here i just like people who can just like match attacks and not really face any consequence for it [Music] that is what dreams are made of that is what dreams can we choose like one right direction here please you can you can block shots that close to your person look at this look how good isaac's heart actually is this is propaganda but it's legitimately just like a good item i i it depends when i see it i would not take it as my first item because with a with a terrible run it only makes it worse with an average to good run i think it only makes it you know next to nothing you know like no benefit or debuff or makes it makes a significant one oh sulfur acid is nice to see i mean baby yeah i played smash last night for the first time in a while i was having a good time i played some dk i played some roy some pt i played that new character uh kazuya i liked i liked kazuya i don't know what he's from um i got a i got some insanely funny kills with him i thought he was a pretty enjoyable character i i like his archetype he's kind of like ryu and ken but i feel like he just plays heavier and plays with like definitely just more fun to stream he's more of like uh you know with with um ken and ryu you kind of just like hit hit the aerials and hit the tilts and all that i feel like but with kaize i think you could just string stuff together so much more easily and it feels more fluid to me plus the attacks are extremely flashy also watch this block of tears with your body look how good it makes the blue baby fight dude nothing will touch us here there's some tears in there look at how good isaac's heart is dude and plus having an empty vessel also makes it a little bit better i will admit there we go all righty all righty okay that's the end of this one if you enjoyed it i have all my socials linked down below twitch twitter and discord i am live every monday wednesday friday some set using some saturdays as well from 12 p.m to uh 4 p.m central time join our discord we have a great active community in there full of wonderful people if you want to join and be a more recognizable name to me hey now's your chance to do it down below link is right there right there anyways guys see you tomorrow peace out and good bye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 3,472
Rating: 4.9125681 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, judas shadow, dark arts, athame, enpty vessel, op, crazy, devil's crown, devils crown, trinket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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