Twins Get CAUGHT CHEATING on TEST ft. @Stokes Twins | Dhar Mann

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oh hey fred come say hello hey everybody it's nice to meet you guys fred is our newest janitor here my mother taught me to always treat the janitor with the same respect as you would the ceo anyways renee descartes is best known for creating which mathematical technique how about roy uh hello can you hear me yes i can tell me which math did descartes create uh it was in last night's reading assignment you did do your homework right yeah great then tell me about descartes um could you could you actually give me a quick second i'll be i'll be right back uh oh okay run run i need you now please why what four look you still remember everything from philosophy last semester right yeah okay perfect switch with me switch what what are you talking about just put this on i need you to answer a question for me i'll explain everything later the professor's already waiting okay hurry hurry come on okay perfect what about my hair shoot oh right here oh put this on come on okay go come on sorry about that nice hat so tell me about how rene descartes invented calculus uh i can't and why is that because the card didn't invent calculus godfrey's libniz did the card invented analytical geometry that's correct you did do your reading good job roy okay everyone that's it for today but before i forget since things are starting to open up i've decided to have our final exam in person this friday it's worth half your grade so make sure you study dude you're a genius thanks but hey if you don't know the stuff how are you gonna pass the final uh how do you think all right but you're gonna owe me big time for this one what no i'm pretty sure that makes us even not even close hey come on hey mom hey mom hey boys you have to cover my shifts at work for the rest of the week you're out of your mind i'm not doing that okay then take your own final you both know if you don't pass you have to take the classic in the summer fine i'll do it but i'm telling you right now there's no way i'm wearing a tie what are you two talking about you better not be thinking about cheating again it's just philosophy mom it's not like i'm gonna use anything i learned from that class ever again oh did i tell you my company's flying us all out to mexico for a conference and they're letting me bring a plus one really sorry but i'm taking that spot mom i'm not worried about mexico what i'm worried about is dishonesty i always tell you boys if you cheat then you will never get ahead everything's under control mom they scored on us yeah but that wouldn't have happened if you were playing goalie like you were supposed to ronald sorry i didn't even see you there you changed your hair looks good but what are you doing here what do you mean this isn't your office did you forget you swapped with timothy last week [Music] oh yeah of course duh it must have been like a muscle memory thing [Music] i'm sorry that's the entry go ahead okay okay i'll just go to my office my office ronald yes this is your office oh yeah of course sorry about that don't forget tomorrow at 1 is the big presentation got a lot at stake here presentation are you feeling okay because you have been acting a little strange yeah of course i i just didn't get much sleep last night uh-huh we make sure you sleep tonight because we can't afford a mess up that would be really bad of course you have a presentation tomorrow when were you planning on telling me this shoot i forgot about that hey it's fine i'll go in tomorrow i don't know what to say how ron my final's tomorrow at the exact same time you know what don't worry about it timothy's leading the presentation anyway are you sure what if they start asking me questions i'm not gonna know what to say they won't timothy and i have been prepping this for months he's got this all right fine should we pack our bags our flights tomorrow night that's a good idea oh roy are you hiding something what no why would you say that because you look like you're wearing a disguise take your hood off please glasses too there's something different about you there is yeah take off your hat aha look i'm sorry you see you changed your hair i knew there was something different about you oh yeah yeah that's it that's it it looks good on you well here's your test good luck roy where's timothy going i ah ronald there you are oh my gosh you are not gonna believe what happened timothy ate some bad oysters last night he did yeah ah so i'm gonna need you to leave the presentation today me what that's not a good idea why not you were with timothy when you did all the research right uh yeah okay great you'll be fine then oh there's our client now ah sameer thank you so much for coming of course i would like to introduce you to ronald nice to meet you ronald is one of our most brilliant minds he's been preparing for this presentation for months i have yeah guaranteed to blow you away i am yes i can't wait to hear it right this way okay [Applause] all done yep wait why'd you sign your name as ronald uh i did yes you did i mean uh i i mean if uh i know what you did you do yes it's obvious you were thinking about your twin brother so you accidentally signed his name i get names mixed up all the time oh yeah that's it anyways see ya hold on roy you forgot to answer the final question on the test i did yes and it's a good thing i caught it too because it's worth 50 of your grade what is the name of the janitor yeah you know the one i introduced everyone to on the zoom call last week everything all right no roy's gonna kill me when he finds out what happened i tried to take the test and it's just hey man i've got some really bad news me too i got you fired from your job you what timothy caught in sick i had no idea what to say it was so embarrassing what am i gonna do now i needed that job i don't know it's not my fault i try to warn you so you're blaming this on me now this whole thing was your idea in the first place this sucks what was your news oh yeah i uh felt the test what half the grade was based on knowing the janitor's name how was i supposed to know that fred his name is fred well it's too late now guess we're not going to mexico anymore it's not like i was going to be able to go anyway since i have to retake that class now wait why are there three suitcases i left planting food in the fridge i'll be back in a few days where are you going i'm going to mexico i bought a ticket to join you guys but since you can't go i guess i'll be going by myself so you're just gonna leave without us i'm not gonna ruin my vacation just because you guys messed up i try to tell you that if you cheat we know we know that you'll never get ahead okay now see ya or should i say hasta luego hey dar man fam i hope you loved that video i'm gonna let the stokes twins tell you what it was about so a really important message that we want you guys to take away from this video is to never cheat and to not cut corners and just remember if you're cutting corners it will all catch up to you one day i love that so now for the moment of truth that everyone's dying to know have you guys ever twin swap to get out of work or school oh gosh you know we're not gonna talk about that all right fair enough anyways i hope you guys loved that video thank you so much for watching and please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives i'll see you in the next video there are so many people here don't tell me you're dancing in the talent show with your dad everyone knows she doesn't have any friends i'll always be your friend you should have never come here it could be cool all by yourself you're a cola brand yeah it's gonna be fun watching you lose tonight
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 22,935,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, stokes twins, dhar mann collabs, twins, being a twin, why you should never cheat, school life, school
Id: nwD5cfhW9zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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